Lab # 1 How Many Drops From The Dropper Does It Take To Make 1 ML?

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Lab # 1 How many drops from the dropper does it take to make 1 mL?

"Graduated Cylinder, PP, Blue Printed Graduations Laboratory Plasti!ware, Laboratory Glassware and Laboratory "#uipment $pe!ialists%" Graduated Cylinder, PP, Blue Printed Graduations Laboratory Plasticware, Laboratory Glassware and Laboratory Equipment Specialists% &%p%, n%d% 'eb% () *!t% (+1,%

/he purpose of the e0periment, was to learn how to estimate, and pra!ti!e usin1 the s!ientifi! method% 2 1raduation is the a!tion of di.idin1 into de1rees proportionate di.isions on a 1raduated s!ale% $ome 1raduated tools in!lude 3 ruler, 1raduated !ylinder, meter sti!k, and tape measure% /he metri! system uses base of 1+% $ome .o!abulary words in!lude !ohesion is the a!t of unitin1 or sti!kin1 to1ether the mole!ular for!e that unites parti!les, adhesion for!e that attra!ts mole!ules to a surfa!e they are in !onta!t with, and displa!ement use to find the .olume of an irre1ular solid% *ne liter takes one milliliter% $our!es3 Science Notebook% &%p%3 n%p%, n%d% Print% 4f a mL seems like a small amount, then it should take about 5 drops from the dropper to make 1 mL% /he e0periment was to add drops from the dropper and see how many drops it took to make 1 mL% 'e used 1raduated !ylinder, beaker, dropper, ruler, "rlenmeyer flask, and .olumetri! flask% 1% 6ill a small 1raduated !ylinder with 1+ mL of mysterious li#uid% (% Count the number of drops it takes to raise the mysterious li#uid ,% Lea.e the mysterious li#uid in the 1raduated !ylinder and !ount the number of drops it takes to raise the water to 1( mL% 7% Lea.e the mysterious li#uid in the 1raduated !ylinder and !ount the number of drops it takes to raise the le.el to 1, mL% 8e!ord the number in the !hart% 5% Cal!ulate your a.era1e and round to the nearest tenth% /he results were the total drop, about total, a.era1e for 1st try 15, (nd try 1+, and total 1(% Based on my a.era1es it would take a ran1e of 1,(++ drops to 1,5++% $o in !on!lusion, 4 analy9ed my results% 4 noti!ed the 1st try was all (+, and the (nd was 1), 1(, and 1: whi!h means we probably did somethin1 wron1% /he tool 4 used to 1et the most pre!ise answer is the small 1raduated !ylinder, be!ause it has 1raduations of 1s, unlike the bi1 1raduated !ylinder whi!h has 1raduations of (s% /his e0periment does not pro.ide an a!!urate data, it doesn;t be!ause if you s#uee9e the dropper more then it;ll drop more than 1 drop% 6a!tors that !an affe!t the results, are if you s#uee9e the dropper and it drops more than 1 drop, or if you think it;s 1 mL, be!ause the drops are little amounts and one or two missed !ould !han1e the answer% <y hypothesis was in!orre!t, when 4 estimated 5 drops% /he a!tual drops estimated was 1: drops% 1st try a.era1e was (+, and (nd was about 1=%

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