SWOT Analysis Template Doc-1

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SWOT Analysis Template

Situation being analysed: _________________________________________________________________ This SWOT example is for a new business opportunity. Many criteria can apply to more than one quadrant. dentify criteria appropriate to your own SWOT situation.

criteria examples !d"antages of proposition# $apabilities# $ompetiti"e ad"antages# %S&'s (unique selling points)# *esources+ !ssets+ &eople# ,xperience+ -nowledge+ data# .inancial reser"es+ li-ely returns# Mar-eting / reach+ distribution+ awareness# nno"ati"e aspects# 0ocation and geographical# &rice+ "alue+ quality# !ccreditations+ qualifications+ certifications# &rocesses+ systems+ T+ communications# $ultural+ attitudinal+ beha"ioural# Management co"er+ succession# &hilosophy and "alues# criteria examples Mar-et de"elopments# $ompetitors' "ulnerabilities# ndustry or lifestyle trends# Technology de"elopment and inno"ation# 2lobal influences# 3ew mar-ets+ "ertical+ hori4ontal# 3iche target mar-ets# 2eographical+ export+ import# 3ew %S&'s# Tactics: eg+ surprise+ ma5or contracts# 6usiness and product de"elopment# nformation and research# &artnerships+ agencies+ distribution# 7olumes+ production+ economies# Seasonal+ weather+ fashion influences#



criteria examples 1isad"antages of proposition# 2aps in capabilities# 0ac- of competiti"e strength# *eputation+ presence and reach# .inancials# Own -nown "ulnerabilities# Timescales+ deadlines and pressures# $ashflow+ start/up cash/ drain# $ontinuity+ supply chain robustness# ,ffects on core acti"ities+ distraction# *eliability of data+ plan predictability# Morale+ commitment+ leadership# !ccreditations+ etc# &rocesses and systems+ etc# Management co"er+ succession#



criteria examples &olitical effects# 0egislati"e effects# ,n"ironmental effects# T de"elopments# $ompetitor intentions / "arious# Mar-et demand# 3ew technologies+ ser"ices+ ideas# 7ital contracts and partners# Sustaining internal capabilities# Obstacles faced# nsurmountable wea-nesses# 0oss of -ey staff# Sustainable financial bac-ing# ,conomy / home+ abroad# Seasonality+ weather effects#

8 !lan $hapman 9::;/:<. .ree &1. "ersion of this tool and information about SWOT analysis methods are a"ailable at

www.businessballs.com=swotanalysisfreetemplate.htm . This is a free resource from www.businessballs.com+ which contains lots more useful tools+ diagrams and materials. 3ot to be sold or published.

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