CallLetter Letter Book
CallLetter Letter Book
CallLetter Letter Book
H. R. D.
Dear Sir / Madam: Assalam 'o Alaikum Subject: Test / Interview for ASSISTANT ENGINEER ( ELECTRONICS ) With reference to your application, it is to inform that test / interview for the above mentioned category is scheduled as under: Date Time Venue : 15/4/2014 : 0730 HRS : KRL MARRIAGE HALL, KRL OFFICERS COLONY, NEAR KHANNA BRIDGE, MISSILE CHOWK, ISLAMABAD HIGHWAY, RAWALPINDI
You are required to bring this letter along with the following at the time of test / interview : a. b. c. d. Note: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. C andidates declared successful in wirtten exam will be interviewed on next day. Failure to produce above mentioned documents will result in disqualification. False statements in any material respect or information, your selection will liable to be rejected/cancelled. No TA / DA is admissible. Use of mobile phone (for any purpose) is strictly prohibited in examination hall. C alculators except digital diary and data storage device may be used. This is a computer generated document, doesn't require signatures. Orignal C NIC , Educational C ertificates / Diplomas and Experience C ertificates. One set of photocopies of C NIC , Educational C ertificates / Diplomas and Experience C ertificates. No Objection C ertificate (NOC ) from your current employer in original (if required). One recent passport size coloured photograph.
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