VGA Design On VHDL: Submitted By: Pranav Jain (UM 10504) Varun Yadav (UE 105106) Rachit Duggal (UM 10505)
VGA Design On VHDL: Submitted By: Pranav Jain (UM 10504) Varun Yadav (UE 105106) Rachit Duggal (UM 10505)
VGA Design On VHDL: Submitted By: Pranav Jain (UM 10504) Varun Yadav (UE 105106) Rachit Duggal (UM 10505)
Submitted by: Pranav Jain(UM 10504) Varun Yadav(UE 105106) Rachit Duggal(UM 10505)
To understand the working of VGA To design and implement a simple VGA in VHDL and to observe its output on monitor using Spartan 3 FPGA kit. To enhance design skills in VHDL.
Principle of Working
Scanning of objects
Final Outputs
Output generation
Major tools
Xilinx ise software Model Sim, students version as Simulator Spartan-3 FPGA kit Spartan 3 is having a VGA port which is interfaced with monitor.
Typing errors Errors and warnings Problem in creation of bit file because of improper routing and mapping during synthesis.