Bus Assembly Testing SWP: 1. Purpose and Scope
Bus Assembly Testing SWP: 1. Purpose and Scope
Bus Assembly Testing SWP: 1. Purpose and Scope
EFM competent in the use of test equipment. Safety Observer. Required Training and Certificates Regulatory Training Course Code 2120 2130 2140 2160 3131 Course Description Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation Low Voltage/Switchboard Rescue Pole Top Rescue (if required) EWP Rescue and Escape (if required) Pole Testing for Safe Access (if required)
CS000501F115 Daily/Task Risk Management Plan ES000901R102 Health and Safety Risk Control Guide SP0515R01 Bus Assembly Testing Job Safety Analysis SP0515C01 Bus Assembly Test Report SP0515C02 Bus Assembly Testing Competency Assessment SP0515C03 Bus Assembly Inspection and Test Plan SP0515C04 Bus Protection Primary Injection Test Report SP0506 Substation Primary Plant and Secondary Systems Field Testing SWP P53 Operate the Network Enterprise Process AS 1931.1 High-voltage test techniques - General definitions and test requirements. AS 1931.2 High-voltage test techniques - Measuring systems. AS 2650 Common specifications for high-voltage switchgear and controlgear standards.
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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062 Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd ABN11 121 177 802
5.1 Carry out an on site risk assessment Prior to performing this activity any hazards associated with prerequisite tasks at the worksite shall be identified and assessed with appropriate control measures implemented and documented in accordance with the Daily / Task Risk Management Plan (CS000501F115) and using the Health and Safety Risk Control Guide (ES000901R102).
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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062 Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd ABN11 121 177 802
Inspect the plant for any sign of damage. Confirm that the insulating medium level/pressure is correct before commencing tests and that assembly is complete and no transport bracing has been left in place. Inspect the external surfaces and ensure the plant is clean and dry. 5.5 Measure Insulation Resistance DC insulation tests are to be carried out on the completed bus assembly. The voltage applied will be as per Table 1 for a duration of 1 minute, and is to be applied to each phase in turn with the other two phases earthed. Minimum acceptance value for new plant is 1,000M. Table 1. Applied Voltages for IR Tests: Primary Voltage Rating Up to 1kV Above 1kV to 3.6kV Above 3.6kV to 12kV Above 12kV Test Voltage in kV (D.C.) 1 2 5 10
Measurement shall be made using D.C. current of at least 50A (100A preferred) and less than the nominal current rating of the bus assembly. The test shall be conducted as close as practical to ambient temperature. A four wire micro-ohmmeter should be used for measuring the resistance of each bolted connection. Where a connection has been previously tested at the manufacturers works and has been unaltered during assembly on site, there is no requirement to repeat this test. Typically, the resistance of a bolted joint should be less than 100 micro-ohms. In particular, there should be minimal variation between phases and between like connections. To limit any hazardous voltage rise due to induction, always maintain an operator earth or working earth on one side of the bus during this measurement where there is an adjacent live bus. Caution do not pass measurement current through any current transformer connected to the bus (such as a bus coupler CT). A DC current may cause inadvertent protection operation, and may also leave a residual magnetism in the CT which adversely affects CT performance. 5.7 Measure Busbar Main Earth Connection Resistance Measurement shall be made using a four wire micro-ohmmeter at a D.C. current of at least 50A (100A preferred). The test shall be conducted as close as practical to ambient temperature. The maximum allowable resistance is 0.5 ohms. Where there is a separate earth connection for each bus section, or a separate earth connection associated with frame leakage insulation, each earth connection shall be tested individually.
Where frame leakage insulation is installed, it shall also be subjected to insulation resistance measurement at 1 kV. The minimum acceptance value for new plant is 100M. If it is found that the frame leakage insulation has a low IR value, there may be inadvertent alternate paths to earth that need to be corrected. Such paths may exist via HV cable sheaths, control cable sheaths, VT primary star point, VT or CT secondary earths, data cable connections to protection relays etc.
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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062 Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd ABN11 121 177 802
AS 2067 specifies that a 90% power frequency withstand test be carried out on site after erection. The level of high voltage testing to be applied is therefore: a) Where no HV testing has been carried out at the manufacturers works 100%. This may apply to only a portion of the bus assembly, for example poured insulated joints, however because it is impossible to separate the untested portion from the rest of the assembly a 100% test is required for the entire assembly. b) Where HV testing has been carried out at the manufacturers works but subsequent assembly is required on site (for example connecting tested sub assemblies together) 90%. c) Where HV testing has been carried out at the manufacturers works and no on-site assembly of the insulating component is required No HV withstand test. d) If the bus assembly is aged or refurbished 75%. Where Um<=66kV the value of voltage applied shall be as per AS 2650 as listed in the table below. Refer to AS 2650 for voltages Um>66kV. Note that the test voltage used may be limited by the output capability of the test equipment. In this case a reduced test voltage for an extended duration as specified in Table 11.1 of AS 2067 may be used. The 1 minute power frequency withstand test voltage is to be applied to each phase in turn with the other two phases earthed.
Utest 75%
7.5 kV 15 kV 21 kV 37.5 kV 52.5 kV 105 kV
9 kV 18 kV 25.2 kV 45 kV 63 kV 126 kV
The requirements of the test are satisfied if no disruptive discharge occurs. An insulation resistance test is to be repeated after the HV withstand test to confirm that no insulation degradation has occurred. 5.9 Check Expansion Joints Check that sufficient allowance in expansion joints for a 30 degree C temperature rise (typical) has been catered for. Typical coefficients of expansion are: Copper 0.0000173 mm per degree C. Aluminium 0.000023 mm per degree C. For example, an aluminium busbar 16 m long subjected to a 30 degrees C temperature rise above ambient will expand by 16 x 1000 x 0.000023 x 30 = 11 mm. (This equates to an expansion of 0.7 mm per m of busbar for aluminium, and 0.5 mm per m for copper).
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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062 Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd ABN11 121 177 802
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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062 Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd ABN11 121 177 802