Chapter 18

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What are some of the benefits of using reclaimed water?

It is cheaper 1: What are some of the factors that make water so special? It keeps us alive and it is used to store heat and that can be used as power 2: What is the largest reservoir of water on Earth? Ocean What is the largest reservoir of freshwater on Earth? Glaciers 3: What is the residence time of water in the atmosphere? 9 days 4: What is the water table? Water that is stored underground 5: What is a discharge zone? Zones where the water comes up from the surface 6: What is an aquifer? Somewhere where you can get water What is a cone of depression? How is it created? It is a reduction of pressure in a pumped well, It is created when groundwater is pumped from a well 7: What is an effluent stream? A flow of a stream that is maintained during a dry season What is a stream that flows all year called? Perennial stream 8: What is an influent stream? Stream above water table What is a stream that doesnt flow all year called? Ephemeral stream Water Supply: A U.S. Example 9: What is a water budget? How is it calculated?

A water budget is the amount of water stored that can be used it is calculated with the equation S = P E ET SRO GF Precipitation and Runoff Patterns 10: What is the average water use for people in the U.S.? 200 gallons a day What is the average water use for people in Europe? 100 gallons a day What is the average water use for people in Sub-Saharan Africa? 5 gallons a day Groundwater Use and Problems 11: How many people in the U.S. use groundwater as a source of drinking water? About a half of the people 12: What problems can groundwater overdraft cause? Can cause damage to the rivers ecosystems 13: What is happening to the Ogallala Aquifer (High Plains Aquifer)? They are using more than the aquifer makes reducing the amount of water in it 14: What is the percentage of salt in saltwater? _ 3.5_% 15: To be used as a freshwater source, the salt content must be reduced to about _.05_% 16: What are some of the environmental impacts of desalination? Too much can kill plants and the fish in the water Water Use 17: Describe the difference between off-stream use and in-stream use. Off-stream use is water used and then returned and in-steam use is water used and not returned 18: What is one of the issues with off-stream use in the Pacific Northwest? Fish are dying 19: Describe what happened to the Aral Sea. The water that was diverted was too much and now it looks like a desert leaving boats and fish dying Some Trends in Water use 20: What are the two biggest users of freshwater withdrawals?

Irrigation and for electricity Water Conservation 21: What are some of the suggestions for improved irrigation to conserve water? Reuse the water like in aquaponics Public Supply and Domestic Use 22: Domestic use of water (homes) accounts for _12_% of total national water withdrawals. 23: What is Southern California (San Diego) doing to help with water shortages in the future? They want to build desolation plants 24: List 5 things that you can do at home to help conserve water usage * Turn of the shower when putting shampoo in your hair * dont wash your car in the sidewalk * use those water saving toilets *Use new methods of irrigation *making a well Virtual Water 25: What is virtual water? Water to make a product 26: How much water does it take to make a cup of coffee? About 40 gallons 27: How much water does it take to raise beef? About 1,300 to make a 12oz beef Wetlands 28: How do we define wetlands? Lands covered with water 29: Wetlands are very important, what are the natural service functions of wetlands? They act as a filter and give water to the groundwater 30: How much of the original wetlands of the U.S. have disappeared? _50_%

Restoration of Wetlands 31: What did the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 require? To make more wetlands Dams and the Environment 32: Explain the environmental impacts of dams It reduces the amount of fish in the river and with less flow more eutrophication happens and contaminated sediment accumulates 33: What are the PROS and CONS of the Three Gorges Dam? Pros- produces electricity, a big reservoir Cons- pollutants were added to the water, made people move, killed fish 34: What are some of the issues associated with removing of dams? The contaminated sediment trapped behind will contaminate the water 35: What are the environmental issues associated with global water shortage and food supply? Ground water is being used and is being depleted. The cost of the water will rise 36: Water is one of our most abundant resources, why are we concerned about its availability in the future? The more the population grows the more water is needed and not everybody can get some Study Questions 1: Which is more important from a national point of view, conservation of water use in agriculture or in urban areas? Why? I think agriculture is more important because we can get something out of it. Agriculture gives us food and by conserving the water it can give us more food.

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