Vanderbush Assessmentproject
Vanderbush Assessmentproject
Vanderbush Assessmentproject
Section 1
The activity that I chose to do my assessment project over is soccer and the specific grade level is 9th. I decided to pick soccer because it was one of my passions as I was growing up and I continue to enjoy the sport to this day. Additionally, I have trained, coached and will continue to coach competitive soccer. I am interested in finding different ways in order to assess my players that will help them develop and improve at a more rapid and successful pace.
Unit Goals 1. Students will be able to dribble, pass, trap and shoot strategically during game play. 2. Students will know, understand and apply the basic position/player formations. 3. Students will know, understand and apply basic offensive and defensive tactics. 4. Students will know the rules of soccer and be able to correctly implement and apply them during game play and on a written test. 5. Students will be able to combine all skills, strategies and tactics taught in a meaningful way to be able to successfully play soccer. 6. Students will demonstrate fair play and sportsmanship before, during and after game play.
National Standards (Physical Best Activity Guide, 2005) Standard 1: Demonstrate competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms. Standard 2: Applies movement concepts and principles to the learning and development Standard 5: Demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings. Standard 7: Understands that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction.
Georgia Standards (Cox, 2008) Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
Learning Outcomes Psychomotor: Students will be able to dribble the soccer ball through the cones with proper form 3 times in a row. Students will be able to correctly and accurately pass the ball to a partner with both the inside and laces of the right and left foot at several different distances 80% of the time. Students will hit the goal 8 out of the 10 attempts when shooting from a variety of distances on the field. Students will demonstrate correct form for trapping the ball 3 out of 5 times during a small-sided drill. Cognitive: Students will demonstrate knowledge of the rules of soccer by scoring 85% or better on a written test. Affective: Students will demonstrate fair play by officiating games fairly during peer refereeing.
Block Plan Day 1 -Diagnostic assessment on dribbling Day 2 - Dribbling activities Day 3 -Short pass and trap -Using inside of foot -Assess Skills -Shooting while -Shooting on the move mini-games - Assess Skills -Offensive and defensive tactics Day 4 -Long pass and trap -Using laces - Assess skills Day 5 -Mini-games using dribbling and passing
Week 1
Week 2
-Intro to Rules
-Mini-games using knowledge of rules -Mini-games using tactics and transitions - Written test over rules -Culminating activitytournament play -Peer officials
Week 3
Week 4
-Culminating -Culminating activityactivitytournament play tournament play -Open environment -Peer officials -GPAI -Fair play rubric
Section 2
Diagnostic Assessment
On day 1 of the unit I plan on conducting a diagnostic assessment that will assess the classes psychomotor skill of dribbling. The assessment will be a peer assessment and the class will be divided up into groups of 4 or 5 students. Each group will have several cones setup in a line and for the assessment one student at a time will dribble a soccer ball weaving in and out of the cones. Once the student reaches the end he/she will turn around and dribbling back through the cones to the point at which he/she started. I have a target time of somewhere between one and two minutes with missing no more than 2 cones. Each student will get three attempts. The other students will all have duties to tend to while their peer is doing the assessment. One student will have a stop watch and time the student as he dribbles down and back. Another peer in the group will watch and count the number of cones that the dribbler fails to weave through. While the last student in the group will record the time and the number of cones missed. The data will be used and analysis to determine the amount of time and types of activities that I will use in order to teach this part of the unit on dribbling. It will serve as a baseline as to where I will begin my lesson.
Name: Date:
Section 3
Formative Assessments
I will be using four types of formative assessments to assess the 4 psychomotor skills that I will be teaching throughout the unit: Dribbling, Passing, Trapping and Shooting. I will be using two peer, two self-assessments. The data collected through these assessments will be used to gauge the students skill development as well as give them feedback toward their performance. The ultimate goal of the formative assessments will be to ensure that students are meeting the learning outcomes that have been stated for the unit.
The purpose of this task is to individually assess your ability to perform right and left footed penalty shots and provide feedback. Directions: Each player will attempt 10 penalty kicks with a goalie, the first 5 trails will be with your right foot and the other 5 trials will be with your left foot. Award 2 points for each shot made and mark a 0 for the trail if the goalie stops it or you miss the goal. After all shots are taken and your score is added up, analysis your results and describe in the space provided below what you need to work on in order to improve your score. ________________________ Signature of Participant __________________ Date Total Score: ______
Needed Improvements:
Directions: Start every class by doing your partner passing warm-ups and record your best result out of the 3 attempts. The purpose of this drill is to see how many consecutive passes you and your partner can complete back and forth to each other without having to take more than one step in either direction to receive the ball. Remember to find a new partner for every class. Each student will record his/her own results. Task/Day Short Passes* Record best of 3 trials 10 ft. apart 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Long Passes* Record best of 3 trials 20 ft. apart Long Passes+ Record best of 3 trials 20 ft. apart * Use inside of foot + Use laces
Section 4
Culminating Activity
The culminating activity that I will be using will be a small-sided round robin 3 vs. 3 soccer tournament. The gym will be divided up into 3 areas in which 3 games will be played at a time. The teams that are not playing will be peer referees and will direct and officiate the games. Each person will referee at least 3 games. To determine who gets the ball first, the captains of each team will do rock, paper, scissors. The games will be timed. Game time will be dependent upon allotted class time. The culminating activity will be graded through a teacher-directed GPAI and participation.
Soccer GPAI
1. Decision made Criteria:
Date: ____
Player makes appropriate choices of when to dribble, pass or shoot. Pass- accurate, well paced and played to open teammate Trap- controlled while keeping possession Dribble- Keeps ball under control, leads ball. Shot solid contact, well placed Moves to open area while support teammates.
2. Skill Execution
3. Support
Skill Execution
A= appropriate
Section 5
Cognitive Assessment
Other than the written test that I will be administering over the rules, cues and etiquette, I will be assigning a student project. For the project students will create a trading card of themselves. (Stats and personal info on the back and picture of them playing on the front). The stats will come from game play assessments and practice logs that have been kept throughout the unit.
A. True/False (1/2 pt. each): If the statement is true, place a + (plus sign) one the line. If the statement is false, place a 0 on the line and correct the statement. Cross out the word or phrase that is incorrect and add a word or phrase to make it true. ___1. All players must stay 15 yards away from the ball on a free kick. ___2. If an opponent trips you, your team receives a throw-in at the nearest sideline. ___3. A players feet may not leave the ground on a throw-in. ___4. The goalie is the only player allowed to use his hands. ___5. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. ___6. 1930 was the first time soccer appeared as an Olympic sport. ___7. Only the offensive team can be in the center circle during a kick off. ___8. Regulation soccer games are 60 minutes long. ___9. A ball that is on the sideline is considered out of bounds. ___10. Trapping the ball is when you stop the ball with any part of your body, except your hands, in order to gain control.
B. Multiple Choice (1 pt. each): Circle the correct answer. 11. Flags are used to mark what area? A. Goal area B. Mid-field C. Corner boundaries D. Penalty box 12. When making a short pass, what part of the foot should you generally use? A. Outside B. Inside C. Laces D. Bottom
13. Unsportsmanlike conduct is a penalty, and will result in one of two color cards. What color are the cards? A. Yellow and red B. Yellow and orange C. Red and orange D. Red and blue 14. A ball that crosses the end line and goes into the goal is worth how many points? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 0 15. How many positions are there in soccer? A. 9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 12 16. Once the goalie has the ball in his hands how many seconds does he have to get rid of it or play it with his feet? A. 3 B. 5 C. 10 D. 24
17. What type of kick starts off the game? A. Goal kick B. Corner Kick C. Kick off D. Drop ball 18. How many times does a referee blow the whistle to signify the end of the game? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 19. Soccer is called ____________ everywhere else in the world except the U.S. A. Football B. Futbol C. Foosball D. Rugby
20. A soccer game is divided into how many equal parts? A. 3 periods B. 2 halves C. 4 quarters D. 9 innings
C. Matching (1 pt. each): Match the terms to their corresponding location on the diagram below. Mid-field line Sideline Goal Goal Line Penalty box Goal Area Penalty kick mark Kick off mark Center circle Corner area
Soccer Written Test Answer key 1. 0 - opposing players must stay 10 yards away 2. 0 - your team receives a free kick from the spot of the foul 3. + 4. + 5. + 6. + 7. + 8. 0 - 90 minutes 9. 0 the ball must completely cross over the sideline 10. + 11. C 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. C 16. B 17. C 18. C 19. B 20. B 21. Penalty box 22. Sideline 23. Corner area 24. Center circle 25. Goal area 26. Mid-field line 27. Goal line 28. Penalty kick mark 29. A player is offside if he is between the opponents goal line and the ball at the moment the ball is played, unless: he is in the defensive half of the field; at least two opponents (including the goalie) are nearer their own goal line than he is; or the ball is received directly from a corner kick, goal kick, throw-in or drop-ball situation. 30. Goalkeeper, Sweeper, Stopper, C/R/L Midfielder, C/R/L Forward, L/R Back Bonus: Greece Table of Specifications for Written Test Content Area Percent Number of Items = 30 Rules 50% 15 Formation/position/field dimensions 33% 10 History 10% 3 Skills 7% 2 + Test concentration focus is rules/history/positions and field dimensions. Skills are to be assessed through skills tests rather than on a written test.
Section 6
Affective Assessment
The assessment that I will be issuing for the affective domain will be a combination of an exit slip and journal prompt. Students will receive the exit slip, complete it as homework and then bring it back the next time we meet for class.
4. Describe how both you and your teammates demonstrated good sportsmanship and fair play during todays class.
Section 7
Grading Plan
For this unit a students grade will be determined by several activities, assessments and assignments that will add up to a total of 330 points. Students will start out the with 0 points and they will earn points for assignments and other various things as we move through the unit.
Standard 1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. 2. Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
% Of grade
Assessment Game play assessments (2 @30 points each) Trapping Skills Test Dribbling Skills Test Passing Skills Test Shooting Skills Test Student Project using game play assessment stats and practice log students will create a trading card of themselves. (Stats and personal info on the back and picture of them playing on the front) Written test rules
20 points
Soccer 30 points
30 points
Warm-up log
5. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings. 6. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, selfexpression, and/or social interaction. Total Points = 330
Soccer 30 points
30 points
Exit slip/Journal
Soccer 20 points
20 points
Grade 94 92 100
Section 8
Cox, K. (n.d.). Georgia Standards. Georgia Department of Education. Retrieved June 14, 2012, from to reference the Georgia state Physical education standards. Dougherty, N. J. (2010). Soccer. Physical activity & sport for the secondary school student (6th ed., pp. 239-276). Reston, VA: National Association for Sport and Physical Education. - Used to collect the correct rules, formations, positions, techniques, and histories of soccer. Information was used on psychomotor and cognitive assessments. Mitchell, S. A., Oslin, J. L., & Griffin, L. L. (2006). Assessing Outcomes. Teaching sport concepts and skills: a tactical games approach (2nd ed., pp. 491508). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. - Used to construct GPAI Physical Best activity guide: middle and high school levels (2nd ed., p. 4). (2005). Teaching Middle and High School Level-Health Related Fitness. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. -Used to reference the National Physical education standards.