Yetaseb Learning Module
Yetaseb Learning Module
Yetaseb Learning Module
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: HOTEL OPERATION Level II MODULE TITLE: Applying Food and Beve age !"ill# in $%e &o "pla'e MODULE (ODE: - CST HOP2 02 0912 NOMINAL DURATION:)*Ho+ #
MODULE DE!(RIPTION : This module describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to organise, prepare and serve food and beverages to customers. t incorporates all aspects of organising, preparing and serving a variet! of menu items and alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverage items for a service period in a hospitalit! enterprise, using a range of service methods and team coordination skills. LEARNING OUT(OME! "t the end of the module the learner will be able to# Prepare food and beverage for service $erve menu, bar and wine list items to customers %omplete ends of service procedures MODULE (ONTENT & Prepare 'ood "nd (everage 'or $ervice &.& ntroduction to food and beverage service &.) *ifferent $t!le of service &.+ 'ood and (everage $ervice Equipments &., -ice- &./ -ice-en-place &.0 Table set up &.1 %heck availabilit! of bar stock and food items ) $erve menu, (ar "nd 2ine List tems To %ustomers ).&.-enu "nd (everage List ).).$ervice $kills ).& 3reat and well come customers ).) 'ollow $ervice $equence and Procedures ).+ Provide qualit! customer service )., %onsider work place h!giene )./ 4andle $pecial 5equests ).0 Process accounts + %omplete Ends 6f $ervice Procedures +.& End 6f $ervice Procedures +.) 5estocking +.+ $tore 'ood "nd (everage $ervice tems +., Preparations 'or The 7e8t $ervice Period +./ Participate in debriefing sessions +.0 Environmental %onsiderations
LEARNING METHOD! E8planation Lecturing Practical e8ercise A##e##,en$ Me$%od# %ontinuous assessment 9ui: Pro;ect work Assessment Criteria LO- P epa e .ood and /eve age .o #e vi'e &.& . 'ollow a ;obs checklist and work schedule according to enterprise policies and procedures to prepare for food and beverage service &.) Liaise with other team members on the table and room set-up, type of menu and style of service, and wine and drinks list. &.+ Liaise with the chef about the menu, available portions and specials &., %arr! out mise en place according to enterprise procedures and requirements. &./ %heck availabilit! of bar stock and food items, equipment cleanliness and quantit! required for food and beverage service according to established s!stems and procedures LO) !e ve ,en+0 /a and 1ine li#$ i$e,# $o '+#$o,e # &.& 3reet customers courteousl! and appropriatel! according to allocated table plan and provide relevant information. ).) 5ecommend menu items and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages to meet individual needs, special requests or dietary requirements of customers and up-sell as appropriate. ).+ Prepare alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and serve menu items and wines, using appropriate service methods to meet customer e8pectations of qualit!, presentation and timeliness of deliver!. )., 2ork cooperativel! as part of the floor or bar team and according to the work plan. )./ 'ollow workplace safet! and h!giene procedures according to enterprise and legislative requirements. ).0 Provide qualit! customer service and deal appropriatel! with complaints according to enterprise procedures. ).1 dentif! problems, determine possible solutions and take appropriate action to resolve the situation according to ;ob role and enterprise procedures. ).< Process accounts and pa!ment according to enterprise procedures and farewell customers appropriatel! LO2 (o,ple$e end# o. #e vi'e p o'ed+ e# a. %omplete end of service procedures according to enterprise procedures, 64$ requirements and environmental considerations.
b. $tore food and beverage service items, equipment and commodities appropriatel! to minimi:e waste. c. %heck bar closing stock, prepare a requisition for replacement stock and complete timesheets where appropriate. d. Participate in debriefing sessions with colleagues where appropriate, identif!ing possible improvements.
ANNE3: RE!OUR(E RE4UIREMENT! tem 7o. ". &. TTL). Te8t (ooks 5Mod+le (ode and Ti$le6 *escription= 5ecommended 5atio 9uantit! $pecifications > tem# Trainee? 5eference manual, &#& handout, books + &#&@ The bare and beverage / � book -enu planning for the hospitalit! industr! ABaksa kivela "n introduction to food + &#&@ and beverage studies A-ar:ia -agrise and %ath!mcceer! Laborator!>shop?,comp uter, *V*,6V= %*, budget, flip chart &#+@ &#+@ &#+@ *ifferent t!pes of wine, food items %leaning detergents Table and chair trolle!
+. 5eference
&. %lass 5ooms ). $hop +. Librar! %. %onsumable -aterials &. 5aw -aterials ). *etergents *. Tools and Equipments 'urniture
MODULE DE!(RIPTION : This module describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to work safel! in a cellar. t includes the operation of beverage dispensing s!stems and the qualit! monitoring of beverage products. 7ote that the word DcellarD is used in its broadest sense, and means an! area used as the storage location for bulk beverages and the equipment that supports its service. LEARNING OUT(OME! "t the end of the module the learner will be able to# 6perate and maintain beverage dispensing s!stems Ese and monitor refrigeration s!stems -onitor overall cellar safet! -onitor qualit! of beverage products MODULE (ONTENT! &. (everage dispensing s!stems &.& ntroduction to dispensing s!stems &.) 6perate cellar =beer s!stems &.+ %lean beverage s!stem parts &.,.Ese %hemical in safe manner &./.%orrect=report dispensing s!stem faults &.0.2ork according to safet! requirements ). Ese and monitor refrigeration s!stems ).&. -onitor and accuratel! measure refrigeration s!stem ).). %lean Equipments 2ith Proper Ese 6f %hemicals ).+. dentif! "nd 5eport 5efrigeration 'aults +. -onitor overall cellar safet! +.&.%hecks The 3as $!stems +.).-onitor storage conditions of chemicals +.+.Provide relevant information to others ,. (everage products
,.& T!pes 6f (everage Products ,.) -aintain 9ualit! through proper storage /.-onitor qualit! of beverage products /.&.-onitor cellar temperature and cellar conditions /.).Ese proper stock rotation s!stem /.+.Ese manual or electronic stock control s!stem /.,.Test the qualit! of beverage products LEARNING METHOD! E8planation *iscussion *emonstration MODULE A!!E!!MENT A##e##,en$ Me$%od# %ontinuous assessment 9ui: "ssignments Pro;ect work A##e##,en$ ( i$e ia L8- . Ope a$e and ,ain$ain /eve age di#pen#ing #y#$e,# &.& 6perate beer systems according to with manufacturer instructions and relevant safet! requirements. &.) Tap kegs according to safety requirements and manufacturer instructions. &.+ 4andle, connect and store beverage gas according to relevant safet! standards. &., %heck post mi8 s!stems for effective operation and change s!rup bo8es as required. &./ %lean beverage system parts in accordance with manufacturer instructions and safet! requirements. &.0 Ese chemicals safel! according to relevant standards and enterprise procedures. &.1 %orrect or report dispensing system faults to the appropriate person according to scope of individual responsibilit! and enterprise contracting arrangements Lo) U#e and ,oni$o e. ige a$ion #y#$e,# ).& -onitor and accuratel! measure refrigeration s!stem, and ad;ust to compl! with product requirements. ).) Perform routine checking of gl!col levels and cleaning of vents, ensuring safe use of chemicals at all times. ).+ Promptl! identif! refrigeration faults and report to qualified refrigeration mechanic according to enterprise procedures LO2 Moni$o ove all 'ella #a.e$y +.& -ake regular routine checks of gas systems according to relevant safet!
standards. +.) $!stematicall! monitor the use and storage of chemicals and ensure safet! requirements are met. +.+ -onitor the cellar area to ensure appropriate safet! signage and take action to rectif! an! deficiencies. +., Proactivel! provide relevant information to other workers in relation to safet! issues LO* Moni$o 9+ali$y o. /eve age p od+'$# ,.& -onitor cellar temperature to ensure optimum storage conditions for different beverage products. ,.) $!stematicall! check cellar conditions to ensure the requirements of the international 'ood $tandards %ode are met. ,.+ Ese s!stematic product rotation to maintain qualit!. ,., Ese manual or electronic stock control s!stem to assist in monitoring the qualit! of products and controlling stock during receiving, storage and issuing. ,./ Test the qualit! of beverage products regularl! and identif! faults. ,.0 Take appropriate action to rectify faults within scope of individual responsibilit! or report and follow up with the appropriate person
ANNE#$ RESO%RCE RE&%IREMENTS 'M d(le C de and Title) tem 7o. ". %ategor!= tem Learning -aterials *escription= $pecifications 5eference manual, handout, books &#& (ar "ttendantFs AEllis 3eorge 'ood C (everage service A5obert $mith (ar "ttendantFs AEllis 3eorge Laborator!>shop?,comp uter, *V*,6V= %*, budget, flip chart *ifferent beverages 'ood and beverage service equipments ) &#&/ 9uantit! 5ecommended 5atio > tem# Trainee?
+. 5eference
&#+@ &#+@
MODULE DE!(RIPTION : This module covers the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to provide room service in commercial accommodation establishments. LEARNING OUT(OME! "t the end of the module the learner will be able to# Take and process room service orders $et up tra!s and trolle!s Present room service meals and beverages to guests Present room service accounts %lear room service area MODULE (ONTENT! 1 4andle 5oom $ervice 6rders &.& ntroduction to room service &.) product knowledge &.+ Take and process room service orders &., Telephone handling procedures &./ suggestive selling techniques &.0 5ecord C Transfer room service orders 2 -is-en-place ).& room service menu ).) 5ange of meals ).+ room service equipment )., $et up tra!s and trolle!s 3 Present room service 3.1 guestsD rooms entr! procedures 3.2 customer service skills 3.3 serving technique 4 bill settlement 4.1 Present room service accounts 4.2 bill settlement procedures 4.3 Provide correct charge C change 5 %lear room service area 5.1 %heck and clear room 5.2 5eturn tra!s and trolle!s
LEARNING METHOD! Lecture *iscussion *emonstration MODULE A!!E!!MENT o A##e##,en$ Me$%od# o %ontinuous assessment o 9ui: o "ssignments o Pro;ect work
A##e##,en$ ( i$e ia
LO- Ta"e and p o'e## oo, #e vi'e o de # &.& "nswer telephone promptl! and courteousl! according to enterprise procedures and customer service standards. &.) %heck guestsD names and use them throughout the interaction. &.+ %larif! details of orders, repeat them and check with guests for accurac!. &., Ese suggestive selling techniques where appropriate. &./ "dvise guests of appro8imate time for deliver!. &.0 5ecord room service orders and check the information. &.1 nterpret room service orders received from doorknob dockets &.< Transfer orders promptl! to the appropriate location for preparation, where required LO) ; !e$ +p $ ay# and $ olley# ).& Prepare food and beverage items for service periods. ).) Prepare general room service equipment for use. ).+ Set up tra!s and trolle!s appropriatel! according to enterprise standards for a range of meals. )., $elect sufficient service equipment and check for cleanliness and damage. )./ $et up tra!s and trolle!s so that the! are balanced, safe and attractivel! presented. ).0 %ollect all food items and beverages promptl! and in the right order. ).1 %heck tra!s before leaving the kitchen and prior to entering the room, ensuring orders are complete and all items are served at the correct temperature L6+. P e#en$ oo, #e vi'e ,eal# and /eve age# $o g+e#$# +.& 5equest entr! to guestsD rooms b! knocking firml! on the door and announcing the department according to enterprise service standards. +.) Enter guestsD rooms upon appropriate response from guests and greet them politel! and according to enterprise service standards.
+.+ %onsult guests about their preferences for where tra!s or trolle!s should be placed in the room and advise them of an! potential ha:ards. +., Place tra!s or trolle!s safel! and convenientl!. +./ Position furniture where required. +.0 6ffer an e8planation of the meal to guests where appropriate. +.1 $erve and place meals and beverages according to enterprise procedures LO* P e#en$ oo, #e vi'e a''o+n$# ,.& %heck guestsD accounts for accurac! and present them according to enterprise procedures. ,.) Present charge accounts to guests for signing and charge to their room account or accept cash pa!ment where tendered. ,.+ Provide correct change to guests where appropriate. ,., Promptl! present cash pa!ments to the cashier for processing and pa!ment LO< (lea oo, #e vi'e a ea &.& %heck and clear floors promptl! for used room service trolle!s and tra!s. &.) 5eturn tra!s and trolle!s to the room service area and dismantle and clean according to enterprise procedures. &.+ 5estock station with equipment, food and beverage according to enterprise procedures.
ANNE3: RE!OUR(E RE4UIREMENT! 5Mod+le (ode and Ti$le6 tem 7o. ". %ategor!= tem Learning -aterials *escription= $pecifications 5eference manual, handout, book The bare and beverage book 'ood and beverage laws =food safet! and 4!giene
&. TTL). Te8t (ook +. (. 5eference Learning 'acilities C nfrastructure &. %lass 5oom ). $hop %. $tationeries ). Tools and Equipments
+ )
&#&@ &#&/
Bag -ohan
Laborator!>shop?,computer, *V*,6V= %*, budget &#+@ Pen, pencils, record books 'ood and beverage service equipments, movies , lab top, L%* pro;ector
MODULE DE!(RIPTION : This module covers the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to appl! hospitalit! skills in the workplace. The unit integrates a defined range of ke! technical and organisational skills required b! service staff to provide a range of organisation products and services to multiple and diverse customers. LEARNING OUT(OME! "t the end of the module the learner will be able to# 6rgani:e and prepare for service Provide service %lose down after service MODULE (ONTENT! &. 6rgani:e and prepare for service +.& ntroduction to room service +.) "ccess necessar! information for work. +.+ 2ork with others +., *evelop and follow work plan and schedules +./ Prepare work area and equipments ). Provide service ).& 3reet and well come customers to the service area ).) Provide necessar! information to the customers ).+ Provide qualit! service b! following appropriate procedure )., %ommunicate and work effectivel! )./ dentif! and handle problems, safet! issues etc +. %lose down after service +.&. complete end of service activities +.). participate in de-briefing activities +.). complete administrative works LO -: O gani=e and p epa e .o #e vi'e &.& "ccess appropriate workplace information in order to plan and organi:e tasks to be
completed. &.) Liaise with team members and other relevant people to confirm and inform others of service requirements. &.+ *evelop and follow a work plan or schedule to ma8imi:e efficienc!, taking into consideration roles and responsibilities of other team members. &., Prepare work area, equipment and supplies to meet service requirements and according to established s!stems and procedures LO ): P ovide #e vi'e ).& 3reet customers courteousl! and appropriatel! and determine their requirements for products and services. ).) 6ffer information to customers on available products and services and promote products and services where appropriate according to organi:ation polic! and procedures. ).+ Provide service using appropriate methods and techniques to meet customer e8pectations of qualit!, presentation and timeliness of deliver!. )., %ommunicate effectivel! and work cooperativel! as part of the team and according to established work plan or schedule. )./ 'ollow workplace safet! and h!giene procedures according to organi:ation and legislative requirements. ).0 Provide qualit! customer service and deal appropriatel! with complaints according to organi:ation procedures. ).1 dentif! problems, determine possible solutions and take appropriate action to resolve the situation according to ;ob role and organi:ation procedures. ).< 2here appropriate, farewell customers according to ;ob role and organi:ation procedures in a manner that will encourage them to return LO 2: (lo#e do1n a.$e #e vi'e +.& %omplete end of service procedures according to organi:ation procedures, 64$ requirements and environmental considerations. +.) %omplete administration and reporting requirements. +.+ Participate in debriefing sessions with colleagues where appropriate, identif!ing possible improvements
%ritical aspects of %ompetence "ssessment requires evidence that the candidate# collection of direct, indirect and supplementar! evidence showing provision of integrated service for a minimum of &) complete service periods >shifts? to ensure integration of skills and consistenc! of performance in different circumstances abilit! to multi-task and respond to multiple demands and requests of a number of customers with var!ing requirements abilit! to deal with t!pical issues such as workplace time constraints, late arrivals, noshows, walk-ins and other problems abilit! to meet, greet and interact positivel! with multiple and diverse customers throughout the hospitalit! e8perience abilit! to maintain the cleanliness and tidiness of work areas, including dealing with disposables and rec!clables abilit! to participate in the service process and work flow as part of a team and take responsibilit! for own work and qualit! of outcomes compliance with relevant legislative and regulator! requirements, including 64$ requirements demonstrated health and safet! practices