Vinodh Resume

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Naga Vinod Kumar Murala Mobile: +91 9666576024 E-Mail: vinodmurala9@gmail.


Career O !ec"ive
To work in a challenging and creative environment and effectively contribute towards the goals of the organization.

Cour%e% B.Tech ntermediate &n%"i"u"e Name MS T !ollege "f Engineering Satya ,unior !ollege 'oard(univer%i") #charya $agar%una &niversity Board of ntermediate Education Board of Secondary Education Cour%e *eriod '()* '((*ercen"age ++.* +.


/omma 0eddy 1ublic School2 Bantumilli.



+ec$nical *ro,ile
1rogramming languages Technical sub%ects : : !2 !552!6.$et27BMS Basics Micro8rocessors2 7igital Electronics

*ro!ec" *ro,ile
Mini *ro!ec" - #&T"M#T ! !"$T0"9 ": 0# 9;#< S =$#99 $= S<STEM .ole - #nalysis > 7esign +eam #i/e -* 0ura"ion - * Months 0e%cri1"ion The ob%ective of this 8ro%ect is to 8rovide signalling system for the railways to enter and leave the track. The automatic gate o8ening?closing system is 8rovided with the 0eflection sensors 8laced at a distance of few kilometres on the both sides from the crossing road. These sensors give the train reaching and leaving status to the embedded controller at the gate to which they are connected. The controller o8erates @o8en?closeA the gate as 8er the received signal from the 0eflection sensors.

Main *ro!ec" - #&T"M#T ! 19#$T 00 =#T "$ S<STEM +eam #i/e - 4 0ura"ion - 2 Months 0e%cri1"ion The 8ro%ect 8resented here waters your 8lants regularly when you are out for vocation. The circuit com8rises sensor 8arts built using o8-am8 ! 9M*'B. "8-am8Cs are configured here as a com8arator. Two stiff co88er wires are inserted in the soil to sense the whether the soil is wet or dry.

*er%onal 3c$ievemen"%
1 2 1artici8ates in =rou8 7iscussions it shows me as a +eam Mem er. 1resented a 8a8er 8resentation on 43u"oma"ic %ignalling in .ail5a)%6.

*er%onal Vi"ae
Name 0O' 7anguage% 8no5n 9o ie% 3ddre%% $aga Dinod /umar Murala '+-()-)..). English and Telugu. Browsing internet2 1laying !ricket. s?o Denkateswara rao2 7no: '--*2 $ageswararao 8eta2 Bantumilli2 /rishna2 #.1. 4')*'B

hereby declare that the above furnished information and 8articulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. *lace: Eyderabad

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