Inspirational Speech
Inspirational Speech
Inspirational Speech
To be conferred with this title bestowed me not only the accolade but it is charged with the utmost responsibility expected for an epitome of an ideal youth worth emulating. I accept this as a great challenge and also an opportunity to give honor to my alma mater as well. As we the youth face the challenging times, some of us might feel bits of uncertainties on what lies ahead of us as we embark to our future. But I firmly believe that there is nothing to fear if we e uip ourselves with the necessary skills, right attitude and character and most of all the unswerving faith in !od. These are the pillars of ualities of leadership. "e are the future leaders. #or the years we have spent in our beloved alma mater, our second family, we ac uire the fundamental skills and the character of a good human being and responsible citi$en, honed to become future Bicolano leaders. %ur veteran, versatile, teachers provided and nourish us the best education that we deserve. But we should not stop learning for learning is a life long process. &emember that knowledge is weightless' it is a treasure that we can carry easily as we take the (ourney towards our dreams. )elf discipline is another ingredient to success. To manifest this in our daily actions, we should know what seems to be good from what is truly good. It is our free will to choose. In today*s world where we are surrounded by sordid thoughts, filthy language and false ideals, we, the youth, should take responsibility of our own selves. "ith the guidance of our parents, we should develop good habits, sound (udgments, which will shape our character and ultimately determine our success. +iscipline goes hand in hand with hard work. +iscipline directs work, making it fruitful and excellent. %n the other hand, discipline is fruitless without work. As the great ,onfucius said -The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.. "ith this adage, I end this short talk. /y fellow youth, let*s focus and direct our energy and work hard for the best that we can be. Thank you. 0 !en, edit mo na lang kay manay buking mo kung may i1add ka or i1delete2