Individualized Education Program: 4/20/2003 2013 - 2014 4th - 5th
Individualized Education Program: 4/20/2003 2013 - 2014 4th - 5th
Individualized Education Program: 4/20/2003 2013 - 2014 4th - 5th
GRADE TO 5/10/14
S '()* !+ ,- !( + ./() : C. S. is a 10 year 5 month old girl in the 4th grade at Samford Elementary School. She is joyful, ersona!le, and "ell lo#ed !y !oth her teacher and eers. C. $s strengths lie in her a!ility to follo" directions %S&.4.1!', com rehend read aloud assages %S&.4.1d', and her o#erall icture and #er!al #oca!ulary (no"ledge %&.4.)'. She is also a!le to roduce clear and coherent "ritten "or( %*.4.4'. +n math, C. sho"ed strength regarding her a!ility to a ly conce ts. P0'() 01 2,)2(')+: C.,s arents are concerned "ith her erformance in math and reading. -hey ha#e e. ressed a desire for C. to recei#e additional hel so that she does not ha#e to re eat a grade again due to her academic needs in these t"o s ecific areas.
S ./() P'(-('()2(+ 0)//,' I) ('(+ +: C.,s fa#orite su!jects are art and s elling. C. has said that her least fa#orite su!ject is reading. She res onds "ell to teacher direction. She learns "ell "hen using mani ulati#e and #isuals. -eacher modeling has hel ed her !etter understand conce ts in the ast. She enjoys dancing and gymnastics "hen she is not at school. She "ould li(e to !e a nurse "hen she gro"s u , just li(e her mother. She lo#es s ending time "ith her family and sharing stories a!out their #acations. /er fa#orite #acation "as "hen she "ent to 0e" 1or( "ith her mother to #isit her aunt. R(+.1 + ,- !( 3,+ '(2() (401.0 5,)+: -he *echsler +ntelligence Scale for Children2+++ is an indi#idually administered intelligence test that measures a student,s o#erall intellectual functioning. C. "as gi#en this assessment on 10/2)/13. -hese test results ga#e an o#er#ie" of her intelligence in t"o categories3 4er!al and 5erformance. C. recei#ed a 6ull Scale +7 score 8o#erall score9 on this test, "hich sho"s that her o#erall intelligence is a#erage for a child her age. -his means that her intelligence is not an area of concern for a child her age. /er scores in !oth 4er!al and 5erformance ortions of the assessment "ere a#erage and slightly a!o#e a#erage, res ecti#ely. -his means that her intelligence in these t"o domains is at an a ro riate le#el for a child her age and indicates no a arent need for concern regarding her intellectual functioning. -he *oodcoc( :ohnson -ests of ;chie#ement2+++ assesses a student,s academic a!ilities in four domains3 <eading, =ral &anguage, >ath, and *riting. *ithin each of these domains, the student is tested on #arious related academic s(ills through a series of su!tests. ;fter administering the entirety of this assessment to C., her results ga#e an o#er#ie" of her academic erformance "ithin her classroom. /er scores sho"ed strength in her a!ility to com rehend assages, understand directions, identify icture #oca!ulary, a ly mathematical ro!lems, and "rite. /er scores on these su!tests sho"ed that her erformance "as on the a#erage scale for students in the fourth grade. -his means that her a!ility in these areas is a ro riate for a child in her grade. /er results did ho"e#er sho" concern in the area of reading. C. scored !elo" a#erage on the letter/"ord recognition su!test and on the "ord attac(. -hese scores indicate a significant academic deficit. +n addition, C.s scores sho"ed that she had some difficulty "ith math calculations and s elling. ?oth of these scores fell "ithin the lo" a#erage range, ho"e#er they are still areas of concern. =#erall, C.,s achie#ement scores are not commiserating "ith her +7. S ecifically, there is a se#ere discre ancy !et"een her 6ull Scale +7 and her scores in &etter/*ord +dentification. T!( 020/(3526 /(4(1,73() 016 0)/ -.)2 5,)01 )((/+ ,- !( + ./() :
C. struggles "ith letter2"ord identification, s ecifically "ords in#ol#ing multi le sylla!les or silent letters %<6.4.3'. She also struggles in her a!ility to differentiate !et"een homonyms %&.4.1g'. +n math, C. struggles "ith memoriAing her multi lication facts and math calculations, s ecifically related to addition and su!traction "ith regrou ing, multi lication, and long di#ision %=;.;.2'. O !(': C.,s teacher has e. ressed that C. has recently had difficulty staying on tas( and "ould turn in assignments that "ere incom lete or inaccurate. -his off tas( !eha#ior seems to occur more freBuently "hen C. is engaged in a tas( that in#ol#es areas of "ea(ness, such as reading or math. #,' !( 2!51/ '0)+5 5,)5)* -',3 EI , P'(+2!,,16 8.+ 5-9 5- IEP :511 ), ;( 5371(3() (/ ,) !( 2!51/+ 3 '/ ;5' !/09:
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONAL #ACTORS I (3+ 2!(2<(/ =YES> :511 ;( 0//'(++(/ 5) !5+ IEP: @oes the student ha#e !eha#ior "hich im edes his/her learning or the learning of othersC @oes the student ha#e limited English roficiencyC @oes the student need instruction in ?raille and the use of ?railleC @oes the student ha#e communication needs 8deaf or hearing im aired only9C @oes the student need assisti#e technology de#ices and/or ser#icesC @oes the student reBuire s ecially designed 5.E.C +s the student "or(ing to"ard alternate achie#ement standards and artici ating in the Alabama Alternate AssessmentC ;re transition ser#ices addressed in this +E5 "ith an annual goal8s9C TRANSPORTATION AS A RELATED SERVICE Student,s mode of trans ortation3 % D' <egular !us % ' ?us for s ecial needs % ' 5arent contract % ' 1ES @oes the student reBuire trans ortation as a related ser#iceC +f yes, chec( any trans ortation needs3 % % % % % ' ' ' ' ' ?us assistance3 % ' ;dult su ort 5referential seating ?eha#ioral +nter#ention 5lan *heelchair lift and securement system <estraint system S ecify ty e3 =ther. S ecify3 ?us dri#er and su ort ersonnel are a"are of the student,s !eha#ioral and/or medical concerns. % ' >edical su ort YES % ' % ' % ' % ' % ' % ' % ' % ' NO % D' % D' % D' % D' % D' % D' % D' % D'
% ' =ther3
% D' 0=
% ' % '
NONACADEMIC 0)/ E%TRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES *ill the student ha#e the o ortunity to artici ate in nonacademic/e.tracurricular acti#ities "ith his/her nondisa!led eersC %D ' 1ES. % ' 1ES, "ith su orts. @escri!e3 % ' 0=. E. lanation must !e ro#ided3
METHOD/#RE?UENCY #OR REPORTING PROGRESS O# ATTAINING GOALS TO PARENTS ;nnual Eoal 5rogress re orts "ill !e sent to arents each time re ort cards are issued 8e#ery
5age of
C. S.
-his student is in a middle school 2,.'+( ,- + ./9 that "ill hel re are him/her for transition. -his student "as in#ited to the +E5 -eam meeting. ;fter rior consent of the arent or student 8;ge 1F9 "as o!tained, other agency re resentati#es "ere in#ited to the +E5 -eam meeting.
E%IT OPTIONS @C,371( ( -,' + ./() + 5) G'0/(+ A-12B
;la!ama /igh School @i loma ;la!ama =ccu ational @i loma Eraduation Certificate
A) 52570 (/ D0 ( ,- EC5 :
M,) !:
Y(0' :
;la!ama /igh School @i loma ;la!ama =ccu ational @i loma Eraduation Certificate TRANSITION: 8?eginning not later than the first +E5 to !e in effect "hen the student is 1), or earlier if a u dated annually thereafter9 ro riate, and
T'0)+5 5,) A++(++3() + @C!(2< !( 0++(++3() @+B .+(/ , /( ('35)( !( + ./() + 3(0+.'0;1( '0)+5 5,) *,01+B: % ' -ransition 5lanning ;ssessments % ' +nterest +n#entory % ' =ther
G,01+ -,' P,+ +(2,)/0'9 T'0)+5 5,): P,+ +(2,)/0'9 E/.20 5,)/T'05)5)* G,01 +f O !(' is selected, s ecify E371,93() /O22.70 5,)/C0'((' G,01 +f O !(' is selected, s ecify C,33.)5 9/I)/(7()/() L545)* G,01 +f O !(' is selected, s ecify T'0)+5 5,) S('452(+: B0+(/ ,) !( + ./() D+ + '()* !+6 7'(-('()2(+6 0)/ 5) ('(+ +6 !( -,11,:5)* 2,,'/5)0 (/ '0)+5 5,)
+('452(+ :511 '(0+,)0;19 ()0;1( !( + ./() , 3(( !( 7,+ +(2,)/0'9 *,01+. C,)+5/(' !(+( +('452( 0'(0+: 4ocational E#aluations 84E9, Community E. eriences 8CE9, 5ersonal >anagement 85>9, -rans ortation 8-9, Em loyment @e#elo ment 8E@9, >edical 8>9, 5ostsecondary Education 85E9, &i#ing ;rrangements 8&;9, &in(ages to ;gencies 8&-;9, ;d#ocacy/Euardianshi 8;E9, 6inancial >anagement 86>9, and if a ro riate 6unctional 4ocational E#aluation 864E9.
C. S.
-his goal is related to the student,s transition ser#ices needs. L0)*.0*( A' +-R(0/5)*
PRESENT LEVEL O# ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND #UNCTIONAL PER#ORMANCE: C.$s strengths lie in her a!ility to follo" directions %S&.4.1!', com rehend read assages %S&.4.1d', and in her o#erall #oca!ulary (no"ledge %&.4.)'. She is also a!le to roduce clear and coherent "ritten "or( %*.4.4'. C. struggles "ith letter2"ord identification, s ecifically "ords in#ol#ing multi le sylla!les and/or silent letters %<6.4.3a' MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL '(10 (/ , 3(( 5)* !( + ./() + )((/+: DATE O# MASTERY: ?y >ay of 2014, C. "ill !e a!le to use letter2sound corres ondences to correctly decode multisylla!ic "ord containing silent letters "ith G0H accuracy on four out of fi#e trials %<6.4.3a'.
TYPE@SB O# EVALUATION #OR ANNUAL GOAL: % ' Curriculum ?ased ;ssessment % ' -eacher/-e.t -est % ' % D' @ata Collection % ' State ;ssessment8s9 % ' % ' =ther3 % '
% '
BENCHMARGS: 1. C. "ill !e a!le to use letter2sound corres ondences to decode t"o sylla!le "ords correctly "ith I0H accurcy on three out of fi#e trials. 2. C. "ill !e a!le to use letter2sound corres ondences to decode t"o sylla!le "ords "ith silent letters correctly "ith I0H accuracy on three out of fi#e trials. 3. C. "ill !e a!le to use letter2sound corres ondences to decode three sylla!le "ords correcly "ith G0H acuracy on four out of fi#e trials. 4. C. "ill !e a!le to use letter2sound corres ondences to decode three sylla!le "ords "ith silent letters correcly "ith G0H accuracy on four out of fi#e trials. E F -his goal is related to the student,s transition ser#ices needs. L0)*.0*( A' +-R(0/5)*
PRESENT LEVEL O# ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND #UNCTIONAL PER#ORMANCE: C.$s strengths lie in her a!ility to follo" directions %S&.4.1!', com rehend read assages %S&.4.1d', and in her o#erall #oca!ulary (no"ledge %&.4.)'. She is also a!le to roduce clear and coherent "ritten "or( %*.4.4'. C. struggles in her a!ility to differentiate !et"een homonyms and "ords containing similar letter atterns. %&.4.1g'. MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL '(10 (/ , 3(( 5)* !( + ./() + )((/+: DATE O# MASTERY: ?y >ay of 2014, C. "ill !e a!le to correctly decode and differentiate !et"een t"enty freBuently confused "ords and homonyms "ith G0H accuracy on four out of fi#e trials %l.4.1g'.
TYPE@SB O# EVALUATION #OR ANNUAL GOAL: % ' Curriculum ?ased ;ssessment % ' -eacher/-e.t -est % ' % D' @ata Collection % ' State ;ssessment8s9 % ' % ' =ther3 % '
% '
BENCHMARGS: 1. C. "ill !e a!le to correclt decode and differnetiate !et"een fi#e freBuently confused "ords and homonyms "ith G0H accuracy on four out of fi#e trials.
5age of
@ate of >astery3
2. 3. 4.
C. "ill !e a!le to correctly decode and differentiate !et"een ten freBuently confused "ords and homonyms "ith G0H acuracy on four out of fi#e trials. C. "ill !e a!le to correctly decode and differentiate !et"een fifteen freBuently confused "ords and homonyms "ith G0H accuracy on four out of fi#e trials. C. "ill !e a!le to correctly decode and differenitate !et"een t"enty freBeuntly confused "ords and homonyms "ith G0H accuracy on four out of fi#e trials.
C. S.
PRESENT LEVEL O# ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND #UNCTIONAL PER#ORMANCE: +n math, C. sho"ed strength regarding her a!ility to a ly conce ts. /o"e#er, she has difficulty "ith memoriAing multi lication facts and com leting math calculations, s ecifically related to addition and su!traction "ith regrou ing, multi lication, and long di#ision %=;.;.2'. MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL '(10 (/ , 3(( 5)* !( + ./() + )((/+: DATE O# MASTERY: ?y >ay of 2014, C. "ill !e a!le to correctly multi ly and di#ide one and t"o digit num!ers "ith regrou ing to sol#e "ord ro!lems "ith G0 ercent accuracy, "hile using a multi lication chart %=;.;.2'.
TYPE@SB O# EVALUATION #OR ANNUAL GOAL: % ' Curriculum ?ased ;ssessment % ' -eacher/-e.t -est % ' -eacher =!ser#ation % D' @ata Collection % ' State ;ssessment8s9 % D' *or( Sam les % ' =ther3 % ' =ther3
% '
BENCHMARGS: 1. C. "ill !e a!le to add and su!tract one and t"o digit num!ers "ith regrou ing to sol#e "ord ro!lems "ith G0H accuracy, "hile using a num!er line. 2. C. "ill !e a!le to multi ly one digit num!ers to sol#e "ord ro!lems "ith G0H accuracy, "hile using a multi liation chart. 3. C. "ill !e a!le to multi ly one and t"o digit num!ers "ith regoru ing to sol#e "ord ro!lems "ith G0H accuracy, "hile using a multi lication chart. 4. Carie "ill !e a!le to di#ide one and t"o digit num!ers "ith regrou ing to sol#e "ord ro!lems "ith G0H accuracy, "hile using a multi lication chart. E F -his goal is related to the student,s transition ser#ices needs.
TYPE@SB O# EVALUATION #OR ANNUAL GOAL: % ' Curriculum ?ased ;ssessment % ' -eacher/-e.t -est % ' % ' @ata Collection % ' State ;ssessment8s9 % '
5age of
% '
% '
@ate of >astery3 @ate of >astery3 @ate of >astery3 @ate of >astery3
SPECIAL EDUCATION AND RELATED SERVICE@SB: 8S ecial Education, Su lementary ;ids and Ser#ices, 5rogram >odifications, ;ccommodations 0eeded for ;ssessments, <elated Ser#ices, ;ssisti#e -echnology, and Su ort for 5ersonnel.9
-he S ecial Education teacher "ill ro#ide s ecialiAed reading instruction 8small grou or indi#idual9. -he S ecial Education teacher "ill ro#ide s ecialiAed math instruction 8small grou or indi#idual9.
30 min 30 min
R(10 (/ S('452(+
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A) 52570 (/ #'(H.()29 ,S('452(@+B
12/10/13 to 5/10/14
0um!er &ine
assessments. @uring inde endent and grou math "or( or assessments. @uring all math "or(.
12/10/13 to 5/10/14
12/10/13 to 5/10/14
% ' 0eeded
A) 52570 (/ #'(H.()29 ,S('452(@+B
to to
INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATION PROGRAM STUDENTS NAME: C. S. TRANS#ER O# RIGHTS 8?eginning not later than the +E5 that "ill !e in effect "hen the student reaches 1G years of age.9 @ate student "as informed that the rights under the +@E; "ill transfer to him/her at the age of 1F -he +E5 -eam has considered the need for e.tended school year ser#ices. % D' 1es % ' 0o
LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT @oes this student attend the school 8or for a reschool2age student, artici ate in the en#ironment9 he/she "ould attend if nondisa!ledC % D' 1es % ' 0o +f no, e. lain3 @oes this student recei#e all s ecial education ser#ices "ith nondisa!led eersC % D ' 1es % ' 0o +f no, e. lain 8e. lanation may not !e solely !ecause of needed modifications in the general curriculum93
COPY O# IEP *as a co y of the +E5 gi#en to arent/student 8age 1F9 at the +E5 -eam meetingC % D' 1es % ' 0o +f no, date sent3
COPY O# SPECIAL EDUCATION RIGHTS *as a co y of the Special Education Rights gi#en to arent/student 8age 1F9 at the +E5 -eam meetingC % D' 1es % ' 0o +f no, date sent3
P,+5 5,)
5arent 5arent Eeneral Education -eacher S ecial Education -eacher &E; <e resentati#e Someone *ho Can +nter ret -he +nstructional +m lications =f -he E#aluation <esults Student Career/-echnical Education <e resentati#e =ther ;gency <e resentati#e
S5*)0 .'(
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