M35 Application Form

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MILESTONE COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM Name: Neeraj Jain Applying for: (Specify department Per!onal "etail!

: "O#: (dd$mm$yyyy %&$''$'()* +ometo,n: -aip.r Room no: C/%%0 Mo1ile:(&23)2%)** Email:neero4il35gmail6com Ed.cation: Co.r!e B.E. 12th 1$th In!tit.te Percentage$7PA Baldev Ram Mirdha Institute of 76.8 Technology Mahesh ari !enior !econdary 7"."# !chool Tagore %idya Bhavan 8#." Logi!tic!

Co/c.rric.lar (if any :"eli8ered a Seminal on 9.ant.m Comp.ting6

:or; E<perience (if any :N$A

E<trac.rric.lar:'6 Participated in Painting Competition 2. Participated in Debate Competition

3.Played Cricket at District Level.

A,ard!= acti8itie! and 4onor!::on %nd Pri>e in 9.i> Competiton Special S;ill!: :e1 "e!igning= P4oto Editing

1. Innovative
2. Hard and smart worker 3. Committed to work 4. Eager to learn. 5. Energetic

1. Weak in English Speaking skills

:4y do yo. ,ant to 1e a part of Mile!tone Committee? (Not more t4an &2 ,ord! I ant to &oin milestone 'ecause 1. It ill give a (latform to learn all the management s)ills. 2. It ill give an interface to interact ith other managers. *. It ill 'e great to 'e a (art of organi+ing the 'iggest event of the college.

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