English Language 4 Ukm 8.30-9.30 Am
English Language 4 Ukm 8.30-9.30 Am
English Language 4 Ukm 8.30-9.30 Am
30 am
:#ri T#ri3h
Theme Topic $o %e % S%# d#rd Le#r i " S%# d#rd O)*ec%i+e Ac%i+i%ie/
World of K o!led"e Be S#fe &'( &'('& ,#To pr#c%ice ./i " #po/%rophe / ./i " i%em/ i cl#//room' 0' Te#cher e1pl#i / #)o.% #po/%rophe /' (' Ac%/ o.% i fro % of %he cl#//' &' P.pil/ #re "i+e #c%i+i%2 %o !or3 o ' 4' P.pil/ #ppl2 i% i # p#r#"r#ph "i+e ' 5i/cipli e
$$E Reflec%io Theme Topic Le#r i " O.%come $.rric.l.m Spe/ific#%io / Ac%i+i%ie/ Mor#l V#l.e Reflec%io Theme Topic $o %e % S%# d#rd Le#r i " S%# d#rd O)*ec%i+e Ac%i+i%ie/ World of K o!led"e S#+i " O.r E +iro me % To form.l#%e 6.e/%io / per%#i i " %o %he pic%.re "i+e ' &'0'07 4'0'& 0' T#l3 #)o.% %he pic%.re ./i " Wh86.e/%io /' (' 9e% p.pil/ %o i +ol+e i di/c.//io ' &' P.pil/ %o fi i/h %he %#/3' 4' P.pil/ form.l#%e 6.e/%io / per%#i i " %o %he pic%.re "i+e ' $ooper#%i+e World of K o!led"e People Aro. d Me 0'0 0'0'& To li/%e %o # d re#d reci%e poem/ p#2i " #%%e %io %o pro . ci#%io ' 0' Te#cher re#d/ %he poem/ o %he p#per' (' 5i/%ri).%e/ %he p#per %o %he p.pil/' &' Te#cher %o re#d i% #"#i # d /ile % #% cer%#i p#r%' 4' P.pil/ %o /#2 #lo.d %he /ile % !ord/'6 M.l%iple I %elli"e ce/
$$E Reflec%io
:#ri T#ri3h
Theme Topic $o %e % S%# d#rd Le#r i " S%# d#rd O)*ec%i+e Ac%i+i%ie/
World of Self People Aro. d Me ('( ('('( To re#d # d . der/%# d phr#/e/ # d /e %e ce/ i li e#r %e1%/' 0' Te#cher /ho!/ %he pic%.re c#rd/ %o %he p.pil/' (' Te#cher e1pl#i / %he *o)/> %#/3/' &' P.pil/ pl#2 %he ".e//i " "#me' 4' Re!#rd/ p.pil/ i fro % of %he cl#//' M.l%iple I %elli"e ce/
$$E Reflec%io Theme Topic $o %e % S%# d#rd Le#r i " S%# d#rd O)*ec%i+e Ac%i+i%ie/
World of K o!led"e Be S#fe ('( ('('& To re#d # d demo /%r#%e . der/%# di " of %e1%' 0' Re#d %he %e1% i /ile ce' (' Te#cher "i+e me# i " of diffic.l% !ord/' &' P.pil/ %o re#d %o"e%her' 4' P.pil/ %o #%%emp% %he !or3' 5ili"e ce
$$E Reflec%io
:#ri T#ri3h
Theme Topic Le#r i " O.%come $.rric.l.m Spe/ific#%io / Ac%i+i%ie/ Mor#l V#l.e Reflec%io
Theme Topic $o %e % S%# d#rd Le#r i " S%# d#rd O)*ec%i+e Ac%i+i%ie/
World of K o!led"e Be S#fe To re#d # d . der/%# d phr#/e/ # d /e %e ce/ from # li e#r %e1%' &'( &'('&,#To p.% %he #po/%rophe ,/- i %he )l# 3/' 0' Wri%e/ %he o%e/ #)o.% #po/%rophe /' (' 9e% p.pil/ %o . der/%# d i% )2 fill i %he )l# 3/ o %he )o#rd' &' P.pil/ %o do %he e1erci/e' 4' Te#cher ".ide/ p.pil/ !or3' 5ili"e ce World of K o!led"e People Aro. d Me &'( &'('( To !ri%e !i%h ".id# ce ,#0' E1pl#i / %he correc% pe m# /hip' (' P.pil/ %o "i+e feed)#c3 )2 !ri%i " o %he )o#rd' &' 5i/%ri).%e/ %he !or3/hee%/' 4' P.pil/ %o re#rr# "e %he !ord/ %o m#3e correc% /e %e ce/' 5ili"e ce
$$E Reflec%io Theme Topic $o %e % S%# d#rd Le#r i " S%# d#rd O)*ec%i+e Ac%i+i%ie/
$$E Reflec%io
:#ri T#ri3h
Theme Topic $o %e % S%# d#rd Le#r i " S%# d#rd O)*ec%i+e Ac%i+i%ie/
World of K o!led"e People Aro. d Me ('& ('&'0 To re#d %he i form#%io # d e *o2me % !i%h ".id# ce' 0' Te#cher di/%ri).%e/ %he %e1% %o %he p.pil/' (' To re#d %he %e1% %o"e%her' &' P.pil/ #%%emp% %o fi i/h %he !or3/ "i+e ' 4' Re!#rd/ p.pil/ !i%h /%ic3er/' M.l%iple I %elli"e ce/
$$E Reflec%io Theme Topic $o %e % S%# d#rd Le#r i " S%# d#rd O)*ec%i+e Ac%i+i%ie/
World of K o!led"e Be S#fe ('( ('('( ,#To re#d # d . der/%# d phr#/e/ # d /e %e ce/ from # li e#r %e1%' 0' Wri%e/ %he %e1% o %he )o#rd' (' 9e% p.pil/ %o cop2 %he %e1%' &' P.pil/ %o re#d %he %e1% %o"e%her' 4' Te#cher ".ide/ p.pil/ !or3' 5ili"e ce
$$E Reflec%io
:#ri T#ri3h
Theme Topic $o %e % S%# d#rd Le#r i " S%# d#rd O)*ec%i+e Ac%i+i%ie/
World of S%orie/ Ro/em#r2 # d %he Fo.r 9.%/2 9 ome/ &'0 &'0'0 ,)To pr#c%ice ./i " !ord/ %o m#3e %he /%or2 more i %ere/%i "' 0' Te#cher %ell/ %he /%or2 %o %he p.pil/' (' Ac%/ o.% i fro % of %he cl#//' &' P.pil/ #re "i+e #c%i+i%2 %o !or3 o ' 4' P.pil/ #ppl2 i% i # p#r#"r#ph "i+e ' 5i/cipli e
$$E Reflec%io Theme Topic $o %e % S%# d#rd Le#r i " S%# d#rd O)*ec%i+e Ac%i+i%ie/
World of Self :#+i " F. 0'( 0'('0 To p#r%icip#%e i %he follo!i " co +er/#%io ' 0' Te#cher di/%ri).%e/ %he pic%.re/ %o %he p.pil/' (' P.pil/ "i+e feed )#c3 )2 e1pre//i " ide#/' &' P.pil/ #%%emp% %o fi i/h %he !or3 "i+e 4' Re!#rd/ p.pil/ !i%h /%ic3er/' Thi 3i " S3ill World of K o!led"e Tr#+el # d Ad+e %.re/ To !ri%e ? /e %e ce/ #ccordi " %o %he pic%.re "i+e ' 4'&'(7 ('0'4
$$E Reflec%io ENGLISH LANGUAGE 5 UUM 10.50-11.50 am Theme Topic Le#r i " O.%come $.rric.l.m Specific#%io / Ac%i+i%ie/
0' E1pl#i / %o %he p.pil/ #)o.% %he pic%.re' (' Se% %he SVOA form#% for %he p.pil/' &' P.pil/ %o !ri%e %he /e %e ce/' 4' Vol. %eer/ %o help frie d/ i eed' $ooper#%i+e