High Tower Pass: Polska Wersja Jezykowa Dostepna Na Szkolnym Blogu
High Tower Pass: Polska Wersja Jezykowa Dostepna Na Szkolnym Blogu
High Tower Pass: Polska Wersja Jezykowa Dostepna Na Szkolnym Blogu
7th February 2014 Dear Parents, High Tower Pass The Blackpool Tower Ballroom would like to in ite you to a Tea Dance with some children !rom our school on Tuesday February 11 th 2014 !rom "#$0am% 11 am to share your ballroom dancin& skills and li!e memories' (dmission is !ree !or relati es o! our children, with re!reshments a ailable at a small additional cost' )ntrance is ia Bank *ey +treet only' (!ter 11am, you would be !ree to stay and en,oy the rest o! the day in the Ballroom althou&h your child will return to school- +hould you wish to attend, please ask a member o! the school sta!! how to ac.uire tickets' Friday Valentines Coffee Afternoon /ou may ha e heard !rom your children that we are holdin& a co!!ee a!ternoon on Friday 14 th February !rom 2pm' /ou are cordially in ited to the e ent- This special e ent has been or&anised throu&h our links with the 0ational 1athematics Partnership workin& alon&side other local 2atholic Primary school teachers' 3t has pro ided our pupils with a real application o! their skills within this area o! the curriculum' 4ur children ha e desi&ned and written in itations, planned the seatin& arran&ement, or&anised ser in& o! re!reshments and ha e e en decorated the hall' 5e do hope you can ,oin us' Funds raised will &o heart charities chosen by school council' MEN Arena Young Voices 4n 5ednesday e enin& !i!teen o! our pupils attended the 1)0 /oun& 6oices e ent in 1anchester' The e ent is a !ull day o! tra el and rehearsals and then a special per!ormance in the e enin&' 3t was a wonder!ul opportunity !or our children to sin& as part o! a lar&e choir and to hear an orchestra in action- The children were e7ceptionally well beha ed and a credit to our school' 4ur hu&e thanks to 1iss +cott, 1rs 8und and 1r 1itchell !or their support with the e ent and &oin&, 9abo e and beyond: the call o! dutyThe pupils were allowed a well deser ed lie in ;'' but the sta!! were notSchools Ali e This week has also seen 2< children per!orm at the =rand Theatre' (nother ama>in& spectacle lead by three o! our most success!ul clubs' 2heerleaders, Dancers !rom Footloose and our choir per!ormed a medley o! son&s !rom 2ats the 1usical' 2ostumes were ama>in& and our thanks &oes to The +cout =an&show !or the loan o! so many lions, ti&ers and cat costumes' They really were one o! the best schools on the ni&ht' Thanks also to our children !or their ener&y and e!!ort in attendin& the rehearsals' Finally thanks to parents !or their support in transportin& children to and !rom rehearsal and the e ent itsel!- Thank you to 1rs ?an, 1iss @edman, 1iss 2al ert and 1iss +cott !or their choreo&raphy and to 1rs 8und and 1r 1itchell, !or their support on the ni&ht as well as with the costumes, props and music' 3 !eel ery proud o! our 9art: work this week A hope you do too' (lso thanks to 1r *ammil and 1r Brownwood !or transportin& the children to and !rom rehearsals and to 1iss 1iddleton, 1rs 1c0amee and 1s Bennie !or their support
on the ni&ht' Valentines !isco DonBt !or&et that ne7t Friday our school hall will be trans!ormed into our 6alentineBs Disco 6enue' (s e er our discos pro ide &ood .uality entertainment !or your child and an hourBs child care !or you- The theme o! the disco is, 92ome dress to impress-: There will be competitions and p ri>es !or the best dancers and mo ers A as always' Tickets are on sale !rom the school o!!ice priced C2' After School Clu" ?ess and 1ichelle were keen that 3 reminded you about the Busy Bodies o!!ers % C1D !or the whole week includin& tea or C1 !or the session $'$0pm%4'$0pm- The club has a special 6alentine +pecial ) ent takin& place on Thursday 1$ th February' ?ess and 1ichelle say, 9Ha##y Valentines $ 5ould you like your child to take part in our 6alentines Tea ) entE- 4n Thursday 1$th February our (!ter +chool 2lub is holdin& a special 6alentines day themed session and are keen to ha e their club !ull' +o they are o!!erin& a 9Brin& a Friend: style approach to bookin& A pay !or one child and then book their !riend in !or C1' Pop in and speak to the school o!!ice to !ind out more' @e&ular Busy Bodies can brin& a !riend !or ,ust C1-Mrs %i"son also says good"ye (!ter 1rs Toppin& shared her &oodbyes with us last week A we thou&ht that would be it A but sadly not' (!ter a !ew weeks away !rom school carin& !or her 1um, who has been poorly, 1rs =ibson has made the di!!icult decision to tender her resi&nation' 1rs =ibson has made a hu&e impact on the li es o! many children in her care o er the last !ew years, in particular @obert 8ane' 5e know that @obert, his class and many other children will miss 1rs =ibson &reatly' *er work with 2arole =rundy on our )co team will be missed by a si&ni!icant number o! children too' 5e wish 1rs =ibson the ery best o! luck and will keep her and her !amily in our prayers 5e are in itin& 1rs =ibson, 1iss 8ucas and 1rs Toppin& to be our &uests o! honour at the co!!ee a!ternoon so you can say your o!!icial &oodbyes thenFind re&ards,