Written Communication
Written Communication
Written Communication
Characteristic 1: Readable
Business writing is practical, an effective style is not fancy but functional. Many writers try to impress their readers. They purposely choose long words and write lengthy, complicated sentences to show their command of the language and perhaps even their intelligence. An overly complex writing style can prevent transmission of a message. The best business writing is readablebecause its style is clear and does not draw attention to itself. Characteristic 2: Tactful Regardless of who your audience is, material that is written tactfully does not offend the reader. Unfortunately, too many writers assume that what is inoffensive to them is inoffensive to everyone else. Effective writers analyze their audiences to determine how they will react to the message. One outcome of such an analysis should be more tactful writing; writing that does not insult the reader. Characteristic 3: Personal By personal, we mean that what you write should convey a "you" attitude. By deemphasizing the use of we and I and emphasizing you and your, you draw the reader into the involvement in the message. Characteristic 4: Positive Effective written communication is written in a positive tone. How people react to your writing depends in part upon the climate of communication you establish with them. For instance, "No Smoking" and "Thank You for not Smoking" are two messages have the same meaning. Yet they convey different ideas about the relationship the sender wants to establish. When writing in business, we need to create as positive a climate as possible. Characteristic 5: Active Which sentence seems more emphatic to you? 1. Effective business writers use the active voice. 2. The active voice is used by effective business writers. In general, the active voice helps make your sentences come alive. Since people usually talk in the active voice, they are more accustomed to dealing with it. Therefore, you should use the active voice wherever possible in your writing. Characteristic 6: Unified Each sentence and paragraph in business communication should contain only one idea. When writing a sentence, your goal is make sure that two related ideas don't appear in it.