Coursework Submission and Feedback Form: Suryakant Pradhan

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%II Campus


Coursework Submission and Feedback Form

Name Student No. Module Code & itle !ssi"nment itle Name of #ecturer &ate &ue


Suryakant Pradhan
PT0981156 Intake: PT0883 CE003001-1 Web Design & De e!"#$ent

Names of Group Members (if applicable) %ndi idua! &ssign$ent

De!hi T"uris$

Ms.Saks$i %opli

Student '(Mail: pt)*+,,-./

% ha e read and understand the regu!ati"ns "n P!agiaris$ and &(ade$i( Dish"nesty and de(!are that the )"rk sub$itted d"es n"t brea(h th"se regu!ati"ns* Signed+ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

0ou must now $and in to t$e desi"nated !%II !dministrator ( ensure t$at 1ou recei2e 1our receipt 3ecei2ed 41 Si"nature &ate ime




Mar"inal Fail




&emonstration (Implementation )(-)) ,. !ppropriate "rap$ics6 includin" some 1ou $a2e created. 7. %a"es compliant to at least 89 M# ,.) ransitional :. St1le s$eets t$at are compliant to at least CSS #e2el , ;. 9ostin" on t$e intranet < internet -. %roof of 2alidation usin" 5:C 2alidator .. =alid and appropriate usabilit1 < accessibilit1 for t$e tar"et audience >. !t least one pa"e t$at utili?es ser2er(side tec$nolo"1 ,) ,) ,)
3eport (-))

,.&esi"n (7-) i) Stor1boardin" ii) Flowc$arts iii) Site focus statin" ob@ecti2es i) 5ritin" St1le <&ocumentation standard ii) %roperl1 3eferenced iii) Austification of 1our st1le desi"n c$oices and tar"et audience

,) ,) ,7 +

!dditional Comments: ( $ese ma1 be listed below or attac$ed) %ro2isional !ssessment 3esult: akin" account of t$e abo2e factors6 t$e o2erall pro2isional assessment of 1our work is:
&istinction !: >)CD !D: +)C !: >-(>*C Credit C: -) E -*C 4: --(.;C %ass & : ;) E ;*C C: -)(-;C &: ;)(;*C Mar"inal Fail ' : :) E :*C ' : :-(:* C Fail F : ) E 7*C F: )(:;C



#ecturerBs Initials

&e"ree: &iploma:

4: .) E .*C 4D: .-(>;C

The ("$$ents and assess$ent resu!t are sub-e(t t" b"th interna! and e.terna! $"derati"n at the a##r"#riate E.a$inati"n /"ard* C"nse0uent!y1 they $ay n"t re2!e(t y"ur 2ina! grade* 3"u $ay n"t a##ea! against these resu!ts "n gr"unds "2 &(ade$i( 4udg$ent*

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