Resume For Web Development Company (28.11.2012)

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Name Fathers Name Date of Birth en!er Nationalit# %anguages &no'n ACADEMIC RECORDS Course SS%+ Di2loma in (le-tri-al 3 (le-troni-s (ngineering B.Te-h 8$nformation Te-hnolog#9

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V.Thanigairaj S.Velumani 14.08.1988 "ale $n!ian (nglish ) *in!i ) Tamil

Institution T.N. .,.*r.Se-.s-hool +oim.atore / 4 4.S. 4ol#te-hni+ollege +oim.atore / 4 N. .4 $nstitute of Te-hnolog#

Board/Universit y State Boar! D5T(

Year of Co !"etio n 0004 0006

#er$enta%e 90 1 87.78 1

:nna ;ni<ersit#


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#ro&e$t Underta'en(Co""e%e) * EM#LOYEE TRAC+I,- USI,- A,DROID #LAT.ORM : "o.ile :22li-ation to Tra-= an! :nal#>e (m2lo#ee using 4S . SI-,AL TRA,SMITTI,- /ATC0 : 'rist 'at-h that re-ei<es au!io signals an! transmits through ra!io 'a<es .

E1!erien$e * ?r. (ngineer @ 0 #ear an! 0 months A. (SS:, Steels %TD 8 ujarat9 (ntre2reneur as $nternet Ser<i-e 4ro<i!er / l #ear from 0011/10. De<elo2e! Soft'ares 'ith a team for -ustomers Bor=e! in :ir-el +all +entre @ Training 4rogram (ntre2reneur as S(" .ase! 'e. mo!ule -om2an#. A$2ive ents * First 4ri>e in State %e<el Te-hni-al 4a2er 4resentation 4rogram (Ce-uti<e of the ((( :sso-iation 4resente! Flash Bor=s for De2artment Fun-tions

Co !uter +no3"ed%e * + ) +DD E"% *T"% +SS 4*4 :!o.e DreamVie'er :!o.e 4hotosho2 :!o.e Flash ?oomla "#SF% Be. Designing

Be. *osting "S 5ffi-e :uto+:D "# Be.sites : '''.enjo#foo! '''.teaminfinit#e<ents.-om ''' '''.smart' '''.shriguruin!ustries.-om ''' 0o44ies * De$"aration * $ here.# !e-lare that the !etails gi<en a.o<e are true to the .est of m# =no'le!ge an! .elief. (V5T0A,I-AIRA6) Conta$t Detai"s * +ell 4hone (/mail :!!ress :!!ress for +ommuni-ation : : : D91904G6107H0 <.thaniIgmail.-om 90/:) reen 4ar= :<enue) Near &an-himanagar) +oim.atore/48. Surfing $nternet "e!itation %istening to musi-

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