ADA Diez Allen Contracts
ADA Diez Allen Contracts
ADA Diez Allen Contracts
"nly in #au$er$ale #akes an$ Allen%s &orl$!' PW Director Manny Diez left L Lakes making $38.75 an hour. Due to Allen s an! Diez s "i! rigging# Diez comes "ack $orking at L Lakes %art time making $&58.58 an hour. 'hat is a ()*+ increase. Damn goo! $ork $hen you can get it $e say. An! no$ Diez is "ack again $orking at the ,ity as the Pu"lic Works Director. MA-. o%ines that Allen ha! to hire Diez "ack once again to kee% him /uiet. 0emem"er there is a .A- in1estigation ongoing o1er this 1ery same contract issue. Let s take a closer look at the contract issue. 2se! a storm$ater ca%ital %ro3ect contract to hire Diez to run Pu"lic Works. 'asks liste! ha1e nothing to !o $ith storm$ater. What is interesting is Waste Management an! the Li"rary %arking lot contract. More to come on these. 4ut ADA 5ngineering !i! thro$ the city a "one6 only "ille! Diez as a Pro3ect Manager not a .enior Pro3ect Manager. 'hink $e kno$ $ho got the "one here. MA-. is 3ust "eginning to !ig a little !ee%er. 'he attache! %ayout sheet to ADA 5ngineering sho$s a final %ayment of $37#8(8. Was this o1er an! a"o1e the $(( thousan! %ai! for Diez s management ser1ices9 An! look at the gran! totals. ADA 5ngineering %ai! almost $737 thousan!. All of this %ai! $hile Diez $as the PW Director :t$ice as a city em%loyee an! once as an ADA em%loyee;. An! all un!er the $atchful eye of Allen since Pu"lic Works re%orte! to him as the Assistant ,ity Manager an! ,ity Manager for the %ast &5 years. An e1en more grim# the city recei1e! a grant from the .tate of <lori!a De%artment of 5n1ironmental Protection for $75* thousan! for storm$ater ca%ital %ro3ects=im%ro1ements. >o$ much of the management ser1ices $as "ille! to the .tate against this grant9 Don t $orry MA-. $ill kee% !igging. We certainly see %instri%es in Allen s future.