Ict - Lesson Plan
Ict - Lesson Plan
Ict - Lesson Plan
Year Level: Three Time: 11:00 12:00 Date: 10/3/14 Learning Area: Health and Physical Education Students Prior Knowledge: Students are aware of how to be safe and healthy within the classroom environment Students are able to examine health messages and how they relate to health decisions and behaviours. Recognise situations and opportunities to promote health, safety and wellbeing.
Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum: Personal Social and Community Health Literacy Strand: ACPPS039 General Capabilities ( areas that may potentially be covered in the lesson) Literacy Numeracy ICT
competence Critical and creative thinking Ethical behaviour Personal and Social competence Intercultural understanding
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb) As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: Students are able to recognise the difference between nutritious and un healthy foods Students are able to create a video using animoto. Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation: Practice using animoto and make an example of an animoto movie to demonstrate to the class. Organise partner groups Set up interactive whiteboard with Animoto before class time begins.
Time 11:0011:05 Motivation and Introduction: 1. Ask all students to select a space on the mat in front of the interactive white board. 2. Once all students are on the mat revise last lessons content Who remembers the five food groups we discussed last lesson? Which of these groups should be eaten the least and most? 3. Introduce activity to students using interactive white board, select 4 students to participate in the activity. Each student is to select a healthy menu of meals and snacks, allocate 1 student for each meal. Every person in the class must contribute to the decision making, and the four volunteers cant make a final choice until all students agree. To stimulate discussion ask students why and why not they would choose particular foods. http://www.eatforhealth.gov.au/game/index.html
Resources/References Align these with the segment where they will be introduced.
11:15 11:20
Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions): 1. While students are still on the mat explain how to use Animoto Your task today is to create an Animoto video of healthy foods. You will be presenting this to the rest of the class so make sure you try your hardest. You will need to search images on Britannica to show the other students in the class what they should and shouldnt be eating. Try and relate your video to the five major food groups we explored last lesson. 2. Show the example Animoto that was prepared before class to ensure all students understand the task to be completed. 3. Pair students and ensure that students who struggle with ICT are paired with someone with high ICT knowledge. 4. Direct student to quietly move back to their desks, so they are sitting next to their partner with one computer between two. 5. Before commencing the task ensure that all students are logged onto their computer correctly, and understand the instructions. 6. While students are completing task, supervise the students by walking around the class ensuring they are on task and using safe search engines. 7. Keeping track of time and letting students be aware of how long they have left and what point of their video they should be up to. Eg. You should all be at the stage to publish in 2 minutes. 8. Once time is completed and students are ready to present, direct students to sit on the mat in front of the interactive white board again ready to present and watch the Animotos. 9. To make this flow easily allow the first students to log into their Animoto and have it ready to present. 10. Once the first group has presented the next group can log in and present, and so on.
Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students) 1. Review the lesson content, asking questions relating to the use of Animoto as well as nutrition. 2. Who thought Animoto was easy to use? Would you like to use it again? Why? Did the game help you understand healthy foods? Whos Animoto did you like the most and why? Did searching the images help you recognise nutritional foods? Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?) 1. Students will need to go back to their desks, they will need to log off the computer and pack up their items and sit at their desk quietly and wait for further instructions.
Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?) 1. All lesson presentations will be marked by a specific marking key, ensuring students are capable of creating an Animoto video and that students can identify the difference between good an bad foods. This will be demonstrated by the knowledge they have shown throughout the video. 2. As working in pairs can be difficult make individual assessment, by walking around the room while students are working, and listening to the discussions taking place we will be able to identify those who are confident, and those who may need extra attention in order to fully understand both the use of ICT, as well as nutritional information.