Dan Kelley Resume
Dan Kelley Resume
Dan Kelley Resume
To lead the field of growing companies dedicated to sports media by applying constant refinement to work ethics and interpersonal skills.
Video Editing/Production, Sports Reporting, Interviewing, News Writing, Final Cut Pro, Pro Tools, Audacity, Microsoft Office Suite, Social Media
Filmed and edited videos of practice and player/coach interviews Recorded audio and transcribed interviews of players and coaches (practice and games) Created and maintained player and team bios, statistics, and notes Revised and rewrote processes for game day distribution list to improve efficiency Created, organized, and distributed game day credentials to media and team personnel Wrote and edited press releases for the team
State College, PA Video Analyst/Editor May 2011-March 2012 Filmed, edited and uploaded videos for professional basketball players profiles onto website Marketed professional basketball exposure camp videos directly to the players Served as Public Address Announcer for an exposure camp at Long Island University in New York
State College, PA Fundraiser January 2011-April 2011 Raised money for Penn State colleges, clubs, and THON by working with alumni
Sports Announcer, Penn State ComRadio, Penn State University
Broadcasted THON dance marathon event Broadcasted womens softball Member, FOTO (independent organization for THON) Sports Announcer, CITV (Colonial School District Education Channel) Broadcasted girls basketball and boys lacrosse
2011-2012 2006-2008