Holiday Inn Brighton Seafront

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S.C. PREMIUM TOURS INTERNATIONAL S.R.L Capital social 500 RON Registrul Comertului: !0"#50!"$00$ C.I.%.: RO &!''!!

5& ( Lice)ta $*+& Se,iu social:-UCURESTI. Str. Io) Mi)ulescu !&. /l.C&$. sc.*.parter.ap.#'.sector * Se,iu secu),ar: -UCURESTI. Str.Apostol Margarit )r.$./l.&0'. parter. ap.$.sector * Tel: 0!01 '$& $5 && #0 Tel"%a2: 0!01 $& *$& *& +# E3mail: premiumtours4r,sli)


Reservation No. REF: 15173090 / L1PF807215 To be presented to: 5ate o% iss-e: 45 *pr /413

Hotel Holida Inn !ri"#ton $ea%ront & !ri"#ton ' United (in"do)
Tel: 122 1/+3 3/3/54 Fa.: 122 1/+3 ++53++

*ddress: 13+ (in"s Road , !ri"#ton, East $-sse., !N1 /0F, United (in"do) Na)e: No. pa.

6R. 7*$COI C*7IN

In e.8#an"e %or t#is Vo-8#er please provide 9it# t#e %ollo9in" servi8es:

41 pa.

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*rrival 5ate: 5epart-re 5ate: No o% ni"#ts:

4+ *pril /413

13 *pril /413
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Travel a"ent <re)i-) To-rs ' 7avinia *8atrinei: 124 +/1 /51 164 Holder 9ill pa servi8es ot#er t#an spe8i%ied. T#is do8-)ent is not re%-ndable and non trans%erable.

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