L #1: T F R S C: Sfsu - E 301 - E L AB Ime and Requency Esponses of Eries Ircuits
L #1: T F R S C: Sfsu - E 301 - E L AB Ime and Requency Esponses of Eries Ircuits
L #1: T F R S C: Sfsu - E 301 - E L AB Ime and Requency Esponses of Eries Ircuits
To investigate the step, impulse, and frequency responses of series RLC circuits. To compare experimental results with theory and PSpice simulations, and to account for possible differences. To gain familiarity with Bode plots. 1 3.9-mH inductor, 1 10-nF capacitor, 1 1 k potentiometer, and resistors: 1 10 , 1 39 , 1 1.0 k, and 1 2.0 k, 1 3.9 k, (all 5%, W).
An RLC meter, a waveform generator (square-wave, pulse, and sine-wave), and a dual-trace oscilloscope.
1. Franco, Sergio Electric Circuits Fundamentals, Oxford University Press, 1995 (Chs. 9 and 14). 2. Roberts, Gordon W., and Sedra, Adel S., SPICE, 2nd Ed.; Oxford University Press, 1997.
Y ( s) =
1 1 sC = = 2 Z ( s ) R + sL + 1 s LC + sRC + 1 sC
This function is usually expressed in the standardized form Y (s) = where 2 ( s / 0 ) 1 R ( s / 0 ) 2 + 2 ( s / 0 ) + 1 (1)
0 =
1 LC
R C 2 L
Here, 0 is the undamped natural frequency, in rad/s, and is the damping ratio, dimensionless. The values of these parameters are set by those of the components making up the circuit. The values of s for which the denominator of Y(s) becomes zero are called the poles of Y(s), and therefore, the zeros of Z(s). They are easily found to be s1, 2 = 0 2 1 We have the following significant cases: For > 1, the poles are real and distinct, and the system is said to be overdamped. For = 1, the poles are real and coincident, and the system is said to be critically damped. For 0 < < 1, the poles are complex conjugate, or s1, 2 = 0 ( j 1 2 ), where j2 = -1. The system is now said to be underdamped. (3)
In each of the above cases the poles lie in the left-half of the complex plane s. For = 0, the poles lie right on the imaginary axis, and the system is said to be undamped. It is apparent that varying R while keeping L and C constant will move the poles around in the complex plane. Systems theory indicates that the response i(t) to a given excitation v(t) can be found as i(t) = L-1{I(s)} = L-1{Y(s)V(s)}, where L-1 indicates inverse Laplace transformation. The responses of greatest practical interest in engineering are the impulse, the step, and the ac or frequency responses. The current response i(t) is readily visualized with the oscilloscope by observing the voltage vR(t) across the resistance R; then, i(t) = vR(t) /R. Of great interest are also the capacitance and inductance responses vC(t) and vL(t). All responses can readily be visualized via PSpice. The PSpice circuit of Fig. 2 displays the step response across C for the case 0 = 1 rad/s. You can simulate this circuit on your own by downloading the appropriate files from the Web. To this end, go to
Once there, click on PSpice Examples and follow the instructions contained in the Readme file.
Figure 3 shows the step or transient response across C for three different values of . It can be proved that for 0 < < 1, this response is a damped sinusoid with the frequency
L 2 1 C 1
d = 0 1 2 called the damped frequency. We also observe the presence of overshoot, defined as OS(%) = 100 vO (peak) vO ( ) vO ( )
where vO() is the value of vO in the limit t . The overshoot is related to as OS(%) = 100e
/ 1 2
The smaller the value of , the higher the overshoot and the longer it takes for the oscillation to die out. In the limit 0 we have a sustained oscillation with undamped natural frequency 0. If is gradually increased from zero, the oscillation will die out more and more rapidly until the point is reached where there will be no more oscillation. This point corresponds to critical damping, or = 1. For > 1, not only is there no oscillation, but the system takes even a longer time to reach its steady state.
Frequency Response:
Systems theory indicates that the frequency response of a circuit is found by letting s j in its transfer function. In this case it is also more common to work with the parameter Q = 1/(2), after which our expression above becomes Y ( j ) = where H BP ( j ) = and
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1 H BP ( j ) R j ( / 0 ) 1 ( / 0 ) 2 + j ( / 0 ) / Q (6)
0 =
1 LC
1 L R C
The function HBP(j) is called the standard second-order band-pass function. To investigate the frequency response of our circuit, we apply an ac voltage of the type vi(t) = Vim cos t and we observe the response vo(t) = Ri(t) across the resistor, which is an ac voltage of the type vo(t) = Vom cos( t + ) (8b) (8a)
Here, Vim and Vom are the peak amplitudes (in V), is the angular frequency (in rad/s), and is the phase angle (in degrees). The parameters of the response are related to those of the applied voltage as Vom = |HBP| Vim = HBP (9)
where |HBP| and nd HBP are, respectively, the magnitude and phase of HBP. The PSpice circuit of Fig. 4 is used to visualize the frequency response across R for the case 0 = 1 rad/s. Again, you can simulate this circuit on your own by downloading its files from the Web, as mentioned earlier. Figure 5 shows the logarithmic plots of magnitude and phase, also called Bode plots, for three different values of Q. Each magnitude curve peaks at 0 dB for = 0, this being the reason why 0 is also called the resonance frequency. Moreover, each curve drops to -3 dB at two frequencies L and H such that 1 1 L = 0 1+ 2 2 Q 4 Q 1 1 H = 0 1+ + 2 2 Q 4 Q (10)
It is readily seen that these frequencies satisfy the condition L H = 02, and that phase is 450 at these frequencies. Moreover, the half-power bandwidth, defined as BW = H L, is such that
0 BW
It is apparent that the narrower the BW for a given 0, the higher the value of Q. Consequently, Q provides a measure of the degree of selectivity of a filter such as ours.
C Vi 1Vac 0Vdc 1 L 1
2 R {Rv al}
In our case, Req (50 + 39)//10 9 , RL is measured, and is Rp is adjusted to specific values found via calculation, as we shall see shortly.
Step Response:
C3: Calculate the three values of R , and hence of Rp = R Req RL, that result in = 5, = 1, and = 0.2, with the values of L and C measured in Step M1. For the case = 0.2, compute also the damped frequency fd and overshoot OS(%) via Eqs. (4) and (5). C4: Calculate the values of the poles for the three specified values of , and show their complex-plane locations. Be neat and precise. S5: Using PSpice, along with the component values of Steps M1 and C3, plot the response of the circuit of Fig. 7 to a 1-V step for the three specified values of . For the case = 0.2, use the cursor facility of PSpice to estimate the overshoot OS(%) as well as the period Td of the decaying oscillation and, hence, the damped frequency fd = 1/Td. Compare with the predicted values in Step C3, comment. M6: Assemble the circuit of Fig. 6, with the coil as X1, the potentiometer as X2, and the capacitor as X3,
Fig. 7 Equivalent circuit of Fig. 6 for the case in which X3 is the capacitor (Req = 9 )
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so that its equivalent is as in Fig. 7. Keeping in mind that Req = 9 , adjust Rp for = 1. Then, while monitoring v1 with Ch.1 of the oscilloscope set on DC, adjust the waveform generator so that v1 is a square wave alternating between 0 V and 1 V with a period of about 10/f0, where f0 is the undamped frequency of Step C2 (make sure you know where the 0-V baseline is on the screen!) Now, observe and record the circuits response by monitoring v2 with Ch. 2 of the oscilloscope set on DC. Finally, compare with the response predicted via PSpice in Step S5, and account for any differences. Note: In this and the subsequent steps, if the pot is not sufficient to achieve the desired resistance value, use suitable combinations of resistances in series with the pot. For instance, connecting the 1-k pot in series with a 3 k ordinary resistor will allow you to span the range of 3 k to 4 k. M7: Repeat step M6, but with Rp adjusted for = 5. Provide a physical justification for why the response is now so sluggish. M8: Repeat step M6, but with Rp adjusted for = 0.2. Also, from the oscilloscope trace, estimate fd and OS(%) in a manner similar to Step S5, compare with those predicted in Step C3, and comment. Finally, provide a physical justification for why the response is now oscillatory. Leaving the potentiometer setting as in Step M8 ( = 0.2), interchange Rp and C so that the circuit becomes as in Fig. 8. Then, change the waveform generator settings so that v1 is now a pulse train consisting of pulses each alternating between 0 V and 1 V with a pulse-width of about 0.1/f0, where f0 is the undamped frequency calculated in Step C2. A pulse this narrow will provide a good approximation to the impulse function for our circuit. Moreover, to be able to see a repetitive trace on the oscilloscope, adjust the waveform generator settings so that the above pulses repeat with a frequency of about 10/f0. M9: While triggering the oscilloscope from v1, observe v2 with the other channel and record it (for best visualization, you may need to adjust the repetition frequency from the initial suggested value of 10/f0.) Next, measure the period Td of the damped oscillation, calculate 1/Td, and compare with fd of Step C3. Finally, justify the waveform for the response v2 using physical insight.
Impulse Response:
Frequency Response:
To investigate this type of response we still use the circuit of Fig. 8, except that we change the waveform generator settings so that v1 is now a sinusoidal signal with a constant peak amplitude of 1 V, 0-V DC, and variable frequency f. You can measure f by (a) reading the frequency setting on the waveform generator, or (b) by measuring the period T with the oscilloscope and then computing f = 1/T, or (c) by using a frequency meter from the stockroom. It is up to each group to decide which method to pursue, and to justify your choice in the final report. No matter which method you use, your data must always be expressed in the form f f, as mentioned above. C10: Find the value of R , and, hence, of Rp, that results in Q = 5 in the circuit of Fig. 8 Then, using Eqs. (10) and (11), calculate fL, fH, and the bandwidth BW. As usual, express your results in the form X X. S11: Using PSpice, along with the component values of Steps M1 and C10, generate the Bode Plots of the circuit of Fig. 8. Then, using the cursor facility of PSpice, estimate fL and fH, first as the -3-dB frequencies on the magnitude plot, then as the 45o frequencies on the phase plot. Compare the resulting values of fL, fH, and BW against those of Step C10, and account for possible differences. M12: While monitoring v2 with the oscilloscope, vary the waveform generators frequency f until v2
Fig. 8 Circuit to investigate the impulse and frequency responses across Rp. reaches its maximum, and record the value of f. This is the experimental value of f0 (express it in the form f0 f0). Compare with the calculated value of Step C2. Do they agree within their respective uncertainties? Account for possible differences! Also, how does the maximum amplitude of v2 compare with the amplitude of v1? Justify via suitable voltage-divider calculations! M13: Vary the waveform generators frequency f until the amplitude of v2 is down to 70.7% of its maximum as found in Step M12. There are two such frequencies, namely, fL and fH. How do they compare with the calculated values of Step C10. Do they agree within their respective uncertainties? M14: Repeat Step M13, except that now we shall find fL and fH as the 45o frequencies. For phase measurements, use Channel 1 and Channel 2 of the oscilloscope for input and output. Which of the methods of estimating fL and fH do you think is the most and which the least dependable, and why? M15: Verify experimentally the following important properties:
For f << f0, increasing f by a factor of 10 increases amplitude also by a factor of 10, this being the reason why it is said that the slope of the magnitude curve is +20 dB/dec there. For f >> f0, increasing f by a factor of 10 decreases amplitude also by a factor of 10, this being the reason why the slope of the magnitude curve is said to be -20 dB/dec there.
M16: Interchange Rp and C so that we are back to the circuit of Fig. 7, to observe the response across C. Find the value of R that results in Q = 1/ 2 = 0.707, and hence adjust Rp accordingly. Then, by suitably varying the waveform generators frequency f while leaving amplitude and DC offset unchanged, find experimentally the following:
The -3-dB frequency f-3dB The low-frequency amplitude of v2 The amplitude of v2 at 10f-3dB and 100f-3dB
C17: Using the data of Step M16, construct the experimental magnitude Bode plot of the response across the capacitor. Hence, justify the designation second-order low-pass response. What is the slope for f >> f0, in dB/dec? S18: Using PSpice, plot the magnitude response across C. Then, compare with the plot of Step C17, and account for possible difference.