Autism Social Skills Profile Scott Bellini
Autism Social Skills Profile Scott Bellini
Autism Social Skills Profile Scott Bellini
Childs Name: __________________________________________________ Todays Date: __________________________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________________________________________ School: __________________________________________________ rade: __________________________________________________ District: __________________________________________________ !erson com"letin# this "rofile: ______________________________________ $elationshi" to the child: ______________________________________ !lease chec% a ratin# (Ne&er, Sometimes, 'ften, (ery 'ften) that )est re"resents the childs demonstration of the s%ill in the last * months+ Skill Area Never Sometimes Often Very Often Comments 1 2 3 4 ,n&ites "eers to -oin her.him in acti&ities /oins in acti&ities 0ith "eers Ta%es t1rns d1rin# #ames and acti&ities 2aintains "ersonal hy#iene ,nteracts 0ith "eers d1rin# 1nstr1ct1red acti&ities ,nteracts 0ith "eers d1rin# str1ct1red acti&ities 3s%s 41estions to re41est information a)o1t a "erson 3s%s 41estions to re41est information a)o1t a to"ic 5n#a#es in 6:6 social interactions 0ith "eers ,nteracts 0ith #ro1"s of "eers 2aintains the #i&e7and7ta%e of con&ersations 58"resses sym"athy for others Tal%s a)o1t or ac%no0led#es the interests of others $eco#ni9es the facial e8"ressions of others $eco#ni9es the non&er)al c1es or )ody lan#1a#e of others 6