Sources of Knowledge

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TOK - Informal Journal Entry

7. Which sources of knowledge- books, web sites, the media, personal

experience, authorities or some other- do you consider most
trustworthy, and why?

There are many sources of knowledge, some of the main sources include:
books, the Internet, the media, personal experience and authorities. Among
the sources mentioned above, all except personal experience are known as
second-hand knowledge. This means that the knowledge is obtained
through others’ research and observations. It is a way of sharing knowledge.
Although all these sources are commonly used and are important they have
limitations and should not just be accepted as it may not be true knowledge
as it may not be justified. Because of this, some sources are more
trustworthy than others.
One of the most common sources of knowledge is through books. Books
are usually very trustworthy as experts write them and have knowledge on
that specific subject matter. They are authorities on the subject. Although,
we should not always rely on what the experts say as it may not always be
true. For example, in science, new discoveries are being made everyday thus
the “knowledge” we thought to have had on the subject is wrong and is
therefore not knowledge. For Campbell Biology one might want to trust the
newer editions, as the knowledge will be more valuable than an older
Other common source is the Internet. We all use it but it is not as
trustworthy as a book. Wikipedia, allows anyone to write and edit the pages.
Therefore how can we know that this new knowledge is true? As well, many
sites created today are not generally written by experts and could therefore
be false. There is no control over what is written. As well, people judge the
reliability of a site based on its appearance. How do we know that the most
trustworthy sites are the ones that look good? We don’t. Therefore the
Internet is not a very trustworthy source of knowledge.
The media can be a trustworthy source and could also be one of the least
trustworthy sources. This all depends on the types of media. If the media
consists of celebrity gossip then how do we know its true? Usually, the goal
of this type of media is to attract the attention of the viewers. If we are
talking about news media, this source of knowledge is generally trustworthy.
But, we should be aware that there usually is some bias in the stories
presented to us.
Personal experience differs from these other sources of knowledge, as it
is not second-hand knowledge but the original source of knowledge. Even
though this knowledge is gained through own personal experience it is not
trustworthy by itself. Combined with knowledge obtained by others this
knowledge becomes the most trustworthy of all the sources.

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