Haram and Halal E Codes

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haram and halal E codes

salam2: E codes ingredients E codes are codes sometimes found on food labels in the European Union (GB, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, ortugal, etc!" #he code indicates an ingredient $hich is some type of food additi%e! #he E indicates that it is a &European Union appro%ed& food additi%e! If you ne%er sa$ one before, probably you don't li%e in the European Union! (ther countries ha%e different food labelling la$s! E%en inside the EU, sometimes they use the code, sometimes they still $rite the $ord! )alal: )alal is a *uranic term $hich means allo$ed or la$ful! )alal foods and drin+s are permitted for consumption by ,llah-the Supreme .a$ Gi%er! Eating )alal is obligatory on e%ery /uslim! )aram: )aram is a *uranic term $hich means prohibited or unla$ful! )aram foods and drin+s are absolutely prohibited by ,llah! Eating )aram is forbidden for e%ery /uslim! /ushbooh: /ushbooh is an ,rabic term $hich means suspected and co%er a grey area bet$een )alal and )araam! If one does not +no$ the )alal or )arm status of a particular food or drin+, such a food or drin+ is doubtful! , practicing /uslims pre%ents himself from consuming doubtful things! (ther $ords you may come across are /a+rooh meaning 0religiously discouraged1 or 0disli+ed1 and 2habiha meaning 0slaughtered according to Islamic method1! E 3odes: E455 3urcumin, turmeric 63olouring7 halal E454 8ibofla%in (9itamin B2", formerly called lactofla%in (9itamin G" 63olouring7 6li+ely to be G/7 mushbooh E454a 8ibofla%in-:'- hosphate 63olouring7 6li+ely to be G/7 mushbooh E452 #artra;ine 63olouring7 6possible allergic reaction7 halal E45< 3hrysoine 8esorcinol 63olouring7 = E45> *uinoline ?ello$ 63olouring7 6possible allergic reaction7 halal E45: Fast ?ello$ ,B 63olouring7 = E45@ 8ibofla%in-:-Sodium hosphate 63olouring7 mushbooh E45A ?ello$ 2G 63olouring7 = E445 Sunset ?ello$ F3F, (range ?ello$ S 63olouring7 halal

E444 (range GGB 63olouring7 = E425 3ochineal, 3arminic acid, 3armines 63olouring7 6animal origin7 haram E424 (rcein, (rchil 63olouring7 = E422 3armoisine, ,;orubine 63olouring7 halal E42< ,maranth 63olouring7 halal E42> onceau >8, 3ochineal 8ed ,, Brilliant Scarlet >8 63olouring7 halal E42: Scarlet GB 63olouring7 = E42@ onceau @8 63olouring7 = E42A Erythrosine 63olouring7 halal E42C 8ed 2G 63olouring7 halal E42D ,llura 8ed ,3 63olouring7 halal E4<5 Indanthrene blue 8S 63olouring7 = E4<4 atent Blue 9 63olouring7 halal E4<2 Indigo carmine, Indigotine 63olouring7 halal E4<< Brilliant Blue F3F 63olouring7 halal E4>5 3hlorophylls and 3hlorophyllins: (i" 3hlorophylls (ii" 3hlorophyllins 63olouring7 haram E4>4 3opper compleEes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins (i" 3opper compleEes of chlorophylls (ii" 3opper compleEes of chlorophyllins 63olouring7 haram E4>2 Greens S 63olouring7 6possible allergic reaction7 halal E4:5a lain 3aramel 63olouring7 6li+ely to be G/7 halal E4:5b 3austic sulphite caramel 63olouring7 6li+ely to be G/7 halal E4:5c ,mmonia caramel 63olouring7 6li+ely to be G/7 halal E4:5d Sulphite ammonia caramel 63olouring7 6li+ely to be G/7 halal E4:4 Blac+ B, Brilliant Blac+ BB 63olouring7 halal

E4:2 Blac+ ADC> 63olouring7 = E4:< 3arbon blac+, 9egetable carbon 63olouring7 6li+ely to be G/7 mushbooh E4:> Bro$n FF, Fipper Bro$n 63olouring7 halal E4:: Bro$n )#, 3hocolate bro$n )# 63olouring7 halal E4@5a ,lpha-carotene, Beta-carotene, Gamma-carotene 63olouring7 mushbooh E4@5b ,nnatto, biEin, norbiEin 63olouring7 halal E4@5c 3apsanthin, capsorubin, apri+a eEtract 63olouring7 halal E4@5d .ycopene 63olouring7 6possibly G/7 halal E4@5e Beta-apo-C'-carotenal (3 <5" 63olouring7 halal E4@5f Ethyl ester of beta-apo-C'-carotenic acid (3 <5" 63olouring7 halal E4@4a Fla%oEanthin 63olouring7 mushbooh E4@4b .utein 63olouring7 haram E4@4c 3ryptoaEanthin 63olouring7 6li+ely to be G/7 halal E4@4d 8ubiEanthin 63olouring7 halal E4@4e 9iolaEanthin 63olouring7 halal E4@4f 8hodoEanthin 63olouring7 halal E4@4g 3anthaEanthin 63olouring7 haram E4@2 Beetroot 8ed, Betanin 63olouring7 halal E4@< ,nthocyanins 63olouring7 halal E4A5 3alcium carbonate 63olouring7 halal E4A4 #itanium dioEide 63olouring7 halal E4A2 Iron oEides and hydroEides 63olouring7 halal E4A< ,luminium 63olouring7 halal E4A> Sil%er 63olouring7 halal

E4A: Gold 63olouring7 halal E4C5 igment 8ubine, .ithol 8ubine BF 63olouring7 halal E4C4 #annin = E255 Sorbic acid 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E254 Sodium sorbate 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E252 otassium sorbate 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E25< 3alcium sorbate 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E245 Ben;oic acid 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E244 Sodium ben;oate 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E242 otassium ben;oate 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E24< 3alcium ben;oate 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E24> Ethyl para-hydroEyben;oate 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E24: Sodium ethyl para-hydroEyben;oate 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E24@ ropyl para-hydroEyben;oate 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E24A Sodium propyl para-hydroEyben;oate 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E24C /ethyl para-hydroEyben;oate 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E24D Sodium methyl para-hydroEyben;oate 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E225 Sulphur dioEide 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E224 Sodium sulphite 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E222 Sodium hydrogen sulphite 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E22< Sodium metabisulphite 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E22> otassium metabisulphite 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E22: Sodium sulphite 6 reser%ati%e7 = E22@ 3alcium sulphite 6 reser%ati%e7 halal

E22A 3alcium hydrogen sulphite 6 reser%ati%e7 6Firming ,gent7 halal E22C otassium hydrogen sulphite 6 reser%ati%e7 = E2<5 Biphenyl, diphenyl 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E2<4 (rthophenyl phenol 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E2<2 Sodium orthophenyl phenol 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E2<< #hiabenda;ole 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E2<> Bisin 6 reser%ati%e7 = E2<: Batamycin, imaracin 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E2<@ Formic acid 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E2<A Sodium formiate 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E2<C 3alcium formiate 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E2<D )eEamethylene tetramine, )eEamine 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E2>5 Formaldehyde 6 reser%ati%e7 = E2>2 2imethyl dicarbonate 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E2>D otassium nitrite 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E2:5 Sodium nitrite 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E2:4 Sodium nitrate, saltpetre 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E2:2 otassium nitrate (Saltpetre" 6 reser%ati%e7 haram E2@5 ,cetic acid 6 reser%ati%e7 6,cidity regulator7 halal E2@4 otassium acetate 6 reser%ati%e7 6,cidity regulator7 halal E2@2 Sodium acetates (i" Sodium acetate (ii" Sodium hydrogen acetate (sodium diacetate" 6 reser%ati%e7 6,cidity regulator7 halal E2@< 3alcium acetate 6 reser%ati%e7 6,cidity regulator7 halal E2@> ,mmonium acetate 6 reser%ati%e7 = E2A5 .actic acid 6 reser%ati%e7 6,cid7 6,ntioEidant7 halal

E2C5 ropionic acid 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E2C4 Sodium propionate 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E2C2 3alcium propionate 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E2C< otassium propionate 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E2C> Boric acid 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E2C: Sodium tetraborate (boraE" 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E2D5 3arbon dioEide 6,cidity regulator7 halal E2D@ /alic acid 6,cid7 6,cidity regulator7 halal E2DA Fumaric acid 6,cidity regulator7 halal E<55 ,scorbic acid (9itamin 3" 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<54 Sodium ascorbate 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<52 3alcium ascorbate 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<5< otassium ascorbate 6,ntioEidant7 = E<5> Fatty acid esters of ascorbic acid (i" ,scorbyl palmitate (ii" ,scorbyl stearate 6,ntioEidant7 mushbooh E<5@ #ocopherol-rich eEtract (natural" 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<5A ,lpha-tocopherol (synthetic" 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<5C Gamma-tocopherol (synthetic" 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<5D 2elta-tocopherol (synthetic" 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<45 ropyl gallate 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<44 (ctyl gallate 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<42 2odecyl gallate 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<4: Erythorbic acid 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<4@ Sodium erythorbate 6,ntioEidant7 halal

E<4A Erythorbin acid 6,ntioEidant7 = E<4C Sodium erythorbin 6,ntioEidant7 = E<4D ButylhydroEinon 6,ntioEidant7 = E<25 Butylated hydroEyanisole (B)," 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<24 Butylated hydroEytoluene (B)#" 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<22 .ecithin 6Emulsifier7 mushboohG halal if it is from soy fat or egg yol+G haram if it is from animal fat

E<2: Sodium lactate 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<2@ otassium lactate 6,ntioEidant7 6,cidity regulator7 halal E<2A 3alcium lactate 6,ntioEidant7 6possibly of animal origin7 halal E<2D /agnesium lactate 6,ntioEidant7 = E<<5 3itric acid 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<<4 Sodium citrates (i" /onosodium citrate (ii" 2isodium citrate (iii" #risodium citrate 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<<2 otassium citrates (i" /onopotassium citrate (ii" #ripotassium citrate 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<<< 3alcium citrates (i" /onocalcium citrate (ii" 2icalcium citrate (iii" #ricalcium citrate 6,cidity regulator7 6Firming ,gent7 halal E<<> #artaric acid (.(H"-" 6,cid7 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<<: Sodium tartrates (i" /onosodium tartrate (ii" 2isodium tartrate 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<<@ otassium tartrates (i" /onopotassium tartrate (cream of tartar" (ii" 2ipotassium tartrate 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<<A Sodium potassium tartrate 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<<C hosphoric acid 6,ntioEidant7 halal E<<D Sodium phosphates (i" /onosodium phosphate (ii" 2isodium phosphate (iii" #risodium phosphate 6,ntioEidant7 mushbooh E<>5 otassium phosphates (i" /onopotassium phosphate (ii" 2ipotassium phosphate (iii" #ripotassium phosphate 6,ntioEidant7 mushbooh

E<>4 3alcium phosphates (i" /onocalcium phosphate (ii" 2icalcium phosphate (iii" #ricalcium phosphate 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 6Firming ,gent7 mushbooh E<>< /agnesium phosphates (i" monomagnesium phosphate (ii" 2imagnesium phosphate 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 = E<:5 Sodium malates (i" Sodium malate (ii" Sodium hydrogen malate 6,cidity regulator7 halal E<:4 otassium malate 6,cidity regulator7 halal E<:2 3alcium malates (i" 3alcium malate (ii" 3alcium hydrogen malate 6,cidity regulator7 halal E<:< /etatartaric acid 6Emulsifier7 halal E<:> 3alcium tartrate 6Emulsifier7 = E<:: ,dipic acid 6,cidity regulator7 halal E<:@ Sodium adipate 6,cidity regulator7 halal E<:A otassium adipate 6,cidity regulator7 halal E<@< Succinic acid 6,cidity regulator7 halal E<@: Sodium fumarate 6,cidity regulator7 = E<@@ otassium fumarate 6,cidity regulator7 = E<@A 3alcium fumarate6,cidity regulator7 = E<A5 I,>-)eptonolactone 6,cidity regulator7 = E<A: Bicotinic acid, Biacin, Bicotinamide 63olour 8etention ,gent7 = E<C5 #riammonium citrate 6,cidity regulator7 halal E<C4 ,mmoniumferrocitrate 6,cidity regulator7 = E<C: 3alcium disodium ethylene diamine tetra-acetate (3alcium disodium E2#," halal E>55 ,lginic acid 6#hic+ener7 6Stabiliser7 6Gelling agent7 6Emulsifier7 halal E>54 Sodium alginate 6#hic+ener7 6Stabiliser7 6Gelling agent7 6Emulsifier7 halal E>52 otassium alginate 6#hic+ener7 6Stabiliser7 6Gelling agent7 6Emulsifier7 halal E>5< ,mmonium alginate 6#hic+ener7 6Stabiliser7 6Emulsifier7 halal

E>5> 3alcium alginate 6#hic+ener7 6Stabiliser7 6Gelling agent7 6Emulsifier7 halal E>5: ropane-4,2-diol alginate ( ropylene glycol alginate" 6#hic+ener7 6Stabiliser7 6Emulsifier7 halal E>5@ ,gar 6#hic+ener7 6Gelling agent7 6Stabiliser7 halal E>5A 3arrageenan 6#hic+ener7 6Stabiliser7 6Gelling agent7 6Emulsifier7 6possible allergic reaction7 halal E>5Aa rocessed eucheuma sea$eed 6#hic+ener7 6Stabiliser7 6Gelling agent7 6Emulsifier7 = E>45 .ocust bean gum (3arob gum" 6#hic+ener7 6Stabiliser7 6Gelling agent7 6Emulsifier7 halal E>42 Guar gum 6#hic+ener7 6Stabiliser7 halal E>4< #ragacanth 6#hic+ener7 6Stabiliser7 6Emulsifier7 halal E>4> ,cacia gum (gum arabic" 6#hic+ener7 6Stabiliser7 6Emulsifier7 halal E>4: Ianthan gum 6#hic+ener7 6Stabiliser7 halal E>4@ Faraya gum 6#hic+ener7 6Stabiliser7 6Emulsifier7 halal E>4A #ara gum 6#hic+ener7 6Stabiliser7 halal E>4C Gellan gum 6#hic+ener7 6Stabiliser7 6Emulsifier7 halal E>25 Sorbitol (i" Sorbitol (ii" Sorbitol syrup 6Emulsifier7 6S$eetener7 6)umectant7 halal E>24 /annitol 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 6S$eetener7 halal E>22 Glycerol 6Emulsifier7 6S$eetener7 6possibly of animal origin7 mushbooh E>2: FonJac (i" FonJac gum (ii" FonJac glucomannane 6Emulsifier7 = E><5 olyoEyethylene (C" stearate 6Emulsifier7 6Stabiliser7 6possible allergic reaction7 haram E><4 olyoEyethylene (>5" stearate 6Emulsifier7 haram E><2 olyoEyethylene (25" sorbitan monolaurate (polysorbate 25" 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E><< olyoEyethylene (25" sorbitan monooleate (polysorbate C5" 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E><> olyoEyethylene (25" sorbitan monopalmitate (polysorbate >5" 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E><: olyoEyethylene (25" sorbitan monostearate (polysorbate @5" 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E><@ olyoEyethylene (25" sorbitan tristearate (polysorbate @:" 6Emulsifier7 6possibly of animal origin7

mushbooh E>>5 ectins (i" pectin (ii" amidated pectin 6Emulsifier7 halal E>>4 Gelatine 6Emulsifier7 6Gelling agent7 6animal origin7 haram E>>2 ,mmonium phosphatides 6Emulsifier7 halal E>>> Sucrose acetate isobutyrate 6Emulsifier7 halal E>>: Glycerol esters of $ood rosins 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E>:5 2iphosphates (i" 2isodium diphosphate (ii" #risodium diphosphate(iii" #etrasodium diphosphate (i%" 2ipotassium diphosphate (%" #etrapotassium diphosphate (%i" 2icalcium diphosphate (%ii" 3alcium dihydrogen diphosphate 6Emulsifier7 halal E>:4 #riphosphates (i" entasodium triphosphate (ii" entapotassium triphosphate 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E>:2 olyphosphates (i" Sodium polyphosphates (ii" otassium polyphosphates (iii" Sodium calcium polyphosphate (i%" 3alcium polyphophates 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E>:D Beta-cyclodeEtrine 6Emulsifier7 = E>@5 3ellulose (i" /icrocrystalline cellulose (ii" o$dered cellulose 6Emulsifier7 halal E>@4 /ethyl cellulose 6Emulsifier7 halal E>@2 Ethyl cellulose 6Emulsifier7 = E>@< )ydroEy propyl cellulose 6Emulsifier7 halal E>@> )ydroEy propyl methyl cellulose 6Emulsifier7 halal E>@: Ethyl methyl cellulose 6Emulsifier7 halal E>@@ 3arboEy methyl cellulose, Sodium carboEy methyl cellulose 6Emulsifier7 halal E>@C 3rosslin+ed sodium carboEymethyl cellulose 6Emulsifier7 = E>@D En;ymically hydrolysed carboEymethylcellulose 6Emulsifier7 = E>A5a Sodium, potassium and calcium salts of fatty acids 6Emulsifier7 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 mushbooh E>A5b /agnesium salts of fatty acids 6Emulsifier7 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 mushbooh E>A4 /ono- and diglycerides of fatty acids (glyceryl monostearate, glyceryl distearate" 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh

E>A2a ,cetic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E>A2b .actic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E>A2c 3itric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E>A2d #artaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E>A2e /ono- and diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E>A2f /iEed acetic and tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E>A< Sucrose esters of fatty acids 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E>A> Sucroglycerides 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E>A: olyglycerol esters of fatty acids 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E>A@ olyglycerol polyricinoleate 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E>AA ropane-4, 2-diol esters of fatty acids, propylene glycol esters of fatty acids 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E>AC .actylated fatty acid esters of glycerol and propane-4 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E>ADb #hermally oEidi;ed soya bean oil interacted $ith mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids 6Emulsifier7 halal E>C4 Sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate 6Emulsifier7 halal E>C2 3alcium stearoyl-2-lactylate 6Emulsifier7 halal E>C< Stearyl tartrate 6Emulsifier7 halal E>D4 Sorbitan monostearate 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E>D2 Sorbitan tristearate 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E>D< Sorbitan monolaurate 6Emulsifier7 halal E>D> Sorbitan monooleate 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E>D: Sorbitan monopalmitate 6Emulsifier7 mushbooh E:55 Sodium carbonates (i" Sodium carbonate (ii" Sodium hydrogen carbonate (Bicarbonate of soda" (iii" Sodium sesKuicarbonate 6,cidity regulator7 68aising ,gent7 halal

E:54 otassium carbonates (i" otassium carbonate (ii" otassium hydrogen carbonate 6,cidity regulator7 halal E:5< ,mmonium carbonates (i" ,mmonium carbonate (ii" ,mmonium hydrogen carbonate 6,cidity regulator7 halal E:5> /agnesium carbonates (i" /agnesium carbonate (ii" /agnesium hydroEide carbonate (syn! /agnesium hydrogen carbonate" 6,cidity regulator7 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 halal E:5A )ydrochloric acid 6,cid7 halal E:5C otassium chloride 6Gelling agent7 6Seasoning7 halal E:5D 3alcium chloride 6SeKuestrant7 6Firming ,gent7 halal E:45 ,mmonium chloride, ammonia solution 6,cidity regulator7 6Impro%ing agent7 halal E:44 /agnesium chloride 6Firming ,gent7 halal E:42 Stannous chloride 6,ntioEidant7 halal E:4< Sulphuric acid 6,cid7 halal E:4> Sodium sulphates (i" Sodium sulphate (ii" Sodium hydrogen sulphate 6,cidity regulator7 halal E:4: otassium sulphates (i" otassium sulphate (ii" otassium hydrogen sulphate 6Seasoning7 halal E:4@ 3alcium sulphate 6SeKuestrant7 6Impro%ing agent7 6Firming ,gent7 halal E:4A ,mmonium sulphate 6Impro%ing agent7 halal E:4C /agnesium sulphate, Epsom salts 6,cidity regulator7 6Firming ,gent7 halal E:4D 3opper sulphate 6 reser%ati%e7 halal E:25 ,luminium sulphate 6Firming ,gent7 halal E:24 ,luminium sodium sulphate 6Firming ,gent7 halal E:22 ,luminium potassium sulphate 6,cidity regulator7 halal E:2< ,luminium ammonium sulphate 6,cidity regulator7 halal E:2> Sodium hydroEide 6,cidity regulator7 halal E:2: otassium hydroEide 6,cidity regulator7 halal E:2@ 3alcium hydroEide 6,cidity regulator7 6Firming ,gent7 halal

E:2A ,mmonium hydroEide 6,cidity regulator7 halal E:2C /agnesium hydroEide 6,cidity regulator7 halal E:2D 3alcium oEide 6,cidity regulator7 6Impro%ing agent7 halal E:<5 /agnesium oEide 6,cidity regulator7 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 halal E:<: Sodium ferrocyanide 6,cidity regulator7 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 halal E:<@ otassium ferrocyanide 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 halal E:<C 3alcium ferrocyanide 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 halal E:>5 2icalcium diphosphate 6,cidity regulator7 6Emulsifier7 halal E:>4 Sodium aluminium phosphate, acidic 6Emulsifier7 halal E:>2 Bone phosphate 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 6animal origin7 haram E:>< 3alcium sodium polyphosphate halal E:>> 3alcium polyphosphate 6Emulsifier7 halal E:>: ,luminium polyphosphate 6Emulsifier7 = E::5 Sodium silicate 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 halal E::4 Silicon dioEide (Silica" 6Emulsifier7 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 halal E::2 3alcium silicate 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 halal E::<a (i" /agnesium silicate (ii" /agnesium trisilicate 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 halal E::<b #alc 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 halal E::> Sodium aluminium silicate 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 halal E::: otassium aluminium silicate 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 halal E::@ 3alcium aluminium silicate 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 halal E::C Bentonite 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 halal E::D ,luminium silicate (Faolin" 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 halal E:A5 Stearic acid (Fatty acid" 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 mushbooh

E:A2 /agnesium stearate, calcium stearate 6Emulsifier7 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 mushbooh E:A> Gluconic acid 6,cidity regulator7 halal E:A: Glucono-delta-lactone 6,cidity regulator7 6SeKuestrant7 halal E:A@ Sodium gluconate 6SeKuestrant7 halal E:AA otassium gluconate 6SeKuestrant7 halal E:AC 3alcium gluconate 6Firming ,gent7 halal E:AD Ferrous gluconate 63olouring7 halal E:C: Ferrous lactate 63olouring7 halal E@25 Glutamic acid 6Fla%our enhancer7 mushbooh E@24 /onosodium glutamate 6Fla%our enhancer7 mushbooh E@22 /onopotassium glutamate 6Fla%our enhancer7 mushbooh E@2< 3alcium diglutamate 6Fla%our enhancer7 mushbooh E@2> /onoammonium glutamate 6Fla%our enhancer7 mushbooh E@2: /agnesium diglutamate 6Fla%our enhancer7 mushbooh E@2@ Guanylic acid 6Fla%our enhancer7 halal E@2A 2isodium guanylate, sodium guanylate 6Fla%our enhancer7 halal E@2C 2ipotassium guanylate 6Fla%our enhancer7 halal E@2D 3alcium guanylate 6Fla%our enhancer7 halal E@<5 Inosinic acid 6Fla%our enhancer7 halal E@<4 2isodium inosinate 6Fla%our enhancer7 6possibly of animal origin7 mushbooh E@<2 2ipotassium inosinate 6Fla%our enhancer7 halal E@<< 3alcium inosinate 6Fla%our enhancer7 halal E@<> 3alcium :'-ribonucleotides 6Fla%our enhancer7 haram E@<: 2isodium :'-ribonucleotides 6Fla%our enhancer7 6possibly of animal origin7 haram

E@<@ /altol 6Fla%our enhancer7 halal E@<A Ethyl maltol 6Fla%our enhancer7 halal E@>5 Glycine and its sodium salt 6Fla%our enhancer7 6possibly of animal origin7 mushbooh ED55 2imethyl polysiloEane 6,nti-foaming agent7 6,nti-ca+ing agent7 halal ED54 Bees$aE, $hite and yello$ 6Gla;ing agent7 6animal origin7 halal ED52 3andelilla $aE 6Gla;ing agent7 halal ED5< 3arnauba $aE 6Gla;ing agent7 6possible allergic reaction7 halal ED5> Shellac 6Gla;ing agent7 6animal origin7 halal ED5: /icrocrystalline $aE 6Gla;ing agent7 = ED5A 3rystalline $aE 6Gla;ing agent7 halal ED45 .-cysteine 6animal origin7 halal ED42 /ontanic acid esters halal ED4< .anolin, sheep $ool grease 6Gla;ing agent7 halal ED4> (Eidi;ed polyethylene $aE 6Gla;ing agent7 halal ED4: Esters of 3olophane 6Gla;ing agent7 halal ED25 .-cysteine hydrochloride 6Impro%ing agent7 6animal origin7 haram ED24 .-cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate 6Impro%ing agent7 6animal origin7 haram ED2> otassium bromate 6Impro%ing agent7 = ED2: 3hlorine 6 reser%ati%e7 6Bleach7 halal ED2@ 3hlorine dioEide 6 reser%ati%e7 6Bleach7 halal ED2Ab 3arbamide 6Impro%ing agent7 halal ED2C Ben;ole peroEide 6Impro%ing agent7 = ED<C ,rgon 6 ac+aging gas7 halal ED<D )elium 6 ac+aging gas7 halal

ED>4 Bitrogen 6 ac+aging gas7 halal ED>2 Bitrous oEide 6 ropellant7 halal ED>C (Eygen 6 ac+aging gas7 halal ED:5 ,cesulfame F 6S$eetener7 halal ED:4 ,spartame 6S$eetener7 halal ED:2 3yclamic acid and its Ba and 3a salts 6S$eetener7 halal ED:< Isomalt 6S$eetener7 halal ED:> Saccharin and its Ba, F and 3a salts 6S$eetener7 halal ED:A #haumatin 6S$eetener7 6Fla%our enhancer7 halal ED:D Beohesperidine 23 6S$eetener7 halal ED@: /altitol (i" /altitol (ii" /altitol syrup 6S$eetener7 6Stabiliser7 6)umectant7 halal ED@@ .actitol 6S$eetener7 6animal origin7 halal ED@A Iylitol 6S$eetener7 halal EDDD *uillaia eEtract 6Foaming ,gent7 halal E445< In%ertase 6Stabiliser7 halal E445: .yso;yme 6 reser%ati%e7 haram E4255 olydeEtrose 6Stabiliser7 6#hic+ening agent7 6)umectant7 63arrier7 halal E4254 oly%inylpyrrolidone 6Stabiliser7 halal E4252 oly%inylpolypyrrolidone 63arrier7 6Stabiliser7 halal E4>55 2eEtrin 6Stabiliser7 6#hic+ening agent7 halal E4>54 /odified starch 6Stabiliser7 6#hic+ening agent7 = E4>52 ,l+aline modified starch 6Stabiliser7 6#hic+ening agent7 halal E4>5< Bleached starch 6Stabiliser7 6#hic+ening agent7 = E4>5> (Eidi;ed starch 6Emulsifier7 6#hic+ening agent7 halal

E4>45 /onostarch phosphate 6Stabiliser7 6#hic+ening agent7 halal E4>42 2istarch phosphate 6Stabiliser7 6#hic+ening agent7 halal E4>4< hosphated distarch phosphate 6Stabiliser7 6#hic+ening agent7 halal E4>4> ,cetylated distarch phosphate 6Emulsifier7 6#hic+ening agent7 halal E4>25 ,cetylated starch, mono starch acetate 6Stabiliser7 6#hic+ening agent7 halal E4>24 ,cetylated starch, mono starch acetate 6Stabiliser7 6#hic+ening agent7 = E4>22 ,cetylated distarch adipate 6Stabiliser7 6#hic+ening agent7 halal E4><5 2istarch glycerine 6Stabiliser7 6#hic+ening agent7 = E4>>5 )ydroEy propyl starch 6Emulsifier7 6#hic+ening agent7 halal E4>>4 )ydroEy propyl distarch glycerine 6Stabiliser7 6#hic+ening agent7 E4>>2 )ydroEy propyl distarch phosphate 6Stabiliser7 6#hic+ening agent7 halal E4>:5 Starch sodium octenyl succinate 6Emulsifier7 6Stabiliser7 6#hic+ening agent7 halal E4>:4 ,cetylated oEidised starch 6Emulsifier7 6#hic+ening agent7 = E4:5: #riethyl citrate 6Foam Stabiliser7 halal E4:45 Ethanon = E4:4C Glyceryl triacetate (triacetin" 6)umectant7 mushbooh E4:25 ropylene glycol 6)umectant7 ropylene glycol=

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