The 3 Sex Position That Guarantee Orgasms

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com The 3 Sex Positions That Guarantee Screaming Orgasms Every Time

The 3 Sex Positions That Guarantee Orgasms...

In this report I am going to share with you 3 positions that drive me and most women CRAZY. These positions are a sure fire way to bring your girl to some of the loudest, most intense orgasms of her life. Most guys, in their struggle to please women never understand the S !TS that a"tually trigger orgasms so they flail around uselessly trying weird se#ual positions that don$t wor%. &n this report &$m going to reveal ' very important things that women %now but never say( )* The Real Orgasm !one an" why what most guys "o #E$ER hit it +* The 3 I"eal Positions to hit that Orgasm !one an" "rive her to screaming% sha&ing orgasms '* '"vance" Sexual Strategies (or Each o) The I"eal Positions *only i) you are loo&ing )or sexual mastery% this stu)) is a +it wil",

The Real Orgasm !one O) ' -oman... 'n" -hy Tra"itional Positions #E$ER .it It/
Many guys %now the feeling of having se# and wondering ,-./ their girl is going to orgasm. &n a futile attempt to get her to "ome you %eep pounding away hoping it will happen. 0ut it never does. The reason is be"ause you are not hitting the 1orgasm 2one1 that "auses us to
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have an orgasm6 Thin% about it li%e this( 7et$s say you burn your hand on the stove. You R.A77Y need to get some "old water. Your friend runs over with a bu"%et of "old water. 0ut, instead of dumping the "old water all over your hand, they dump it all over your 8!!T. You s"ream in agony that you needed "old water on Y!9R -A/: be"ause that is what burned. !bviously the analogy is a bit dramati" and simple but it proves a "ertain point. Yes you need water, but you needed it &/ A C.RTA&/ S !T. 7et me e#plain how this helps tea"h you about female orgasm. She /..:S your penis to have a vaginal orgasm with you inside her. 0ut if your penis isn$t hitting the C.RTA&/ R&;-T S !T its li%e dumping water on your foot when you burned your hand6

/ow let$s tal% about where the 1orgasm 2one1 is inside of her. ;uys don$t reali2e that the a"tual 1orgasm 2one1 is the T! &/S&:. ,A77 of the vagina. This is where the g spot, the deep spot, and all other sensitive orgasm 2ones are lo"ated666 ,hen you are having se# in most positions your penis is going &/ to her not 9 A/: &/ where it will give her an orgasm. Your not even giving yourself a "han"e at giving us an orgasm. -owever, there is hope6 !n"e you learn how to A:A T "ertain positions you will be going 9 A/: &/ and nailing that 1orgasm 2one1 .<.RY T&M.. You "an e#pe"t your lover to start having g spot, deep spot, and maybe even a s=uirting orgasm when you start putting these powerful tri"%s into play6

The 3 I"eal Positions to .it the Orgasm !one an" 0rive .er Over the E"ge
Position 12, ' $ery '"vance" $ersion O) 0oggy Style
,hat you want to do is when you are entering her from behind on the bed you

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want to flatten her out. 0ut, before you flatten her out you want to sti"% a pillow under the lower part of her stoma"h. !n"e you have pillow under her stoma"h >to raise her butt higher* you want to lie down fully flat on top of her. !ften people refer to this position with out the pillow as 1froggy style.1 -owever instead of staying even with her body, move up as high as you "an. The goal of this is so that as you thrust you are hitting the top inside wall of her vagina. The entire point of the pillow and moving up on her is so that you are thrusting down :&R.CT7Y into her 1orgasm 2one.1 As long as you "an last at least ? minutes in this position you are sure to give her an orgasm. .ere3s how to ta&e it to the #E4T 5E$E56 @ if you are doing it right your head should be right above hers putting you in a perfe"t position for some dirty tal%...As long as you feel "omfortable and she is "omfortable you "an throw in some dirty tal% along the lines of( 1you li%e it li%e thisA1, 1you li%e me on top of youA1, 1you have a great ass baby1 .ere3s another secret6 @ you "an use your arms to lightly pin down her arms to show male doing this you are going to in"rease the 1animal primal instin"ts1 that doggy style provides be"ause it shows her that you are totally in "ontrol of whats going on. And one more( @ on"e she has orgasm :!/$T ST! ... she will have an orgasm and thin% she needs a brea%.. however, you "an %eep going lightly and she$ll re"over... and be ready for an even more intense se"ond orgasm. Slowly in"rease your speed and pressure and she$ll "ome again and again and again6

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Position 12, -hat I call the 2 Inches 7igger G spot 8issionary

The missionary position often gets a horrible name. Criti"s "all it boring, plain, and vanilla. -owever, when used the R&;-T ,AY missionary position "an be one of the most intimate, orgasm giving positions there is. & personally 7!<. missionary for the intima"y and most women do too6 -ere is how to "hange missionary position to 1+ in"hes bigger g spot missionary1( >note( not only does it hit the spot, it also ma%es you feel + in"hes bigger inside of her due to the 1angle of the dangle1* ,hat you want to do is ta%e a normal missionary position and adapt it to hit the 1orgasm 2one.1 -ere is what to do( 2, again use a pillow >or two depending on physi"al proportions* under her lower ba"% but this time in missionary position 2, start inside of her in missionary and s"oop under her legs and put them on your shoulders 3, now pla"e your hands under her lower ba"% between her and the pillow 9, lift her up so that as you thrust in to her again you are thrusting 9 A/: &/ and hitting the top of her vagina6 >note( the entire reason you have the pillow is so that you don$t have to support her entire lower body weight with your hands* :, thrust up and in and the position that you have her in is sure to trigger an ama2ing orgasm

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.ere3s how to ta&e it to the #E4T 5E$E56 &f you have the fle#ibility lean forward and %iss her while you are inside of her. :ue to the "lose physi"al "onta"t with her >legs on shoulders A/: hands around her lower ba"%Cass* it is a very intimate position and adding in %issing ma%es it highly emotional. &f you are a guy that li%es roman"e >li%e women do6* then you "an also tell her how mu"h you li%e >or love her* and that she is your girl. This position is often a girl$s favorite.

Position 13, This Position Is Seate" Girl On Top -ith .er 5eaning 7ac&
7et me e#plain... !ften your lover will "limb on top and show that she wants to ride you for a bit. The reason she is trying to do this is be"ause is instin"tively trying to position herself so that you are thrusting 9 A/: in66 ,ith a few simple adaptions to 1girl on top1 you "an let her ta%e "ontrol while you lean ba"% and wat"h her orgasm666 -ow to do it( 2, sit down in "hair or sofa >not on bed* and have her get on top fa"ing you 2, have her put her feet forward on the outside of your body 3, tell her it would be really se#y to see her lean ba"% 9, as she leans ba"% and start riding you thrust straight up..due to the positioning you will a"tually be thrusting 9 and &/

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:, lean ba"% on the "hair or sofa and wat"h her ride you to orgasm666 .ere3s how to ta&e it to the #E4T 5E$E56 As she is riding you, rea"h forward and stro%e her "lit in a light "ir"ular she is getting stimulation on the inside 1orgasm 2one1 and the e#ternal 1orgasm 2one1. 7eware6 She will come ;uic&ly/ /ow that you have learned ,-Y normal positions don$t give women orgasms and you have the %nowledge as to ,-AT :!.S ;&<. -.R !R;ASMS. Ta%e "onfiden"e in that fa"t that if you use D9ST !/. of these positions you$ll be blowing her mind in a way that no other man ever has6
Shawna www+;irlsTea"hSe#."om

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