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Math Lesson2

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Lesson Plan

Subject:___Math____________________Topic:__Coins____________________ Unit:__Money_______________________Grade:__3/4_____________________ Learning Outcomes:

Math Develop Number Sense: 3.N.2. Represent and describe numbers to 1000, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically: 3.N.8. Apply estimation strategies to predict sums and differences of two 2-digit numerals in a problem-solving context: 4.N.9. Describe and represent decimals (tenths and hundredths), concretely, pictorially, and symbolically: 4.N.11. Demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of decimals (limited to hundredths) by: using compatible numbers, estimating sums and differences, and using mental math strategies to solve problems: ELA 1.1.1. Express ideas 1.1.2. Consider others ideas 2.1.2. Comprehension strategies 3.1.3. Contribute to group inquiry 3.3.5. Make sense of information 5.2.1. Cooperate with others

Assessment (for, as, of) Learning:

Formative: Observation as students listen and discuss poem. Summative: Worksheet with questions based on poem will be taken in for completion marks.

Connection to Last Lesson:

Last lesson students filled in a sheet with all the information they knew about money. This lesson will further their understanding of Canadian coins and their value.

Flexible Groupings:
Group: The students will read and discuss the poem as a class. Partner: Students will find their clock partner and answer math questions based on the poem.

Individual: Students will answer the last three questions individually.

Activating Strategies: Preparing for Learning

Students will be asked to brainstorm and write down everything they know about coins. Teacher can write this on the white board as a class. Next they will be shown the poem Smart by Shel Silverstein and asked to predict what it is about. It will be shown on the Smartboard and also given to them on paper after they have shared a few predictions.

Acquiring Strategies: Integrating and Processing Learning

The poem will handed out and read aloud to students as a whole class. Students will have time to discuss the poem and then re-read the poem together chorally. During the reread of the poem the teacher can pick one students to act out the parts of the poem with fake coins. One student can be the son, dad, Lou, Bates and Hiram Coombs. Each will have the coin and specific amount to trade with the son. One student from each of the five tables can be picked to do this. The dad and the son can start at the front of the class room. The son will move from each table swapping his coins to end back at the front with the student who is the dad.

Applying Strategies: Consolidating Learning

Students will answer questions based on the poem. They will have to represent the value of the money in the poem in pictorial and written form. They can do this in their clock partner. The last three questions are to further their understanding and thinking of the poem will be done individually.

Learning Resources:
Silverstein, Shel. Where the Sidewalk Ends. New York: Harper Collins. 1974. Print. Smart Worksheet: www.busyteacherscafe.com/worksheets/smart. Pencils and erasers Play money/coins

Differential Methods: Learning Styles, Thinking Styles, Multiple Intelligences

Auditory Visual Intrapersonal Interpersonal Mathematical/Logical

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