We Are Muslims Wherever We Are by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (Rahmatullah Alayh)

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We are Muslims wherever we are by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah alayh)

Wherever you go, the Hukm (Order) of Allah Taala accompanies you. There are so many ho, hen in their home!to n, ill "e recogni#ed as $deendaar, performing % times &alaah, daily, in 'amaat and even standing in the first &aff, earing the dressing of the pious, etc. (Ho ever, hen traveling on holiday, &alaah is left at home, the dressing of a )uslim is left at home, the Ta* a is also left at home. ...That hich offers us protection is left "ehind. The person ill "e on the plane, atching the films or cartoons, or admiring and even flirting ith the air!hostesses. When at the holiday destination, he is sometimes at cinemas, or taking a $survey of casinos or even trying his luck on slot machines. Adding to all that spiritual harm and damage, the person freely allo s his ife and children to dress as they ant, go here they ant to and do as they ant + "ecause they are on holiday. ,nna -illahi a inna ilayhi ra./ioon. This is a clear indication of eakness of faith, and hypocrisy of all that e pro/ect. We should fear Allah Taala. Holidays do not mean e thro ,slam out of the indo . 0eing on holiday does not give any licence to diso"ey Allah Taala. ,slam is for every moment and every "reath of life. We are )uslims herever e are.

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