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The Hobbit Questions

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Name: Date: Section: Reading Heading: Chapter 2: "Roast Mutton" of The Hobbit by J.R.R.

Tolkien Directions: Answer each question with complete sentences and with evidence from the novel. 1. Explain how Bilbos feeling about the adventure was a contrast to the day before. He now has a feeling of curiosity and excitement for the adventure and doesnt think that adventures are so bad after all. and yet in a way he could not help feeling just a trifle disappointed. The feeling surprised him. 2. Why didn't Bilbo find the note which the dwarves had left for him until Gandalf appeared? He hadnt dusted his mantelpiece in a very long time so the note was covered with dust and Bilbo couldnt see it under the clock. 3. Why do you think the wizard disappeared? He disappeared because he wanted the Hobbit and dwarves to fend for themselves for a while without his help. Also, he may have had other important business to attend to. 4. What are the troubles that happen on the first night of their adventure? (list a few) It starts raining and all of their gear (food, clothes, etc.) gets washed away and ruined. One of the ponies spooks and takes off with most of their food and gear and there are no dry places for them to sleep. 5. What do the dwarves send Bilbo off to do? They send him off to find out about the curious light. 6. What kind of characters are the trolls? What are they eating? Explain how Bilbo knew they were trolls. The trolls are large, stupid characters who speak poorly and fight a lot with each other. They are eating mutton (sheep). Bilbo knows they are trolls because have heavy faces, enormous size, and have a shape to their legs, and their language was not drawing-room fashion at all. 7. What deal does Bilbo try to make with the trolls? He tells him he will cook them breakfast if they let him live and do not cook him. Ill cook beautifully for you, a perfectly beautiful breakfast for you, if only you wont have me for supper. 8. Determine and explain if Bilbo proved to be a good burglar in his attempt to pick the pocket of the troll. What happens as a result of him trying to pick pocket them? Provide evidence from the text that supports your answer. Bilbo did not prove to be a good burglar because he pick-pockets the troll, but then gets caught. The trolls want to cook him for dinner and they start fighting.

9. Why doesnt Bilbo escape the trolls? What happens to the dwarves as a result of his staying? Bilbo doesnt escape because after the trolls start fighting, he lays on the ground because his foot hurts and he is tired. That would have been the time for Bilbo to have left. But his poor little feelt had been very squashed in Berts big paw, and he had no breath left in his bodyhe lay there for a while panting, just outside the circle of firelight. The dwarves rush to where the trolls and Bilbo are because they hear all this racket and they are each sacked and bagged by the trolls because of Bilbo staying with them. 10. What kind of characteristics does Bilbo have when he faces the trolls Baggins or Tookish? What kind of characteristics does Thorin have when he faces the trolls Baggins or Tookish? Explain. Bilbo = Baggins because he is so frightened and not very smart (doesnt run when he gets the chance) Thorin = Tookish because he is brave enough to face the trolls and tries to kill them even after he gets bagged. 11. How do Bilbo and the dwarves get away? Who helps and what happens to the trolls? They get away because Gandalf comes and keeps whispering things to keep the trolls fighting with one another. They fight so long that the sun comes up and the trolls turn to stone (cannot be in the daylight). 12. What do the dwarves, Bilbo, and Gandalf steal from the trolls lair? Gandalf and Thorin take swords and Bilbo takes a knife (which is as big as a sword to little Bilbo). They all carried out pots of coins, and barrels of food. They also took away pots of gold. 13. Why do you think that the dwarves, Bilbo, and Gandalf do not take the gold with them that they find at the trolls lair? What do they do with it? It is too heavy to carry with them on the ponies and will only slow them down in their journey. They take the pots of gold and bury them secretly next to the track and said spells over them to protect them so they can grab the gold on their way back from the mountain (if they make it). 14. Why did Gandalf leave them and then come back? What did he discover while he was gone? He left to check the passage ahead and to gather up supplies for them. He met friends along the way. Gandalf says, I went out to spy out our road. It will soon become dangerous and more difficult. Also I was anxious about replenishing our small sock of provisions. Gandalf states, I met two of Elronds peopleI immediately had the feeling that I was wanted back.

Name: Date: Section: Reading Heading: Chapter 3: "A Short Rest" of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien Directions: Answer each question with complete sentences and with evidence from the novel. 1. As they set out from the trolls cave, the party sees a mountain in the distance. What mountains are they heading into? Misty Mountains 2. Where is Gandalf taking them? Gandalf is taking them to the fair valley of Rivendell where Elrond lives in the Last Homely House. 3. Explain why Rivendell was so difficult to locate. There seemed to be no trees and no valleys and no hills to break the ground in front of them, only one vast slope going slowly up and up to meet the feet of the nearest mountain, a wide land the colour of heather and crumbling rock, with patches and slashes of grassgreen and moss-green showing where water might be. 4. What is an elf-friend? An elf-friend is one of those people whose fathers came into the strange stories before the beginning of History, the wars of the evil goblins and the elves and the first men in the Northhad both elves and heroes for ancestors. Elrond is their chief. 5. Analyze the character of Elrond and his importance to the story. What did Bilbo and the dwarves learn about him? He was as noble and as fair in the face as an elf-lord, as strong as a warrior, as wise as a wizard, as venerable as a king of dwarves and as kind as summer. He is important because he will reveal the significance of the treasure they stole from the trolls and help describe their map and reads the moon-letters. 6. What is the atmosphere of Elronds house? What is it like there? His house was perfect, where you liked food, or sleep, or work, or story-telling, or singing, or just sitting and thinking best, or a pleasant mixture of them all. Evil things did not come into that valley. 7. What does Elrond tell Gandalf, Thorin and Bilbo about the weapons they have taken from the troll cave? These are not troll-make. They are old swords...of the High Elves they must have come from a dragons hoard or goblin plunder... He also tells Gandalf and Thorin that their swords are famous and to take good care of them. 8. Describe the moon-letters. What significance do they hold?

Moon-letters are rune-letters, but you cannot see themonly can be seen when the moon shines behind them and must be a moon of the same shape and season as the day when they were written. The dwarves invented them with silver pens The significance that they hold is that when the party stands by the grey stone when the thrush knocks, the setting sun with the last light of Durins Day will shine upon the key-hole of the secret passage (door) on the side of Misty Mountain. 9. What is Durins Day? Durins Day is the first day of the dwarves New Year.its the first day of the last moon of Autumn on the threshold of Winter. We still call it Durins day when the last moon of Autumn and the sun are in the sky together. 10. How do the dwarves, Bilbo, and Gandalf feel when they leave Elronds house the next morning? Their hearts are ready for more adventure and they feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready with knowledge of the road they must follow over the Misty Mountains to the land beyond.

Name: Date: Section: Reading Heading: Chapter 4: "Over Hill and Under Hill" of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien Directions: Answer each question with complete sentences and with evidence from the novel. 1. On the first page, find a description/quote (with page number) that points to the Baggins side of Bilbo. Bilbo knew there lay his own country of safe and comfortable things, and his little hobbit-hole. He shivered (page 55/page 64). 2. Where does the party take shelter in the mountains during the storm? Under a hanging rock and then in a dry cave. 3. How was the storm different from storms you may have been in? Who do they see out in the rain? It was more like a thunder-battle than a thunder storm. There was wind and hail in every direction. Giants were out in the rain hurling rocks at one another and then catching them and tossing them down into the darkness where they smashed amongst the trees below. 4. Explain why Fili and Kili go to look for better shelter. Why did the wizard ask them if they had thoroughly searched the cave? They had very sharp eyes and being the youngest of the dwarves by some fifty years, they usually got these sorts of jobs. He asks them because he wants to make sure there is nothing else in the cave living there. 5. Find an example of foreshadowing on page 59 (green book)/ page 68 (tan book). Quote it from the text. And that was the last time that they used the ponies, packages, baggages, tools and paraphernalia that they had brought with them. 6. Why is Bilbo able to warn the others with a yell about the goblin attack? He couldnt really sleep because he was having bad dreams, so he woke up with a start to one of his terrible dreams and saw the ponies running down into the cave and saw the goblins approaching the group. 7. The goblins captured Bilbo and the dwarves but Gandalf escaped. Explain, why wasn't he captured? Bilbos yell had woken up Gandalf in enough time for him to escape. When the goblins came to grab him, there was a terrific flash like lightning in the cave, a smell like gunpowder, and several of them fell dead. 8. Describe the ways the goblins treat their captives. Explain what you have learned about the goblins. They whip them and chain them. They sometimes had alliances with dwarves but they hated Thorins people because of the war in Moria.

9. What lie does Thorin tell the Great Goblin about the reason they are on their journey? We were on a journey to visit our relatives, our nephews and nieces, and descendents of our grandparents 10. Explain the Great Goblins reaction when he discovered the sword. What does the sword represent? The Great Goblin is angry and upset because the sword represents the dagger that killed most of the goblins in the Great Goblin War between Thorins people and the goblins. 11. How does Gandalf save the group this time? Gandalf turns off the lights with his wand and kills the Great Goblin with his sword. They all start to run from the goblins. 12. Explain what made it possible for the goblins to sneak up on the dwarves again. The goblins stop and put on soft shoes so that their footsteps will not be heard by the group. 13. How does Bilbo get separated from the rest of the group as they escape? Quite suddenly Dori, now at the back again carrying Bilbo, was grabbed from behind in the dark. He shouted and fell; and the hobbit rolled off his shoulders into the blackness, bumped his head on hard rock, and remembered nothing more.

Name: Date: Section: Reading Heading: Chapter 5: "Riddles in the Dark" of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien Directions: Answer each question with complete sentences and with evidence from the novel. 1. What does Bilbo find in the cave in the beginning of the chapter? Bilbo finds a gold ring on the ground. 2. What special characteristics do hobbits have? (List all of them that are included on pg. 70 in the book). Hobbits are sneaky and can be very quiet. They heal from wounds wonderfully and recover easily. They have a fund of wisdom and wise sayings. 3. Who is Gollum? Describe him, his cave, and how he manages to survive there. Gollum is a small, slimy creature who dwells in a cave. He has a pale face with two round eyes. He manages to survive in the cave because he eats fish and meat and he goes hunting for these things frequently. 4. What deal does Bilbo make with Gollum on page 73? The deal Bilbo makes with Gollum is to play a riddle game with him. If Bilbo wins, Gollum will show him the way out of the cave. If Gollum wins, Gollum gets to kill and eat Bilbo. 5. What does my precious refer to? My precious refers to Gollum (himself). He has a split personality and he thinks he is talking to someone, when in fact, he is talking to himself. 6. Make an evaluation if you believe the riddles are difficult. Are they good riddles? Why or why not? Answers will vary. 7. What does my birthday present refer to? What is so special about this birthday present? My birthday present refers to the gold ring. What is special about it is that if a person puts it on, the ring will make that person invisible. 8. Describe how Gollum reacts when he couldn't find the ring. What was he afraid of? Gollum starts to freak out and yell and look for it frantically. He is afraid that someone else found it/stole it and now will use its powers. 9. What happens to Bilbo when he slips on the ring? Bilbo turns invisible when he slips the ring on to his finger. 10. How did Gollum guess that Bilbo had the ring?

Gollum guesses because he comes back to find Bilbo and Bilbo disappears. 11. Explain how Bilbo discovers his way out of the cave. Bilbo is invisible and follows Gollum (without him knowing) to the secret back exit out of the cave. 12. Who does Bilbo run into when hes on his way out of the cave? Summarize what happens on pages 88-90 with AT LEAST THREE complete sentences. Bilbo runs into the goblins on the way out of the cave. The ring accidentally slips off of his finger and they see Bilbo for an instant and start to chase him. He then sees the exit and slips through the crack of the door (just before the goblins close it) and loses his buttons of his jacket on the way out. 13. Find an example of the Tookish side of Bilbo on page 87. Quote the passage from the text (word for word with quotation symbols). All these thoughts passed in a flash of a second. He trembled. And then quite suddenly in another flash, as if lifted by a new strength and resolve, he leaped (page 87). Bilbo leaps over Gollum and runs to the exit of the cave.

Name: Date: Section: Reading Heading: Chapter 6: "Out of the Frying-Pan Into the Fire" of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien Directions: Answer each question with complete sentences and with evidence from the novel. 1. Bilbo overhears his friends talking; explain how the wizard feels about Bilbo. The wizard believes Bilbo to be his friend and not a bad little chap. I feel responsible for him. I wish to goodness you had not lost him. 2. What trick does Bilbo play on the dwarves when he catches up to them? He doesnt reveal himself (hes invisible) to the dwarves and Gandalf while theyre talking. Then, he takes off the ring, and sneaks up on them and surprises them. They now think him to be a good burglar. 3. Determine why you think Bilbo did not tell his friends about the magic ring. He didnt tell them about the magic ring because he doesnt know enough about it yet. Also, the dwarves think him to be sneaky because of his natural abilities and he doesnt want them to know that the magic ring is the thing that is making him appear to be sneaky and a good burglar. 4. How did the dwarves and Gandalf make it out of the cave? Gandalf visited Elrond in the meantime and found a secret, new passage way where the dwarves and (where Bilbo escaped out of) and he came back and got the dwarves and took them through that secret pass using his magical powers. 5. Evaluate what the wizard thought about the rock slide that carried them down the mountain. Gandalf proclaims, Well! That has got us on a bit and even goblins tracking us will have a job to come down here quietly. He thinks that the rock slide carried them on quicker and made it more difficult for the goblins to follow them quietly and carefully. 6. "Escaping goblins to be caught by wolves," said the hobbit. How does this explain the chapter title? It became a proverb, though we now say, out of the frying-pan into the fire in the same sort of uncomfortable situations. They escaped terrible goblins only to face even more terrible wolves.

7. Where do the dwarves and Gandalf hide from the wolves? Who helps Bilbo? They all hide in the trees. Bilbo cant climb or reach the branches so Dori climbs down and picks up Bilbo and hoists him onto his back and then Bilbo gets onto a branch. 8. What are Wargs? Wargs are evil wolves over the edge of the Wild. They cannot climb trees.

9. Who joins the Wargs against Bilbo and the dwarves? Why do they join them? The Goblins join the Wargs because Bilbo and the dwarves killed the Great Goblin and they are angry and they want revenge. Also, they are allies with the Wargs. 10. How does Gandalf make the Wargs angry? Gandalf was setting pine-cones on fire (different magical colors of fire) and throwing them down at the wolves/Wargs to burn them and set them on fire. The Wargs are getting annoyed and angry about dodging them and not being able to get to the dwarves, Bilbo, and Gandalf. 11. Provide a detailed explanation as to how the party managed to escape the Wargs, the evil wolves, and the Goblins. How did Bilbo feel about Gandalf's rescue? All of the eagles sweep down and grab each dwarf and Bilbo in their talons and fly them away from the Wargs and goblins. Bilbo is worried at first that Gandalf was captured by the Lord of the Eagles, but then sees that Gandalf and the Lord of the Eagles are friendly with one another. 12. Why is the Lord of the Eagles willing to help Gandalf, even though we are told that Eagles do not normally like people and stay away from them? He is willing to help Gandalf because Gandalf had once rendered a service to the eagles and healed their lord from an arrow-wound (page 110).

Name: Date: Section: Reading Heading: Chapter 7: "Queer Lodgings" of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien Directions: Answer each question with complete sentences and with evidence from the novel. 1. Find an example of foreshadowing on page 113. Quote it word for word from the text. Bilbo never saw them again except high and far off in the battle of Five Armies. But as that comes in at the end of this tale we will say no more about it just now. 2. What large formation do the eagles take the party to? The great rock Carrock, that belongs to the somebody Gandalf speaks of. 3. List AT LEAST SEVEN major details that you learned about Beorn (including what his home looks like). Strong, skin-changer, sometimes a huge man with black hair, sometimes a huge black bear, he keeps cattle and horses that serve him and speak to him, he has a wooden-house, owns many fierce bee hives, and he is very short-tempered and rude. His home has a dim hall with a lit fire and a hole above it. It faced south and was warmed by the sun and he has a garden full of flowers up to the steps. He has sheep and horses serve him in his home. 4. Describe Gandalfs plan for approaching Beorn for help. Come inside the house only in pairs Gandalf and Bilbo will go first and come five minutes apart, Bombur will have to go alone and last. They didnt want to overwhelm Beorn. 5. Does Gandalfs plan work? How do you know? Yes, the plan works because the author states, The interruptions had made Beorn more interested in the story, and the story had kept him from sending the dwarves off at once like suspicious beggars (page 124). 6. What does Bilbo hear outside during the first night at Beorns home? He hears a growling outside, and a noise as of some great animal scuffling at the door (page 128). 7. Explain where Beorn went the night that the adventurers were with him. Why? Beorn went over the river and right back up into the mountains to discover if their stories were true. 8. What help does Beorn give to all of his visitors? He gives them food, skins to carry water, bows, arrows, horses/ponies, and advice. 9. Summarize Beorns advice for the journey with AT LEAST THREE sentences.

His advice is to not drink from the stream in Mirkwood that crosses the path because it will make them forgetful and drowsy. Also, he tells them to never stray from the path and ride fast and to get to Mirkwood in four days. 10. What is the one rule that is emphasized about the partys crossing through Mirkwood? Never stray from the path! 11. Bilbo believes that someone is following them on their journey. Who does he think it is? How do you find out that Bilbo is most likely correct? Bilbo thinks that Beorn is following them. He is most likely correct because Gandalf states, Beorn is not as far off as you seem to think (page 135). 12. What is Mirkwood? And what does the party have to send back to Beorn? Mirkwood is the greatest of the forests of the Northern world. They have to send back the ponies Beorn gave them. 13. What disappointing news does the party receive just before they enter Mirkwood? They learn that Gandalf is leaving them for a little while and he wants Bilbo to help them instead for now. 14. What reason does Gandalf give to as why he is leaving the adventurers? Is it much comfort to the dwarves to have the hobbit help them instead of having the wizard with them? Provide evidence from the text to support your answer. Gandalf says that he has some pressing business to attend to away south; and he is already late bothering with [them] (page 136). It is not much comfort to the dwarves because although they believe Bilbo to be a good burglar, they prefer to have the magic of the wizard protecting them. They are angry at Gandalf. The author states, all the more angry because they were really filled with dismay at losing him (page 138).

Name: Date: Section: Reading Heading: Chapter 8: "Flies and Spiders" of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien Directions: Answer each question with complete sentences and with evidence from the novel. 1. How is the Forest Path described as the party enters Mirkwood?

2. Why were the nights even worse than the days?

3. Summarize how the hobbit was helpful in crossing the river.

4. Explain how Bombur falls into an enchanted sleep. What is the party engaged in when he becomes this way? What had distracted the dwarves, and possibly Bombur too, from what they were doing?

5. How do the dwarves lose all of their arrows?

6. Dramatic irony is when the audience (readers) know something that one or more characters does not. Find an example of dramatic irony on page 149. Quote it word for word from the text (quotation symbols and page number!).

7. Why is Bilbo deceived by what he sees from the top of the very high tree he has climbed?

8. Why do the dwarves and Bilbo disregard Beorns warning and stray from the path?

9. After Gandalf left, who became the leader of the expedition? Infer if this was a positive or negative for the group.

10. As the adventurers ran into the camp, explain why the elvish-looking fold disappeared.

11. Give an explanation as to how Bilbo became separated from the dwarves. Describe how Bilbo managed to escape the giant spiders. Was Bilbo of any help to the dwarves?

12. Give a description of each Tookish/ heroic act Bilbo performed.

13. After keeping the ring a secret from the rest, explain why Bilbo finally decides to tell the dwarves about the magic ring. Why do you think he hesitated to tell the dwarves about the ring?

14. Why was Thorin captured by the Wood-elves?

15. After reading the Chapter, in your opinion, was the Mirkwood evil? Interpret what is meant by evil."

Chapter One: "An Unexpected Party"

The Hobbit Chapter Guides


We are introduced to hobbits and to Bilbo Baggins, a stay-at-home, utterly respectable hobbit with a secret desire for adventure. Bilbo receives a visit from Gandalf the wizard. The next Wednesday Gandalf returns for tea, bringing with him a party of thirteen dwarves led by Thorin Oakenshield. Despite misgivings on both sides, on Gandalf's recommendation the dwarves hire Bilbo as Burglar on an expedition to the Lonely Mountain, where they plan to recover their ancestral treasure from the dragon Smaug. Comprehension Questions 1.What is Gandalf's reputation? 2.What kind of mark does Gandalf put on Bilbo's door? 3.How many dwarves come to tea? 4.What does Thorin wear to distinguish himself from the other dwarves? 5.What two things does Gandalf give Thorin? 6.How did the dwarves lose their treasure and kingdom? Vocabulary audacious (29) rune (32) abreast (32) legendary (34) obstinately (34) prudent (34) remuneration (34) necromancer (37)

Discussion and Essay Topics

1. What does the word hobbit make you think of? (The possibilities include rabbit, hobby, Babbit, habit and hob. The word is probably best seen as a blend of rabbit and hob, an obsolete British word meaning "a rustic, peasant" or "sprite, elf.") How does Bilbo resemble a rabbit in this chapter? When you finish the book, ask yourself if he still reminds you of one. 2. What is an adventure? Is it something that happens, or is it the way we react to what happens? Can we live without adventures? Is there any "magic" in this book? (Return to these questions as the book progresses.) 3. Explain all the meanings of "good morning" (pp. 17-19). 4. What about adventures awakens Bilbo's "Tookish" side (pp. 26-28, 30)? What causes his "Baggins" side to reemerge (pp. 30, 38)? Is the Baggins side timid or practical? Is the Tookish side heroic, curious or proud? 5. Even this early in the book, we can see some of the characteristics of dwarves. What are they? (Make sure you include proud, formal, hard- working, and devoted to treasure with a "fierce and jealous love.") 6. What are dragons like (p.35)? As you read on, think about the differences and similarities between dwarves and dragons. CRITICAL COMMENTARY: ENTERING A FANTASY WORLD A fantasy novel must offer two things: an attractive fantasy world, and a point of contact between the fantasy world and our own. What readers find attractive is a matter of personal taste, but they are likely to discard a fantasy as irrelevant unless they can find a common perspective from

which to assess the attractiveness. In general, these common perspectives are established in one of three ways: the main character is transported from our world into the fantasy world (like Alice to Wonderland); the main character is a native of the fantasy world with whom the reader can easily identify; or the fantasy world is fundamentally like ours, differing only in specific details. American teenagers will not automatically identify with a fussy English country squire like Bilbo, so the success of The Hobbit depends on a tension between familiar and exotic things that must be established in the first few pages. The first sentence, "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit," introduces a strange creature and an apparently unattractive setting. But the next paragraphs deny this initial reaction. Hobbits love comfort in much the same way we do; they are fond of visitors, food, and clothing; they have families and relatives; some are richer than others--in short, they are very human. By the fourth paragraph hobbits seem normal, and other folk--dwarves, fairies, and Big People--are strange. From here on, adventures take place in a world beyond Bilbo's doorstep, a world which seems as strange to him as it does to us. We share not only his sense of wonder, but also the values that make him love his home. Chapter 2: "Roast Mutton"


Thorin and Company set off on their expedition, and Bilbo joins them. At first things go well, but on the first rainy night they seek shelter and blunder into three trolls. Bilbo and the dwarves are captured by the trolls, but Gandalf outwits them and they turn to stone at daybreak. The expedition plunders the trolls' hoard. Gandalf and Thorin take swords, Bilbo, takes a small knife, and they bury the trolls' gold. Comprehension Questions 1.What are the terms of Bilbo's contract? 2.How does Bilbo know that the three people are trolls? 3.How is Bilbo caught? 4.How does Gandalf rescue Bilbo and the dwarves? 5.What do they take from the trolls' hoard? Vocabulary esteemed (41) paraphernalia (42) applicable (48) Discussion and Essay Topics 1.Why is it important that Gandalf is not present when the expedition meets the trolls? 2.The trolls are evil, bestial, and disgusting. But do they seem mostly human or nonhuman? 3.Is strength or intelligence more valuable so far in this book? CRITICAL COMMENTARY: QUESTS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE HERO The Hobbit follows the typical pattern of the Quest in many ways. Like most quest heroes, Bilbo begins the story ignorant and untried, and he undergoes a series of preliminary adventures which help him in two ways. First, they give him the opportunity to learn about the world and the extent and proper use of his own powers. Second, they bring him the friends and talisman that he will need in order to prevail in his greatest adventure, the culmination of his quest. Because in a well-constructed quest story the development of wisdom and self-restraint is equally as important as the growth of physical prowess, the quest story (as Bettleheim points out in The Uses of Enchantment) is often concerned with maturation, and the lessons it teaches are those of adulthood. The specific moral of an individual quest story can usually be found by examining two areas: the hero's motivation for acting, and the final reward he achieves. The most obvious indication of a

hero's development--the skills he acquires--can be misleading, for most quest stories are concerned more with virtue (which can be defined as the proper application of whatever skills or powers are available) than with the skills themselves. Bilbo, for example, never becomes a "hero" in the conventional sense (see p. 33 for Gandalf's definition of a hero). In part this is because he accepts the fact that he is too small to become a warrior, but more importantly it is because he deplores violence and lacks ambition for power. While the ending of The Hobbit--in which Bilbo finds that each assumed culminating adventure in fact leads to further complications--is a variation on the typical quest pattern, Bilbo's journey to Erebor is a skillful realization of this pattern. Throughout the story, the best way to evaluate Bilbo's development is by comparing him to the dwarves. At this point (Chapter 2), Bilbo's only skill is his stealth. He is as easily disheartened by rain and discomfort as the dwarves, and his attempt to steal the troll's purse, like his original decision to come on the expedition, is motivated by an irrational pride. Still, as a reward for surviving the adventure and finding the trolls' key, Bilbo receives the first of two talisman, his short sword. Gandalf's role in all this is crucial. As Bilbo's mentor, he reserves his power for situations that Bilbo cannot yet--or ever--deal with. Rescue by Gandalf is therefore a sign of Bilbo's lack of skill or knowledge. Bilbo's conduct during later adventures, when Gandalf is not present, will show how much he has progressed. Chapter 3: "A Short Rest"


The expedition comes to Rivendell, where Elrond and his elves live in the Last Homely House. Elrond explains Thror's Map to the dwarves and identifies Gandalf's and Thorin's swords as the famous blades Orcrist and Glamdring, made by elves for the ancient goblin wars. Comprehension Questions 1.Why is Rivendell hard to find? 2.When is Durin's Day? Vocabulary drear (55) glade (57) faggot (58) bannock (58) palpitating (60) cleave (61) Discussion and Essay Topics 1.What is the difference between the way Bilbo and the dwarves react to Rivendell? How does Elrond feel about the expedition, and what does he say about the dwarves' love of gold and the wickedness of dragons? What values are important to the elves? 2.Who is Elrond? What is the effect of giving a detailed history of a minor character? (It gives depth to the Secondary Creation.) Chapter 4: "Over Hill and Under Hill"


As they cross the Misty Mountains, a storm drives the expedition into a cave, where they are attacked by goblins. Bilbo and the dwarves are captured and driven into the goblins' underground halls. There Gandalf rescues them and slays the Great Goblin, but as they flee from the goblins Bilbo is knocked unconscious. Comprehension Questions 1.Why does the expedition take shelter in the cave? 2.Why isn't Gandalf captured? 3.What do goblins usually do with their prisoners?

4.How does Gandalf rescue Bilbo and the dwarves? Vocabulary deception (64) shirk (69) quaff (69) inconveniencing (71) gnash (71) Discussion and Essay Topics 1.What does Tolkien tell us about goblins? (Their sounds and actions, but nothing about their appearance except that they have hands, heads, teeth and flat feet.) Because he does not describe their appearance, we must use our imaginations, and this involves us more actively in the fantasy. Discuss what you think goblins look like, and what in the book gives you that idea. 2."It is not unlikely that they (goblins) invented some of the machines that have since troubled the world, especially the ingenious devices for killing large numbers of people at once."(p.70) Can you take this statement seriously? Why do you think fantasy is often anti-technological? (It seeks to emphasize the importance of personal effort.) Chapter 5: "Riddles in the Dark"


Lost and alone inside the Misty Mountains, Bilbo gathers his courage. He finds a ring and puts it in his pocket. Then he encounters Gollum, a loathsome but pathetic creature. They play a riddlegame to determine if Gollum will show Bilbo the way out or eat him instead. Bilbo wins the contest, but Gollum then realizes that Bilbo has his ring, which confers invisibility. Bilbo follows Gollum to the surface and evades the goblins guarding the gate. Comprehension Questions 1.How does Bilbo know his sword was made by elves? 2.Why is it good that Bilbo lost his matches? 3.How does Gollum guess that Bilbo has his ring? 4.How do the Goblins know that someone is at the gate? 5.Which of the dwarves is the most surprised to see Bilbo? Vocabulary subterranean (78) unbeknown (79) flummoxed (79) chestnut (81, 83) antiquity (86) Discussion and Essay Topics 1.How are Bilbo and Gollum alike? (Their motives for the riddle-game, p. 80; their ability to guess each other's riddles; their abilities underground; their living in holes.) Can you call Gollum evil? Discuss the concept that Gollum is the negative side of Bilbo, with which he must come to terms before he can achieve his identity. (To bring home the concept of the negative side, compare this chapter and Luke Skywalker's descent into the cave during his training by Yoda, in The Empire Strikes Back.) 2.What skills does Bilbo show in dealing with Gollum? 3."No great leap for a man, but a leap in the dark." (p.39) Discuss this quotation with respect to Bilbo's decision not to kill Gollum, and his newfound courage. CRITICAL COMMENTARY: PLOT STRUCTURE, REPETITION OF MOTIFS, AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE HERO

Chapter 5, in which Bilbo successfully crosses the Misty Mountains by his own efforts, marks the turning point in his development. Up to now he's been little more than baggage, as the dwarves often point out; his only accomplishments--finding the key to the trolls' caves and warning Gandalf of the goblin attack--are trivial although useful. The first three pages of Chapter 5 detail Bilbo's transformation. First, he finds the ring, his second and greatest talisman. Slowly he shakes off his initial self-pity and despair, regains his common sense (which includes realizing that his customary means of self comforts such as smoking are inappropriate to this situation), and finally he is comforted by the presence of his first talisman, the elvish sword. Facing up to his plight, his final decision--if you can't go back or sideways, then go forward--is typical of the determination and essential optimism that constitute hobbitish courage. Tolkien's catalog of Bilbo's skills stresses a hobbit's innate abilities--familiarity with tunnels, good sense of direction, stealth, toughness, and "a fund of wisdom and wise sayings"-with the implication that Bilbo has developed to the point where he can use these skills effectively. The extent of Bilbo's growth is marked by the repetition of motifs between Bilbo's adventures west (Chapters 2 to 5) and east (Chapters 6 to 9) of the Misty Mountains. The dominant event or setting of each chapter is parallel (attack by enemies; hospitality at an important male's house; attack by enemies; underground capture and escape) and in every case we see Bilbo acting with confidence and effectiveness east of the Mountains but ineptly west of the Mountains. In Chapter 2, Bilbo is captured while sneaking around the trolls' campfire and is easily rescued by Gandalf; in Chapter 6 he sneaks into the dwarves' camp undetected and is later rescued from a situation in which even Gandalf is helpless. In Chapter 3, Bilbo relies heavily on Gandalf's advice; in Chapter 7, he behaves prudently and Gandalf names him head of the expedition. In Chapter 4, Bilbo is as imprudent as the dwarves and once more must be rescued by Gandalf and protected by the swords Beater and Biter; in Chapter 8 he is never captured, rescues the dwarves single-handedly, and names his own sword Sting. Finally, Bilbo's ability in Chapter 5 to win the riddle-contest and rescue himself foreshadows his ability in Chapter 9 to outwit a palace full of elves and execute a complex escape plan involving the entire expedition. The third part of the book, the adventures at the Lonely Mountain, repeat many of these motifs, but in a less schematic fashion, as befits the growing complexity of Bilbo's adventure. For example, Bilbo's first trip down the tunnel recalls his actions in the tunnels of the goblins and the Elvenking. Gandalf's outwitting of the trolls and Bilbo's riddle-game with Gollum prepare Bilbo to confront Smaug. His decision to go down the tunnel the third time (p. 223) recalls his determination to go forward in the goblin tunnels (p. 77). This varied experiences prepares Bilbo to deal with increasingly complex moral issues. West of the Mountains Bilbo encounters beings who are purely good (Elrond) or purely evil (goblins and trolls). East of the Mountains, though, Beorn is good but brutish, and the Elvenking is good but overly harsh. Finally, at the Lonely Mountain Bilbo must deal with Smaug's attractive malice, Thorn's intractable greed and pride, and Bard's grim integrity. The larger plot structure of The Hobbit is, much like traditional fantasy, cyclical. As the subtitle There and Back Again suggests, the most common structure for a developmental fantasy is for the hero to begin at home, develop skills during the course of a journey, fulfill his quest, and return home with his understanding increased by his adventures. The Hobbit begins and ends in Bilbo's home with a conversation between Bilbo and Gandolf, and the contrast between these two scenes displays Bilbo's development. Chapter 6: "Out of the frying-pan into the Fire"


Bilbo finds that he is on the east side of the Mountains. Using his ring, he enters the dwarves' camp undetected. They flee down the mountainside but are overtaken at night by goblins and Wargs and trapped in five fir trees in a clearing. The goblins set fire to the trees, but the

expedition is rescued by the Eagles of the Misty Mountains, although as usual Bilbo is almost left behind. Comprehension Questions 1.How does Bilbo know he is on the east side of the Mountains? 2.What is the proverb that Bilbo invents? 3.Why does the Lord of the Eagles notice the expedition? 4.Why won't the Eagles fly near where men live? Vocabulary sorrel (101) marjoram (101) bracken (102) larch (104) proverb (103) Discussion and Essay Topics 1.Would Bilbo try to rescue the dwarves if they were still inside the Mountains? Would they try to rescue him? 2.Why doesn't Bilbo tell the dwarves about his ring? Do you consider this lying? 3.What does it mean for our opinion of Bilbo's courage and prowess that Gandalf, his mentor, must be rescued by the Eagles? Chapter 7: "Queer Lodgings"


The Eagles carry the expedition to the Carrock, a rock in the middle of the Great River. From there the expedition goes to the house of Beorn, a skin-changer fierce to his enemies but gentle with animals. Gandalf wins Beorn's hospitality by introducing the dwarves in small groups while he tells the story of their adventures. After two nights at Beorn's house, the expedition receives his advice and departs for Mirkwood. At the forest-gate, Gandalf leaves the expedition. Comprehension Questions 1.What is a skin-changer? 2.What does Beorn eat? 3.How does Gandalf get Beorn to shelter thirteen dwarves? 4.Why isn't Beorn interested in the dwarves tales? 5.What is the most important advice that Beorn and Gandalf give about Mirkwood? Vocabulary carrock (117) appalling (118) tippet (118) dale (119) trestle (126) mead (127) withered (128) stark (128) hart (135) Discussion and Essay Topics 1.Compare the expedition's arrival at Beorn's house with the Unexpected Party of Chapter 1. Note that now Bilbo is in on the plot. While both hosts have to be cajoled, it is for very different reasons. What are they?

2.Discuss Beorn's character. What are his virtues? Why is he suspicious of strangers? What about him seems vicious? In what ways is he gentle? How does Bilbo come to understand him? Is there a problem with being a grim man in a grim land? 3.Why is it necessary to the story that Gandalf leave the expedition? Chapter 8: " Flies and Spider"


Mirkwood is dark and unpleasant. The expedition runs low on food, water, and hope. Bombur falls into the enchanted stream and sleeps for four days. When Balin sees firelight off the path, the dwarves and Bilbo go toward it. They are scattered when they interrupt the elven feast. The dwarves are captured by giant spiders. Bilbo rescues them and slays many spiders, but Thorin is captured by the Wood-elves. Comprehension Questions 1.What do the dwarves shoot with their bows? 2.When Bilbo climbs the tree, why doesn't he see an end to the forest? 3.What does Bombur dream of? 4.What does Bilbo name his sword? 5.How does Bilbo rescue the dwarves? Vocabulary inquisitive (140) hind (145) vexed (145) accursed (147) disquieting (146) commons(149) sawn (150) loathsome (155) warrant (155) quoits (156) gloaming (165) thongs (166) Discussion and Essay Topics 1.What are the unattractive features of Mirkwood? Do you think the forest is evil? What about the enchanted stream? 2.After Gandalf leaves, who become the leaders of the expedition? 3.What makes the expedition lose hope? Why is their despair unjustified? 4.What heroic acts does Bilbo perform? (Don't forget his naming of his sword.) 5.Why does Bilbo tell the dwarves about his magic ring? What does his reluctance to do so tell us? What do you think he learns from this? 6.Discuss the ancient feud between dwarves and elves? Whose fault is it? If neither side is in the right, how can you tell the difference between good and evil? Chapter 9: "Barrels Out of Bond"


Lost in Mirkwood, the dwarves are captured by the Wood-elves and imprisoned because they will not explain their mission. Bilbo, invisible, follows them into the underground palace of the Elvenking. He finds Thorin and later discovers the water-gate, the palace's delivery entrance. When the chief guard becomes drunk, Bilbo steals his keys, releases the dwarves, and hides them in empty barrels. The barrels are thrown into the river to float to Lake-town; Bilbo rides atop one

barrel. Comprehension Questions 1.Are the dwarves imprisoned? 2.How does Bilbo get in and out of the palace? 3.How many entrances does the palace have? 4.Where is the elves' wine made? Vocabulary portcullis (171) flagon (173) potent (173) vintage (173) toss-pot (177) kine (178) Discussion and Essay Topics 1.Why does the Elvenking imprison the dwarves? Why won't Thorin tell the Elvenking what his mission is? Define pride and greed? 2.Is Bilbo a burglar now? How does he feel about stealing (p. 181)? 3.The escape plan is completely Bilbo's. How good is it? How much does it depend on luck? Does he deserve this luck? Chapter 10: 'A Warm Welcome'


Wet and bedraggled, the expedition arrives at Lake-town, a trading town of men. They are welcomed by the master, and the townspeople recall prophecies of the downfall of the dragon and the consequent enrichment of the town. After two weeks of rest the expedition departs for the Lonely Mountain. Comprehension Questions 1.Why does the master welcome the expedition? 2.Why are the dwarves happy? Why is Bilbo unhappy? 3.What does the Elvenking think will happen to the dwarves? 4.What is the Master's reaction when Thorin announces his departure? Vocabulary ominous (184) promontory (185) gammer (188) vagabond (189) enmity (190) Discussion and Essay Topics 1."Some sang too that Thror and Thrain would come back one day and gold would flow in rivers through mountain gates, and all that land would be filled with new song and new laughter. But this pleasant legend did not much affect their daily business" (185-86). Discuss the history of Lake-town and the beliefs of its inhabitants. What does it mean that they do not take their legends seriously? 2.Compare the attitudes of the men of Lake-town, the Master, and the Elvenking to Thorin's mission. Who is reasonable? Who is silly? Then consider Bilbo's attitude. Keeping in mind that elves are renowned for wisdom, how wise is Bilbo? Chapter 11: "On the Doorstep"


The expedition finds the Side-door but cannot open it, and they all become gloomy. One evening Bilbo hears a thrush cracking snails and realized that this is the sign that the door will open. He calls the dwarves, and Thorin opens the door with his key. Comprehension Questions 1.Why won't the men of Lake-town stay with the dwarves? 2.Where does the expedition make each of their three camps? 3.Why does the door appear? Vocabulary disembarked (194) waning (195) lintel (197) Discussion and Essay Topics 1.Begin to make a detailed map (or model) of the Mountain. Mark the appearance, vegetation, etc. of each area and the events that occur there. 2.In what way does Bilbo show that he has more spirit left than the dwarves? Why does he? Chapter 12: "Inside Information"


Bilbo enters the Side-door and, overcoming his fear, goes down a tunnel to Smaug's lair. Overwhelmed by the splendor of the dragon-hoard, he steals a large cup and escapes. The theft arouses Smaug, who goes through the Front Gate, attacks the expedition on the mountainside, and drives them into the tunnel. Bilbo volunteers to explore the lair again. This time he has a perilous conversation with Smaug, during which he sees an unarmored patch on the dragon's breast. Smaug later attacks their camp, but thanks to Bilbo's foreboding the dwarves are safe, although trapped, inside the tunnel. Comprehension Questions 1.Who goes partway down the tunnel with Bilbo? 2.What does Bilbo take from the hoard? 3.Bilbo quotes two of his father's sayings. What are they? 4.Who is the real leader of the expedition? 5.What about Bilbo puzzles Smaug? 6.What is the most important thing Bilbo learns from Smaug? 7.What proverb does Bilbo invent? 8.What is the Arkenstone? Vocabulary resource (203) smoldering (210) grievous (214) cartage (215) impenetrable (216) waistcoat (216) foreboding (219) stealth (221) Discussion and Essay Topics 1."Some [dwarves] are decent enough people like Thorin and Company, if you don't expect too much" (204). What can Bilbo expect from the dwarves? 2."Going on from there was the bravest thing he ever did...he fought the real battle in the tunnel alone, before he ever saw the vast danger that lay in wait" (205). According to this passage, what

is true courage? What abilities and character traits does Bilbo have? How do his earlier adventures prepare him for his confrontation with Smaug? 3.Is it wise to steal the cup? Why does Bilbo do it? 4.Describe the characteristics of dragons. (Begin with greedy, wily, hostile, and riddle loving, and go on to vengeful, treacherous, fond of flattery, and breeders of distrust and dissension.) What is the dragon-spell? Why are dwarves so susceptible to it? (In this book the traditional motif of the cursed dragon-hoard is changed to the idea that so much treasure brings out the evil and foolish side of dwarves--and even elves and men.) In this and the following chapters, trace the changing effects of the treasure on the dwarves and on Bilbo. 5.Explain the names that Bilbo gives himself when speaking with Smaug: "I come from under the hill. . .I am the clue finder, the web-cutter, the stinging fly. I was chosen for the lucky number," etc. (212-213). Chapter 13: "Not at Home"


Encouraged by Bilbo, the dwarves go down into the hall and find Smaug gone. Bilbo finds and hides the Arkenstone. The dwarves celebrate their recovery of the treasure. Bilbo reminds them that Smaug is still a peril, and they move to a watchtower on a spur of the Mountain. Comprehension Questions 1.What does Thorin give Bilbo? 2.Which hall leads to the Front Gate? 3.Why do the dwarves leave the underground halls? Vocabulary pallid (226) figured (228) dominion (233) perpetually (233) Discussion and Essay Topics 1."Anyway the only way out is down" (224). What earlier statement by Bilbo does this echo? When does Bilbo's courage assert itself most? 2.Why does Bilbo keep the Arkenstone? Does he have a right t it? Chapter 14: "Fire and Water"


Smaug flies to avenge himself on the men of Lake-town. He is destroying the town when the thrush tells Bard the Bowman, a descendant of the former Lords of Dale, about the bare spot on Smaug's breast. Bard slays Smaug and directs his people's efforts to feed and shelter themselves, although he plans eventually to seize Smaug's hoard. When the Elvenking hears of Smaug's death, he sets out to seize the hoard himself, but goes instead to Lake-town when he hears of its distress. Eleven days after Smaug's death, a combined army of men and elves marches on the Lonely Mountain. Comprehension Questions 1.Who is the guard "with a grim voice" (234)? 2.Why do the men of Esgaroth destroy the bridges? 3.Why can Bard understand the thrush? (See pp. 217-218 and 237) 4.Why are the people of Esgaroth angry with Thorin? Vocabulary drear (234) foiled (235) quench 9235)

laden (236) prophesying (237) gledes (238) eminent (239) benefactor (239) recompense (239) Discussion and Essay Topics 1.Characterize Bard and the Master. Who speaks more convincingly? What does their appearance suggest about them? Explain Bard's pessimism. Who has more courage? Who has more leadership? Do you believe that some people are natural leaders? Can this ability be inherited? 2.Why does the Elvenking set out from his halls? Why does he go to Esgaroth? What does this tell you about the value he places on treasure? Chapter 15: "The Gathering of the Clouds"


Summoned by the thrush, Carc, a raven of an ancient family friendly to the dwarves, tells the dwarves of the death of Smaug and the gathering of men and elves. Carca advises Thorin to deal with Bard, but Thorin sends for aid from his cousin Dain and fortifies the Front Gate. Thorin denies that Bard has a right to any of the treasure, and Bard declares the Mountain Besieged. Bilbo is sick of the whole business. Comprehension Questions 1.How did Ravenhill get its name? 2.How old is Roac? 3.When does Thorin first name himself King under the Mountain? Vocabulary carrion (243) coveted (244) decrepit (244) amends (245) fells (249) Discussion and Essay Topics 1.From the very beginning, Bilbo has assumed that the climax of the adventure would be the recovery of the treasure. Then he realizes that Smaug must also be dealt with. Now he finds (p. 246) that even Smaug's death does not end the adventure. Re-examine your earlier definitions of what an adventure is. 2.Is gold worth fighting for? Why won't Thorin deal with Bard and Elvenking? Evaluate Bard's three topics for discussion (p. 250) and Thorin's answer; note Thorin's complete lack of pity for the Lake-men's distress. 3.Discuss the difference between the content, rhythms, and music of dwarf-songs (pp. 25, 27, 238, 248) and elf-songs (pp. 57, 279-281). Chapter 16: "A Thief in the Night"


Despite Roac's counsel, Thorin prepares for war. To break the impasse, Bilbo gives the Arkenstone to Bard and the Elvenking. He meets Gandalf in their camp. Bilbo returns to the Mountain despite the Elvenking's warning about Thorin's anger. Comprehension Questions 1.How does Bilbo leave the Mountain without being caught? 2.What is Bilbo's plan to avoid war?

3.What old friend does Bilbo meet in the camp? Vocabulary bade (253) Discussion and Essay Topics 1.Why does Thorin reject Roac's advice? 2.Just as the moment in the tunnel ( p. 205) is Bilbo's bravest, giving up the Arkenstone is his noblest. Why does he do it? Would any other character in the story be capable of this? Why does he return to the Mountain? Chapter 17: "The Clouds Burst"


Thorin promises to give to Bard Bilbo's share of the treasure in exchange for the Arkenstone. Dain's army arrives before the exchange is made, and Bard refuses to let it pass into the Mountain. The two sides are about to join battle when both are attacked by a vast army of goblins and Wargs. Dwarves, elves, and men unite in the face of their common enemy, and the Battle of Five Armies begins. At first the good forces trap the goblins and Wargs between two shoulders of the Mountain, but they in turn are attacked from above by goblins climbing over the Mountain. Thorin sallies forth from the Gate and rallies his side, but his advance is blocked by the bodyguard of Bolg, the goblin leader, and Thorin is surrounded. Bilbo does not fight, but stays, invisible, near the Elvenking. He mourns the coming defeat and death of his friends, but then he sees that the Eagles are coming. At that moment he is knocked unconscious by a stone. Comprehension Questions 1.What terms do Thorin and Bard come to? 2.What army makes the first attack? 3.Name the armies in the Battle of Five Armies. 4.What stops Thorin's advance? 5.Where does Bilbo take his final stand? Why? Vocabulary hauberk (263) mattocks (263) reconciliation (265) precipice (268) scimitar (268) eyries (270) smote (270) Discussion and Essay Topics 1.Trace Thorin's moral degeneration through the last several chapters. Contrast his current attitude with the Elvenking's statement "Long will I tarry, ere I begin this war for gold." 2.Which would be a greater evil--the killing of the armies of men, elves, and dwarves by the goblins, or a war between men, elves, and dwarves? Why? 3.During this battle, which armies have soldiers that kill themselves or their allies? Chapter 18: "The Return Journey"


Bilbo comes to his senses the next day and is brought to the camp. On his deathbed, Thorin makes amends to Bilbo. The outcome of the battle is retold: Beorn rescued the wounded Thorin and then killed Bolg, but the battle was not won until the Eagles cleared the mountainside of goblins. Dain, the new King under the Mountain, makes a generous settlement with Bard. Bilbo and Gandalf begin the return journey and part, in turn, from the dwarves, the Elvenking, and

Beorn. Comprehension Questions 1.Why isn't Bilbo found until the day after the battle? 2.Who turned the tide of the battle? 3.What gifts does Dain give? 4.What becomes of Beorn in later years? Vocabulary literally (271) amend (273) mustering (273) trackless (274) Discussion and Essay Topics 1.There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. Some courage ...and some wisdom, blended in measure. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world" (p. 273). Discuss Bilbo's character now that his adventure is completed. Why does he refuse the treasure? Why is he weary of his adventure? 2.Examine the final views we get of Thorin on his deathbed and in his tomb. Is his quest fulfilled? Why is his death necessary? What lesson does he learn? Does he deserve our respect or admiration? 3.Examine in detail the various demands and offers made by Bard and the dwarves (and the elves). How does the final solution match what each party wants and deserves? What is the difference between Dain's gift and Thorin's promises? Chapter 19: "The Last Stage"


Bilbo and Gandalf come to Rivendell, where Gandalf confers with Elrond. Bilbo takes the treasure from the troll hoard. Finally Bilbo comes home just in time to save his hole and belongings from being auctioned. He settles down contentedly, although he finds that he is no longer considered respectable. In an epilogue, Balin and Gandalf visit him several years later. Comprehension Questions 1.Where was Gandalf while the expedition crossed Mirkwood? 2.How long do Bilbo and Gandalf stay at Rivendell? 3.Why do they walk at the end of their journey? 4.Why are Bilbo's goods being auctioned? 5.What changes does Balin notice in Bilbo? 6.What happened to the old Master of Lake-town? Vocabulary lore (280) effects (284) Discussion and Essay Topics 1.Look at the elves' song (pp. 279-80). Describe the character and values of elves. 2."He gained-well, you will see whether he gained anything in the end" (p. 16). " 'My dear Bilbo !'{Gandalf} said 'Something is the matter with you! You are not the hobbit that you were'" (p284). What does Bilbo gain from his adventure? (Don't forget to include the ability and desire to make poetry.) What is the difference in the way his home is dear to him now? 3."'You don't really suppose, do you, that all your adventures and escapes were managed by mere luck, just for your sole benefit'?" (p.286). Then what does manage them? 4.Why is Bilbo pleased that he is "only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all!" (p.287)?

CRITICAL COMMENTARY: BILBO'S LUCK Bilbo is originally chosen the "lucky number," so that Thorin and Company will not be an unlucky thirteen(see pp. 31, 213).During the course of the expedition, Gandalf remarks several times that Bilbo is extraordinary lucky. Some of his luck seems to be the deserved reward for Bilbo's courage and determination. For example, after attempting to find his own way out of the goblins tunnel, confronting Gollum, and evading the orc-guard, Bilbo certainly deserves to come out on the east side of the Mountains. Similarly, after escaping from the spiders, the expedition needs the luck of being captured by the elves, especially since it turns out that their straying from the path was necessary, because the east end of the road was abandoned (p.184). Other lucky events, notably Bilbo's finding of the troll's key and the ring, are necessary to give Bilbo talismans that enable him to confront enemies who are larger, more powerful, and more numerous than himself. In general, then Bilbo's luck should be seen as a plot device that reinforces the theme of Bilbo's growing selfawareness and self-confidence. However, some of the fortunate events in The Hobbit seem to involve much more than one hobbit's personal luck. Four events in particular should be considered. First is the expedition's rescue from the burning fir trees by the Eagles at a point when even Gandalf expects to die. Second is the expedition's arrival at the Side-door in one of the very few years when Durin's Day occurs. Third, although Bilbo deserves the credit for discovering Smaug's bare spot, the combination of the bare spot itself, the talking thrush and a heroic descendant of Girion of Dale extends far beyond Bilbo's own luck. Finally, after Bilbo's attempt at mediation fails and Dain attacks Bard and the Elvenking, only the extraordinary event of the Goblin attack restores moral harmony. Where Bilbo's personal luck is related to the uses of the fantasy presented by Bettelheim, the larger luck that surrounds him can best be explained in Tolkien's term as a series of eucatastrophes that illustrate the workings of Providence. Gandalf's final comments about prophecies and luck, ending with his comment that Bilbo is "only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all" (p.287), are the closest Tolkien comes to disclosing this providential structure in The Hobbit. Bilbo's joyous and pragmatic acceptance of this structure--his recognition that he is capable of great deeds but nonetheless dependent on the protection of God--is one of the two spiritual insights required of dwellers in Middle-earth. (The other, a selfless love of the Creator and the Creation is usually measured in terms of "elvishness." Bilbo, attracted to elves from the very beginning and eventually named elf-friend, achieves this insight very easily.) The proof of this providential pattern lies outside The Hobbit. The identity of the Eagles as messengers of God (as well as the significance of their coming out of the West in the Battle of Five Armies) is made clear in The Silmarillion; the importance of Bilbo's decision not to kill Gollum is a major motif of The Lord of The Rings; and the geopolitical consequences of the death of Smaug are best explained in "The Quest of Erebor," one of the fragments in Unfinished Tales. Yet the basic principle can be seen quite clearly within The Hobbit. Although on the surface it is stronger than good, evil always provides the means of its own defeat: Gollum's ring aids Bilbo, and Smaug in his arrogance shows his bare patch. Triumphing over evil requires not prowess but fortitude, humility, hope and unshakable virtue. Gollum is corrupted by malice, and the dragonspell turns Thorin's pride to arrogance, deceit, and greed. But Bilbo and Bard, tutored by Gandalf, the Elvenking, and their own hearts, learn the true value of treasure and hatred, and combining against evil they destroy it.

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