UCC Bulletin - February 17, 2008

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Second Sunday of Lent

February 17, 2008

Christ Jesus . . . destroyed death
and brought life and immortality
to light through the gospel.
— 2 Timothy 1:10b
University Catholic Center

Where’s Father Dave? READINGS FOR THE WEEK 

He’s in Chicago this weekend celebrating the 175th  

Anniversary of Old St. Mary Catholic Church, the Mon: Dn 9:4b-10; Lk 6:36-38
oldest Catholic faith community in Chicago, served Tues: Is 1:10, 16-20; Mt 23:1-12
by the Paulist Fathers since 1903. Barring any Wed: Jer 18:18-20; Mt 20:17-28
blizzards, he’ll be back in time to preside at the 8 pm Mass on Thurs: Jer 17:5-10; Lk 16:19-31
Sunday. Fri: 1 Pt 5:1-4; Mt 16:13-19
Sat: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
Sun: Ex 17:3-7; Ps 95; Rom 5:1-2, 5-8; Jn 4:5-42

Our Gifts to God


$3,000 $2,835
Our prayers are with the eight members of the RCIA process ASH
who celebrated the Rite of Sending at the 11:30 am Mass last
$2,500 $2,318
Sunday, and the Rite of Election with Bishop Aymond last $2,166
Sunday afternoon. Now known as the Elect, Aliya Baig, Chi $1,811
Elliott, Jaime Fink, Andrew Hui, Nancy, Ngo, Femi Olasupo,
Adam Shendelman and Vivian Xue will celebrate the Sacra- $1,500
ments of Initiation - Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, at
the Easter Vigil on March 22. $1,000
Also celebrating last Sunday in their recognition by Bishop
Aymond were candidates Juan Camarillo and Nicholas Chu. $500
Already baptized, they will be celebrating their full commun-
ion in the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil through the Sac- $0
raments of Confirmation and Eucharist. 1/13 1/20 1/27 2/3 2/6 2/10

The Social Justice Team would like to thank

Fr. Hecker Quote of the Week:
everyone for their generosity in the Fair Trade
chocolate and coffee sale. You contributed Keep your heart free for God and let Him have un-
$288.05. To learn more about fair trade products, visit bounded freedom within it.
Catholic Relief Services at crsfairtrade.org.

Everyone is invited to the UCC Lenten Soup Suppers

HELP! Volunteer Receptionists are needed to which are held from 6:30-7:30 pm Fridays during
greet people at the UCC, weeknights from 5-7 and Lent. Come join us for a simple meal, a social justice
7- 9 pm. If you can help with one of these two- message and wonderful fellowship. Please bring a bowl and a
hour shifts, please contact Beth at 476-7351 or spoon, and some bread to share. We are in need of 3 or 4 cooks
[email protected]. This is a great way to meet your each week to make a meatless soup, to serve about 20-30. If
fellow students, study and see what goes on at the UCC in the you are interested in preparing a soup for one of the Fridays,
evenings. please contact Michael Burkhart at [email protected].
Thanks to Fr. Paul Ro- Celebrate with the Paulist UCC FUNCTIONS FOR
bichaud, CSP and his Fathers! THIS WEEK
informative and comfort- The Paulists invite you to join
able lecture style, the Renewal Retreat them as they celebrate 150 Week of February 17, 2008
was very well attended. Fr. Paul did a years of ministry June 19-21 in Wash- PHONATHON 6-8:45 PM
wonderful job of giving history as well ington, D.C. The Paulist 150th Anniver-
as informing us about Fr. Hecker and sary Convocation will feature exciting •Monday Feb. 18
the founding of the Paulist Fathers Re- guest speakers, the 150th Anniversary ∗ 12:05 pm Mass HSC
ligious Order. All in all it was a very liturgy at the Basilica of the National ∗ 6:30 pm Social Justice MT
good retreat! Thanks to Michael and Shrine of the Immaculate Conception ∗ 7 pm RCIA BSMT
Amy Burkhart on Friday night for get- and a gala dinner. Don’t miss it! To ∗ 7:30 pm CLFL MT
ting all the food and tables going and register, log on to www.paulist.org/ Tuesday Feb. 19
to JP and Aida Regalado for the great convocation or call 202-269-2512. ∗ 12:30 pm Mass HSC
food on Saturday; thanks to Michelle ∗ 7 pm Confirmation BSMT
Goodwin for ALL the details she han- ∗ 7 pm UGAP MT
dled. To Fr. Dave for the many behind UCC Marriage ∗ 7 pm Catholicism 101 SMk
the scenes things he did (and great mop Prep Workshop Wednesday Feb. 20
work!) To Rachel Gardner and The Spring UCC Marriage Preparation ∗ 12:05 pm Mass HSC
Rodolfo Barniol Duran for helping me Workshop will be held March 28-29. ∗ 7 pm Men of Virtue (MOV) SMt
with registration and being so suppor- Volunteers are needed for hospitality ∗ 7 pm STRONG Officers SMk
tive and thoughtful. Special thanks to and food preparation (lasagnas, salad ∗ 8 pm STRONG SF
Beth Boren who handled all the money and bread for Friday evening dinner
and helped out in many, many ways! - and continental breakfast items, along Thursday Feb. 21
Kathy Hackett with juice and fruit for Saturday ∗ 12:30 pm Mass HSC
morning). A sign-up sheet can be ∗ 7 pm Compass MT
found at the front desk. Welcoming ∗ 7 pm LA-44 HSC
Lord, let your mercy be upon us, * 7:30 pm LA-44 BSMT
as we place our trust in you. letters for the participating couples
from “established” married couples are ∗ 8 pm Adoration HSC
also needed. To assist, please contact Friday Feb. 22
LA-44! Join us for a weekend retreat Dorothy and Deacon John De La ∗ 12:05 pm Mass HSC
filled with fellowship, faith, and good Garza at [email protected]. ∗ 5:30 pm Rosary HSC
times. Awakening, which will be on * 6 pm Stations of the Cross HSC
February 22-24, is open to all students, * 6:30 pm Soup Supper ATRM;
and costs $35 for the entire weekend. Compass Bible Study! KT
Applications are available now at the Meeting on Thursday nights Saturday Feb. 23
UCC front desk, and will be due on from 7-8 pm in the Mother * 11 am RCIA - St Austin’s HSC,
Monday February 18 at 5 pm in the Teresa Room, Compass is a fun BSMT, RECON. , STML
folder labeled Longhorn Awakening. and laid-back way to read scripture and
Sunday Feb. 24 3rd Sunday of Lent
E-mail Co-Coordinators Anthony get a little more out of Mass. Every
∗ 9 am RE Classes MT, SF
(Bacon) Ortiz or Felicia Ramos at week we spend an hour discussing the SMt; SMk, BSMT; STML
[email protected] for more next Sunday’s readings and sharing our
∗ 4 pm Women of Grace MT
information. Hope to see you there! faith. We are student run, student led, * 7 pm RCIA Dismissal MT
and totally low time commitment, so
Catholicism 101 is back! drop by whenever you can. Come hang
Catholicism 101 meets to study the out with us this Thursday! To see Christ transfigured
sacraments and how we celebrate our was to see the glory of God.
Catholic faith. Everyone is welcome to When have you glimpsed
Guys--you want to exercise your God's glory?
join us on Tuesday nights at 7 pm in spiritual muscle?
the St. Mark's Room. For more info All men are invited to join us as we
contact Kraft at [email protected] . look at what it means to be Men of University Graduate
Virtue on Wednesdays at 7 pm in the Students & Professionals
Carbos for Christ St Matthew Room. As Men of Virtue, UGAP is a group of post-
All are invited for food and we're called not just to do the "right college age people who share and live
fellowship at 12:30 pm on thing" but to really develop an attitude the love of Christ in community
Wednesdays in the Atrium. $3.00 sug- of the Gospels. What? You're not through worship, faith formation, social
gested donation. This is such a wonder- perfect yet? Good. Come and work out service, spiritual development and
ful meal, it was written up in the Daily with us. Men of Virtue, Wednesdays, 7 fellowship. We meet on Tuesdays at 7
Texan! You don’t want to miss out. pm St. Matthew Room. pm in the Mother Teresa Room.

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