This Week in flk3

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This week in FLK-3 The Olympic Flame Reigned!

We danced the Birthday Polka for Peters 5th Birthday

Happy Birthday Peter!

In Language: We worked on our sight words or popcorn words : is, a, I, the, he, she, me, we, be, was, to, do are, all, you, your. We worked in smaller homogeneous groups again. Some learned the ie sound, some worked on motor skills, some read, blended words and practiced letter formation and some continued to learn the letter names and sounds. We worked on beginning and end sounds. Individual reading levels were assessed. We blended words and practiced decoding words. Manny the Moose inspired for the last time! Our Star Students this week were Tom and Madelyn. Manny was introduced to Flying at Toms house! He flew under a helicopter! Madelyn began the third round of Show n Share by bringing in a secret object for which she wrote 3 describing clues. We used these to guess what she brought. Excellent jobs by both of our Leaders! We met with our Buddies and continued practicing for our Lip Sync-Off.

Gym: We had GREAT gymnastics classes this week. The children continued working in groups and making routines using balances, rolls, dismounts and working together. We switched the groups up as well as the equipment. We discussed why some groups functioned better than others. On Friday, we were invited to watch the Gymnastics team go thru their routines. We were riveted!

In Religion: We used Jan Hedec, who fled from the Czech Republic in a boat as a very young child as a Bucket Filling Olympic role model. Jan overcame adversity as his body failed to flourish under the rigours of training. He has had serious knee, and back issues. Though it was his choice to continue training, he announced that to be able to bring a ski medal back to Canada was a great honour. He told the world that his bronze ski medal is a TEAM medal as many people helped him have such success. We also discussed how he buried a LOONIE at the finish line for luckso cool! We also discussed the Canadian Gold Medal winning Bobsled team of Humphries and Moyse. These ladies did not always get along. In fact, due to competition, politics and rumours, they disliked each other immensely. It was only when they actually TALKED to each other about their interactions that they realized they actually had common goals! We decided we too could learn from such a relationship. Imagine if these 2 ladies did not STOP, THINK and DO, they might not have ever found their magic to win the gold!!!

We talked about Jennifer Jones having a cool head in the heat of the moment to win the Gold Medal in curling. We too would benefit from such control! Lastly, we talked about the Canadian Womens Hockey team winning the Gold and how they inspired a country to watch and to cheer! Once again, we had cause to dance the Birthday Polka as a classroom community for Peters 5th Birthday. A great time was had by all!

Science: We worked with the weather this week. Ugh! We Mrs. Hickey measured at home so there would be no tampering with our measuring bucket! measured the amount of rain that fell during Thursday night and Friday morning and we made an inside rainfall using shaving cream and food coloring! We talked about the THUNDER SNOW that happened this week. I heard on the radio that this only happens 10 times in the world in any given year. In Fine Motor Development: Mrs. Hennessey continues to work with several children in small groups to increase fine motor strength and dexterity. We are OVERJOYED at the development of some of our little friends! In Art: Miss M made Olympic Torches with the class.just in time for our Closing Ceremony on Monday! One final AUTHENTIC touch will be added next cool! In Music, Drama and Dance: We listened to the music from our Lip Sync-Off list and practiced lip syncing. Miss M also brought in some animal costumes and some dress up clothes that were a huge hit! These costumes also provided an opportunity for some to practice their sharing skills. The children themselves could name who was OFTEN in a costume and who WAS NOT. In Mathematics:. We continue to graph the number of medals the Canadians win in Sochi and are working on figuring out how many more? and How many less? We used medals and our shoes to learn how to make our own graphsincluding a title (or a question), column titles and pictures. In Personal and Social Development: Feelings people were introduced on Thursday to the children. The children each have their own person and there are

six feeling pockets: happy, sad, mad, scared, worried, and frustrated for the children to show us how they feel in the morning. Next week they will begin using these tools. We are also continuing working on evaluating how big or little our problems are so that we are able to identify which problems they need help solving and which ones they can solve on their own. In Inquiry/Directed Play: We continued to study the Olympic sports.we worked on curling, speed skating and skiing. Miss M had to children playing Olympic ring Toss to practice Team Work, turn taking and co-operation. We cleaned up and got Gold, Silver or Bronze medals. The flame burned on our Smartboard screen all day to remind us of the Olympic values.

Upcoming Events:
Tuesday March 4 AM trip to Fanshawe Wednesday March 5 1:30 pm Ash Wednesday Paraliturgy Friday March 7 PD Day no school for children Monday March 10-Friday March 14 March Break no school Monday March 17 St. Patricks Day!!

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