The Burning Joke: Storytelling and Commission From Script To Screen

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Storytelling and Commission

From Script To Screen

Character Biographies
name: Carollne
Age: LaLe 20's-early 30's
PelghL: 3 7ln
Cccupauon: lnsurance clalms omcer
Locauon: uownLown


Carollne has been worklng aL lnsuranco for years auempung Lo make ends meeL, she llves
alone ln a small one bedroom aparLmenL and en[oys lsolauon when posslble. She usually
spends her evenlngs laLe ln Lhe omce caLchlng up on Lhe excesslve workloads LhaL plague
Lhe omce. 1here has been an unusual lncrease ln res ln Lhe clLy and more and more
properues look Lo clalm. Carollne ls always pesLered by her supervlsor Lo lnvesugaLe
clalms properly before commlmng lnsuranco clalms Lo Lhelr cllenLs. She now lnvesugaLes
properues herself and carrles her LrusLy dlglLal camera whlch she records as much
maLerlal as posslble Lo subsLanuaLe Lhese clalms. She owns a llule kluen and drlves a small
haLchback car.
Clown The pyromancer
name: 'krlspy' Lhe clown
Age: unknown (deceased)
PelghL: 6 3ln
Cccupauon: llre enLerLalner
Locauon: !oke Shop

krlspy Lhe clown ls a enuLy who plagues Lhe cluzens of our sLory wlLh
hls res. Pls laLesL ouLbursL ls aL Lhe !oke Shop buL he has Laken
resldency ln Lhls place and nds lL remlnds hlm of hls enLerLalnmenL
days. Pe was a pyromanlac ln Lhe clrcus and oen Lhrew amlng
baLons around. Pls deaLh was never explalned buL lL would seem he
now has Lhe un-naLural conLrol over Lhe elemenL of re. WhaL wlll
Carollne's presence do Lo krlspy? And how wlll he reacL?

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