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Shri Siddhi Vinayak Institute of Management, Bareilly M.B.A. Communication For Management All

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Time 3 Hours
Note: Attempt all questions. PARTI

Total Marks 100


Answe !n" o!" o# t$e #o%%owin& in !'out 2(0 wo )s * (+,(-20) (!) .$!t )o "ou me!n '" /en0o)in&/ !n) /)e0o)in&/ o# mess!&es1 I%%ust !te "ou !nswe wit$ !n e,!mp%e. (') Im!&ine ! situ!tion in w$i0$ ! m!n!&e &i2es on%" o !% inst u0tions to $is su'o )in!tes. .$!t p o'%ems )o "ou t$in3 0!n 0 op up in su0$ ! situ!tion1 (0) .$!t )o "ou me!n '" /si&n %!n&u!&e41 5is0uss t$e use o# !t %e!st two e,!mp%es o# si&n %!n&u!&e. ()) Is it !%w!"s 'ette to $!2e ! & oup )e0ision t$!n to $!2e !n in)i2i)u!% )e0i)e #o ! & oup6o &!ni7!tion 1 .$!t p o'%ems m!" it %e!) to 1 (e) .$" is it )esi !'%e to !2oi) t$e use o# 8! &on 1 (#) 5is0uss t$e st!tement9 :T$e !ppe! !n0e o# ! %ette is ! p! t o# its mess!&e:.

PARTII 2. Attempt !n" two questions # om t$e #o%%owin& * (1(,2-30) (!) . ite !n !pp%i0!tion o##e in& "ou 0!n)i)!tu e #o t$e post o# m!n!&ement t !inee9 w$i0$ w!s e0ent%" !)2e tise) in t$e Times o# In)i!1 (') You9 !s ! m! 3etin& m!n!&e $!s 'een ent uste) wit$ t$e t!s3 o# 0on)u0tin& !n) p ep! in& ! m! 3et ese! 0$ to 3now t$e m! 3et potenti!% o# ! new p o)u0t w$i0$ "ou 0omp!n" is inten)in& to %!un0$ in t$e m! 3et in ne! #utu e. ; ep! e ! ) !#t epo t. (!) ; ep! e ! 0u i0u%um 2it!e9 #o su'mittin& it to ! 0omp!n" in o )e to !pp%" #o ! m!n!&e /s 8o'. PARTIII (12.(,+-(0) 3. :<e '!% 0ommuni0!tion is mo e impo t!nt t$!n non=2e '!% 0ommuni0!tion.: >omment. OR In 'usiness 0ommuni0!tion9 0ou tes" !n) 0%! it" ! e !s impo t!nt !s 0on0iseness !n) 0omp%eteness. 5is0uss. +. .$!t is ! memo !n) w$!t #!0to s s$ou%) 'e 3ept in min) #o w itin& ! &oo) memo 1 OR 5es0 i'e t$e o%e o# in#o m!tion te0$no%o&" in m!3in& t$e 0ommuni0!tion mo e e##e0ti2e. +. 5es0 i'e ' ie#%" t$e impo t!nt u%es o# &oo) w itin&. .$!t p e0!utions wou%) "ou t!3e in o )e to m!3e "ou w itin& mo e e##e0ti2e1 OR .$!t is t$e o%e o# #ee)'!03 in 0ommuni0!tion1 ?i2e su&&estions to m!3e #ee)'!03 e##e0ti2e.


.$" )o we nee) meetin&1 .$!t ! e t$e ne0ess! " steps to 'e t!3en 'e#o e 0!%%in& ! meetin& 1 OR

On w$!t '!sis wou%) "ou 0$oose "ou met$o) to 0ommuni0!tion1

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