PURPOSE: (COPY IN LAB BOOK) 1. To explore the cha !e o" #tate "ro$ a l%&'%( to a #ol%(. ). To (%#co*er the (%""ere ce % te$perat're +he #alt %# $%xe( +%th %ce. ,. To $a-e %ce crea$ .eca'#e %t ta#te# !oo(. /ATERIALS: )01 $%ll%ter# +hole $%l2 tea#poo *a %lla a.o't 1111 $%ll%l%ter# cr'#he( %ce 1 #a (+%ch #%4e( 5%ploc ther$o$eter #poo ("or eat% !) 0, !ra$# #'!ar approx. 31 $%ll%l%ter# roc- #alt 1 !allo #%4e( 5%ploc , #heet# o" e+#paper ('ct or $a#-% ! tape
PROCE6URE: 1. I the #$all 5%ploc .a!!%e7 $%x to!ether the $%l-7 *a %lla7 a ( #'!ar. S&'ee4e exce## a%r "ro$ the .a!!%e a ( #eal TIGHTLY! 6o'.le chec- "or a t%!ht #eal. ). A(( the %ce to the lar!e 5%ploc .a!!%e. Ta-e the te$perat're o" the %ce alo e. 8r%te th%# te$perat're o the chart % 9o'r la. .oo-. ,. A(( the #alt to the lar!e .a!!%e. 0. Place the o+ "%lle( #$all .a!!%e a$o !#t the %ce % the lar!e .a!!%e a ( #eal t%!htl9. 6o'.le chec- "or a tight seal. :. ;ol( the .a!!%e o*er %t#el" a ( place % the $%((le o" t+o la9er# o" e+#paper. ;ol( the e+#paper aro' ( the .a!!%e l%-e +rapp% ! a pre#e t. U#e tape7 lot# o" %t7 to #ec're the e+#paper. 3. Ta-e t'r #ha-% ! the +rappe( 'p .a!!%e#. A"ter : to 11 $% 'te#7 the %ce crea$ #ho'l( .e har( e o'!h to eat. <. U +rap the e+#paper a ( ta-e the te$perat're o" the #alt a ( %ce $%xt're. 8r%te th%# '$.er o the chart % 9o'r la. .oo-. =UESTIONS: (ANS8ER IN YOUR LAB BOOK USIN> CO/PLETE SENTENCES) 1. 8hat +a# the (%""ere ce % te$perat're .et+ee the %ce alo e a ( the %ce +%th the #alt? ). 6%( the #alt $a-e the %ce col(er or +ar$er? ,. @o+ (o 9o' th% - th%# t%e# % to #alt% ! the roa(# % the +% ter? 0. 6%( the l%&'%( ha*e a heat lo## or !a% ? :. 6%( the %ce ha*e a heat lo## or !a% ? 3. 8hat %# happe % ! to the $olec'le# a# the te$perat're (rop# to "or$ #'ch a ta#t9 treat?