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Storm Water Management and Drainage Report

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STORM WATER MANAGEMENT AND DRAINAGE Hydrology The site is located in the Pichincha Province northwest of Quito, between

the towns of Calacali and Nanegalito. Quito and the surrounding areas receive approximately 1234 mm of rainfall annually. Available Rainfall Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) curves for the Pichincha region indicate the following rainfall intensities for a five (5) minute storm duration/time of concentration: Return Period (Yr.) 2 5 10 20 50 Intensity (mm/hr) 85 100 110 120 135

These values were obtained from the IDF curves shown below:

Existing Drainage Facilities and Site Conditions The existing storm water management facilities on-site are generally limited to roadside conveyance swales. These are located on both sides of the private access roads and consist of vegetated swales and unreinforced concrete channels. The concrete channels are used predominantly in areas with flatter slopes and smaller contributing drainage areas. Vegetated channels are utilized in areas with steeper slopes and larger drainage

areas, and appear to function well due to the ease in establishing vegetative growth. Erosion appears to be limited to areas that have been recently disturbed to create building pads. A significant earth slide near the camp entrance is threatening the stability of the private road serving the site. Therefore, the proposed improvements will include relocating the private road to an area away from the slide, and directing upland runoff away from the area through grading and the installation of a storm water conveyance pipe. Proposed Drainage Improvements The proposed storm water improvements for this phase of construction will consist of conveyance facilities at the proposed multi-use Saln building, and a storm drainage pipe to convey runoff through the proposed parking area near the camp entrance. Concrete channels are currently being utilized to collect and convey roof runoff from several of the existing buildings. The channels discharge into an inlet box and the flow is dispersed via a PVC sewer pipe into a heavily vegetated area away from the building. This method appears to be working well to address localized drainage around the buildings, so a similar system has been proposed for the Saln building. All proposed storm water facilities have been sized to convey the 50-year storm event. Where the contributing drainage areas contain future improvements (as indicated on the Master Plan), the runoff calculations have accounted for the additional impervious surface. Runoff Calculations: Proposed Pipe at Parking Area: Drainage Area = 13,498 m2 (see figure below)

Calculate CA Value: Cover Impervious (Road) Grass, >10% Grass, <4% Jungle Total Area (m2) 1,410 1,300 450 10,338 13,498 Area (hect) 0.1400 0.1300 0.0045 1.0338 1.3498 C Value 0.93 0.35 0.25 0.20 CxA 0.1311 0.0455 0.0113 0.2068 0.3947

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Calculate Peak Flow: Q = kCIA = 0.00278 x I x CA = 0.00278 x 135 x 0.3947 = 0.148 m2/sec (where I = 135mm/hr for 50 yr. storm event, Tc = 5 minutes)

Proposed Conveyance Facilities at Multi-Use Building: Drainage Area = 750 m2 (see figure below)

Calculate CA Value: Cover Impervious (Roof) Grass, >10% Total Area (m2) 620 130 750 Area (hect) 0.0620 0.0130 0.0750 C Value 0.93 0.35 CxA 0.0576 0.0046 0.0622

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Calculate Peak Flow: Q = kCIA = 0.00278 x I x CA = 0.00278 x 135 x 0.0622 = 0.024 m2/sec (where I = 135mm/hr for 50 yr. storm event, Tc = 5 minutes) Hydraulic Design of Conveyance Facilities: Proposed Pipe at Parking Area: Try 600mm diameter SLPEP at Slope = 8.50%, n=0.012: QFULL = 1.77 m3/sec > 0.148 m3/sec (O.K.) Check Orifice Control at Pipe Entrance, H = 1.00 meter, C = 0.60: QMAX = 0.751 m3/sec > 0.148 m3/sec (O.K.) Check Velocity at Discharge based on Actual Flow: VMAX = 3.89 m/sec = 12.76 fps (Use R-6 Stone Apron at discharge point per chart below)

Proposed Conveyance Facilities at Multi-Use Building: Try Rectangular Concrete Channel, Width = 50cm, Depth = 25cm, Slope = 1.00%, n=0.010: QFULL = 0.310 m3/sec > 0.024 m3/sec (O.K.) Check Weir Control at Entrance into Drainage Box, Weir Length = 20 cm, H = 0.25 meters: QMAX = 0.035 m3/sec > 0.024 m3/sec (O.K.) Size Pipe from Drainage Box based on Full Flow Capacity, Try 315mm dia. sewer pipe, n=0.012, Slope = 4.50% QFULL = 0.250 m3/sec > 0.024 m3/sec (O.K.) Check Orifice Control at Pipe Entrance, H = 1.00 meter, C = 0.60: QMAX = 0.207 m3/sec > 0.148 m3/sec (O.K.)

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