Evolution of Marine Creatures As Homoeopathic Remedy
Evolution of Marine Creatures As Homoeopathic Remedy
Evolution of Marine Creatures As Homoeopathic Remedy
inhabitants which are used as remedies in Homeopathy. The medicines in this context, those are infrequently used in our clinics, will be described here along with its indications.
"The appearances of sea can be deceptive and neatly categorized that it seems to make sense on dry land have a tendency to dissolve. Exploring the nature of sea life forces reveals that what looks like a stone, a lamp, a floating forest or even a walking flower, can in fact be an animal or assembly of animals with complex behaviour and survival strategies e.g. fish can fly like birds under water, and whales have hair and breasts etc. The marine hermaphrodites have the ability to selffertilize, and some sea animals can change gender, moving between male and female at will. Senses exist in the world's oceans that we have taken millennia to understand even a little of it. In Greek mythology we find moon, seal and cuttlefish priestesses and cave-dwelling ocean nymphs, nests of snake-like beings are found slipping through the waves, half-serpent women who eat men alive, women with hair of vipers; and sea goddesses birthing hydra-headed water serpents. The sea holds the poison and the cure, mirroring our lives' dramas, ills and ailments. The deepest experiences of life and emotion are held in the mythic figures, the sea animal archetypes and in the energy of the sea animals as homeopathic medicines. They reflect our dreams and nightmares, our light and darkness, our male and female aspects, our logic and imagination, our sense of evolution, and our life-journey from birth to death. It is because these medicines reflect us so deeply that they have the equal power to profoundly heal us. Homeopathy has barely scratched the surface in discovering, proving, and utilizing medicines made from the animal kingdom. This is even more true of sea life. The diversity in shape, color, and form of sea life is truly remarkable. Only one fairly small creature, a stone fish, said to emit some of the most potent poison of any sea animal. Apparently humans who are bitten find themselves rapidly writhing in excruciating pain. So it may be wished that these substances could be proven as homeopathic medicines.
Coelenterata Annelida
Eel serum (Serum) Asterias rubens: Star-fish (Whole living animal) Astacus fluviatilis : Crawfish or River crab (Whole living animal) Homarus: Lobster (Digestive fluid) Limulus cyclops: King crab (Blood) Oleum jecoris aselli: Cod-liver oil (Oil) Gadus morrhua (Cod fish)
3. Anthropophobia: The sea inhabitants have a tendency to escape in other direction when attacked by human being. So the patient has a great fear of human being and wants to be alone. 4. Communication: These individuals are lonely and poor communicators yet nevertheless have a strong desire to be understood and for others to approach them. 5. Past: Idea that "before" was better, though it never actually was. 6. Safe Environment / Protection: The sea water is a safe place for its inhabitants and they feels protected when they are in sea than when they are kept in aquarium. So as the patient, mostly wants to be in a safe-hand with a feeling of insecurity. 7. Sensitiveness: Stinging pain in different parts. A feeling of a thread in the throat, which is worse near seaside, a. desire for salt, and dreams of rats are common. 8. Motion: Difficulty moving.
7. Helix tosta (Toasted Snail) >> Snails traditionally cures tuberculosis and W.H. Leonard reports two cases cured with Helix t. 100,000c. Mainly used for dyspnoea, hemoptysis, tuberculosis. Continuous hoarseness with dry ickling cough. 8. Homarus (Digestive fluid of the Lobster) >> The poisonus effects of Lobster are well-known, one may die after eating lobster and there after drinkind milk. Worse from milk is a strong guiding indication for its homooepathic use. Apparently useful for gastrointestinal problems and skin disorders, particularly urticaria. The patients have the feeling that they cannot move. Dyspepsia, sore throat and headache seems to be a combination that may be controlled by this remedy. The more prominent symptom during proving were sore throat (severe, dry, looked much inflammed with large blood-vessels and appeared granulated), headache, deranged digestion, sexual excitement, disturbed sleep; backache, pains were sharp and sudden, compelling him to sit down; chilliness with trembling all over; itching in various parts day and night > better scratching, but appearing in another part, worse < at night; no appetite, distress in stomach, restless sleep, tiredness. 9. Hydrophis cyanocinctus (Sea serpent) >> Homoeopathic proving of Hydrophis was done in the United Kingdom by double-blind method from Jan. to June 1958 with 6c & 30c. In its poisoning effect, Hydrophis attacks the peripheral nerves causing symptoms similar to poliomyelitis. This substance is said to be especially useful for central nervous system and muscular disorders. Patients have depression, weeping state, irritabililty fatigue, forgetfulness and an inability to concentrate. State of euphoria, followed by a period of sadness with tear, amelioration by consolation. Paretic and paralytic syndromes of the lower limbs with numbness and heavy feeling. Itching skin in different parts of the body; disturbed sleep with nightmares; epigastric pains afetr eating, thirsty for cold drinks. 10. Lac delphinum (Dolphin's milk) >> The primary themes in one of the proving of this drug were calmness during danger, a propensity to play and pleasure, circular movements, issues of separation and detachment, and clairvoyance. Dolphins live in communities with a high level of group cooperation. The theme of mothering/nurturance was mentioned a number of times in proving . Lack of inhibition and natural expression came up and, indeed, dolphins are "the most sexually exploratory and freewheeling creatures in the animal kingdom." There is intense irritability with a desire to kill, a feeling of being exploited, intense depression, guilt, a sense of the purpose of life, a spiritual emphasis, need to be cared for, intense sensitivity to noise, fear of cancer, severe pain & clenching of the jaw and fits, and sinusitis. 11. Limulus cyclops (King crab) >> Limulus cyclops is prepared by trituration o fthe dried blood of king crab. It was introduced by Dr. hering and was partially proved by him and Dr. Lippe. Dr. Hering was surprised to see the blood of king crab which was bue in colour and on further investigation he found that this blue blood contain copper. So he thought that it would prove to be another medicine for cholera. There was rush of blood to the face with heat and painfulness all over body; bodily and ental exhaustion, drowsiness after sea bathing. The drug may be used in cholera, diarrhoea and skin diseases. Itching spots and vesicles on face and hands. 12. Medusa (Jelly fish) >> Poisoning effects of this drug are accounted as syomach disorders, leucorrhoea, oedema, anxiety and difficult speech. Useful for skin conditions, and also urogenital and glandular problems. Shares characteristics of Sepia such as aversion to sex and an affinity for dancing. Pricking heat and numbness of skin of face, arms, breasts and vesicular eruption, followed by desquamation; whole face is puffed, oedematous. Clinically it may also be used for breast-feeding disorders, nettle-rash, suppression of urine etc. Establishes secretion of breast milk by its action on milk glands; nettle-rash with burning, pricking and desquamation. 13. Oleum Jecoris aselli (Cod-liver oil) >> Earlier it was used locally in ring-worm and nightly rubbing, for dwarfish, emaciated babies. Dr. Neidhard proved this medicine. It is a liver remedy, an allay of cholesterinum. Cod liver oil is a nutrient and affects the chest, liver, pancreas and tendons. Patient has faulty nutrition, atrophic infants, children who can not tolerate milk; emaciation, hot hands and head; beginning stage of tuberculosis, scrofulous diathesis. Violent palpitations and great 4
soreness of chest accompany many complaints. Burning in palms, hot palms towards evening; dry, hacking, tickling cough especially at night. Defective nutrition, anaemia, weakness, emaciation, deficient animal heat, intolerance of milk, scrofulous diathesis guide to prescribe this remedy. 14. Physalia pelagica (Portuguese Man-o-war) >> G. Burnett was stung by the animal on fingers. The sensation was as if stung by a nettle, succeeded by violent aching, affecting the finger joints and spreading up arm involving elbow-joint; the pain spread to shoulder joint and pectoral group of muscles causing difficult breathing. After half an hour the symptoms began to abate, leaving a numbness of the limb and a blister at the spot of biting. Clinically it is used for urticaria (hives) and can be compared with Apis, Medusa and Urt-u. 15. Trachinus draco (Sting fish) >>Trachinus is best indicated in cases of acute blood-poisoning with intense pain. It causes intolerable pains, swelling of the part in cases of blood poisoning, gangrene, fever, delirium, hydrophobia etc; swelling of whole body of wounded arm then of head and chest. Stinging, burning, throbbing pain increasing to unbearble intensity lasting an hour and then decreasing; violent burning pain extending from wound to chest. 16. Venus mercenaria (American Scallop) >> Venus mer., the American scallop is a bi-valvular mollusk and was proved by Raeside in 1961-62, suggested by D. M. Foubister. The proving was made in three terms (one dose morning & evening for 14 days) using 30c in first term, 12c in second term and 6c in third term of which third term produced most of he symptoms. Venus mer. in one single dose of 30c or repeated once is a remedy both for attacks of migraine and for complaints based on migraine headaches especially when migraine is of digestive origin. Frontal and occipital headache, predominantly on right side worse < in morning and afternoon; headache accompanied by vertigo, nausea, vomiting. Dull mood, state of indifference and lack of concentration; in-coordination of body and mind when writing; cold feeling in mouth and throat; disturbed sleep, wakes up at 2 a.m., dreams of spiders, violence; nausea after eating with headache and vomiting; pressing in stomach with nausea, ameliorated after eating.
The medicines described here have specific actions on various systems and for various complaints in our patients. The medicines are not extensively proved (with few exceptions e.g. Sepia, calc-c, Spong. etc.), so their sphere of actions are also limited. The indications mentioned above are useful guidance for prescription. Further verifications and clinical proving of these remedies are still needed to satisfy their effectiveness and to prove its universality in use.