12 Lesson Plan

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LESSON PLAN Class: IX D Textbook: English My Love Unit of learning: 6- Fashion Lesson: assion for Fashion Ti!

ing: "h Date: #th $%ril "&&' Tea(her: a)la D)!itras $i! of lesson: *y the en+ of the lesson the st)+ents ,ill kno, ne, ,or+s regar+ing (lothes an+ they ,ill be able to )se the! in senten(es of their o,n.b/e(tives: .0: to enri(h their vo(ab)lary .": to solve exer(ises )sing the ne, vo(ab)lary .1: to )se the ne, vo(ab)lary in %ro+)(tions of their o,n .2: to eval)ate their (lass!ates ,orks $i+s: - han+o)ts - bla(kboar+ - sheets of %a%er Metho+s: (onversation3 ex%lanation3 gro)% ,ork3 in+ivi+)al ,ork3 4to)r of the gallery5 !etho+ I6T7.DUCTI.6: - see ,ho8s %resent - ,riting five ex%ressions 9"8: 9'8:

$CTI;IT< 0: 7ea+ing an+ ,riting 9.03 .": ro(e+)re: the tea(her gives the st)+ents sheets of %a%er (ontaining ,or+s relate+ to (lothes 9e-g- ()ff3 b)ttons3 hat3 (ollar et(:- The st)+ents ,ill take t)rns in rea+ing the infor!ation 9=6: an+ trying to re!e!ber the ne, vo(ab)lary- The tea(her ,ill give ne(essary ex%lanations an+ then the st)+ents ,ill solve in %airs exer(ises =6-" an+ =6-1- The ans,ers ,ill be (he(ke+ orally on the s%ot90=8: The st)+ents ,ill rea+ the follo,ing %age 92#: ,hi(h (ontains so!e !ore infor!ation on the sa!e to%i(- The st)+ents ,ill then solve in+ivi+)ally exer(ises 2#-0 an+ 2#-2 ,hi(h ,ill then be (he(ke+ orally9"=8:

$CTI;IT< ": >riting 9.1: ro(e+)re: The st)+ents ,ill be +ivi+e+ into seven gro)%s of fo)r st)+ents ea(h- Using the ne, vo(ab)lary3 ea(h gro)% ,ill have to +ra, the ,ay so!eone +resses on +ifferent o((asions- They ,ill have to (hoose a note ,hi(h ,as %revio)sly ,ritten by the tea(her to see ,hi(h is the o((asion they have to think abo)t- They ,ill then +ra, a %erson an+ the (lothes he ,o)l+ ,ear on the o((asion (hosen- 6ear the %erson they ,ill ,rite the +es(ri%tion of ,hat they +re,91'8: $CTI;IT< 1: ?%eaking 9.2: ro(e+)re: The +ra,ings ,ill be +is%laye+ in front of the (lassroo! an+ ea(h gro)% ,ill take a to)r an+ gra+e ea(h +ra,ing- >hen gra+ing the st)+ents ,ill %ay greater attention to the vo(ab)lary )se+- The best +ra,ing an+ the !ost a(()rate +es(ri%tion ,ill bring ea(h !e!ber of the tea! a goo+ gra+e90&8: @.ME>.7A: Des(ribe the ,ay yo) ,o)l+ get +resse+ if yo) ,ent to a %artyBto the !arketBto a theatre %lay9"8:

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