Computer Simulation in Biological Systems: Assignment 5

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BTE 4225

Computer simulation in biological systems

Assignment 5
This assignment consists of two parts. 1. Lab Exercises: Produce a report of the exercises completed in this weeks laboratory. 2. Fitting data to Eqn & ATLAB Functions in !" #L"$% Apply !itting data to "#n $ %AT&A' !unctions in ()%*&)+,- to any data or e#uation from 'T" text books. All the answers should be systematically arranged. !irst state the problem along with all the rele.ant details such as input data/ parameters/ initial conditions ..etc clearly/ and then present your results systematically. All the graphs should be of good #uality/ properly labeled and analy0ed under the discussion section. 1our report will be graded according to the more number of options that your had used in your calculations. (ubmit both the hard copy and soft copy of the assignment. (oft copy should be uploaded to the Assignment5 folder in drop box our course webpage before the due date. 2ate and time the submission of printed .ersion will be taken as the official submission for grading purposes. &ue date' +ext Tuesday/ 3:44P%

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