I.V. Therapy - History

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I.V. THERAPY HISTORY I. Origin of Intravenous Injection 1. 1628 - Wm. Harvey - discovery of circulation of blood led to further experimentation.

. 2. 1656 - Sr. Christopher Wren - used a quill and bladder; injected opium into drops. 3. 1662 J.D. Major made first successful injection in man. 4. 1665 - A dying animal was successfully transfused with the blood of another. 5. 1667 - A Parisian 15 year old boy was first successful human transfused with the blood of a lamb. Led to many problems and death. 6. 1687 Edict of Church and Parliament animal to man transfusions prohibited in Europe 150 years lapsed. II. Landmark in Development of IV Process 1. Dr. James Blandell, English O.B., proved animal blood was unfit for man, only human blood is safe. 2. 1900 Dr. Karl Landsteiner proved not all human blood is alike. 3. 1935 - Slow drip continuous method of transfusion was published by two English physicians 4. Pyogens introduced in the solutions were a problem. 5. 1940 A nurse was assigned as I.V. Therapist at Mass General Hospital, prerequisite to perform venipuncture successfully. 6. NS Used at first in early 1900s fluid and electrolyte knowledge grew and today more than 200 commercially prepared IV fluids are available. 7. 1965 - University of Penn- nutrient given IV to dogs research led to todays total parenteral nutrition. (Dr. Stanley Dudrick). III. Early Modern Equipment 1. Metal needle was used prior to World War II. 2. 1945 Development of plastic catheter due to frequency of infiltrations. 3. Glass container used first individually packed/prepared by hospital pharmacy later by major company as enclosed unit. 4. Plastic containers introduced in 1970s. IV. Current Events 1. 80% of hospitalized patients receive IV Therapy. 2. Large percentage of medications are administered by IV 3. IV Therapy becoming more widely used extended care facilities and in home care situations. 4. More widespread use of long-term, central venous access. 5. IV Therapy has become a sub-specialty in nursing. A. National Intravenous Therapy Association. (N.I.T.A.) established standards of practice in 1985 B. Development of the IV Nurse Specialist Commonly Used Intravenous Solutions:

Normal saline solution (NS, 0.9% NaCl) - Isotonic solution (contains same amounts of sodium and chloride found in plasma). It contains 9 grams of sodium chloride per liter of water. It is

indicated for use in conjunction with blood transfusions and for restoring the loss of body fluids.

Ringer's Solution or Lactated Ringer's (LR) - Isotonic solution (replaces electrolytes in amounts similarly found in plasma). It contains sodium chloride, potassium chloride, calcium chloride, and sodium lactate. It is indicated for use as the choice for burn patients, and in most cases of dehydration. It is also recommended for supportive treatment of trauma. Five percent dextrose and water (D5W) - Isotonic solution (after administration and metabolism of the glucose; D5W becomes a hypotonic solution). It contains 5 grams of dextrose per 100 ml of water. It is indicated for use as a calorie replacement solution and in cases where glucose is needed for metabolism purposes. Five percent dextrose and Normal Saline Solution (D51/2NS) Hypotonic solution that draws water out of the cells into the more concentrated extracellular fluid. Careful usage for patients with cardiac or renal disease if they are unable to tolerate the extra fluid watch for pulmonary edema. Normal Saline Solution Hypotonic solution that pushes fluid from the extracellular space into the cell. Watch if given to patients with increased ICP i.e. stroke, head trauma or neurosurgery. TPN (total parenteral nutrition) - TPN contains water, protein, carbohydrates (CHO), fats, vitamins, and trace elements that are necessary to the healing process. It is a very strong hypertonic solution. It must be given through a central venous catheter to allow rapid mixing and dilution.

Infiltration An accumulation of fluid in the tissue surrounding an IV Catheter site. It is usually caused by penetration of the vein wall by the catheter itself and later leads to dislodgement out of the vein and into the tissue. Signs and systems of infiltration include:

Flow rate may either slow significantly or completely stop (IV Pump will beep occlusion) Infusion site becomes cool and hard to the touch Infusion site or extremity may become pale and swollen Patient may complain of pain, tenderness, burning or irritation at the IV site There may be noted fluid leakage around the site

Immediate corrective action to take if IV infiltration is suspected includes:

Stop IV infusion immediately and remove IV Catheter Elevate Extremity If noticed within 30 minutes of onset, apply ice to the site (this will decrease inflammation) If noticed later then 30 minutes of onset apply warm compress (this will encourage absorption) Notify Supervisor/Physician as per individual hospital policy Document findings and actions Restart IV in an alternative location (opposite extremity if possible)

Preventive Measures to avoid IV Infiltration include: Properly securing catheter hub to the limb Stabilize extremity in use by applying an arm board if necessary Frequent assessment of IV site Keep flow rate at the prescribed rate Change IV site and tubing per hospital policy Phlebitis Inflammation of the wall of the vein, usually caused by:

Injury to vein during puncture Later movement of the catheter Irritation to the vein from long term therapy Vein overuse Irritating or incompatible solutions Large bore IVs Lower extremity IVs (greater risk) Infection Signs and Symptoms of Phlebitis include:

Sluggish flow rate Swelling around infusion site Patient complaint of pain or discomfort at site Redness and warmth along vein Prevention and Treatment for Phlebitis is the same for an infiltrated IV. Air embolism - The obstruction of a blood vessel (usually occurring in the lungs or heart) by air carried via the bloodstream. The minimum quantity of air that may be fatal to humans is not known. Animal experimentation indicates that fatal volumes of air are much larger than the quantity present in the entire length of IV tubing. Average IV tubing holds about 5 ml of air, an amount not ordinarily considered dangerous. Causes of air embolism include:

Failure to remove air from IV tubing Allowing solution bags to run dry Disconnecting IV tubing Signs and Symptoms of Air Embolism include:

Abrupt drop in blood pressure Weak, rapid pulse Cyanosis Chest Pain Immediate corrective action for suspected Air Embolism includes:

Notify Supervisor and Physician immediately Immediately place patient on left side with feet elevated (this allows pulmonary artery to absorb small air bubbles) Administer O2 if necessary Preventive Measures to avoid Air Embolism includes: Clear all air from tubing before attaching it to the patient Monitor solution levels carefully and change bag before it becomes empty

Frequently check to assure that all connections are secure

In the 1830s, a lethal strain of cholera wracked much of Europe. This type of cholera was called Russian cholera, for the supposed country of its origin, or blue cholera, for the dusky cyanotic complexion of its victims. It was associated with severe diarrhea and dehydration. A 22-year-old Scottish physician, William Brooke OShaughnessy, hypothesized that the primary cause of death in persons who succumbed to blue cholera was a deciency of uids and electrolytes. He postulated that replacing these decient uids and electrolytes in a solution infused in the patients veins could be effective and possibly lifesaving therapy. A physician colleague of Dr. OShaughnessy, Thomas Latta, was the rst to implement this thennovel therapy with blue cholera patients, and he reported that although not all patients survived, the outcomes were nonetheless much improved. This new practice was ridiculed by most of Dr. OShaughnessys and Dr. Lattas physician contemporaries, who were more inclined to practice traditional medical therapies, including blood letting with leaches and inducing emesis.3,4 Nonetheless, this marked a sentinel event generally recognized in health science as the advent of I.V. therapy. Toward the end of the nineteenth century, saline- and glucose-based I.V. solutions were used to treat the critically ill. Although the primitive I.V. delivery systems used during this period were designed to be reusable, a new understanding of the role of microbial organisms in the transmission of diseases meant that these systems were sterilized between patients. These delivery systems were cumbersome and difcult to use and maintain. For instance, these systems typically included steeltipped I.V. needles that were taped in place once I.V. access was obtained. These I.V. access needles then were connected to tubing that led to open glass cylinders lled with solution and covered with sterile gauze.2 Many complications were associated with this type of I.V. system that are difcult to appreciate today. For instance, it was difcult to maintain system asepsis, inltration into the surrounding tissues occurred frequently after I.V. access was initiated, and maintaining prescribed

solution administration rates required a great deal of vigilance and time. Because these delivery systems were primitive and fraught with difculties, only the most moribund patients were prescribed I.V. therapy in the early decades of the twentieth century. As a result, the initiation and monitoring of I.V. therapy during this period of time were wholly within the domain of the physician and remained so for the next several decades.1 During the early twentieth century, medical science rst appreciated the signicance of antigen-antibody reactions, ABO blood types, and Rh factor compatibility, thus paving the way for effective and safe transfusion of blood and blood component products. Blood transfusion therapy made its greatest scientic strides during World War II, providing lifesaving treatment to young soldiers, seamen, airmen, and marines who suffered traumatic injuries.2 On the heels of these advances, with the rise of the science of anesthesiology during the worldwide poliomyelitis pandemic, I.V. access

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