The Hood Health Handbook, Volume 2

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The Hood Health Handbook

The Hood Health Handbook: A Practical Guide to Health and Wellness in the Urban Community. Copyright 2010 by Supreme Design, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review. Published by Supreme Design Publishing. PO Box 10887, Atlanta, GA 30310. Although the editors and publisher have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of information contained in this book, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any inconsistency herein. Any perceived slights of people, places, or organizations are not intended to be malicious in nature. Supreme Design Publishing books are printed on long-lasting acid-free paper. When it is available, we choose paper that has been manufactured by environmentally responsible practices. These may include using trees grown in sustainable forests, incorporating recycled paper, minimizing chlorine in bleaching, or recycling the energy produced at the paper mill. Supreme Design Publishing is also a member of the Tree Neutral initiative, which works to offset paper consumption through tree planting. ISBN-13: 978-1-935721-33-8 LCCN: 2010934314 Wholesale Discounts. Special discounts (up to 55% off of retail) are available on quantity purchases. For details, visit our website, contact us by mail at the address above, Attention: Wholesale Orders, or email us at [email protected] Individual S ales. Supreme Design publications are available for retail purchase, or by request, at most bookstores. They can also be ordered directly from the Supreme Design Publishing website, at Visit us on the web at

Introduction Its Deeper than Fast Food Is this Book for You? What this Book is NOT Whats up with the Wellness Thing? How to Read this Book The 23 Keys to Health and Wellness Getting FitThe Choice is Yours Getting Rid of Dead Weight Hip Hop and Weight Loss RBG Fit Club Exercise Without Equipment Whats Cardio? What to Eat and Drink on a Workout Regimen Workout Ideas You Wont Hate Yogas Not Just For Hot Chicks Three Ways to Test Your Flexibility List of Stretches The GodBody Workout Routine How to Prevent M uscle Cramps Losing 240 Pounds Sexual Health Sex is Good For You How Does M y Diet Affect M y Sex Life? Put It In Your M outh Now Youre Just Being Nasty Do Cold Sores M ean You Have Herpes? Sex Ed: Birth Control and Teen Pregnancy Which Condoms are Best? How to Boost Your Testosterone Keep it TightAight? Sexually Out There: Addicts and Derelicts Chemical Genocide Tropical Fantasy M akes Black M en Sterile! M edicine made Just for Black People?

Tasty Toxins M ercury in M y M outh? Gasoline in my Veggie Burger? Is Soy Bad for You? Whats Wrong with Cooking? Whats wrong with the M icrowave? Do Smart Phones Give You Brain Tumors? What a Waste: Environmental Racism Plastic Poisons BPA can M ake You a New M an Toxins in Your Home Rocket Fuel In M y Tap Water? No Genie in the Bottle Dying to Learn: Lead Poisoning & Environmental Racism Getting the Lead Outof your Home Vaccines and Population Control? What Can I Do About All This? Having Healthy Children Birthing Babies in the Hood Nourishment and Nutrition During Pregnancy What Is a Birthing Center? The Epidural and its Effects C -Sections - Why, When and What can Happen Serious Pregnancy Issues Emergency Childbirth Whats an Apgar Score? Finding a Pediatrician Holistic Prenatal Health, Labor and Delivery Prenatal Yoga Operation Depopulation: Birth Control and Abortion Raising Healthy Children Formula: The Best milk since Breast M ilk? Breastfeed Your Babies! Homemade Baby Food M y Babys Bottom: Disposable vs. Cloth Putting Your Baby to Rest How to Keep Your Babys Teeth Healthy Healthy Tips for Healthy Babies OM G! M y Baby is Sick! First Aid for Common Childhood Injuries Why Do Black Children Have the M ost Food Allergies? Your Kid is not Chunky, Thick, or Big-BonedTheyre Fat Keeping Your Child Fit Is your child hyperactive? D.O.A. (Death of ADD/ADHD) Your Children Are Getting Cancer Stupid Preservatives Vaccinations 101 What does Dyslexia Look Like? Responding to Child Sexual Abuse Wasted: Drugs and Alcohol From Illin to Healin 101 Strategies to Stay Clean and Sober I Cant Put The Cigarettes Down! Quitting M ethods that Work Bidis Are Hazardous To Your Health Beer is Good for Your Bones Are You an Alcoholic? Beating Alcoholism Is Weed Bad for You? If Weed Aint AddictiveWhy Cant I Quit? Addicted to Caffeine Addictive Personality Disorder Are You Addicted to the Internet? Get Your M ind Right M ental Wellness in the Hood M ental Health in the Hispanic Community Schizophrenia and M ultiple Personality Disorder Personality Disorders OCD Are you an ADULT with ADHD?

The Great Depression Understanding Black M ale Depression Are you Bipolar? Alzheimers Disease One M inute M ental Health Check Emotional Health What is Emotional Health? Dealing with M ood Swings PTSD Do You Have an Anger Problem? Whats Stress? 37 Ways to Reduce Your Stress Stress Assessment Test Dealing with Anxiety How do you FEEL? M usic M akes M e Lose Control M editation: A Path to Inner Freedom Therapy without the Paid Professional Panic Attacks Let it Go Whats Under All that Culture? 42 Ways to Improve Yourself Your time is NOW! 3 Steps to a Liberating Sense of Self-Worth Toxic Relationships What is a Healthy Relationship? Dying to be Beautiful Light Skin is ALWAYS in Whats Wrong with Your Nose? Booty Shots Dying to Be Thin Get the Fat Out: The Dangers of Liposuction Tattoos and the Hood To Pierce or Not to Pierce Avoiding Problems with Piercings Healthy Skin M akeup or M ade Up? Holistic Skin Care at its Finest Killin M e Softly Toxic Personal Care Bumps on Your Face Does Proactiv Work? How to Reduce Cellulite Healthy Hair That Damn Ponytail Growing Our Natural Afrikan Hair Damn, Youre Going Bald! Healthy Nails Five Signs that Spa or Salon Isnt Safe An Introduction to M elanin Survival Tactics Insurance in the Hood Blood and Guts Prison is Bad for Your Health Ten Ways to Stay Healthy in Prison Caring for Your Elders Get Your Affairs in Order! Using Reparations to Repair Black Health Everything Costs M oney Keep it in the Hood: Farmers M arkets and Urban Gardens Community Gardens Urban Gardening in your Own Backyard In the Land of PlentyToo M any are Hungry Urban Survival: Preparing an Emergency Plan Save the Worldor Save Yourself? The Worlds Healthiest Slaves First Aid Primary Assessment Checking a Victims Vitals Recovery Position Shock Seizures

Three Degrees of Burns Heat-Related Illnesses Sprain or Fracture Natural Remedies for Small Scrapes and Wounds Bleeding and Types of Wounds Your First Aid Kit Basic First Aid for Gunshot Wounds Basic CPR The Heimlich M aneuver Appendix Recommended Viewing Recommended Websites How to Calculate your Body Fat How to Calculate Your Daily Calorie Needs Healthy Recipes: From M eat Eater to Vegan M eat Eater Vegetarian Glossary Author Biographies Notes Supreme Design Publishing M ail-In Order Form

Lets get one thing clear before we go anywhere. Were not doctors. Well, technically Supreme Understanding has a doctorate, but were not medical doctors, bound to the rules and regulations of the Western medical estabilishment. Then again, some of the authors are medical doctors, but just pretend they arent either. Just treat us all like people with opinions (opinions that some people disagree with very strongly), and were simply providing our person opinions for informational purposes only. We dont hold ourselves to the code that binds many doctors to ineffective practices and corporate-sponsored madness. Yet we cant help but be bound to U.S. law, which some nutjob may try to use one day to ruin our lives. We dont want anybody suing us because they think were prescribing medicine (were not) or telling people to ignore their doctors and listen to us (were not), so weve got to provide this sucky legal disclaimer. Here goes: The information provided in this book should not be construed as personal medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this book. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well being. The information and opinions provided here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the authors, but readers who fail to consult appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. This book is not responsible for errors or omissions.

Why you need a book like this



ere sick. And it aint just food poisoning. It aint just heart disease and cancer. The scope of this sickness is so wide and so deep that were affected on every level. M eaning our minds, our bodies, our emotions, our relationships, our children, our entire communities. And some of us know this all too well, but because the situation seems so overwhelming, weve given up on the idea of change. But change is possible. Change is very possible. But change, like any process, begins with knowledge. And while some people think they know the kinds of problems we face, their knowledge is in fact quite limited, because they dont seem to know how much we can do about it. Otherwise they wouldnt be so hopeless! The Hood Health Handbook was written to spread this knowledge, to educate people about everything from the toxic chemicals that cause our babies brain damage before theyre even born, to the mental illnesses were never adequately treated for. Theres so much more to know beyond our sorry diets and the diseases they cause. Thats certainly the first piece of the puzzle, but in order for us to truly develop comprehensive solutions for our struggle, weve got to learn about mental and emotional issues, survival and first aid, how to raise healthy children, how to avoid the chemical stew that surrounds us, and why everything is the way it is now. This is a continuation of the journey that started with The Hood Health Handbook, Volume One, but theres no reason why you cant read this book first if these are the topics that interest you most. In the end, we need people who are willing and able to create change in the community wherever change in needed beginning with the change they make in their own lives. If that sounds like too much to expect, dont stress yourself. Just read the book, and use it as a reference. M ake small changes, a day at a time. And soon enough, youll be surprised to see that this expectation wasnt so unrealistic after all. In fact, its almost the only direction you can take, with knowledge like this.


If you can answer Yes to any of these questions, this book is for you:

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I want to exercise, but dont have the time, money, or equipment. I want practical advice on how I can lose weight without a crazy diet. I want to keep my home clean, but dont have much time or money. I want to know about the best way to have a safe, healthy pregnancy. Ive heard more and more children are developing diabetes and cancer, and I need to make sure my children dont end up that way. I cant find any information on mental health that speaks to me and my background. I know someone in a toxic relationship and I want to help them. I want to improve myself, but I hate boring books that dont speak to me. I want to know how all the chemicals in my environment will affect me. I want to know what to do if the people close to me are mentally unstable. I want to understand why todays youth act the way they do. Im interested in becoming stress-free and happy with my life. Im considering getting a piercing, tattoo, or surgery and want to know the risks. Im into natural beauty but that natural stuff seems too expensive for me. I want to know how to have an emotionally healthy relationship. I want to be prepared in an emergency, especially if someones hurt. I want to teach others about how to get themselves and their communities healthy.


This book is a lot of things, and it will definitely reach different people in different waysbut there are some things this book is certainly NOT. This book is not Only for people who are already healthy: Theres a lot of health books (especially natural/holistic titles) that dont address the way most of us are living right now. Instead, they preach to the choir, talking only to readers who are already on the right path. Not this book. A guide on how to take your medicine: Its fairly easy to see that more medicine hasnt made our people more healthy. Instead of promoting the Western medicine model (diagnosis of symptoms prescription of chemicals), were going to show you how to prevent sickness and how to heal without the chemicals (which actually make us sicker). A diet/weight loss book: Our health problems are deeper than obesity. And while its good to be in shape, were not going to teach you how to starve yourself to do so. Were also not going to promote the idea that a skinny person is healthy just because they are skinny. Holistic health means everything. S uper-holistic, super-natural, and super-difficult: Our books are written to address the needs of people who normally dont enjoy books about health, so were not going to promote a lifestyle that is unrealistic for many of our readers. Our goal is to provide practical, sensible advice that almost anyone can use. Along the way, well throw in more challenging concepts here and there to keep things interesting. Medical advice, replacing that of a professional, or meant to diagnose you: Were not trying to pass ourselves off as doctors giving you medical advice. We are simply providing information that you can take into consideration when you make your lifestyle decisions. If you have a condition requiring serious or immediate attention, then by all means, seek out a professional you trust. Race-specific: The topics addressed in this book focus on Black and Latino people, but many of the health issues we talk about are relevant to just about anyone interested in improving their health. That means you dont need to be Black or Latino to benefit from this book. Class-specific: Similarly, you dont need to live in the hood to benefit from this book. A bunch of opinions: We are not quacks with crazy ideas. We have spent countless hours making sure that our information and recommendations are research-based. As often as possible, weve drawn on clinical studies and medical journals to develop our positions. When we came across an idea that sounded good but had no evidence to support it, we refused to publish it. A scientific journal: At the same time, we have avoided including hundreds of footnotes and citations throughout the text. We have simplified the language to the point where everyone can read it without a dictionary on hand (though it wouldnt hurt). Our goal is to make this information accessible, not to sound smarter than everyone else. A what youre doing wrong lecture: Were not here to make you feel bad. While the hood is certainly very sick, nothing is hopeless. Were more interested in providing easy recommendation for change than to harass readers about the mistakes theyve made. A change everything now or die sermon: Revolutionary change is a process, not a one-time event. It made more sense to promote one step at a time than to tell you to change everything immediately. A walk in the park: In spite of all of the above, this book will challenge you mentally and physically. It will challenge your pre-conceived notions as well as your current lifestyle. And the truth might hurt occasionally. But without pain, theres no real growth. We promise it will be worth it.


Oh yeah, that. We almost didnt put the word Wellness in the subtitle of this book. Sounds kinda New Age, we thought. People will think were pushing something weird and expensive instead of something practical and affordable. But we kept the word because wellness has a meaning thats worth keeping. Wellness means more than just being in a state of good health. Wellness is being on the road to getting there. And wellness is things that the doctor often cant measure. As I see it, every day you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself. Adelle Davis According to John Travis, author of The Wellness Index, Wellness is not a static state. High-level wellness involves giving good care to your physical self, using your mind constructively, expressing your emotions effectively, being creatively involved with those around you, and being concerned about your physical, psychological, and spiritual environments. He goes on to explain that it doesnt matter what side of the healthy-unhealthy spectrum a person is on but which direction they are facing.[1] To wish to be well is a part of becoming well. Seneca, ancient Roman philosopher So how do we know where were at and where were going on the road to wellness (or the road away from it)? Simple. Take every test, quiz, and questionnaire in this book. Read every article and see where you fall in terms of your daily practices. This book is the first COM PREHENSIVE guide to health in the urban community because it covers nearly EVERY aspect of health AND wellness. When youre done with these two volumes, youll know exactly where you standand where to go from there. From there, you can set your goals and move fast or slow. But the critical first step is KNOWLEDGE. And once you KNOW, wisdom and wellness follow. He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything. Arabian Proverb


r r You can start from the beginning and work your way to the end, or you can find interesting headings in the Table of Contents and hop around from essay to essay. This book can be read in any order. When you come across a word you dont know, first see if you can figure out the meaning based on the rest of the sentence. If not, the word may be defined in the glossary in the Appendix of this book. If its not there either, grab a dictionary or go to You can also find basic definitions at The same thing goes for any person, place, event, or idea thats new to you. We dont want you to simply believe us. Look it up. If you dont feel like grabbing a book, you can start at,,, or one of the many other websites we suggest in the book. Bring it with you wherever you go. Instead of smoking a cigarette or text messaging when youre bored or waiting for something, read. Find a partner or two who can get a copy of the book to read as well. When you meet, talk about what youre reading and what you think about it.
The best preservative to keep the mind on health is the faithful admonition of a friend. Sir Francis Bacon

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Dont get overwhelmed. All this information can be difficult for someone who thinks they have to start changing everything all at once. As we said earlier, optimum health is a path, not a destination. Take notes. Highlight. Circle important sections. But only if this is your book. Otherwise the owners gonna be pissed. Work to understand every idea that is discussed in this book. If you can do that, we guarantee that youll know more than the average pre-med student. We didnt make everything easy. Some of this book is written in very simple language that anyone can understand, dealing with basic issues like weight loss. Other parts are more challenging, dealing with issues like herbal treatments for OCD. If this book didnt challenge every reader somehow, we wouldnt be proud to present it to the general public. Above all, the single most important thing you can do with this book is APPLY WHA T YOU LEARN. We cover everything from the low end to the high end, so EVERYONE can start using SOMETHING in this book to improve their lives. The key isnt to do it all at once, or even to do it all period, but to begin the process by doing something you havent done before. Thats all it takes. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

Let me reiterate that last point. There are some parts of this book that will totally blow your day. Youll be feeling dusted and disgusted. Youll feel like you cant do anything, because everything out there is so unhealthy. Dont fall victim to that kind of thinking. The goal, again, is to simply start doing better, and to constantly be doing the best you currently can. M eaning, for example, youll know that canned food aint that good for you, but eating canned vegetables is better than NO vegetables.


Your health is the most important thing you possess. When it all falls down, its one of the only things that matters. These are 23 keys to health and wellness that one should keep in mind regardless to race, creed, class or environment. The chapters and articles of this book are written around these core principles, so youll find yourself revisiting these ideas as you read. 1. The traditional lifestyles of Original People (otherwise known as Indigenous People or People of Color) all over the planet were always in tune with their environment (even if they lived in cities). 2. Optimum physical health requires a nutritious diet, avoidance of toxins and other stressors that cause disease, and lifes essentials: clean water, clean air, sunlight, exercise, and rest. Deficiency in any area causes most of the health problems we experience. 3. The eating practices of Original/Indigenous/People of Color all over the planet leaned toward diets that were focused on vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, and other plant based foods. The consumption of meat has traditionally been a minor, if at all, part of the diets of Original people. 4. You can eat some meat and still be pretty healthy, but not if youre eating S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) amounts of it, or eating the chemical and parasite-filled kind we find at most grocers. 5. Clean on the inside, clean on the outside. We should be free of nastiness and parasites inside our body, and this cleanliness should be reflected on our exterior as well. With healthy practices, we wont need to depend on artificial cosmetic processes and products to feel attractive. And because we live in a toxic environment, its important to fast and cleanse our internal systems regularly, no matter what kind of diet were on. 6. Western culture through White Supremacy (slavery, genocide, colonialism, terrorism) initiated the current downward spiral of sickness and disease amongst Original/Indigenous People all over the planet. 7. White Supremacy is anti-life. Through its doctrine of M anifest Destiny they seek to be the ultimate consumers, devourers, users, conquerers with no thought as to how resources are to be renewed in the environment. 8. Original People dont need the help of white people to assist in the recovery of their health and wellness. The way that most healthconscious, liberal white people approach our communities is patronizing at best. Its just another manifestation of colonization. Also, in actuality, their information and resources about a holistic way of life were taught to them by Original/Indigenous People. 9. We are not anti-Western medicine yet we do reserve the right to critique it and take the best part that is beneficial to our communities 10. Too much of anything is no good. Some things are more dangerous in their excess than their lack, other vice versa. (For example, too much salt is more dangerous than too little, but too little Vitamin A is more dangerous than too much, etc.) 11. At least 75% of disease is nutritional, either in terms of how disease is developed or how it could have been prevented. Junk food, fried food, red meat, and other popular foods are killing you slowly. 12. Eating dead, burnt, toxic, chemically altered, genetically tampered, and/or inorganic matter leads to obvious consequences. 13. Everything that tastes good is not good for you. Yet we eat these things because certain ingredients in our foods can be as addictive as hard drugs. 14. You can also overuse (abuse) parts of your body, particularly the organs that are in place to clean and filter your system. When you overload those organs with toxins, they eventually shut down and disease emerges. 15. Whenever a part of your body (such as a muscle) is not in use, it atrophies, meaning it dies. People who are not physically fit die sooner than those who are. 16. Losing weight is not about dieting, but about changing your habits. By eating right and exercising, its easy to lose any amount of weight you desire. 17. Hospitals, doctors, drug companies, and the whole industry of Western medicine, is a big business. We understand that its goal is to maximize profits and that they may go against the goal of healing the people. 18. Healing and Wellness must be wholistic. It is mental and physical. The individual and the environment. 19. Healing starts where you are at. It took you years, months, and days to get to your current state of dysfunction and will take an equal amount of time to rise out of it. Utilize the resources right around you realizing that health and wellness is a journey not a destination. 20. One of the most powerful elements of health and wellness is preventative medicine. 21. Children are born with all the stress and toxins we put in our systems, even those from before they were conceived. Whatever they see us eating and doing, they will also want to eat and do. But children are more susceptible to toxins in the environment, as well as those in the foods we eat. In order to keep them healthy, we have to be healthy as well. 22. Get your mind right. M ental/emotional health is as important, if not more so, as physical health. Without a sound mind, it does us no good to have a sound body. But mind and body are interdependent, so living healthier can have us thinking and feeling healthier. 23. When you heal yourself, youll, in effect, be healing the hood.





n my spare time, Im a historian and social scientist. So I spend a lot of time studying the culture and traditions of Original/Indigenous people throughout the world, especially those that are ancient (sometimes called primitive), because those are the ones with the least outside influences. And I look for similarities across those cultures, as well as similarities with the culture of Original people in the modern world.[2] Translation: I like to look at old stuff that reminds me of stuff we do today. At one point, I wondered why indigenous people would let their women work as hard as the men, gathering in the fields while the men went out on long hunts. I thought we prized our women so much that we wouldnt make them work like that. But I looked at the modern day, and understood how the old way worked for us. That exercise was how everyone, male and female, even the old, stayed healthy. Historically, Original people have almost always been slim and trim or muscular and well-built. Our women might have had some weight in their hips (mothers hips), but not ankles that looked like fireplace logs. We walked hundreds of miles carrying everything on our backs, sometimes such as among the Aboriginal people of Australia just to relay a message carved into a stick (this was before e-mail). And guess who was fat and sick? Only the wealthy upper classes. Why? They ate diets high in fatty meat (living high on the hog so to speak) and low in the vegetables and grains eaten by the common people.[3] M eanwhile, the poor might have been overworked, but they were healthy as could be! Then what happened? Invasion and colonization! Nowadays, millions of us are out of shape, sick, and doing nothing about it. This is happening all over the world, but nowhere more than the Land of Opportunity. America is the fattest country in the world, a strange place where the poor are actually fatter than the rich.[4] Our unbeaten rates of obesity are known to nearly everyone in the world, except perhaps us. And despite the two or three be healthy campaigns you see on TV, the numbers are on the rise in 28 of our 50 states.[5] Our fattest state? M ississippi, where 34% of adults are obese. Thats one out of every three people! And while the overall numbers might be disturbing, whats worse is the rates of Black and brown obesity in this country. For example, 44% of Black people in Wisconsin are obese. Thats higher than M ississippis rate, so what does that tell you?[6] Everywhere you look, Black and Brown people are disproportionately fatter than white people. The lowest rates of Black obesity are in Nevada, at 26%. Thats not low at all! Thats one out of every four people! And its the same for Latinos. For example, 40% of Latinos in Tennessee are obese. And the health problems are the same. You can check out a documentary called Unnatural Causes, which shows the health problems now affecting migrant Latinos in the South, problems they never had back in M exico (See Recommended Viewing). What about women? You probably already know. Recent surveys put Black females at a mind-blowing 78% overweight and 50% obese. M eaning 4 out of 5 Black women are overweight. Now, SOM E of that might be overestimated because they used BM I instead of the more accurate WTR method (See Am I Fat?), which can mean that women with big hips and small waists can still be considered overweight (which is incorrect). But lets be real. You can go outside and see that those numbers arent THAT exaggerated. Its more bootydews than badonks out there.[7] And the numbers aint goin down. Instead, theyre rising, even in cities where overall rates are improving. For example, in 2009, obesity increased among Black and Native American girls in California, even while declining for white girls. Why is this the case? Several reasons. First, Blacks and Latinos are less likely than white people to receive advice and information about the benefits of exercise or healthy eating habits.[8] Black adults are 50% less likely to engage in physical activity than whites (Its even worse for children. Thank you, XBox!). But its deeper than being addicted to the television (though Blacks and Latinos watch more TV than any other group). 31% of Black women identify haircare as their primary reason for not working out. Diet is another issue. Some of it is by choice (I dont like vegetables, Im gonna die anyway, etc.), and some of it is not (Theres no Whole Foods in the hood, I dont know how to cook any other way, etc.). But one thing is clear: SOM ETHINGs gotta change. At this rate, were all gonna be fat and dead. We know that more than 80% of people with Type 2 Diabetes are overweight. We know that people who are overweight are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke (which Blacks experience at almost twice the rate of whites). Plain and simple, we ALL know that being fat aint good for us.[9] But its all about when are we gonna decide to really make a change, and how much are we prepared to give of ourselves to do so? The thing is youre giving to yourself. Youre giving yourself extra years on your life. Youre giving your children a chance to introduce you to your great-grandchildren. Youre giving yourself a better love life (and if youre single, a greater chance of attracting better candidates). Youre giving yourself more mobility, flexibility, and just plain ease in doing everything you couldnt do before. Youre giving yourself freedom from illness that will make your days miserable. Youre giving yourself life, and letting go of dead weight. And its not about being anorexic. Its not about looking like a European model. Its about being healthy. In the words of Dr. M ary Charleson, director of ORBIT (Obesity Related Behavioral Intervention Trials), an education program working to reduce obesity and obesity-related deaths in New York Citys Black and Latino communities:

If youre overweight and youre able to run a marathon, then thats a big difference from being overweight and you cant go up the subway stairs. And were not necessarily targeting them to be a certain size. Its really just being fit in the size that youre in.
So are you willing to do what it takes? If sokeep reading.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G In some cases, staying broke can be better for your health. I can name more than a dozen artists who gained crazy weight once their albums started selling. And, without exception, this is when their health got worse. On the other hand, folks like Coolio are in the best shape of their career now that their careers are over. All jokes aside, Coolio really is in good shape (as you probably know from his stints on reality TV shows) and here he explains why:

The key is taking care of yourself. I dont drink or smoke excessively, and I dont eat pork. I only go to McDonalds or Jack in the Box when I cant get anything else. If I see myself getting a gut, Ill start eating less and doing extra sit-ups. You have to kick your own ass.
The following are a few examples of weight loss and dieting in the hiphop world, as well as what we can learn and apply to our own lives.

Paul Wall (100 lbs)

If you followed Paul Walls career as he emerged from the Houston underground, hes an obvious case. As his star rose, so did his weight, until he hit 320 pounds. At that point, something had to give. His doctor told him he was morbidly obese and needed to change something or die. Paul recounted: I tried doing it the legit way. I stopped sippin syrup, stopped takin pillsall that, but it aint workSo I went out, went on and got surgery man. Pauls health was in such danger that even after cutting out things in his diet and exercising regularly, things werent improving quickly enough. He was advised to get gastric sleeve surgery, which basically reduces your stomach to a tube.

I lost 100 pounds, so Im back at my fight weight. Im ready. The champ is back[The surgery] saved my life for realI really didnt have too much of a choice, because the doctor told me I was morbidly obese. So, I really didnt have a choice. I was like Man, Im morbidly obese, I need to do something. Man, I got to save my life. Mike Jones (100 lbs)
But surgery doesnt need to be your only choice. Case in point, fellow Houston rapper, M ike Jones. He got fat as hell as well. And then he lost 100 pounds as well. M aybe it helped that he fell out of the limelight. When the people at caught up with him, they asked how hed lost so much weight. According to M ike:

I was almost 300 pounds man. I lost almost 100. Im 190 right nowThat goes from eating Subway, running on the treadmill, and watching what I eat. Im trying to make sure Im the urban Jared right here, baby.
M ike says that with his long absence from the music scene, he felt compelled to come back with a new look, image and sound. Whatever you gotta tell yourself, homey. At least youre gonna LIVE. All jokes aside, perhaps the desire to come back on the scene was the motivation M ike needed to get in shape.

Yung Joc (35 lbs)

Theres nothing wrong having some motivation. For many of us, its the opposite sex. But as Drake tells women on Fancy:

Hit the gym, step on the scales, stare at the number/ You say you dropping 10 pounds, preparing for summer/ And you dont do it for the man, men never notice/ You just do it for yourself, youre the f*ckin coldest
So whats your motivation? M aybe you need to have a competition in your family, clique, or company for whoever loses the most weight like a toned down version of Celebrity Fit Club.[10] Thats what they did at Yung Jocs record label:

Block Entertainment, we all just made a betWe started dieting, eating [small meals] like five times a day, exercising three to four times a weekWeights and curling. I [started out] with 20 pounds; now Im gonna curl up a 90-pound weight. And crunches you have to do crunchesDo cardio every time you work out. Just stay on the treadmill and work your way up. I would run for 20 minutes.
Joc won the bet, losing 35 pounds, and collecting the winnings of $1,000 each from his CEO, manager, and managers assistant. A lot of women notice it, the rapper says, and a lot of em wanna get closer. He was talking about his new physique, not the moneythough Im sure both help. Joc cut back on carbs to achieve his weight loss goals, but lets hope he also cut back on meat.

Jazze Pha (73 lbs)

M ulti-platinum producer Jazze Pha lost over 73 pounds in just three months after announcing a similar $1,000 weight loss contest (this one for fans) with celebrity trainer Kenya Crooks, aka The Worlds Greatest Weight Loss Expert in April of 2010 The super-producer said a rigid, variety of daily exercises, like boxing, running and swimming, has helped him shed the pounds in such a short period of time. I never know what to expect, Jazze Pha told Hell have me doing a boxing workout one day and then doing one of his famous pool workouts the next day. Thats why I havent hit a plateau, its always something different everyday.

8Ball (?)
M emphis Rap legend 8Ball is another XXL rapper whos gone low carb, although hes had the sense to quit red meat as well. According to the Fat M ack, or Fat Boy From Da M ound, hes stopped eating beef, pork, bread and has cut out on sippin soft drinks even trying yoga all in the name of health:

I been doing a change in the way I eat. I got youngins. Im getting older everyday, so I just changed the way I eat man. Lost a little bit alreadyI made little minor changes. I aint trying to get heroin chick, but I want to be healthyIm walking, walking dogs, tread mills etc. Bow Wow
Lotta rappers goin low carband then theres Bow Wow, whos gone high fiber. He sticks to this strict fiber-heavy diet to prevent a relapse of the stomach illness which hospitalized him back in 2007. (He was treated for an infected appendix after doctors discovered his white blood cells were abnormally high, during a check up over a bad cut.) Although Bow Wow is now fully recovered, he says hes battled

gastrointestinal problems his whole life prompting him to turn to healthier food. He told Hip Hop Weekly:

Ive always had bad stomach problems. Thats why I went to the hospital a year and a half ago when me and Chris Brown were on tour. Now me and all my team, were starting to work out more and stuff like that. I had to go on a special diet. Bananas, rice, apples and toast. Its crazy, but so far so good. Eminem (28 lbs)
Eminems another one who got big fast, in more ways than one. But he also recently dropped about 28 lbs by eliminating fatty, greasy fried foods and alcohol from his diet. That sounds like great news, but doctors were concerned the addiction-prone Eminem could become anemic if he continued to crash diet while embarking on a strenuous 70-date European tour. According to an insider close to Eminem:

He used to live off fried chicken, fries, burgers and his real favorite, drumsticks. Now hes eating only grilled meats and fish, fruit and vegetables, but no refined carbs. His riders (performance request lists) are unrecognizable from those of four years ago.
So what seems to be the problem? Em is eating healthier, claims hes gotten sober, works out on a treadmill and took up running in 2009. Britains Dr. M orris M issler was one of many who expressed concern:

Even without a wildly energetic and adrenalin-charged job, crash dieters risk heart attacks and strokes, liver and kidney failure and most certainly death in extreme casesThis would be bad enough if he wasnt living the non-stop life of a music superstar. Crash diets are extremely dangerous for your heart, liver, kidneys and brain because you lose tissue around them. If you dont eat enough, your body will actually burn the muscle tissue of the organs themselves to provide you with sufficient energy to function.
Crash dieting helps you lose weight, but you might also lose your life. That was the main criticism of that TV show, The Biggest Loser. Critics said that losing THAT much weight that FAST could not possibly be safe. And it isnt. Losing a bunch of weight quickly requires that you send your body into shock. Not only are you cutting your calorie intake significantly (thats why you crash) and denying your body all the things it has grown addicted to all at once (another reason why you crash), youre also changing the nutritional intake of your diet (and usually not in the right way). Beyond all the health concerns, crash dieting doesnt LAST. Youll get so sick and be so miserable youll have a hard time keeping the weight off.

Big Pun (80 lbs)

In fact, most diets have the same problems, because theyre not lifestyle changes. Theyre just eliminations. And considering the chemical quality of the food we eat, its hard to eliminate so much so fast. In 1999, rapper Big Pun at the urging of friends and family concerned about his health enrolled in a weight-loss program in North Carolina. He quickly lost 80 pounds, but he quit the program before completing it. He just couldnt take it. He returned to New York and promptly gained back the weight he had lost. On February 7, 2000, Big Pun suffered a fatal heart attack and respiratory failure. Pun was pronounced dead at the hospital after paramedics could not revive him. He was over 400 pounds when he passed.

NORE (65 lbs)

N.O.R.E. is probably the last rapper youd expect to make a conscientious change in lifestyle. I mean, hell, his name stands for Niggas On the Run Eatin. But now, hes eatin VEGAN! And he claims that switchin to a vegan diet plus exercise is what helped him lose over 65 pounds. N.O.R.E. also started a serious workout regimen with the Bartendaz (See Exercise without Equipment) thanks to a weight loss competition with Busta Rhymes. To top it all off, he quit drinking as well, replacing liquor with herbal tonics (See M agic Potions)!

Mike Tyson (130 lbs)

Although hes not a rapper, I figured this story was just as good as NOREs. Turns out that even former human-biter M ike Tyson has left flesh alone altogether:

I became a vegan. V egan is where [theres] no animal products. No livestock products. Nothing. I just did a lot of training and try to become more faithful in life. I wanted a different life. I felt like I was dying. I had an incident in life where I lost my 4 year old daughter in a tragic accident at home. I dont know. I didnt want to live anymore. So I said, that in order to go there, I had to change my life. I am going to change everything I dislike about myselfI dont smoke anymore. I wanted to give up everything. I had to change my life. I didnt have a problem with drugs or nothing. I had a problem with thinking. My thinking was broken. That was the solution of my broken thinking, using drugs, and living crazy. It was just the way I was thinking.
In addition to helping him eliminate drama from his life and increased energy, Tyson also credits his vegan lifestyle with his massive 130 pound weight loss.

What Diet Will Work For Me?

Havent you been reading this book? Did you even read the last essay? Diets are NOT the answer. LIFESTYLE changes are. Just look at the words themselves: DIEt. LIFEstyle change. Which one do YOU think is gonna be better for you? For those of you who are stuck on the idea of dieting, heres a quick review of some of the popular diets out there now, and their pros and cons.

The South Beach Diet

One of the most dangerous diets ever designed. The fact that it was written and promoted by a cardiologist makes it more threatening because heart patients, thinking it is safe, are encouraged to eat this way. You are told to move from a carbohydraterestricted, highprotein phase back to a less restricted phase, but when you start to regain your weight (as you will inevitably do), you are instructed to go back to the more restricted phase again. This pattern of changing dietary phases accelerates the progression of atherosclerosis and promotes electrolyte swings that not o n ly increase the likelihood of you getting a heart attack, but can predispose you to a life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia. Many are aware

The Atkins Diet

Weight Watchers

The Eat to Live Diet

The RAVE Diet

that ketogenic diets are dangerous if maintained longterm, but if done for a shorttime on and off, as recommended in the South Beach plan, you lose weight, regain it, lose weight and regain it (i.e. yoyo your weight), which is even more dangerous to your heart and your health. Full of incorrect, unscientific and fraudulent dietary advice on almost every page. Also known as the no carbs diet because it claims you can lose weight by avoiding breads, pastas, sweets, and other carb-heavy foods, while still enjoying as much meat as you want. You can lose some weight this, but its difficult to lose significant amounts of weight longterm. More importantly though, this diet is bound to hurt your health no matter what it does for your waistline. Studies have shown that it causes constipation, kidney insufficiency, bad breath, fatigue, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias and even sudden death due to electrolyte imbalances. This diet is the richest in saturated fat of all others. Saturated fat is the food element best associated with cancer. Also associated with cancer is aspartame, which is the sugar substitute preferred by most people avoiding carbs. This involves calorie counting and portion control. Like Atkins and other diets, most people do not keep the weight off permanently this way. More importantly, it reduces both calorie and nutrient levels simultaneously, reduces disease resistance, making you more likely to get the chronic diseases that afflict Americans today like heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and cancer (all which result in a premature death). You can include other programs in this category, including Jenny Craig and whatever else is next on the meals mailed to your door bandwagon. This isnt based on The Honorable Elijah Muhammads books How to Eat to Live, Vol. 1 and 2. Or is it? Nah, its probably not, because Muhammad didnt give the NOI a diet. He gave his followers an entire lifestyle to adopt. Under the NOIs guidelines, there are tons of foods you cant eat, but theres quite a lot of other guidelines that make it a more whole life type of change. This Eat to Live diet, created by Dr. Joe Fuhrman, focuses on two primary objectives: weight loss and optimal health. Fuhrman pushes a nutritarian diet based on foods with a high nutrient to calorie ratio such as fruits, vegetables and legumes, as well as limiting (but not eliminating) the amount of meat, dairy and processed foods that one consumes. According to Fuhrman, you can eat as much as you want on this diet (within reason). How? He says: Foods high in fiber tend to be plant-based foods. Foods high in fat tend to be animal-based foods. As you change your diet to include daily fruit, vegetable, green salad and bean consumption, you will have more energy, feel fuller and lose weight. The Rave Diet was created by Mike Anderson after watching family and friends suffer from disease. Deciding that there had to be a better way to live, he embarked on two years of research and formed the principles of the Rave Diet and Lifestyle. The rave part of the name is an acronym for the four most important aspects of the diet. They are: no Refined foods, no Animal foods, no V egetable oils, no Exceptions. The lifestyle also emphasizes exercise, if you can get past the strict requirements of the diet! But if youve got a disease rooted in nutrition (heart disease, cancer, etc.), the RAVE diet is the next best thing to a RAW diet.


B Y ST I C . M A N O F D EA D P R EZ To keep the body in good health is a dutyotherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. Buddha Heres just a few of the ways you can start getting stronger, faster and more toned: 1. Calisthenics. There are so many different bodyweight exercises out there, but well start with the basics. For the lower body: lunges and squats are a good start. For upper body: pull-ups, push-ups, and shoulder press ups. For your core: crunches and twisting sit ups will get you going. Whats great about bodyweight exercises is that they build functional strength. Theyre natural movements you would use in real life situations like sports, self-defense, gardening, or doing chores. Plus, when you do bodyweight exercises, you force your body to use more supporting and balancing muscles than you would on machines. 2. Isometric exercises. These are basic bodyweight exercises, but where you hold your body in a static position. Examples of these are the frog sit, v-sit, horse stance, hanging from a pull-up bar, and the plank. Calisthenic exercises will improve muscle strength over a range of motion, but isometric exercises are great for joint and stabilizing strength. 3. Range of motion and flexibility. The best exercise Ive found for range of motion and flexibility is yoga. The best thing about yoga is that no equipment is required and you can find tons of free resources online for yoga routines. Bikram (hot yoga) is excellent. 4. Balance. Balance is the ability to keep your equilibrium when your center of gravity is thrown off. There are many ways you can practice balance every day. When youre putting on your shoes or getting dressed, do it on one foot. Walk on the curb and try to walk in a straight line without stumbling. Be creative. 5. Dynamic exercise. Dynamic exercise is anything where youre not performing routine after routine. Things are in flux and constantly changing. Youre moving in more natural movements, rather than continuous repetition of fixed patterns. Jeet Kune Do is a great way to get a good work out and learn self defense. Not to mention, practicing martial arts will inspire you to further pursue and achieve higher levels of physical fitness. If youre not into martial arts, you can always pick up a sport like tennis, handball, basketball, or take dance classes. Do whatever youre naturally drawn to. Theres a lot of other opportunities for exercise. Hiking, jogging, skiing, swimming, running, yardworkThe list could go on. Just use your imagination. M ake it fun and change it up.


B Y N A SI M A LLA H Theres no secret to getting in shape. In fact, it doesnt take much, and what it does take, can be found FREE both inside and outside you. Knowledge and resistance are two of our most abundant resources. Understanding these two concepts is key to living a fulfilling and healthy life. Your body was not exclusively designed to sit, walk, and lie down. Your body can essentially become the wildest roller coaster ride you could step into. As a baby, when you first began crawling, it was difficult and you probably wouldnt get too far. Same thing occurred when you started to walk taking one or two steps was a challenge, but it wasnt long before you began to run, probably to the point where you drove everyone around you crazy! Whats the next step in this natural progression? Well, that all depends on how far you want to go, and how deep of an understanding you want. Just remember three things:

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When youre old, you wont be able to do what you could while young. The human body is as deep as the universe itself. The human is designed to constantly build itself, not to self-destruct.

Whats Stopping You?

You dont need to live in a perfect world to be fit. Chances are youre busy with work, school, kids, side projects, and/or hustling hard to maintain a living. Youre probably stressed out, overworked and underpaid (one way or another), and feel that getting healthy and in shape is a world away. Its easy to make excuses and to cheat yourself from experiencing the best you have to offer. think about this for a moment, if you deny yourself your best then who are you saving your best for? Dont be the best employee or student to never end up as the boss or teacher. Excuses build monuments of nothing, my 8th grade teacher once said. If one were to focus the time and energy theyd spent on making excuses to the task at hand, they would have nothing to make excuses for. Dont make excuses about your health. You wouldnt toss your money out a window, so why would you throw away years of your life? Exercise is a specific movement that stimulates a certain muscle or group of muscles. Any movement that is not painful and has a noticeable amount of resistance that leads you to contract your muscles can be an exercised. You can actually grab a pair of light dumbbells and move your limbs in various directions and see what movements really workout shoulders, biceps, back, etcAnd in the case of calisthenics, you can lie, lean, sit, on a surface, or hang, suspend yourself on a pull-up bar or pair of parallel bars and move your body until you find a certain movement that stimulates the muscle fibers in the part of the body you want.

Common Excuses to Not Exercise

Gyms are either too far or too expensive. You dont need a gym to get fit. Gym access is a luxury. If its available, take full advantage of it, but if it isnt, dont sweat it, that only means youll save money. This book will tell you how to create your own gym, trust me. I know I should but I dont have enough time. Some of us are very busy people and we can be very short on time. Yet 30 minutes a day, 3-5 times a week will do your body a lot of good. Plus, if you feel you are too busy to exercise, chances are youre stressed. In which case, the exercise will not only have you looking and feeling fit but will help tremendously in dealing with stress. I cant afford exercise equipment. If you can afford to buy milk jugs, you can afford to have exercise equipment (Ill explain later). Exercise is boring. That depends on how you exercise. If doing flips on a pull-up bar is boring, then maybe exercise is boring. Granted were all not going to be doing flips on pull-up bars, but once you look and feel stronger after two weeks of exercise, you wont care. The results will push you to gain more results and that in itself is very exciting. People have even dedicated their lives to pushing their bodies to the max, theyre called professional body builders and athletes! I have kids to take care of. If you have newborns and are waking up every few hours at night wait until their sleeping habits improve. Once they are able to sleep more at night, youll be able to sleep more as well and have more energy. Then, you can have a low to medium intensity workout. A couple sets of pushups, squats, and crunches will get you back into shape. If your kids are older already, take them to the park and try to keep up! I know people whose kids tire them out quicker than the gym! Better yet, exercise in front of your kids, do some pushups, squats, and jump rope (you can even get them their own jump rope), and theyll be imitating you in no time. Ive seen one and a half year olds trying to do pushups. Get your kids started early. Its a beautiful thing! I dont have the energy for it. Fatigue can stem from a poor diet, lack of, or poor sleep, dehydration, and stress. Too many refined and processed foods, too much television late at night, soda and not enough water can also cause fatigue. However, sometimes it isnt a matter of energy but motivation. If you arent motivated, no amount of creatine, glutamine, or whey protein will get you to workout. The deciding factor is the mind; you do what you force yourself to do. Think about it, your life is a direct result of the choices youve made. Dont spend your time unsatisfied with your choices. Take back your health. We can make all the excuses we want and invest as much energy into them as we can to exercising and getting healthy. If you have the time to watch a 30 minute program, you have enough time to work up a sweat. But you dont have to miss your favorite television show to get healthy, you can exercise 30 minutes before its on during a re-run. You can even leave the TV on, put it on a mute, and let it serve as a stopwatch. Now when a new episode of your favorite show is on, lay back and rest while eating a healthy snack. There are no excuses but the ones you make.

Calisthenics and Free Weight Exercises

The most basic of exercises in calisthenics are the pushup, pull up, squat, dip and abdominal crunch. These exercises work most if not all the major muscles in the body and from these four exercises countless variations can be created. The following are some basic calisthenic exercises:

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Dips - can be done on parallel bars or pull up bars. More advanced dips can be done with knees or legs extended in front of you. Pushups - diamond pushups (hands 1-6 inches a apart), wide pushups (pushups with arms wider than shoulder length), elevated feet/incline pushups, clap pushups, knee pushups (pushup with right or left knee coming up to your elbow from your side) Pull ups - close grip pull ups, wide grip pull ups, L seat pull ups (pull ups with your feet or knees in front of you), hammer pull ups (pull ups on monkey bars with palms facing each other), G ups/muscle ups (pull ups that exceed the bar)

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Squats - lunges, wide stance squats, one leg squats, Crunches - reverse crunch (bring knees toward chest, lift hips off floor), lying scissor kicks, planks, abdominal twist (sit up, feet bent, lean back a bit and twist abs from side to side). Shoulders - shoulder press (there are many variations), front raises, lateral raises Traps - upright rows, shrugs Chest - bench press (there are many variations), flies Biceps - curls (there are many variations) Triceps - triceps extensions (there are many variations) Abdominals - the best abdominal exercises involve calisthenics Legs - leg curls, deadlifts, squats (there are many variations)

Regarding free-weights, its easier to label the exercises by body region.

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With resistance always present, because gravity is always present, there is always a way to exercise, and with the proper knowledge there is always a better and efficient way to exercise! In calisthenics you use your body weight to workout. You can adjust the amount of resistance by adjusting the amount of weight you use. A classic example is found in pushups; if you cant do a full pushup you can do a pushup on your knees. By doing the pushup on your knees you eliminate a good amount of body weight (weight from your lower limbs) and reduce the amount of resistance. Its not cheating if youre breaking a sweat! Remember you learned to walk before you ran. If youre ready to go beyond running, search for Parkour and Freerunning on YouTube. Im pretty sure they do their own stunts! You can also perform raising motions such as lateral raises, bent-over lateral raises, and front raises. These motions have phenomenal affects on your shoulders. They are great to do with dumbbells and you wont need heavy amounts of weight. 10, 15, or 20 repetitions with 5 pound dumbbells (Yes, only five pounds!) will have your shoulders burning and cut like crazy. If you cant afford dumbbells dont worry about it. You can take a milk jug and fill it with water and you have 7 to 8 pound weights to exercise with. If you fill those milk jugs with sand or dirt youll have a lot more weight. Sounds like a great inexpensive adjustable dumbbell to me! (For more great and inexpensive equipment you can make at home, search for Homemade Fitness equipment on Youtube). Youll see everything from medicine balls, mace bells, tornado balls, Bulgarian training bags, kettle bells, and more things you may not have heard of but will have you feeling and looking right. Dont underestimate your ability to get a grip on something. You can suspend, twist, move, push, and pull your body in so many ways. Dont be surprised if your physical capabilities exceed your imagination in some cases. You may very well be stronger than you think. In fact, I KNOW thats the case for the majority of the people who read this book. But remember before you go and get your Superman (or Superwoman) on, you need to have a strong foundation. Basic pull-ups, pushups, crunches etcare the cornerstones of the more advance stuff. Your muscles can also be stimulated WITHOUT movement. By positioning your body in a way that muscles need to contract in order to maintain posture or stability you can get a hell of a workout. A good example of this are planks. You can practically take any exercise and perform this type of exercise which is great for burning out and fatiguing a muscle at the end of a workout. Hold the last repetition of a set of pull-ups, at the height of the exercise (the top of the bar), and keep it there as long as you can. You can also, lean up and straighten your back against a wall and bend you knees till you knees are bent at a 90 degree angle. This is perfect after a leg workout. Trust me, your thighs will be in pain. But thats a good thing because, without it, thered be no gain! It is safe to say that a recurring theme of this article is to freak what you can already do. Freak those pushups, pull ups, dumbbells, and squats. Tweak em, make em your own, add style and your own personal touch to em! Do those pushups with the hands wider or closer than usual. Switch up the grip on your pull ups. Perhaps even do them with your legs stretched in front of you or like your sitting on a chair (your abdominals will thank you for it!). Do the same thing when your lifting those dumbbells disguised as milk jugs. Switch up the grips when performing certain exercises or go from one exercise to the next without stopping, for example, go from shoulder raises, to shoulder presses, to triceps extensions and pushups (you just targeted at least 4 groups of muscles at once!). Performing different exercises back-toback is called a super set. By adding your own signature-style to your workout regiment you will become more motivated and will gain better results. Experiment and find out what works best for you. I wasnt kidding about picking up a light pair of dumbbells and inventing your own exercise, I do it all the time. One thing I do is imitate swimming motions with 3 pound dumbbells. What I do is, I lay face down on my bed or on a bench (a workout bench or park bench/table works fine) and I begin to slowly do strokes as if Im swimming. Try that and youll quickly begin to feel the muscles of your back and shoulders burning. Who would have thought 3 pounds can be so killer? Dont be fooled and think that you can only get in shape with heavy amounts of weight. Typically, the longer the range-of-motion the less amount of weight is needed. This is because the muscles will be contracted for longer periods of time and will fatigue quicker. The No pain, no gain saying is in full affect here. When exercising your muscle fibers actually get ripped and then are rebuilt stronger. In a way your destroying yourself to build yourself back up better than you were. But dont over do it, rest is just as important as work in ensuring optimum health. How much rest you need is determined by how intense your workouts are. I strongly suggest you exercise 3-5 times a week and rest at least two days. Exercise 2 or 3 muscles per workout and try not to exercise those muscles again for a day or 2. The following is an example:

Sample Workout Schedule

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Tuesday: back, bicep, shoulders. Wednesday: rest Thursday: chest and triceps. Friday: back, biceps and abdominals Saturday: rest Sunday: abdominals and legs. Monday: rest
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Note: Rest days arent lazy or bum days. Play basketball or football on your rest day. Go for a jog, walk, or a swim. If your friends are moving into a new place that day, help them out. Dont shut down on your rest day! Your body wont suffer if youre active, in fact it will benefit from it because you are warming up those sore muscles and speeding up their recovery. You probably took note that some muscles appear to be worked out only once a week. Theres nothing wrong with that. You may very well favor a certain muscle group over another. When you exercise you improve the way your body functions. If you play sports, you probably have certain muscles that you may want to focus on more than others (i.e. in boxing you may need stronger abdominals, legs, and shoulders instead of a big chest). But make sure you target all major muscles at least once a week, to ensure overall physical development and health. The greatest journeys in life start with a single step. So get to stepping. Walk, sprint, and jog. If you live in an apartment complex, incorporate the stairs into your exercise regiment. If you live by a lake or beach incorporate the water, and the sand. Climb trees, if there are trees to climb. Take full advantage of your environment, and this means the sun as well. Your body converts sunlight to Vitamin D! Its obvious exercise is of great importance in obtaining and maintaining health. It not only develops and maintains a healthy body but it develops and maintains a healthy mind. However, some of us dont have much free time to dedicate to exercising but that isnt necessarily a bad thing. All you have to do is work more and rest less. The shorter your rest period, the quicker youll begin to break a sweat, speed up your heartbeat, burn calories, and feel that pump in your muscles. I have a simple rule when I need to exercise quick but still want a great workout. The trick is to spend less time resting than you do actually exercising. For example, if you do 20 pushups, rest 10-15 seconds, then do 20 more pushups and repeat. This short rest period is very demanding and after the third set, will be difficult to keep up but is excellent when you need a short and great workout. But if you want a longer rest period and still make your workout time efficient perform super sets, i.e. do a shoulder exercise then a chest exercise right after or a back exercise followed by triceps. (To learn more and to see examples, search for Interval Training on Youtube) Keep in mind everything in life needs maintenance. Everything from health, strength, relationships, talents, households, integrity, and so on, needs maintenance. There may always be some sort of resistance present in your life or around your community. Overcome it and youll get health and wealth from it. Its not about how much struggle is around you but how much strength is inside you.

B Y N A SI M A LLA H Aerobic exercises are exercises that strengthen your cardiovascular system (your heart, lungs, and blood vessels). While resistance based exercises like weight-training can increase strength, develop muscles, and strengthen bones; aerobic exercises increase stamina, burn fat quicker (allowing muscles to be seen more), lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol. Aerobic workouts include jogging, walking, jumping rope, bicycling, swimming, and even dance. For an exercise to be considered aerobic it must increase your heart rate by 60-90% of your maximum heart rate potential and maintain that target zone for 10-20 minutes. Any rhythmic, repetitive activity where youre moving for 10-20 minutes straight can keep you in that range. The key to staying within the target zone is intensity. Aerobic exercises should be low-medium in intensity and long in duration. You want to feel slightly winded, sweaty, and warmed up; not gasping for air, dehydrated, and overly tired. Control the intensity of your workout by controlling your pace. M ake sure you are jogging, not sprinting, at a rate you can keep up for at least 10 minutes. If jogging is too difficult, work your way to it by walking and/or jumping rope for 10-20 minutes. In aerobic, meaning with air, activities your body relies on oxygen more than anything else, which is why your heart and lungs benefit so much. The long exercise duration strengthens your heart and lungs as your body needs an external energy source (oxygen) to keep going. Keep in mind when you perform an exercise thats too intense it is no longer aerobic. Even aerobic activities such as jumping rope, swimming, and bicycling can become anaerobic based on their intensity. Anaerobic exercises are short in duration and high in intensity. Anaerobic means without air which is how anaerobic activities leave you. Weightlifting, sprinting, along with most sports like baseball, basketball, and football are anaerobic activities. Because these activities are short, your body has enough stored energy to use as fuel and does not rely on oxygen (external energy) as much. Aerobic exercises greatly complement anaerobic workouts, especially weight training. Youll be building muscle while losing fat quicker than if you werent aerobically training. A brief 3-5 minute jog can be the perfect warm up while a 10-15 minute run at the end can further increase weight loss and prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, and even diabetes. The challenge on your heart and lungs will pay off within a few weeks in the form of extra energy and weight loss (depending on eating habits as well). Remember, the goal of aerobic exercise is to maintain your heart rate within the target zone (60-90% of max heart rate) for 10-20 minutes. You can measure your heart rate by purchasing a heart rate monitor. This is a small device you strap around your chest and/or around your wrist and will very accurately measure your heart rate as you exercise. These monitors can range from $50-$300. Less expensive models simply measure your heart rate, and do so very well, while more expensive models can keep track of and compare results from multiple workouts, nothing you cant do on your own though. However, you dont even need a heart rate monitor. You can simply take your pulse and this is how: Find your pulse by placing two fingers on your wrist (specifically 1-3 inches below your hand). You can also locate your pulse by softly placing 2 fingers into either groove lining your Adams apple. I find this to be the easiest way to feel your pulse. Once youve found your pulse, count how many heart beats you feel in 15 seconds then multiply the number by four. This tells you how many times your heart beats in a minute. To establish your target zone (60-90% of maximum heart rate possible) subtract your age from 220 (ex. 22 - 220 = 198 maximum heart beat). Now determine what 90% of your maximum heart is by multiplying your maximum by 0.9 (ex. 198 x 0.9 = 178). You do not want to exercise past this number unless you are being supervised and monitored, or know what youre doing. Lastly, you want to determine the 60%, and maybe even 50% of your target zone by multiplying your maximum heart rate number by 0.6 (for 60%) or by 0.5 (for 50%).[11] Try to maintain your heart rate within your target zone when you exercise. You may need to slow down or speed up a bit but the reward for balancing your heart rate is well worth it. For a more specific evaluation of your target zone, you can see a doctor, personal trainer, or other health professional. Aerobic equipment such as treadmills, elliptical machines, and rowers can be useful but they arent necessary. Theyre a luxury you may want to look into if you can afford it. As youve read earlier, you can do a lot with cheap equipment like a jump rope. And dont forget how much you can accomplish with a decent pair of running shoes!


Who said you gotta eat meat to be tough? M ike Tysons a vegan now, homey. So are dozens of bodybuilders, martial arts experts, M M A fighters, football players, track and field athletes, rappers, and in-the-streets gangsters. So dont let anyone tell you that you gotta eat meat to build muscle. In fact, if you tryin to get lean and mean, all that fatty meat is working against you.

N.O.R.E.s Story
When N.O.R.E. (of Capone N Noreaga) decided he wanted to get healthy and basically save his own life (and image), he embarked on a serious journey that he called the hardest thing hes ever done in his life, even harder than jail. In case you didnt know, N.O.R.E. went from being totally flabby and out of shape to doing upside down push-ups with the Bartendaz and 4 mile sprints through the streets of M iami. On his video blog at, he explains what he went through to get to that point:

You know its crazy, manI had a history in my career of having a hit record and not having a great look, or having a great look and not having a hit record. You know Im a person thats pretty confident in myself and right now I feel like New York you know I shouldnt have any excuses for New York when I come back out, you know its really about me just being healthy Being able to live, you know what Im saying? And I got tired after a while living the same life you know drinking everyday and you know going to parties. So I havent had a drink since September 8th and, for me, yall should be clapping right now, yall should be clapping, give me some claps or something going on! You know what I mean? I sorta became an alcoholic, I really didnt pay attention, but I tell you one thing, you know this is the hardest thing Ive ever did in my life, you know what I mean? Like this is real hard, I wake up every morning, Im sore, aching and I be wanting to quit but you know I say to myself, the people who hate me and dont want me to succeed while Im sitting around complaining and not wanting to workout they out there working they hate They exercising they hate, you know what Im saying?You know I know how to make hit records, I dont think thats a problem for me at all But I really just want to have the whole package this time , you know what Im saying? I know my girl is gone kill me for saying this, but like I went in a club and like only dudes recognized me. Only dudes came up to me and was like whats up Nore? I felt bad, not one girl came up to me and was like Hi Nore.I said hold up, man, this is for me now, Im doing it for me now, although Im taping it for the internet, because I really love the internet and the blogs, Im doing it for me. Im really doing it for my heart, Im really sincere about this and I just really want to change, you know what Im saying? You know right now, its all about CNNbut its really not about that, its about me just living and I just felt unhealthy. Like it was crazy cause I looked at myself on footage and a tear came to my eye cause I didnt realize how big I got. I didnt realize, and when I took the shirt off and I threw the pictures out to the internet like I knew I was big, I knew the bloggers and the people on the website was gon kill me and talk And I knew that, but sometimes it takes for my back to be up against the wall to perform my best, you know what Im saying? So, I lost like 25 pounds B but, but I aint nowhere near done. I still have a stomachSo, thats the basic thing this time, its to lose the stomach and to just get healthy. Big ups to the God giant from Bar-tendaz, I dont know if yall know about Bar-tendaz, but hes incredible. He came out here he really showed me the basics he showed me how to get my life together and every since then Ive been doing it. I became a vegan, I dont even eat meat, you know what Im saying? I woke up and the God Giant was like, Yo, you know they talking about you and sh*t. They talking about that workout sh*t. And I said it on thereyo this is the hardest thing Ive ever done. Its crazy, you know, to stop eating meat, cold turkeythats dedication, to stop drinking, thats one part of the dedication. I gave up bread, you know what Im saying? Then I turned around and starting eating bread and stopped eating meat in its totalityThat goes to show youonce I get it, Im really gon try to lose it, cause this is the hardest thing I have done in my life, its harder than jail.
Around the same time N.O.R.E. made his video blog about shopping for organic food at Whole Foods (followed by a stop at Winn Dixie for the things he didnt need organic versions of!), Lil Cease also did a video blog on how he chooses what to eat, as part of his Hardbody Fitness series. In case you didnt know, Lil Cease was another dude whod gotten fat until he decided to make a serious change in his lifestyle. Youve gotta see his workout videos to believe where hes at now. Heres some excerpts from the video of his trip to the supermarket:

Lil Cease on How to Eat Its always good to get some salad. You aint gotta work out to know that, naw mean? I was trying to starve myself to lose weight. I would eat like one big meal, but then people told me, Yo you gotta eat, thats how you burn off the food. SoI eat like 5, 6 times a day. Sometimes when I want to eat something and Im hungry, I dont want nothing big, Ill get some salad, some tuna fish on some wheat bread. Stuff like that is healthy. Now the mayonnaise might not be too healthy, but you can find healthy mayonnaise. Everything that you would probably find to eat regular food they got it in a healthy form, naw mean? It just taste different. But if you really trying to do what you do, its all about the discipline, naw mean? You cant eat what you want to eatyou gotta eat what your body needs. Lil Cease on Breakfast Now before, I couldnt stand oatmeal. You could never get me to eat oatmeal. But when I used to work out,

I would ask the trainers whats good to eat in the morning? I couldnt stand oatmeal but when you come here its a whole bunch of different kinds you can get, you know what I mean? You see the oatmeal: its got fiber too, fiber is good when you working out too. But you see: no sugar, 80 grams of sodium, thats not bad, and only 2 grams of fat. You see the iron? Yo this is good, you know a lot of vitamins and stuff. I know a lot of people are breakfast people, so when you come from a bar, you go to a diner, you know you just wanna get different stuff, so you got whole wheat pancakes, thats always good. I used to like pancakes but they were fattening, you know? But anything thats food, they always got it in a healthier choice too. So they got the pancakes, but whole wheatAnything brown, thats good for you normally. Lil Cease on Butter Ima show you this right here, spray butter: no fat, no saturated fat, no trans fat, no sodium. This margarine, look at the total difference, 7 grams of fat, 7 grams of saturated fat, 55 grams of sodium. This is like havoc, cause you know a lot of this stuff we may eat or use, butter plays a partI use spray butter for everything. You know, on your rice. Anything you doing. You know all this sh*t, get that sh*t the f*ck outta here man, get some spray butter, this is like the blessing right here. Lil Cease on a Lil Cheese This is what I prefer, that good cheese. Here go some regular cheese. Break down thats the whole difference: low total fat, 28 grams of sodium. Look at that one: 14. 9 grams of fat and 414 grams of sodium, not a good look. Lil Cease on Soy Milk This is soy milk right here. This is the healthiest milk you wanna mess with. People know regular milk aint good. A lot of people thats trying to diet or want to get healthy, they drink skim milk and all that, but this is the healthiest milk right here. Regular milk, this one has 8 grams of fat, 180 grams of sodium. Lil Cease on Protein Shakes I stress the peanut butter a lot, cause I drink protein shakes a lot, like when I work out. The best time to get a protein shake is right before you work out, another one after you work out. They say that if you really on the workout tip that you should have one before you go to bed, so I was having like 3 protein shakes a day. Those protein shakes are like meal replacements, so when you want to eat, thats how I used to replace it, naw mean? Like if its 2 oclock in the morning and Im in the studio and if Im like hungry, I just keep a blender in there and make me a shake real quick and I like my sh*t with peanut butter. If you was a person who liked peanut butter with jelly, Ima show you. This like the all natural peanut butter, any type of fat from peanut butter is always good, so you aint gotta pay it no attention. Its just the sodium. I always need some strawberries. I eat strawberries a lot for the protein shakes and sh*t. You can make like different kinds of protein shakes. You can make one with just all fruits, but usually I do the peanut butter with half of a banana, 2-3 strawberries in my sh*t, with like some soy milk, make me a shake like that. So its always good to have them strawberries. Styles P
Styles P is another celeb who fell out of shape (and into bad health) once he fell out of the spotlight. This is what he told M artin Berrios of

I got back into working out hard while I was in the county penitentiary when I did that stabbing. I was mad stocky, I was big when I came home. A year later I was fat - I wasnt on the TV or none of that and I got mad big[And] I kept f*cking up parts of my body. After I broke my leg I said F*ck it. After this heals, Im going in. I wont gain weight while my leg broke. I was on my hands a lot, hopping up and down on the steps, doing some push ups; crazy sh*t. What you dont know is that they thought I wasnt going to walk. I got hit by a Mack truck. My joint was broken in five places but everything was lined up right. They dont know what happened. When I first I got there they didnt think I would be able to walk. I feel if I wasnt on my work out sh*t I would have been finished. How many push ups can you do without stopping? Styles P: In one clip, probably a buck and change [over 100] - it depends on how Im feeling and my day. I work out frequently. I try to go extremely hard. I go to the juice bars, and get my wheat grass, my garlic, my ginger, my pineapple, my roots; a dab of honey. I dont eat chicken, I dont eat beef. I only eat fish. Me too. Im trying to let go of the fish though. Styles P: Me too, but I lost too much weight when I did that last time. Now Im trying to gain a little bit of weight. I just want to gain like five more pounds, but I dont think its going to happen. I been trying for like a month now. My weight was so down, my old lady was like, Your back aint right, Im used to you with a big back and big chest. You got to remember I was chubby, but then I started working out, so she was used to me being stocky for a few years. So I started going in super crazy on my mountain bike, hitting the park for pull ups, push ups. A couple of months ago I just met the Bartendaz. I cant even describe what they do on the pull up bars! They brolic. Do you miss any of those fatty foods?

Styles P: Sometimes, like on Thanksgiving - I havent done this in three years. Ill have some organic turkey if my whole family is there. The next day Ill just eat mad watermelon, grapes, apples, ginger. Its not for no religious [reason], mine is just for health. If I wanted to do chicken? I cant do it though. Like three years ago I had a relapse and I had some chicken but I was dumb tired. It tasted good, I didnt get sick. Even when I came home from jail when I ate chicken, I ate organic and farm-raised. Ultimately I want to get to all juices one day. Thats in my older life for a clear mind state. What you eat helps your mind. I might get some organic turkey bacon to eat for Thanksgiving, and then never eat it again. I get that soy bacon, but its high in salt. Styles P: I eat the vegan bacon all the time. Thats what Im saying. I dont like heavy salt. I f*ck with Sazon tough, thats my favorite seasoning.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G We all know we live in the fattest, most out-of-shape country in the world. Nonetheless, people make all kinds of excuses for why they dont get in shape. I know, because Im one of them. For years, I let a home gym collect dust in my office while I sat at the computer working on books. Out of the following excuses, Ive used at least three at any given time. But working on this book has inspired me to do better, actually putting a few of the ideas below to work. After all, its not enough to be a intelligent revolutionary if you cant run a mile without passing out.

Common Excuses
No Discipline. If youre not disciplined, join a neighborhood league or association that follows a schedule (no matter whether its for football in the park or daily walks), or invite your friends to remind you of your own schedule. Better yet, find a partner and push each other to stay on track. Or you can sign up to an online site of personal trainers, You will be placed on fitness training in accordance with the level of your training. No money for equipment. Using the methods in this book, you can exercise at home or outdoors without spending any money at all. If you have a small budget, you dont need specialized equipment. All you need is a set of band latex (big rubber bands), jump rope, and dumbbells for starters. No gym membership. The gym is a good place to motivate yourself (and meet people!), but, again, you dont need it. No time. Before school or work in the morning, exercise for 15-30 minutes. Just this little is enough to help you meet the 150 minutes of moderate exercise needed weekly to stay fit. No space. You can transform your living room into a space for exercise in 30 minutes. Play a workout DVD, catch a scheduled TV program, or pull one up via OnDemand or whatever youve got. You can do different types of cardio exercises such as calisthenics, kick boxing, martial arts, or dance. No interest. Or I hate exercise. Then dont think of it as exercise. Theres plenty of activities suggested in the next article that are so much fun, you wont even think of them as exercise. Dont want to get sweaty. Or I dont want to mess up my hair. Believe it or not, these are actually common excuses. In fact, a recent study found that, even though four out of five Black women are overweight (which increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer and many other ailments), one of the primary excuses used by Black women for not working out is What am I gonna do with my hair? Weve got to let go of our distorted perceptions of health and beauty. A 300lb woman with diabetes and a beautiful weave is NOT what you want to be. Nor do you want to be a man who has cancer, arthritis, and gout, but is still too pretty to sweat. As far as hair, either go natural or schedule your workouts around your hair appointments. And as far as sweat, just take a damn shower after! Dont want to become muscle-bound freak. Yeah right. Like that could just happen. Working out doesnt automatically mean getting ripped. When you start working out, first youll burn fat and cellulite. Next, youll be nice and toned. And if you go past THAT point, then you might start seeing ripples and ridges. But trust me, thats not gonna happen by accident. No partner(s) to work out with. Then exercise in a public place like a city park. But better yet, invite family or friends out to jog, cycle, do yoga, swim, dance, box, or play paintball.

Exercise Ideas that Anyone Can Do

Dancing to Hip Hop. You can clown the silly new dances you see on BET nowadays, but theyre a real workout for any man or woman. You can hit the club and dance all night, or you can save money by dancing at home. There are plenty of Hip Hop dance programs available via DVD, on daytime TV, and around the clock via OnDemand. Belly-dancing. If youre trying to get your waistline in shape, and add to your sex appeal, this is a sure bet. I assume you know that Im talking to women here, not men. Pole-dancing. Again, not talking to the men here. But theres a reason why corporate women and homemakers are registering for these dance like a stripper classes across the country. First, practicing those moves will get you in terrific shape. Yeah, all that booty-shaking will actually trim your waistline pretty fast. Second, women find that it increases their confidence, body image, and sex life (with their husbands, not strangers in clubs, of course). Again, Im not suggesting you become a REAL stripper. African Dance. This is actually where most Hip Hop dances come from (if not all dance, including the moves performed by the strippers we just talked about), and its an even more intense workout. And its not just for women. Visit a class or performance and youll be impressed. Video Games. No, not the ones where you just sit still and twiddle your thumbs. Im talking about the Nintendo Wii here. And you can step up that work out even further with the Wii Fit Plus. If you dont have a Wii, you can go online and find cheap copies of Dance, Dance Revolution (plus the dance pad) for most other video game systems. Still fun, especially if you actually let your kids play too. Jogging.This can be something as simple as running around your block 5 times before you take your morning shower, or you hit the local high school (or college) track and do 20 laps every other day. In addition to bringing some water and an iPod, you can add arm weights to build your muscle tone evenly throughout your body. It also helps you get your daily requirement of sunlight and outdoor oxygen! And you can wear one of those weird plastic suits to create a sauna effect and lose more weight. Playground Fitness. (See Exercise Without Equipment) Baby Lifting. You can lose that stubborn baby weight by using your baby as a weight, like Ione Jamison, wife of NBA star Antawn Jamison:

Its always that last 10, 15 pounds to lose. My stomach area, it kind of needs some work now. I have three babies under four years old so its kind of gotten a little stretched out. With the Mommy and Me Pilates, its really helpful to get the core back, and just bonding with your baby too while doing it.
Its functional training because youre going to be carrying around the baby anyway. So were going to use it in a way that challenges your core, Instructor Jennifer Hunter says. How does it work? You might lift the baby overhead, hold them up while doing crunches, and even incorporate them into traditional pilates movements. Theres other benefits beyond the exercise: bonding/quality time spent with your baby, and getting used to handling/carrying your baby. And men can do it too, though its not as much of a workout for us to benchpress a 16pounder. But theres ton of exercise men can do with their children, even the youngest ones, from jogging with them on your back to playfighting. Baby Making. Yup. Good sex is a good workout for both parties. Whats good? Good means youre both dripping sweat by the time its over. Which means both of you will have to move through a number of positions on the way there (See Sex is Good for You).

Gymnastics/Cheerleading/Tumbling. A lot more fun than plain step aerobics, and a much better workout for your whole body. But theres also risks, particularly to your neck and back. The hood version of tumbling is a common sight in many communities, where Black boys can do backflips down the street as young as eight years old. But people have seriously injured themselves this way, including one teen who broke his neck practicing a backflip in M arch 2010. Similarly, the hood version of gymnastics, known today as parkour and freerunning (after white people caught on and made an extreme sport of it), is also ridiculously dangerous. I personally recommend that you stick to workouts that dont involve you being airborne and upside down. Yoga. Yoga is a lot tougher than it looks. And all those crazy positions can actually help you lose weight, find peace, and possibly meet a hot date. (See Yogas Not Just for Hot Chicks) Reducing Luxury. This just means that you stop taking the easy way on everything, such as taking the stairs (instead of the elevator or escalator) and walking or riding a bike (instead of driving). Martial Arts/Boxing. With things the way theyre going these days, you NEED to be able to defend yourself. So this method is HIGHLY recommended. Not only do you learn something useful, youll be in better shape in no time. S ports. Im not talking about playing M adden on Xbox. Im talking about everything from street football to a game of Horse. Of course, all sports dont require the same amount of strength, agility, and endurance, so different sports give you different benefits. The best all-around workouts are probably basketball (which leans more towards building agility and reflexes) and football (which leans more towards building strength and muscle mass). Paintball. This is what finally got me back in the game. I made tons of excuses until my brother DJ Rebellion invited me out to play paintball at a spot that had an urban warfare field. I couldnt turn that down. Not only did I learn that shooting at a piece of paper is TOTALLY different from shooting at a target that runs at you and shoots back, but I nearly passed out trying to run that field in the 100 degree sun. That inspired me to return to that field regularly, get my cardio on, and get my ass back in shape. I dont know which method will work for you, but I hope something in this list (or in your imagination) clicksand you follow through. Your life depends on it!

Did You Know? Exercise does more than slim your waist. It also changes the way you feelabout anything. Thanks to several studies, exercise is well-known known for its ability to lessen the symptoms of depression, but now theres also research on its effects on anxiety. In a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine , researchers studied 3,000 study sedentary individuals who had chronic illnesses but were still able to exercise in sessions of at least 30 minutes. Compared with similar individuals who did not exercise, the people who exercised had a 20% reduction in anxiety symptoms. Exercise helped people no matter what kind of health problem they had: cancer, depression, heart disease, fibromyalgia, etc. We found that exercise seems to work with just about everybody under most situations, said Pat OConnor, a co-author of the paper. Exercise even helps people who are not very anxious to begin with become more calm.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G Long-time advocate Russell Simmons says a yoga class is the best place to meet fine women. While most guys dont like the idea of having their ass in the air, Russell is right. Yoga is a great way to develop flexibility, peace of mind, and get in good shape. Its so good for that last part that its even spawned the yoga booty, which is just another way for white women to say they have Black girl butts. And Russells not the only man hitting up classes these days. Can you believe that 8 Ball, yes, the Fat M ack of 8 Ball and M JG, does it too? I do yoga if you believe that. It helps me. We be doing a lot of stuff to give you more energy, 8Ball told in an interview about his approach to losing weight. Even Jay-Z took yoga, inspired by friend Chris M artin of Coldplay. So do Evander Holyfield, Serena and Venus Williams, Diddy, Shaq, Grant Hill, Kevin Garnett, and Lisa Leslie. Hatha Yoga is the aspect of yoga that focuses on physical development and control of the body. Research has shown that Hatha Yoga can: Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

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Improve aerobic conditioning Improve flexibility Improve strength Improve health Help prevent injuries Improve sports performance Assist with weight loss Reduce stress Prevent cancer

Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

Yes, studies have even shown that Hatha Yoga has preventative effects against CANCER.[12] While it might still be a tough sell convincing a guy to do yoga, I encourage any single, hot-blooded male to simply VISIT a class. Im pretty sure youll want to stay. And somewhere along the line, you might find peace of mind and a more respectable waistline.

How to Find a Decent Yoga Class

According to the authors at

It is difficult to overemphasize the important of learning yoga in a class. Experienced yoga teachers can help with the correct postures and breathing techniques. More importantly, it is usually much easier to keep a regular practice over the long-term when attending a regular class and practice sessions.
They say you should look for a yoga class that meets the following criteria:

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Located close to your home or work if possible. Taught by a certified yoga instructor, not by a health club instructor teaching glorified stretching exercises that they decide to call yoga or teaching relaxation exercises. The yoga instructor is willing to adjust the routine to to your abilities. The instructor should help you develop a routine that will improve your overall wellbeing without injuring or frustrating you. Speak with the yoga instructor on this subject before starting classes. I feel that it is best to start with a form of yoga that emphasizes the asanas (postures), includes a final relaxation pose and over time begins to add a couple of breathing exercises (pranayama). For many people, it is best to leave meditation and the spiritual aspects of yoga until later. (On the other hand, I know several people who have gotten enormous benefits from meditation without first practicing yoga postures or breathing. So, you will have to find what works for you with a little experimentation.) If possible, locate a yoga instructor who has several low-cost practice sessions per week. This way, it will be easier to perform short yoga routines regularly. As you become more experienced, the yoga instructor should be able to teach you yogic cleansing exercises. Some very experienced yoga teachers may be able to customize treatment routines for persons with a chronic illness. Some of the research mentioned earlier included customized yoga exercises.

How to Do Yoga When No One is Looking

In spite of all the above, some of us (like me) would prefer to try those moves in the privacy of our own homes. It only takes about a half hour a few days a week to feel results, so why not? You dont even need to buy a yoga mat. A folded blanket will do.

Recommended Reading
Theres a ton of decent books (and videos) on yoga out there, even some catering specifically to Black people. The following are two book reviews on popular yoga books worth checking out.

The No Om Zone The No Om Zone bills itself as a no-chanting, no-granola, no-Sanskrit practical guide to yoga. This book by Kimberly Fowler, founder of the L.A.-based Y AS Fitness Centers, is geared to athletes and others who want to improve muscle tone and flexibility, take away aches, alleviate pain and calm the mind. Fowler promises you wont have to go sit on a mountaintop and chant to achieve these results. The former triathlete started doing yoga in 1983 to rehabilitate after an injury and became a fan after seeing the benefits to her body and athletic performance. She was turned off, however, by elitist classes targeted to the few who could do pretzel poses and handstands. Today, the motto in her yoga classes is safe, fun and effective. Her book offers short workouts for 13 parts of the body, including the neck, arms, core/abs, lower back, hips and knees. Each body part gets its own chapter describing and showing the anatomy of the area, common injuries, recommended yoga poses for it and a workout routine typically lasting about 10 minutes. Poses are accompanied by photos, step-by-step guides, difficulty ratings, descriptions of benefits, tips and modifications to make them easier. Fowler does manage to slip some mind-body material into the book. The first body part addressed is the head, for example, and here she talks about the benefits and practice of meditation and describes how to do yoga breathing. This is a good book for those who want yoga workouts targeted to individual body areas as opposed to a one-size-fits-all workout. Fowler also offers a No Om Zone DVD containing three 15-minute workouts. The Yoga Body Diet The Yoga Body Diet, by Kristen Schultz Dollard and John Douillard, is everything The No Om Zone is not. Not only is it not a no-granola book, it even includes recipes for granola. Dollard, digital director at Self magazine, is a yoga teacher and former editor of Douillard directs LifeSpa, an ayurvedic retreat center in Boulder, Colo., and has written and produced numerous health and fitness books, CDs and DVDs. Their pretty book generously illustrated with colorful pen-and-ink drawings says it can help you get a yoga body in four weeks through eating, exercising and de-stressing according to the principles of yoga and ayurveda. The book describes ayurveda as yogas sister science, one of the worlds oldest medical systems practiced by 80% of Indias population today. Dollard and Douillard say their mission is to present ayurvedas greatest hits and teach you how to use it for weight loss. Yoga Body kicks off with a quiz to determine what ayurvedic type you are: vata (airy), pitta (fiery) or kapha (earthy). Each type

is told what kinds of foods to eat and avoid, yoga moves to do and lifestyle changes to make. Recipes for chai tea, pad Thai, roti pizza and other dishes include variations for each ayurvedic type. The books illustrated yoga pose guide is easy to follow, with about 75 positions that range from the simple corpse pose to the more challenging revolved half-moon.
For anyone who thinks Yoga is only for feminine people who wear spandex pants (which includes a lot of men nowadays, especially since skinny jeans are made with spandex), Ill end with some words from my brother Anton Bridges:

If anybody got anything against yoga or is just ignorant of it, I suggest linking up with some of the Brothers and Sisters in the community who actually who practice it. All you big strong cats, I GUARANTEE you will be sweating an ocean waaayyyy before the halfway session. Or go to Youtube, find a workout, follow along, and FEEL the burn. Then imagine how someone who isnt as physically fit would benefit from it. Personally I use the P90X yoga workout, but I DONT suggest that for folks new to the art. What people say about the esoteric/metaphysical nature of it is often on point, but I dont even get that deep into it. Its HARD and it physically builds you in a way that is unique in all the physical and spiritual arts. Its very good for building your CORE. Anybody doing anything highly physical/defensive/combat-related understands the importance of core strength. You can also use it meditatively/internally, similar to Tai Chi, and it certainly has that value, but again I, personally, dont take it to that level right now. To be frank, we need more people practicing martial arts, yoga, and all the other things that are purposeful, as opposed to running around putting a brown ball through a white hoop for exercise. Lets not forget there is still a conflict going on


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G The following are three ways to test your flexibility. The point of this is for you to become aware of how tightness in certain muscle groups can cause injuries when youre working out or doing something strenuous.

Test One: Hamstring Flexibility test

Materials: tape measure and either a small sticky note or piece of tape. S tarting Position: Sitting tall against a wall with your legs straight out in front of you, trying to keep your legs as straight as possible. Legs are a couple of inches apart with your knees and toes facing the ceiling. Directions: Place your hands on top of each other holding your sticky and reach arms out in front of body, extending the spine from the lower back, leading with your breastbone first. Place your sticky on the floor between your legs as far as you can reach forward, keeping good form. Tip: Be careful not to round over as you reach forward this will give you a false result. What to Measure: M easure from the wall to the sticky and record your result. Each week do the same test again and see how much your flexibility has increased. What it Tells You: The object of this test is to measure the flexibility in the hamstrings. Tightness of these muscles can cause lower back pain and quality of movement/function of your daily activities.

Test Two: Upper Body Flexibility Test

Materials: Rolled up medium-sized towel and two pieces of tape. S tarting Position: Standing with feet hips-width apart holding a rolled up towel above your head, with your hands at each end to the extent thats comfortable. Directions: With your hands reaching straight up holding the tightly rolled towel; gently move your hands slightly behind the body. Stop when you feel a comfortable stretch in the chest, biceps and shoulders. Tip: Keep your arms as straight as possible. What to Measure: Wrap the tape around the towel in the two spots exactly where your hands were. M easure the distance from each mark and record your number. In a weeks time, perform the same test placing your hands a little bit closer together. If you can keep good form and comfortably hold the test position, place tape where your hands were and measure the distance between the new tape and see how much your flexibility has increased. What it Tells You: The object of this test is to see what range of motion you have and how it has improved the flexibility in your chest, shoulders and biceps. The flexibility of these muscles has a huge impact on your posture. If any of these muscles are tight, they can cause you to be round shouldered and slightly hunchbacked.

Test Three: Lateral Side Stretch and Lower Back Flexibility Test
Materials: Sticky tape S tarting Position: Standing tall against the wall with your butt and back resting against the wall. Directions: Holding a piece of tape in your right hand, bend sideways over to the right without collapsing or buckling your knee. Place the piece of tape or sticky note as far down the leg as you can while still maintaining good form. Tip: Think of reaching up and over as you side bend. What to Measure: M easure from the floor to the tape on your leg and record your number. Repeat this in a weeks time with the same test and compare results to see if your flexibility has increased. What it Tells You: The object of this flexibility test is to test the flexibility and range of motion in your lower back and obliques (side abdominal muscles).

Do you Have Flat Feet?

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes straight. While keeping your feet on the ground, bend each knee, one at a time. If your kneecap falls toward the inside of your big toe, you have pronating feet (or flat feet), making you more susceptible to exercise injuries. Theres a number of ways to treat flat feet, ranging from the cheap (buying arched insoles for all your shoes) to the expensive (seeing a podiatrist). But youll never guess the cheapest way to prevent flat feet: Walking around barefoot. Studies in India have found that children who walked everywhere with no footwear were less likely to develop flat feet than children who wore sandals and shoes. Im not saying you should hit the hood barefoot, because there is that rule about No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service, (plus theres broken glass everywhere), but it does prove that, once again, natural (or Original) is better.

There are many more stretches than there are muscles in the body, and there are quite a few of those. Here are just a selection of common stretches for all parts of the body.

Basic Stretching Protocol

Here are some points to follow for any passive stretching session:

r r r r r r r

Always complete a warm-up session prior to stretching Stretch until a mild tension is felt, then hold All stretches should be held for up 30-60 seconds unless otherwise stated Avoid stretches to the point where numbness or a tingling sensation is felt Focus on the stretch and avoid any distractions Try to relax the muscles throughout the passive movement of the stretch, as this will help to alleviate any unnecessary tension within the muscle. Dont hold your breath, breathing freely helps you relax and get the best stretch Trunk cat stretch side trunk knees to chest back extension spinal twist

Hips forward lunge Legs hamstring (standing) calf (gastroc) quadriceps (side lying) calf (soleus) hamstring (supine) hamstring (sitting) quadriceps (standing) side lunge sitting hip stretch

chest shoulder overhead

wrist flexion shoulder posterior

wrist extension shoulder extension

neck (front and back) neck (side)


B Y A LLA H SU N T R U T H P.roper E.ating A.nd C.alesthenics E.veryday! I am a former United States M arine, former Certified Personal Trainer, and a twenty year veteran of the M artial Arts. I have studied American Boxing, Kempo Goju Karate, Shaolin Kung Fu, Aikido, VSK Aikijitsu and Escrima. The Godbody routine below was designed for Original people of any age or fitness level. As always, obtain approval from your doctor before beginning any exercise program. While I was in the USM C, I was an avid body builder. I used to spend hours in the gym, 5-6 days a week. During this time I also came into the acquaintance of many skilled individuals with very high levels of fitness. After suffering my third back injury from lifting weights, I met an individual named Gunnery Sergeant Nurse. Gunny never lifted weights but was in incredible shape. He trained me in many different martial arts forms and calesthenics routines. Gunnys line of reasoning was, as long as he was strong enough to break bones, he was happy. I agree with Gunny 100%. If youre looking for a workout program that makes you look like a steroid-fed M r. Olympia, keep looking. If youre looking for a program that will give you speed, flexibility and strength, keep reading. If youre a beginner, start out slow and pace yourself so you dont burn yourself out too quickly and quit. If youre a medium or advanced athelete, challenge yourself by adding handclaps to your push-ups, or elevate your feet. Try doing handstand pushups with your feet against the wall for a real challenge! Whether youre a beginner or advanced performance athlete make sure you stretch for at least 15 minutes before beginning any workout.

The Routine
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First 9 Weeks: Week 1 Running: 2 miles, 8:30 pace, Mon/Wed/Fri Pushups: 4 sets of 15 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri Situps: 4 sets of 20 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri Pullups: 3 sets of 3 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri Swimming: Swim continuously for 15 min. 4-5 days/week Week 2 Running: 2 miles, 8:30 pace, Mon/Wed/Fri Pushups: 5 sets of 20 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri Situps: 5 sets of 20 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri Pullups: 3 sets of 3 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri Swimming: Swim continuously for 15 min. 4-5 days/week Week 3 Running: No running Pushups: 5 sets of 25 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri Situps: 5 sets of 25 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri Pullups: 3 sets of 4 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri Swimming: Swim continuously for 20 min. 4-5 days/week Week 4 Running: 3 miles, 8:30 pace, Mon/Wed/Fri Pushups: 5 sets of 25 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri Situps: 5 sets of 25 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri Pullups: 3 sets of 4 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri Swimming: Swim continuously for 20 min. 4-5 days/week Weeks 5-6 Running: 2/ 3/ 4/ 2 miles, Mo/Tu/We/Fr Pushups: 6 sets of 25 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri Situps: 6 sets of 25 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri Pullups: 2 sets of 8 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri Swimming: Swim continuously for 25 min. 4-5 days/week Weeks 7-8 Running: 4/ 4/ 5/ 3 miles, Mo/Tu/We/Fr Pushups: 6 sets of 30 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri Situps: 6 sets of 30 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri Pullups: 2 sets of 10 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri Swimming: Swim continuously for 30 min. 4-5 days/week Week 9 Running: 4/ 4/ 5/ 3 miles, Mo/Tu/We/Fr Pushups: 6 sets of 30 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri Situps: 6 sets of 30 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri Pullups: 3 sets of 10 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri Swimming: Swim continuously for 35 min. 4-5 days/week Second 9 weeks: Week 1 and 2 Running: 3/ 5/ 4/ 5/ 2 miles, Mo/Tu/We/Fr/Sa Pushups: 6 sets of 30 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri Situps: 6 sets of 35 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri Pullups: 3 sets of 10 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri Dips: 3 sets of 20 dips, Mon/Wed/Fri Swimming: Swim continuously for 35 min. 4-5 days/week Weeks 3-4 Running: 4/ 5/ 6/ 4/ 3 miles, Mo/Tu/We/Fr/Sa Pushups: 10 sets of 20 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri Situps: 10 sets of 25 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri Pullups: 4 sets of 10 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri Dips: 10 sets of 15 dips, Mon/Wed/Fri Swimming: Swim continuously for 45 min. 4-5 days/week Week 5 Running: 5/ 5/ 6/ 4/ 4 miles, Mo/Tu/We/Fr/Sa Pushups: 15 sets of 20 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri Situps: 15 sets of 25 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri

Pullups: 4 sets of 12 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri Dips: 15 sets of 15 dips, Mon/Wed/Fri Swimming: Swim continuously for 60 min. 4-5 days/week Week 6 and Beyond Running: 5/ 6/ 6/ 6/ 4 miles, Mo/Tu/We/Fr/Sa Pushups: 20 sets of 20 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri Situps: 20 sets of 25 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri Pullups: 5 sets of 12 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri Dips: 20 sets of 15 dips, Mon/Wed/Fri Swimming: Swim continuously for 75 min. 4-5 days/week
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As you can see, this program builds your endurance and your strength. Also, looking at this program, rest days are few and far between. Hence, one should take in an adequate supply of the necessary nutrients and water.


M uscle cramps can be one of the downsides to serious exercise. But they dont happen to everyone. Theres a number of factors that can cause your muscles to contract painfully, and you can do something about all of em. The following are common causes: Mineral Deficiencies: Again, diet is a major culprit. A mineral deficiency of potassium, calcium, magnesium and/or sodium can lead to your muscles not working right and cramping painfully.[13] Dehydration: This can occur when you exercise hard, especially in hot conditions, and dont drink enough liquid. Overhydration (is that a word?): Drinking too M UCH fluid (2-3 liters or more of water in addition to your normal daily fluid intake) can wash the above-mentioned minerals out of your body and lead to cramps. Being Out of S hape: Well-trained muscles are less likely to cramp. People who are not fit and get too little exercise often develop cramps when they start exercising because their muscles are so poorly used. Work your way into your routine gradually, rather than going hard without giving your body a chance to get ready. Tight Clothes: Wearing tight clothes, even to bed, can constrict the blood supply to your muscles, causing them to contract painfully. Im not sure if this includes Spandex since it stretches, but unless youre a fine female, you probably should not wear Spandex either way.


WI N N I N G M Y B AT T LE WI T H O B ESI T Y B Y V I C T O R I O U S L A N A S I A E A RT H O R I G I N A L LY P U B L I S H E D I N T H E 1 T 4H D E G R E E A N D B E Y O N D As Original people continue to put on pounds at a rapid rate, many of us are going from being overweight to dangerously obese.[14] High blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, and a shorter life expectancy are all health risks associated with obesity. While we are generally aware of these terms and illnesses, many of us dont consider them as seriously as we should. While many of us think losing weight is about vanity, for the severely overweight and obese, it can become a matter of life and death. Life expectancy is a figure that strives to predict how long we will live. Its a number that scientists figure based on all kinds of complicated methods that would bore you to tears if we explained it. But take a look at what the chart looks like:

LIFE EXPECTANCY (in years) White Female White Male Black Female Black Male 78.0 75.3 76.1 69.0 Data taken from US Life Tables, 2003, Natl. Vital Statistics Reports, 54(14)
The numbers speak for themselves. There is a tremendous gap between Black men and everyone else. Too many of us are dying too young and we dont have to. There are many reasons for the gap. But the major reason is our higher rate of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. We can begin to close the gap and improve not just the length of our lives but the quality of them as well. Its up to us to start making the changes through better food choices, more exercise, and getting the necessary screening tests such as breast mammograms for women and prostate exams for men.

My Story
All my life I have been overweight, fat, obese, and finally morbidly obese before I decided to make change. When I was first introduced to the idea of Knowledge of Self through the Nation of Gods and Earths in 1998, my self was tipping the scale at almost 450 lbs. I could barely walk a couple of blocks without back and knee pain; just the thought of conceiving and bearing children was a joke. I suffered immense depression and was at risk for an early physical death from complications such as heart failure and/or diabetes. I tried every diet known to man and exercise was not an option since every part of my body was in constant pain. Everyone thought I was flaky because instead of saying oh sorry I didnt come. Im too fat and could barely get out of bed. I would make up any and every excuse for why I couldnt be there, or participate, or add on. It was ridiculous. M ore than ten years later, now a veteran member of the Nation of Gods and Earths, I found myself surprised and pleased to see Childhood and Adult Obesity on our NGE Health Calendar, because it took me a long time to accept that what I was battling was indeed a dis-ease. There was no quality of life for me. Today, things are different and my hope is to strive and educate or at least assist someone, including my own child on how to fight and win this battle, or better yet, not really even have to fight this battle at all. Three major events happened in my personal cipher that finally led me on a path to winning this battle and begin to educate myself on how to shed this weight. The KNOWLEDGE came in the Summer of 1998, when I got knowledge of myself while pursuing graduate school in Bridgeport, CT. The brother who gave me knowledge was a strict vegetarian and anytime he came to my rest to give me lessons or to go over some tracks, he went through my cabinets and refrigerator and chastised me about just about everything that was in there. I remember saying to him one day, What does having knowledge of self have to do with what I eat? You trying to tell me to be the Earth I have to eat twigs and berries all the time? Well my smart-ass remark caused me to endure a 3-hour build (lecture). This is when I first heard of the book, How to Eat to Live by the Honorable Elijah M uhammad and was given certain highlighted sections to read. I recall the sections having to do with swine, another about eating too much and too often, and overindulgence. I also read about how the wrong foods can promote disease and illness, and even general ugliness. It wasnt until recently, around 2005, that I realized that all of this was true. The funny thing is, although my first enligtener spent many hours building with me on dietary raw and exercise, I really didnt pay him any attention. I still ate what and when I wanted, and still did not do any exercise, other than when I had step practice with my sorityand even THAT was a grave chore to get through. The WISDOM came in December of 1999 when my M other had a major heart attack and almost passed. M y M other is about 52 and maybe 140-150 lbs. By no means was she overweight, but she had horrible eating habits. The same eating habits that I grew up with. In our West Indian household, we ate a LOT of stewed meals (Stew Peas, Stew Beef, Stew Chicken), THICK soups, and foods very high in sodium and fat such as curry chicken, jerk chicken, and of course, all types of pork and fried foods, particularly dumpling bammy, etc. We also ate a lot of heavy starches like hard dough bread, potatoes, rice and pease. Sweet drinks included sorrel, ginger beer, egg nog (the one with Guiness Stout in it), and carrot juice. The list goes on and on. Also, like with many Original households, food was a source of comfort (aka sould food), celebration, mourning, etc. So in addition to growing up with generally bad eating habits, I also grew up learning to use food as my comfort when I was down, sad, lonely, bored or even when I was happy and joyous. I never learned the value of drinking water, or fresh fruits, salads were rare in my home, and the thought of eating vegetarian or vegan was like asking someone to cut off their right arm. Its funny because when I was told about my M others heart attack, all that is above started to come to mind. I thought, if my M other was not even fat and could have a heart attack, what will these eating and living habits do to me? The UNDERSTANDING came September 11, 2001 with the attacks on the World Trade Center. This was an extremely scary day for me. In addition to not being able to contact my M other at her office just a few blocks from the World Trade Center, I also realized that all 452 lbs. of me was going to have a hard time trying to get home. On that morning, we were contacted about the attacks. Of course, it wasnt until much later in the day that we knew for sure this was a terrorist attack and they had therefore stopped all subway service. M y office was on 61st Street and Broadway in M anhattan, and I lived, at the time, in East NY Brooklynabout a 15 mile distance. I could not take a cab, or subway, so my only recourse was to either squeeze on the bus or walk home in 90 degree weather. To make a long story short, I was terrified that either I would drop dead walking home, or would be in such grave pain that I would want to kill myself. It was during my walk across the Brooklyn Bridge that I decided that I would make a change so that if I was ever in this position again, I would be more comfortable in my alternatives. That very minute the battle was on. The most imporant factor that I realized is that diets dont work! I knew this because I had tried hundreds of them and nothing lasted longterm. Here are some things that worked and I am still working at, to continue my battle against obesity: 1. The very first thing I did was see a doctor. I found a doctor through my employers health plan that specialized in the weight loss and had a wealth of recources to get me started on my journey. He did a total physical exam, and then recommended me to a nutritionist and an

exercise regimen that I could utilize once I dropped some of the weight. 2. I had to educate myself. I had to learn what to eat, what foods to cut out totally, and what foods I could eat but not overdo it. I really had to learn moderation, nutrition, and healthy eating. I went to a holistic nutritionist that did a body makeup. I would highly suggest this first step for anyone looking to lose weight, or even how to maintain their current weight. I wanted to make sure that I was doing this the right way. During my 3-session nutritional counseling, we discussed not only good foods/bad foods, meal plans, and caloric intake, but also this was the first person who ever identified that much of my eating issue, had nothing to do with eating. I had to find other ways to deal with my boredom, loneliness, sadness, fear, anger, frustration, happiness, and celebratory aspects without it always being about food. This was extremely difficult for me. I would suggest that if you cannot afford a nutritionist or personal trainer; utilize many of the online resources available today such as the 50-million pound challenge, or Weight Watchers. You may also try the old school method of picking up a book on good nutrition, weight loss education, and how to stop eating away your emotions. 3. I had to get active. It wasnt until I lost my first 100 lbs. that I could start working out the way I wanted to. Prior to that, I would force myself to do a walk around the block, or a couple of sit-ups here and there. However, due to all of the damage I had already done to my body, I really had a hard time with this and was advised by my doctor to lose some weight first before trying to start an exersise routine. Once I did get down to the first milestone, I joined a gym and got a friend of mine to be my personal trainer just to help get me started on all of the machines and weights. In additon, it was a great motivation to have someone in my life that wanted to see me succeed as much as I did. 4. I got my cheerleading section together. When I was going through my issues of obesity, I went through it alone. I rarely spoke to anyone about what I was going through and often times isolated myself from others to avoid having to face reality. However, when I made the decision to change my life, I told any and everyone that I could and built my cheering section. Those who were naysayers of my journey, I exiled them and kept it moving. Those who were supportive of me, I kept closer and let them know how I was doing every step of the way. 5. Get your children involvedfor their own sake. When I was bearing my young queen Nyaa, I took time off from the gym. That break eventually became a 4-year hiatus from any and all physical activity! I only recently started going back to the gym, but now I have Nyaa at the same gym in swimming and gymnastic classes. Its now become as important for me to continue my weight loss battle for my childs sake as it was to do it for myself. Today, although I am not at my goal weight, I have dropped almost 240 lbs. and am still working to lose about another 40 lbs. to reach my goal weight of 180 lbs. However, I am healthy and happy, and finally winning my lifelong fight with obesity. Trust meyou can do the same.

the good, the bad, and the ugly


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G Sex is not evil, dirty, or impure. Sex is good. After all, without it, you wouldnt be here. But we all know that sex aint all goodat least not in todays society, which has turned just about everything healthy toxic. Without even mentioning the problems caused by unwanted pregnancies, there are 19 million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) every year in the U.S., and more than half occur in young people between the ages of 15 and 24. At least one in four U.S. teenage girls has a sexually transmitted disease. In the US, about 30% of 1517 year old adolescents have had sexual intercourse, but only about 80% of 15-19 year old adolescents report using condoms for their first sexual intercourse. M ore than 75% of young women age 1825 years felt they were at low risk of acquiring an STD. And when youre ready to get one, youve got a whole buffet table full of choices. Theres Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Hepatitis B, Syphilis, Herpes, HIV, HPV, and combination platters where you can get two or three at a time. So, next time you get naked with somebody, ask yourself if its worth a slow death, a miserable pregnancy, or the sensation of pissing razor blades. But when you get past random sex with filthy strangers, sex can actually be good for you instead of killing you. In humans, sex has been claimed to produce health benefits as varied as improved sense of smell, stress and blood pressure reduction, increased immunity, and decreased risk of prostate cancer. Heres some of the proven health benefits of sex. S ex Relieves S tress. According to studies published in the journal Biological Psychology, people who had sex handled stress better than those who didnt. S ex Lowers Blood Pressure. Another study published in the same journal found that frequent sex was associated with lower blood pressure (in couples living together, not people having sex with strangers). Studies have also found that getting hugs from their mates helps lower blood pressure in women. S ex Boosts Immunity. Having sex once or twice a week (but not more) has been linked with higher levels of an antibody which can protect you from getting colds and other infections. Again, this does not apply to sex with strangers, which increases your risk of other infections. S ex Improves Body Maintenance. One of the health benefits of sex is that it helps to keep you fit and it can keep you in constant awareness of your body image. Everyone likes to know that they have a nice physique and continually being naked in front of another person can be somewhat of a good incentive to stay in shape. Also, 30 minutes of sex burns 150 calories or more (especially if youre putting in work). S ex Improves Cardiovascular Health. Frequent sex wont make you have a stroke. Instead, studies found that having sex twice or more a week reduced the risk of fatal heart attack by half for men, compared with those who had sex less than once a month.

Did You Know? Vivica Fox might need to rethink dating those young dudes. It turns out that being a cougar can be bad for your health. Researchers from the Max Planck Institute found that being with a younger man increases a womans chances of an early death by up to 20%. The study found that women in relationships with men seven to nine years younger had a less joyful and more stressful life, reduced health, and finally, increased mortality. On the other hand, men who were with women seven to nine years younger lowered their chance of death by 11%. In general, marriage is good for mens health. Studies show that being unmarried can actually shorten a mans life by ten years.
S ex Boosts S elf-Esteem. Boosting self-esteem was one of 237 reasons people have sex published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior. According to sex therapist, Gina Ogden, PhD, Great sex begins with self-esteem, andif the sex is loving, connected, and what you want, it raises it. S ex Improves Intimacy. Having sex and orgasms increases levels of the hormone oxytocin, the so-called love hormone, which helps us bond and build trust. Researchers found that women who had warm contact with their husbands or partners, including frequent hugs, also had higher oxytocin levels. S ex Reduces Pain. As oxytocin surges through your body, endorphins increase, and pain declines. Oxtocin can also raise our pain thresholds significantly. So sex can actually help that headache. S ex Helps You S leep Better. The oxytocin released during orgasm also promotes sleep. A healthy sleep is part of a healthy life. But you should know that men release the sleep-inducing oxytocin, while women release another hormone after orgasm that gives them energy, which explains why dude is snoozing while his girl is still trying to cuddle and kick it. S ex Heals Wounds. Some evidence suggests sex can be rejuvenating to the point of helping wounds to heal faster. Several experiments have shown that oxytocin can help even stubborn sores, like those suffered by diabetics, to heal by regenerating certain cells. S ex Prevents Old Age Problems. M aybe its the rejuvenation, maybe the happiness, maybe all of the above. One things for sure: Use it or lose it is literally true. For example, postmenopausal women often suffer from vaginal atrophy, which is what it sounds like and can lead to all sorts of complications like urinary tract infections. Whats one way to prevent it? M ore sex. S ex Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk. Frequent ejaculations (5 or more weekly), especially in 20-something men, may reduce the risk of prostate cancer later in life by about 30%. S ex S trengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles. For women, doing a few pelvic floor muscle exercises known as Kegels during sex offers a couple of benefits. You will enjoy more pleasure, and youll also strengthen the area and help to minimize the risk of incontinence later in life. To do a basic Kegel exercise, tighten the muscles of your pelvic floor, as if youre trying to stop the flow of urine. Count to three, then release.

Did You Know? There may be a medical reason why it just feels better without a condom. A recent study of college students suggests that semen acts as an anti-depressant. Females in the study who were having sex without condoms had fewer signs of depression than women who used condoms or abstained from sex. These data are consistent with the possibility that semen may antagonize depressive symptoms, the authors wrote, and evidence which shows that the vagina absorbs a number of components of semen that can be detected in the bloodstream within a few hours of administration.
S ex Increases Blood Flow. It goes without saying that when we get aroused our blood starts to pump at a quicker rate and, thus, blood flow to our brain increases. Both an increased heart rate and more blood pumping through the brain result in better performance (in and out of the bedroom).What this ultimately means is that the fresh supply of blood pumping through your body provides the organs with a

healthy dose of oxygen and rids the body of old and wasteful products. S ex is a Fountain of Youth. Researchers in a large British study found a 50% reduction in overall mortality in men who had the most orgasms. The more orgasms, the better. Every time you reach orgasm, the hormone DHEA (Dehydroepiandro-sterone) increases in response to sexual excitement and ejaculation. DHEA can boost your immune system, repair tissue, improve cognition, keep skin healthy, and even work as an antidepressant. Therefore, a health benefit of sex is potentially a longer life. S ex Increases Testosterone or Estrogen. Both testosterone and estrogen levels experience a boost through regular sexual activity. Testosterone does more than just boost your sex drive, it helps fortify bones and muscles, and it keeps your heart in good working condition as well. In women, estrogen protects against heart disease and provides a number of other important health benefits.


As Dr. Joe Esposito has written on the connection between sex and diet:

The body responds to sensual stimulant, such as erotic touch, sight, scents, sounds and thoughts of becoming aroused. One of the physiological responses is increased blood flow to the erogenous zones of the body. The blood vessels to these areas must be able to carry blood freely in order for you to perceive the maximum pleasure. There are mounds of research showing that certain foods will directly or indirectly clog your blood vessels and prevent normal blood flow. The consequences can range from mildly decreased sensation to a complete shut down of an erogenous area or organ of the body. A classic example of this is impotence. Many men are in search of some miracle pill, potion or lotion to solve their problem when in fact all they need to do is change their diets. The arteries, if given the proper nutrition, can clean themselves out and the men can act as the young strapping bucks they used to be. Not only is blood flow involved in arousal but also a complex combination of brain function, hormonal releases and nerve impulses that must work together in order to achieve optimum performance. Certain medications, alcohol, poor diet, cigarettes, and pinched or damaged nerves can all play a part. When we start putting the good nutrients in our bodies and ensuring our nerves are functioning at 100%, in most cases; the body will give us the pleasure we are seeking.
And according to

A recent British and French study examining the connection between what we eat and our overall mental health found that people who eat more processed foods are at a higher risk for depression, while those who eat whole foods are at a lower risk and generally have more energy. Since your mental health directly affects your sex life, stay away from processed and sugary foods and put some mood enhancing foods into your diet. 3 Foods That Get You Down
Fried Foods: All that saturated fat is sure to give you the itis and make you feel too tired to move a muscle. S ugary S weets: The high amount of carbs and sugars in cookies and other sweets leads to a serious crash and burn effect. S oda: Caffeine and sugar will have you crashing and out of it even worse than cookies. Medication: Not really a food, but prescription medications, particularly anti-depressants, can lower sex drive and prevent orgasm.

6 Foods That Get You Up

Almonds: Almonds are a great natural source of energy, which are also said to arouse passion in women. Almonds are packed with Vitamin E, a natural sex hormone stimulant. Avocado: With its 25 essential nutrients, including Vitamin E, folic acid and iron, avocadoes are said to be one of the healthiest fruits in the world. In ancient M ayan culture, avocados were thought to have many health benefits and even aphrodisiac qualities. Bananas: Hopefully, you dont think this has anything to do with the bananas shape. Its actually the large amount of potassium, which is an energy booster that also helps muscles contract leading to stronger orgasms. Chocolate: Cocoa contains a chemical stimulant called phenylethylamine, which affects your mood by changing the chemical makeup of the brain and inducing a sexual high. Garlic: Eating garlic helps your body release a chemical called allicin, which increases blood flow in the body to all the right places. It also contains inulin, a fiber that gives you energy. Just make sure you brush your teeth, buddy. Ginseng: Theres a reason they sell those little bottles of ginseng root at gas stations and corner stores. Ginseng has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese M edicine to increase male virility and stamina. Its natures Viagra. Now that you know what foods your body needs to perform at its sexual peak, head down to the grocery store and fill your shopping cart with all the ingredients you need to make a better sex life.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G National statistics show that most Americans have some experience with oral sex, beginning in the early teen years. M ore than half of teens and about 90% of adults aged 25-44 have had oral sex with someone of the opposite sex, according to a 2002 survey. While that popular email about the health benefits of swallowing turned out to be an internet hoax started by a college student, there actually are some health benefits to oral sex and swallowing (though preventing breast cancer, as the email hoax claimed, isnt one of them). For example, a recent study found that women who gave their men oral sex, and swallowed, had a lower risk of a high blood pressure disorder that sometimes accompanies pregnancy. Another obvious benefit is avoiding some of the risks associated with regular intercourse. HIV and all other viruses are inhibited by saliva and destroyed by stomach acid. However, those risks jump back up if somebodys got cuts or open sores on their mouth or genitals. And for those of you that put your mouth on everyone and anyone, your risk of catching the human papillomavirus (HPV) is high, and HPV increases your risk of oral or throat cancer. Thats right, you might get throat cancer from givin away too many blowjobs. Dont laugh men, because you can get it too.

10 Tips on Tasting Better

Your taste is affected by what you eat, like any other secretions from your body. Just like your sweat can smell strongly after eating a heavily spiced meal, your other fluids will reflect what youve been eating. Heres some advice on how you can get more head by NOT tasting like bleach and boogers.

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Cut out alcohol, caffeine, drugs and nicotine because theyre all pollutants. Drink lots of water and exercise regularly to flush out body toxins. Eat plenty of fruit. Pineapple, kiwi, papaya, mangos, apple, melons, and grapes are all good choices because they offset the bitter taste. Eat vegetables but avoid asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, or broccoli. Cut red meat and dairy because this makes you salty. Avoid heavy spices, especially garlic and onions. Theyre big offenders because they have a high sulfur content. Parsley, wheatgrass, and celery have been recommended because of their high chlorophyll content. Cinnamon, cardamom, peppermint and lemon are also recommended. Avoid junk food, theyre loaded with chemicals and preservatives that also pollute your bodys chemistry. Try and eat food from the earth i.e. as naturally as possible, especially foods high in zinc and selenium. If nothing works, you might have a damn infection. Sorry you had to find out this way. What you put into your body takes between 12 and 24 hours to come out. You should keep your sex schedule in mind before eating!


S E X A N D S E X U A L LY T R A N S M I T T E D D I S E A S E S BY TA M IK A H O G A N What was once done in the dark is now in the light. In fact, its right out in public at 3 pm, while your kids are getting out of school. Sex is a now a common trend that is popularized through every form of media and entertainment that we view. Cartoons, reality shows, sitcoms, videos, movies, music, sports, even M &M commercials, etc. Sex is in there. We all know how much rap culture influences the way people view sex. We also know, from rap, how easily being promiscuous can lead you to an early grave. On M arch 16, 1995, the infamous rapper Eazy E announced publicly that he was infected with the HIV virus, caused by the promiscuous ways that he engaged in while entertaining the world as a member of the rap group NWA. Eazy E talked about having unprotected sex with hundreds of women during wild parties (orgies) and with women who he did not even know (or cared to know, for that matter). Eazy E even rapped in his song, Gimme that Nutt:

I took her to tha pad and we started tah kiss/ Now my d*%ks on hard ya know what Im thinkin/ Took tha panties off and the p%@*y wasnt stinkin/ Pulled off my draws and we started to begin/ Now tha p@*%ys wet so my dick slides in.
Okay so it didnt have a smell and so he jumps right in without protection? Thats not just nasty thats deadly. How many males share the same concept? The same men who either already have contracted HIV/AIDS or will contract it and pass it along to others at some point. Eazy E died within days of making his public announcement. He couldnt help himself but he hoped to help others by telling the truth. But did his announcement help, or did it fall on deaf ears? According to the recent statistics of HIV and AIDS among Blacks, things only got worse. According to recent statistics, Blacks have the highest number of diagnoses of HIV and AIDS in the United States. What does that mean? Regardless of what you believe about the origins of AIDS or the nature of the HIV/AIDS connection, if youre in the hood, you know damn well that we are still not NOT practicing safe sex. Wherever it came from, it doesnt take a genius to figure out how its SPREADING. Seems were deaf and DUM B!!

Anal Sex
Not only is sex trendy, but so is pornography, which has given us all kinds of imaginative ideas about how to get pleasure. Before porn blew up in the Black community, youd rarely, if ever, hear Black people admit that they were into doing it in the butt. Now everyone from Slick Rick to Nicki M inaj got songs talking about it! But if you didnt know, one of the most common and easiest methods of contracting HIV/AIDS is anal sex. Anal sex was once looked upon as a sexual act practiced only by gay men. However, anal sex is now practiced by plenty of heterosexual couples. What many people dont know is that anal sex carries a greater risk of HIV/AIDS and STDs than almost any other sexual activity.

Did You Know? In some countries and states even here in the US, anal sex is still a criminal offence punishable by long custodial sentences, corporal or even capital punishment. Of course, most of this is due to the gay stigma (rather than health concerns), but if were gonna be real, you have to consider that bisexual men in heterosexual relationships (On the Downlow) are statistically one of the notable sources of HIV transmission among Black heterosexual women. And studies report that many HIV-positive Black men who are having sex with men dont reveal their HIV-positive status (or sexuality) to their HIV-negative female lovers. In fact, 12% of ALL men say they wouldnt tell a partner if they were HIV positive.
Why is anal sex so unsafe? It is unsafe because during the act it causes bleeding from torn tissues in the anal area. Other health risks associated with anal sex are: Human Papilloma Virus (HPV warts can turn into cancer within the anal canal); Hepatitis A (a viral infection usually transmitted by oral-anal contact); Hepatitis B (spread through infected blood and body fluids by practicing unsafe sex and use of contaminated needles; Hepatitis C (though it is rarely spread through anal sex, and is usually spread by the sharing of needles for drug use); and E. coli (usually spread through a urinary tract infection in females and can be transferred if the anal sex immediately follows vaginal sex). M any of us dont know this, but Hepatitis B and C together infect 3-5 times more Americans than AIDS does. So if youre not with it, stick to your script and dont agree to letting someone put you at risk of contracting any of the diseases transmitted by this act. If you ARE with it, then do so safely. M eaning protection, lubrication, Saran wrap, rubber gloves maybe.

Now lets talk about penis-to-vagina and oral sex. While sex is natural among men and women, there are many health risks associated with sexual intercourse, especially in the Black community. According to statistics from the Center for Disease Control, Genital Herpes is the most common STD with nearly one in every two African American women ages 14-49 being infected with it. The Herpes virus known as Herpes type 2 or HSV-2 effects every 2 out of 5 Blacks in every age group, 80 % who dont even know that they are infected with it and 21% of women being infected in comparison to 11.5% of men. Why is it more susceptible to women than men? Womens genital tissues are more vulnerable than mens genital areas making transmission greater. The two types of Herpes are oral and genital. Oral herpes appears as fever blisters and can be spread by kissing or touching the infected area and then touching someone else. Oral herpes can be spread to the genital area by oral sex (mouth to genital area). The Herpes virus stays in the body normally in a nerve located in the cheekbone. It may stay there and be inactive or it may travel down to the nerve in the skins surface causing a reoccurrence of fever blisters. Reoccurrences (outbreaks of Herpes) are often triggered by emotional stress, fever, illness, injury and exposure to sunlight. Lets also note that there is NO cure for Herpes, there are only treatments for the blisters which include medications that relieve the pain, ointments that numb the blisters, ointments that soften the crusts of the sores, and antibiotics that control secondary bacterial infections. Additionally, with pregnant females, herpes can be spread through the birth canal to the baby which can cause significant health risks to the infant. To stop the spread of this infection we must: get tested; talk to our doctors about treatment options if you are infected; use condoms (they have condoms for the penis and vagina); and most importantly, talk to you partner (ask them about their status and avoid sex if you or you partner has visible lesions or sores). Lastly, lets talk about teens and sex. Its a fact that when were talking about teens and sex, were now talking about 14 and 15, and in many cases even earlier. There is a high percentage of teen pregnancy as well as the transmission of STDs and/or STIs. Statistically, in the

U.S., nearly 1 million young women under the age of 20 become pregnant each year (that comes out to about 2800 teens getting pregnant each day) and 1 in 4 sexually active teens become infected with an STD or STI every year. Common STDs among teens are: Chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital warts (HPV) and herpes. It is a fact that our government and media have admitted that teens are not only having sex but are having unprotected sex. Due to the racial disparities in the rate of contracting STDs and STIs, this calls for Black parents to WAKE UP, educate yourselves and your children.

Chlamydia and Gonorrhea

Chlamydia and gonorrhea are the most common infectious diseases in the U.S. among Blacks (accounting for 71% of reported gonorrhea cases and half of Chlamydia and syphilis cases with Black women having the highest rates of Chlamydia and gonorrhea). These infections can cause PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) which is an infection of the uterus, fallopian tubes and other reproductive organs. PID can cause long term complications such as chronic pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy, and infertility. What is even worse is that Chlamydia and gonorrhea are two highly treatable bacterial infections that can be cured with antibiotics, but how can sexually active teens seek out services, screening and treatment when these STIs are not even talked about by parents? Black parents must begin sex education at home and stop denying the fact that many of our teens are not only having sex but are engaging in risky sex. By talking about safe sex with our children, we empower and protect them by delaying this talk or encouraging youth to delay sex until they are older, we inhibit them from knowing and protecting themselves and their partner TODAY. Educating children reduces teen pregnancy and other sexual health risks Silence increases it! Coming full circle, Eazy Es son, Lil Eazy has been active in educating young people about the risks of unprotected sex. In 2010, he took his first HIV test, and made it public. He was as clean as could be.



What are cold sores (fever blisters)?

Cold sores (also called fever blisters) are an inflammation of the skin accompanied by the formation of clusters of small bumps and blisters that is usually on the lips or close to the mouth. Pus sometimes oozes from the blisters, which can make eating difficult. M ost people know these sores are associated with Herpes. But there are actually two types of herpes simplex virus, Type 1 and Type 2. Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus Type 1.

Type 1 Herpes Simplex Virus

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1) generally only infects the body tissues that lie above the waistline and it is HSV1 that causes cold sores in the majority of cases. If uninfected, they dry up in about 7-10 days. In those with HSV1, any little upset to the health may bring on an attack. The infection tends to break out repeatedly in people who carry the virus in their skin. If cases occur persistently on the same area, there may be an infection from the teeth, nose, etc. to blame. Treatment. Theres no cure for either form, but neither is going to kill you. Those who recognize the early signs of HSV1 can limit an attack considerably by bathing the part with very hot water, or applying collodio. The blisters should be protected by a mild antiseptic powder.

Type 2 Herpes Simplex Virus

Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV2) usually only infects the body tissues that lie below the waistline and it is this virus that is also known as genital herpes. Herpes simplex virus Type 2 is not usually the virus that causes cold sores, although it can. It attacks the skin of the penis, resembles facial herpes, but also can ulcerate. Its a pain (and definitely a condition you want to avoid if you dont have it), but its not going to kill you. However, you have to make sure you dont have some OTHER venereal disease that is masked by your Herpes symptoms. Treatment. Again, no cure. But in an uncomplicated case the only treatment required is an antiseptic dusting powder, such as one or two percent salicylic acid in boric acid. All sex or stimulation must be avoided for at least six weeks.

What can trigger an outbreak of cold sores?

When a persons immune system is weakened or stressed. Under normal circumstances a persons immune system would be able to fight off a cold sore but if the immune system is overwhelmed a cold sore can easily develop. By observing which factors typically trigger a cold sore, a person can learn when to expect an outbreak. Common signs are emotional upset and stress, physical stress and fatigue, illnesses (including a cold or the flu), injury to the lips or skin, such as physical trauma or severe chapping, menstruation or pregnancy and an immune system deficiency.

What you can do to reduce cold sores or prevent them? r Apply a tea bag (regular black tea) to the area for a few minutes every hour where a cold sore is forming. Tea contains tannic acid and tannic acid possesses antiviral properties (some over-the-counter medications for cold sores contain tannic acid). Placing a tea bag on a cold sore when it first begins to form (especially during the tingling stage) can possibly help to stop or minimize the cold sore. r Apply ice to cold sores. Applying ice (for five to ten minutes each hour) during the first stage of a cold sore (tingling stage) will help lower the temperature of the tissue where the cold sore is forming. r Eat plenty of raw vegetables daily r Eat a handful of pumpkin seeds (no salt or oil added) or take a Zinc with C lozenge (NOW brand) every 3 waking hours for 2 days, then 2 lozenges daily until healed, making sure not to exceed more than l00 mg daily from all supplements r Intermittent application of ice to a cold sore can act as a numbing agent and lessen the uncomfortable pain and itching. r Take 3,000-6,000 mg daily of buffered vitamin C in divided doses to fight the virus and kick up your immune system. Take both a good multivitamin and good multi-mineral supplement daily. To heal your tissues, take 50,000 IU vitamin A daily in an emulsion form for safety at high doses, but dont exceed 10,000 IU daily if pregnant. Use a high-stress vitamin B-complex supplement (150 mgm twice daily) to help your immune system to heal r Take maitake, sh*take or reishi mushroom as directed on the label to fight viruses and increase your resistance to disease r Use powdered organic garlic on all your food or take 2 capsules of Kyolic garlic 3 times a day as a natural antibiotic and immune enhancer Treating Herpes Outbreaks
Some find that keeping the sores moist prolongs the healing process, others find the comfort of salves and ointments very healing. Try both methods and see which works best for you. If you find that your particular case responds better to an astringent, drying type medication than to a salve, make a St. Johns wort/lemon balm tincture. Apply this topically to the open sores. But be careful; it will sting! Dilute it with water before applying. Aloe vera gel soothes, dries, and effectively helps to heal herpes sores. Apply the aloe vera gel directly to the sores. You can use the gel pressed fresh from the leaf of a plant, or you can buy aloe gel. The Anti-Herpes Paste below makes an excellent poultice when applied directly to the sores. Anti-Herpes Paste: One part goldenseal powder, one part black walnut hull powder, one part echinacea root powder. M ix the powdered herbs together, then moisten the mixture with a bit of St. Johns wort/lemon balm tincture. Warm herbal baths are soothing and healing. You might wish to alternate both types or find the one that works best for you. The first is a soothing, relaxing bath that relieves the itching. The second bath is an astringent cleanser. After bathing, gently but completely dry the groin

area. Relaxing & S oothing Herbal Bath Blend: Three parts chamomile, one part instant oatmeal (dry), one part hops, one part comfrey leaf, two parts calendula, one part comfrey root. M ix these ingredients together and place a big handful or two in a large handkerchief or cotton bath bag. Tie it onto the nozzle of the tub and let hot water stream through it for several minutes. Adjust the temperature of the water, untie the bag, and let it float with you in the tub. Astringent Bath: One ounce dry chaparral leaves, 1-2 drops tea tree oil, 4 tablespoons baking soda. M ix dry ingredients thoroughly, then mix in oil. Place mixture in a large cotton handkerchief or bath bag. Tie it onto the nozzle of the tub and let hot water stream through it for several minutes. Adjust the water temperature, untie the bag, and let it float with you in the tub. NOTE: Cold sores are very contagious, so you should avoid using anyones cup, glass, washcloth, toothbrush or kiss anybody with a cold sore.


BY TA M IK A H O G A N Whether you are a teen or an adult, if you are at the point in your life where you are sexually active, or considering becoming active, it is very important you educate yourself. Sex is not just what you do as a part of romance and relationships. The act of sex involves biological, psychological, physical and emotional factors. M any people who want to engage in sexual activity are not aware of these biological, psychological and emotional elements, which is the reason why young people under a certain age (mostly 16 yrs of age) are considered legally unable to consent to any sexual act. There is a mental stage that teens have not reached that consists of the ability to not respond based on ones biological drive, but to be able to make a sensible, responsible and rational decision to engage (or not) in sex and to have knowledge of what the outcomes may be. Now that I look at it, it seems that many adults havent reached that stage either. Teens have an alarming and increasing rate of unwanted pregnancies as well as sexually transmitted diseases. This is mainly due to a lack of proper sex education and the failure to at least practice safe sex. While some (not all) STDs can come and go, another obvious consequence of sex children do not. Adults may be in the position to care for a child, financially, emotionally, physically (or not). But most teens dont have the means nor the mental or emotional capabilities to do so. This often results in teens killing their infants, relying on or giving custody to adults, parents/caregivers, giving the baby up for adoption, or simply doing a piss-poor job of raising their children. This is why its important that teens (whether sexually active or not) be educated on sex and to instill in them the importance of practicing safe sex. One method of preventing unwanted pregnancy is by using oral or other means of contraceptive (contraceptive injections such as Depo Provera). However, these methods dont reduce the risks of getting STDs, HIV or AIDS, not to mention that there are risks and side effects associated with these contraceptives. In fact, some of these contraceptives that were being pushed in the Black and Latino communities (like Norplant) are also being used in forced sterilization campaigns in Africa and India, often with disastrous health consequences for the women affected. We call it birth control. They call it population control. Anything that causes a woman to STOP ovulating is unnatural and bad for your health. This is why it is important to always use condoms. Not only to use them but to know which condoms to use and how to use them. Here are a few tips on the correct usage of condoms:

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Use a condom every time you have sex Always make sure that the expiration date on the condom has not passed and that the manufacturing date does not indicate that the condom is too old (note that if the package is not opened, condoms are good up to 5 years after the manufacture date). Keeping a condom in your wallet for more than a week is not a good idea. The constant friction and temperature changes can create microscopic tears in the condom that allow sperm (and other things) to get through. Be careful how you open that little packet. Dont think youre being smooth by tearing it with your teeth, or ripping it like some animal. Tear it at along an edge so you dont damage the actual condom. Put the condom on as soon as its hard and before coming into contact with any vaginal, anal or oral fluids. Roll it down the right way. Its real cute if the girl can put it on with her mouth (you probably dont want to ask where she learned), but make sure the reservoir tip is pointed upwards. If you can barely roll it down to the base, you probably need a bigger size. But if it can move once its on, its too loose. Downgrade from that Magnum XL big boy. Regular will do. Keep the condom on from the beginning until the end (no starting off raw). Make sure that there is enough lubrication or the condom can break. Use only water-based lubricants such as glycerine or lubricating jellies (sold at most pharmacies). NEVER use oil-based lubricants such as petroleum jelly, cold cream, hand lotion, baby oil, or cooking oil (these can weaken the condom and cause them to tear), unless its a polyurethane condom. Use a new condom for each site of penetration (vaginal, anal, oral), or else youll spread bacteria from one site to the other. Always pull out immediately after ejaculation. Dont try to get a few more strokes in, because you might end up leavin something else behind. Make sure that when you pull out, youre holding the base of the condom in place to keep it from sliding off.

Finally, dispose of the condom properly. You can wrap it up in some toilet tissue and put it in the bathroom wastebasket. That way, you wont be polluting the water supply any more than you have to. However, if youre NOT with someone you trust, you should probably flush it. As nasty as it sounds, there are confirmed stories of women extracting semen from disposed condoms and impregnating themselves. Now ask yourself, if thats something Im worried about, why am I sleeping with this girl in the first place? Note: M any women who smoke are also on birth control. M any of us dont know, but this is a harmful, potentially deadly mix. As in heart attacks, blood clots and strokes. These are serious and YES they can happen to you. Reconsider smoking, birth control, or both. Is it worth having a stroke and losing the ability to speak or to use certain parts of your body?



The History of Rubbers

The first rubbers werent actually rubber. As early as 1000 BCE, the ancient Egyptians used a linen sheath for protection against disease, while the Chinese are known to have used oiled silk paper or lamb intestines. Sounds gross, but it worked. It worked so well that in the 15th century, Europeans copied the idea and started making tons of money selling lamb intestine condoms, promising protection from syphilis, and later from unwanted pregnancy. The Japanese also had a condom-like device made from thin tortoise shells. Now condoms are everywhere from gas station bathrooms to your high school guidance counselors office. Theyre not tough to find. Its just tough to get some of us to actually wear them! Unfortunately I know even some of you who are reading this book are saying Con-What? But, if youre not in a monogamous relationship, or even if you are, but havent had each other testedyou should be using a condom EACH AND EVERY TIM E. You cant rely on the he/she looks clean assessment that is just nasty and disturbing. How on Earth can you do a VISUAL assessment of someones sexual history? And STDs can be transmitted during normal sex AND orallyand some of those STDs dont go away. So protect yourself each and ever time because there are some burns that wont go away with just ice At this point, your question should not be whether to use a condom, but which condoms are best

No Frills Condoms
These are the ones you sometimes get from shady free clinics that wont spring for a decent brand or the kind you find at the very BOTTOM of the condom rack in the store. You should already know that you get what you pay for. If you think Durex has a bad reputation for breaking, just imagine the results youll get messing with a Flurex. NOT recommended.

Did You Know? In 2009, Consumer Reports tested condoms for reliability. Seven condoms achieved a perfect score of 100. Those condoms include the following models: Durex Performax; Lifestyles Ultra Sensitive Lubricated; Lifestyles Warming Pleasure; Trojan Her Pleasure Ecstasy; Trojan Magnum Lubricated; Trojan Ultra Ribbed Ecstasy; and Trojan Ultra Thin. The lowest score was for Night Light Glow in the Dark condom, which often had holes in it, but did a damn good job of glowing. A similar study in 2005 found that Planned Parenthoods Honeydew and Assorted Colors condoms scored the worst of the 23 condoms tested. Male Novelty Condoms
These are the edible or specialty condoms that you often see in sex shops, adult bookstores and in condom machines in bathrooms. They are NOT good for protection against HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or pregnancy. As their name implies, theyre just for fun and for something different. Which makes you wonder, why use a condom just for fun? Its either for protection or its not. You dont buy a bulletproof vest that just looks cute and doesnt work, do you? Oh wait, if you bought one of those G-Unit vests a while back, then you did.

Male Natural/Sheepskin Condoms

These are around $30 or more for a dozen. These are only good for protection against pregnancy, not against STDs (including HIV/AIDS). People prefer them because they feel more natural. In fact, these are the modern versions of the worlds earliest condoms. Yes, that means theyre made from lamb intestine. You can feel how you want to about that. Either way, you can use any type of lubricant (oil or waterbased) with these condoms. If you know your partners status and are just trying to avoid pregnancy, these are an option.

Male Latex Condoms

M ale latex condoms are the most common types of condoms on the market. They cost about $6 to $20 a dozen, but cost can vary widely from brand to brand (check for user reviews and ratings). Used consistently and correctly, these will protect you against HIV/AIDS, other STDs and pregnancy. Their drawbacks are their bad taste for oral sex (but see below for an alternative), and that you can only use water-based lubricants with them. Oil-based lubricants like hand lotion, Vaseline etc. can make a latex condom break. A condom can also break due to lack of lubrication! There are some people out there who are allergic to latex, who therefore cannot use latex condoms (but see below for an alternative).

Male Polyurethane (Plastic) Condoms

The main drawbacks to latex condoms are their bad taste, plus only water-based lubricants can be used with them (oil makes them fall apart). Some people are allergic to latex. So whats the alternative? Its the polyurethane condom. This condom is sold under the brand name, Avanti. It costs about $8 for six condoms. If your life aint worth that, you shouldnt be having sex. The benefits of these condoms is that they can be used for people who are allergic to latex, and that they dont taste bad if youre using them for oral sex. These condoms can be used with any type of lubricant, oil or water-based. It is still not known for sure how much protection they will offer against HIV/AIDS and STDs but as long as they dont break or come off, they should offer adequate protection, since HIV and other STDs will not pass through polyurethane.

Female Polyurethane (Plastic) Condoms

The female condom is sold under the brand name, Reality. These are only good for vaginal intercourse. Since theyre made of polyurethane, you can use any type of lubricant with them, although they do come with their own lubricant. They cost $4 each, and are usually sold in packs of 3 (for $8). Like all other condoms, theyre single use, so theyre more expensive than latex male condoms. They have a higher failure rate than latex condoms, primarily since theyre much more difficult to insert and to use. If you dont use enough lubricant, they can also make a squeaking noise when you use them. M ost people dont even bother with the idea of using these. However, if you do want to use them, make sure you are using them correctly.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G Did you know that eating a poor diet and drinking all day is actually weakening your masculinity? Ill explain. Besides cultural factors, most of the differences between males and females can be attributed to one biological factor: Hormones. And while all humans have varying levels of each, its most definitely testosterone that makes you a man. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. The majority of your testosterone is produced by your testes, as the name would suggest. Women have some too (just as men have some estrogen some more than others), but men have 40-60 times more in their bodies. Testosterone is what gave us all the physical features that distinguish us from women, and even plays a role in the difference in our brains. Testosterone maintains your manly characteristics throughout your whole life and regulates several systems in your body.

Did You Know? If you index finger is shorter than your ring finger, you may have an aggressive trait. The shorter a mans index finger is, when compared to his ring finger, the more aggressive and rowdy he is likely to be, according to a new study by Canadian researchers. The authors say the connection may have something to do with testosterone, as there is definitely a correlation between finger lengths and the amount of testosterone men are exposed to in the womb. This may be true of women too, as testosterone is not exclusive to men. The Benefits of Testosterone
Testosterone has been scientifically proven to:

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Improve your mental and physical energy Increase your competitive drive Increase your muscle size and strength Increase your metabolism Help prevent Alzheimers and dementia Increase libido (sex drive) and erectile function

So testosterone is pretty damn important to a man (and probably to that mans woman, too!). Its a major part of what makes you feel like a man. So if you havent been feeling too manly lately, or maybe ever, perhaps its time for you to grow some testes, or at least put them to use. Ask yourself these questions to see if youre losing testosterone.

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Do you feel like your sex drive has been decreasing? Have you been having a hard time getting it up? Have you been carrying some extra pounds that wont go away? Do you often feel physically and mentally tired? Do you feel depressed and unhappy? Do you feel shiftless and lack drive? Do you wish you felt more like a real man some days? Do you eat a lot of soy products?

I know the last question may have seemed a bit odd, like I was saying all vegetarians are soft, but I know enough gangster vegetarians to know better than that. Im talking about the endocrine-disrupting influence of the chemicals found in soy (See Is Soy Bad For You?), as well as many other products. They can offset your natural balance of testosterone and estrogen (See Gay Bomb). Combined with several other factors, such influences have testosterone levels dropping throughout the Western world. According to a recent study of 8,000 men:

[Testosterone levels in the U.S. are] substantially lower by about 15 to 20% than they were fifteen years ago. Scandinavian studies show similar declines, and in younger men too; a man born in 1970, for example, had about 20% less testosterone at 35 than a man of his fathers generation at the same age.
M eanwhile, the average U.S. males sperm count has dropped over 30% in the last three decades. While Im not sure if people of color outside of North America and Europe are doing any better, Im pretty sure you can look around in our communities and see that its not just white people being affected. Here are some of the other factors behind the decline in testosterone: S tress: Stress increases our level of cortisol and decreases our testosterone. Lack of sleep: Testosterone rises while you sleep, particularly during the REM phases. Today, men are often skimping on their shut eye, which in turn is sapping their testosterone. Drinking alcohol: Alcohol decreases the bodys ability to produce testosterone. We may act on impulse when drinking, but out ability to sense stimulation is diminished when we drink. Eating a low-fat diet: Low-fat diets that dont distinguish between good fats (like EFAs in plants and seeds) and bad fats (like those in meat products) also have been widely proven NOT to be healthy or helpful, but another reason to reconsider a low-fat diet is because they have been proven to decrease your testosterone. S moking: The nicotine and cotinine in cigarettes inhibits and reduces testosterone production. Age: Every man is born with different levels of testosterone to begin with, but the average mans testosterone level peaks at age 20 and then slowly declines for the rest of his life. You lose about 1% a year not bad but loss can cause obesity, brittle bones, muscle loss and impotence by the time you reach your 60s if you live that long. Theres even a condition known as male menopause. Testosterone levels in the low range may increase your chances of a heart attack, prostate problems, or other serious conditions. So how do you boost your testosterone? Theres medical treatments involving injections, gels, and patchesbut the side effects include acne, high cholesterol, shrunken testicles and liver damage. Supplements like DHEA or androstenedione increase your risks of prostate cancer and heart disease. And steroids in addition to other negative health effects will results in the exact opposite of what you were going for (breast development and shrinking testes). So, uh, no. Heres 12 natural ways to increase your testosterone:

1. Get Rid of the Flopping Belly. Or youll grow a pair of breasts to match. Carrying excess body fat elevates your estrogen levels, and that may cause your testosterone levels to sink. All it takes is being 30% over your ideal body weight, which is pretty common nowadays. 2. But Dont Overdo the Weight Loss. Losing too much weight too fast can hurt you in more ways than one. In addition to the dangers listed elsewhere in this book, cutting your calorie intake significantly can make your brain think youre starving. As defensive response, your brain shuts down testosterone production until normal eating resumes. Its natures way of keeping us from making babies during a time of famine. Ironically, this drop in circulating testosterone stops you from burning body fat efficiently, so youre actually hurting your weight loss goals. 3. And Dont Bother with the Atkins Diet. Research suggests that eating a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet is bad for you for several reasons. For one, it can hurt your testosterone level. Your protein intake should only be about 16% of your daily calories. Otherwise, high amounts of dietary protein in your blood can eventually lower how much testosterone you produce. And this goes for regular meat-addicts as well. You dont have to be on the Atkins diet to be eating way more protein than is good for you. On the other hand, not getting enough protein can reduce testosterone as well. The key is a balanced diet. A diet with a carb to protein ratio of 2:1 is ideal for testosterone production. 4. Have Morning S ex. German scientists found that simply having an erection causes your circulating testosterone to rise significantly, and your body will produce even more if you prolong it with morning sex. 5. Work Out. To beef up your testosterone levels, the bulk of your workout should involve compound weight-lifting exercises that train several large muscle groups, and not just one or two smaller muscles. For example, studies have shown that doing squats, bench presses or back rows increases testosterone more than doing biceps curls or triceps pushdowns, even though the effort may seem the same. Start off by using a heavy weight that you can lift only five times. That weight is about 85% of your one-repetition maximum. Finally, do three sets of each weight-lifting movement. This fosters greater increases in testosterone than just one or two sets. Rest a full minute between sets, so you can regain enough strength to continue lifting at least 70% of your one-rep maximum during the second and third sets. 6. But Dont Overdo the Workouts. If you overtrain meaning you dont allow your body to recuperate adequately between training sessions your circulating testosterone levels can plunge by as much as 40%. The symptoms of overtraining are hard to miss: irritability, insomnia, muscle shrinkage, joining the Reform Party. To avoid overtraining, make sure you sleep a full eight hours at night, and never stress the same muscles with weight-lifting movements two days in a row. 7. Eat Nuts. Pause. But nuts are good for your nuts. Research has found that men who ate diets rich in monounsaturated fat the kind found in nuts, seeds, fish, olives, and avocados had the highest testosterone levels. Aim to get at least 30% of your calories from this good fat daily and spread your consumption of it throughout the day. 8. Drink Less. Alcohol affects the endocrine system, causing your testes to stop producing the male hormone. To maintain a healthy testosterone count and strong erections cut yourself off after three drinks. Thats one reason drinking often causes you to go limp at the moment of truth. 9. S top S kipping Meals. Your body needs a ready supply of calories to make testosterone, so regularly skipping meals or going for long stretches without eating can cause your levels of the hormone to plummet. Your body also needs dietary fat to produce testosterone, so if you want to raise your testosterone score, eat a diet that includes about 30% fat. 10. And S top S kipping S leep. Sleeping too little can screw up your circadian rhythm. Thats why its no wonder your testosterone levels are higher in the morning after a good nights sleep. So if your work or social schedule keeps you stooped in perpetual jet lag, dont be surprised if you stop craving sex. 11. But S kip those S moke Breaks. As youve read above, smoking is bad for your lungs AND your nuts. However, being stressed is not good for your testosterone levels, so its important to meditate or do something else to de-stress, particularly if youre quitting smoking, which can have some very stressful withdrawal symptoms. 12. Less S oy, More Vegetables. Reduce or eliminate your soy intake (yes, you can be a vegetarian/vegan WITHOUT soy!). M eanwhile, eat more cruciferous vegetables. Veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, turnips, cabbage and brussel sprouts contain Diindolylmethane which helps balance your estrogen and testosterone levels and increases the amount of free circulating testosterone in your body.

What about Too Much Testosterone?

While its less common, its also possible to have too much testosterone. But ladies, if your man is always beating his chest, talking loud, and acting like Donkey Kong, thats probably not testosteroneits actually more likely that hes insecure and overcompensating. But excess testosterone can have some of the same symptoms. According to a study of 4,393 military men, published in the April 1999 Journal of Behavioral M edicine, men whose testosterone levels were slightly above average were healthier than others. They were 45% less likely to have high blood pressure, 72% less likely to have experienced a heart attack and 75% less likely to be obese than men whose levels were slightly below average. These men were also 45% less likely to rate their own health as fair or poor. Howeverthese men were also 24% more likely to report one or more injuries, 32% more likely to consume five or more drinks in a day, 35% more likely to have had a sexually transmitted infection, and 151% more likely to smoke. At very high testosterone levels (1000 nanograms), men were even more likely to engage in risky behavior and less likely to reap the positive health benefits of testosterone. Taking all the factors together, researchers found that the healthiest men overall had testosterone levels that were in the average range, which is basically the point of this entire book: Balance.

B Y SC I H O N O R D EVO T I O N Whether you call it a Coochie, Pleasure Center, Private Spot, Kitty Kat, Hot Spot, Virginia, Sugar Spot, Pearlie, Yoni or something else, you will have to get comfortable with and get to know it if you havent already cuz its yours and it aint going nowhere. Can you consciously relax and contract your vaginal muscles? Can you even find em? Strengthening these muscles with help you with avoiding urinary incontinence, uterine prolapse (yes, your uterus can fall right out of place if the muscles around it arent strong), improving sex, avoiding hemorrhoids and even having an easier childbirth. Lets start with the basics. Get a mirror if you must and follow along. You may eventually want to purchase a vaginal speculum to help with this but you can do this without one. Come on, if you can let some strange man dig in there because he has the letters M D behind his name, you sure can. Its yours. Pelvis Lets start with your pelvis. Your pelvis is that big bone that you feel when you put your hands on your hips. It wraps all the way around your body and it open at the top and bottom. It has a bunch of other openings too that allow muscles and blood vessels to flow through it. Your pubic bone just above your pubic hairline along with other bones are all part of your pelvis. Your hips bones look like huge elephant ears. We call this whole area of muscles that run throughout this area, the Pelvic Floor. Vulva This includes all your external sexual organs that you can see. Mons The soft area that covers the part of your pubic bone where pubic hair grows. Outer Lips These are connected to the M ons, are covered with pubic hair and are different sizes and colors depending on the woman. Some are small. Some are large. Some are dark. Some are light. Dont believe me? Ask your local Hood Coochie Connoisseur (the one whos hit almost every female on the block and is sure to know about all varieties of coochie), midwife, gynecologist, or even your mate. Hed probably know too. Inner Lips They are underneath the outer lips and are hairless. At least most if them are. Did you know that these lips get darker in color when sexually aroused? Hood of Clitoris This covers the clitoris and under this is the clitoral shaft connected to the bone by a soft, rubbery cord. Clitoris This is most sensitive spot in the genital area. This little thing is a while organ itself with parts that you cant even see. Did you know that the clitoris swells during sexual arousal? Urinary Opening I cant believe that some women dont even know where their urine comes from! Well, let me tell you. It comes from a little hole behind the clitoris. Vaginal Opening This is the opening that is used for menstruation, sex and childbirth. If you use it for something other than that, well, I guess thats your business and I dont wanna know anything about that. Ha! This opening leads to a canal with leads to the cervix which is the mouth of the uterus. Hymen If you have never had sex before, or inserted anything into your vagina, you may still have a hymen. Females are born with a thin layer of skin partially covering the vaginal opening. It used to be thought that girls lsot it only if theyve had sex, but we know that is can be broken during other activities like bike riding, dancing, or other sports. Bartholins Glands I hope you are not wondering who Bartholin is because I cant help you with that. All I know is I dont know no Bartholin and these glands are not his. They are mine. They are two holes, one on either side of the vaginal opening. I had a friend whose glands got backed up, clogged and swollen. They became full of fluid and grew as big as oranges. She was in so much pain, could barely walk and had to go to a doctor to get them drained. She was advised to be careful when wiping after using the bathroom. Just in case your M amas didnt teach you, we are supposed to wipe from front to back as to keep any bacteria out of our vaginas after using the bathroom. Perineum This is the area of skin between the lips and the anus. Anus The opening of the rectum. Otherwise known in respectable circles as the Booty Hole. Those are the basics of the outer sexual organs. The breasts are also considered to be external sexual organs. Lets talk about them just a bit before we move on to our internal sexual bodies. Breasts Interestingly enough, each woman has about the same amount of glandular tissue, which makes milk when she is nursing. The glandular tissue is supported by fat. Breast size is determines not by how much glandular tissue you have, but by genetics and hormones. M eaning, it is possible for a skinny woman to have huge breast just as it is possible for a larger woman to be small chested or flat chested. Although, If your weight changes, you may also see a change in breast size. The areola is the darker round area which houses the nipple which milk comes out of for our babies. During pregnancy and nursing, this area may get dark and look like a bullseye for babys to easily see. Some areolas have bumps around them, which are oil glands and are normal. Just as there are many sizes and shapes of breasts as a whole, there are many sizes and shapes of nipples too. Some may be big, small, flat, innies, outies, or some may even be different sizes. Sometimes, a milky fluid may come from them even if you are not pregnant or nursing. This fluid should not be yellow or green though. Especially if you have a fever or your glands are swollen. If so, get it looked at. Breast health is so important.

Whats Inside of There?

Now, lets get back to getting ourselves, tight and right. There is so much going on inside our bodies. Lets take a look. Vagina The vagina itself is about 3-5 inches in length and connects the uterus to the outside genitals. It produces a discharge which is made of old cells and secretions. This discharge should be clear and thin but can thicken and even turn white during ovulation. But, if you have discharge that is funky, foul yellow, green, thick, lumpy, or frothy, you may have an infection and should get it looked at and treated. If you have a fishy odor, you may not be cleaning yourself properly, using the wrong cleaners and may need an internal detox. We should not smell fishy. Cervix This is the mouth of the uterus and at the top of the birth canal. Sometimes, it is bumped into during sex. Have you felt it before? If you are brave enough, touch it. It feels like a nose with a hole in the middle. If you have had a baby pass through it, yours may have a little smiley face shape in the middle. Dont worry. A penis, tampon, finger, or any other object can fit into the small opening called the os when it is closed. A plug seals this opening to keep it from being infected. It does open though during childbirth. It opens to about 10 centimeters to allow the baby to come out of the uterus and into the birth canal and eventually out of the vaginal opening into the world. Uterus This organ is sometimes called a Womb. It is usually the size of a fist but can grow to be as large as a melon in order to carry a placenta, baby and a bunch of other stuff during pregnancy. The lining of the uterus is called the endometrial and is lost during menstruation along with blood and fluid. This is what makes up menstrual blood. The uterus is a strong muscle. Ovaries These are two organs on each side of the uterus and just under the fallopian tubes. These organs are small and about the size of an almond. Eggs and female sex hormones like estrogen and progesterone along with many other hormones that we dont even understand are produced in the ovaries. When the ovaries release an egg, the little fingers of the fallopian tubes rub against the ovary and kind of sweep the egg into the tube.

Fallopian Tubes Once an egg is swept up into the fallopian tubes, tiny hairs push the egg in the direction if the uterus. The hairs push the egg in the direction of the uterus. The hairs also push sperm towards the egg. If the egg and sperm meet up and the fertilized egg will go to the uterus and sticks itself to the wall of the uterus. Sometimes, although rare, the sperm may fertilize the egg outside of the fallopian tube sometimes in the ovaries, cervix or abdominal cavity causing what is called an ectopic pregnancy. This can end in miscarriage and can lead to infertility.

Exercises that Help

Alright, now that we have a basic overview of our external and internal sexual bodies, lets look at some exercises we can do to stay healthy, strong and good. You may have heard of Kegals exercises are used to keep your pelvic floor muscles toned, strong and controlled. When you try the following exercises, do them with either the vaginal muscles or anal muscles or both. Strengthening these muscles is beneficial and you wont be disappointed. The Build and Destroy Dont worry. Nothing with be destroyed by doing this exercise. It is just an image I want you to have when practicing. Imagine that you are building a pyramid. Yup! A whole pyramid with your vaginal muscles. Here we go Pull the muscles that you use to stop the flow of urine upwards. Imagine levels to your pyramid matching the walls of your vagina. Try to fell them as you squeeze the muscles upwards to the 1st level, 2nd level, 3rd level and so on. Then release the muscles slowly going in reverse down each level back to the foundation. Take a power break for about 5 seconds and repeat the Build and Destroy exercise. When you start the exercise, you may not be able to distinguish the different levels, and may be squeezing many levels all at one time. Thats ok though. As you get more practice, you will be able to better isolate and move your levels individually. The Anxious Anus Find the muscles that you use when you gotta move your bowels but are nowhere neat a toilet. Found em? OK, squeeze them and hold them for 5 seconds, then release. Pause for about 2 seconds and repeat another 9 times. Healthy, S trong, Good You can do this exercise with vaginal or anal muscles. Spell each word out loud or in your head. However you choose, squeeze with each letter spoken. Start with the H in Healthy and end with the D in Good. Take a break and say, I Am and then start again. There are 17 letters total in this statement making 17 squeezes. Then start again. On the Count Not the prison count. The coochie count. I am getting my coochie tight and right. Say it loud! I am getting my coochie tight and right. This affirmation has 10 syllables. Say this affirmation 10 times as slow or as fast as you want and squeeze with each syllable. This can be fun, especially if you alternate between your vaginal muscles and anal muscles with each syllable. Cop a S quat Squatting is one of the best things a woman can do with her body. Squatting is a great way to tone your pelvic muscles. Traditionally, women have always moved our bodies and squatted when handling our business. Squatting for 5 to 10 minutes with flat feet can also prove to be a benefit during childbirth. Dancing Swing your hips! Tighten your butt! Try some Polynesian dance (Hula), Raqs Sharqi (Belly Dance), and of course some BootyShaking (African dance, West Indian wining and dancehall, and even Hip Hop where the pelvis area is moved often). Theres much more about pelvic floor health and exercise that you can look into on your own, like the g-spot, ovarian breathing, maintaining wetness, and posture. You may want to check out Dr. Sunyatta Amens Sexual Kung Fu, Sexual Tai Chi, Womb Yoga and Belly Dance classes. You may even want to look into egg exercises. These eggs are made of stone, usually jade or obsidian just like they used in ancient times and are still weighty and used the same way. So ultimately, you will be doing vaginal weight lifting with a stone egg to tighten your internal muscles. When you get real nice with it, you can even add weights to your egg. But thats a whole notha level of Coochie Kung Fu that we wont be going into now. I trust that I have outlined a few exercises and information for you to be able to begin to get your coochie muscles together. As M ethod M an tried to tell us back in 95, Keep it tightAight? Lets take his advice.



Some of Us are Addicts

Do you remember when Kanye West said he was addicted to porn? No? M aybe I pay too much attention to Hip Hop media. Speaking on his abstinence from the drugs that most rappers indulge in, Kanye confessed, M y only drug is porn. I have porn with me all the time. Whenever I go to the porn store, I call it the crack house. M aybe his huge porn collection is the reason why hes inseparable from the laptop he carries everywhere. Before sex hit the internet, a young Kanye was bringing smut magazines to school as a child. Im not saying that looking at porn will make you a pervert, but we all know that being exposed to sex at a very young age can have some screwy effects on your psychology as you mature. Kanye later confessed that he did have a problem with sex: When M arvin Gaye made Sexual Healing, it was a fun song but he really had a problem with sex. And I think I have a sexual problem, a sexual addiction. I want to do it all the time. Im sure Yes got some issues (SOM ETHINGs gotta explain the million dollars he gave ex-girlfriend Amber Rose to stay silent about what happened during their relationship), but I dont think people like Kanye have the clinical level of sex addiction experienced by people who are really sick. Halle Berrys ex-husband Eric Benet realized the same thing once he checked into rehab for sex addicts. He explained, Sex addiction is a real thing, you know. In retrospect, its not what I would label my situation. Hold on! If he wasnt addicted to sex, how does he explain his cheating? M aking some stupid-ass, stupid-ass mistakes. Benet continued:

We all know I cheated. It was out there. Its a betrayal. But I never did have sexual intercourse with anyone while I was with Halle. Going into rehab was presented to me by her mother that in order for the marriage to have a shot, this is what you need to doBut Im not a sex addict. I wanted to save my marriage and do anything necessary to do that. I went and heard other peoples stories and realized this is really not my struggle.
Are you a sex addict? Probably not. If youre an adult who constantly craves sexual satisfaction, you might have developed a compulsive behavior which can resemble an addiction, but youre not really an addict (you just play one in real life).[15] Since its not a real addiction, there wont be a real withdrawal if you get yourself back in check. When you try do so, however, youll see that its all psychological. And for some people, getting over a psychological fixation/obsession can be just as hard as beating an addiction. For the strong-minded among us, its much easier.

Some of Us are Derelicts

Now, what about if your sexual cravings are a little, ahem, odd? Commonly dubbed perversions or sexual deviations, a paraphilia is a condition in which a persons sexual arousal and gratification depend on fantasies, urges or behaviors that are out of the ordinary and often extreme. Of course, paraphilias are reportedly more common in men than in women. According to the DSM -IV, the paraphilias include Exhibitionism, Fetishism, Frotteurism, Pedophilia, Sexual M asochism/Sexual Sadism (together known as S&M ), Transvestic Fetishism, and Voyeurism. Some will sound familiar, others will not, but Ima let you Google em rather than trying to explain some of this sh*t. Of course, theres others. In fact, some sources list as many 547 different paraphilias. Up until 1973, homosexuality was also listed as a paraphilia, but was removed due to pressure from gay activists. Albert Eulenburg (1914) noted a commonality across the paraphilias, using the terminology of his time:

All the forms of sexual perversion...have one thing in common: their roots reach down into the matrix of natural and normal sex life; there they are somehow closely connected with the feelings and expressions of our physiological erotism. They are...hyperbolic intensifications, distortions, monstrous fruits of certain partial and secondary expressions of this erotism which is considered normal or at least within the limits of healthy sex feeling.
In laymans terms, a paraphilia is what happens when keeping it real goes wrong. That is, its very real and natural for us to have sexual desires and for certain things to become triggers or objects of our attentions. But paraphilias develop when those things grow beyond our control to become counter-productive to a healthy social/sexual life. Lets face itits hard enough finding a mate in our communities. Imagine how hard itll be to find a mate who will let you pee in their mouth. So what do you do? Depends on how much your, ahem, interest affects your life. For some people, theyre just preferences. For others, their entire lives have been consumed. If its caused problems for you, find a self-help group, a therapist, or a healthy outlet for those cravings. Theres probably a safe way for you to engage in whatever it is that floats your boat, but bear in mind that whatevers done in the dark will one day come to the light. For the more extreme cases, theyve got medications for that kinda stuff, but the jurys still out on whether they work. Again, theres therapy (even holistic therapy) for most disorders. A lot of the time, youre fixated on something that affected you strongly when you were young, while your sexual attitudes where still forming. For example, your dog happened to be in the room watching the first time you got someNow you cant have sex without a dog lickin your ass and the Scooby Doo DVD playin on the bigscreen. Clearly time for some kinda therapyunless of course, your mate loves you enough to understand. And if you can find a mate who will accept and love THAT, you better thank your lucky stars and NEVER mess things up between yall. Unless, of course, youve got a million dollars for hush money, and enough fame to find someone else who will tolerate your kinky ass.

This toxic stew was made just for you

heres rocket fuel in your tap water. Embalming fluid in cigarettes. Even gasoline in your veggie burger! And of course, these chemicals arent

good for you. The majority of these synthetic additives are linked to cancer and other illnesses one way or the other. But what can you do? With dozens of toxic chemicals in just about everything we encounter, I can understand why some people think you cant do anything to avoid them. But you can. Just as you can avoid bad relationships even though there are so many toxic people out there by being more selective with where you meet people, you can change some of your habits and give these toxic elements less of a presence in your life. The foundation is knowledge. Without an awareness of whats around you (and in you), you cant do anything about it. So at least start by knowing. And the first thing you should know is that no matter what kind of toxic garbage were looking at if youre Black or brown, chances are very high that youre exposed to it more than anyone else. If youre poor on top of that, youre 75% more likely to be exposed to the toxic pollutants that will wreak havoc on your health. Considering the centuries-long attack on Black male virility (the ability to make babies), its interesting (to say the least) that the worst health effects are to be found in our reproductive systems. So its deeper than the acrylamide in potato chips. Thats small potatoes (no pun intended) compared to the toxic waste dumps they deliberately place in poor Black and brown communities. While we should certainly work to eliminate toxins in our diets, its not enough to change on an individual level. In fact, all that personal change is good for you, but dont believe youre making a dent on the world outside of yourself. As author Derrick Jensen notes in his article, Forget Shorter Showers: Why Personal Change does not equal Political Change:

Part of the problem is that weve been victims of a campaign of systematic misdirection. Consumer culture and the capitalist mindset have taught us to substitute acts of personal consumption (or enlightenment) for organized political resistanceI want to be clear. Im not saying we shouldnt live simply. I live reasonably simply myself, but I dont pretend that not buying much (or not driving much, or not having kids) is a powerful political act, or that its deeply revolutionary. Its not. Personal change doesnt equal social changeThe good news is that there are other options. We can follow the examples of brave activists who lived through the difficult times I mentionedNazi Germany, Tsarist Russia, antebellum United Stateswho did far more than manifest a form of moral purity; they actively opposed the injustices that surrounded them. We can follow the example of those who remembered that the role of an activist is not to navigate systems of oppressive power with as much integrity as possible, but rather to confront and take down those systems.
So as you read through this chapter, understand that youll need to take this knowledge and apply it, both to your personal life and, eventually, to the community in which you live. Because YOUR people are suffering. And if youve made it this far, its your PERSONAL responsibility to start working against that suffering on a larger scale. Dont get overwhelmed though, because even small steps are steps toward a solution.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G Tropical Fantasy was a Brooklyn-based soda that became an instant hit in hoods everywhere in 1990. It cost less than half of what Pepsi and Coke were charging for their products, and offered the kind of flavors that always seem to be a hit in our communities. You know, flavors like red and purple. Anyway, in April of 1991, rumors began circulating in Black neighborhoods that the beverage was laced with a secret ingredient that would cause sterility in Black men, and that the Ku Klux Klan were the actual bottlers. Demonstrating the power of the Black buyer, sales of the beverage plummeted by a company-crippling 70%. The rumor didnt spread by word of mouth alone, and this was before the Internet really jumped off. People were actually copying flyers, posting them at stores and passing them out hand-to-hand. The flyers read:

ATTENTION!!! ATTENTION!!! ATTENTION!!! 50 CENT SODAS BLACKS AND MINORITY GROUPS DID YOU SEE (T.V. SHOW) 20/20??? PLEASE BE ADVISE, Top Pop and Tropical Fantasy .50 sodas are being manufactured by the KluKlux Klan. Sodas contain stimulants to sterilize the black man, and who knows what else!!!! They are only put in stores in Harlem and minority areas. You wont find them down town Look around YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED PLEASE SAVE THE CHILDREN
Tropical Fantasy was devastated. Especially because they werent really down with the Klan, and didnt put any secret genocide chemicals in their sodas. It turned out that the rumors werent started by the Five Percenters, as the Save the Children message suggests (though, in our role as the hoods conscious news network, we probably did play a role in spreading those rumors). The rumors were actually created and spread by Tropical Fantasys competitors, Pepsi and Coke. Tropical Fantasy was cutting into their market shares in the hood. And the hood is Pepsi and Cokes biggest market, outside of developing countries like India and Nigeria (See Selling Coke in How to Hustle and Win, Part Two). After the maker of Tropical Fantasy submitted their products to chemical testing and initiated an expensive PR campaign, they bounced back enough to stay in business, but never really got big enough to go mainstream. What happened to them wasnt an isolated incident. You may have heard the same kind of rumors about Snapple (I was once told the K on the bottle stood for Klan), Arizona Iced Tea, Everfresh, and even Churchs Chicken. Why do these rumors spread like wildfire in our communities? According to psychologist Lorraine Hale, the intense historical repression and destruction of Black people in America has led Blacks to become distrustful and suspicious of anything aimed at them. In other words, people of color just know that the system is design to get us at any opportunity it gets. But this was just another silly rumor, started by big businesses trying to eliminate an upstart company, right? Kinda. The flyers were frauds, and the KKK link was just hypebut ARE there chemicals in sodas that can really cause sterility? Absolutely. A European study of 2,500 men found that men who regularly drink soft drinks end up with a sperm count nearly 30% lower than those who dont. And thats in Denmark, where the chemical regulations are much tighter than the bullsh*t they throw in the hood! We get the crap no one else will drink! Like those 25 cent colored juices, sometimes called Quarter-waters, which have also been shown to reduce sperm count. Who else would drink those little anti-freeze lookin things but us? So we have good reason to be paranoid. If only we knew that its not just the cheapo drinks and foods that have toxic chemicals in them. In fact, the irony of the Tropical Fantasy situation is that no one has ever waged a successful campaign exposing the toxic chemicals in the industry leaders, Pepsi and Coke. M akes you wonder, huh? Just know this, those chemicals we were worried about, theyre all around us.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G In June of 2005, BiDil became the first medication approved by the FDA for a specific racial group. The heart medication proved to be better for Blacks than whites due to a difference in genetics. That led to a 2001 clinical trial involving only Black patients and ultimately to FDA approval to market BiDil specifically to Blacks. While this may be a good thing, since about 750,000 Blacks in America suffer from heart failure, which is what happens when your heart is too weak to pump effectively. Half the patients die within five years of diagnosis, and middle-aged Blacks are more than twice as likely than whites of the same age range to die from the condition, for reasons Im sure youre familiar with (oink oink). But it may also be cause for concern. For one thing, it shows that chemicals (whether helpful or harmful) can have different results based on a persons genetics. But this has been known for quite a while, and its why most drugs are tested on Americas preferred group middle-age white malesas well as white lab mice, and other animals that are bred (or grafted) to mimic the recessive traits of white people. Whats deeper though, is now its clear that drug companies can target specific races with the FDAs consent. And theres no telling what other companies are doing the same. Then again, maybe there is. As Greg Bishop wrote in the M arch 2000 issued of the Konformist, in an article titled Ethnic Weapons for Ethnic Cleansing:

Did You Know? Thanks to the Human Genome Project, the genomes of the populations of Estonia, Tonga, and Iceland have been bought and patented by private corporations, with many more lined up for the future. Insurance companies have announced plans to use prospective clients DNA in deciding whether to grant them health insurance. And a number of political leaders, beginning with NY Mayor Giuliani have demanded that DNA samples be taken from ANYone who is arrested, regardless of how minor their crime. Guess who all that is meant to target? The Human Genome Project may now open the door to the development and use of genetic weapons targeted at specific ethnic groups. This project is currently being conducted under the auspices of the U.S. Energy Department, which also oversees Americas nuclear weapon arsenal. In October 1997, Dr. Wayne Nathanson, chief of the Science and Ethics Department of the Medical Society of the United Kingdom, warned the annual meeting of the Society that gene therapy might possibly be turned into gene weapons which could potentially be used to target particular genes possessed by certain groups of people. These weapons, Nathanson warned, could be delivered not only in the forms already seen in warfare such as gas and aerosol, but could also be added to water supplies, causing not only death but sterility and birth defects in targeted groups. Current estimates of the cost of developing a gene weapon have been placed at around $50 million, still quite a stretch for an isolated band of neo-Nazis, but well within the capabilities of covert government programs. On November 15, 1998, the London Times reported that Israel claimed to have successfully developed a genetically specific ethnic bullet that targets ArabsSome scientists worry that the modified genes that corporations have spliced into fish, fowl, fruit and vegetables have permanently altered the worlds food supply. Some may be intended to reduce populations. The U.S. has a long history of interest in such genetic research. The current home of the Human Genome Project is the Cold Springs Harbor laboratory on Long Island, NY the exact site of the notorious Eugenics Research Office that was started in 1910 by the Harriman family. The projects 1910 agenda included governmental imposition of sanctions on such human rights as reproduction, and on U.S. immigration, based on the alleged inferiority of particular ethnic groups. The Eugenics Research Project established medical and psychological conditions that would qualify one for sterilization or euthanasia. Prominent advocates of the program such as the Rockefeller family, Henry Ford, and Margaret Sanger helped smooth the way for the passage of forcible sterilization laws in 25 states. These laws allowed the forcible sterilization of tens of thousands of people, mostly of minority status, during the first half of the 20th century. The November 1970 issue of the Military Review published an article entitled Ethnic Weapons for command-level military personnel. The author of the article was Dr. Carl Larson, head of the Department of Human Genetics at the Institute of Genetics in Lund, Sweden. Dr Larson wrote of how genetic variations in races are concurrent with differences in tolerances for various substances. For instance, large segments of Southeast Asian populations display a lactose intolerance due to the absence of the enzyme lactase in the digestive system. A biological weapon could conceivably take advantage of this genetic variance and incapacitate or kill an entire population.
So yes, genes matter. And gene-specific therapy may be a warning of bigger threats, especially when you consider the long history of biological warfare. The ancient Romans put dead animals in streams to poison their enemies water supplies, and European settlers gave the Indians blankets infested with smallpox (which was specifically more deadly for Indians). Advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool. Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, April 28, 1997; Testimony before Congressional Committee So the only question we should have is not What if? but What now? For more on this frightening direction in science and medicine, make sure you look out for an upcoming title from Supreme Design Publishing, to be titled Chemical Genocide.

B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G Did you know that there are over 14,000 man-made chemicals added to our food supply in our country alone? These additives are not meant to be part of our natural nutrition. Our bodies arent even designed to handle the accumulation of all these toxins. So Ima run through a list of some of the biggest offenders and the problems involved with them. Your job is simply to start checking out the ingredients on the stuff you buy.

Did You Know? The herb rosemary minimizes or eliminates carcinogens formed when cooking some foods, say scientists at Kansas State University, who found that seasoning food with rosemary before grilling can reduce cancercausing substances like Acrylamide by 30 to 100%. By incorporating one tablespoon of dried rosemary for each pound of flour, we reduced acrylamide by more than 50%, says Leif Skibsted, PhD, a Danish researcher who found the same results. He believes that the antioxidants in tasty rosemary scavenge (cleanse) the harmful compounds.
Acrylamide: Acrylamide, a synthetic chemical used for various industrial purposes, also appears in french fries, potato chips, and other cooked foods. Acrylamide is formed in a high heat reaction of chemicals that are naturally present in certain foods such as potatoes and breads. Acrylamide, which is also found in cigarette smoke, has been shown to cause cancer in animals and damage to reproductive glands. Frying, roasting, and cooking form acrylamide, but not boiling, steaming, or microwaving. Frying creates the most acrylamide and levels of the toxin increase the higher the heat and the longer the food is in the heat. To avoid it, you can be careful about how you cook your potatoes, avoid frying potatoes, and when you do, stop when they become golden, but not brown. And take your bread lightly toasted rather than Black and brown. Artificial S weeteners: See Is Sugar Bad for You? Keep your sword straight, maintain your weight/ But he ate too much M onosodium Glutumate, and Polysorbate And drug rate concentrate, with Sodium Benzoate Rza Wu Wear Benzene: Benzene can be formed in many beverages that contain both ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and sodium benzoate (a preservative). The reaction between the ascorbic acid and sodium benzoate in beverages can create benzene. Eating or drinking foods containing high levels of benzene can cause vomiting, irritation of the stomach, dizziness, sleepiness, convulsions, rapid heart rate, and death. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the EPA have determined that benzene is carcinogenic to humans. Benzene causes harmful effects on the bone marrow and can cause a decrease in red blood cells leading to anemia. It can also cause excessive bleeding and can affect the immune system, increasing the chance for infection.

Did You Know? The name Ketchup comes from Chinese fish sauce named ke-tsiap, discovered by the British in the 1700s. Americans modified the recipe to use tomatoes, which are native to the Americas, based on an Aztec recipe for tomato sauce. Modern ketchup emerged in the early years of the 20th century, out of a debate over the use of sodium benzoate as a preservative in condiments. Harvey W. Wiley, the father of the Food and Drug Administration in the U.S., challenged the safety of benzoate which was banned in the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act. In response, entrepreneurs including Henry J. Heinz, pursued an alternative recipe that eliminated the need for that preservative.
BHA/BHT: Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydrozyttoluene (BHT) are additional additives to red flag. They are antioxidants used to preserve common household foods by preventing them from oxidizing. Both keep fats and oils from going rancid and are found in cereals, chewing gum, potato chips, and vegetable oils, but there is concern that they may cause cancer. The structure of BHA and BHT will change during this process [of preserving food], and may form a compound that reacts in the body, says Gerbstadt. BHA and BHT are not stable or inert. Theyre not just hanging out and being excreted by the body. Gerbstadt says that they are obviously not added for the purpose of giving people cancer, but for some people, some of the time, there may be that risk (See Stupid Preservatives). Food Colorings: Some artificial food colors are made from coal, tar, and petroleum with added antifreeze to hold the color. The human body was not designed to eat petrochemicals and the risk the consumption of these ingredients poses to our health is obvious. And although the FDA eliminated many of the most toxic food colorings a while back, there are a few still on the market that give cause for concern. Blue 1 and 2, found in beverages, candy, baked goods and pet food, are considered low risk but have been linked to cancer in mice. Red 3, used to dye cherries, fruit cocktail, candy, and baked goods, has been shown to cause thyroid tumors in rats. Red 40, used in sweets, cakes, biscuits, drinks, condiments, medications, has been linked with cancer. Green 3, added to candy and beverages, though rarely used, has been linked to bladder cancer. Studies have linked Yellow 6added to beverages, sausage, gelatin, baked goods, and candyto tumors of the adrenal gland and kidney. Tartrazine (also known as Yellow 5) is a yellow food dye used commonly in childrens foods like candies, ice cream, artificially colored drinks, cakes, pasta, certain cereals, and even some alcoholic drinks. Just like sorbic acid and Citrus Red 2, it causes hyperactivity in children, exacerbates asthma and respiratory conditions, causes atopic dermatitis and may result, in some instances, to thyroid cancers. High Fructose Corn S yrup: See Is Sugar Bad for You? Mercury: See Is Fish Bad for You? M any products containing high fructose corn syrup also contain dangerous levels of mercury. In a study published in the journal Environmental Health, former FDA scientist Renee Dufault tested samples of high fructose corn syrup and found mercury in nearly half of the samples. Dufault told the FDA about her findings but the agency did not follow up. Right. But Dr. David Wallinga, a food safety researcher, did:

We went and looked at supermarket samples where high fructose corn syrup was the first or second ingredient on the label, he said. These 55 different foods included barbecue sauce, jam, yogurt and chocolate syrup. We found about one out of three had mercury levels above the detection limit.
MS G: M onosodium Glutamate (M SG) is added to thousands of food and grocery products through a dozen different innocent-sounding ingredients, including: yeast extract, torula yeast, hydrolyzed vegetable protein and autolyzed yeast, textured protein (including TVP), hydrolyzed oat flour, and even corn oil. Thousands of common grocery products contain one or more of these chemical taste enhancers, including nearly all vegetarian foods (read labels to check). It imbalances your endocrine system function, which disables your normal appetite regulation and causes you to keep craving and eating more food. Studies have found that M SG can increase appetite by up to 40%!

So this chemical not only contributes to nationwide obesity, it also helps food companies boost repeat business. The M ayo Clinic warns that M SG may cause headache, flushing, sweating, sense of facial pressure, numbness, tingling or burning in or around the mouth, rapid heartbeats, chest pain, brochospasm, shortness of breath, nausea and weakness. Animal studies have linked M SG to nerve cell damage in the brains of infant mice. For more, visit www.M Nitrites/Nitrates: Food manufacturers add color-fixer chemicals, such as Sodium Nitrate, to preserve meats and also to keep the red color of the meat. Without this, the meat would turn grey, which would obviously keep consumers from buying it. The USDA tried to ban the chemical Sodium Nitrate in the 1970s, but was unsuccessful due to lobbyists. Researchers actually use Sodium Nitrate to induce cancer in lab animals so that they can research this disease. So, together with the meat, we are actually eating substances known to cause cancer. Olestra: Olestra, a synthetic fat known as the brand name Olean and found in some brands of potato chips, prevents fat from getting absorbed in your digestive system. This often leads to severe diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and gas. Olestra inhibits healthy vitamin absorption from fruits and vegetables. Propyl gallate: Propyl gallate is a preservative used to prevent fats and oils from spoiling and is often used in conjunction with BHA and BHT. This additive is sometimes found in meat products, chicken soup base, and chewing gum. Animal studies have suggested that it could be linked to cancer, so it is an additive to be concerned about. White sugar: See Is Sugar Bad for You?

What Toxins Do to You

Toxic build-up/exposure has been linked to serious diseases and developmental disorders, including:

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General health problems: Cancer, Cardio-vascular diseases, Immune system diseases, Hormonal imbalances Childhood and reproductive health problems: ADHD, hyperactivity, learning disability, autism. May cause reproductive damage. Neurological disorders/ brain disease: 25% of the chemicals in the environment are neurotoxins linked to increased incidence of brain disease. Other related symptoms: memory lapses, brain fog Obesity: The body naturally manufactures fat in abundance to incarcerate and absorb chemicals and toxins that accumulate over time. As you cleanse the body, one can expect fat and inches to be substantially reduced. J. K.Paulsen, M.D. Miscellaneous Crap: Joint pain and stiff knees, headaches, anemia, nasal congestion and mucus, skin rashes, dark circles under eyes and brown blotches on the face

The very best you can do for your health and longevity is to minimize exposure to toxins in your home AND your diet. These are factors you have control over.

B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G M ercury is one of the most toxic substances known. Yet its used in dental fillings, so youve probably got some in your mouth right now. For years, the dental industry has claimed that these small amounts of mercury are safe. But in 2008, the FDA finally issued a warning that the mercury used by dentists for fillings and other procedures may cause neurological harm (brain damage!) to children and pregnant women. Here are a few facts about the mercury in your mouth:

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Mercury from silver/amalgam fillings can permanently damage the brain, kidneys, and immune system of children. This mercury has been linked to Alzheimers disease, gastrointestinal problems, sleep disturbances, concentration problems, memory disturbances, lack of initiative, restlessness, bleeding gums and other mouth disorders. The mercury release from fillings is absorbed primarily as highly toxic elemental mercury vapor. The type of mercury fillings that began to be used during the last couple of decades, non-gamma-2 (high copper), releases many times more mercury than the older style of amalgam fillings. Mercury absorption from fillings is 4 times higher than from fish consumption. Having gold teeth, platinum teeth, crowns, and even braces (anything containing other metals) can increase the release of mercury significantly. Chewing gum, grinding your teeth, and exposure to magnetic fields (including those from a computer monitor) can also increase the release of mercury significantly. The mercury builds up in your organs, and in your unborn childs organs. Mercury released from fillings builds up in your brain, pituitary, adrenals, and other parts of your body. Mercury from fillings in pregnant women also causes mercury accumulation in the brain, kidneys and liver of human fetuses (all of the areas tested). Studies have shown that mercury can be passed to infants from breast milk.

Obviously, not everybody gets visibly sick from the mercury in their fillings. However, virtually everyone has mercury build up in their bodies from these fillings, and only time will tell how much damage this daily exposure is doing. If I were you, Id have that stuff removed. You might find yourself miraculously feeling better afterwards. A recent study found that proper removal of mercury amalgam fillings from 118 subjects showed an elimination or reduction of 80% of the classic mercury poisoning symptoms. In many cases, it took 6 to 12 months after mercury amalgam removal for the symptoms to disappear. Keep in mind that M ercury amalgam fillings should be removed only by dentists with experience using the IOAM T mercury amalgam removal protocol. And while plastic isnt perfect, it appears that composite (plastic) fillings are a better (and definitely less toxic) replacement than metal (e.g., gold) fillings. Again, make sure you have a professional (preferably one who knows about the toxic mercury thing) put them in. Information about finding a dentist practicing non-toxic dentistry can be found at For a directory of M ercury-free dentists, visit


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G Lets get a few things clear before we dig into THIS one. First, we all know (or should know by now) that eating a BEEF hamburger (or whatever its really made out of) is bad for your health. But since they tend to be delicious (although mostly because of the sauce and chemicals), people need alternatives and substitutes when transitioning to a healthier, more plant-based diet. Thats why we have veggie burgers, as well as veggie chicken patties, veggie hot dogs, and veggie damn-near-anything-you-can-think-of. I can even tell you where to find veggie intestines. Thats right, vegetarian chitlins. Why? These are supposed to be transition foods, meaning they help you get away from a meat-based diet without suffering from withdrawal! Trust me, that fake General Tsos chicken has helped a LOT of aspiring vegetarians make it to the finish line. But just because its not meat doesnt mean its good for you. In fact, a recent study put out by the Cornucopia Institute airs the dirty laundry behind the processed soy products we call health foods. M any of those delicious veggie burgers are actually made from highly processed soybeans that were treated with hexane, an EPA-registered air pollutant and neurotoxin. Some people say the report was funded by the meat industry. Knowing how dirty that game can get, I dont doubt it. But its still worth considering that all that soy might not be the healthiest way to go. You see, soy is big business right now. But not because soy is gonna save your life. Soy is merely a cheap crop that industrial agriculture can grow easily and use in a variety of applications, from livestock feed to biodiesel. Speaking of dieselIma get to it, just gimme a second. M any of us believe fake soy meat is healthier than animal meat. And youre right. Just about ANYTHING plant-based is healthier than animal meat! But theres a few reasons why those soy products arent healthier than, say, a portabella mushroom sandwich or a homemade veggie burger made with actual veggies. First, most brands of non-organic soy burgers use textured vegetable protein (TVP) and/or soy protein isolate, two highly-processed soy products. (See Processed Foods) In order to meet the demands of health-conscious consumers, manufacturers of soy-based fake meat like to make their products have as little fat as possible. The cheapest way to do this is by submerging soybeans in a bath of hexane to separate the oil from the protein. Says Cornucopia Institute senior researcher Charlotte Valleys, If a non-organic product contains a soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate, or texturized vegetable protein, you can be pretty sure it was made using soy beans that were made with hexane. If youve heard about hexane before, it was likely in the context of gasolinethe air pollutant is also a byproduct of gas refining. But in 2007, grain processors were responsible for two-thirds of our national hexane emissions. Hexane is hazardous in the factory, too: Workers who have been exposed to it have developed both skin and nervous system disorders. And the FDA does not monitor or regulate hexane residue in foods. M ore worrisome still: Nearly every major ingredient in conventional soy-based infant formula is hexane extracted.

Just like the Methylene Chloride in my Coffee?

Sounds just like the process to make decaffeinated coffee, where methylene chloride the solvent used to remove the caffeine from the coffee is left behind by the process. M ethylene chloride is a proven carcinogen that is toxic to lungs, the nervous system, liver, mucous membranes, and central nervous system. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage. So when you think youre eating or drinking healthy (but not natural which is just as important), youre actually taking in some of the nastiest chemicals ever.

Hexane-Tainted Products Boca Burger, regular Morningstar Farms, regular Amys Kitchen Garden Burger Taste Above Franklin Farms Trader Joes Yves Veggie Cuisine Presidents Its All Good Choice Lightlife

Hexane-Free Products Boca Burgers Made with organic soy Morningstar Made with organic soy Helens Kitchen Superburgers by Turtle Island Tofurky Wildwood


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G M eat substitutes can be made from many different ingredients. Some are made from fungus (tastes better than it sounds), like the Quorn brand of veggie chikn. Some are made from wheat gluten, sometimes known as seitan in supermarkets and restaurants. Other products are made from TVP (textured vegetable protein), which contains wheat gluten and some vegetables. But most meat substitutes are made from soy, in one form or another. And vegetarians who are trying to replace the meat in their diets often eat a lot of fake meat to help make the transition easier. When I first became vegetarian, I ate veggie bacon, veggie chicken, veggie hot dogs, veggie everything. Im glad it helped me get away from the REAL bad guy (meat), but now Im moving away from soy products as well. You see, those PROCESSED soy products (like soy protein isolate), which are the kind they use to make most fake meat products, are not particularly healthy, even when they are organic. Processed soy, which is normally unfermented contains phytoestrogens that can negatively alter your hormonal levels (See Gay Bomb) and lead to health problems. Unfermented soy is also difficult to digest and can be rough on the body (but not as rough as meat, so dont get confused!). East asians, who possess some of the enzymes needed to process soy (which many of us dont), typically eat soy in its fermented form (tofu, miso, tempeh, etc.). When soy is fermented, most or all of its toxins are removed, making it safer to consume. When we look at how healthy people are in China, its not because they eat veggie meat. Its because they eat more vegetables than meat, and even the meat-eaters fast from meat regularly. Thats when they eat more tofu. And theyve been doing this for thousands of years. Eating the fermented soy products, like tofu, miso and tempeh, that is. All those other soy products (like veggie duck chunks which are damn good, I gotta say) have only popped off in the past 30 years or so. Thats thanks to your favorite food-business giants: Archer Daniels M idland, Dow Chemical Company, DuPont, and M onsanto, who are now the largest producers/supporters of the soybean industry (which should tell you something). They fund the trade organizations that are now pushing soy products on us like never before. Thats why most conventional soybeans are now genetically modified. Unless specifically labeled non-GM O or organic, it is almost definite that a soy ingredient is a GM O. So if you do eat soy, strive to make sure it is organic, non-GM O, and hexane-free. And if possible, choose the fermented kinds over the other versions (that means regular tofu or tempeh over the chunksunless youre JUST getting off of eating meat, in which case you SHOULD eat them fake meat chunks to help you transition without goin into veggie-shock). Whatever you do, dont overdo it. If youre quitting meat, you should be eating HEALTHIER, which means more vegetables. I aint knockin what people do when they make the switch, because its tough to switch without a substitute. Just keep in mind that your goal is the healthiest diet, not an unhealthy diet minus the meat.[16]



Careful how you season and prepare your foods/ Cause you dont wanna lose vitamins and minerals/ And thats the jewel: Life brings life, its valuable/ So I eat what comes from the ground, its natural/ Let your food be your medicine, no Excedrin/ Strictly herb, regenerate in the sun, cause I got melanin Dead Prez, Be Healthy
Let me start this off with a disclaimer: I dont really have a problem with cooking. Its just that most of us aint cooking food. Were OVERcooking food until it aint food no more. In case you didnt know, humans have not only been vegetarian (for the most part) for most of the past 3 million years or so, but we also havent really done much cooking. For most of our history on this planet, we ate what nature had to offer. And while you know we had to add our own spices and seasonings, we pretty much ate it the way nature served it. Of course, well explore that history in more depth in The Science of Self (, but my point is this: Its only been in the most recent period of our history that weve been cooking with fire. Does that mean weve gotten smarter? Not necessarily. Fast forward from 20,000 B.C. to 2000 A.D., where we deep-fry, barbecue, or microwave everything. Theres even deep-fried ice cream now. M ight satisfy our conditioned taste-buds, but that doesnt mean it was a step in the right direction. You see, all these cooking processes I just named are actually stripping your food of the very nutrients youre eating it for. When you heat food past 108 degrees, it starts losing its enzymes. Actually, the enzymes are straight up dying at that temperature. You need those enzymes to help you digest your food. When you heat it a little higher, now youre losing vitamins[17] and minerals. So imagine what happens on a barbecue grill, which can reach temperatures as high as 600 degrees. As vegan chef and caterer Eboni Joy explains:

Cooked food lacks enzymes, which are as defined in the dictionary any of the various complex organic substancesoriginating from living cells and capable of producing certain chemical changes in organic substances by catalytic action, as in digestion. What you need to know about enzymes is that they are necessary in the proper function of our digestive system because they cause an alkaline environment in our intestines and colon (rather than acidic), which helps nutrients in our food be better absorbed in our intestinal lining, our bowels move more regularly, they minimize yeast build-up, and because stomach acids arent being over-activated to digest excess food decomposing in our colon, enzymes help prevent stomach ulcers as well. By eating overly-cooked food that is often enzyme-less, our bodies do not absorb the few vitamins and minerals remaining in our cooked food, and thus we do not receive the maximum benefits of the food we eat. Too often, our food is literally cooked to death, and therefore causes toxicity in the body leading to intestinal disorders like yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and even colon cancer. Living and Raw foods not only contain enzymes but also enormously higher nutrient values than foods that have been cooked.
Neither Eboni nor I are saying you should never cook your food. But I do understand why some people are promoting a raw foods diet as a way for us to get healthier. But that kind of lifestyle where we only eat 100% fresh and prepared fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds would be tough for most of us, especially people struggling with getting by from day-to-day. M y queen M ecca did a raw foods fast for 30 days, and it wasnt easy. I only made it to day seven. It wasnt hard to make the food (all you really need is a food processor and a recipe book), but I just had to have lo mein after a while (maybe it was the M SG callin me). Either way, we noticed two things:

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You feel a hell of a lot better (more energy, better moods, etc.) when youre eating fresh fruits and vegetables and not a bunch of fried, empty calories. Its not THAT hard to incorporate more raw foods into your regular diet.

So, since then, M ecca and I have been working to eat less fried foods, less microwave meals, and more fresh fruits and vegetables. Its a way for regular people like us to live healthier without tons of work, and its worked for us. Even the author of The Raw Foods Bible recommends this approach:

Although I am a big proponent of live, fresh food, I also know from experience that the all raw-food diet is one that only the most disciplined can achieve. It is very hard, for instance, to eat raw dried rice, even after its been soaked for 24 hours. Cooking breaks down the plants cell walls as well the starches and enzymes. Here-in lies the problem. It is those very enzymes that we need for that super energy feeling. The solution is a balance of raw and cooked foods for most. If one starts with a 50% goal of raw-live food and adjust it to their own circumstance, they can find the energy, taste and not have to make such a radical dietary change that they cannot adjust, and fall back on old ways. Juice is a super way to start adding raw food to your diet. Not the juice in the bottles and cartons in the supermarket, they are usually long dead by the time you buy them. FRESH juice made at the time of consumption, with a home juicer is the kind that really delivers on taste, enzymes and live food goodnessSo if you crave more energy and want that veggie glow, try incorporating at least 50% to 75% raw veggies/juice/fruit into your diet. If you have a hard time leaving that cooked food behind, try lightly steaming vegetables (2 to 3 min.) that will keep most of the enzymes and other nutrients in your food. Dried un-sulfured fruit and veggies are also very useful in the winter months to help us retain robust health. Remember, enzymes are destroyed at 108 degrees so try to keep your fixins cool for good health and good digestion.
Nutritional expert Dr. Joe Fuhrman, who doesnt think a 100% raw diet is necessary, also advocates a similar approach:

Only small amounts of nutrients are lost with conservative cooking like making a soup, but many more nutrients are made more absorbable. These nutrients would have been lost if those vegetables had been consumed raw. When we heat, soften and moisturize the vegetables and beans we dramatically increase the potential digestibility and absorption of many beneficial and nutritious compounds. We also increase the plant proteins in the diet, especially important for those eating a plant-based diet with limited or no animal

products. In many cases, cooking actually destroys some of the harmful anti-nutrients that bind minerals in the gut and interfere with the utilization of nutrients. Destruction of these anti-nutrients increases absorption. Steaming vegetables and making vegetable soups breaks down cellulose and alters the plants cell structures so that fewer of your own enzymes are needed to digest the food, not more. On the other hand, the roasting of nuts and the baking of cereals does reduce availability and absorbability of protein. In conclusion, eating lots of raw foods is a feature of a healthy diet. I always encourage people to eat more raw food. One of my common statements isthe salad is the main dish. Raw food is necessary for digestive efficiency, proper peristalsis and normal bowel function. Certain foods, especially fruit, avocado and nuts undergo significant change with cooking and are best eaten raw. Baking, frying, barbecuing and other high heat cooking methods that brown and damage food form acrylamides, which are carcinogenic. Browning and other high heat cooking methods should be avoided. Cooking techniques like steaming vegetables, stewing foods in a pressure cooker and soup making, do not have these drawbacks. They do not brown foods or form acrylamides. Eating raw food is necessary for good health and is an important feature of a healthy diet. But that does not mean that ones entire diet has to be raw to be in excellent health. It also does not mean eating an all raw diet is the healthiest way to eat. It is healthier to expand your nutrient density, your absorption of plant protein and your nutrient diversity with the inclusion of some conservatively cooked food in your diet.
So no matter what your diet, you probably could use some more fresh (raw) food in your life. Even vegetarians and vegans (especially the new ones) tend to overdo it when it comes to fried foods, processed foods, and microwave meals. So work toward a goal. Whether its 50% raw or only 25% raw, anything is better than cooking the life outta EVERYTHING you eat.

Whats Wrong with Barbecuing?

This is one example of over-cooking your food to the point where it really doesnt work like food in your body anymore. Animals develop tumors of the colon, breast and prostate when fed the same chemicals that are created in high temperature barbecuing. Of 40 studies of humans, about 70% have correlated increased cancer risk with high consumption of well-done meat cooked at high temperature. The potential health problems arise from two factors inherent in the barbecuing process: high heat and smoke. Both create chemicals that can cause genetic mutations and unrestricted cell growth that signal cancer. Barbecue grills get extremely hot, sometimes reaching 600 degrees. When meat is cooked well-done, chemicals known as hetero-cyclic amines or HCAs are formed in the food. Researchers have found 17 different HCAs that may pose cancer risks. In 1999, a National Cancer Institute study examined the eating habits of cancer patients. It concluded that eating a daily average of 10 grams of well-done or very-well-done meat cooked at high temperatures increased the risk of colorectal cancer by 85%. In addition to cooking at high temperatures, grills create smoke when fat from meat drips onto hot coals. The burning fat results in hot flareups, and smoke curls around the food. The smoke contains benzopyrene, a potent carcinogen in animals, particularly in the gastrointestinal tract. A 2001 National Cancer Institute study found levels of benzopyrene to be significantly higher in foods cooked well-done on the barbeque, particularly steaks, chicken with skin, and hamburger. Knowledge about health risks of high temperature cooking began to evolve in 1977, when Japanese scientists showed cooked beef contained mutagens chemicals that change the genetic structure of DNA and cause tumors.

Whats Wrong with Frying?

Another example of overcooking and messing up your food. Not only does frying (especially deep-frying) load your food with extra oil and fat, frying food actually damages otherwise healthy oils. The high temperature makes the oil oxidize so that instead of being good for you, it generates harmful free radicals in the body, which can run amok and cause cancer, heart disease and other health problems. Frying also destroys the essential fats in food that your body needs. In fact, frying your food destroys most of the nutrients in your food, especially Vitamins A and E, which would have protected you from those nasty free radicals. Based on what kind of oil you use, how hot youre cooking, and how long you fry, the more damage you can do to your food and to yourself.


N O T H I N S A Y S L O V I N L I K E A H U N G RY M A N M E A L F R O M A B O X B Y D I ER D R A B A P T I ST E M icrowave ovens. Who doesnt have one? In todays hectic and lets face it, lazy-assed society, the microwave has taken the place of M omma making one of those banging home-cooked meals in the typical home most days of the week. The ease its brought our lives cant be measured (whether good or bad). We use it for damn near everything, from warming up leftovers to the quick frozen meal, from heating up coffee to boiling that cup of water for tea, and who doesnt love popcorn? Whens the last time you used a popcorn maker or used JiffyPop on the stove? For most of us, being without a microwave is like beingwithout TV (but thats another health topic!). But has it made our life better? Besides the fact that it helps reinforce that unhealthy instant gratification way of life (See Stuffing Your Face Aint Attractive), there are some health concerns we should know about.

How does Raditation Heat my Food? Did You Know? Low levels of electrical and magnetic fields can affect the permeability of the barrier surrounding the brain the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB). This can significantly affect chemical uptake into the brain, with a predictable effect on the health of some individuals. A book which details the effects of electromagnetic radiation and the practical steps that can be taken in homes and offices is Warning: The Electricity Around You May Be Hazardous to Your Health by Ellen Sugarman.
First, lets look at how a microwave actually works. Its a common thought that a microwave cooks the food from the inside out but this is wrong. Actually, non-ionizing microwave radiation (yes, radiation) is passed through the food item, and, in a process known as dielectric heating, energy is absorbed by the food molecules that have electric dipoles. This means the molecules have a negative charge at one end and a positive charge at the other. Think magnets. This causes the molecules to rotate with the microwaves alternating electric field. Unlike traditional cooking methods that dont change the molecular structure of your food, microwaves cause the molecules in your food to Thats what heats up the food. Despite our love affair with the box on our counters, they come with hazards and downfalls. No, you wont glow in the dark if you stand in front of it too long or peer into its window while cooking. However, there are definitely some serious issues with using them. If we actually think about radiation, we know if a nuclear bomb were to be dropped 200 miles from us, the radiation would still kill us. Now, thats not to say the amount of radiation in a microwave can be compared to that of a nuke, but damn, why are we eating anything that uses it? Hell, some of us even call it nuking our food. If youve ever had to have an x-ray, youll know that the x-ray tech will put on lead protection to keep them safe from the radiation. According to the FDA, the amount of radiation leaked from a microwave throughout its lifetime is 5 milliwatts per square centimeter at approximately 2 inches from the surface of the oven (whatever the hell that means). This is considered by the FDA to be far below the level currently considered harmful to humans. And were believing themwhy? No matter how small an amount, butter and radiation just aint the right flava for my popcorn.

Then theres those special little, invisible to the naked eye, crawly things. Bacteria! Contamination. Since the microwave heats the food for such a short period, many times, the food is cooked unevenly. Heat needs to disperse fully through the food and microwaves only penetrate to a certain depth. Foodborne illness can occur when bacteria in previously cooked food hasnt been heated sufficiently to be killed.

Taste and Nutrition

M icrowaves tend to produce food that is bland or just plain nasty-tasting, compared to food cooked in traditional ways. This is because mirowaved food tends to be cooked unevenly, or too rapidly, killing essential vitamins and minerals. For example, a microwave cannot convert Vitamin B12 (which plays a vital role in the normal function of the nervous system and brain), making approximately 30-40% of the B12 in the food unusable to humans. This also affects taste after the food is heated over and over to compensate for the uneven cooking, especially with frozen microwave meals. Speaking of frozen microwave meals, that sh*t has enough problems as it is. (See Processed Foods)

Burns and Explosions

Why chance your outer beauty with scarring it by scalding or burning from the Box o Radiation? Liquid can be superheated to a temperature above its normal boiling point without any visible signs of the normal bubbles we see at boiling. When the liquid is removed from the microwave, or when adding a solid to the liquid, a spontaneous boiling will occur. This is called nucleation and could be volatile enough to cause the liquid to propel from the container. This will also result in loud shrieks of profanity! Do you know how many mothers have unintentionally burned their babies by heating up the bottle in the microwave? (Not to mention that heating milk in the plastic leeches dangerous chemicals out of the plastic and into the milk). Theres also the danger of explosion from steam pressure in closed container and even certain foods like eggs. Anyone with young children should be watchful of this because they tend to open the microwave before it stops. The result may be burns or other injuries. We all worry about fires, especially kitchen fires. Why add to the fear with a microwave? Lessen the odds by using just the stove. Overcooking an item or leaving the microwave unattended can result in fire. Another way fire can occur is by burning out the magnetron tube (converts high voltage energy to microwave radiation) inside. Food that is wrapped in metal or dehydrated foods will not absorb the microwave radiation and will produce a standing wave, which will reflect between the cooking chamber and the tube. This will cook the tube and burn it out. Theres also the danger of sparks or an electric arc caused by metal objects placed inside. The metal will resonate with the microwave frequency producing high voltage. If youve ever had static electricity and touched someone and felt that shock, you know you dont want to experience this.

Cancer anyone? Berylium oxide, a human carcinogen (cancer causing agent), is in some magnetrons that have ceramic insulators. These will have a pinkish or purple color to them. If the microwave is damaged from dropping or any other physical injury happens to the device, the magnetron may be broken, releasing the Berylium oxide. This is a serious danger if handled or ingested by inhaling. If you still want to use your microwave after considering the pros vs. the cons, thats fine, so do I. This isnt one of those Stop or Youll

Die kind of books. But this information should help you wean yourself from the addiction. Youll feel better, your food will taste better, and for you parents out there, your kids will grow up like we did and remember home-cooked meals.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G In 2008, the $148.1 billion wireless industry had over 270 million subscribers in the US (87% of the population) who used over 2.2 trillion minutes of call time. So, were all more connected now, right? Great. But whenever corporations are making billions of dollars selling you something, theres something theyre not telling you. M ost cell phones produce a form of radiation known as radio frequency (RF) radiation. And theres a growing number of scientific studies showing that cell phone use can cause cancer, disrupt pacemakers, decrease fertility, damage DNA, and of course increase the risk of traffic accidents. Not to mention wrecking marriages, but thats another story.

They Denied It Before Its Pretty Clear Now Did You Know? Americans send 5 billion texts a day. Your teenage daughter is responsible for 8% of that by herself. But studies have found that too much texting can cause neck back pain from poor posture (which I call text neck), elbow or wrist pain (like carpal tunnel syndrome), tendonitis, and even arthritis from repeated pressure on your fingertips. Not to mention straight up death from texting-while-driving.
While earlier, short-term studies were inconclusive, several recent studies of cell phone use have found an increased risk of developing two types of brain tumors on the ipsilateral side (the side of the brain on which the cell phone is primarily held) among people who used a cell phone for longer than 10 years. Other recent studies linked cell phone use to an increased risk of salivary gland tumors (Lonn 2006; Sadetzki 2008), an increased risk for neurological symptoms such as migraine and vertigo (Schuz 2009), an increased risk for Alzheimer disease associated with electromagnetic radiation (Huss 2009), and a correlation between prenatal exposure to cell phone radiation and behavioral problems in children (Divan 2008). Children are also at an increased risk for adverse health effects from cell phone radiation. One study has shown that children under the age of eight absorb twice the amount of radiation into their brain tissue as adults due to their lower skull thickness.

Cell Phones and Sperm Counts?

The radiofrequency radiation from cell phones can damage the DNA in sperm. Cell phone storage in front pockets has been linked to poor fertility and an increased chance of miscarriage and childhood cancer. According to the Cleveland Clinic Center for Reproductive medicine, semen quality tended to decline as daily cell phone use increased. Six studies from the U.S., Australia, Japan and Europe reported that exposure to cell phone radiation has an adverse effect on sperm counts, motility and vitality (Agarwal 2009; De Iuliis 2009; Erogul 2006; Fejes 2005; Salama 2009; Yan 2007). The radiation emitted by a cell phone can penetrate 4-6 cm (1.6-2.4 in) into the human brain. The amount of RF absorbed into the head can be reduced by using a wired ear-piece (not a Bluetooth), using the speakerphone, or text messaging, rather than placing the phone against the ear.

The Radiation Limits See How Your Phone Measures Up

On Aug. 7, 1996, the FCC created guidelines on cell phone radiation (RF) exposure. The guidelines created a measure of the rate that body tissue absorbs radiation energy during cell phone use called the specific absorption rate (SAR). The SAR for cell phone radiation was set at a maximum of 1.6 watts of energy absorbed per kilogram of body weight. The limit was set due to the thermal effects of cell phone radiation (all RF radiation can heat human body tissue at high enough levels) it was not set to mitigate other biological effects cell phone radiation might have such as DNA damage or cancer. The FCC SAR limit is based upon a cell phone call that averages 30 minutes when the cell phone is held at the ear. SAR levels for cell phones sold in the US range from a low of .109 to the legal limit of 1.6. The worst phones? Almost always Smartphones/PDAs.

Phone Motorola V365 Blackberry Bold 9000 Blackberry Curve 8300 Motorola MOTO VE240 T-Mobile Shadow Motorola C290 Motorola Moto Q Global Blackberry Curve 8330 Motorola W385 Motorola i335 Motorola MOTO VU204 T-Mobile myTouch 3G Blackberry 8703e Blackberry Bold 9700 Kyocera Jax S1300 Motorola Moto VE440 Palm Pixi Motorola i880 Blackberry 8820

SAR Level (Watts per Kilogram of Body Weight) 1.51 W/kg 1.51 W/kg 1.51 W/kg 1.52 W/kg 1.53 W/kg 1.53 W/kg 1.29 1.53 W/kg 1.54 W/kg 1.54 W/kg 1.53 1.55 W/kg 1.55 W/kg 1.55 W/kg 1.44 1.55 W/kg 1.39 1.55 W/kg 1.55 W/kg 1.49 1.56 W/kg 1.56 W/kg 1.30 1.57 W/kg 1.28 1.58 W/kg

For those of you that have Crickets, the radiation levels arent available on all models, but since Crickets are marketed to the hood you can bet the levels are high. You can look up your phones radiation levels pretty easily at or (if its not there) at the online FCC database (using the FCC ID behind your cell phones battery) at

Other Ways Your Phone Can Kill

Lets not forget that your phone can kill you in other ways as well! According to studies done in England and Utah, a driver on a cell phone is more impaired in function and reaction time than a drunk driver with a Blood Alcohol Content level of 0.08% (past the legal limit). The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that driving distractions, including the use of cell phones (even on speakerphone), contribute to 25% of all traffic crashes. Dont even get me started on the statistics for my personal vice, texting/emailing/video producing while driving. As if all that wasnt enough, lithium-ion batteries, used in most cell phones, can explode from exposure to high heat, or from overcharging a faulty bootleg battery. These explosions have caused injuries and started fires. And if youre in a dangerous neighborhood (or live a high-risk lifestyle), walking around, looking down, texting away, is not a good look for personal safety!

Tips for Reducing your Exposure to Phone Radiation

1. Buy a Low-Radiation Phone. Consider replacing your phone with one that emits the lowest radiation possible and still meets your needs. 2. Use a Headset or S peaker. Headsets emit much less radiation than phones. Choose either wired or wireless (experts are split on which version is safer). Some wireless headsets emit continuous, low-level radiation, so take yours off your ear when youre not on a call. Using your phone in speaker mode also reduces radiation to the head. 3. Listen More, Talk Less. Your phone emits radiation when you talk or text, but not when youre receiving voicemail messages. 4. Hold Phone Away from your Body. Hold the phone away from your torso when youre talking (with headset or speaker), not against your ear, in a pocket, or on your belt where soft body tissues absorb radiation. 5. Choose Texting over Talking. Phones use less power (less radiation) to send text than voice. Texting also keeps radiation away from your head. I was doing this anyway, so I must be on to something. 6. Poor S ignal? S tay off the Phone . Fewer signal bars on your phone means that it emits more radiation to get the signal to the tower. M ake and take calls when your phone has a strong signal. 7. Limit Childrens Phone Use. Young childrens brains absorb twice the cell phone radiation as an adults. Health agencies in at least 6 countries recommend limits for childrens phone use, such as for emergency situations only. For those of you who have babies who love playing with your cellphone (and can tell the difference from a toy version like my daughter), dont do it. At the very least, turn off the signal/connection on your phone before giving it to them. This way, no accidental calls, and no radiation bombarding their vulnerable young brains.

Did You Know? Cordless home phones, television, radio, laptops, and palm held computers all produce radiofrequency (RF) radiation, the same type of radiation that is produced by cell phones.
8. Lose the Radiation S hields. Things such as antenna caps or keypad covers reduce connection quality and actually force the phone to transmit at a higher power (with higher radiation).


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G B A SED O N A N EX C ER P T F R O M H O W T O H U ST LE A N D WI [N 18] You may not know it, but you probably live closer to a toxic waste site than you think. You also probably live in an area where air and water pollution standards are being seriously violated. The chances are good that your environment is making you sicker as we speak. A confidential memo by the Environmental Protection Agency revealed that even they considered this environmental racism one of the most politically explosive environmental issues yet to emerge. The EPA planned to spin the issue by pursuing positive publicity in Black and Hispanic-centered publications, until the memo revealing their plan was leaked to the media. Race is the most significant determinant of the location of hazardous waste facilities. Communities with the highest composition of minority residents had the greatest number of Commercial Hazardous Waste (CHW) facilities. Sixty percent of the total Black population in the United States (as well as 60% of the Hispanic population) live in communities with one or more uncontrolled toxic waste sites. A majority of Blacks and Latinos in the U.S. live in areas where two air pollution standards are violated, compared to only one-third of whites. According to M ichael Novick, study after study has also shown a clear pattern of hazardous and other waste facilities most commonly being located in existing African American, native and Chicano communities. For example, in Houston, Texas, all of the municipal landfills and six out of eight incinerators were placed in Black neighborhoods between the 1920s and 1970s. From 1970 to 1978, three out of four privately-owned landfills were also placed in the Black community. Although the Black community only represented 28% of Houstons population, they had 82% of the trash. The community around the nations largest hazardous waste landfill, in Emelle, Alabama, is 95% Black. The landfill, which operates in the heart of Alabamas blackbelt, accepts hazardous wastes from the 48 contiguous states and several foreign countries. According to a 1983 General Accounting Office study, three of four offsite hazardous waste landfills in EPA Region IV (eight Southern states) were located in mostly Black communities. Today, 100% of the hazardous waste in the region is dumped in the Black community, as reported in Dumping in Dixie. But Blacks make up only 20% of the regions population. The same pattern holds true across the country. A 1984 report prepared for a California state agency identified Black and Hispanic communities as better candidates for trash-burning power plant sites. A study by the NAACP showed that Blacks are 50% likelier to live near a commercial toxic waste facility. The Commission for Racial Justice has found that three of every five Blacks live in communities with abandoned toxic waste sites. And what happens? Everywhere you find these toxins, you find all kinds of serious health complications (from cancer to brain damage). From Hunters Point in San Francisco to Cancer Alley in Baton Rouge, people of color have a disproportionately high rate of cancers they blame directly on local plants and dump sites. And its not just Blacks and Latinos. About half of all Asian/Pacific Islanders and Native Americans live in communities with uncontrolled toxic waste sites.

Is it Just an Accident?
Uh, the title of this chapter IS Chemical GENOCIDE you know. So, uh, no its not an accident. There are countless examples of how governments and huge corporation have worked hand-in-hand to poison minority communities. You can blame it on the fact that poor people are less likely to fight back, but you cant deny that these methods also create a sick form of population control. Considering that the white people in power have historically attempted countless measures to limit the population growth of people of color (from abortion campaigns to forced sterilization), I dont have any problem seeing a conspiracy in the details of environmental racism. Especially considering how so much of the toxins directly affect reproduction. If you need proof that our government knows whats going on, heres some: In 1961, Colorado State Trooper Bill Wilson stopped a milk truck that was spraying liquid on the ground in Denver. According to Wilson, the trucks operator told him he was dumping radioactive wastewater from the Rocky Flats plant and had the governments permission to do it. Between 1950 and 1980, at the Lowry landfill near Denver, millions of gallons of hazardous industrial wastes were dumped into shallow unlined pits. Levels of plutonium and radioactive americium were 10 to 10,000 times greater than the average levels reported for a nuclear weapons plant in that area. The polluters included Adolph Coors (who once produced nuclear fuel), Lockheed M artin, Rockwell (then operator of the U.S. Department of Energys Rocky Flats nuclear bomb plant), Hewlett Packard, IBM , Waste M anagement, and the Denver Post. The EPA ITSELF also dumped pesticides and other lab wastes at the site. Cancer Alley is the name given to a 100 mile stretch of land between Baton Rouge and New Orleans, containing seven oil refineries and 175 heavy industrial plants. The EPA reports that the majority of the 23 million pounds of toxic waste released into the air are in two zip code areas, primarily inhabited by Blacks. A 1992 National Law Journal investigation found that even when the government enforces the environmental regulations against companies in violation, the fines levied in these areas are significantly lower than those levied in white communities. In its efforts to locate dump sites on Indian land, Browning-Ferris Industries (BFI) got the listing of tribes through a system of introductions provided by the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs. Then BFI approached many tribes including the Chemehuevi and Haulapai in Arizona, the Duckwater Shoshone in Nevada, the M uscogee in Oklahoma, and the Cherokee in North Carolina. Because of massive waste dumping in Native American communities, reproductive cancer among Navajo teenagers is 17 times the national average. Historically, polluting industries have been placed near poor areas and the pollutants were considered trade-offs for economic development. For example, a paper mill spewing its stench in one of Alabamas poverty-ridden blackbelt counties led Governor George Wallace to declare: Yeah, thats the smell of prosperity. Sho does smell sweet, dont it? And incentives have been used to lull unknowing residents into accepting toxic dumping. For example, the Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation offered Gilbert Lindsay, a Black city councilman, a $10 million Community Betterment Fund if his district would host a hazardous waste incinerator. You probably have no idea how close you and your family live to some real live toxic waste. According to author and Radioactive Waste Project director, Diane DArrigo:

People around regular trash landfills will be shocked to learn that radioactive contamination from nuclear weapons production is ending up there, either directly released by DOE or via brokers and processors.
In fact, since most story ideas for shows like Law and Order are ripped from the headlines, theres actually a 2007 episode of Special Victims Unit called Loophole that covers ALL this.

What Can We Do?

Youve got two options (actually three, if you include the approach of radical environmentalists like Helen Woodson). A. Judiciary action, employing the Equal Protection Clause. A number of successful court battles have led to changes in communities just like yours. B. Political Action and Grassroots Action. For example, almost a thousand people, primarily Hispanics from all over California, marched a mile and a half to the gates of a proposed hazardous waste incinerator chanting el pueblo parara el incinerador (the people will stop the incinerator). In 1987, the organizers of this protest had helped elect a local woman, Lucille Roybal-Allard, as the districts state assemblywoman. They think that if they pick a poor community, they wont have any resistance We are here to prove that they are wrong, she warned.

B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G Besides the fact that most plastics are made from petroleum, a non-renewable resource, and are not biodegradable, using plastics in cooking and food storage can carry some serious health risks. A whole bunch of petroleum-based chemicals go into the manufacture of plastics. Some can leach into food and drinks and possibly impact human health. Leaching increases when plastic comes in contact with oily or fatty foods, during heating and from old or scratched plastic. The types of plastics shown to leach the most toxic chemicals are polycarbonate, PVC and styrene. This doesnt mean that other plastics are entirely safe. These plastics have just been studied more. If you have to use plastic in cooking and heating your food or beverage, use only the ones coded PETE, HDPE, LDPE, and PP. Avoid all the rest, especially those coded PVC, V, PS, and OTHER. Plastic codes can be found on bottom of plastic containers.

What the Codes Mean

PETE: Polyethylene terephthalate ethylene, used for soft drink, juice, water, detergent, cleaner and peanut butter containers. HDPE: High-density polyethylene, used in opaque plastic milk and water jugs, bleach, detergent and shampoo bottles and some plastic bags. PVC or V: Polyvinyl chloride, used for cling wrap, some plastic squeeze bottles, cooking oil and peanut butter jars, detergent and window cleaner bottles. LDPE: Low density polyethylene, used in grocery store bags, most plastic wraps and some bottles. PP: Polypropylene, used in most Rubbermaid, deli soup, syrup and yogurt containers, straws and other clouded plastic containers, including baby bottles. PS : Polystyrene, used in Styrofoam food trays, egg cartons, disposable cups and bowls, carryout containers and opaque plastic cutlery. Other: Usually polycarbonate, used in most plastic baby bottles, 5-gallon water bottles, sport water bottles, metal food can liners, clear plastic sippy cups and some clear plastic cutlery. New bio-based plastics may also be labeled #7. And if youre gonna use plastic to store or cook your food, follow the advice below:

Avoid using plastic containers in the microwave. Since chemicals are released from plastic when heated, its safest not to microwave food and drinks in plastic containers. Instead use glass containers. If you do microwave in plastic, use only plastic labeled microwave safe. Note that microwave safe does not mean that there is no leaching of chemicals. Avoid using for fatty foods, as there is greater leaching of chemicals into fatty foods. Beware of cling wraps, especially for microwave use. Instead use waxed paper or paper towel for covering foods. If you do use plastic, dont let the plastic touch the food. For plastic-wrapped deli foods, slice off a thin layer where the food came in contact with the plastic and rewrap in non-PVC plastic wrap or place in a container. Use alternatives to plastic packaging whenever possible. Use refillable containers at your local food cooperative. Bring your own take-home containers to restaurants. Bring reusable bags or cardboard boxes to the grocery store. Use glassware to heat your food. With plastic water bottles, take precautions. If you use a polycarbonate water bottle, to reduce leaching of BPA, dont use for warm or hot liquids and discard old or scratched bottles. Water bottles from #1 or #2 plastics are recommended for single use only. For all types of plastic, you can reduce bacterial contamination by thoroughly washing daily. However, avoid using harsh detergents that can break down the plastic and increase chemical leaching. Replace baby bottles. Discard old, scratched polycarbonate baby bottles and sippy cups. Heat foods and drinks outside of the plastic and then transfer into the plastic only after they are cool enough to eat or drink.

In fact, ANY PLASTIC that shows signs of wearsuch as scratches or a cloudy, crackled appearancemore readily leaches chemicals and needs to be discarded right away. Scratches can also harbor bacteria.


BY M A RCEL M A LEK EBU You may be asking yourself, What is BPA? And why should it matter to me? Well, I think I can answer both of those questions for you simultaneously. BPA (or Bisphenol A) is an organic chemical compound that is utilized in the synthesis of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins (usually used to make composite materials like fiberglass and carbon fibers). BPA is actually a toxin, or poisonous substance. Since as far back as the 1930s, BPA has encountered much controversy because of its detrimental psychological effects on children. Studies have shown that the amount of exposure one has to BPA is increased heavily when eating or drinking from canned foods or epoxy lined boxes (which is essentially everything). Examples of foods with very high concentrations of the toxin are; chicken soup cans, infant formula, and ravioli. Actually, nearly all infant formulas have BPA in their packaging. Over 130 studies have shown that low doses of the BPA compound have proven to cause a number of health problems, including; behavioral development issues, decreased maternal behavior, different socio-sexual behaviors, Down Syndrome, insulin resistance (which leads to Type II diabetes), reduced sperm count in males, increase in risk of prostate, breast, and ovarian cancer, and changes in brain chemistry. These changes can be drastic, leading to imbalances that can potentially alter normative hormonal processes, including those associated with sexuality. Does this mean that BPA can cause homosexuality? No. At least, not necessarilyHowever, BPA is, in fact, estrogenic, meaning that it is loaded with the female sex hormone. This can have very astonishing effects on fetuses, infants and children because of the unnatural hormonal levels that cause imbalances in the brain. But how does the BPA get into what we eat? Wouldnt it take a long time for the BPA to break its bond from the lining and seep into the actual food? Wrong. It takes very little time. And heat can speed up this process. BPA compounds have weak bonds that are prone to breaking apart. How can someone know if theyve been exposed to BPA? Recent studies report that approximately 93% of the population has been exposed to and still has these low doses of BPA in their system. Black people have experienced exponentially more negative effects from BPA than whites. In fact, by the age of eight, 48.3% of AfricanAmerican girls hit puberty, while only 14.7% of their white counterparts do. This is most likely due to the amount of poverty in the Black community and the lack of information about nutrition in low-income neighborhoods and communities. If youre wondering, Okay. So how can I stay away from BPA without having to spend a lot of money on expensive organic foods? Well, there are a number of ways you can reduce your BPA intake on a daily basis. You can try things like purchasing glass jars of tomato sauces and such products instead of canned foods. Also, instead of canned vegetables, buy frozen or fresh vegetables and fruits. Theyre usually less expensive in bulk, more nutritious, and do not contain BPA. You will want to buy beverages in glass and/or plastic bottles. The plastic bottles are most often not made with BPA anymore, and are a great deal better than canned soda or boxed juices. And theres more than just BPA. In Gay Bomb, an article in How to Hustle and Win Part Two, Supreme Understanding writes:

There are other chemicals, known as NPEs (Nonylphenol ethoxylates), which are found in cosmetic products. Usually they are in those fruity-ass shampoos and hair products some of you pretty boys wear. Those NPEs are also endocrine disruptors, and they have been shown to change the sex of fish in affected water. It also increases estrogen, and has been shown to cause the growth of breasts in boys. According to an article in New Scientist Magazine, Slight anatomical oddities in infant boys are being heralded as the first evidence that gender-bending chemicals are affecting humans. There are other chemicals in the food we eat. We now use about 10 lbs. of pesticides per year for every man, woman and child in the U.S. Many of these chemicals are affecting us to the point where we are in danger of not being able to reproduce within 50 years. Many cheaply produced foods average over 10 different pesticides in one sample. Depending on where you live, there are even herbicides and insecticides in your glass of water. These chemicals are not removed by water treatment such as chlorination. Endocrine interrupting pesticides can alter the sex of a child during the first 6 weeks of pregnancy, and in some cases, cause a person to have traits of the opposite sex. Phthlates. BPA. NPEs. And dozens of others. And studies show that poor communities, especially Black and Hispanic ones, get most of this sh*t sent straight to them. That sh*t is in you right now. And if you have a child, your child has 20 times more in their system than you do. What does that tell you? Do you still think its all natural?
In short, look more closely at what you put into your system. You dont have to avoid plastic bowls and canned foods completely, just simply limit your use of them if you can. If you are unsure if a product has BPA (or another chemical with similar effects) in it, do some research, or ask someone. Trust me, its better to look intelligent asking about whats going into your body than to tough it out like a real man.



Did You Know? The volume of chemical substances worldwide has gone from 1 million tons during the 1930s to 400 million tons today! The chemical industry has put on the market without testing them substances that will later be withdrawn, but only once its found that theyve been doing irreparable damage to our health. And thats only the case for a minority of substances, since 97% of chemical substances go untested and ignored.
When large corporations sacrifice quality to make bigger profits, they use cheap chemicals that are also deadly. And the cheaper your environment, the more deadly it is. So guess whos got it worst? Thats right, poor people of color. And in our communities, our children suffer the worst, because their bodies are the least prepared to handle all the nasty things theyre bombarded with. When the Environmental Working Group did studies of toxins in children, their tests found as many as 232 chemicals in the 10 newborns, all of minority descent. And children actually suffer the most from such chemicals because they are exposed to these substances from an early age, when they dont have the natural detox processes developed enough in their bodies to handle them. Note: Before you start reading and start freaking out (or shutting down), we need to say this: Chronic Toxicity refers to regular exposure. An occasional exposure to some hazards is not something to worry about. For example, regular, day-long exposure to fluorescent lighting (school, work) can lead to a number of health problems including behavioral problems in children. Obviously, working occasionally under fluorescent lighting is not something for most people to worry about. I may use an unhealthy household product an occasion (and dont worry about it), but I try to stick to the non-toxic ones when they are available for purchase. Aluminum: Aluminum is toxic even in small amounts if it is deposited in the brain. Aluminum toxicity has been linked to Alzheimers disease, osteoporosis, colic, rickets, gastrointestinal problems, extreme nervousness, anemia, headaches, decreased liver and kidney function, memory loss, speech problems, softening of the bones, and aching muscles. Research has shown that the longer you cook food in aluminum pots, the more they corrode, and the more aluminum is absorbed into the food and hence into the body. Replace the aluminum pots and pans with some stainless steel cookware, and not the non-stick kind either. Arsenic: Arsenic has been used as a poison for thousands of years. That didnt stop companies from trying to use it in household products. In 1980, inorganic arsenic compounds were finally declared carcinogens and banned. By 1985, the U.S. had stopped producing arsenic, but remained the worlds leading arsenic consumer. M ost of the imported arsenic was being made into chromated copper arsenate (CCA), a wood preservative for pressure-treated decking, landscaping, walkways, picnic tables and playground equipment. It took consumers until 2002 to pressure the wood industry to stop. While only older wood structures now contain arsenic, since theyre older, theyre leeching (giving off) the chemical in playgrounds and backyards around you. If youve got some old wooden stuff in your yard, get it checked. If you let your kids play at an old ghetto playground, find out what they hell theyre licking and sliding down. Asbestos: Asbestos is valued for its fire-resistant insulating properties. But inhaling those short, sharp fibers can lead to lung cancer, mesothelioma (cancer of the lung or abdominal lining) and asbestosis, an irreversible respiratory disease. Studies by the Environmental Working Group ( show that 10,000 people die of asbestos-related diseases annually. EWG calculated that this may be a low estimate, since symptoms may not appear for 20-50 years after exposure. EWG also dug up documents dating back to the 1930s showing that corporate executives knew and concealed the dangers from workers making or handling asbestos-laden building materials and car parts, as well as from the consumers who would be receiving them. For more info, call the Consumer Product Safety Commission at 1 (800) 638CPSC. BPA: Bisphenol A (BPA) is a toxic chemical that is used to make plastic. See Gay Bomb. Carbon Monoxide: At low levels, it can case fatigue and chest pain. In higher concentrations, it can cause impaired vision and coordination; headaches; dizziness; confusion; nausea; and flu-like symptoms. Its fatal at very high concentrations. You can get an inexpensive Carbon M onoxide monitor to check your homes levels. Chlorine: Chlorine pollutes your water supply and air. Beyond chlorine alone, all-purpose cleaners, ammonia-based cleaners, bleach, brass or other metal polishes, disinfectant, drain cleaner, floor wax or polish, glass cleaner, dishwashing detergent, oven cleaner, and scouring powder contain other dangerous chemicals as well. Simple choices include green toilet paper and cleansers. Chromium 6: In addition to being in drinking water, you might also be exposed to chromium-6 in pressure-treated wood used in your home, park, or daycare center. (See Rocket Fuel in M y Tap Water?) Flame Retardants: Apparently, flame retardant materials result in mentally retarded children. A study of more than 150 U.S. children conducted over 7 years associates prenatal exposure to higher concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants with lower brain development in infants. PBDE flame retardants have been used for decades in a wide variety of goods, including automobile and airplane components, electronics, and home and office furnishings. Fluoride: In your water supply, along with hundreds of other chemicals. See Rocket Fuel in M y Tap Water? Lead: See Dying to Learn. Radon: Radon is a radioactive gas given off by soil or rock with trace amounts of uranium or radium, so it normally enters homes through cracks in the foundation floor and walls, drains, joints or other openings. Radon can increase the risk of lung cancer. While theres much less radon in American homes these days, nearly 8 million US homes, or 1 out of every 15, still have Radon levels above the EPA safe limit. Granite countertops, especially those from Brazil, can also give off Radon and radiation. But Radon tests arent expensive. For more info, call the National Radon Hotline at (800) SOS-RADON. If high levels are found, hire a state-certified or EPA-certified contractor to fix the problem. Rocket Fuel: Yup. See Rocket Fuel in M y Tap Water?

Did You Know? Microwaved popcorn is worse for you than you think. A report from the FDA indicates that a chemical coating used in microwave popcorn bags breaks down when heated into a carcinogenic substance called perfluorooctanoic (PFOA). A second potential danger in microwave popcorn is diacetyl, an FDA-approved, but possibly dangerous, chemical found in the fake butter flavoring.
Teflon: Teflon is an example of a Perfluorinated compound (PFC). Any product that is grease-resistant is probably coated with this stuff, including non-stick cookware, microwave popcorn bags, dental floss, and carpets. EWG recently did a study of cookware coated with Teflon and other non-stick type surfaces. They found that these surfaces break apart under high temperatures and emit several toxic gases, carcinogens, environmental pollutants, and M FA, which is a chemical that is lethal to humans even at low doses. In a UCLA study, women

who had higher levels of these compounds in their blood had fertility problems. Eliminate the nonstick stuff and replace it with regular stainless steel cookware, or if you can afford it cast iron. VOCs: Volatile Organic Compounds are toxic gases that pollute your air. The most common VOC sources are carpets, flooring, paints, some plastics, and household cleaners. Look specifically for the product to be labeled with zero or low VOCs of course, zero is best. VOCs are often found in new buildings and new cars. In fact, that new car smell comes mostly from the 30 to 40 different VOCs emitted from the glues, paints, plastic, and vinyl inside the car. Some people experience sore throats, nausea, headaches, and drowsiness from breathing them, and long-term exposure can be more serious. An Australian study done in 2001 found that new car riders are subject to toxic emissions several times higher than the limit deemed safe for humans. What can you do? Dont buy your car new (a smart financial decision also), because VOC levels drop significantly after a few months. If you must buy a new car (why?), then buy Japanese (theyre the only ones working to limit VOCs in their cars). Oh, and roll your windows down and let that fresh air circulate!


B Y YVET T E G Z Youd be surprised at how much stuff is in your clear tap water. You can find damn near anything, from parasites and heavy metals to rocket fuel particles. M ight sound like a dirty river in a third world country, but you dont have to go far to enjoy these toxins. The only difference is, it kills you slower. In efforts to make our water more clean and drinkable, companies have added ridiculous amounts of cleansers and disinfectants that end up acting like human pesticides. To top it off they dont even kill all the bacteria or parasites in the water. But thats not even scarier than the number of chemicals we drink daily and what they do to our bodies. Heres a short list (theres more) of the main chemical compounds in tap water. However keep in mind that these vary from region to region. To check your tap water, visit or call the EPAs Drinking Water Hotline at (800) 246-4791 Chlorine: Although its used to disinfect anything from water to clothes and hard surfaces, chlorine doesnt guarantee a 100% bacteria/parasite-free cleansing. Whats worse is that it increases your risk of getting cancer. The U.S Council of Environmental Quality reported that people who drank chlorinated water had a 93% higher risk than those who didnt. Chlorine also affects your appearance and respiratory system. You absorb more chlorine through your skin while taking a shower than you do drinking 6 glasses of water! Then your skin and hair are stripped of their natural oils and left dry and unnourished, which means more bucks to spend on skin and hair moisturizing products. You also breathe chlorine from the vapor, which can damage membranes in your lungs. Your best protection is a shower filter you can order while getting a water filter system installed. I am appalled at the prospect of using water as a vehicle for drugs. Fluoride is a corrosive poison that will produce serious effects on a long range basis. Any attempt to use water this way is deplorable. - Dr. Charles Gordon Heyd, Past President of the American M edical Association Fluoride: Its allegedly supposed to help your teeth from decaying, but too much of it is actually toxic and can damage your tooth enamel and cause joint pains and bone fractures. Some studies even link it to osteosarcoma (bone cancer) since 90% of fluoride stored by your body goes to your bones, and your body stores half the fluoride you consume. That fluoride also accumulates in your pineal gland, which is located in the center of your brain and is crucial to your mind and development. Fluoride can stunt growth and change behavior. The National Research Council also found that fluoride presents risks to the thyroid gland, which regulates many functions in your body including your metabolism. This can increase the risk of cardiac disease, high cholesterol, depression, fatigue, weight gain, constipation, fuzzy thinking, slow reflexes, low blood pressure, fluid retention, body pain, and, in pregnant woman, decreased intelligence of offspring. Fluoride is present in 2/3 of U.S public water supplies. Ammonium Perchlorate: This is an oxidant found in solid rocket fuel, military explosives, bottle rockets, fireworks, highway flares, automobile airbags and black powder. And its in your water (and your food). A 2003 EWG analysis of government data, Rocket Fuel in Drinking Water, determined that perchlorate had been found in drinking water, groundwater or soil in at least 43 states. When EWG looked at lettuce grown in some of those states, 18% of the samples contained perchlorates. Another study found that 31 of 32 samples of supermarket milk contained perchlorates. Scientific research has established that perchlorate in significant amounts disrupts production of thyroid hormones, and adequate thyroid hormones are crucial to normal brain development and growth in the fetus, infants and young children. CDC studies have found perchlorate in the urine of every person tested and have discovered that children between 6 and 11 had perchlorate levels 1.6 times higher than adults. An EWG analysis of data from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), published in January 2008, found that 75% of nearly 300 commonly consumed foods and beverages were contaminated with perchlorate. S ewage and Parasites: Throughout the world, municipal and industrial waste is routinely dumped into local waters. And plenty of cities in the US are routine dumpers. The largest water-contamination disease outbreak in US history occurred in 1993, when M ilwaukees water supply was infected with the parasite Cryptospordium. 400,000 people got sick. 100 died. The cause? Raw sewage that was being regularly dumped into Lake M ichiganand still is. Pharmaceuticals: Other pharmaceuticals (compounds used in pharmacy drugs) found in low-levels in drinking water include:

r r r r r r r r r r r r

Atenolol: used to treat cardiovascular disease Atrazine: an organic herbicide banned in Europe but still used in the US. It has been implicated in the decline of fish stocks and in changes in animal behavior. Carbamazepine: a mood-stabilizing drug used to treat bipolar disorder. Estrone: an oestrogen hormone secreted by the ovaries and blamed for causing gender-bending changes in fish. Gemfibrozil: an anti-cholesterol drug Meprobamate: a tranquilizer widely used in psychiatric treatment Naproxen: a painkiller and anti-inflammatory linked to increases in asthma attacks. Phenytoin: an anticonvulsant that has been used to treat epilepsy Sulfamethoxazole: an antibiotic used against the Streptococcus bacteria, which is responsible for tonsillitis and other diseases TCEP: a reducing agent used in molecular biology Trimethoprim: another antibiotic Chromium-6 (Hexavalent chromium): a strong carcinogen.

They also found Americas favorite drug, cocaine (also found on 85-95% of US paper money, according to a 2009 study), morphine, cooking spices, fragrances, and even sunscreen. As you can see, theres more than what meets the eye when it comes to drinking water. You may not see the big deal in this since youre not immediately affected by these chemicals, but in the long run they are detrimental to your health, mind, and development. Protect yourself and the people around you by investing in a good water filtering system in your household. A slight change in the way you drink can make a huge difference. Trust me, it pays off.

Pure Water Tip

If youre a do-it-yourself person, you could use this ancient technique to purify your water. You can either collect rain water in those huge plastic water containers or use regular tap water, but what you want to do is make sure the containers are clear and see-through. Next you leave them in the sun for approximately 2 hours. The UV rays will kill any germ or parasite in that water and sterilize it. If youre using tap

water, you might want to leave an opening in the container so that all the chlorine in it can evaporate, but this still wont eliminate all the other chemical compounds in the water. Also, depending on where you live, rain water can be dangerous due to acidity. If youre going to use this technique, make sure you dont leave your containers out in the sun for too long or even over 3 hours, because the plastic from the containers can get hot and leave particles in your water.


B Y YVET T E G Z If weve scared you out ever drinking tap water again, hold your horses before running to bottled water, it isnt that safe either. In reality it isnt even guaranteed that its safer or healthier than tap water. So if youre buying stacks of bottles thinking that youre saving yourself or better off than most people, youre wasting your time and money. Heres why.

1. Bottled water is less regulated than tap water

Were programmed to think the opposite, but in reality the bottled water industry has more freedom when it comes to regulation which means, less pressure to ensure the best quality in their products. Some companies even use tap water to fill up plastic bottles and sell them at 10 times the price! Why? Because bottled water is considered a food product and is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) whereas tap water is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Both of these organizations have different standards for their products and surprisingly, the EPA has the higher one when it comes to drinkable water. The EPA demands no confirmed E. coli or bacteria contamination allowed in tap water and requires specific treatments of tap water sources like disinfection and regular testing. Even though perfect results are not 100% guaranteed, the EPA makes sure any violations against its policy are dealt with. The FDA on the other hand, only sets a minimum level for contaminants and E. coli presence in bottled water and it doesnt even consider exceeded amounts a violation if the company openly says so on the label. The FDA also requires inspection, sampling and approval of water sources. However a federal review revealed that 25% of water bottlers have no record of FDA approval and that the FDA doesnt even have one full-time staff to monitor or regulate bottled water. Its not even strict on testing and disinfecting water so for the most part, bottled water companies are self-regulated and can do whatever they want with their product as long as its not ridiculously contaminated or poisonous. With that said, bottled water is not worse or better than tap water because its quality depends on the brands policy of treatment. Some brands treat their water better than tap water while others treat it worse.

2. They contain contaminants too

Yes, those crystal clear looking bottles with images of volcanic mountains and natural springs on their labels may be just as harmful as tap water, if not more. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) ran a research on 103 water bottle brands and found that at least 25% of the brands tested contained chemical contaminants at levels above the strict, health-protective limits of California, the bottled water industry code, or other states and many of them exceeded federal safety levels for chemicals in drinking water. Among those contaminants are coliform bacteria (that can cause illness and vomiting in people with weak immune systems), arsenic (a carcinogen that can attack the nervous and reproductive system), several types of trihalomethanes (or THM s, a product of chlorine reaction with organic matter in water that can raise risks of cancer), excessive bacteria and high levels of nitrate, a chemical that can cause blue-baby syndrome in infants that potentially leads to brain damage or cancer in adults. Another investigation by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) tested 10 major brands and found 38 pollutants. It concluded that Walmarts Sams Choice and Giants Acadia are no different than tap water and also exceed safety limits. Out of the 10 brands, 4 had high levels of THM s, 5 had fluoride like tap water, 6 had nitrates, 1 had ammonia, 2 had pharmaceuticals, and 9 had an average of 2.5 synthetic chemicals (3 of those brands had about 8 chemicals in them). Bacteria contamination was also found in 4 brands, and the most shocking, radioactivity contamination in 7 brands! Almost wants to make you stick to tap water huh?

3. Deceptive advertisement
Bottled water brands use misleading images to tap into the subliminal mind, like most companies do. Theyll use pictures of mountains, volcanic plains, glaciers, fresh springs or waterfalls with flowers growing on the river banks and sunshine in the background. But none of those are guarantees that the water actually comes from a fresh and clean source. For example, a brand called Spring Water has a picture of a mountain and lake on the label, but their water source is actually from a well located near an industrial waste site and right in the middle of a warehouse facility in M ills, M assachusetts. Another one named Aliska says Alaska Premium Glacier Drinking Water: Pure Glacier Water from the Last Unpolluted Frontier, Bacteria-free, but was found to be from a public water supply, and many other brands that have the word glacier in its name or description have sources no where near a damn glacier. Basically, words like pure, glacier, premium, natural, mountain water, clean or healthy mean nothing but false advertisement most of the time. The only way you can be sure is if you research the water sources of those brands. Oh and did you know that Dasani and Aquafina, two top-selling water brands, have admitted that their products are nothing but tap water in a bottle?

4. Its expensive
Very expensive compared to tap water and for a basic need that we should naturally be getting for free anyway. Tap water is approximately 1 cent per gallon. Drinking 8 glasses of tap water a day for a year is equivalent to 49 cents, whereas bottled water sells for about $1 per 16 ounces! Which is what, 2 glasses? One bottle of Evian, a fancy French brand, costs about the same as 1000 gallons of tap water. At this rate, bottled water is more expensive than gasoline, and most people see no problem with that. If that aint a rip off then I dont know what is.

5. Its garbage
Literallyat least the plastic bottle for the most part. It takes about 2.7 million tons of plastic per year to bottle water worldwide, and most brands use plastic thats derived from crude oil. The world consumes over 41 billion gallons of bottled water per year and America alone consumes 7 billion of it. But check this; it takes 1.5 million barrels of crude oil to make enough bottles to meet Americas demand every year. Thats enough to fuel 100,000 cars in the same amount of time! Think about how much we waste just making bottled water, not to mention the energy (fuel) it takes to produce and transport them nationwide and worldwide. M ost importantly, plastic bottles pollute the environment. Less than 20% of water bottles get recycled, which leaves about 86% to become garbage or litter. When plastic is burnt up with other trash in landfills, toxic chlorine and other chemicals are released in the atmosphere while more toxins are deposited in the ground that can leak into wells and other water sources, making water contamination worse. Plastic is also dangerous because it takes forever to decompose and takes a lot of space. The process can take between 400 to 1000 years and were throwing away over 30 million plastic bottles a day! Its one of the worst forms of pollutions ever.

Still want to consume bottled water?

Fineafter all, its your prerogative. And drinking bottled water is better than drinking no water. But consider finding out more about what youre drinking by contacting the manufacturers and doing more research because seriously, why spend money on bad water when you can get it for free in your own house? Because, in the end, bottled water is just another industry that wants to make a profit out of your

pockets. Also, try adopting the habit of recycling. You can easily find sources on recycling online that can tell you where and how to do it. Environmentalists are so big on recycling that some will even pay you for it. As much as your health is important and should be one of your priorities, its also important to take responsibility in all your actions and to make the right choice. Remember: Everything that looks or seems good is not necessarily good for you.


B Y WI SE I N T ELLI G EN T Its not news that Trentons Public School district is, and has been, an intentional and calculated dismal failure for at least the past twenty years. Trenton residents, parents, and students have witnessed everything from administration tampering with student transcripts, forging grades, and unaccredited instructors to teacher shortages, lack of funding, mismanagement of available funding, music and arts programs cut, schools without libraries (or new ones with pitiful amounts of books or outdated collections with nothing relevant to the modern world, not to mention all but one public library branch in the city closing), etc., ad infinitum. All of which is taking place in crumbling buildings, some of which are nearly 80 years old. M uch of this is evident as soon as you walk into one of these buildings. Yet, according to a September 23, 2008 Trenton Times newspaper article by Lisa Rich, titled Unsafe Lead Levels Found in 8 Schools, its even worse than what we can see on a cursory glance. On top of all the rings of fire Trentons children are expected to jump through to get what can barely be considered an education, must they also drink lead contaminated water to survive the heat of those fiery rings? Lead poisoning can cause permanent learning and behavioral problems, seizures, coma and death. Could this be the cause of some of the behavioral issues we hear inner-city school teachers complaining about so often? According to the report, only 10 public schools were tested for lead contamination, 8 of which had lead levels in the water as high as 220 parts per billion. And funding wasnt available to test other schools? Are children supposed to continue drinking the water in those schools that have not been tested due to lack of funding? In schools where lead levels were well over the 20 parts per billion standard, water fountains and sinks were shut off but could not be replaced due to lack of funds and/or personnel. No letters explaining the presence of lead in the water were sent home with children to inform parents? Our children are literally dying to learn. This is appalling! Now, let me spin the lens just a little. The U.S. government came quickly to the aid of Bear Stern to the tune of $300 million, Fannie M ae and Freddie M ac $85 billion, all without what can be considered protest from the majority white population. But, whenever a measure is proposed to spend tax payers dollars to give non-white children in America an education equal to that given their white (or politically correct suburban) counterparts these same white people fight such attempts all the way to the Supreme Court. How is there not enough funding to correct lead contamination in all Trenton District schools? M any of us are well aware that the deplorable state of affairs in predominately Black communities and their school districts apartheid schooling as well as environmental racism are intentional and calculated. This intent cannot be demonstrated any clearer than in the Lead-Paint study conducted in the 1990s on infants and children in a Baltimore low-income housing project by researchers at the Kennedy Krieger Institute (which is an affiliate of John Hopkins University).[19] In the study, the blood lead levels of children entering the program were documented as at a safe level. However, after just one month, some of the childrens blood contained excessive lead, and that they had since had neurological problems. One month! The mothers of two of the children filed negligence lawsuits against the Kennedy Krieger Institute, lamenting that the researchers had failed to warn them about the risks of the study and the danger that their children could be poisoned by lead in the houses. Only low-income children were used for the study and their parents were reportedly enticed by food stamps, money or other incentives. The M aryland Court of Appeals eventually overturned lower court decisions dismissing those cases and sharply criticized the researchers and their institutions for failing to see the basic ethical violations of enlisting healthy children to live in potentially dangerous housing. Yet The Washington Post soon reported, Since the court issued its ruling regarding the lead paint study, the institute has continued its research with two studies related to lead paint. We must understand what we are up against, as well as the measures we must take to resist, go forth, sustain and preserve ourselves, by any means necessary. Not only is there lead saturating the hood high levels of lead in innercity drinking water due to lead-based piping in homes built before 1978 (the majority in most hoods), lead-based paint in homes built before 1978, lead in urban soil due to the many factories and plants operating in urban areas during Americas Industrial era, and lead throughout the overall environment due to high-traffic areas and lead-based fuel emissions from vehicles but we also face direct assaults from scientists, government agencies, and researchers who have continually found no foul in using us as human guinea pigs in the spiritdepleting experiment America has been for many African Americans. The above revelations as frightening as they are serve to acquaint us with the inconvenient, yet inescapable, truth that the powers that be are not interested in abating environmental hazards affecting African Americans and their quality of life. Therefore, what has been revealed beseeches us to become active in finding and implementing solutions to our dilemma. Research, like findings published by Deborah W. Denno in Biology and Violence: From Birth to Adulthood, has demonstrated why, in light of recent studies, the entire criminal justice system may need to be recalibrated because some violent crime can be linked to heavy metal uptake and is therefore a health issue and should be diagnosed and treated as such (as opposed to broad, punitive measures being exacted on offenders suffering from subtle, yet damaging neurological trauma from exposure to heavy metal poisoning). However, this system of oppression seems to want our children poisoned with lead, manganese and other heavy metals. It lusts for our incarceration without consideration of the nature of the crime nor its facilitators. Lead poisoning is a preventable and abatable disease, and, like education (another denied resource) fixing the problem does not cost much. M usician/activist Bono said on CNN that with $25 billion you could put most kids in school, eradicate diseases like M alaria and change the water supplies for children in the whole world. For $25 billion, you could put every kid whos out of school in the world into school! I think this is a small price to pay to change the face of poverty. The return on the investment is unmatched. However, the majority of the white population are more active and visible participants in peoples movements for equal treatment of animals than they are visibly active in a peoples movement for equal treatment of African American and/or Hispanic children. In fact, the record shows these same suburban, animal-loving, white folk have been more visibly active in peoples movements against the equal treatment of African American and Hispanic school children across the country. When we consider the current movement to scrap New Jerseys Abbott law, and a host of other changes being pushed along by the American majority, I fear that things for public school students in Trenton and other inner cities will continue along this perpetual downward spiral! Unless rappers, DJs, graffiti artists, breakers, producers, and other Hip Hop adherents (who themselves were victims of these same appalling conditions) become community activists and organizers, starting (or at least attaching their image, name, and/or resources to) programs in urban communities that deal with youth empowerment issues, Im afraid the current trend towards disenfranchisement, poverty, ignorance and violence will continue unfettered! We can, we should, and we must support and establish organizations like United Parents Against Lead (UPAL), an organization whose mission is to abate the presence of criminal-behavior-facilitating variables like lead poisoning and other environmental hazards through education; advocacy; and resource referral. ( While working on a project with the youth media program IntelligentSeedz, I along with a brilliant group of young people - had the privilege of meeting and interviewing UPAL founder Zakia Shabazz. Founded in 1994 (another good thing birthed in the Black community

during the Golden Era of Hip Hop), UPAL National is committed to ensuring the basic rights of all children to live in a safe and healthy environment. UPAL is founded by parents of children with lead poisoning, who therefore know firsthand the effects of lead poisoning and the irreparable damage and suffering caused by this preventable disease. The Hip Hop community should be active supporters of if not directly involved with UPALs effort to assists parents in organizing chapters in states and local communities. People can also found new chapters of UPAL in their respective communities as a way of giving back and staying involved and concerned with the communities from which they came. After all, many Hip Hop artists (and fans) were once exposed to high levels of lead and other heavy metal uptake but are unaware of it. M uch of the behavior of victims of lead exposure is misdiagnosed and misinterpreted as deviant or criminal when the reality is often a serious health issue, and not an issue of immorality, irresponsibility, or blatant disrespect for law, order and decency. UPAL chapters (with the continued support of the Hip Hop community) should be established in every urban community in the country as the premiere organization for community awareness and abatement of environmental hazards. This organization would serve as the mouthpiece of the community while working in conjunction with local, state and federal environmental agencies like the EPA, DEP, HUD, CDC, and EJA, to rid our communities of the environmental hazards that have contributed to everything the hood is plagued with, from school failure to violent and criminal behavior.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G Lead affects the nervous system. That means brain damage. Reduction in IQ begins with lead levels as low as 7 ug/dl (micrograms per deciLiter of blood). Guess how much lead that means? Very little. It doesnt take much at all. Beyond intellectual impairment, researchers have also found that lead can stunt physical growth (at 1 ug/dL), contribute to ADHD symptoms (at 2 ug/dL), and even cause cavities (at 3 ug/dL). At higher levels, slow lead poisoning causes memory loss, mood swings, infertility, nerve, joint and muscle disorders, cardiovascular, skeletal, kidney and renal problems and possibly cancer.

Are my children at risk?

If youre Black and poor, most definitely. M ore than 40% of American homes still have lead-based paint in them. But Black children are five times more likely than white children to suffer from lead poisoning, according to the CDC. Lead poisoning endangers the health of nearly 8 million inner-city children, mostly Black and Hispanic. As of 2003, nearly half (47%) of Black children ages 1 to 5 had blood lead levels in the range of 5 to 10 ug/dL, which corresponds to a loss of 4 to 7 IQ points. 19% of white children and 28% of Hispanic children fell in the same range. Among Black children in large cities, 36.7% have blood lead levels of above 10 ug/dl. Lead has been connected to social problems as well. Boys with high amounts of lead in their bones had more reports of aggressive and delinquent behavior than boys with low levels, and that their behavior got worse over a period of time, regardless of social factors. Roger D. M asters, a proponent of the neurotoxicity theory, suggests exposure to toxic pollutants (specifically lead and manganese) may contribute to people committing violent crimes. (M asters also found that environmental pollution and high alcohol use have a strong effect on violent crime.) U.S. counties with measures of neurotoxicity (lead, manganese, and alcohol) have violent crime three times the national average. According to M asters, The presence of pollution is as big a factor as poverty. Recent studies supported by the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences suggest that in addition to lower IQ a young persons lead burden is linked to lower high school graduation rates and increased delinquency. The symptoms of slow lead poisoning were not fully recognized until the late 20th century. In 1973, the EPA began phasing out leaded gasoline, a process that took over twenty years. Lead was banned in household paint in 1978. As a result, lead levels in the blood of American children have dropped by 86% since the late 1970s. But if you understand the Black-white statistics above (as with any other negative situation), you know that Black people are still at a much higher level of risk than whites. In poor communities, most homes were built before 1978, so youve probably still got lead in your walls. And in poor communities, theres lead in the water as wellright down to your childs elementary school water fountain. I dare you to buy a test kit, make a school visit, and see for yourself. (See Lead Poisoning: Abating Environmental Racism)

To minimize the risk of lead in your walls you should: r If you live in or are planning to buy a house built before 1978 have an inspector check it. r If you discover lead in your home, consider covering over paint with wallpaper, paneling or a thick coat of new paint (make sure it is non-toxic paint!). Your chances of having lead in your drinking water are high if: r Your home has faucets or fittings made of brass which contains some lead r Your home or water system has lead pipes, or your home has copper pipes with lead solder AND the home is less than 5 years old r You have naturally soft water r Water often sits in the pipes for several hours To minimize the risk of lead in drinking water you should: r Use a water filtration system to remove pollutants. r Flush your pipes. Dont use water that has been sitting in your pipes over six hours. Only use water thoroughly flushed from the cold water tap. Flush until the water becomes as cold as it will get (this can take up to 2 minutes or longer). Once youve flushed a tap, fill a container and put it in the refrigerator for later use. r Use only cold water for drinking, and especially for making baby formula. r Never cook with or consume water from the hot-water tap. (Hot water dissolves lead more easily and is therefore more likely to contain higher levels of lead.) r Have your water tested by a competent laboratory approved by your state or the EPA. (Your local or state department of environment or health should be able to tell you which labs are qualified.) r If you want to test the water yourself, you can buy a test kit online for less than 15 bucks. Aint that worth the price of avoiding brain damage?
If you have a young child at home who is at risk for lead exposure, talk to your physician about having the childs blood tested for lead levels. For more information on lead toxicity, check out, visit the EPA website, or call the National Lead Information Center at 1(800) 424-LEAD

Get the Lead Out

You can remove toxic minerals from your body, and protect against taking them in by:

r r

Saturation. Eating a diet with a high level of a wide range of minerals, so your cells become saturated with minerals. Toxic minerals are then likely to be excreted rather than taken up. Chelation. Certain foods and drinks such as kombucha, coriander (cilantro) and seaweed actively draw a range of minerals to them, and pull them out of the body via excretement. Clay baths also have this effect.

Antioxidants. A diet high in antioxidant nutrients and enzymes protects you from toxic minerals.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G The Bill and M elinda Gates Foundation recently hosted a presentation on how ultrasonic frequencies could be used to sterilize men from a distance. Yes, you read that right. I can only imagine how the would use thatand who theyd use that against. Doesnt sound like something good guy Bill Gates would be into? You have no idea. In addition to this sterilization program (which would use sharp blasts of ultrasound directed against a mans scrotum to render him infertile as a sort of temporary castration), the foundation also funded a new sweat-triggered vaccine delivery program based on nanoparticles that penetrate the skin through hair follicles and burst upon contact with human sweat to release vaccines. That sounds like an unseen, almost invisible way to deliver vaccines, but why? Arent vaccines supposed to help people? Why would someone want to hide them? According to Gates, hes raising money to develop vaccine programs designed to protect children in developing countries from various diseases, including tetanus. But the Gates tetanus program bears striking resemblance to another tetanus program that sterilized thousands of women and caused abortions in many others in the Philippines. (As reported by the BBC in conjunction with the Philippine Department of Health and the Philippine M edical Association, women in childbearing years were given a vaccine that was combined with a chemical known as Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG), an antipregnancy agent.) Ah, that explains the secret part. But why sterilize people? At a February 2010 TED conference, Gates talked how about reducing CO2 emissions worldwide, by limiting population growth. He said:

The world today has 6.8 billion people. Thats headed up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent!
This population elimination idea may sound similar to the conspiracy theories about the spread of HIV in Africa (which led Nobel Peace Prize laureate and environmental activist Wangari M aathai to charge that AIDS is a biological weapon manufactured by the developed world to wipe out the Black race although he later denied such sentiments), but the connections between the spread of smallpox vaccines and HIV in Africa were just one of many cases where Western vaccines (or other medicine) brought hidden problems with them. As recently as 2004, pharmaceutical scientist Dr. Haruna Kaita was contracted by an Islamic body to check out polio vaccines being administered by the WHO in Nigeria. After extensive and repeated tests carried out using state-of-the-art facilities in India, a shocked Dr. Kaita reported that the vaccines were laced with contaminants, some toxic and some having direct effect on human reproductive system. But why sterilize people in poor countries? (I bet you didnt expect a health book to dig this deep.) Sterilization, eugenics, and population control all go hand-in-hand. Its all about controlling who is here in 100 years. And its been going on for quite some time. In 1798, Thomas M althus published An Essay on the Principle of Population, describing his theory on how population growth will exceed earthly resources to provide food for all people. We now know that there is certainly enough food (and land) on the planet to feed everyone, and that hunger is a result of poverty and other forms of social inequity, not simply too many people. In fact, many European nations have 10 times more people than your average African nation with twice the land. Also, when you factor in the amount of resources it takes (fossil fuels, land, water, etc.) to feed people on a meat-heavy over-indulgent Western diet, thats very different from what the rest of the world needs to survive. So its clearly about population controlbut which population? And how? Soon after the US State Department published the Global 2000 Report for the President in 1980 advising that the world population must be reduced by 2 billion people by the year 2000, Thomas Ferguson of the State Department Office of Population Affairs, Latin American Desk, elaborated:

There is a single theme behind all our work we must reduce population levels. Either governments do it our way, through nice clean methods, or they will get the kinds of mess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran or in Beirut. Population is a political problem. Once population is out of control, it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce itOur program in El Salvador didnt work. The infrastructure was not there to support it. There were just too goddamned many peopleTo really reduce population, quickly, you have to pull all the males into the fighting and you have to kill significant numbers of fertile age femalesThe quickest way to reduce population is through famine, like in Africa, or through disease like the Black Death.
Does this put everything in perspective for you? Does it help you understand why Gates would fund something like the programs above? Does it change the way you see all those wonderful agencies doing healthcare in developing countries? (Not all, of course, because there are many smaller groups that have good intentions) Does it make you think about what similar agencies are doing (and have already done) with the Black and brown communities of THIS country? Does it make you take a fresh look at why they push birth control and abortion so hard in the hood, while putting fertility clinics and sperm banks in white neighborhoods? Does it make you wonder what this rush to stop global warming is really about, since theyre trying to save the planet while getting rid of most of the people on it? As well explain in depth in Chemical Genocide, this new wave of environmentalism is NOT centered on the interests of Original people. In fact, most of its strongest advocates are all FOR wiping YOU off the planet. Heres a few more quotes to think about:

Malthus has been vindicated, reality is finally catching up with Malthus. The Third World is overpopulated, its an economic mess, and theres no way they could get out of it with this fast-growing population. Our philosophy is: back to the village. Dr. Arne Schiotz, World Wildlife Fund Director of Conservation, 1984 The biggest problems are the damn national sectors of these developing countries. These countries think that they have the right to develop their resources as they see fit. They want to become powers. Thomas Lovejoy, vice president, World Wildlife Fund U.S.A., 1984 If we look at things causally, the bigger problem in the world is population. We must set a ceiling to human numbers. All development aid should be made dependent on the existence of strong family planning programs. Sir Peter Scott, chairman, World Wildlife Fund U.K., 1984
I used to get mad about those commercials pushing the plight of the polar bear, and after seeing the quotes above, I understand why. Theres more:

It will be impossible to feel that the world is in a satisfactory state until there is a certain degree of equality, and a certain acquiescence everywhere in the power of the World Government, and this will not be possible until the poorer nations of the world have becomemore or less stationary in populationIf there is not to

be an endless succession of warsthis will probably have to be done, in many countries, as a result of governmental measures. This will require an extension of scientific technique into very intimate matters. Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society, 1952 What would it take to accelerate fertility decline in the least developed countries? March 2009 U.N. Population Division policy brief Frankly, I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we dont want to have too many of. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg It now remains for the U.S. government to set a sensible example to the world by offering a bonus or yearly pension to all obviously unfit parents who allow themselves to be sterilized by harmless and scientific means. In this way the moron and the diseased would have no posterity to inherit their unhappy condition. The number of the feeble-minded would decrease and a heavy burden would be lifted from the shoulders of the fit. Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood, 1926 All children who are born, beyond what would be required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perishThereforewe should facilitatethe operations of nature in producing this mortality; and if we dread the too frequent visitation of the horrid form of famine, we should sedulously encourage the other forms of destruction, which we compel nature to use. Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague. In the country, we should build our villages near stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlement in all marshy and unwholesome situations. But above all we should reprobate specific remedies for ravaging diseases; and restrain those benevolent, but much mistaken men, who have thought they are doing a service to mankind by protecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular disorders. Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population, 1798
And one more, in case youre unclear as to who these undesirable people are:

The white population of the world will soon cease to increase. The Asiatic races will be longer, and the negroes still longer, before their birth rate falls sufficiently to make their numbers stable without help of war and pestilence. Until that happens, the benefits aimed at by socialism can only be partially realized, and the less prolific (child-bearing) races will have to defend themselves by methods which are disgusting even if they are necessary. Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society, 1952


You may have never heard of it, but the Presidents Cancer Panel, which reports directly to the president just released a new report on these chemical toxins weve been describing in this chapter. The landmark report [20] evaluates current scientific evidence and the positions of over 40 experts, and concludes that public health officials have grossly underestimated the role environmental contaminants may be playing in the 1.5 million Americans who are diagnosed with cancer each year. The report called for stricter regulations on chemicals and safer alternatives, especially noting that these toxins are most dangerous to young children and unborn babies. In this government-issued report, they actually admit that todays babies are pre-polluted with over 300 different chemical contaminants found in the umbilical cord blood of newborn babies! Let me repeat: These were not weirdos and conspiracy theorists. These are mainstream, highly-respected scientists (the head of the panel is a Black man!) saying this. I hope thats not what you needed to hear to take us seriously, but if you did, there you go. So what do you do? Heres the Presidents Cancer Panels recommendations (from pages 145-147 of the report) for what you can do to protect yourself and your family:

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Choose foods, house and garden products, play spaces, toys, medical tests, and medicines that will minimize your kids exposure to toxic chemicals. (This means eating organic as much as possible and buying products that you know to be free of BPA, phthalates and other endocrine disruptors.) Eat meat produced without antibiotics and added growth hormones. Avoid or minimize consumption of processed, charred, and well-done meats to reduce exposure to carcinogenic heterocyclic amines and polyaromatic hydrocarbons. If youre pregnant or thinking about it: Both mothers and fathers should avoid exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals and known or suspected carcinogens prior to a childs conception and throughout pregnancy and early life, when risk of damage is greatest. Take off your shoes when you enter your home, especially if you work with or around chemicals. (Wash work clothes separately from other laundry.) Filter your tap water. (And continue to choose tap water over commercially bottled water.) Store food and water in containers made from stainless steel, glass, or BPA- and phthalate-free plastic. Dont microwave in plastic, since chemicals can leach into food when its heated. Stop using chemical fertilizers and pesticides on your garden to keep these chemicals from contaminating drinking water supplies. Properly dispose of medications, household chemicals, paints and other materials to minimize drinking water and soil contamination. Turn off lights and electrical devices when not in use to reduce your exposure to petroleum combustion byproducts. Drive a fuel-efficient car, bike or walk when possible, or use public transportation to cut the amount of toxic auto exhaust in the air. Wear a headset when you use your cell phone, keep calls brief, and text instead of calling when possible to reduce your exposure to electromagnetic energy. Have your homes radon levels tested periodically. Avoid second-hand smoke. (And dont smoke yourself. Duh.) Talk to your doctor about the need for tests or procedures that involve radiation exposure and keep a record of all imaging or nuclear medicine tests received and if known, the estimated radiation dose for each test. Wear sunscreen and UV-protective clothing. (See Skin Cancer is NOT Prejudiced) Tell your Congressperson to support the Safe Chemicals Act of 2010, which would overhaul the riddled-withloopholes Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976. Organize and educate people in your community about whats happening.


newsflash: its what sex is for



iving in the communities that we live in, our health is often neglected. It is neglected by us when we make poor choices and it is neglected by those who are supposed to provide us with access and education so that we dont make those poor choices. As a result, we have countless health issues affected. One of these health issues is pregnancy. Now, Im not saying pregnancy is an illness. You are not sick. You are simply pregnant. But pregnancy is an issue that requires some form of healthCARE. Beyond that, pregnancy can lead to other issues, such as high blood pressure or gestational diabetes, which means that you will need closer attention than women who dont experience these high risk issues. But, more often than not, as a Black or brown women (and dont be poor on top of that!), youre not gonna get the care you deserve, no matter whether your pregnancy is high-risk or normal. It might even seem that they dont care at all! I work as a Labor Doula, which means I care for the pregnant mother before, during, and after her labor process. Im also a Homebirth M idwife assistant, so Ive helped women have babies in hospitals, in birthing centers, and at home. I can tell you from firsthand experience that hospital staff tends to treat young, urban women with less respect than those who, ahem look differently or are in a different financial class. So if youre having a hospital birth, go in prepared, as if you were a soldier going to war. Be knowledgeable about the labor process and the hospitals techniques for dealing with pregnancy, labor, and birth. M any women are now realizing that, if they are having normal pregnancies, they can do something about being uncomfortable during childbirth. M any women are now choosing to have homebirths or birthing center births with midwives. This way, they can be more relaxed, in a warm environment, instead of being in labor, strapped down to a bed against their bodys natural instincts. Yes, I said HOM E birth. Not by accident either! Its more common than you think, even in the hood. And yes, homebirth is safe. M idwives dont come to births with white aprons, hot water and shoe strings the way the old movies show you. Although, if that was all a midwife had to work with, shed still make it happen, cuz were just nice like that. Seriously though, they are highly trained and equipped with medical equipment such as oxygen as well as herbs and other formulas and advice to help women during their out-of-hospital birthing process. What are some of the advantages of homebirth, birthing center births and midwives you ask? Well, let me name a few. One of the main things that you get with midwifery care is time and attention from a care provider as opposed to the 5 minute office visit, rushed by patients needing to get in behind you. As a matter of fact, homebirth midwives will even visit you at home, so you dont even have to go anywhere as you get closer to your delivery. Using a midwife increases the chances that you will have a medication (epidural) free birth which in turn decreases your risk of having to have a cesarean section (c-section). At a homebirth or birth center birth, you can eat and drink during labor, which makes sense, since what you are doing takes a lot of energy (hence the term labor). Whereas, in a hospital, you are only allowed to eat ice chips. Ice chips? Are you freakin kidding me? How do they expect a woman to be tied down to a bed with wires attached all over the place, in a cold, white room with machines beeping, strangers coming in and out, looking and poking at them for who knows how long, in PAINwith just ice chips to help her get through all that? I know women who have been in labor for over 48 hours. Cmon son! No food? Nothing? That is just ridiculous! M idwives are also skilled and patient enough to actually take the time to try to help your vagina stretch so that it doesnt tear while the baby is coming out. Whereas many doctors just cut you (this is called an episiotomy) before they see if youre gonna even tear or not. Crazy thing is, most of them dont even ask you or tell you that theyre gonna do this. They just do it and guess who has to deal with the cut, torn, sewn and swollen vagina in the end? You do! M idwives will also allow you to assume whatever position your body tells you to. M eaning if you wanna get on all fours, which may be how you got pregnant in the first place (just joking), do squats, cartwheels, or lunges, you are free to do so. You can also have sex which actually helps with the labor process. Im not kidding this time. Im very serious. The sperm has real prostaglandins in it and the hospital sometimes gives you a fake version of this which they call Pitocin to help you labor faster (because they need to get you out so they can free your bed and get someone else in). See, they want money, money, and more money. Oh, and speaking of money (I know youre wondering), did I mention that M edicaid and many insurance companies pay for homebirths and birthing center births? Its cheaper for them since there arent as many interventions and extra unnecessary stuff as there are in hospitals. In hospitals you are usually limited to 2 support people. But at home or in a birthing center, you can have as many people as you want in the room with you. The whole Fam Damily can be there to support you if you want. It is also very likely for women who birth with midwives and doulas to be more successful at breastfeeding than those who dont have that constant support. Breastfeeding is the best feeding, by the way. If you didnt know, youll read about that soon. When it all comes down to it, we have to know our rights and options. Im so passionate about you knowing your rights and options when dealing with your health care, because I know just how this sick system works, and its not designed for your benefit. The Tuskegee Experiment showed us that they use us as guinea pigs, but did you know that Fannie Lou Hamer, the woman who coined the term, Im sick and tired of being sick and tired, was sterilized without her permission? She went to the doctor for one procedure and ended up with no uterus! She didnt give anyone permission to take her uterus! You can imagine, she was pissed! The crazy thing is that she is not the only woman that this happened to or will happen to. Ever heard of M argaret Sanger? Well, she was one of the founders of the organization, Planned Parenthood. Yeah, theyre the ones who do a lot of the abortions in the hood. Anyway, her purpose in starting this organization was to promote abortions amongst those who she thought were unfit, irresponsible and reckless. She once said, There is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people that the procreation of this group should be stopped. And who do you think that group of people was? Us! This process of selective breeding is called Eugenics (Youtube the video: Maafa 21), and it never stopped. It just changed form. Bottom line is, I dont trust them, but if you still trust them after reading this book, all I can say to you is read, read, read. Speak to those whove had births like the one you want and get their perspective on things. Dont just listen to the horror stories about how painfully bad some womens births were. Look for real answers from people who can tell you more. Ive listed some questions below for you to review. M ake sure you ask these questions about what your birthing process will be like and the procedures and drugs that you are given.

Questions To Ask Your Hospital/ Midwife/ Birthing Center r Will I know which doctor/midwife will be at my labor ahead of time? How much time will I have during pregnancy to get to know them? r Am I allowed to bring labor support, or does the hospital provide uninterrupted Doula support during my labor and just after delivery?

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Will my husband/partner, family be allowed in the labor and delivery room with me? If I chose a drug free birth, will my request be honored? Will I be allowed to walk the halls during labor? Am I encouraged to move freely during labor? Will I be attached to an electronic fetal monitor continuously? Does this hospital have mandatory procedures such as (enema, A.R.O.M. (Artificial Rupture Of Membrane, Shaving, I.V., etc.)? Is laboring out of a bed a problem for the hospital staff here? Will I be allowed to deliver my baby in any position that I chose to? Am I allowed to eat and drink during labor to stay well hydrated? Do you have any non-medical alternatives for pain relief? Who cuts the cord? How long will my postpartum stay be? How often do I feed my baby? Am I allowed to feed the baby on demand, or will he/she be put on a schedule? What circumstances require an episiotomy, and are a warm compress and/or oil used as an alternative to cutting my perineum? What is the hospital percentage of giving episiotomies? How often does my doctor cut womens vaginas during labor? Can I nurse my baby immediately after birth if I choose to? Do you have consultant to help me if I need assistance? Does the staff here use forceps and/or vacuum routinely? What are the dangers? How often will I be allowed to see my baby? What is the hospital percentage of cesarean section? What is my doctors percentage? Can my baby stay with me from birth to discharge? If not, Why? If cesarean section is necessary, who can be with me? Can I replace unnecessary students with my support team? When can my other children come to visit the baby and I? Are the labor, delivery, and recovery all in one room? If my water breaks before contractions begin, can I stay at home until labor begins on its own?

Questions to Ask About Drugs and Procedures

Participate in your care and get the answers you need to make a decision.

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Why do I need this drug/procedure? What problem are we looking for? Will my baby be safer after taking this drug or going through this procedure? Will I be safer after taking this drug or procedure? What are its known side effects? Will the benefits outweigh the side effects? What are the risks to the baby and me, if I dont do this procedure or take this drug? Are there alternatives that I can try before taking these drugs or doing this procedure? What will it tell us? How accurate and reliable are the results? If the test detects a problem, then what will happen next? What decisions will I have to make? If the test does not detect a problem, then what will happen next? Describe the treatment. How is it done? How likely is it to solve/detect the problem? How can I get a second opinion?

If you are interested in looking into out-of-hospital birth options, search the internet for homebirth midwives, birthing centers and labor or postpartum doulas in your area.



What is Nutrition?
1. The process of nourishing or being nourished, especially the process by which a living thing takes in and uses food. 2. Nourishment. 3. The study of food and nourishment.

What does it mean to Nourish?

1. To provide a living thing with the food or other substances necessary for life and growth. 2. To promote the growth or development of; sustain 3. To keep alive; harbor Both words have their root in nourir, which literally means to suckle. They are also similar to Nurture.

What does Nurture mean?

1. To feed, protect, and nourish. 2. To educate or train. 3. To help grow and develop. Based on the relationships of these words along, it is quite evident that both Nourishment and Nutrition during pregnancy entail more than just providing the body with physical foods. Beneficial mental foods are also required. To be able to grow, develop, and sustain a healthy life, a mother must be mentally and physically fed and nurtured. So often, we tend to forget that the unborn baby in utero is not cut off from the physical world. The child is affected by all that its mother experiences, eats, dreams, sees, smells, reads, etc. This conscious being is totally capable of responding to all within his immediate home (uterus/womb) and abroad (the outside world). Overall, a mothers mental and physical well-being or lack there of has a major effect on the unborn child, and nourishment and nutrition are holistic experiences that go far beyond just eating what some may call a meal. Good health during pregnancy helps to ensure that your baby is healthy, intelligent, and resistant to infection. It also ensures that you are healthy as well not only during, pregnancy, labor and birth, but also the postpartum period while breastfeeding and recovering from labor. It also allows a woman to be able to better cope with some of the stresses that come along with parenting. It is known that a well nourished mother is likely to result in a healthy baby, while a poorly nourished mother is likely to experience complications during labor and delivery, and her baby is also likely to have problems as well, sometimes well into childhood and adulthood. People with limited incomes usually tend to cut back on nutritious foods in an effort to save money for other things. Unfortunately, they are doing themselves, their families and society as a whole a disservice since they are more likely to produce children with illness and even higher mortality, morbidity and congenital problems. So, cutting back on nutritious foods is never the solution. Some things to avoid are fast foods, processed foods, etc. that may seem to be less expensive but also lack in nutritional value. M any people are under the assumption that vegetarian or organic foods are much more expensive than non-vegetarian or organic foods. When comparing the price of a gallon of cows milk with that of gallon of soy, rice, or organic milk or cows cheese or a box of cereal with that of an alternative cheese or organic cereal, Ive found that there is no significant difference. The first thing that a pregnant woman or a woman planning to conceive can do to be healthy is to actually commit to doing so. The ideal preparation time prior to pregnancy is at least 1 year, however it is never too late to get your body in a better state for conception. Every partner should commit to support this woman with her transition. It is not suggested though those women make major changes in their diets during their pregnancies. For example, you wouldnt go from eating a meat-dominated diet to eating a raw food diet and vice versa. Incorporating better food choices and gradually weening out the poor choices is a good way to go. Every pregnant woman deserves to eat without worrying about too much weight gain. However, choosing the optimal foods is the key. If we eat what we should be eating, then we probably wont gain too much weight during pregnancy. Study the foods that you crave for. Its almost guaranteed that the food that you want is not what your body needs but what that food may carry in the form of vitamins and minerals. For example, you may be craving icecream, but what your body may really need is calcium. Following your intuition is an integral part of mothering and this skill is usually leading us in the right direction. We just have to know when to follow. We can take the challenge of writing down everything that we consume each day for a week and make adjustments to our diets as needed. Actually seeing the intake of foods can help us to realize how much is unnecessary and what actually is missing that needs to be incorporated.

Nutrients Needed by Pregnant Women (only a partial list)

Protein All body tissues depend on Protein to grow. Protein replenishes the bodys lost cells and tissues. It is one of the most common substances in our bodies next to water. Bones, muscles, skin, blood, hair, nails, organs, and connective tissues all depend on protein. Protein has a major influence on the babys hormones, growth, metabolism, and sexual development and is responsible for forming and maintaining a strong placenta and uterus. It also contributes to the formation of antibodies, which are necessary for fighting infection and making breast milk, the babys first food. (Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy Toxemia) Carbohydrates Carbohydrates (carbs) provide us with energy. They are needed for all body functions including digestion and all movement. They are also necessary for producing heat in the body, fuel for the brain, nervous system and muscle tissues, and more. Carbs are available in three main forms, simple sugars, complex carbs/ starches, and cellulose/roughage, which is the indigestible part of fruits and vegetables that provide us with the fiber that we need for moving our bowels healthily. (Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy The body uses protein and fat for energy, which causes a dangerous chemical residue in the body called Ketones. If ketones are in the body in high amounts, it can be dangerous to both mother and child.) Fats (lipids) Provide us with energy. Fats carry Vitamins A, D, E, and K. They help to absorb vitamin D, which makes calcium available to the bodys tissues. They also help to change carotene into vitamin A. They surround, hold and protect major organs. They also help to regulate body temperature. Fats are necessary for healthy blood, arteries, nerves, skin, organs, and the bile that helps to digest cholesterol. Cholesterol is needed to form sex and adrenal hormones, Vitamin D, and more. (Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy Although rare, this can lead to health problems. Too much fat can also cause problems.) Vitamin A Prevents and fights infection. It helps with healthy skin, mucous membranes, bones, blood, and eyesight. Vitamin A is necessary to digest proteins properly. Although it is an integral part of our diets, it is important not to take this vitamin in excessive amounts. In early pregnancy, it can cause permanent malformations in the developing baby. (Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy This vitamin is destroyed by light, stale and dry foods, and chemical fertilizers, and ingesting mineral oil. This vitamin is found in the outer layers of grains. When whole grains are refined, it is lost. Heat, oxidation and alkaline substances such as baking soda destroy it.) Vitamin B1/ Thiamin This vitamin is necessary for a childs growth, a healthy nervous system, and good muscle tone in the organs. It helps glucose change to energy. Vitamin B2/ Riboflavin This vitamin helps with cell respiration, and the digestion of carbs, fats, and proteins. It contributes to healthy skin, nails, hair, and good eyesight.

Vitamin B6/ Pyridoxine B6 contributes to a healthy nervous system. It also aids in the use of carbs, fats and proteins. It is needed for the production of red blood cells and antibodies. It aids in regulating body fluids, maintaining muscle formation and function and is associated with good hormonal balance. B6 is destroyed by heat and ultra violet light. Vitamin B12 This is needed for healthy nerve tissue, fetal brain development and the production of genetic material. It also aids in cell division. Unless plant foods have been fermented, they dont contain B12. B12 may be present on their surface though. Your own intestinal bacteria produce B12. Vegetarian sources include tempeh, miso and B12 fortified nutritional yeast. Our bodies require little B12 and it is stored in our bodies for years. Folic Acid Folic Acid helps with making red blood cells and antibodies that prevent infection. This is important for brain development. Also digestive, mental and emotional health all depends on it. (Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy Anemia, miscarriage, premature birth and serious birth defects.) Vitamin C This helps in forming the connective tissue in bones, ligaments, and skin. It also helps with making a healthy placenta, capillaries, and cell walls. It also helps to heal wounds such as cuts, burns, etc. It aids in preventing hemorrhage. It is helpful in preventing and healing illness/infections. It aids in allowing the body to use other nutrients. M ore than 2,000 mg each day should not be taken since it can lead to miscarriage or other complications with the newborn. Vitamin D This vitamin is mainly available through exposure to the sun. It aids in the formation of bones, and helps to maintain a healthy heart, nervous system, and more. (Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy Bone deformations such as Rickets. Too much Vitamin D can lead to dizziness, nausea and weakness. These feel like how youd feel when out in the sun for a long time.) Vitamin E The most common form of this vitamin is alpha-tocopherol, which literally means, the substance required to bring forth normal births. This vitamin prevents cells and nutrients from being destroyed. It helps tissues function with less oxygen and has been said to increase pain threshold. Too much Vitamin E can result in placental complications, and can be dangerous for women with heart or blood pressure issues. Calcium A developing baby needs calcium. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in our bodies. Calcium does not only benefit the developing baby, but it benefits the mothers teeth, bones and tissues as well. M uscles cannot function properly without enough calcium in the body. Calcium is attributed with helping with maintaining healthy nerves, metabolism and a regular heartbeat. (Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy irritability, insomnia, and leg cramps.) Iron Each living cell in the body consists of iron. Iron mainly teams up with hemoglobin and carries oxygen to all of the cells in the body. It helps to build the blood and increases resistance to stress and disease. It also has the job of helping with protein metabolism, respiration and preventing hemorrhage. (Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy Anemia can be a result. Too much iron can cause intestinal upset and constipation, which can lead to hemorrhoids. Look into Floradix Iron and Herbs. This tends to be easier on the digestive system.) Iodine The thyroid gland depends on iodine to function. This gland is responsible for metabolism, balance, energy, nerves and bones, enhance reproductive capabilities, promote healthy hair, skin, nails and teeth, and keep the mind alert. (Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy Your thyroid will lose its ability to function. This is called hypothyroidism. This causes fatigue, weight gain, dryness of the hair, slow metabolism, cold feelings, and decreased mental function. Too much iron can cause iron toxicity. Cough and cold medications usually have a lot of iodine in them. With hypothyroidism or Iodine Toxicity mothers can have babies that are born with hypothyroidism and/or mental retardation.) Phosphorus This mineral is needed for healthy growth of the cells in the baby, teeth, and bone development. Too much phosphorus foods is not considered toxic, but can decrease your calcium reserves. A deficiency in this mineral is rare in the Western/ American diet but when it does occur, the result can be a loss of appetite, poor growth of bones and teeth, weight loss, anxiety and stiff joints. Zinc This mineral is needed for normal immune function, healthy hormone production, healthy reproduction and the release of Vitamin A from the liver. Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy hair loss, acne, dermatitis, fatigue, poor appetite, and poor digestion. The body may also have a hard time healing itself. S odium This mineral is essential for a healthy pregnancy. It is necessary for maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance and preventing ailing muscles. Potassium Abnormal potassium levels may cause symptoms such as muscle cramps or weakness, nausea, diarrhea, frequent urination, dehydration, low blood pressure, confusion, irritability, paralysis, and changes in heart rhythm. None of these is good for pregnancy. Magnesium M agnesium is a very important mineral since it helps with several hundred enzyme reactions in our bodies. It acts as a natural tranquilizer that helps to relax muscles and lower blood pressure. During pregnancy if a woman develops preeclampsia/ toxemia she may be given large amounts of magnesium which will lower her blood pressure and relax her muscles, which will prevent seizures. (Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy Eating processed foods and sugars, boiling foods, consuming alcohol and caffeine can all lead to deficiency. Deficiency can cause fatigue, irritability, insomnia, loss of appetite, rapid heart rate, twitching, and muscle tremors.) S elenium This mineral is an anti-oxidant, which means that it prevents the development of cancerous cells, loss of tissue elasticity, and can improve immune response. A deficiency can lead to increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, certain cancers, psoriasis, eczema, cataracts, rheumatoid arthritis, and increase in infection and hypertension. Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) These are necessary for brain development in babies. On a worldwide scale, the United States ranks as one of the lowest in EFA content in breast milk. This shows that not only are the mothers deficient, but the babies are deficient as well.

Traditionally Suggested Herbs (only a partial list)

Alfalfa (M edicago Sativa) High in protein, vitamins A, D, E, B6, K, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, trace minerals, and digestive enzymes. High in chlorophyll and carotenes. Burdock Root (Arctium Lappa) M ineral rich, liver strengthener, supports urinary organs, helps balance blood sugar since it stimulates digestion and pancreas, gentle laxative reduces skin itching, promotes strength and uterine tone after birth. Chamomile (Anthemis Nobilis/ M atricaria Chamomilla) Eases digestion and nausea, relieves heartburn, reduces insomnia by promoting relaxation, provides calcium, prevents constipation and urinary tract infections, and improves appetite.[21] Dandelion Root and Leaves (Taraxacum Officinale) liver, kidney, and bladder strengthener, aids with digestion, regulates blood sugar and pressure, helps to make iron in the body, helps with nausea and itchy skin, prevents gallstones, indigestion, fatigue and may contribute to helping with toxemia. Ginger Root (Zingiber Officinale) helps with nausea and vomiting, helps with circulation, diarrhea, reduces respiratory congestion with colds. Can really stimulate circulation in the pelvic area and cause menstruation. It is safe to sip a cup a day during the 3rd trimester. During Early pregnancy, this can stimulate the uterus and cause contractions. Kelp and other sea vegetables (Laminaria SPP.) Rich in vitamins and minerals Lavender (Lavendula Officinalis) Relaxing. Reduces stress and aids in ability to rest. Relieves gas and indigestion.

Lemon Balm (M elissa Officinalis) Calming, relaxing, tension reliever. Aids in digestion. Motherwort (Leonurus Cardiaca) Reduces stress, can help reduce hypertension with assistance from your health care provider Nettle (Urtica Dioica) High in vitamins and minerals, helping with kidneys, strengthening blood vessels, reducing varicose veins, reducing the chance of hemorrhage after birth, prevents anemia by nourishing the blood. Oatstraw (Avena Sativa) Rich in calcium and magnesium. Relaxes nerves, helps manage pregnancy discomforts. Red Raspberry Leaves (Rubus Idaeus) Vitamin and mineral rich, tones uterine muscles, high in iron so it is said to prevent hemorrhage, Rose Hips (Rosa Canina) High in vitamin C, boosts immunity and circulatory system. S quawvine aids in pregnancy and childbirth. It is considered on of the best herbs for nourishing and toning the uterus. It is often combined with red raspberry leafs to make an excellent pregnancy tea. This is sometimes used to regulate contractions and ease labor pains. Yellow Dock (Rumex Crispus) High in iron and other minerals. Liver support, prevents and helps constipation, helps with digestion, hormone balance, stimulates liver to make more iron thus reducing chance of anemia, good for healthy skin.

Contraindicated Herbs (only a partial list)

Aloe Vera The leaves are strongly purgative and should not be taken internally. Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosus) M ay lead to premature contractions; avoid unless under professional guidance. Safe to use during childbirth. Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) A uterine stimulant that in quite small doses also causes vomiting. Blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) A uterine stimulant to avoid unless under professional guidance. Can be used during childbirth. Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) Contains toxic chemicals that will cross the placenta; dont take internally. Dong quai (Angelica polymorpha var. sinensis) Uterine and menstrual stimulant, best avoided during pregnancy; ideal after childbirth. False unicorn root (Chamaelirium luteum) A hormonal stimulant to avoid unless under professional guidance Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) Uterine stimulant; may cause premature contractions. Golden seal (Hydrastis canadensis) Uterine stimulant; may lead to premature contractions but safe during childbirth. Mugwort (Artemesia vulgaris) A uterine stimulant that may also cause birth defects; avoid unless under professional guidance. Also avoid when breastfeeding. Peruvian bark (Cinchona officinalis) Toxic; excess may cause blindness and coma. Used to treat malaria and given during pregnancy only to malaria sufferers under professional guidance.

Did You Know? While most people consider them weeds, the U.S. Dept of Agriculture says dandelions are more nutritious than broccoli and spinach, contain more cancer-fighting beta-carotene than carrots, and are a rich source of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, thiamine, riboflavin, lecithin, and dietary fiber. In fact, the edible part of the dandelion is such a good source of nutrients and beneficial substances that dandelion is a prime ingredient in over half of all herb blends on the market, including herb blends for weight loss, PMS, detoxification, liver, digestion, kidney and skin ailments. You can get all that from a free vegetable that grows on just about everybodys lawn. For more on edible plants that grow in the wild, check out our book on urban survival, When It Hits the Fan.
Pokeroot (Phytolacca decandra) M ay cause birth defects. Pulsatilla (Anemone pulsatilla) M enstrual stimulant best avoided during pregnancy; limited use during lactation. Rue (Ruta graveolens) Uterine and menstrual stimulant; may cause premature contractions. S assafras (Sassafras albidum) A uterine stimulant that may also cause birth defects. S hepherds purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) A uterine stimulant; use only during or after labor with supervision from a professional. Wild yam (Diascorea villosa) A uterine stimulant to avoid unless under professional guidance. Wormwood (Artemisia absinthum) A uterine stimulant that may also cause birth defects; avoid unless under professional guidance. Also avoid when breastfeeding.

Food Sources for Needed Nutrients

This chart will show the nutrient needed and the foods and herbal sources from which these foods can be obtained.


Nonpregnant/ Pregnant/ Lactating Women

Food and Herbal Sources

Kilo-calories 2200/ Non-pregnant women need an average of 2200 2500/ 2600 Kilocalories (commonly known simply as Calories) daily, but pregnant women need more (2500), and lactating women need even slightly more (2600). Vitamin A (mcg*) 800/ 800/ 1300 Orange fruits/vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes, apricot, cherry, mango, peach, papaya, pumpkin, squash), dark green vegetables, seaweed, dairy, fish liver oil, eggs, liver, alfalfa, watercress, nettle, red raspberry leaves, dandelion, comfrey, nori, yellow dock, lamb Egg yolk, soybeans, beans, peanuts, walnuts, banana, cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes, prunes,

Vitamin B6 (mg*)

1.6/ 2.2/


avocados, brown rice, wheat bran/germ, molasses, nutritional yeast, salmon, and organ meats. 1 banana (90 mg) has more than 3 oz of beef (71 mg) or chicken (45 mg) tempeh, miso, fortified nutritional yeast, dairy products (except butter), some sprouts may have B12 producing bacteria on their surface, foods fortified with B12 such as cereals, vegetarian meat substitutes, eggs, cheese Cantaloupe, kiwi, red pepper, strawberries, cauliflower, broccoli, green bell pepper, tomato, cabbage, green leafy vegetables, alfalfa sprouts, rose hips, watercress, dandelion greens, red clover, burdock, nettle Type 1 animal derived Type 2 made in the skin when you come into contact with ultraviolet rays of the suns. Type 3 Synthetic form used to fortify milk, some breakfast cereals, and other foods. Vegetable oil, wheat germ oil, legumes, green leafy vegetables, nut butter, butter, egg yolks, milk Most Vitamin K is found in plants. Like Vitamin B12, Vitamin K is also made in the body. Type 1 comes from plant and animal sources Type 2 (the best source) comes from good bacteria living in the intestines.

Vitamin B12 2.0/ (mcg) 2.2/ 2.6

Vitamin C (mg)

60/ 70/ 95

Vitamin D (mcg)

10/ 10/ 12

Vitamin E (mg) Vitamin K (mcg)

8/ 10/ 12 55/ 65/ 65

Calcium (mg)

1200/ Soybeans, tofu, blackstrap molasses, all-bran 1200/ 1200 cereal, broccoli, yogurt, cow milk, hard cheese, salmon, chicken breast, almonds, sea vegetables, alfalfa, red clover, red raspberry leaves, nettle, chamomile, dandelion, kelp, dulse. cup firm tofu (258 mg) has more than 3 oz. salmon (203 mg) Green leafy vegetables, wheat germ, nutritional yeast, whole grains, lentils, nuts, eggs, navy beans, banana, enriched cereal, milk, almonds, chicory greens, romaine lettuce, spinach, brussels sprouts, chicken. cup almonds (78 mcg) has more than 3 oz. chicken (3 mcg) Kelp, seaweed, watercress, dulse, irish moss, all plants, saltine crackers, lima beans, eggs, cow milk, iodized table salt, saltwater fish. 3 oz. salt water fish (250 mcg) has more than 6 saltine crackers (200 mcg) but less than 3 oz. wakame seaweed (500+ mcg) Green leafy vegetables, dried fruits (raisins, apricots, figs, prunes, currants, and cherries), blackstrap molasses, sea vegetables, legumes, whole grains, eggs, lentil, chickpeas, all-bran cereal, lima beans, prunes, broccoli, avocado, asparagus, chicken. 1 cup of lentils (6.6 mg) has more than 4 oz of chicken (1.2 mg) or beef (3.5 mg) Green vegetables, nuts, seeds, soy products, mineral water, okra, brazil nuts, almonds, wheat germ, dates, dried figs, prune juice, corn, milk, beef, salmon. 1 ear of corn (28 mg) has more than

Folate 180/ 250/ (Vitamin B9) 280 (mcg)

Iodine (mcg) 150/ 200/ 200

Iron (mg)

15/ 15/ 15

Magnesium (mg)

280/ 355/ 355

3 oz. of beef (28 mg) Niacin (mg) 15/ 20/ 20 Potassium Peanuts, dry beans, peas, wheat germ, whole grains, enriched breads, avocados, dates, figs, prunes, cow milk, eggs (the body changes the tryptophan in eggs to niacin) Sweet potatoes, lima beans, bananas, figs, cantaloupe, prunes, squash, raisins, apricots, beets, peas, watermelon, oranges, grapefruit, turkey and fish.

Phosphorous 1200/ Alfalfa, red raspberry leaves, dandelion leaves, (mg) 1200/ 1200 watercress, caraway seeds, comfrey, seeds, nuts, grains, yeast, wheat germ, bran, hummus, baked beans, firm tofu, cashew butter, beef, chicken, most fruits and vegetables. cup all-bran cereal (294 mg) has about the same amount of phosphorus as 3 oz. beef (298 mg) Protein (g) 55/ 65/ 65 Tofu, soybeans, lentils, chickpeas, peanut butter, wheat germ, carob, oat bran, tempeh, lima beans, white beans, whole grains, beef, chicken. 1 cup of firm tofu (40 g) has the same amount of protein as 4 oz. roasted chicken. Brewers yeast, seaweed, wild rice, dried peas, beans, peanuts, sunflower seeds, dark leafy green vegetables, asparagus, broccoli, mushrooms, avocado, miso soup, eggs, cottage cheese, cow milk, organ meats Wheat germ, whole wheat, enriched flour, brown rice, spinach, cauliflower, nuts, sunflower seeds, beans, peanuts, peas, avocado, many dried fruit, blackstrap molasses, oatmeal, seminola, walnuts, pistachio nuts, green peas, soy milk, soybeans, salmon ( cup sunflower seeds .65 mg has more B1 than 4 oz. salmon .31 mg) Pumpkin seeds, tofu, beans, brazil nuts, green peas, peanuts, beets, beef, chicken (4 oz. pumpkin seeds 4.5 mg. has more than 4 oz. chicken 2.3 mg)

Riboflavin 1.3/ (Vitamin B2) 1.5/ (mg) 1.5

Thiamin 1.1/ (Vitamin B1) 1.5/ (mg) 1.6

Zinc (mg)

12/ 19/ 19


B Y SC I H O N O R D EVO T I O N If you are planning on getting pregnant, or are already pregnant and are concerned about your birthing options, you may consider a hospital, home birth, or birthing center. If you are concerned about the impersonal and intimidating surroundings that sometimes exist in hospitals and you are not having a High Risk pregnancy, a home birth or birthing center should be considered; especially if you are interested in a natural birth. A birthing center is a facility that offers prenatal and postnatal care as well as delivery. While hospitals focus on illness, pregnancy is considered a natural and healthy process in a birthing center. The mother is encouraged to have input in her birthing experience. A birthing center provides personalized care with certified nurse-midwives, labor coaches, doulas, breastfeeding instructions and more.

Some Qualities of a Birthing Center r The mother and her baby are never separated r The episiotomy rate (cutting of the perineum [tissue] between the vagina and the anus) is less than 12%. Hospitals have a rate of over 90%. Warm olive oil and warm compresses are used to help stretch the woman as opposed to cutting her. r The mother is encouraged to eat and drink during her labor if she pleases, to give her energy. This is not allowed in most hospitals. r As opposed to having strangers and interns in your birthing room, you can be surrounded by familiar faces of family and friends. As many or as little as you like. r The birthing center is equipped with a living room area and kitchen for family and friends r The birthing center usually has a rocking chair, birthing balls, birthing stools, massage showers, and Jacuzzis to help make the mother comfortable and relaxed. r Compared to the expense of giving birth in a hospital, it is cheap and most accept insurance. r The mother is encouraged to meet with all staff members before her birth, so that she is familiar with the staff that is there. r Classes such as breastfeeding, newborn care, childbirth preparation, yoga, massage, etc. are offered: usually at little or no cost. r Meetings are also available such as groups for single mothers, toddlers, fathers, etc. r Only about 12% of all births are transferred to the hospitals. Sometimes, the laboring mother decides that she wants drugs. Only about 2% are emergency transfers. r The woman has the freedom to choose her positions while birthing. r Water birth is an option. r The woman is not strapped in stirrups and fetal monitors. r A Doppler is used in between contractions to check and monitor the babys heart rate. r There is no routine enema or I.V. r U can burn incense, oil, etc. to make the room how you want it. You can bring things that will make you comfortable such as pictures, bed sheets, etc. r You are free to take pictures and video tape your birth. r You leave usually within 24 hours after birth and most of the time a nurse will visit you at home the next day to check on you and the baby. r Families are encouraged to keep in touch with any questions that they may have before and after delivery


TH O R I G I N A L LY P U B L I S H E D I N T H E 1 4 D EG R EE A N D B EYO N D M any women have succumbed to the fear of childbirth and have made up their minds before labor and sometimes even before pregnancy that they are going to get drugs so that that they can not feel the pain of labor. Some women even think that Walking Epidurals will allow them to actually walk. Walking epidurals are a mix of narcotic and local anesthesia. It is thought that epidurals are completely harmless and dont cross the placental barrier. This is not true and new research is even suggesting that there could be a possible link between epidurals given during labor and long term behavioral problems and learning in children. Along with this new research, there are other disadvantages that have already been tested and proven. Here are some things to consider.

I Understand that an Epidural r Will require an I.V. to be inserted prior to receiving the epidural. r May increase the possibility of a cesarean instead of a vaginal birth. r May increase the possibility of a urinary catheter because I may not be able to urinate with the epidural. I also understand that the catheter may increase my risk of a bladder or urinary track infection, requiring antibiotics, which may, in turn, cause me to have a yeast infection and cause my baby to have thrush. r May increase the possibility of a vacuum or forceps delivery because I may not be able to push the baby out. r May increase the possibility of an episiotomy because the I.V . may cause my perineum to be engorged and therefore not able to stretch to allow the baby to be delivered easily. r May lower my blood pressure possibly requiring additional medical intervention. r May slow down my contractions, usually requiring additional medical intervention (Pitocin). r Will severely restrict my mobility during labor. r May cause itching, requiring additional medical intervention, which, in turn, may cause additional discomforts. r May provide uneven or incomplete pain relief. r May cause spinal headaches or spinal fluid leaks, requiring additional medical intervention after the birth. r May reduce the natural production of endorphins, which, in turn, will reduce endorphin response associated with pleasure and joy. r May cause disturbances of the fetal heart rate requiring additional medical intervention for my baby. r May cause my baby to have drowsiness at birth and poor sucking reflex, requiring additional medical intervention, which decreases the chance of breastfeeding. r May cause maternal fever, which can lead to hypothermia and require additional medical intervention, including neonatal NICU workup, such as a spinal tap. r May cause decreased muscle strength and tone in the first hours of my babys life. r May cause decreased maternal/infant bonding. r May prompt prolonged / lifelong back pain
An epidural is given only when a woman is in active labor. Before it is given, an IV is given with 1-2 liters of fluids. This IV will be kept in place during the duration of the labor. Your back is wiped with an antiseptic solution so that there is less of a chance to be infected by bacteria on your skin. A small area of skin in numbed with a local anesthetic. Then, a larger needle is injected into the small area and into the epidural space of your spine. A catheter is threaded into the needle until the tip reaches the space around the spinal cord, which is called the epidural space. The anesthesiologist will test the area to make sure the injection site is correct. If so, a dose of medication is given. The catheter will be taped to the mothers back so that additional medication can be given later on. If the epidural is effective, the uterine nerves begin to numb. After 10 minutes, it should be active. This will be repeated throughout the labor. It is important to make sure that it wears off before its time to push or the mother may not be able to push her baby out on her own. Tools such as forceps and vacuums may need to be used and if that is unsuccessful, a cesarean section will be necessary. When the drugs wear off, the pain may be more difficult to deal with since there is no time to climb the mountain of pain and suddenly end up at the peak of it.

The Purpose for the Pain

Please dont think that the pain of labor has no purpose. It does. Our body is amazing and will never hurt itself unnecessarily, so your body is actually doing what it is supposed to do. The labor pains are a necessary part of the labor process. Hmmm. So why would you need this sensation to birth naturally and normally? Well The pain will guide you. When a woman is feeling this, she will probably move to help deal with it. M ost often, the positions that she chooses to assume for comfort are also for the benefit of the labor process. The positioning helps to rotate the baby and allow the baby to descend as labor progresses. The stress hormones that are produced in response to labor pain help to protect the baby against insufficient oxygen and helps to prepare their lungs for breathing on their own. There are nerves in a womans cervix, pelvic floor muscles and vagina that cause not only pain but stretching sensations as well. The stretch receptors in these areas send signals to the pituitary gland telling it to make more oxytocin which is needed for the labor process to continue by causing contractions, dilation and the urge to push. If you get rid of this pain with a purpose, you wipe out your bodys ability to continue to function on its own.


B Y SC I H O N O R D EVO T I O N A cesarean section (or c-section) is a form of birth in which the mothers abdomen and uterus are cut open. It used to be done when a mothers or babys life was in danger, but recently its also been done for convenience, even if the birth would have been a normal, natural birth. Here in the U.S., c-sections become the most common major operation performed, even though The World Health Organization (WHO) states that no region in the world is justified in having a c-section rate greater than 10%-15%. So why is the rate about 30% here in the U.S.? And why are these numbers rising? Lets take a look at our in-hospital birth practices...

Why are there so Many C-Sections in the US?

Continuous Electronic Fetal Monitoring (EFM) has its downside since it doesnt allow women the freedom to move around. M oving helps to aid in labor progression. Studies have shown that EFM is not more accurate than period checking through other meansits just easier. Dr. Edward Hon and Dr. Orvann Hess invented the electronic fetal monitor in 1957 to treat women with high-risk pregnancies. Almost 30 years later, Dr. Hon said at a conference on Crisis in Obstetrics: The M anagement of Labor:

If you mess around with a process that works well 98% of the time, there is much potential for harm [most women in labor may be] much better off at home [than in the hospital with the electronic fetal monitor].
Labor Inductions. Overstimulation of the uterus limits the blood flow to the placenta and baby. The mothers mobility is also limited when induction take place. When the mother doesnt get the contractions that she was expected to get after being induced, the staff may claim a need for a c-section. Or, the contractions may be so painful that the mother asks or an epidural, which increases her risk of c-section. If you want to avoid an unnecessary cesarean, avoid induction of labor. In many hospitals, pitocin or cytotec are used to induce labor. Cytotec can cause a host of complications to mother and baby, such as placental abruption. Cytotec isnt even approved for use in obstetrics and was made for patients with ulcers. Epidural Anesthesia. As you read earlier, this can slow labor (among other risks), which can lead to pitocin use, which can cause fetal distress by making the contractions too hard and long, which can lead to a c-section. Liability. M any care providers are worried about malpractice and they have good reason to be. Each year doctors are getting sued left and right. As a result, insurance company premiums are so high that many obstetricians are paying a good chunk of their income for malpractice insurance. M any doctors are afraid of something going wrong, and dont want to be sued, so they dont take the time to be patient and allow a mother to labor normally and naturally even when she and the baby are not in danger. Breech Babies. Doctors used to be trained to handle breech babies vaginally. Now, almost 97% of breech babies are delivered by cesarean. There are only a small handful of Obstetricians and M idwives who are skilled in handling breech vaginal births. M any arent even taught in schools how to handle vaginal breech babies anymore. Money, Money, Money. As you may see, most c-sections given are not necessary, but cost almost twice as much as a vaginal birth. A vaginal birth can cost anywhere between $9,000 and $17,000 while a cesarean section can cost anywhere between $14,000 and $25,000. So, looking at these numbers, which one do you think your doctor would prefer to take home? Exactly. So dont be so quick to let them encourage you, scare you or rush you into getting a c-section if you and your baby do not need it. Sometimes, they just want to hurry home to have dinner with their families and since c-sections are quicker for them and put more money in their pockets, thats the route they recommend. Elective Cesareans. M any women are choosing to have a c-section for their own reasons. The most common reasons are that mothers are afraid of the pain of vaginal birth and they want to be in control of when the baby is born. Some are also afraid of the vaginal damage myth. Trust me, theres no need to worry it does go back to normal. As Dr. Roshini Raj has written:

With every C-section you have, your chance of serious complications such as uterine rupture, placenta abnormalities, and postpartum hemorrhage go up. These problems can be very dangerous for you and your baby. Butevery woman heals differently, and while one woman may be able to have three C-sections safely, another may be advised to stop after just one Cesarean because of significant scar tissue or poor healing. But even one Cesarean sections carries some riskSubsequent Cs are riskier than the first one, so the decision to have an initial one shouldnt be taken lightly. Ive heard of women (even some physicians) who schedule a C-section for a first baby for the sake of convenience. This is major surgery, people! So unless its medically necessary, you should take the vaginal route. When is a C-Section a Reasonable Choice?
There are several situations that can be considered indications for cesarean. While many doctors are simply in a rush and dont want to wait for your body to do its job, an ethical doctor may recommend a c-section if

r r r r r r r r r r

The child is in distress showing that the baby isnt getting enough oxygen. There is a failure to progress or they feel that your labor is taking too long to progress. The mother is having health issues such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes or has an injured pelvis. There are placental complications such as an umbilical cord prolapse or uterine rupture. There is more than one child. There is the rare chance that the baby is too large for the birth canal (CPD). Rare umbilical cord abnormalities. STDs such as herpes is active and can be passed to the baby if born vaginally. Previous c-section - This is highly debated since it has been shown that mothers have given birth to healthy babies after theyve had a previous cesarean safely.[22] Issues with the perineums healing from a previous birth or Crohns disease.

What are the Risks?

A cesarean birth is major abdominal surgery. The health risks far outweigh a vaginal birth even if the mother has had a previous cesarean.

r r r r r r r r r

Higher risk of infection in mother during surgery than with a vaginal birth. Longer hospital stay for cesarean mothers and extended recovery time. Cesarean babies do not breastfeed as easily as vaginally born babies. Long-term effects on mothers can include future ectopic pregnancies. Increased risk of hemorrhage, which may lead to transfusion. Hysterectomy to control hemorrhage, which sterilizes the mother. Trauma to bladder, uterus, bowel, or other organs from cutting during surgery Problems with anesthesia leading to paralysis or even death. Babies born by cesarean have a higher rate of developing breathing problems, since the fluid in the babys lungs was not released as they would have been in a natural birth (the baby gets a natural massage from the contractions while traveling down the vaginal canal), which often results in pneumonia or other respiratory issues.

Women who have cesareans are at least 5 times more likely to die as a result of childbirth than women who have vaginal births. And it doesnt stop there. C-sections have been linked to lower fertility, placental complications with subsequent pregnancies, future babies born with abnormalities or injuries to their brains or spinal cords due to placental insufficiencies, premature babies, pain in the incision area long after the surgery, painful sex, problems with bowel movements, and more. Fortunately, some of us have had successful cesareans that were actually necessaryand some were unnecessary. Some of us have beautiful, healthy babies to show for it, while some of us dont. Overall, the procedure is major abdominal surgery and the decision to undergo this procedure should not be taken lightly.

Did You Know? Indigenous healers in Uganda performed a successful cesarean sectionin 1879. Cesarean sections are much older than Julius Caesar (who theyre named after). Indigenous people have been recording as performing such surgeries since ancient India and Egypt. However, these procedures were only done when the mothers life was in danger.


B Y SC I H O N O R D EVO T I O N Although most pregnancies are considered normal, many pregnancies come with complications that can either harm mother baby or both. Unfortunately, because of our overall health, these complications are becoming more popular and a womans risk of caesarean section (which is major abdominal surgery) maternal death and infant death exist because of them. Lets look at some serious symptoms that women experience during pregnancy. Although we cant discuss all problems that can occur, these go beyond the regular uncomfortable symptoms of pregnancy like hemorrhoids, heartburn, nausea and back aches. All of the issues that are mentioned in this article will require some sort of attention if not medical attention unless you have a home birth midwife or holistic healer who is willing to deal with at least some of these issues holistically. Talk to your care providers about your options. Your pregnancy may be complicated if

r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r

r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r

You are either younger than 17 or older than 35 You have been spotting/bleeding during your pregnancy You have a history of miscarriage You have an incompetent cervix You tested positive for Group B Strep You had High Blood Pressure (HBP) prior to getting pregnant You develop HBP (Preeclampsia/Toxemia) during pregnancy You had diabetes prior to getting pregnant You develop gestational diabetes during your pregnancy You have a breech baby at the end of your pregnancy You are carrying more than 1 baby You have a Sexually Transmitted Disease You are Rh- while your baby is Rh+ You have Sickle Cell or another serious disease such as lupus, cancer, thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, or epilepsy You contract a childhood disease like chicken pox, mumps, fifth disease or rubella during pregnancy. *If you have been vaccinated for any childhood disease, it is recommended that you wait 3 months before getting pregnant Youve contracted cytomegalovirus (usually from sick children). Your water breaks before 37 weeks of pregnancy You have severe vomiting which is called hyper emesis You have Anemia of Iron, Folic Acid or B12 deficiency Your pregnancy goes beyond 42 weeks Your mother took the drug DES during her pregnancy with you You have placental problems like placenta abruption or placenta previa You use alcohol, drugs or smoke cigarettes You have asthma Your baby has a genetic condition like Down syndrome or a problem in organs like the liver, kidney, heart, etc. You have an infection like Hepatitis C or Toxoplasmosis Youre taking prescription drugs that are unsafe during pregnancy. You are obese You suffer from depression or other mood or emotional disorders You have heart disease or a disease of another major organ Your baby is suffering from Intra Uterine Growth Retardation (IUGR)

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r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r

Bleeding during pregnancy Abdominal Cramping Pain in the pelvis Water leaking or gushing Headaches Swelling hands and face Blurry eyesight Weight gain of about 1 pound a day Painful urination Dizziness Hot flashes followed by feeling cold Rashes STD outbreaks or discharge Urinary Tract Infections Severe vomiting Weight loss Vaginal infections Absence of fetal movements Diarrhea Itchy soles of feet, palms, legs or whole body Cravings for strange things that are mostly not food items, like dirt, chalk, ice, clay, etc. Persistent back pain Regular contractions before 37 weeks

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Did You Know? The stress of racism can cause premature births for Black mothers. Black women at every socioeconomic level have higher rates of preterm birth and infant mortality. Incredibly, these rates exceed those of white women who have not even finished high school and those of Black women who emigrated to the U.S. from other countries. For example, infant mortality in white women with a college degree or higher is 4 per 1000, while for similarly educated Black women, the rate is 12 per 1000 births. According to the Institute of Medicine, preterm births and complications (breathing problems, cerebral palsy, mental retardation) account for health care expenses in excess of $26 billion a year. Researchers have found that the physiological side effects of stress caused by chronic racism may increase the risk of premature infants in Black women. Things to AVOID as much as Possible
S tress - Being stressed out if never healthy. But suring pregnancy, it can effect both mother and baby. Babys can be born prematurely or with low birth weights. M ore tests are being done to see what the effects of stress are on babys but some have some that babies born to women who are stress are more likely to have birth defects. Try to stay as stress free as possible. Cat Litter - Toxoplasmosis is a parasite found in cat litter that can be passed from a mother to her unborn baby. It can lead to intrauterine growth retardation, preterm labor and miscarriage. S ick Children - Children often are ill with childhood disease or cytomegalovirus (CM V) which can be dangerous too. Childhood diseases can cause cataracts, heart disease, deafness, premature labor, miscarriage and more. CM V is usually contracted when dealing with small children who can pass it. It can effect babies by causing enlarged spleens, rashes, liver problems, seizures and jaundice. Unprotected sex with multiple sex partners - There is a higher risk of contracting an STD which can be very dangerous for a mother and her baby during pregnancy. Babies born to mothers with STDs can be born with eye infections, pneumonia, syphilis (if mother has it), Skin infections, nerve damage, blindness, mental retardation, and more Artificial S weeteners (like Equal, NutraSweet, Sweet N Low and Cyclamate) can cross the placenta and remain in the babies tissue. Caffeine i ncreases blood pressure and heart rate and is a diuretic which means it make you pee al lot which can lead to dehydration. Coffee is not the only beverage with caffeine in it. Teas, Soda and even some Vitamin Water have caffeine. S moking anything with tobacco or nicotine can be a serious problem but many people dont take it as seriously as they should. When you smoke or are around smokers, you are providing your baby with less oxygen than if you were smoke free. This can have negative results. Babies can be born too early, they can have colds all the time, they can have lung problems, learning disabilities an they may not even grow physically as they would if they were healthier. Alcohol - Consuming alcohol during pregnancy can result in a child with physical, mental or neurobehavioral birth defects. The baby can even be born with withdrawal symptoms. Fish (due to its mercury content) - M ercury is a contaminant and is found in fish. It can be harmful to the babys brain development and nervous system. Certain Teas - Non-herbal teas like Black, Green and Oolong are naturally caffeinated and can complicate your pregnancy. Some safe herbal teas to drink are, red raspberry, peppermint, chamomile, ginger root and lemon balm. In moderation, alfalfa and yellow dock can be used for their beneficial properties. You can check your local health food store and look for pregnancy teas already packaged for you. DO NOT consume Black Cohosh or Blue Cohosh if you are not beyond your 37th week of pregnancy. These herbs induce labor and must be taken with caution. Raw/unclean foods - Raw meat, raw eggs, unpasteurized dairy, soft cheeses, deli meat, and unwashed vegetables can be contaminated with salmonella, e-coli, toxoplasmosis or listeria which can complicate pregnancy by increasing the risk of having a low birth weight baby, having a premature baby or even having a miscarriage. Eating non-food items, which is a pregnancy disorder called Pica. This is when a mother craves ice or even clay, due to a nutrient deficiency her body is trying to satisfy (typically Iron). But by eating non-foods, a woman can interfere with normal nutrient absorption to baby. These substances can even be toxic or parasitic. Cleaning Chemicals can be very dangerous to inhale. Be sure to protect your self by using gloves, opening a window or even wearing a mask if you must. NEVER mix bleach and ammonia! It is very dangerous! Prescription Medications can be dangerous too. Check to see if what has been prescribed to you is contraindicated for use with pregnancy. Search the net on databases like REPROTOX or look in a Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) to see if there are any warnings. Doctors do overlook things and can make mistakes. Pesticides can be dangerous and can cause a problem with a babys development by causing cleft lips, neurotube defects, heart problems, limb defects or miscarriage. Recreational Drugs can cause a host of complications in an unborn baby, most of which are long lasting well after birth. M ost of these drugs cross the placenta and can cause the placenta to detach from the mothers uterus too soon causing miscarriage or preterm labor, birth defects of the major organs like the brain or even the genitals, feeding problems when baby is born, withdrawal symptoms, low blood sugar, poor muscle control and a whole lot of other complications that are not easy to deal with. Ultrasound - This procedure has often been used just to give parents a picture of their little one, however, it is a medical procedure that blasts high-frequency sound waves into the mothers belly in order to get the image. It is not known how continued use of ultrasound will affect babies in the future, but it is now being discussed that they could suffer from some hearing disabilities after birth or even later in life. So, if you dont need the procedure done, think twice before getting it. Some other things to avoid are roller coasters and thrill rides, perfumes, paint fumes, tanning machines, x-rays, hot tubs, saunas and CAT scans.

TH O R I G I N A L LY P U B L I S H E D I N T H E 1 4 D EG R EE A N D B EYO N D In these days and times, you never know what may happen. If you are pregnant or know someone who is pregnant, now is a good time to start thinking about what you would do in case there is an emergency and cant get to any outside help If you have planned to have your baby in a hospital or birthing center, you may feel uncomfortable not being able to get there, but remember that we have been birthing since birthing began. Stay calm. If you planned to have a home birth, you may also be uncomfortable, but that is natural for childbirth. I remember the birth of my second was so uncomfortable and I could not remember what to do, but my body remembered and it led me in the right direction. Dont underestimate yourself. You can do it! If you are with the mother when she goes into labor, you can most likely tell by her attitude if she is in active labor. Communicate with her and this will help you to determine if you will need to take action soon. You will have to ask yourself a few questions.

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Has the mother had babies before? Usually, the mothers first birth will be longer. This may give you some time to get some help. If the baby is crowning, then you are about to deliver a child. How frequent are the contractions? If the contractions are more than 5 minutes apart, then you may be able to get help. If they are less than 2 minutes apart, again, you are about to deliver a baby. To time contractions, you should begin looking at your clock from the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next. If the contractions begin in the abdomen area, then they are real labor contractions. If they are confined to the abdomen area, they may be false labor contractions. Has the water broken? If the mothers water has broken, check or ask her what color it was. If it had a yellow/green tint, there may be some meconium in it. That is the babys bowel movement. This can cause infection if the baby is not delivered in a timely matter. Does the mother feel like she has to move her bowels? This feeling is the babys head pushing on the rectum on the way out of the vagina. She may also have a strong urge to push. Pushing too early in labor can cause her cervix to swell which will not help the delivery. She will know when to push.

Examine the mother. If the babys head is out, then you will have no time to get to outside emergency help. You can do this. Dont be afraid. And dont try to keep the baby inside of the mother! If you have access to supplies get them or have someone else get them as soon as possible.

You will need

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Pillows, clean sheets, clean towels Rubber gloves Container for placenta Clean scissors Clean cord ties Boiling water and hot water Baby blanket, caps, and socks (babies lose most of their body heat through their heads) Bulb syringe (not a needle) Olive oil ( warm if possible)

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Wash your hands and wear gloves if possible. (This will probably be all that you have time for).

What you will do

Stay calm and try to calm the mother. Dont try to delay the birth of the baby. Keeping or pushing the baby in when the baby is coming out can cause damage to the child. Choose a birthing area (bed, table, and chair, whatever makes the mother feel comfortable). Remember that this is her birth. She needs to be free to move as her body tells her to. Cover the birthing area with clean sheets, towels, or even newspaper can be used if you have to. Suggest that she use the bathroom to urinate. A full bladder may be in the babys path. Go with her to make sure the baby doesnt fall out. Let the mother choose her position to give birth in and watch her for cues for help. Encourage her to rest in between her contractions. She may also want some ice chips or something to sip on. She needs the energy. Allow her to stay hydrated. If she spits up, that is fine. This will not hurt her or the baby. She will be able to feel when the baby is coming. She will probably say, Its coming!!! or something like that. She is serious. You may see the babys head showing (crowning). Tell her to push with her contractions and rest in between. Apply warm olive oil or warm water to the perineum (the area between the vagina and anus). This will prevent her from ripping and tearing. She may have a bowel movement due to pushing. Just wipe it away from front to back (the way we should wipe anyway) and keep your attention on her. Youll be surprised what you can do (without flinching) in times like this. Just try not to get anything on your hands. As the babys head is delivered, ask her to relax. When the head is delivered, the baby wil naturally turn to either the left or right side to face the mothers thigh. If the umbiblical cord is around the babys neck, slip two fingers between the cord and the babys neck and pull it around the babys head. If the bag of water has not broken, you can tear it gently. Support the babys head and get the bulb syringe. Squeeze the syringe and then place it in the babys mouth about 1 to 1.5 inches. Then release the bulb slowly. This will draw the mucus and water into the syringe. Dispose of the syringe contents. Suction the little nose as well. You may have to repeat a few times. Do NOT suction vigorously. This may stimulate laryngeal spasm. The mother may only have to give a few more pushes and the baby should come out. She may need help though. Support the head in an upright position and this will help the lower shoulder out. Once the shoulder is out the rest of the body will slide out. Be prepared. As the baby slides out, support the baby with one hand under the head and the other hand under the body. The baby will be bluish and covered with a white, slippery, soft film called vernix. This helped to protect the baby from the liquids in the mothers womb. Use a towel to cover the baby and record the time of birth if possible. Place the baby on the mothers stomach and breast on its side. Dont pull on the cord when picking the baby up. While the baby is on the mother, raise the hips a little higher than the head to allow the liquid to drain. While the mother holds the baby, suction the babys nose and mouth. If the baby is not breathing on its own, slap the bottom of the feet and massage the babys back. Keep the body wrapped up very warm. Babies are used to a warm womb. The umbilical cord will stop pulsing because the baby no longer needs it. When the cord has stopped pulsing, you can tie and cut the cord. To cut the cord, the area must be clean. Place the clamps or tie with a thick shoestring on the cord about 1-3 inches apart, about 8 to 10 inches and then the other about 4-6 inches from the babys navel. At about 1 inch from the clamp that is closest to the babys body, cut the cord. M ake sure the scissors or knives are sterile. If you cannot get anything sterile, there is no need to cut the cord. The baby will not be hurt if the cord is not cut. You have to cut the cord with something clean. You dont want to get it infected. Just tie it once and let it be delivered. The cord may bleed, but this is fine. Cover the stump with a clean gauze or cloth since it is vulnerable to infection. The mother may feel cramps in her belly. Now it is time to deliver the placenta. The placenta should be delivered within the next 20 minutes after the baby. This does not hurt. Encourage the mother to nurse her new baby. The nipple stimulation will help to release a hormone called oxytocin (This hormone causes contractions). This will also control the bleeding. Place your hand on her belly and check for a grapefruit sized ball. This is her uterus. M assage the area using circular motions. You will continue to knead this area for about two hours after birth on and off. Encourage her to bear down to deliver the placenta. There may be bleeding. This is fine. When the placenta is visible, grab it and turn it gently. Dont pull it. Slowly guide it out of the vagina. Check the placenta to see if it looks whole. If pieces of the placenta are left in the mother, much bleeding may continue. Wrap the placenta in a container or bag. There should not be much bleeding. About 1-2 cups is fine. If there is a lot of bleeding, the mother may be torn. Check her skin for tears and when you find the tear, place direct pressure on it with a clean towel or sanitary napkin. Keep both of them warm. In some cases, there may be complications. The birthing mother may go into convulsions or have other complications. There may also be problems with the babys birth such as Shoulder Dystocia (wedged shoulders), Breech Delivery, a prolapsed umbilical cord, placenta previa, abruptio placenta, or a ruptured uterus.[23]


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G The Apgar score was devised in 1952 by Dr. Virginia Apgar as a simple and repeatable method to quickly assess the basic health of newborn children immediately after birth. If youre having a planned home birth (even with midwife), an emergency birth, or a birth at a sketchy hospital, its important you know what an Apgar score is, what it measures, how it works, and what to do about if your baby scores low. The Apgar score is determined by evaluating the newborn baby on five simple criteria on a scale from 0 to 2, then summing up the five scores. The resulting Apgar score ranges from 0 to 10. The five criteria (Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration) are used as a mnemonic learning aid. The test has also been reformulated with a different mnemonic, How Ready Is This Child, but the criteria are the same: Heart rate, Respiratory effort, Irritability, Tone, and Color. The five criteria of the Apgar score are as follows:

Criteria Appearance (skin color/ complexion)

Score of 0 blue or pale all over

Pulse Grimace (reflex/ irritability) Activity (muscle tone) Respiration (breathing)

0 no response to stimulation none (limp, extended arms/legs) absent

Score of 1 blue/pale at extremities (feet/ hands), body has pink/reddish-brown color <100 grimace/feeble cry when stimulated some flexion (arms/legs bent at elbows/knees) weak, irregular, gasping

Score of 2 body and extremities have pink/ reddishbrown color 100 cry/pull away when stimulated flexed arms and legs that resist extension strong, vigorous cry/breathing

The test is usually done at one and five minutes after birth, and may be repeated later if the score is low both times. Scores between 7 to 10 are considered normal (a perfect 10 is rare), while 4 to 6 is low, and scores of 3 and below are critically low. A low score on the one-minute test may show that your baby requires medical attention. But it doesnt necessarily mean there will be long-term problems, especially if they do better at the five-minute test. Either way, a critically low score is a CLEAR indicator that you should seek further immediate attention, ESPECIALLY in the case of a home birth. If youre at a hospital and your babys Apgar score is low, its time to ask whats being done. Dont wait. If the babys Apgar score is STILL below 3 at 10, 15, or 30 minutes, there is a risk that the child will suffer longterm neurological damage, especially if nothing is done.

B Y SC I H O N O R D EVO T I O N Before your baby is born, you should have already interviewed and decided on a pediatrician. Call your health insurance and get the names and numbers of pediatricians that they cover in the area in which you are willing to travel. Remember, you dont want the doctor to be too far in case you have an emergency. You also dont want to settle on a doctor just because they are close to home. You want to be sure that they share your health care philosophy and are willing and able to answer and address your questions, concerns and needs. You can also go to the health insurances web site to search for names and locations there. If you are looking for a more natural or holistic doctor, you can use natural magazines as a resource, ask other parents who that use, or you can do an internet search. Some insurance companies will even cover the costs for some holistic practitioners. Did you know that M edicaid in New York covers homebirth? You never know what youll find unless you ask. You just have to ask and see.

Some things to consider when deciding on a pediatrician are r What insurance do you accept? r What are your standard fees if I have no insurance? r Which medical school did you attend? r Where did you do your residency? r Are you board certified or board eligible? r How long have you been in practice? r Which undergraduate school did you attend? r Are you a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics? r What hospital are you affiliated with? r Can I call you 24 hours a day? r Do you have an answering service/paging service? r What are your office locations and hours? r What is the average wait time during a normal visit? r What would I do if there is an emergency? r Do you have a back up doctor? Where is he/she located? Do they follow your idea of good practice? r When would I introduce solids to my child? r When do you think prescription drugs are necessary? r How do you feel about childhood vaccines and will you explain each vaccine and their adverse reactions before giving them? If I choose not to have my child vaccinated, will you continue to care for them? Do you offer exemptions? r What tests do you do routinely after birth? r Do you consider circumcision to be medically necessary (even though the American Academy of Pediatrics does not)? If I decide not to have the procedure done, what must I do? If I decide to have the procedure done, what must I do? r Do you recommend cloth or disposable diapers and what are the pros and cons of each? r I have a particular diet (vegetarian, vegan, raw foodist). How do you feel about this type of diet and have you cared for children with this type of diet in the past? r What are your thoughts on breastfeeding and how long do you recommend I do it for? Do you have a list of lactation consultants or someone I can call if I need assistance or have questions? r What type of infant formula do you recommend? Notice during your interview r Was the doctor and his staff respectful of you and did you feel comfortable? r Do you know anyone who has used this doctor before successfully or unsuccessfully? r Were there age appropriate toys and books for the children? r What did you notice about the office decoration? r Are both the office and restroom clean? r Is the doctor patient? r Were all of you questions answered? r How does the doctor interact with children? r How long did you wait to meet with the doctor? r Did you hear or see anyone complaining about their care or experience?


TH O R I G I N A L LY P U B L I S H E D I N T H E 1 4 D EG R EE A N D B EYO N D Holistic health means achieving a state of wellness that encompasses you as a whole not just treating single components of your mind or body. It goes beyond the medical model of doctors simply treating symptoms, or patients simply coping with one illness while those coping methods create another problem. The holistic approach to well-being focuses on the root of our ills and disease, in order to prevent their reoccurrence altogether. One of the most dynamic aspects of holistic health is that it encourages people to educate, analyze, and treat themselves, creating their own ideal vision of health, by understanding all aspects of themselves and pursuing a well-balanced way of life.[24] Because holistic health pertains to the all in all of us, prenatal health begins before conception; just as labor and delivery preparation begins way before the contractions ever start. There are many things to consider before conception to ensure that mother and baby remain healthy throughout the pregnancy. That is why a holistic approach to health is so important, because it means you are actively creating a healthy mind, body and environment for yourself all of the time.

Bad eating habits and stressful environments can lead to a bad womb environment. Eating too few calories or nutrients can hinder cell development and cause low-birth-weight, and low-birth-weight babies have an increased risk of both short and long-term health problems throughout their lives. Chronic dieting, skipping meals, improper fasting, low consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, smoking, alcohol, drug use, and being significantly underweight or overweight are all factors that can create an at-risk pregnancy. The fetuss major organs begin forming in the first few weeks of pregnancy; and the development of a babys bones, tissues and organs all require different, balanced nutrients at different stages of development throughout the pregnancy. The Baby Weight. To gain weight slowly, yet steadily, keep in mind that it is recommended that women consume an extra 200 calories a day during their first trimesters, and in addition to their normal caloric intake will need 300-500 extra calories a day during the second and third trimesters. These calories are necessary to ensure the constant growth and development of your baby. These measurements are approximate, but typically by the end of your pregnancy 6-9 of the pounds you gain will be your infants, 1 pounds will go to the placenta, amniotic fluid will accumulate to 2 pounds, your breasts will enlarge by 1-3 pounds, your uterus will enlarge by approximately 2 pounds, fat stores and muscle development consists of 4-8 pounds, increased blood volume will be 3-4 pounds, and increased volume in other bodily fluids will addd 2-3 pounds. Depending on the size of your baby and the amount of fat and muscle you store during pregnancy, an expectant mother should gain anywhere between 22-35 healthy pounds during her pregnancy. The Babys Weight. The weight that a baby will be at birth is partially determined by the amount of weight the mother gains during pregnancy. A desirable weight for full-term newborns is between 6-9 pounds, because babies born within this weight class usually have a lower rate of sudden infant deaths, fewer mental and physical handicaps, fewer childhood illnesses, and are generally better mentally and physically able than smaller, premature infants. What to Eat. Of course, to ensure that these are healthy pounds we have to take a holistic approach to our diets by eating foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals rather than empty, fattening, cholesterol-laden calories. Folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, and fiber can all very easily be acquired in the foods we eat. M ost grains are naturally low in fat and high in nutrition when they are unbleached, unprocessed, and not topped with a lot of sugar. Brown rice is an excellent source of folic acid and fiber, breads that are high in fiber are pumpernickel, rye and flax which also has omega 3, 6 and 9s which are good for the babys brain development. Fruit and nut breads are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, as are vitamin fortified whole wheat cereals and pastas. Some of the best fruits and veggies to eat to ensure you are receiving these nutrients include: apples, apricots, bananas, bell peppers, broccoli, cantaloupe, carrots, citrus fruits and juices, corn, dried fruit, grapes, greens, mango, papaya, pears, peas, pineapple, raspberries, spinach, squashes, strawberries, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and vegetable juice. M any expectant mothers experience constipation healthy fiber intake and fruits like apples, pears and grapes will ensure regular bowel movements. What Not to Eat. Calcium, protein, iron and zinc are also essential vitamins and minerals to ensure mother and babys health. Protein is the main building block for your babys cells and tissue growth. People tend to believe that meat is required in diet during pregnancy, to ensure that you get enough protein and iron. This is untrue and, with proper nutrition, you can maintain a vegetarian or vegan diet during pregnancy. In fact, if you do eat meat, dairy and eggs you will have to take additional precautions beyond simply making sure you are getting the proper nutrition. For example, since expectant mothers are more susceptible to food poisoning, all meats should be cooked thoroughly and stored properly. Hand-washing is essential. Vegetarians should also take care to thoroughly wash all of their produce. Similarly, while fish can provide nutrients needed for brain development, most fish pose a risk to brain development in the form of chemical poisoning, such as mercury, PCBs, and other toxins from the water. The key to a healthy diet, whether vegetarian or not, during pregnancy is snack and meal planning, eating a wide variety of foods, being aware of the nutrients provided in those foods, and balancing your intake of the different food categories (grains/fiber, fruit, vegetables, calcium-rich foods, protein-rich foods, fats and oils) to ensure a well-rounded diet. Plant-based foods that are high in calcium, protein, iron and zinc include: Calcium: almond, oat and rice milks, broccoli, collard greens, dry beans, kale, vitamin-fortified cereals, and yogurt alternatives like Wholesoy or So Deliciouss coconut-based yogurt. Protein: dry and canned beans, lentils, nuts and seeds (tahini), soy foods (tofu, tempeh, edemame). Iron: beans, blackstrap molasses, dried fruits, kale, lentils, quinoa, spinach, split-peas, tofu, whole-grain and vitamin fortified breads and cereals. Zinc: almonds, baked beans, chickpeas, frozen or canned peas, muesli, peanut butter, pumpkin seeds, tahini, and wholemeal bread.

Essential Vitamins and Minerals

By taking a holistic approach to your health, you take the initiative to study and learn what is needed to maintain optimal health throughout your pregnancy. You study your food, nutrient and caloric intake (perhaps even keeping a food journal) in order to determine what nutrients you are slacking in so that you can choose the supplements that are the most natural and most soluble (rather than animal meat, oil or bone originated vitamins, or even synthetic knock-offs of plant based ingredients as are often prescribed). Folic Acid. One of the most important supplements that every pregnant woman (and woman in general) should be taking is 400 mcg of folic acid daily. However, your intake of folic acid should never exceed 1 mg per day. Folic acid is most important in the first six weeks of the

fetuss development and because absorption of any vitamin or mineral takes time, its vital that folic acid be present in your body before conception even occurs. It not only helps blood cell and hemoglobin formation, but alleviates heavy menstrual bleeding, hemorrhaging in childbirth, and improves lactation. The primary need for folic acid at conception, however, is because within 4 weeks of conception the fetuss neural tube is closed. Therefore, taking folic acid is vital to the babys development, although after this time frame (4-6 weeks after conception) it will no longer aide in the prevention of neural tube defects. Folic acid deficiency can cause various neural tube defects including spina bifida (incomplete closure of the spine), anencephaly (a partially or completely missing brain) and encephalocele (a hernia of the brain). Lifestyle choices attributed to folic acid deficiency include taking oral contraceptives, poor eating habits, strict dieting, alcohol abuse and cigarette smoke. The many dietary sources of folic acid are fortified breakfast cereals and whole-grain breads, dark leafy green vegetables, peas, beans and lentils, citrus fruits, bananas, cantaloupe and tomatoes. Iron. Iron is another nutrient that is critical during pregnancy. The amount of iron needed in an expectant mother, 30 mg, is double that required of non-pregnant women, and it is very near impossible to achieve this intake of iron without taking supplements because the average diet in America contains approximately 6 mg of iron per 1,000 calories, and eating 5,000 calories or more a day what would be needed to consume 30 mg of iron is impractical. Iron helps you and your baby in many ways it is required to develop red blood cells which deliver oxygen to the fetus, it prevents fatigue, and it is a necessary ingredient in the formation of the baby and placentas tissue. In addition, all newborns need enough stored iron to last for their first six months of life. Iron deficiency anemia occurs when we dont get enough iron; it causes chills, dry mouth, fatigue, and most importantly weakens the immune system. I myself am genetically pre-disposed for iron deficiency, a trait inherited from my mother, and this disorder is enhanced by a heavy menstrual cycle. The iron supplements I have found to be most soluble are VegLife Vegan Iron (which also contains vitamin C, folate/folic acid and vitamin B12) and Floradix Iron and Herbs by Salus Haus. Its important to know that vitamin C helps foster absorption of iron and calcium restricts its absorption. So never take iron supplements with calcium enriched beverages or foods, instead take iron supplements with drinks that are high in vitamin C including orange and tomato juice or vegetable juices; also, eat iron rich foods with those that have vitamin C. Preparing foods in a cast-iron skillet can also enrich your iron intake, as can 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses daily. Essential Fatty Acids. An expectant mother may find her doula or midwife, or even friends, recommending that she take a fat supplement in the form of an Omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acid blend. Omega-3 and Omega-6 are considered essential fatty acids (EFAs), but the human body cannot produce them itself. They are imperative for proper brain development, immune system function and blood pressure regulation; in addition to aiding the babys brain development they provide energy for growth. Omega-9 is considered a non-essential fatty acid but is produced naturally by the body when Omega-3 and 6 are present. It helps to lower cholesterol levels, reduce hardening of the arteries and improve immune function and lowered immune function is common in pregnant women. Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 all have primary roles in the babys vision and brain development and functioning. Primary food sources for the Omega-3 essential fatty acid includes: brazil nuts, chia seed oil, flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, grains, hempseed oil, mustard and pumpkin seeds, raw walnuts and walnut oil, spirulina, and wheat germ oil. Food sources for the Omega-6 essential fatty acid includes: cottonseed oil, grapeseeds, hempseed oil, olive oil, pistachios, raw nuts and seeds, sesame oil, sunflower oil, and wheatgerm. Foods that Omega-9 non-essential fatty acids can be found in include: almonds, avocados, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, olives and olive oil, pecans, and pistachios. Supplements for the Omega fatty acids can most commonly be found in the form of fish oil, which often come in capsule form, or as flaxseed oil to be ingested by teaspoon the brands that I am most familiar with and that have a special womens blend are Barleans and Udos Choice. Other Vitamins and Minerals. Aside from folic acid, iron and the Omega fatty acids, most other vitamins and minerals can be obtained quite naturally (with thought and effort), through a well balanced diet. Although folic acid, iron and the Omega fatty acids are the most vital nutrients needed by an expectant mother, others that are essential to optimal health include:

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Vitamin C, which can help reduce labor pain if taken before delivery, aids in the formation of healthy gums, teeth and bones in the baby, keeps the mothers tissues healthy, and as stated before, improves iron absorption Zinc, which has been found to help babies reach the desired birth weight of 6-9 pounds, and supports immune function Calcium, which helps build a strong skeletal system and teeth Vitamin D, which is needed for calcium absorption and bone formation Vitamin E, which helps improve the mothers skin and cause less abrasive stretching, and is believed to help prevent stretch marks (and is typically deficient in low-birth-weight and premature babies)

Herbs were the essential medicines in any healers repertoire long before western medicine was ever thought of. The use of herbs to cure disease, treat ailments, and attain optimal health is a primary aspect of holistic approaches to health. Herbalism is a traditional medicinal characterized by the use of plants, roots or extracts as medicines; and the herb is the plant or plant part used for these medicinal means. What People DONT Take: M any of the herbs that have helped keep your immune system functioning in tip-top condition prior to pregnancy are no longer safe to take during pregnancy.

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Herbs such as aloe vera, angelica, autumn crocus, barberry, black cohosh, celery seed, cinnamon, devils claw, golden seal, hyssop, juniper, male fern, mandrake, parsley seed, pennyroyal, pokeweed, rosemary, rue, sage, southernwood, tansy, thuja, wormwood and yarrow have all been known to stimulate the uterus and cause preterm labor contractions and even result in miscarriage and should thus be avoided. Pennyroyal has been known to be used as a natural method of abortion because it is so effective at causing miscarriages. Goldenseal has been used by midwives to assist with uterine contractions in slow labor, but it should not be taken without the guidance of a professional, and should never be taken throughout ones pregnancy. Some herbs are also recognized as promoting female reproductive health, the strengthening of uterine muscles, enhancing lactation, and general womb/womens wellness include alfalfa, dandelion root, kelp, nettle leaves,

What People Take: Other herbs are safer and can help ward off morning sickness (like chamomile, ginger, peppermint and black horehound) or other problems, and can be taken as teas, smoothies, made into compresses, or the mother-to-be can soak in a bath of them.

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oatstraw, and yellow dock. Olive oil is often used to massage the perineum the area of tissue between the opening of the vagina and opening of the anus massaging this area with two fingers stroking downward from the vaginal opening with olive oil in the last month of pregnancy is said to help prepare the perineum for stretching and helps prevent tears and the need for episiotomies. Alfalfa and kelp are good sources of many vitamins and minerals; alfalfa has vitamin K, which is essential for normal blood clotting, and kelp has calcium, which is essential for proper bone and teeth development in the baby and maintenance of bone density, teeth and gums in the mother. St. Johns wort and shepherds purse help uterine contractions at birth. In the last four weeks of pregnancy, blessed thistle, blue cohosh, false unicorn root and squawvine may be taken to prepare the uterus for an easier birth by aiding contractions but they should not be taken in the first two trimesters of pregnancy. To enrich the production of milk burdock root, dandelion, ginger, and nettle may be taken, as well as red raspberry leaf which is quite possibly the most popular and widely used among these herbs to ensure pregnancy health. Raspberry or red raspberry leaf is commonly used to soothe and prevent bleeding gums (which many pregnant women experience due to loss of calcium reserves), relax the muscles of the uterus during contractions and therefore aiding the birth of the baby and placenta, eases cramping, and is a source of iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, vitamins B1, B3 and E. It is also considered to be a fertility aid, and is used to prepare the womb for pregnancy.

Sitz Bath
Another means by which herbs are used as a holistic approach to delivery is in the making of a Sitz Bath. Sitz baths have also been known to relieve discomfort from infections of the bladder, prostate or vagina; menstrual cramps; uterine cramping after birth; genital sores; inflammation of the prostate gland or prostate infections; surgery in the rectal area; and inflammatory bowel disorders. The word sitz derives from the German word sitzen which means to sit, and when taking a sitz bath typically only your hips, pubic area, buttocks and lower abdomen are immersed in the water. M ost sitz baths are comprised of a person simply sitting in warm water for about 20 minutes; sometimes Epsom salt or baking soda is added. To ease the discomfort of yeast infections, women can take a warm saline sitz bath with sea salt or Epsom salt and vinegar the vinegar balances the vaginal pH (acidity and alkalinity). An herbal sitz bath after delivery can help to ease the muscles and tissues around a womans vagina, relieve uterine cramps and the pain of an episiotomy or perineum tearing, as well as speed healing in that area. The bath can be taken by sitting in a small basin or plastic tub placed inside your bathtub, sitz bathtubs may also be purchased that fit on top of your toilet seat. You can make the sitz bath in your bathtub, but for hygienic reasons your feet and legs should NOT be immersed in the water so make sure they remain hanging over the outside of the tub. A sitz bath recipe (from Dandelion Botanical Company in Seattle): Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

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1 oz. each of chamomile, chickweed, marshmallow root, plantain, lavender flowers, and calendula 2 oz. of rosemary and uva ursi 2 oz. sea salt.

Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

To prepare the bath, pour boiling water over 4 ounces of the herbal blend. Let it steep for at least 4 hours. Strain the infusion into a bowl or directly into your sitz bath basin, then sit with your vaginal area in the bath for about 15 minutes. This process can be repeated several times a day if you dont have stitches. If you do have stitches, a sitz bath should only be taken once a day.

As stated in the beginning of this article, physical conditioning is an essential part of holistic health. Exercise boosts your energy, gives you stamina and this increased endurance helps women deal with long labors, agility, makes you feel good through the release of endorphins, and increases blood flow which does wonders for skin appearance. The strengthening of ones muscles and heart health allows them to better cope with labor and delivery. Exercise also helps you to regulate your breathing which helps manage pain, and exercise decreases the sheer fat weight gained during pregnancy enabling a woman to lose her pregnancy weight more quickly after delivery (losing weight should NOT be a concern during pregnancy). Various exercises can be done during pregnancy as long as the mother is not straining herself including swimming, brisk walking, aerobics, yoga (See Prenatal Yoga), and dance (the hip and waist movements used in salsa and belly dancing specifically help to widen a womans pelvic opening and strengthen her pelvic muscles).

Kegel Exercises
Kegel exercises are also recommended to pregnant women to ease birth by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. This exercise consists of squeezing your pubococcygeus muscles (PC muscles), which are the muscles that help you stop the flow of urine while peeing or when holding it. To ensure that you have control of your PC muscles, try stopping your flow of urine while in the midst of peeing, do this repeatedly until you are sure youre able to stop the flow. You can feel the pressure of squeezing this muscle also by sticking your finger inside your vaginal opening and squeezing, or while practicing the tightening of the PC muscles during intercourse. Your mate wont complain. To perform the Kegel exercise, you simply tighten the PC muscles for about 5 seconds, then release them for about 5 seconds. Doing this in sets of 5-8 repetitions will help you develop the ability to control these muscles during labor and delivery, and the toning of these muscles will eliminate a leaky bladder during delivery and the development of hemorrhoids. Kegel exercises are also recommended after pregnancy to promote perineal healing, to regain bladder control, and to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. This is one exercise that can be done anywhere and at any time without anyone ever knowing youre doing them.

Other Ideas
There are many other holistic approaches to prenatal health, labor and delivery that should be taken into account before pregnancy and all throughout your babys 9-month gestational period. Some that are more pertinent than others like choosing whether or not to have a midwife, doula or labor support person assist you through your pregnancy and childbirth. Some of the benefits to having midwives and doulas is that they decrease your chances of having a cesarean and episiotomy, they help gather information about labor options, they encourage mothers to let nature take its course during labor and delivery, and their overall goal is to ensure that the mother and infant have a safe and satisfying birthing experience. Where you choose to give birth can also greatly affect the holistic health of mother and baby. In the United States hospitals are still the primary place women go to give birth, regardless of the fact that hospitals are technically intended for sick people. But more and more women are returning to the tradition of giving birth at home like the vast majority of women in Africa and Asia have done since the beginning of time. An option for delivery that some women find safer is to have their baby at a birthing center. (See What is a Birthing Center?) In addition to considering who will aide in the birth of your baby and choosing the location where your child will be born, there are a number of other ways in which mothers-to-be can take a holistic approach to pregnancy health and managing the discomforts and pains of childbearing, labor and delivery. Here is a list of some of those means that you may want to research: Acupuncture and Acupressure, Aromatherapy, Birthing Chairs and Birthing Balls, Hydrotherapy, Hypnobirthing, Prenatal M assage and Chiropractic Care, Reflexology and Reiki, and one method that Ive been told by my sister-in-law (who is a mother of four and has given birth at a hospital, at home on the kitchen floor, and in a birthing pool) is her #1 choice, because it relieves labor pains like no other method Water Birth. Yes, every woman is different in her own special ways, therefore we experience childbearing differently. Some women face extreme sickness throughout their entire pregnancies, while others have no prenatal problems at all; women labor differently some face excruciating pain for many hours on end, while others water breaks immediately and they experience hard labor for only an hour or two; some women do face complications during labor and delivery that require them to have a cesarean, while others say their babies practically slid right out. Because our experiences during the prenatal months, labor and delivery vary, the holistic approaches that we take will be different as well, and must be suited to our own individual needs. No woman should ever be told what she should or should not do, as long as it does not directly harm her or the baby. If you offer an expectant mother advice, it is better to express to her what worked for you, and inform her of her options remembering, no one way is the right way. Childbearing and birthing is the most divine experience of a womans life. It should be embraced by the mother-to-be with complete confidence in her competence, and respected by those who stand by her side throughout this blessed transformation in her life.

B Y EB O N I J O Y A SI AT I C Other than Kegel exercises, one of the most highly recommended exercises during pregnancy is yoga. Yoga is a combination of posturing, breath control, meditation, and visualization techniques in order to bring awareness and syncopation to the mind, body and spirit (breath). It helps relieve backaches and improves posture by strengthening and toning muscles in your back, butt and thighs, it accelerates movement in your intestines thereby increasing regularity, there is little to no stress on your joints during yoga because the movements are fluid and held for selective amounts of time, and like every exercise yoga helps you rest better at night. Because yoga focuses on both mind and body awareness and control it helps us bring our natural intuition into conscious understanding that the process of birth and the discomfort and pain associated with pregnancy and labor is purposeful and thus natural. It helps us reconnect with the process of childbirth and remain in tune with our bodys processes during delivery so that we can better recall how to ease the process along with our own conscious, meditative efforts. Yoga poses are referred to as asanas. The poses are to be held briefly and repeated on each side of the body an equal number of times to maintain balance, and then you are to move into the next pose fluidly and effortlessly. Yoga poses usually help alleviate back pain, teach pain management, breath control and relaxation skills, and increase flexibility, endurance, patience, stillness and centeredness. During pregnancy the spine has a tendency to curve more than it naturally does which hunches the shoulders and upper back forward and collapses our ribcage. So not only is your growing baby taking up space from your internal organs, but your changes in posture are compressing your lungs and diaphragm resulting in shortness of breath. This is also a primary cause of heartburn the stomach gets compressed and its acids regurgitate up the esophagus. M any prenatal poses help to cease this problem by opening the chest; prenatal poses also facilitate the opening of the pelvis to prepare for the babys descent through the birth canal, and increase the flexibility of the uterine and pelvic muscles. An important guideline for exercise during pregnancy is to know your limitations and practicing stances that make your body feel as though it is being strengthened. Avoid activities that endanger the abdomen, have quick jarring, bouncing, or twisting motions, rapid starts and stops, and avoid exercises that require you to lay flat on your back once you have entered the second trimester (4th month of pregnancy) as it decreases blood circulation because your uterus presses down on the major vein that carries blood from your lower body to your heart and further interferes with the blood flow to your baby and placenta. If you feel any pain in your back, knees or abdomen area you should come out of that pose; and if you experience any cramping or overheating you should take a rest from exercising altogether. Honoring the health of your unborn child is always primary and should remain part of your conscious thoughts. Keep in mind that there are poses that pregnant women, especially after their first trimester, should not attempt (like the cobra pose) and some that should be altered to prevent over-stretching (like the extended triangle pose) please contact a professional yoga instructor or purchase a prenatal DVD to ensure that you are practicing yoga as it should be done during pregnancy. Below, I have provided photographs of myself performing, at nearly 30-weeks pregnant, just a few of the most highly recommended prenatal yoga poses: Butterfly pose (baddha konasana): A sitting pose that helps open the pelvis, stretch the spine and open the rib cage. Gently sit balanced on your sit bones, sit up straight, and pull your legs in by touching heel to heel. If your knees feel any discomfort, place rolled towels or blankets underneath them. Gently press the knees down and away from each other. Stay in this pose for a few breaths, and then from this position lean back on your right palm, bending your elbow, and reach for the sky leaning to the right by stretching your left arm and shoulder over your head. Repeat on the other side by stretching the right arm and leaning back on the left palm. Cat pose (bidalasana) and Cow pose (bitilasana): These positions help relieve back pain, increases spinal flexibility and abdominal strength. Come to a neutral tabletop position aligning hips over knees and shoulders over wrists. Keep knees hip distance apart and arms straight. For the cat pose arch your back while gently tilting the pelvis up and out as you roll the head, neck and shoulders back, inhaling. For the cow pose exhale and curl the tailbone under and in, rounding the back, tucking chin to chest. Follow the breath for a few cycles through these poses. S quatting (malasana): This pose relaxes and opens the pelvis, and strengthens the calves, thighs and hamstrings, as well as elongates your spine. Stand against a wall for support with your feet wider than your hips, with your feet parallel to each other (or turn them slightly out if its more comfortable). Bend your knees and ease your way down into a squat, bringing hands together at heart. Open through the chest as you gently press your knees wider. If you are past 34 weeks and your baby is in the breech position, only squat halfway. If you need to, use props such as yoga blocks or a few stacked books on which to rest your bottom (as done in the picture). Focus on relaxing and letting your breath drop deeply into your belly. Warrior II (virabhadrasana II): This pose strengthens the legs, knee muscles, shoulders and arms; it also increases pelvic and spine flexibility. Bring the legs about a legs length apart. Align the front heel with the arch of the back foot. Bend the front leg to a depth of 90 degrees if you can, positioning the knee over the ankle. Press firmly through the outside edge of the back foot. Bring both arms up reaching to opposite sides of the room. Gaze softly over the front foot. As you get larger and heavier, you may need the use of a chair for support under the pelvis. Repeat this pose on the other side. (FYI, in the picture my arms are tilted a little too much and my right knee should ideally be bent a bit more to achieve the 90 degree angle.) Resting Pose (savasana): Usually the resting pose is done on the back, however after the fourth month of pregnancy it should be adjusted and done on the side. Resting pose gives your body time to process the information it has gained during its exercise, and relax the mind, body and breath to bring them back into a harmonious flow. Use any number of blocks, pillows or rolled-up towels for cushioning and comfort. Relaxation postures like the resting pose oppose the effects of stress. Focus your attention on your breath, breathing into your belly and sending your baby unconditional love. Rest here and remain in this pose as long as you like. When you come out, use arms for support and come to a comfortable seated position, hands at heart center. Find gratitude for your practice and your unborn baby.[25]

M editation is an essential aspect of yoga because it helps you clear your mind and just be still, aware of the present, and equally able to visualize the outcome you seek to achieve. Yoga is a physical discipline, and meditation is a mental discipline, one that enables its practitioners to gain awareness and relaxation at will. When meditation techniques are put to practice by expectant mothers it can help them plan a stress-free labor and delivery by disciplining them to clear their minds, focus, visualize and manifest. In her book Holistic Parenting from the Pan-Afrikan Perspective, Iya Raet mentioned how meditating on your babys birth can begin as soon as conception is confirmed; she said:

I talked to my son, guided him through our birth experience I reassured him that it would be safe to leave the womb when it was time. I visualized him leaving my womb in a peaceful manner. I visualized my cervix opening slowly like a lotus flower, allowing his head to enter the birth canal. I envisioned him crowning slowly, and then pulling him up with my own hands onto my belly.

M editation can be practiced while sitting still, laying down, or even walking. One meditation technique is referred to as mindfulness meditation. If practicing this during labor an expectant mother would sit in silence and center her attention on one particular object or process like her own heartbeat; or she might, in her own mind, recite a mantra something like pain with a purpose, pain with a purpose; she could be visualizing a goal, like the babys head crowning and pushing out his/her body completely; or she might be performing an exercise like various breath control techniques. As long as the mother remains mindful of the object or process that she has chosen to focus on and has disciplined herself to, at will, bring her focus back when her concentration is swayed by outside forces, her meditation can be successful in relieving labor pains, speeding the delivery process, and even delaying fatigue. Another meditation technique is called concentration meditation, and it is often used ritualistically in chanting (reciting Bible verses, Quran surahs, or even 120 Lessons), focusing your gaze on a candle flame, or envisioning a light within yourself that starts small at your center or belly button and expands outwardly that becomes your aura, even visualize the colors of your aura. Practice this technique by sitting still and allowing your mind to relax and think of nothing once you have begun and repeated the ritual. Be aware when your focus is broken by distractions so that you can clear your mind of them again and focus on just being and relaxing. Regardless of what meditation technique you practice, breath should always bring you back to your center refocusing on your breath control, inhaling deeply through your nose down to your diaphragm then exhaling through your mouth, should always help you to clear your mind from distractions.

Breathing Techniques
Breath is life and therefore with concentrated breath circulating through our bodies, being shared with our unborn babies, we feed our children with the breath of life for the duration of their lives during pregnancy. They are receiving the most essential of the right foods starting at conception. Breath techniques are meant to build mastery over the mind and body. In Zazen, the meditation of the Buddha, the practitioner sits comfortably and stills their mind by counting the flow of their breath counting alternately each inhalation (1) and exhalation (2) from one to ten. This count is repeated every time you reach 10. This is a practice that helps prevent your thoughts from drifting. Once your count is steady, start counting each breath cycle inhale, exhale (1) inhale, exhale (2) and so on and so forth until you reach ten, at which time you repeat the meditation. As you become more knowledgeable about your breathing patterns, you should be able to be aware of the count without counting and one with your breath. Zazen breath meditation helps its practitioners develop the power of focused concentration and create a serene, peaceful mind-set for themselves regardless of environment this ability will come in handy during labor, especially if you are delivering in a hectic environment like a hospital. Another breath meditation is Vipassana, meaning to see things as they really are, and serves the purpose of helping its practitioners develop insight into the true nature of things through self-observation by being aware of ones breath, how it enlivens the body, and recognizing the sensations caused by this repetition. Vipassana meditation classes are an extremely intense 10-day all-day course that aims to first calm the mind by instituting a basic moral code upon its students, and from there completely eradicate mental devils (or impurities) so that its practitioner can achieve happiness in their acquisition of mental freedom. Again, this technique is another means of teaching an expectant mother to:

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transfer only positive thoughts and emotions upon her unborn child, think and act optimistically so that the energy she puts out comes back to her in the form of optimal success, and heal herself from suffering whether mental worries or labor and delivery pains

This techniques focus on the interconnectedness between mind and body causes its practitioners to embrace their physical sensations by understanding the cause and effects of them. This discipline teaches that self-transformation can be achieved through self-observation, increased awareness, non-delusion, self-control and peace. In the disciplines of meditation and breath control, you are channeling energy the energy you choose that will best aide you in achieving your meditative goal and this energy is proven to bring its practitioners self knowledge, emotional balance, and psychological well-being. M ental peace and happiness must be a primary acquisition before we can achieve well-rounded holistic health that branches to our physical health as well. M editating on the gift that will be received once labor is complete allows women to channel the truth of the mantra that labor pain is pain with a purpose. Alleviating some of the suffering of labor by visualizing the outcome of the experience of delivery is an act of mind over matter. And so it is important to visualize your birth and meditate on what steps need to be taken in order to create this heavenly experience for yourself and your unborn child.[26]

Did You Know? The US was ranked 12th in the world in infant mortality in 1960. It slipped down to 23rd in 1990, and was 29th by 2004, tied with Slovakia! And thats not even factoring for racial disparities. Infant mortality among whites in 2005 was 5.76 per 1,000 births, 8.06 among Native Americans, 8.3 among Puerto Ricans, and 13.68 among Blacks. And depending on where you live, theres even more disparity. In 2006, Tennessee reported infant mortality rates that surpassed the national average by over 31%, with the rate for Black babies twice that of whites.


B Y SC I H O N O R D EVO T I O N Sold on the Auction. Taught birth control and abortion. Rulers of the first part became slaves of the worst part.How many more Black Gods must die? RZA, The Night the Earth Cried Birth control and abortion are serious subjects that need to be talked about in our hoods so that we understand their risks and true purpose. Some of us have fallen so deeply into their trap that weve even begun to use abortion as a form of birth control, running to the clinic each time we have an unwanted pregnancy and terminating it. Seems like theyve gotten us exactly where they want us. Dont believe me? Listen to M argaret Sanger, popular eugenicist, promoter for the development of birth control pills, and founder of Planned Parenthood:

While the colored Negroes have great respect for white doctors, they can get closer to their own members and more or less lay their cards on the table, which means their ignorance, superstitions and doubts. They do not do this with white people and if we can train the Negro doctor at the clinic, he can go among them with enthusiasm andknowledge, which...will have far-reaching results among the colored peopleThe ministers work is also important and he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.
Eugenics comes from the word, Eugenes, meaning well born. Eugenics is basically the process of eugenicists selecting an encouraging the population growth of those they feel have desirable, healthy and beautiful traits, which means of course that their goal is to eliminate those who they feel have undesirable, unhealthy, ugly genes. People who are highly educated and are considered high class are superior by the standards of the eugenicists, while people who are uneducated, poor, Black, immigrant, feebleminded or criminal are considered inferior and therefore undesirable. Eugenicists believe that Black mothers give birth to defective children and are unfit medically and behaviorally. Because eugenicists feel this way, they began to force Black women into temporary and even permanent sterilization without the womans consent. This is what happened to Fannie Lou Hamer. Yup. Fannie Lou Hamer who is known for her quote, Im sick and tired of being sick and tired. Hamer was unknowingly sterilized when she went to the doctor to have what was thought to be a cyst removed. She had no idea that her doctor removed more than just a cyst. He had the nerve to take out her whole uterus! She wouldve never known if people hadnt been gossiping about it and it somehow got back to her. Unfortunately, there were thousands of women like her, who were never told and some who never found out. Involuntary hysterectomies had become so common that at one point, they were called M ississippi Appendectomies. Sanger went had with her birth control and eugenics efforts. She even took a quote from one of our leaders in the struggle, W.E.B. Du Bois from the NAACP, and ran around quoting it as proof because it supported her whole cause. At some point, she even tried to get help from Adam Clayton Powell Jr. and Dr. M artin Luther King Jr. and use them as tools to do her dirty work and promote birth control in the hood of Harlem by opening a clinic. Even though that clinic didnt remain open, larger examples of those Black birth control clinics still exist today, like Good Ol Planned Parenthood. Sanger pushed for the development of birth control pill so hard that when they were finally made, she would give them out for free or really cheap to poor, Black women through her government supported Planned Parenthood clinics. Although some white women accepted the pills too, the agenda was pushed on Blacks. When Black people started to realize what was happening, they spoke up. The NAACP and National Urban League no longer supported birth control because they saw that it was a race elimination tactic. In New Jersey, the 1967 Black Power Conference decided that birth control was the same thing as Black genocide. Later that year, a group of Blacks in Cleveland, Ohio burned down a birth control clinic. The pill wasnt the only form of birth control pushed to Black women. The IUD was encouraged too, but after seeing all of the effects, harm it had done, and deaths it had caused, it was taken off the market. I know youre not surprised to hear that it seemed to have been mainly used on Black women in inner cities, right? I remember my mother telling me about the dangerous coil in the IUD when I was a child. For some reason, I never forgot it. Did you know that the pill, Depo-Provera (the shot), and Norplant (the implant) were all tested on original people around the world in places like Brazil, India, Africa, M exico and Puerto Rico before it even got here to the United States? When it did get here, it went straight to the African American and Hispanic hoods where mostly M edicaid patients used the Planned Parenthood clinics, local clinics and even school clinics. Yes! School clinics! If you havent heard Wise Intelligents (Poor Righteous Teachers) song, Globe Holders, please YouTube it. Part of the song goes

From 1924 to 1976, 32 states in the U.S. utilized eugenics programs to depopulate the country of so-called weak breeds who were down-breeding the American population. Some 65,000 Black youth from public school districts throughout the country were given a biased IQ test. All who failed the test were sterilized against their or their parents will. So, when your childs school starts talking about doing medical procedures to your child such as hearing test, eye tests or even vaccines and flu shots, dont be so trusting. Especially since Wise Intelligent reminds us on the same song how they will tell you they are treating you for one thing but are really giving you something else. Like in 1950, when Black children in Africa were given the AIDS virus in the form of an oral polio vaccine.
M en, dont think you are exempt from this attack. Remember the Tuskegee Experiment, when for 50 years, Black men were told that they were being treated for bad blood when in fact, they were unknowingly being given syphilis! The U.S. even did it in Guatemala giving prisoners and mental patients the disease on purpose too! They even sent prostitutes that had gonorrhea to infect the prisoners. Now, if that isnt wicked, I dont know what is. They not only attacked the women, and men, but they attacked the whole family. In the 1960s and 1970s, if a woman was on welfare, social workers could just pop up and run up in her home. If a man was found, her benefits could be cut off unless she agreed to being sterilized. Aint that some sh*t! This not only kept women from reproducing what eugenicists considered weak breeds, but it also kept our husbands and fathers, the foundations of many of our families out of our homes. The Black man is an integral part of the family unit and, by taking him out of the equation, they have done serious damage to our people as a whole. And they wonder why we have so many problems now.

In 1978, when Depo-Provera, which was approved by the FDA for use with cancer patients hit the scene, livened doctors decided to use it to experiment and give it to healthy Native American and Black women even though the drug itself was cancer causing. After the Depo disaster, the Norplant hit the hoods like crack. Norplant was made by a New York group called the Population Council which did its research and testing on poor, Original women. I remember when women were practically running to get those rods implanted under their skin. It just seemed so weird to me. Some girls didnt have that same feeling though, so when 50,000 Norplant kits were implanted in females, around 1992, many of them were in Baltimore Public High School Black girls age 13 to 19. Nowadays, we have the HPV vaccine being promoted to mothers of young girls by using scare tactics. And birth control companies like the makers of Yaz (Yasmin/Ocella) being sued over serious side effects, false advertisement and downplayed risks. M y point in telling you all of this is to show you that they have a history of and have no problem coming to you as if they are helping you, while all along, they have an ulterior motive separate us, kill us, kill our babies, and kill all original people, our people as a whole. So, when you see some new stuff hit the market, cheap stuff that is supposed to be helpful to you or even free stuff that seems too good to be true, it may just be, so stop and think about it. Ask questions, do research and dont be so trusting because based on history and their own words, you can kinda figure out what their true agenda may be. As Rev. Johnny Hunter of the Life, Education and Resource Network (LEARN) has said: Abortion is the number-one killer of Blacks in AmericaWere losing our people at the rate of 1,452 a day. Thats just pure GENOCIDE. Theres no other word for it. I am in no position to judge you based on if you decide to use unnatural birth control or not or have an abortion or not, but I do ask that when you are considering having an abortion or using unnatural birth control, you think about the big picture, because its bigger than just you.


so they dont grow up to die before you



n todays society, were forced to make sacrifices. You may have to carpool to work to save money on gas. You may need to buy the store brand cereal instead of the big name commercial cereal. You may even have to boil tap water and let it cool versus buying fresh bottled spring water. You may even have to cut off your sideline females to make your relationship work with your franchise player. These are all understandable sacrifices. However one sacrifice I can never agree with anybody making is the choice to sacrifice breast feeding their child to feed them similac; better known as baby formula. For years I wondered, what exactly is this formula that almost everyone is pumping into their babies mouths before the baby can say Stop bullsh*ttin and pull out that titty! I mean is it baby brain growth formula? Is it baby talk faster formula? Is it make sure baby hits puberty at 7 years old formula? (Id put money on that one) What the hell was in that formula? So I took the time one day to sit down and look up the ingredients in this magical formula, and what I found was just unbelievable (well not to me). Keep in mind that the baby formula industry brings in $8 billion annually and we all know, in America, big business comes before your health anyday. Of course Im not going to keep you in the dark about whats in it so on to the next paragraph. A list of baby formula ingredients I found contained the following: Fluoride, Perchlorate, Hexane, M elamine, Cyanuric Acid, M ercury, Formaldehyde, BPAs and all sort of other things you wouldnt feed to your family pitbull named overkill, let alone your own child had you known better. So what exactly are these known and unknown toxic chemicals doing to your child? Lets discuss a few. Ill make this one real simple; Perchlorate. Perchlorate is an ingredient found in Rocket fuel (I would tell you which brands of formula Perchlorate is in but the FDA wont reveal the names). Any questions? M oving right along. Everyone knows, or should know what mercury is by now. Its that silver stuff that was in your big mamas thermometer. You know that stuff that gets in the water and makes fish born with 3 eyes and 11 fins (and two of those fins have human toes). That same mercury laced formula that you are forcing down your kids throat is causing rashes, constipation, diarrhea, lethargy and autism just to name a few symptoms. So when you see your kid looking spaced out at 5 months old, or you have to get them a prescription for exczema cream every two months, now you know why (M ercury is also found in High Fructose Corn Syrup, which is in about half of the products in your local grocery store from soda to oreos, tojust about anything you can name). Another substance in baby formula is M elamine. When M elamine is consumed in grown humans it is known to produce kidney stones. Kidney stones are known to block urinary flow and make urination painful, cause kidney failure and in some cases, even death. Thats what it can do to a Grown ass man, so just imagine the harmful potential it has to an infant forced to drink baby poison, I mean formula.

Did You Know? If you have toxic habits, your breastmilk is probably toxic as well. In 2007, a Michigan woman was convicted of causing her infant daughters death by feeding her breast milk tainted with cocaine. Sara Shelby pleaded guilty last month to a charge of attempted manslaughter in the 2005 death of 5-month-old Karie Lee Bowman. Police said Shelby, 24, told them she had used cocaine two or three times the day before her daughters death. A medical examiner ruled that the girl died of cocaine intoxication.
This next one is my favorite; Cyanuric Acid. Cyanuric Acid is a white odorless substance used as a component in different bleaches, disinfectants, and herbicides. When too much Cyanuric acid was put into a Chinese manufacturers batch of baby formula, infants were turning up sick left and right all over China. Eventually, the Chinese version of the FDA recalled all of the formula from this company; liquid and powdered forms. Ok, so how about I just stop where Im at? I know this is tearing some hearts out and thats not my purpose. But it had to be done to get some of us to see this stuff for what it really is, POISON. So as the old saying goes, BREAST M ILK IS THE BEST M ILK. An obvious benefit of breast milk is that its FREE. You ever heard anybody tell a man that they were still on their mothers titty (A jazzy way to call him a mamas boy)? This can not technically be proven but a mother and child are said to share a special bond with one another when the child is breast-fed. According to one source, breast milk contains 160 essential fatty acids that are not found in any type of baby formula whether it is powder or liquid formed. And for all the moms striving to lose that baby fat, women who breast feed their children, shed the extra pounds quicker and experience less bleeding after birth. We may never be able to get this stuff off of the shelves of the grocery store but we can refuse to buy into this pipe dream that formula is any type of healthy for your child. So with this information exposed, I advise you to look up the ingredients that I mentioned above. I didnt discuss them all as to give you inspiration for you to do a little of your own investigation, plus there are a few that I purposely left out so you would go dig for the information yourself. We did do this book for the Hood, and we all know the women in the Hood will roll around town looking for their man with a flashlight in the daytime if he aint back from the corner store in fifteen minutes. We did it for yall. Peace!!



Did You Know? Black women breasfeed their children less than whites and Latinos. A National Health and Nutrition Examination survey shows that breast-feeding has increased significantly among Black women, from 36% in 1993 to 65% in 2005. But during the same period, 80% of Mexican American and 79% of white infants were breast-fed. One of the reasons why Black women dont breast-feed as much as women of other races is a vestige of slavery, when Black women were forced to nurse white babies rather than their own, says Kathi Barber, author of The Black Womans Guide to Breastfeeding. Barber also cites the heavy marketing of infant formula in urban communities, as well as the fact that, despite an increase in lactation programs in hospitals, many health care professionals still dont encourage Black women to breast-feed.
Breast is Best is a term that many of us have heard before. Of those of us who have heard it, many of us just dont understand it. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding your child for at least 12 months with breastmilk being the only food for the first 6 months. That means no meat and potatoes, no cereal in the bottle at night, no formula, no nothing except for breastmilk. M any Black women dont know that this is the recommendation. Well, Im here to tell you that there is nothing that can stand up against the health benefits of mothers milk. A study was done at the Brigham Young University in 2001. The study found that while 65% of white women breastfed their babies, only 30% of Black women breastfed their babies. The rate of infant mortality among Black babies is 1.3 times higher than the rate for white babies largely due to Black mothers not breastfeeding. In other words, our babies are dying at an alarming rate, which can be associated with the lack of breastfeeding. The Journal of the American Medical Association says that Breastfed infants are 80% less likely to die before age 1 than those never breastfed. College educated women are almost twice as likely to breastfeed their children than those who dont extend beyond high school. Foreign-born women are 75% more likely to breastfeed their babies than American born women. We have to change these statistics! Ross Formula Company did a survey that showed that at 6 months after birth, only 14.5% of women in this country were still breastfeeding. Why is this happening in the United States? Around the world, women are breastfeeding their children until the ages of 3, 4, 5 and up. Of course this sounds crazy to those of us living in this country. M any of us assume that since our lifestyles are different than those in foreign countries, we dont have a choice. We have formula as an option, right? Formula is an option, but not the best choice. If more women would support breastfeeding, employers would have to make changes to their policies on taking breaks for mothers to pump their milk, mothers working at home, mothers having longer paid maternity leaves, mothers bringing their babies to work, and many other accommodations. M any of them already have. After all, this is how it is done in other countries. But if it appears that women dont even want whats best, why should the government care? M any Black women dont get the breastfeeding education during prenatal visits that we need, nor do most of us educate ourselves about breastfeeding before we have a baby or even get pregnant. As a matter of fact, many of us are not even taught what our breasts are for. But thats a whole notha story. We have a lack of confidence partially due to the fact that many of us have never even seen a woman breastfeeding her child. We have so many doubts about breastfeeding, which is crazy, since we shouldnt even be considering anything else. When something is unknown, it is feared and many of us dont even take the time out to see if these myths are in fact reality or someone elses fears being imposed on us. Since many of us are not around other women who breastfeed, we are not getting the support that we need to feed our children properly. If women who also doubt their ability to breastfeed surround us, we have a hard time gaining the confidence to feel secure about breastfeeding. We dont get the support and information from our families, peers, community or medical community. There are however, organizations, lactation consultants, midwives, doulas, OBGYNs, and new mothers groups that can help women learn about breastfeeding and support her while she does. Every mammal makes milk to feed his or her young. Why are we feeding our young cows milk? Do you see a cow drinking a monkeys milk? Of course not, because nature has made it so that each of us make milk to feed our own children. The composition of our breastmilk changes with the needs of the child. Breastmilk provides immunity to disease and infection. It gives the child just the right combination of vitamins, minerals, sugars, enzymes, and fats for your childs growth and development. Formula cannot duplicate this. Formula and cows milk both lack many things that breastmilk provides, including brain-developing substances. They cannot compete with a mothers milk, which is custom made for her child. Babies who are fed colostrum, which is the pre-milk which is also called Liquid Gold because of its value, are less likely to suffer from ear infections, milk allergies, jaundice and more. This saves the parents time from hospitalization or doctor visits, money, time away from work, and heartache. Breastfed babies are also less likely to suffer from constipation, diarrhea, tooth decay, childhood diabetes and more. They are also said to be smarter than their formula-fed counterparts. Breastfeeding prevents obesity, lowers the risk of heart disease, lowers the risk of juvenile diabetes, lowers the risk of multiple sclerosis, lowers the risk of allergies and asthma, and prevents digestive diseases. Breastfeeding your baby as a child will benefit him or her as an adult. Breastfed babies also smell better than formula fed babies, their stool smells are easier to handle, they have clearer skin, better vision, respiratory systems, and endocrine systems which reduces the risk of getting diabetes, and more. Breastfeeding also has many benefits for the mother. M others reduce their chances of uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer. They lose weight after birth faster, have less risk of osteoporosis and postpartum depression, save money from buying formula, have a faster recovery (since breastfeeding encourages your uterus to return to its pre-pregnancy state), and more. There are many myths around breastfeeding that I personally have heard including Breastfeeding hurts: If the baby is latched on properly, it wont hurt. Practice! Not all babies latch on correctly the first time. Get help from a lactation consultant or a Postpartum Doula. The nipple should be as far back into the roof of the babys mouth as possible. Dont worry, you wont choke them. The baby does not get enough. Breasts work like supply and demand. The more you feed the baby, the more they make. If the baby is soiling diapers, and gaining weight, then they are fine. Breastfeeding is not possible for a woman with small breast. Breast size has nothing to do with it. You breasts prepare to nourish your child when pregnancy begins. My breasts will sag if I breastfeed. Pregnancy, age, and gravity make your breasts sag. Not feeding your baby! Lame excuse. Dont even try it.

The baby will become too attached Nah. Listen to Erykah Badu:

When I first had the baby, I was breastfeeding for two years straight, so we were together for two years of his life every day, all hours of the day. So I was two people, and I eventually morphed back into one. Now hes part of me. Hes very independent as a result of it. I thought it was going to be the oppositeI was very worried that he was going to be attached since we were together every day, but I guess it made him feel comfortable: I know shes around. Shell be there. It made me feel like a very responsible person and tidy, and my health was better because Im now responsible for someones whole reason for being.
For more, check out

Pregnancy Tea
This tea is full of nourishment. It contains iron, calcium and many more vitamins and minerals. M any people like to drink this tea warm, however, it can be taken cooled. This tea is also great for the postpartum period as it aids in milk production.

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4 tsp Red Rasberry Leaf Vitamin and mineral rich, tones uterine muscles, high in iron so it is said to prevent hemorrhage 4 tsp Nettles High in protein, vitamins A, D, E, B6, K, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, trace minerals, and digestive enzymes. High in chlorophyll and carotenes. 2 tsp Oat straw Rich in calcium and magnesium. Relaxes nerves, helps manage pregnancy discomforts 1 tsp Alfalfa High in protein, vitamins A, D, E, B6, K, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, trace minerals, and digestive enzymes. High in chlorophyll and carotenes. 1 tsp Rose Hips High in vitamin C, boosts immunity and circulatory system 1 tsp Red Clover Red Clover also contains vitamin A, vitamin C, B-complex, calcium, chromium, iron, and magnesium. 1 tsp Spearmint Leaf gives relief to your digestive system and eliminates gas from the system. Also, it tastes good.

If you are not going to use the dried herbs immediately, mix all of them in a large airtight container and store it in an area that is away from heat and light. If you are ready to enjoy your tea, mix the herbs in a quart sized jar full of boiling water, cover and let it steep for at least 30 minutes but no more than 2 hours. Strain the herbs, sweeten if desired using agave, honey, or other natural sweeteners and sip on this tea during the day. If you find the infusion to be too strong for your liking, add more water. Enjoy!


B Y SAT O R I A N A N D A In 1995, I was 19 years old with two children, a boy 3 years old and a new born daughter. I was on food stamps and WIC giving my babies what I thought was the most nutritional food available. I had quit school in the 9th grade and was basically uneducated in many subjects, especially nutrition. I wasnt breastfeeding and was actually under the impression that the baby formula I was giving my children was better than the milk I produced naturally. False advertising, lack of information and no access to nutritional education except TV commercials found me giving my children fake juices, sugar cereals, cow milk, cookies, candies, fast food and everything else that claimed to be healthy. Naturally, today those two suffer from a variety of side effects of those early choices. Asthma, allergies, ear infections, and eczema to name a few of the issues we have dealt with over the years. Dallas, like many other urban cities, has a very high teen pregnancy rate. Texas leads the nation in multiple teen pregnancy, meaning that many teens have more than one child. The United States has the most teen pregnancies in the western industrialized world and studies show that babies born to mothers aged 15-17 have less supportive and stimulating home environments, poorer health, lower cognitive development, worse educational outcomes, higher rates of behavior problems and higher rates of teen childbearing themselves. Factor in eating the wrong foods and life for many children born to teen mothers has a very dismal start. The Peoples Lunch Counter in Dallas is a nonprofit dedicated to providing healthy food to better the lives of the people. One of the programs we are developing focuses directly on educating teen mothers in low income environments on how to feed their babies with natural food. It is cost effective and has long term benefits to the children. Access to and the consumption of healthy food is a proven link to higher test scores and educational success. By making the food we give our children we control the energy that is put into the preparation of the food. The love and desire for success for babies is then transferred to them directly along with the nutritional benefits of the right foods. Knowing what ingredients are in your babies food provides a level of satisfaction for the parent and making baby food at home is economic and cost effective as well. To make many of the baby foods I am listing requires only a fork or blender in some cases. Our program encourages mothers to participate in our community gardening. By growing your own fruits and vegetables making your own baby food is very cheap! The best fruits and veggies to start with are apples, apricots, bananas, blueberries, mangoes, peaches, pears, plums, prunes, asparagus tips, avocados, carrots, peas, potatoes, sweet peppers, sweet potatoes, and winter squash. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best of course but if access to those are not available canned fruits and frozen can be used. Proper storage and washing of the produce is important. Some fruits and vegetables will require cooking to soften them. Like apples, for instance. Boiling is what we recommend and using just enough water to cover the produce is best. You can use the leftover water during the rest of the process. Next, just peel and remove any pits if necessary and take out any seeds. Some fruits and vegetables wont need any liquid. Just use the fork to mash, add a seasoning or two, and serve. For some, you may need to add a little liquid like breast milk or the leftover cooking water. The more your baby starts to get used to solid foods the less liquid you will need. Never sweeten the food. Babies dont need the extra sugar, but seasonings are fine when used lightly. Remember to try one new food at a time to see if your baby has any allergy to the new item. Also foods like bananas and kiwi dont require cooking to mash up. Freezing extra portions of the baby food is okay before you feed the baby, but remember that saliva breaks down the food so once you start to feed the baby from the container it cant be restored. M icrowaving baby food is not recommended, if you are not aware of the concerns regarding microwaves and plastics please research that. Recipes for more advanced food are available on the net or in bookstores but the basic food preparation information above will work for children up to about 14 months.

Easy first-time baby food preparation r Remove the banana peel and just mash it with a fork. Adding some breast milk or formula will help with the consistency. r Prepare melons the same way by mashing and serving or adding to baby cereal. r Bake a sweet potato on 375 degrees in its skin and then remove the inside and mash with a fork. r Additional home prepared baby food can be found online at:


B Y SC I H O N O R D EVO T I O N From the time our babies are born, most of us will just do whats popular and use those cute little newborn diapers with the belly buttons cut out and go through the stages of diapers until they are potty trained. However, it is important for us to keep our babys bottoms protected and safe. Did you know that there are dangers to using those commercial disposable diapers. Better yet, did you know that there were alternatives to using them? Well, there are. Here are some of the dangers of using disposable diapers and some benefits of going with alternatives.

Some Dangers of Disposables r Gel Beads in disposables that make them more absorbent are made of Sodium Polyacrylate which was banned from being used in tampons due to its relationship with causing Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) in women. They should probably look into using this stuff to clean up the oil spill in the Gulf Coast. r There is an increase in testicular temperature in boys which is associated with infertility. In other words, if the male testicle temperature is high when they are babies it kind of messes up their internal testicular cooling systems for life. r Disposable Diapers contain Dioxins which are chemicals linked to cancers. In lab animals dioxins have proven to cause liver problems, birth defects and genetic damage. We dont know how this chemical will effect babies as adults. r Higher incidence of diaper rash is reported. Since the diapers are supposed to be able to hold more waste, parents dont change their babies as often which means that this waste is sitting on the babys bootie for long periods of time and can cause irritations. r Disposables are not biodegradable, so each year, we fill landfills with tons of urine and feces along with paper and plastic and other stuff. This stuff pollutes the water and soil that we use. The packages actually tell you to flush the feces before tossing the diaper but you probably didnt even notice the fine print. r Disposables can cost about $1,000 a year. Some Benefits of Cloth Diapers
Before I go in, I want to be sure that you dont have the impression of a piece of cloth tied around a babys bottom and maybe sealed with a safety pin on the side. Although, that too will work, modern cloth diapers are advanced and equipped with Velcro and all that good stuff for convenience, which is what many parents are concerned with.

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Cloth diapers contain no dioxins produced by chlorine bleach. Cloth diapers dont contain sodium polyacrylate which is associated with Toxic Shock Syndrome Babys skin can breathe and not be smothered. There is a lower incidence of diaper rash in babys who use cloth over disposables. Cloth is better for our planet Cloth diapers are economically cheaper than disposables They can be washed and even reused for subsequent children.

Some Benefits of Chlorine Free Diapers r There is no bleach used, therefore, there are no dioxins involved, which are cancer causing agents. r There is less harm to our planet since these diapers will not pollute the water and soil supply. r There is a lower incidence of diaper rash in babies who use chlorine free diapers since parents will change their babies more often and there is no bleach in the diaper itself.


B Y SC I H O N O R D EVO T I O N M any people have heard about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, also known as SIDS. SIDS is an unexpected and sudden death of a infant between the time of birth and one year, who is seemingly healthy after an autopsy is done, an investigation of the place of death and a review of medical history have all been completed. It is reported that almost 3,000 4,000 infants die from SIDS each year. Approximately 85% of SIDS deaths usually occur between the 2nd and 4th month after birth. Ironically, the DPT vaccine is given at 2 months, 4 months and 6 months. Is this a coincidence? Hmmmm Researchers have not been able to tell us what exactly causes SIDS but there is concern about the babys mattress itself. M attresses tend to emit gases from chemical treatments. There is also the idea that when babies sweat, drool, stool or urinate on their mattress, natural fungus will be produced. It is said that these can contribute to the SIDS risk when babys breathe in the emissions. This may be why children who get vaccinated are more likely to die from SIDS as their body temperatures are raised after they are vaccinated and maybe the vaccines trigger sensitivities to the fumes being emitted. It is important to not overdress your baby as this has also been attributed to deaths. It is suggested that you never reuse a mattress that has been used by another child as their sweat, drool, stool, or urine may cause fungus to grow on the mattress. It is suggested that all baby mattresses be covered with a thick, clear polyethylene sheeting which can be found in a hardware store. The sheet must be at least 125 microns or 5 mil. This can prevent the mattress emissions to be released. It can prevent fungus from growing. And, it can be easily wiped down when changing babys bedding. We may not know exactly what causes SIDS, but we do know what does not cause it. SIDS is not caused by suffocation, vomiting or choking. It is not contagious or hereditary. SIDS is not the result of child abuse. Some say that putting your baby to bed with you can contribute to SIDS but other studies have shown that co-sleeping can actually reduce the risk of SIDS. Some co-sleeping benefits are that babies are content when they are close to their parents and cry less at night which keeps their adrenaline levels lower, their heart rates steady and the blood pressure regular. Their body temperatures are regular as well and they take fewer pauses while sleeping close to their parents. They usually sleep for longer periods during the night which is a big plus and if you are breastfeeding, there is nothing like not having to get up to make and warm a bottle, but instead to just roll over and pop it in. Other countries around the world co-sleep with ease and think we are crazy here for putting our babies to sleep in a crib as if it is a jail. If youve ever had a sick child want to rest with you or a child crawl in your bed at night and you wake up with a knee in your neck, then you know that it is just instinctual for babies to want to be close to their parents and be content. As a matter of fact, I would love to crawl in bed with my M ommy but I dont think shed appreciate that too much anymore. As strange as it may sound, it could be deadly to place your baby to rest in your bed too, so there are some precautions that you should take:

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Dont put babies to sleep on really soft mattresses, especially pillow tops. Be sure that there are no gaps between the mattress and the bed frame and the bed and the wall. Never put baby to co-sleep on a couch Never put baby to sleep on a waterbed or pillow top mattress. They may not be able to turn if they have a hard time breathing. Remove all extra bedding and soft stuff like teddy bears from the bed while they are sleeping. Never co-sleep if you are obese, taking illegal drugs, drinking alcohol, extremely exhausted, on medical sedatives or mind-altering drugs or have sleep disorders. Dont overdress your babies when they rest. Their temperatures could rise which contributes to SIDS risk. Dont put infants to rest with other children or pets. I heard of an incident of a cat sitting on a baby and smothering the child. Be sure to remove from close to baby all strings like curtain cords, extra clothing or bedding, strings on clothing or even your hair. Putting your baby to rest on their back will help them to breathe and will avoid direct contact with any fumes from the mattress. Cover mattresses with a thick, clear polyethylene sheeting which can be found in a hardware store to keep fumes from being emitted into the air.


B Y SC I H O N O R D EVO T I O N M any people dont realize that when they put their children to rest with a bottle; they can cause major damage to the child. Their teeth could rot. If the bottle has milk, formula, or juice in it when they are put to bed, these drinks can sit in the babys mouth overnight and eat away at their teeth. This process is called Baby Bottle Tooth Decay (BBTD). This can be very painful for the child, and very expensive for the parents who have to pay for the treatment. Sometimes, children with BBTD have to be hospitalized so that their teeth can be pulled. To prevent this

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Put your baby to bed without a bottle. Dont let the rest with a bottle in their mouth. If you do decide to give them a bottle, make sure it is pure water with no sweeteners (honey, sugar, or syrup). Make strong efforts not to always soothe your baby with a bottle. Try other alternatives, such as cuddling, reading, talking, singing, and playing so that he/she does not get used to always having it. Dont dip their pacifiers in sugar, honey, syrup, or anything sweet. These can cause their teeth to rot. Also, giving babies honey before they are at least one year old can cause Infant Botulism. Be sure to brush their teeth until they can properly do it themselves.

Finally, do your research on fluoride. You may have been told that fluoride is necessary in keeping your babys teeth and even your teeth strong, however, studies have shown that there is no dental difference in areas that have fluoridated water and those without. Also, before 1945, fluoride was considered to be an environmental pollutant. Now it is in our water supply intentionally? Unfortunately, boiling water will only concentrate the fluoride and filters can only remove it if it has a reverse osmosis component. Fluoride has been attributed to making white, yellow or brown spots on teeth. Since it goes to your bones, you experience a higher risk of fractures and arthritic pain. It has been linked to thyroid malfunction. And most interestingly to me, autopsies on people who have Alzheimers show that the victim has a high level of fluoride in their systems. Be careful because what you do to and with your child today can and will affect them in years to come.


B Y E M M A YA J E W E L Feeding our children well requires effort, but it isnt complicated. The results will be well worth the effort. Here are some basic tips for parents who want to promote optimal brain health and development for their children. M ake sure that your child drinks plenty of water every day. M ake sure that your child gets enough protein. They should at least eat two servings a day of chicken, fish, tofu, eggs, or lean meat. Use good oils. Extra virgin olive oil and canola oil are good choices. Use butter instead of margarine, though both in moderation; and reduce your use of corn oil and safflower oil if possible. Introduce cold-water fish early, such as salmon, cod, and herring. Ideally, every child should have a minimum of two or three servings a week of fresh fish. Include nuts and seeds. A rich assortment of raw nuts and seeds is best. Put them in salads, cereals, and casseroles. Theyre also great as snacks. Serve a wide array of foods that are fresh, locally grown, and full of color (which indicates the presence of nutrients). If your child eats only white foods, such as rice, bananas, bread, and macaroni and cheese, shes missing out on nutrients. Serve fruits and vegetables seasonally to ensure that your child gets the greatest possible range of nutrients. Favor whole grains; breads, pastas, rice, and cereals all come in whole grain varieties. You can even get macaroni and cheese in whole grain! Supplement your childs diet with an adequate variety of brain-building vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. Things to limit or eliminate from your childs diet include refined sugar (found in sodas, candy, cakes and even 100% juices), caffeine and trans fats (found in hydrogenated oils and fried foods). Dairy should be limited as well as it is the leading cause of food allergies in children, and kids with food allergies often exhibit behavioral problems.


B Y SC I H O N O R D EVO T I O N Caring for a sick baby is not an easy task. Sometimes just finding out what is bothering them is a challenge in itself, since they often cannot talk to let you know what is going on, what they may be feeling, and what they think they need. With time, you will know your baby better than anyone else and will be able to notice that theyve had changes is sleep patterns, fussiness, eating, and even moving their bowels and urinating. Yup! As a parent, you will become a poopologist and will be able to notice changes in stool consistency, smell, frequency and all of that poopology stuff. If you feel like something may be wrong, watch them. Also, talk to other parents and describe what you are noticing. Their babies may have had something similar and they may be able to advise you on what they did to solve the problem. Not all solutions will work for every child but its worth listening to and maybe even trying. If you have a pediatrician that you trust, call them. But know that doctors do not always have all the answers either. All in all, your childs health care team consists of a whole community. Parents, family, friends, doctors, midwives and even babysitters, teachers and coaches should all play a role in a childs well being. Dont forget the lady who sits next to you on the bus in the morning everyday with her 3 children. She may even have some advice for you since she has 3 of her own. That doesnt mean that you have to try all of her remedies or diagnose your child based on her experiences. It does mean that you shouldnt be afraid to ask. However, trusting your own instincts is probably the best thing you can ever do as a parent. The three most common symptoms in a sick child are fever, diarrhea and vomiting. I say sick like that because they may not be REALLY sick. They just may not be in the best of health and therefore may need a little attention. In other words, a slight fever does not mean your child is sick. Let me explain.

A babys temperature can vary throughout the day depending on what they are wearing and the temperature outside if they are out and even the temperature inside if they are in. So, dont be alarmed if your baby is a little warmer or cooler than usual. You may have to change their environment or dress or undress them slightly. When my children were infants, I almost never checked their temperature because I had a pediatrician who made me comfortable with being able to watch and judge their behavior and even feel for high fevers. However, if you do take temperatures, it is now recommended that an underarm reading be taken. A normal reading for an underarm temp is between 95-99F and a mild fever is between 99.4-101F. Anything higher than that is considered a fever. If you take a good ol rectal temperature, a normal reading would be between 98.2-100.4F. A mild fever would be considered 100.6-101F. Anything above that would be considered a fever. Usually when a baby has a fever, it is a sign of an infection. Dont worry. If your baby has a mild temperature, it is not usually associated with an infection like a higher reading would be. I recommend though taking the reading again after the thermometer has cooled off, just to be sure your reading is accurate. The fever means that their immune systems are hard at work. Pay attention and look out for other changes like exhaustion, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and irritability. You may be able to narrow down and figure out what may be bothering them. Dont forget that if your child has recently been vaccinated it is highly likely that they will be irritable, in pain and will have a fever. I suggest doing more research on vaccines and their effects which we sometimes call side effects so you know what to expect if you decide to vaccinate your child. Ive heard of parents tell how afraid they are of febrile seizures/convulsions, so they give their babies some sort of over-the-counter fever reducer as soon as they suspect a fever or when fever begins. The problem with this is that when medicating your child with fever reducers, their immune system will not have a chance to do its thing and fight whatever it is that may be ailing them. Febrile seizures are rare and only occur is about 4% of children between 6 months and 4 years. They are usually the result of a fever either rising or falling really quickly. But the fever itself is not very likely to be the cause of a problem such as brain damage. If a babys temperature is more than 106F, then injuries can occur but they are still not very common. I usually use 104F as my marker. If I feel that they are this warm and have other symptoms, they I will step in to try to lower it. However, if they are warm but are still functioning as they always would, I let them be. But, thats just me. Like I said, you have to go with your own instincts and do what you are comfortable doing. Febrile seizures do not always hurt a baby and if your child has one, it doesnt mean that they always will every time they get a fever. Seeing a baby experience a seizure like this can be very scary. They last no more than ten minutes most of the time and they are real seizures. But do not get it confused with simple jerking or twitching that babies often do when they are resting. I once saw my son jerk in his sleep and I was scared to death. I was a new mother and had no idea what was going on or why he had done it, so, I did what any concerned, new mother would do. I stayed up all night with one eye open on him. Needless to say, he didnt jerk anymore and my concerns were eased because of it. If your baby is seizing though, do not put anything into their mouths or try to stop the seizure. You can turn the baby on the side and call 911 or your pediatrician if you think 911 is a joke. The baby should be evaluated just to see if the reason the seizure occurred can be determined.

Some Things That May Help

Give them a sponge bath in lukewarm water. Not hot. Not cold. It may or may not bring their fever down but it may calm them and make them a little more comfortable. Add a few drops of lemon, peppermint, eucalyptus or catnip essential oils to the water to help reduce the fever, if that is your goal. And when they get out and you wanna pamper them, give them a nice massage with oil but do not use talcum powder (baby powder). It is made from a mineral talc, so it may be considered natural without all of the added fragrance and stuff but it can do lots of damage to their lungs. If you want to use a powder, you can make your own. Use about 1 cup cornstarch and add about 20 drops of lavender essential oil to it and there you gobaby powder. Although it is recommended not to overdress an infant since doing so can raise their body temperature and be very uncomfortable for them, when my children became toddlers, I would bundle them up and let them rest when they got fevers. Theyd wake up after sweating it out and would be normal again. Not every method will work for every child. Try different things and find what works for you and your children. Do realize though that a method that used to work may not continue to work for them as they grow older. Give them lots of fluids, especially breast milk if they are breastfed. Dont force them to eat though. Their bodies will tell them when they are ready for food. Some people choose to give their children an over the counter fever reducer like acetaminophen. If you do, please read the label for dosage instructions. If your baby is younger then three months old, call your pediatrician before you give them anything. Do not ever give a baby aspirin. I used a homeopathic remedy called belladonna to reduce my childrens fevers successfully. I also used catnip tea and feverfew tea diluted with water really well. So far, so good. If your baby likes sweet stuff and wont drink tea, you may wanna add a little sweetener like agave nectar for them, just to get it down. Do not use honey for babies less than one year old. It can cause food poisoning.

When to Call For Help

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Baby has temperature of 101F and is less than three months old. Baby has a fever of 103F and has a change in behavior. Baby seems dehydrated and has not urinated in six hours, has little to no tears and has a dry mouth Baby cant be calmed down and is very irritable. Baby has difficulty breathing or is breathing really fast or really slow. Baby cant swallow or it is very painful to swallow. Baby has a skin rash or inside of their mouth is looks unusual. Baby has sunken eyes. Baby has a stomach ache Baby has had a fever for more than 3 days

Breastfed babies usually have a yellowish-greenish stool but all babies stools are usually consistent in color unless theyve eaten something that they do not usually eat or they are not well. With diarrhea, a babys stool will become more runny. Now is that time to pull out that poopology degree I mentioned earlier. If you see blood in their stool, there may be a problem, although, their anus may just be irritated, especially if they are constipated. However, we are not discussing constipation here, were focusing on diarrhea. Diarrhea can lead to dehydration. If your child has been vomiting, there is an even greater risk that they can become dehydrated. Remember, their bodies are small and have a lot less body fluid than we do. Green stool means that food is going through their digestive tract very quickly and may not necessarily mean that there is an infection. Diarrhea can be caused by a few things like, increased juice intake, introduced new foods into their diet, an allergic reaction to a food or drink, bacteria or parasites, a viral infection (usually gastroenteritis) or even antibiotics.

Some Things That May Help

Doctors may suggest a rehydration drink like Pedialyte to replace fluid loss. If you are breastfeeding, keep on nursing. That is the BEST thing to give them for replenishing. You can also try products similar to Pedialyte like Recharge or Ultima Replenisher or even coconut water, which is amazing when it comes to rehydration due to its electrolytes. When they are ready to eat, offer small amounts of food. Dont try to stuff em

When to Call For Help

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If they pass stool more than six times in eight hours If they have bloody stools Lethargic/tired, sleepy, weak Stomach ache Cant keep fluids or food down / Vomiting Isnt urinating, no tears, dry mouth

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Infants often spit up, which is normal. Vomiting, though, is when it is forceful and the baby expels a large amount of whatever it is that is in their stomachs. Sometimes it even comes out of their noses. Vomiting can be caused by a few different things like a viral infections called gastroenteritis, fever, stomach disorders, food poisoning, meningitis, medications, or feeding them food they have no business eating at their age like fast food, pizza, burgers, fried foods, etc. If may be convenient and fast but you will be damaging your baby by feeding them this stuff. Its like stuffing garbage into their little systems. Bottom line is, its not cool.

Some Things That May Help

Wait about 30 minutes after theyve vomited so that their stomach can settle before you try to feed them something else. If you are breastfeeding, keep breastfeeding when they are ready. Breastmilk is easy to digest. You can try to give them a teaspoon of a rehydration liquid like Pedialyte or coconut water for non breastfed babies and see if that stays down before giving them more. Ginger tea is good for calming an uneasy stomach too but it must be very well diluted. Like I said earlier, do not give infants honey.

When to Call For Help

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They have not urinated, has a dry mouth and barely no tears Forceful vomiting for more than 8 hours Diarrhea along with the vomiting Lethargic / Tired, Sleepy, Drained, Weak Bloody Stool Abdominal pain Isnt showing signs of improvement after 12 hours Fever Headache

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Ear Infection
An ear infection is caused by bacteria in the middle ear which is the space behind the ear drum. Ear infections are very common but less likely to occur in breastfed babies. Children often get ear infections after getting a cold since colds cause congestion which can block the passage between the middle ear and the throat. It called Eustachian tube. You can recognize this tube when your ears pop. It brings balance to when there is an air pressure change. If it is blocked, bacteria can grow here. As your child grows older, this space grows also allowing easier drainage and therefore less bacterial growth. The direction of this tube changes with age. Being around many other children like in day care can also increase their risk of ear infection since colds are passed around often. Being around smokers is also a risk factor. This is another reason for you to stop smoking it you are a smoker. Ear infections can cause hearing loss if its not treated. Your pediatrician may prescribe an antibiotic and suggest an acetaminophen like Tylenol or ear drops. Ask an elder when they used to do to treat ear infections back in their day. They may tell you that they used to put a few drops of warm oil like olive oil, Vitamin E, almond oil or even vegetable oil in the ear a few times a day like my grandfather did. Ive used olive oil with a few drops of lavender essential oil successfully. Sometimes it is hard to tell if a baby has an ear infections since some of them may not be able to talk. There are some things that you should look for though: Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

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Liquid leaking from ear No appetite or irritable while eating or drinking Sleeps better in an upright position since laying down is uncomfortable Fever Pain in the ear area They may reach for their ear or pull at it Nausea and Vomiting

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Oral Thrush
Thrush is a form of a yeast infection that looks like cottage cheese inside of your babys mouth on the roof, tongue or sides. Their mouths may have white patches that are not easy to wipe off like milk would be. It may also hurt when the baby is nursing or drinking from a bottle. Yeast in part of everyones digestive system but can sometimes become unbalanced. When this happens, an infection arises. Since it is related to the digestive system, it can also lead to diaper rash. M edications like antibiotics can easily cause a bacterial imbalance since it kills the good bacteria which keep yeast under control along with the bad bacteria. And, if you are nursing, medicines that you may be taking can affect their systems as well.

Some Things that May Help r A doctor may prescribe an oral medicine to kill the bacteria r Allow your nipples to dry between feedings if you are nursing r Clean all bottles and nipples properly. Also clean babys sucking toys, pacifiers, breast pumps, towels, burp cloths and anything else that may come in contact with their mouths (or diaper area if they have diaper rash) r Take probiotics which will bring some good bacteria back to bring a balance to the unbalanced system. Nursing babies will benefit. r Apple cider vinegar on the nipples will also help. Rinse nipples well before feeding. r Wear cotton bras and wash them in hot water after each wear. r 1 oz of Coconut Oil with 10 drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract dabbed on the nipples and rinsed well before feedings will help. You can even wipe babys mouth with some of this solution or even use on diaper rash. r 1 oz of Coconut oil with 5 drops of either Tea Tree Essential Oil, Oregano Oil, or Clove Oil dabbed on breast works well too. Rinse well before feedings. You can also use this on a diaper rash but do not use this in a babys mouth. It will be too strong for them.



Rules to Remembering Before Administering First Aid

Regardless of the nature of an accident or injury, certain rules for treatment and care apply. Here are the most important:

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Dont get hurt yourself. Youll be valueless to the victim if youre injured in a foolhardy attempt to help. If you cannot reach the victim without risking injury, wait for assistance. If the child is in danger of further injury and you can safely move him or her, do so but always try to keep movement to a minimum. If there appears to be an injury to the head or neck, dont move the child unless it is absolutely necessary; then try to move the head and neck as a unit. Cushion head and neck with pillows when moving. If the child is unconscious, be sure the head is turned to the side, or tilt back the head to make sure the airways is open. Cover the child with a light blanket. Give fluids by mouth only if the child is awake. A good rule is to allow the child to drink only if he or she can hold a glass. If in doubt, dont because the child may require an anesthetic or surgery later. Avoid stimulants and painkillers. Minor medications, such as aspirin or an aspirin substitute, may be given in dosages appropriate for size and weight; theyre usually listed on the container. Remain with the child; send others for help. If you are alone and must go for help, make sure an unconscious child is breathing and that the airway is open.

Animal Bites
Wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water to remove the saliva; hold the wounded area under running water to rinse it well. Dry with clean gauze. The wound should be examined by a physician. A tetanus shot may be recommended. Although rabies is rare among urban pets, the animal should be identified and observed for a period of ten days to see if it develops symptoms of the disease. If the bite is the result of an unprovoked accident by a wild animal, such as a skunk, bat, squirrel, or chipmunk, an attempt should be made to capture the animal; if it cannot be caught, a rabies shot may be necessary. In some communities, youre required to report all animal bites to health authorities. Your own domestic pets should be inoculated against rabies, and the inoculations should be kept current.

Human Bites
If the skin is not broken, wash the area with mild soap and water, and dry with clean gauze. An antiseptic or dressing is not necessary. Ask your physician about any human bite that breaks the skin, because such bites frequently become infected.

Bee, Wasp and Hornet Stings

A cold compress or calamine lotion will relieve itching; diluted household ammonia or rubbing alcohol applied to the sting and surrounding area also may help. If the stinger-seen as a small dark object in the center of the wound-remains in place, scrape or flick it out with a fingernail; dont attempt to remove it with tweezers. The movement may inject more venom into the wound. For intense itching or multiple stings, give the child a cool bath to break the itching cycle, and apply a soothing bath lotion. Oral antihistamines may also be given. In severe cases, a physician may prescribe an ointment to be applied to the sting. Some children have a severe reaction to only a single sting. If the childs throat or the interior of the mouth swells, if breathing becomes difficult, or if the child becomes drowsy or unconscious, immediate medical attention is called for. Phone your physician and take the child to the emergency room or a hospital. Discuss with the doctor what to do in the event of a repeat sting.

Infected Wounds
Signs of infection around a cut or scrape are redness and swelling, often accompanied by a feeling of heat and throbbing pain. If possible, immerse the infected are in warm water. Repeat three times daily. If the area is not easily immersed, apply a bulky bandage made from a small towel or sanitary napkin (yuck), and pour the solution over it, repeating the treatment until the inflammation has disappeared. Consult a physician if the area is large or seems to be spreading.

Broken Bones
Dont attempt to move a child who may have a broken bone. Speed seldom is important in the treatment of broken bones. Keep the child covered and lying down while waiting for the emergency squad or ambulance. Give nothing by mouth in case the child requires anesthetic or surgery later. Dont attempt to set broken bones. If the child must be me moved from an exposed or dangerous place, apply an emergency splint fashioned from any rigid material, including boards, sticks, rolled newspapers, or even a folded pillow. The splint should be on both sides of the affected limb and should extend above or below the adjacent joints. To immobilize the area of the break, tie the splint with bandages above and below it, if the spine may be fractured, dont attempt to move the child under any circumstances. Wait for emergency help.

M ost require no treatment. For major bumps, apply ice or cold cloths immediately to keep down the swelling. Elevating the bruised limb also will lessen the swelling. If the skin is broken treat the bruise as an open wound.

If the area is small, immerse the burned part in water or hold directly under a faucet, to relieve pain and reduce local reaction to the burn. Wash with a mild soap. Burn ointments are not necessary for minor burns, and never use butter. A dry, sterile dressing will keep out air and provide relief from pain. Dont attempt to treat major burns, especially those in which the skin is broken. Never deliberately break blisters. Blisters develop naturally to heal the burn. Cover the child immediately with a clean sheet, and take him or her to a hospital or summon an ambulance.

Chemical Burns

When lye, caustic soda, or any other corrosive substance causes the burn, you must flood the burned area immediately with cold water; strip off all clothing that may have come in contact with the chemical, and quickly place the child under a shower. Acid burns also should be flooded, and then rinsed with a neutralizing solution of baking soda. After washing the area, you should phone a physician or the local rescue squad. M edical personnel always should examine chemical burns, especially if the corrosive substance has dried.

When a child chokes on a piece of food or other object, coughing usually will expel the object. If the child is unable to cough, or coughing produces no results, turn a small child over your knee and give four sharp blows between the shoulder blades with the heel of the hand. If the airways remain obstructed, turn the child on his or her back and give four sharp thrusts on the breastbone as if giving cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Dont apply pressure to a childs abdomen.

Swallowed Object
M ost small objects swallowed by a child will pass through the system harmlessly. This is especially true of buttons or other round items, but even open safety pins, tacks, and similar sharp objects usually dont harm the stomach or bowel. Dont give the child a laxative, and dont induce vomiting. Notify a physician, who may follow the objects progress by X-ray. If the physician considers the object dangerousand particularly if it has been ingested into the lungs-it may be extracted by inserting a flexible instrument down the pipe hole.

Rare in children, fainting is caused by a temporary deficiency in the blood supply to the brain. The child usually is pale and may crumple to the ground. Keep the victim lying down until the head or elevating the feet to hasten the return of blood to the brain. M ake the child more comfortable by loosening tight clothing. Sprinkling water on the fact to revive the victim isnt necessary.

Serious accidents, such as a severe injury or burn, poisoning, gas inhalation, or electric shock, may cause unconsciousness. Sunstroke or heat exhaustion also may cause unconsciousness, but rarely in children. Sunstroke or heat exhaustion also may cause unconsciousness, but rarely in children, if breathing has stopped, begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation at once. If the child is unconsciousness from a fall, avoid turning the head and neck, if breathing appears adequate; keep the patient lying on the back, with head turned to the side to keep the airway open. Remove constricting clothing, and cover lightly. Summon emergency help; dont wait for the child to revive. Take care in moving an unconscious child because of the possibility of head injury. Dont give water or other substances by mouth to an unconscious child, and dont shake him or her in an attempt at revival.

In any fall from a high place or when the child is unconscious or seems to have suffered a severe impact, take him or her immediately for emergency treatment. Or phone the physician and report the symptoms. For infants, immediate evaluation is very important. Even if the fall seems slight, a physician should be consulted if the child appears drowsy, acts dazed, turns pale, has memory lapse, or vomits after the accident.

Drugs, medicines, cleaning fluids, and other such substances are the most common causes of childhood poisoning. If you see evidence that a child has swallowed any of these, act fast. Telephone the poison control center in your community, if one exists, or your physician or hospital, and he prepared to give immediate first-aid treatment. First, try to determine what is swallowed, because treatment differs according to the substance. Dont waste time looking for the container for an antidote; information on bottles and cans may be out of date. For many poisons, the doctor or poison control center may recommend syrup of ipecac to induce vomiting. Have some availableit can be purchased without prescription. The usual dose is one tablespoon of syrup of ipecac for one-year-olds and above, two teaspoons for children under one year. If vomiting has not occurred within 20 minutes the dose may be repeated. Do not give ipecac unless instructed. When the child vomits, hold him or her face downward in your lap so the vomited material clears the throat and is not swallowed. If vomiting does not occur within 20-30 minutes, the doctor may suggest a second dose of ipecac. THE DOSE SHOULD BE REPEATED ONLY ONCE. If ipecac is not available, feeding the child warm milk and then tickling the back of the throat with a tongue depressor or spoon may induce vomiting sometimes. Unless youre told otherwise, dont wait for vomiting to occur before getting medical help. If possible retrieve the poisonous substance and take it with you.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G Food allergies in American children are on the rise, now affecting about 3 million kids, according to the first national study of the problem. About 1 in 26 children had food allergies in 2008, up from 1 in 29 kids in 1997. And nobody knows what caused the 18% increase. It could just be that parents are more aware that their childrens sicknesses could be allergic reactions. It could be changes in the food supply, such as increased additives, processing and chemical contamination. Or it could be the results of all those chemicals in the food interacting in new (worse) ways with our genetics. Thats my theory, because guess whos got it worst? Easy question! Whos ALWAYS got it worst? According to another recent study, Black male children are more prone to food allergies than the rest of the population. The study, one of the first of its kind, involved 8,203 participants who had a food sensitivity to egg, milk, peanut and shrimp. Blacks, especially Black male children, were found to have four times higher levels of food allergies. But why? Again, scientists say its unclear. There are many different theories, says Dr. David Resnick, director of the Allergy Division at New York-Presbyterian M organ Stanley Childrens Hospital. It could be environmental, or genetic, or a combination. We know that African Americans have higher asthma rates. M ore research is needed before you can make any conclusions. While there really isnt enough information for me to make any conclusions, I can make the following observations about the four most common food allergies, all of which are considered incurableonce you have them. Milk Allergy: M ost people of color are genetically lactose intolerant. In fact, over 90% of Blacks cannot process cow milk. So dont drink milk, and dont give your kids milk. Theres plenty of healthier alternatives anyway. M ilk by-products are harder to avoid, but if your child has a strong allergy, its time to start studying a vegan diet. S hellfish Allergy: Shellfish are scavengers, which means not fit for human consumption. (See F.T.P. and No Shell Out). So dont eat em and dont feed em to your kids. Pretty simple. Egg Allergy: Again, not really fit for human consumption. We can convince our bodies to accept eggs and dairy, but the human body really isnt built to process that stuff. Egg by-products are in a lot of food as well, but as with milk if your child gets seriously sick, its time to look into that vegan diet. Peanut Allergy: Now this is a different case. Peanuts arent necessarily the best food, but the human body should be able to handle them. But peanut allergies, which can be fatal, have doubled in the US and the UK in the last decade. Thats strange, since those are the places that theyve been telling people not to let young children eat peanuts, saying thats how they develop the allergies. But a recent joint BritishIsraeli study has found thats not true. In fact, avoiding peanuts in infancy and early childhood may actually increase the risk of developing peanut allergy. The studys authors wrote:

Our findings raise the question of whether early and frequent ingestion of high-dose peanut protein during infancy might prevent the development of PA [peanut allergy] through tolerance inductionParadoxically, past recommendations in the United States and current recommendations in the UK and Australia might be promoting the development of PA and could explain the continued increase in the prevalence of PA observed in these countries.
Translation, maybe you should let your kids eat some peanut butter early in life, and they wont have an allergy later. Think of it like a peanut immunization. As for the rest of the stuff, a simple elimination diet should reveal whats ailing you, and since most of it aint meant for you anyway, you can cut it.[27]


BY CBS A LIF E A LLA H Listen. Thats not baby fat on your child. Those are pounds of a burden that your son or daughter will pay for in spades later on in their life. That child does not have a thyroid problem (Do the people saying that even know what and where the thyroid is?). Also, how is their fatness genetic when we know that slave masters werent bringin over no fat-ass slaves? And though we realize that people of color worldwide (in general) love a woman with a little thickness on her, there is a huge difference between thickness and when youre so fat that you wheeze when you walk. Lets deal with some straight-up facts. Between 1986 and 1998, a national survey showed that obesity doubled in children between the ages of four and twelve. A more recent study found that 46% of Black and Latino children are overweight by the age of 3! Incidents of obesity have increased with the spreading of fast food joints and a sedintary (meaning aint moving around) lifestyle among the youth. This issue is growing so fast that the government has a Childhood Obesity Task Force! M ichelle Obama adopted this as one of her major causes. The government realizes that the wealth of any Nation is the youth. One reason why childhood obesity is such an issue is because it is the foundation for a host of health problems that can and will afflict a person for the rest of their life. From a government standpoint it hits them two fold. First they wont be able to be a full, productive member of society, and secondly they will become a drain on government financial resources in terms of health care.

Why is your child fat?

There are several reasons why your child could be fat (lets call it what it is). M ost of it is common sense, yet Im going to lay it out to make it plain.

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Your child is fat due to junk food. Those chips and cakes at the corner store stick like paste to your childs bones Your child doesnt drink water. Your child drinks colored fruit flavored liquid sugar and soda. Your child sits in front of the computer or television all day. They dont get any physical activity. Your child eats junk meals that are provided by the local fast food spot. They hardly eat any fruits or vegetables.

What are the Results of Being Fat Albert?

Well, one thing is, you wont have a cool group of children who hang around you and occasionally burst into spontaneous song. Anyone who went through school knows that the fat kid is most likely going to be the one who gets picked on, which will hit them with low selfesteem and depression. This sets a cycle in motion, of feeling bad and indulging in food (or worse) to feel better, and then feeling bad all over again. It is your job as the parent to prevent or break this cycle from making it to the point where its hardwired into your childs brain. Obesity also sets the groundwork for a child to develop preventable diseases. This means if you turn a blind eye to your child being fat you are involved in a child abuse. Type 2 Diabetes in children, once unheard of, has risen 45% in this country in the last 10 years, largely due to childhood obesity. An obese child is more likely to develop heart disease (via high cholesterol and/or high blood pressure), asthma, and/or sleep apnea. They have a higher risk for CVD or Cardiovascular Disease. They also have a higher rate of developing Hepatic Steatosis, which is a fatty degeneration of the liver. Oh wait, I forgot the most obvious element we tend to overlook. Obese children and teens are more likely to become obese as adultsif they make it.

What Can I Do?

The first thing that you need to do is realize youre the parent. In this world today many parents have turned over their duties of parenting to everyone and everything except theirselves. You are responsible for the growth and development of your child into a healthy and functional member of society. Get on and keep on your job. We know that it isnt easy in this environment yet this is why we want you to raise your child in the best way possible because a healthy child (physically and mentally) will give back to you and your community. Trust me, you got this. Now let me hit you with some simple things that you can work to get your child on track and walk that track with them. Dont starve your child. It is not all about how much they are eating anyway. It is more about WHAT they are eating. They are growing and developing, so they need the right nutrients/calories for them to progress as they should. Focus on what they are eatingthen worry about how much. If you get the what right, however, everything else will fall into place as it should. Focus on reforming the eating habits of the whole family. Go with the all for one and one for all motto. Dont make it about just the obese child. Everyone in the family can benefit from cleaning up their eating habits. Try to eat together as much as possible. Look for ways to remix the meals you already eat. You dont have to force the whole family to all of the sudden become vegetarian. Yet what you can do is alter how you cook some of your basic meals. Cut back on salt. Use a lower fat milk in cooking. Choose leaner meats, fish and poultry. Add more fruits and vegetables to your general meals. Dont fry as much. Get your child from up in front of the idiot box (TV). Take a walk WITH them. M ake up an exercise routine to do WITH them. Get them into a dance class. M artial arts. Jump rope. Something. M ake some healthy snacks yourself to have around the house. Dried fruit. Granola mixes. Cut down eating stuff with refined sugar. Get the focus on health and not weight. Cut back on those empty calories of fruit drinks, sodas, etc. Get some 100% juice up in that house and make sure that everyone is drinking enough water. Finally BE the example. Eat right. Keep physically active. Be the parent that your child needs you to BE.



Preparing Our Children to Fight the Good Fight

One out of three of our children are overweight, and one out of every six is considered obese. Not only did this number shock me, it scared me. As parents, we have the ultimate responsibility to ensure our children grow up healthy, so I am very grateful that childhood obesity was included on this years health topic. Here are some added things we can do to help our children battle obesity: Encourage Better Eating Habits. Eating habits can have a massive effect on your childs body. Eating habits such as eating high calorie food while playing on the computer, or just plain eating when they are not hungry can vastly increase the odds of your children becoming overweight. One of the easiest ways to encourage healthier eating is to keep fresh fruit accessible for snack time. Sometimes children will want to eat something while they are watching a morning cartoon, even though they are not hungry. If we give in to their demand of sweet or salty food, we are only adding to their waste line. Offer the child an apple, banana, or even a bowl of mixed fruit. If your child is truly hungry, they will eat the healthier snack. Soda can be a big contributor to the waste line. If you allow your child to drink just one can a day that can add up to over 17 lbs. of calories throughout the course of the year. Not to mention that each can has 46g of sugar. Sweet drinks can be hard to give up, so try moving your children over to a drink such as lemonade. With only 70 calories and 15g of sugar; it makes a much better alternative. Encourage Activity. When children are young, they are full of energy, and want to run everywhere. Where as we the parents are trying to get them to sit still for just one minute. As the children get older, they discover things that bring them enjoyment more than running around. They discover television, video games, computers, and cell phones. As parents, it is our responsibility to ensure that these new enjoyments dont stop our once active children. I would urge you to answer yes anytime your child asks you to go outside and play. This will not only help your child be active, but help you as well. Showing support for the active child encourages that child to remain active. Take your children to the park or, if that is not an option, take them on a walk. This can be a good time to bond with your child while encouraging movement. As our children get older, activities start to become a bigger part of life. Encourage your children to take part in all the activities schools have to offer. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Little League, youth soccer, and youth football are some examples of activities your child can partake in. Activities will not only keep your child physically active but they can make sure your child is mentally engaged as well. Teenagers can be the hardest group to keep motivated, as they know best. But this is also the group with the most potential to stay active. With the myriad of activities available to high school students now your teen should be able to find something that keeps them entertained and active. Encourage your teen to join the soccer team, play in the band, or even be on the Debate team, as all of these activities are far more productive than sitting in front of the television. S et Limits. To help curb your childs appetite for cartoons, music videos, or reality TV, set limits to how much they can watch. Sit down with your child and let them be part of the process. Of course, they are going to say it is not fair, but you are the parent. Set a time limit and stick to it. Let them know they can watch it all at once, or it can be split up into segments. Stick to your guns about the rule, because as children they will push the boundary to see how far it bends. Sometimes our children will talk for hours on the phone or at least text for hours. Encourage your children to set down the phone and walk down the street and talk to the person they are texting. That little walk every day will add up over the course of a year. If your child refuses to quit texting simply put a block on it through your cell phone provider. I am sure by the end of the month your teen will be more willing to compromise. Computer and console video games can be really fun, but as a parent we must limit the time our children sit in front of the gaming stations. As with the TV set a limit to the amount of time your child is allowed to play each day and stick to it. Eventually your child will follow these limits without you having to enforce them. Incorporate one of the food pyramids in your home. In the Appendix youll find the traditional food pyramid that included meat and fish, and weve also included a Vegetarian and Vegan Food pyramid as well.


The diagnosis that appears to work best is called a Connors score. This is a very simple checklist which works well in clinical practice and has been used for research purposes. If the parents do the scoring, then they make the diagnosis, and are more trusting of the result. In evaluating your childs behavior, Score 0 for not at all, Score 1 for sometimes, Score 2 for quite often, and Score 3 for a lot.

Trait Restless or overactive Excitable or impulsive Disturbs other children Fails to finish things Short attention span Constantly fidgeting Inattentive, easily distracted Makes demands that must be met right away Easily frustrated Cries often and without provocation Mood changes quickly and dramatically Temper outbursts Explosive and unpredictable behavior TOTAL
A score of 15 or more suggests that hyperactivity is likely. The question, however, is what does that mean?




Let the Boys Be Boys

When I was younger, boys were expected to be made of frogs, snails and puppy dog tails. We were expected to be rough and rugged, rambunctious, physically active and have just a little trickster in us. When my son came into this world he was all of that and just a little more. I rejoiced in it because his activity was a sign to me that he was healthy. He did things that typical boys did as he was learning the difference between what was acceptable and what wasnt. It was interesting to see how different people processed his behavior. While some would see him as active others would classify it as bad. When he entered into pre-K it took another dimension. The teachers constantly stated that he wasnt paying attention and that he had learning difficulties. This would carry over into his kindergarten years. His mother at the time was devastated because she thought that it immediately pointed to her as a horrible mother. M y own mother was a teacher so what she heard as something is wrong with your child I automatically translated as we dont know how to educate your child at this point. I knew at that moment that they were on the road to classifying him as a child with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). The only thing that prevented that was my active involvement in my childs educational future.

The Legal Dope Boys

The FDA (Food and Drug Association) is your pusher while Big Pharm(acy) are the Drug Kingpins. The FDA decides what food and drugs are good for you and then pushes them to you at a level unmatched by your neighborhood D-Boy pushing crack.

Did You Know? Children who spend more than two hours a day in front of the television in early childhood are twice as likely to develop asthma as those out playing, a major study has found. Another study has found that children who start watching TV before age 2 are more likely to develop the symptoms associated with ADHD. Other studies have found that programs like Baby Einstein dont boost the intelligence of babies, and that young children are unlikely to learn real language skills from television alone. Your Baby Can Read might teach them some words, but most of that is due to the heavy parent interaction and multiple learning methods (flashcards, etc.). What does all that mean? In a nutshell, it means television is bad for your babies.
A general definition of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or ADHD is that a childs behavior is in conflict with the expectations or demands of parents/teachers. The FDA says they have the answer to that problem in the form of legal drugs. The one that most people are familiar with is Ritalin. M edicating children started in the United States in the 1950s. In 1999 they did a study on medicating children and found that Ritalin use increased six fold from 1990-1995. 90% of the worlds Ritalin use comes from the United States. It has been estimated that 10-14% of all children in the United States are being prescribed Ritalin or some other behavior modifying stimulant. This is most distributed amongst boys and then most highly concentrated amongst boys of color. In some areas 20% of the students are on Ritalin. Amongst the 53 million children in school in the United States aprox 5 million are being medicated with these drugs. Also there has been a 3 fold increase in medicating children between the ages of 2-4 yrs old.

ADD/ADHD: That Imaginary Disease

Now yes, there are a range of biological reasons which may interfere with the way a child processes information. There are legitamate learning disorders that are cataloged. All of those disorders share one common factor. They have identifiable biological foundations that can be located in the brain that serve as the reasons for their disabilities. Guess what the NH consensus development conference of 1998 and the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2000 both ruled? They ruled that there is no biological basis for ADD and ADHD in the brain. In fact in the diagnosing of ADD/ADHD such scientific terms are used to detect it like fidgeting, squirms in seat, unwanted behavior, answers question before teacher finishes it, etc. M an that describes EVERY boy who I ever went to school with, including myself. Also nowadays, with the success of the push Ritalin on children campaign, children are being diagnosed with a whole host of disorders. There is OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder) and PDD (Pervasive Development Disorder). All of the descriptions of the disorder read just like someone who cant figure out how to interact with a child. Terminology is used in their descriptions like often deliberately annoys people, often looses temper, etc. Im like, are you serious? These disorders, as well as ADD/ADHD appear to have been specifically developed to justify the drugging of the youth to control their behavior.

Ritalin is a helluva drug!

By many people, Ritalin has been compared to cocaine. Ironically this is not too far off point. It is a stimulant just like cocaine. In fact those Alphabet Boys (DEA/Drug Enforcement Administration) classifies Ritalin (methylphenidate) and amphetamine (Dexedrine and Adderall) in the same class as methamphetamines (M eth), cocaine, and the most potent opiates/barbiturates. And the list of side effects are sickening. Ive witnessed children on this drug and they truly do manifest these side effects on the regular as their childhood is being robbed from them.

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Chest pains, Cardiac Arrest (yes in children!) Mania, Psychosis, Hallucinations, Anixety, Emotional Sensitivity, Withdrawal, Drowsiness, Dopiness, Zombie/Robot behavior, OC behavior Nausea, Vomiting, Stomach issues Weight Loss, Pituitary Dysfunction, Messing with their Growth Hormones Blurred Vision, Rashes, Hives

Notice that most of the side effects interfere with what the goal of taking Ritalin is supposed to do. Can you imagine a child who is supposed to be helped by taking Ritalin being hit with those side effects? Yeah, Im sure hell be able to pay attention now. Also with all of the talk about certain drugs like marijuana being a gateway drug (which by the way hasnt been proven) the FDA neglects to mention one thing. Prescription drugs are on record for being notorious gateway drugs. Those who utilize prescribed stimulants are very likely to become cocaine users when they become adults.

What Can You Do?

First off the notion that it is most highly pervasive amongst boys of color should sound off the bells and whistles. It is the same way that Black inner city youth are predators while the Columbine youth were just troubled youth. If this isnt due to any type of biological foundation then there is some social programming going on that we have to nip in the bud. This whole drugging and blaming makes the child the target whenever his behavior causes conflict or he neglect to conform. It holds the social institutions to no level of blame. It doesnt seek to reorganize these institutions to meet the childs needs, engage the child, inspire the child. In fact this process disempowers all adults involved and makes parents into non entities in the growth and development of their own child. First off make sure that the biological foundation is checked. I mean in terms of real issues. M ake sure that your child has no food allergies. M ake sure that they havent been afflicted by environmental toxins like lead paint or heavy metals. Next make sure that your childs diet is stepped up to the next level. Healthy Fats are a must. You can get that from flax, hemp seed and fish. With that out of the way you now have to step into the trifecta of success for your child for the D.O.A. (Death of ADHD). You need to focus on school, home and community. I want to let you know that the system(s) will be against you. It wont be an easy path. I have walked this path. It is ridiculous. Yet I will tell you one thing. This is YOUR child. You need to bring your A game and warrior focus to fight for them in a way that you may not have never fought before. Become friends with the teacher. You are not only to show up to pick up the report card. Set up meetings with the teacher before they set up meetings with you. Show that you are interested in the welfare of your child. I have seen that when a teacher doesnt like a child they arent looking out for the child. M ake sure the teacher doesnt give up on your child. No matter how much there is an issue for your child make sure that there are expectations in the classroom and that you are aware of those expectations at home. When I connected with my sons teacher she became one of his greatest advocates getting me connected with resources that I didnt know existed. See if you can have it set up where your child can have a smaller teacher to student ratio. This may come in the form of some out of class in school services or having a teaching assistant assigned to them. You dont abandon your child to be psychologically and verbally destroyed by people. You are their voice. You are their advocate. You correct everyone anytime they try to say that your child is a bad seed, rotten egg, trouble maker or any of those damning titles that no one ever grows out of. You explain that your child is exploring the world in their own way and that everyone isnt supposed to learn the same way. Discover how your child best learns. Is it by sight? Is it by sound? Is it by touch? Whatever the best method is, reinforce whatever they learn in school at home by immersing yourself in that method. I remember when I was teaching my son his numbers and letters. I wrote all of them on different stickies and placed them all around the house. We ran around the house finding them and had him recite them. Sitting down and looking at them on a static paper didnt do anything for him yet that running around had it in his mental right away. It is not about you. It is about your child. They are not having difficulty in school to piss you off. Although your child may manifest certain type of behavior in order to try to communicate their emotions. M y son would be dealing with anger, sadness, and anxiety. One of the best things that I ever taught him was to breathe and to clearly identify what was bothering him at a particular moment in time. It isnt about competition with others. It is about your child figuring out their place in the world and how to showcase their best traits. Your job is to assist and coach your child to find out what it is and enable them to reach their infinite potential. Let your child know that you are invested in their success. It is possible that by not conforming, your child actually has the makings of a leader, so nurture that. Yet a leader is accountable, so for everything that they do, ask them for explanations. Have them examine their motives and behavior. Come up with ways for them to take control of their environment so that it serves them, without them destroying it. Another obvious thing that you need to do is spend time with your child. Just be there for them. With the hyper individuality in this society we even lock our own families out of our lives. For more on ADHD, see the article in the Psychological Health chapter of this book.


A N D YO U M AY B E H ELP I N G B Y E A RT H E M M A YA J E W E L The young die of cancer I stopped eating meat/ Greet the gods on 87th street like Peace Common, The Game Would you let your children sit around the table and smoke cigarettes and drink liquor? Would you take them to the club and let them sit at the bar drinking club soda until 2 a.m. while you get your groove on? Of course not. But we dont think twice about letting them eat cheeseburgers and fries for dinner, on busy nights, or allowing their diet to consist mainly of processed meat, cheese, chips and kool-aid. Some of us even convince ourselves that if we close their bedroom doors, hang blankets to cover open doorways or roll all the windows down in the car when we smoke that they are protected by some sort of I didnt mean it shield. People, WE are responsible for our childrens health and well being. Everything we expose them to in their childhood is laying a foundation for their future years.

Did You Know? According to a recent study in the UK, almost 60% of parents were unaware of the link between poor eating habits and cancer. 50% of parents dont know that a lack of exercise can contribute to the development of Type 2 Diabetes. 24% did not even know that obesity was linked to Type 2 Diabetes. 18% dont know that obesity could increase the risk of heart disease. And this is in the UK, where people are MORE educated about health concerns than the sad people of America!
Just so were clear, heres what Im saying in plain English: If we feed our children healthy foods and practice good behavior they will most likely grow up health conscious and make good decisions. If we keep feeding them junk and making bad decisions ourselves, they will most likely end up with cancer of some sort later on in life. Things we consider normal for children today, like recurring ear infections, upper respiratory issues, chronic runny noses and food allergies as early as birth, are not even considered normal for animals. But yet and still we dont connect the foods we ate while we carried them in our wombs or the foods we feed them and the environments we house them in once they are on the outside with the frequent illnesses and trips to the doctor. We accept the vague explanations, give them the prescribed antibiotic and continue feeding them the same foods, basically sending their bodies on a wild goose-chase for proper nourishment to keep them healthy. Human beings have one of, if not the most powerful immune system witnessed in the animal kingdom. Our bodies are designed to repair itself and defend itself from harmful bacteria that can invade blood cells and attack our vital organs. The only way the body can keep doing this is if we provide it with nutrient-rich natural foods that were designed specifically for our species. When the young body is deprived of these nutritional requirements, chronic illness and strange diseases occur. In this day and age, there are now cancers that never existed before. The bottom line is this; in order to have a better shot at trying to prevent cancer from forming in the body, we must start early. The choices we make today, given the modern diet of our youth, can make or break their odds of not getting cancer at a later age. What we are feeding them now is just creating the perfect cellular environment for cancer to develop and grow in their little bodies. When they eat more junk food than fresh fruits and vegetables, they are left unprotected from not just cancer but many other diseases that can pop up at any stage in life. The first seven years are critical in forming good eating habits and healthy appetites for more natural foods. American children today grow up getting 90% of their calories from dairy products, sugar, white flour and oil. The most common vegetable across the table for children in this country is French fries. French fries! And we can assume that most people dont have the new high powered ovens that can bake them crispy, so they fry them in the fish grease or the pork chop grease along with the chicken nuggets. This is bad, considering the evidence found by scientists links autoimmune illnesses like diabetes, lupus and later life cancers with the diet of the childs first ten years of life. The average parent doesnt know this and so continues feeding their children dangerous cancer causing diets, setting them up for tragic health problems as they enter adulthood. These foods eaten on a daily basis slowly destroys the childrens genetic structure and leaves them open to so many life threatening diseases. Considering how the foods are prepared, the amount of sugar and empty calories, trans fat and additives like food coloring, they may as well be smoking cigarettes! Doctors are finding fatty deposits in the hearts and bodies of children and teenagers. Children are bigger now than they once were with more incidents of obesity, heart or lung failure, kidney failure, brain dysfunction and the list goes on and on.

Did You Know? Studies show that just one sausage a day can significantly raise your risk of bowel cancer, one of the deadliest forms of the disease. Eating 1.8 ounces of processed meat daily about one sausage, 2 slices of bologna, or 3 pieces of bacon raises the likelihood of the cancer by 20%. Processed meats may also trigger cancer in the prostate, lung, stomach and esophagus. The World Cancer Research Fund recommends people avoid eating all processed meats.
While these foods are packing on the pounds and destroying healthy cells, children are appearing to grow faster, age rapidly, develop cancer and die young, as in early adulthood. The only way to prevent or beat cancer is to alter your diet (and your childrens diet) so that they and you are getting a diet full of fruits and vegetables, beans, raw nuts and seeds. Food tastes are formed early in life and children learn to eat how and what their parents eat, no matter what is put in front of them. No parent would disagree that our children deserve only the best, but are you ready to take on the challenge of being responsible for providing that best for your child? If you are a parent, you may want to follow this course of action:

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Read books like Dr. Joe Fuhrmans Disease-Proof Your Child as a source of nutritional information. Look into persistent or reoccurring health problems in your child immediately. Increase your childs intake of fruits and vegetable, while decreasing meats, fried foods, fast food and junk foods. Make sure your child is eating a diet that provides all the nutrition that they need (which can be difficult), and give them childrens supplements for what they may be missing. Eliminate toxins and unhealthy substances from your childs diet AND environment.

These steps are designed to assist parents in the challenges of raising a healthy child in our world of insane eating habits and toxic food


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G Did you know that those wonderful chemicals in your kids snacks are literally making them stupid? Its true. Artificial food colorings, preservatives and other additives can cause behavioral and psychological changes in children aged 3 to 9, British researchers reported in September of 2007. Tests on more than 300 children showed significant differences in their behavior when they drank fruit drinks spiked with a mixture of food colorings and preservatives, according to Jim Stevenson and colleagues at the University of Southampton. These findings show that adverse effects are not just seen in children with extreme hyperactivity (such as ADHD) but can also be seen in the general population and across the range of severities of hyperactivity, the researchers wrote. The additives included popular ingredients in childrens drinks like sunset yellow coloring, tartrazine, the preservative sodium benzoate, and other colors. Naturally, the 3-year-olds reacted more severely. The following year, Stevenson found that chemical food additives were doing as much damage to childrens brains as lead in gasoline, accounting for over 5 points difference in IQ, among other effects.

Did You Know? Because theyre more informed (and thus empowered), people in the UK routinely shut down the crap we accept without question in the US. This is why the UK bans dangerous chemicals that the US still uses, and why many foods (even McDonalds Chicken McNuggets) have different ingredients in these two places, with the US always having the unhealthier end of the stick. In other parts of Europe, people have rioted to protest unhealthy and unethical practices. In the US, people have rioted to get free KFC with coupons from Oprah.
If you think thats bad, a study of one million students in New York showed that students who ate lunches that included artificial flavors, preservatives, and dyes did 14% worse on IQ tests than students who ate lunches without these additives. As a result of the British study, the UK started banning such chemicals from their foods, and a list of more than 900 products containing the additives was published on the British Food Commissions site ( On the other hand, the study in the US (where the results were much worse) made people doabsolutely nothing.

Did You Know? The idea of vaccination was introduced to the West in an earlier form, known as inoculation, by an enslaved African named Onesimus. In 1721, Onesimus taught his master, Rev. Coton Mather, how his people traditionally immunized themselves against smallpox with a prick of a thorn that had been poked into a smallpox pustule. This method was likely first practiced in Africa (where smallpox originated), then India and China (where it spread) long before 1714, when it was introduced to Europe by traders from the Turkish Ottoman empire. It was Onesimus method that helped George Washingtons army win the Revolutionary War without falling victim to a smallpox outbreak.


What is a Vaccine?
A vaccine is a medical preparation providing immunity from a vaccine specific disease.vaccines change the immune system by promoting the development of antibodies that can quickly and effectively attack a disease causing microorganism when it enters the body, preventing disease development. The Gale Encyclopedia of Science Valence is a term used to describe how many different viruses or strains of viruses the vaccine is designed to immunize against. For example, a trivalent influenza vaccine is designed to immunize against two strains of Influenza type A and one strain of Influenza type B. Live, attenuated vaccines, like the M M R, are very commonly used. They are vaccines that are alive and infectious but have been treated with a chemical (often formaldehyde) that is supposed to weaken them to the point that they do not actually cause the disease against which they are immunizing. They can multiply and are more effective unlike killed/inactivated vaccines. Some vaccines, such as the DTaP vaccine, contain portions of the microorganism attached to a chemical that allows it to stimulate the immune system.

Whats in a Vaccine?
Formaldehyde, other animal viruses, cow blood, traces of human DNA, M SG, heavy metals like mercury and aluminum, disinfectants, antibiotics, sugar, gelatin, egg. The common disinfectant used in vaccines is both cancer causing and toxic. Shockingly, the chickenpox vaccine involved the use of a cell line that was started using tissue from human embryos obtained through illegal abortions in the 1960s. Some research has been done implicating the SV 40 virus, a monkey virus, which was not removed from some vaccines during cleaning, in cancer cases.

What are some diseases that we currently vaccinate against?

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Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) Diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus (DPT) Human papilloma virus (HPV) Influenza Chickenpox/Varicella Polio Hepatitis Hib (Haemophilus influenza, type b)

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Why Vaccinate? r Some of these diseases can be fatal. It gives parents peace of mind by helping to shelter their children from preventable illness and potential death. Conditions in schools make it easier for children to transmit pathogens as do some crowded living situations. r Babies have immature immune systems and it is seen that giving them some immunity protects them. r In some countries, it is easier to contract illnesses with less access to effective medical care. r Some diseases are worse when contracted as an adult. Rubella, for instance, isnt a very serious illness on its own, but can lead to a disorder called congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) when contracted by a pregnant woman. CRS can lead to serious birth defects and sometimes death of the child. Chickenpox is also more serious in adults. Thus, it is better to intentionally expose children to vaccine preventable diseases. r Some public assistance programs require recipients to vaccinate their children for full benefits. The Illness and the Vaccine
With certain vaccines, the risks associated with being infected are similar to being injected with the vaccine. It seems that, as well as presenting the risks of a natural infection, vaccines also introduce other potential complications. Both the measles illness and measles vaccine are associated with brain inflammation, seizures, hearing loss, and the development of irritable bowel disorder. Specific only to measles vaccination is the risk of experiencing atypical measles infection. An atypical infection is a more severe case of measles striking only those that have been previously vaccinated. The risk of death is higher in atypical measles infections than in natural infections. M umps and its vaccine share the potential of aseptic meningitis. The mumps vaccine alone is associated with the development of insulin dependent diabetes. Both rubella and its vaccine can lead to arthralgia or arthritis. There is a possibility that children who were vaccinated for chickenpox will develop shingles as an adult Aviva Romm, in Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parents Guide: How to Make Safe, Sensible Decisions about the Risks, Benefits, and Alternatives, suggests that the diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus (DPT) vaccine is associated with a significant number of frequently occurring adverse reactions. These reactions seem to outweigh the discomforts common to a natural infection. Pertussis and its vaccine may both cause encephalitis.

Why not Vaccinate?

Its hard for anyone to tell how safe vaccines are, despite the soundness of the fundamental idea of how vaccines work. In the 1930s, a vaccine for the poliovirus was administered to patients and it caused the paralysis it was designed to prevent. M ore recently, the CDC changed their recommendation from the oral poliovirus vaccine to the inactivated polio vaccine after studies showed that all polio cases since 1980 were caused by the vaccine. Additionally, Curtis Cost, in his book Vaccines are Dangerous, has collected evidence that some of the illnesses that vaccines have been created for were declining prior to administration of the vaccines. A 1991 study published in the Lancet showed correlations between hepatitis B vaccines and central nervous system problems. Another study in the Lancet found that children who received a new measles vaccine died in significantly greater numbers from common childhood diseases than children who did not receive the vaccine. Another Lancet study found that people who were vaccinated were 3 times more likely to develop Crohns disease and more than twice as likely to develop ulcerative colitis. Current research is focusing on the H1N1 Vaccine and the seasonal influenza vaccine (also known as the flu shot), with most of the current concern focusing on the mercury content (and possible links to Alzheimers) and their role in weakening the immune system (rather than strengthening it).

Did You Know? The Swine Flu Epidemic of 1976 inspired the vaccination of over 40 million people. A little known fact was that those vaccinations caused devastating side effects to over 4000 victims. Swine flu itself only killed one person.
Harris Coulter, in his book Vaccines, Social Violence and Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain, says that many developmental impairments trace back to cases of encephalitis which, Coulter says, are primarily caused by the childhood vaccination programs in industrialized countries. Death and encephalitis have been reported as adverse effects of the M M R, DTP, polio and flu vaccines.

Just how necessary are some vaccinations?

In her 2010 article, Using Fear and Prejudice to Attack Vaccine Exemptions, Barbara Loe Fisher mentions polio-vaccinated children expose unvaccinated children to the poliovirus because they become infectious after receiving the vaccine. Sometimes reactions can also be fatal. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, using your tax dollars, has given money to families of infants who have passed because of the pertussis vaccine. These deaths were originally classified as SIDS deaths. It has been a long time question of my own if vaccines are as necessary as the profits reaped by pharmaceutical companies as well as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) which is responsible for purchasing and distributing a large number of childhood vaccines. According to M oney magazine, a safer form of the pertussis vaccine, acellular pertussis vaccine, was withheld from the public for years after it was licensed, for reasons of production costs.[28] There are risks associated with taking the vaccines such as allergic reactions and certain syndromes like Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). GBS has symptoms of muscle weakness and paralysis that can cause respiratory dysfunction that may be fatal. Seemingly the symptoms are caused by nerves outside of the central nervous system losing their covering (myelin). A known risk for many vaccines is destruction of the covering of nerves. M yelin is necessary for normal brain and neurological function. The development of allergies and bowel problems are known to be increased when vaccines are given. Since breastfeeding gives newborns immunity passing it from mother to child in the breast milk it may not be necessary to immunize newborns. Breast milk also contains chemicals that protect babies from infections like Hib, pneumonia and other respiratory and intestinal infections along with promoting the maturation of the immune system. Some practitioners see that vaccinating prevents diseases that help the immune system mature thus vaccinations cripple the immune system later on in life. Some practitioners even see that aside from physiological maturity, mental maturity also occurs during an illness.

Caregivers are led to believe that the complications of childhood diseases are not rare while adverse effects of vaccines are rare. In looking at the numbers, which can not be presented here, both adverse effects of the vaccines and complications of the illness occur in relatively small numbers but, adverse effects of vaccines seem to be more severe, plentiful and have lifelong implications. M ost people think about the poliovirus inevitably causing paralysis. However, polio infections are frequently asymptomatic or mild. While contracting an illness usually gives immunity for life, vaccines do not and booster shots are needed. A 1980s New England Journal of Medicine study revealed that 60% of measles cases in school-aged children were in children that had been vaccinated. Combination vaccines overwhelm the immune system it is highly unlikely that a person would get measles, mumps, and rubella all at the same time. The connection of autism with vaccines has not been solidly made. There is research that shows that some children have a disorder on the cellular level that causes the heavy metals in vaccine formulations to lead to autism. That is, some children (but not most) may be born with an internal chemistry that could be set off to develop into autism by the chemicals (particularly mercury, which directly effects the brain and nervous system) used in certain vaccines.

What do I do if I want to abstain from vaccination?

There are 3 types of exemptions: Philosophical, M edical, and Religious. Look at the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) website ( to investigate the type of vaccination exemptions your state allows and file one. There may still be issues with your child entering or remaining within the public school system. Go to the NVIC site for more information and resources and on how to obtain assistance.

What if I want to vaccinate?

Speak to your doctor about using preservative-free vaccines. Some vaccines are safer than others at different ages and, overall, are better taken separately. For instance, there are some single shots for measles, mumps, and rubella which are currently more popularly given as the M M R combination. In addition, there is an impending separation of the diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus vaccine which is also considered safer; acellular (pieces of the pathogen) pertussis vaccines are considered safer than whole cell. Some pharmaceutical companies list age ranges for which the vaccine is intended. DPT shouldnt be given to children over 7 years old. Find out the specifics of the vaccine product (drug name and manufacturer) your doctor will use and research it at the pharmaceutical companys website or a site like or Risk of anaphylaxis is a reality for all shots, so be sure that a chemical used to treat such a reaction, epinephrine, is present at the time of injection. If your child does suffer a bad reaction to a shot, be sure that it is reported to VAERS, after doing all you can to ensure your childs safe recovery. It is also important to keep detailed records of any adverse events. Whether or not to vaccinate is a very serious issue for many families and, in my research, journalists, holistic practitioners and even medical doctors concur that being informed is crucial in making decisions about whether or not to vaccinate. Fear should not be your primary motivating factor. However, fear is instilled in the readers of much of the literature provided by the CDC, National Institutes of Health (NIH), the public school system and various initiatives whose objective is to increase vaccination. On the other end, fear is propagated by those who oppose vaccines leaving parents in a difficult position. Ultimately, the decisions are made for indecisive caregivers by mandates of the public school system, pressure by doctors, and persecution by vaccinating parents. Research is crucial to making a decision. Please start by reading some of the literature Ive cited here. The most strategic starting point is a book Ive consulted throughout this article, Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parents Guide: How to Make Safe, Sensible Decisions about the Risks, Benefits, and Alternatives by Aviva Romm. She offers a wide scope of bare-bones information about vaccines and multiple considerations while not invoking the fear many writers do. Within her work is a plethora of other resources, and possible steps 2, 3, 4 and so on, of your journey. Researching the topic of vaccines requires continuous effort. Other books on the subject include A Shot in the Dark by Harris L. Coulter, The Parents Concise Guide to Childhood Vaccinations: From Newborns to Teens, Practical Medical and Natural Ways to Protect Your Child by Lauren Feder, and What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Childrens Vaccinations by Stephanie Cave. As a parent, you have a right to decide whether your children are vaccinated and when. Check out the following sites for more:,, and Dont be discouraged. Dont feel alone. There are many parents all over the world that share this struggle. Im one of them.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G Coulda ended up in Spofford, juvenile delinquent/ But Pops gave me the right typea tools to think with Books to read, like X and stuff/ Cause the school said the kids had dyslexia Nas, Bridging the Gap Dyslexia is a recognized disability affecting 10% of the population. Dyslexia doesnt mean youre stupid, or that you wont be able to succeed in a world that values reading abilitybut it will be more challenging. Some famous dyslexics include Whoopi Goldberg, Danny Glover, Edward James Olmos, M uhammad Ali, and a bunch of rappers who would never admit it. Nas might have been telling us something in the verse above, but who knows? On We Dont Care, Kanye West raps:

You know the kids gonna act a fool/ When you stop the programs for after school/ And they DCFS them; some of them dyslexic/ They favorite 50 Cent songs 12 Questions/We aint retards the way teachers thought/ Hold up, hold fast; we make mo cash/ Now tell my momma I belong in the slow class/ Its bad enough we on welfare/ You tryina put me on the school bus with the space for the wheelchair
Dyslexics have a hard time telling left from right. If you told someone with dyslexia, Use your left finger to point to your right foot, it would be ridiculously hard for them. Dyslexics also have a hard time spelling easy words like: friend, enough, they, because, island, any, said and many. Dyslexic people are extremely disorganized. Dyslexics are often unable to write down what they feel on paper. Dyslexics find it hard to retain what is said to them. Dyslexics find it hard to follow specific instructions, especially those with multiple steps. With all that being said, can you imagine how hard school would be for a child with undiagnosed dyslexia? The following checklist can help you tell if a child (or adult) you know has dyslexia.

Characteristics of Dyslexia
According to the scale developed by Ronald D. Davis, M ost dyslexics will exhibit about 10 of the following traits and behaviors. These characteristics can vary from day-to-day or minute-to-minute. The most consistent thing about dyslexics is their inconsistency.

General r Appears bright, highly intelligent, and articulate but unable to read, write, or spell at grade level. r Labeled lazy, dumb, careless, immature, not trying hard enough, or behavior problem. r Isnt behind enough or bad enough to be helped in the school setting. r High in IQ, yet may not test well academically; tests well orally, but not written. r Feels dumb; has poor self-esteem; hides or covers up weaknesses with ingenious compensatory strategies; easily frustrated and emotional about school reading or testing. r Talented in art, drama, music, sports, mechanics, story-telling, sales, business, designing, building, or engineering. r Seems to zone out or daydream often; gets lost easily or loses track of time. r Difficulty sustaining attention; seems hyper or daydreamer. r Learns best through hands-on experience, demonstrations, experimentation, observation, and visual aids. Vision, Reading, and Spelling r Complains of dizziness, headaches or stomach aches while reading. r Confused by letters, numbers, words, sequences, or verbal explanations. r Reading or writing shows repetitions, additions, transpositions, omissions, substitutions, and reversals in letters, numbers and/or words. r Complains of feeling or seeing non-existent movement while reading, writing, or copying. r Seems to have difficulty with vision, yet eye exams dont reveal a problem. r Extremely keen sighted and observant, or lacks depth perception and peripheral vision. r Reads and rereads with little comprehension. r Spells phonetically and inconsistently. Hearing and Speech r Has extended hearing; hears things not said or apparent to others; easily distracted by sounds. r Difficulty putting thoughts into words; speaks in halting phrases; leaves sentences incomplete; stutters under stress; mispronounces long words, or transposes phrases, words, and syllables when speaking. Writing and Motor Skills r Trouble with writing or copying; pencil grip is unusual; handwriting varies or is illegible. r Clumsy, uncoordinated, poor at ball or team sports; difficulties with fine and/or gross motor skills and tasks; prone to motion-sickness. r Can be ambidextrous, and often confuses left/right, over/under. Math and Time Management r Has difficulty telling time, managing time, learning sequenced information or tasks, or being on time. r Computing math shows dependence on finger counting and other tricks; knows answers, but cant do it on paper. r Can count, but has difficulty counting objects and dealing with money. r Can do arithmetic, but fails word problems; cannot grasp algebra or higher math.

Memory and Cognition r Excellent long-term memory for experiences, locations, and faces. r Poor memory for sequences, facts and information that has not been experienced. r Thinks primarily with images and feeling, not sounds or words (little internal dialogue). Behavior, Health, Development and Personality r Extremely disorderly or compulsively orderly. r Can be class clown, trouble-maker, or too quiet. r Had unusually early or late developmental stages (talking, crawling, walking, tying shoes). r Prone to ear infections; sensitive to foods, additives, and chemical products. r Can be an extra deep or light sleeper; bedwetting beyond appropriate age. r Unusually high or low tolerance for pain. r Strong sense of justice; emotionally sensitive; strives for perfection. r Mistakes and symptoms increase dramatically with confusion, time pressure, emotional stress, or poor health.
You can also do a free online dyslexia test at


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G They shoulda thrown the book at you/ Because I hate you so much that it burn when I look at you Nicki M inaj, Autobiography I used to wonder why Nicki M inaj came off like she was rapping for an audience of perverts and pedophiles. If you listened to her delivery, and the way she used to dress, she was impersonating a child. She even had a giant lollipop and schoolgirl dress on in some pictures. Yet she was selling sex. It seemed kinda sick to me. But as I paid attention to how many grown men found that exciting, I understood what her industry handlers had put her up to. She wasnt in control of her own image. And when she realized how many teenage girls were trying to become slutty Barbies and Harajuku girls (a trend that comes from pedophilic elements in Japanese culture), she realized there was a problem. But it wasnt all her fault. Part of the reason why so many young girls gravitated towards her was because they felt they could relate. To what? To an escape from themselves. In Nicki M inajs songs, shes all over the place. If youve seen her perform, you might think shes a little off. Not Lady Gaga-off, but definitely off. When I finally took the time to read about her (instead of casting stones from a distance, as so many of us do), I realized why. In the July 2010 issue of Vibe Magazine, she explained that before finding her groove at drama school (where she could create characters for herself), she was psychologically wrecked by an abusive father:

I thought we would just be happy, but with a drug-addicted parent there is no such thing as being happy. When you have a father who is stealing your furniture and selling it so that he can buy crack, you suffer. You come home from school and your couch is gone. Youre like, what happened?
M ost people who have been abused wont share all the details of their abuse, partly because they dont even want to think about it. M inaj continued:

All my dolls, all my stuffed animals, all my pictures are burnt. I was one of those kids that kept all that stuff. I cared a lot. I swear youd have to hypnotize me to get me to remember some things that happened. I think psychologically I blocked them away.
I can only imagine what else happened, because the chances are good that it was even worse than shed admit to. But among people of color, we rarely talk about physical abuse. And even LESS about sexual abuse. Its just something we brush under the table. Because we dont talk about it, most of us continue to suffer long into adulthood. At some point, we might tell what happened, as The Game did on his tragic song Lost:

My pops is a pedophile/ How you stick your 28-year-old dick in your child/ And now how it feel to be 52/ and have a son thats a millionaire and he dont f*ck with you?/ Daddy, she was only in the sixth grade/ The day I heard her scream, I shoulda hit you with the switchblade
But by then its too late. Were scarred. Were hardly survivors. Were more like victims. Countless studies have shown that people who suffered sexual abuse as children were more like to feel isolated, abandoned, hopeless, and disconnected (from society and/or reality). 70% of victims develop alcohol and drug problems (80% among males). Victims are also more likely to have depression, PTSD, eating disorders, physical health issues (somatization), other psychological issues (like self-hatred or aggression towards others), and serious difficulty maintaining healthy relationships (including being unable to tell sex from love).

Does this Sound Like a Lot of People you Know?

It should. In this country, 1 out of 4 girls and 1 out of 6 boys are sexually abused before they turn 18. In fact, most sexual assaults in this country are not perpetrated on adults, but on children. And those estimates are probably too low, considering that 88% of sexual abuse goes unreported. Bottom line is that for every 5 people you know, one of them was most likely sexually abused at some point. And for most people, its not a one-time occurrence, because people are rarely molested or abused by creepy old strangers. While that also can happen, we should know that 90% of sexual abuse comes from people who are known by the family of the victim. Often, these are people who are trusted by the family. These can be clergy who volunteer to work hands-on with youth (like Bishop Eddie Long), teachers who spend extra one-on-one time unsupervised with students (like several whove made the news in recent years), and even record label owners and managers who take a special interest in developing a young artists career (I wont name any names here, because Im sure youve heard the rumors about what happens to young artists in todays entertainment industry). Or these can be a step-parent (as Ludacris raps about in the first verse of Runaway Love), babysitter, or uncle (more Blacks are abused by their uncles than their fathers).

Why Dont They Just Tell?

Because of the abusers status, victims can be scared to snitch. They fear that no one will believe them, or that they will hurt someone else through their confession (such as what happened when Raz-B of B2K charged manager Chris Stokes with molesting him, his brother Ricky, and M arquez Houstonand then soon retracted). 30-40% of victims are sexually abused by family members themselves. M any times, victims are so changed by the abuse that their understanding of people and the world shifts entirely. Often, they are unable to tell sex from love, to know what is right or wrong or to protect themselves against future abuses. That was the case with Tyler Perry, who was molested by a neighbor for years, then seduced by a friends mother at age 10, and physically abused by his own father, who he later learned was molesting his female friend. M any dont know that Tyler Perrys first play, I Know Ive Been Changed, was about adult survivors of childhood abuse. But audiences werent ready for it, so he changed his formula. The M adea plays and films that followed paved the way for Perry to again address the topic of abuse by releasing the film Precious.

What Happens to the Victims?

Not only is child sexual abuse more common than wed like to think, its also more devastating than wed like to admit. Do you think all those teen pregnancies in the hood are some glitch in our children? The statistical truth is that more than 60% of teen first pregnancies are preceded by experiences of molestation, rape, or attempted rape. The average age of the offenders is 27 years old. Another study found that 66% of pregnant teens report a history of abuse (but of course, most were never treated). Not only are victims of sexual abuse more likely to be promiscuous (especially engaging in unprotected sex and other risky behaviors), but theyre also more likely to engage in prostitution. Two-thirds of all prostitutes were abused as children. Whats most concerning is the cycle of abuse in which all this occurs. 30% of male victims later violently victimized others. And 70-80% of serial rapists were sexually abused as children. To make matters worse, this abuse tends to be more brutal in the hood. Incestuous abuse among Blacks was more than three times more likely to be very severe and violent, compared with the abuse experienced by whites. While it goes without saying that some of these

victims will grow up to do worse than their own abusers, sexual abuse has other, more subtle, side-effects in the community. For starters, much of the dysfunction we see in the hood can be traced back to instances of abuse. Sylvia Coleman identifies dozens of coping mechanisms used by victims/survivors of child sexual abuse at, including promiscuity, attracting chaos, using religion to avoid intimacy, trouble saying no to others or trouble setting healthy boundaries, engaging in risky sexual behavior (unprotected sex, sex with strangers), falling for unavailable men, always feeling like a victim in life, and persistent low self-esteem, among other traits we have probably seen exhibited by many of our close friends and colleagues. Coleman adds:

Men who have been abused are more commonly seen in the criminal justice system than in clinical mental health settings. Some men even feel societal pressure to be proud of early sexual activity (no matter how unwanted it may have been at the time). When Did all This Start?
M ost researchers trace the occurrence of child sexual abuse in the Black community back to European intervention. While some authors credit early contact (citing the ancient Greek emphasis on pedophilia being normative for much of European history, and then later emerging in European contact with indigenous populations), others like Sylvia Coleman argue that African-Americans have a history of victimization and sexual abuse dating back to their initial arrival in this country as slaves. Coleman cites, as factors, the forced and often incestuous nature of sex on the slave plantation, the molestation that occurred regularly (beginning with the physical inspections at slave auctions), and the repression of dialogue about abuse:

To survive, our ancestors learned to act complacent and submissive, to put on a mask to navigate through life. To talk about sexual attacks could result in lashings, sale or even death. So not talking showed a bravado that was passed down from generation to generation. Today this is called splitting or disassociation. So How Can you Tell if a Child is Being Abused?
Physical signs are not common, but can include redness, rashes, or swelling in the genital area, urinary tract infections, and similar symptoms. Physical symptoms can also include constant headaches and stomach aches. M ore common are the psychological symptoms. Some of these can range from too perfect behavior to withdrawal and depression to unexplained anger and rebellion. If you see a mood shift or a pattern of emotional behavior you cant explain, you may be seeing the signs of child sexual abuse. Other signs include nightmares and bedwetting in children who have outgrown it, runaway behavior, cruelty to animals and fire-setting, selfmutilation and negative self-talk (Im ugly, Im worthless), early alcohol/drug use, and inappropriate sexual behavior and language at an early age. Above all, however, intuition is the first step in seeing clearly.

Recommendations r Monitor (or avoid) any one adult-one child settings, which is where 80% of sexual abuse occurs. If there are to be any, drop in unexpectedly (even with family members) and ask questions (of the adult beforehand and of the child afterwards). r Be mindful of allowing older children around your young child, because 40% of child sexual abuse is perpetrated by older or larger children. Comedian/talk show host Monique, confessed that shed been molested by her older brother from age 7 to 11. She said her parents didnt believe her, and her brother eventually went to prison for 15 years for sexually abusing another girl. Queen Latifah also admitted that shed been sexually abused by a teenage babysitter. He violated me, she told Essence magazine. I never told anybody; I just buried it as deeply as I could and kept people at an arms distance. I never really let a person get too close to me. I could have been married years ago, but I had a commitment issue. r Part of the problem is the abuser, but a much larger part of the problem is the much larger number of people who do nothing about the problem. Some of us look the other way, as Camron said he would, when he told 60 Minutes that he wouldnt snitch on a known child molestor in his neighborhood (nor do anything about it himself).[29] r Others do even worse, sticking up for the accused, without even bothering to investigate (not that we would know how to conduct an investigation). Thats the case with South Park Mexican, a Houston rapper who sexually assaulted several children (impregnating one of them), before he was finally convicted and sentenced to 45 years in prison. Yet he continues to record music while incarcerated, and there are persistent messages from online posters calling for his release. This kinda behavior has to stop. r While its good to be aware of whos a registered sex offender in your area (using a site like, its more important to be aware of who actually has access to your children. Since most people are abused by people they (and the family) know, its more important to scrutinize people who are close to you than strangers. r Prepare your children for this sick world. Dont wait until its too late to have those talks youve been putting off. You dont have to freak them out to be real with them. r You can also help protect your children by not sending them out into the world looking like theyre older than they are. While many child predators prey on children who look like children, there are also plenty of older people who are attracted to children who look, dress, or act grown, which they feel makes their advances acceptable (She looks like shes already doing it, I thought he was 18, etc.) r Speaking of letting children be children, please take a note from all the child stars and teen models who have been abused, raped, and molested. Do NOT send your children off into this world, because it can be a very sick place, especially if youre not constantly around to monitor. There is no need for you to live vicariously

r r

r r r

through your child, just because they happen to be cuter or more talented than you were. And while were talking about sending them off to the wolves, do NOT leave your children with whoever will watch them. Thats how a LOT of this abuse happens. Set some serious limits on who can watch your child, because its not something everybody and anybody should have access to. Encourage your children to tell you everything and anything as soon as it happens. Children who disclose abuse soon after its occurrence may be less traumatized than those children who live with the secret for years. You can encourage this kind of conversation by being less judgmental and emotional when they share things with you. If a child has been abused, they will most likely NOT tell you the whole story if you react negatively when they begin to TRY to tell you. Ask open-ended questions like Then what happened? Make sure the child knows you are there to trust, support, and protect them no matter what. Thank them for telling you, let them know its not their fault, and then seek help. There are two agencies that handle most reports of child abuse: Child Protective Services (known by a different name in some states) and the Police. To find out where to make a report in your area, visit for the specific reporting numbers for your state. If the legal system doesnt handle the issue, visit the National Center for Victims of Crime ( or 1-800-FYI-CALL) or Stop It Now ( or 1-888-PREVENT). You can also call 1-866-FORLIGHT or 1-800-4-A-CHILD. You can also visit a Childrens Advocacy Center. To find a center near you, contact The National Childrens Alliance at or 1-800-239-9950. Children and adults who were sexually abused as children have indicated that family support, extra-familial support, high self-esteem, and spirituality were helpful in their recovery from the abuse. Victims also report that attending workshops and conferences on child sexual abuse, reading about child sexual abuse, and undergoing psychotherapy have helped them feel better and return to a more normal life.

Finally, if you were a victim of child sexual abuse yourself, you cant allow yourself to be a victim anymore. In life, we choose either to be victims or survivors. Survivors find the strength to emerge from the shadows of shame to tell their stories and empower others to heal with them. Survivors of child sexual abuse include Oprah Winfrey, Laveranues Coles, Dorothy Dandridge, Antwone Fisher, M ary J. Blige, Iyanla Vanzant, Donnie M cClurkin, M aya Angelou, Gabrielle Union, Jill Scott, Fantasia Barrino, M issy Elliot, Queen Latifah, Kenny Lattimore, M onique, Tyler Perry, and thousands of others. Youre not alone.

Recommended Reading r African Americans and Child Sexual Abuse by Veronica Abney r Boys into Men: Raising Our African American Teenage Sons by Nancy Boyd-Franklin, Pamela Toussaint, and A. J. Franklin r Broken Boys, Mending Men: Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse by Stephen D. Gruban-Black r I Will Survive: The African-American Guide to Healing from Sexual Assault and Abuse by Laura Robinson and Julia Boyd r No Secrets, No Lies: How Black Families Can Heal from Sexual Abuse by Robin Stone r Stolen Women: Reclaiming Our Sexuality, Taking Back Our Lives by Gail Wyatt


Understanding and Combatting Addiction

n Building M inds Faster, Lupe Fiasco raps, Who use most the drugs? Americans! Whats in Afghanistan? Heroin! Hes right, and hes not exaggerating. The U.S. has only 4% of the worlds population, but consumes 65% of its hard drugs. And drug use (and addiction) is not something you only find in the hood. Its just something you only go to jail for in the hood. The truth is that across the board whites do more drugs than Blacks or Latinos. Both numerically and percentage-wise. Even marijuana. Just ask Bill Clintonand while youre at it, ask George W. Bush about cocaine. But Black drugs like crack-cocaine receive the hardest sentencing and the least opportunities for rehab. Its a telling fact that cities that are mostly white are the easiest on drug use (in some areas, you can have an ounce on weed on you and not go to jail), while cities that have high minority populations respond, ahem, very differently. These disparities are obvious even in the celebrity world, when you look at how they treat Lindsay Lohan, for example, versus someone like Lil Boosie. Thats probably what was on Boosies mind when he said, If I made a mistake with marijuana, why am I not eligible for rehab? Ive been on marijuana since a teenager. I need some rehab. Jail is not rehab. Hes got a point, but Boosies story should tell you something. This system is not design for you to thrive. So if youre trying to kick an addiction, your chances of being assigned to a rehab program are slim. You might do better finding one on your own and checking yourself in. But even that may not go well. When all else fails, all youve got is you (and hopefully your family, unless your addiction has run them away). So youve gotta take your life into your own hands. This starts with understanding how chemical addiction works. It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me/ Admittedly I probably did it, subliminally, for you/

So I could come back a brand new me, you helped see me through/ And dont even realize what you did, believe me you Eminem, Not Afraid

What is Addiction?
Addiction is no joke. Im sure everyone reading this has lost somebody to addictionespecially if you consider that some of us are gone but not physically dead. Theyre just part of the walking dead. Public Enemy rapped about em on Night of the Living Baseheads and Nas called them Black Zombies. Addiction has taken the lives of thousands of notable figures, from legendary singer M arvin Gaye (whose own father shot him because hed become violent during a cocaine binge) to rapper Ol Dirty Bastard, who had a lethal mixture of cocaine and the prescription painkiller Tramadol in his system at the time of his 2004 death. Pimp Cs 2007 death was caused by the effects of a large dose of promethazine and codeine (prescription cough syrup) coupled with a preexisting sleep apnea condition. Fellow Texas pioneers DJ Screw and Fat Pat also fell victim to deadly doses of cough syrup. Even Camron claimed that he could no longer do business with Juelz Santana because of his addiction to syrup:

He got hooked on it, addicted to it. You go to the studio he got, like, a hundred Hawaiian Punches already pre-mixed with the stuff in it. So I kinda stopped speaking to him like, we already smoked mad weed, we dont need to be on RobitussinI called his mother about it. I asked her about it. She know about it. She said she was asking him to stop. I called the people that were in his circle. Theyd say, Nah, Cam, it aint that much....Im like yo, thats like saying you just smoke a little bit of crack, it aint that much crack...So thats kinda how I shot away from Juelz. It was even a point where Jim [Jones] called me like, Whats going on with you and Juelz...I said, hes on drugs.[30]
The latest news regarding drug addiction in HipHop wasnt Whitney and Bobby on crack or DAngelo on coke. It was Lil Wayne and once again syrup. After Wayne admitted to his addiction in April of 2009, Rhapsody caught up with Bun B to get his take on Wayne, syrup, and quitting drugs:

Rhapsody: Lil Wayne recently made a lot of headlines by admitting to being addicted to syrup. What were your thoughts? Bun B: I wish they would just leave the kid alone. When you have 100 people telling you to not do something, that sh*t doesnt work like that. Now me, I hadnt sipped syrup for a while before Pimp died. Does that mean I let all my vices go? F*ck no. Im still drinking and smoking weed. Ike Turner died of cocaine use. People havent stopped snorting cocaine. Thousands of people die drunk driving every year and somebody is going to drive home drunk tonight. People stop doing things whenever they sort of feel their way up to it. The kid said he would love to stop, but the withdrawal symptoms are too intense for him. Anybody going through something like that knows thats what it is. I say this to all media, you cant force Lil Wayne to stop sipping drank. Thats gonna be a personal choice. For all these people that love to put his sh*t on blast, I would love for them to put their vices on front street. Walk around with your proverbial white cup with you all day and see if you could handle the pressure. When did you actually stop sipping syrup? I stopped last summer. The sh*t f*cked with my stomach. It wasnt like I couldnt sh*t or [was] throwing up or nothing like that. I dont get hangovers from liquors, so I can drink as much as I want. [But] when I would sip the syrup, the next day I would feel that sh*t. But that weed, I cant let it go. How much syrup were you sipping? Maybe four ounces a month. I wasnt like a serious sipper. I know people that sip four ounces per day. When I was younger, I probably sipped a little harder. And I had a lot of problems going on with management and sh*t like that, so I ran to drugs to escape from reality. Lately, Ive been learning to deal with reality so theres no need for me to do all the drugs that I used to do. What would you say is the best drug youve ever done? Jesus Christ, I didnt know there were levels of good. Arent drugs bad? [Laughs.] Weed for me is cool. I couldnt f*ck with the cocaine and heroin. I used to pop [Xanax and Ambien]. That sh*t can get out of hand real quick. I did some ecstasy before. Weve been doing X [ecstasy] since 93, 94. You used to be able to buy X with liquor in the clubs in Dallas. Like, give [me] two tabs and two Heinekeins. I tried shrooms. Did you like shrooms? Shrooms was cause of the kids I was hanging out with at the time. White boys? Yeah, absolutely. They were like, Try this sh*t, Bun. I was like, Alright. You young, you wanna fit in. People do a lot of dumb sh*t trying to fit in. I aint used to pictures coming up off the paintings and walking around the room. I dont like the hallucinogenic drugs. When I was smoking water [formaldehyde], that first hit feels good and its a nice little rush. But then you take that second hit and you get that wash-over, and you know that youre in that world and not coming out no time soon. Youre like, Damn, I done f*cked around and did this sh*t. Im finna be high till six in the morning. I dont like drugs that you cant stop being high when you want to. I like a rollercoaster ride, not a road trip. [Laughs]
And this was Lil Waynes take on his situation:

No, [Bun] hasnt talked to me. But Im going through that same sh*t with my friends, with my mom. Everybody wants me to stop all this and all that. It aint that easy. Do your history, do your research. It aint that easy feels like death in your stomach when you stop doing that sh*t. You

gotta learn how to stop, you gotta go through detox. You gotta do all kinds of stuff. Like I said, Im a selfish-ass nigga. I feel like everything I do is successful and productive. Its gonna be hard to tell me Im slipping. Its hard to sit and tell a nigga Stop. F*CK, how can we tell this nigga to stop when every f*cking thing he do is successful? This nigga is making progress. He just went and talked to kids and that sh*t was amazing. Feel me? So what am I doing wrong? Let me do me. Everybodys got their thing. Why focus on me? Dont compare me to no one. Dont compare me to no one who has passed, and why they passed. I can walk out this bitch right now and get hit by a bus. Dont judge me. You wanna judge me, put on a black gown and get a gavel. Get in line with the rest of them thats about to judge me. I got court dates every other month. Its me against the world, thats how I feelI dont escape. I dont. Im too shelled-in by it. Its in my own circle. Everybody around here be looking down. I deal with itI never been one to run. I stand there and take it and throw it right back at them bitches. Thats always been my gameIts inspiring me, but Imma tell them now they better stop. Cause they [are trying to] push me off the edge. If I jump, Im taking the world with me. Thats my word.
Sounds like a true addict talking. That is, it sounds like someone who knows they have a problem, but just cant find a solutionyet. Addiction involves 3 main elements: 1. chemical need (at the physiological cellular level) 2. learned habit (chronic use/behavior and associations) 3. denial of both need and habit Some addictions, like alcoholism, develop over a period of years. Others are much quicker, like addictions to cocaine and meth (which is said to only require one hit). In any case, the addiction becomes Priority One, something separate from everything elsesomething that eventually negates everything else as a priority in your life. There are 3 stages to the addiction process: 1. Preoccupation/anticipation 2. Binge/intoxication 3. Withdrawal/negative effect These stages occur in cycles, up to several times a day, depending on how strong the addiction is. With each use, a persons body and brain chemistry begin to alter in such a way that the drug effects become a normal part of the addicts internal chemistry. This leads to a physical dependency where the body relies on the drug for normal functioning. The most significant changes occur in your central nervous system, starting with your brain. Drugs cause the brain to release dopamine and serotonin, the feel good neurotransmitters. M eanwhile, the drugs make it harder for your brain to process dopamine and serotonin. So not only do you need the drugs to feel good, you continuously need more and more just to feel the same level of good. After certain point, the reward/punishment pathways within your brain become permanently altered, making you susceptible to addictive behavior long after you stop using. If you were to stop cold turkey, your central nervous system would basically punish you for not giving it what it thinks it needs. This is known as withdrawal, producing symptoms such as sweating, tremors, irritability, insomnia, nausea, depression, extreme cravings (and worse), all caused by your brains inability to function normally without the drug. Im not afraid to take a stand/ Everybody come take my hand/ Well walk this road together, through the storm/ Whatever weather, cold or warm/ Just let you know that, youre not alone/ Holla if you feel that youve been down the same road Eminem, Not Afraid But these symptoms are all temporary. They may feel like hell (so bad with some drugs that people often rely on doctor-prescribed transition drugs to quit), but most withdrawal symptoms do nowhere near the damage youre doing to your body with long-term drug abuse. Any drug that is addictive is also toxic to your health. Theres no way around that. From missing teeth to heart disease, drugs are bad for you. They wreck your brain but they also affect the rest of you. For example, Ecstasy interferes with the bodys ability to regulate temperature, and can cause liver, kidney, and cardiovascular failure. But addictive drugs (including prescription painkillers, so dont get it twisted) are more likely to wreck your life before they wreck your health. By the time you start getting real sick, youll be so f*cked up and out of it that no one will even notice. Probably not even you. Youll probably die sick, while still tryin to get your next fix.

Why Do We Do It?
If it feels so good, why do we call it getting f*cked up? Bro Akil, From Niggas to Gods So lets be real. Why do we get high? Why do we stay drunk? To answer that question, ask yourself if youd want to go on an all-expense paid trip to Hawaii, but then stay so wasted that you didnt know where you were. Who would do that? Not most of us. Why? Because wed want to enjoy the experience! But what does that tell us about the lives we really lead? Just think about it, because this aint no antidrug lecture. Nobody does drugs because theyre good for your health. Every addict and alcoholic knows the health outcomes they can look forward to, without any lectures needed. Why? Because most alcoholics and addicts have someone in their family who has already fallen victim. In fact, being prone to chemical dependence can be inheritedor even a genetic trait. And while those are certainly factors in why some of us develop addictions, theres a much bigger factor we need to address. Put simply, chemical dependency is a mask for depression. People who are miserable about their lives self-medicate with alcohol and other stimulants/depressants to feel better (or just feel out of it) temporarily. I didnt learn that in a book. I lived that. And it wasnt until I felt better about myself, my life, and my future, that I could easily give up drinking and smoking. With that said, there are some of us who can drink or smoke weed on occasion, and its not a symptom of depression. But theres a lot more of us who THINK we dont have a problem and we really do. Earlier, you read an example of this from Lil Wayne. He said those words in April of 2009. But fortunately, things seem to have changed. And its likely that the change was brought on by all that pressure he was complaining about. In February of 2010, he told Rolling Stone, I havent f*cked with that in a long time, insisting he quit drinking cough syrup and juice M ay in 2009, doing it cold turkey. Wayne might have been screaming Leave me alone, but it looks like the harassment helped. And it appears that Wayne was looking forward to his prison sentence, because it offered him a chance to get clean. I just say Im looking forward to it, he told Rolling Stone, I know its an experience that I need to have if Gods putting me through it. Going to prison is a hell of a way to detox, but it works. The only problem is that if you go back to the same circles once youre back in the free world, youll be back to your old problems in no time. Just look at what happened to T.I.

So what do you do to get clean and stay clean? Keep reading. This chapter will help give you some direction on what to do from there. Its a long journey when youre on the kind of road many of us are on, but theres nothing we cant beat.


A N A D D I C T S P LI G H T T O F R EED O M F R O M A C T I VE A D D I C T I O N B Y A N O N YM O U S I am the epitome of a dope addict. When I was a little boy, I literally believed that every family in the world got high off something, because every adult in my family got high off something, even my great grandmother who smoked trees. Coming up in my hood, every family in my immediate reach was in a similar position. I started out smoking cigarettes at 13. The buzz I got made me want to smoke them more and more, but by the time I smoked my fifth cig, the buzz was gone. I needed something else. Over time, I realized the same would be for every drug I used. Next, I drank 40 ozs and cheap wine. Then I started a love affair that would take me to some of the darkest places in the universe. She was beautiful; in her growing phase she wore a crown of seven points and was known to calm some of the most savage beasts. She sported a euphoric fragrance that would melt the senses. She made me paranoid some days and other days she made me think I was the toughest gangster to exist. She was also the gate way to a path of destruction that I thought Id never travel. Her name was known in many languages, but in the hood she was called Weed, Trees, Sess, Dro, Purp, Chronic, and most recently Kush. You guessed it! I had a love affair with M other M ary or M arijuana. I sold it to support my habit. I made decent money but I smoked so much of my supply that I didnt make as much money as I could have. So I got the bright idea to sell cocaine. I thought that I could make more money and not use up my supply. Well I was sadly mistaken. When weeds high wasnt enough, I eventually laced my blunts with base or freebase, which is crack cocaine. I got to a point where I smoked at least five wulaahs, as we called cocaine-laced blunts, a day. And when the weed ran out I smoked the crack with cigarette tobacco in joints. I got so high daily that I couldnt sleep without snorting heroin. So I was a weed/crack/dope head that occasionally drank alcohol too. I was miserable and depressed and so was everyone around me. M y decision-making was poor during those days and, although I was slowly committing suicide by getting high, I couldnt figure out why I felt so sad and depressed. The drugs had me so lost that I didnt realize I was out of my mind. M y life was a constant path of destruction. I was living in a fantasy world, though I had jolts of reality. During one of my moments of clarity, I noticed enough was enough. I went to my moms house and told her Id had enough. She suggested I get help. Based upon her suggestion, I signed myself into a drug detoxifying unit. I discovered a 12 step program there and I learned that my addiction was a clinical illness which meant, just like any other illness, that I needed treatment. I learned that drugs had driven me to a point of insanity and I needed recovery. I needed to recover my sanity, my self respect, and most importantly my inner peace. I went to a rehabilitation unit after I left the detox unit. I stayed in rehab for 30 days. (Ironically both the detox and rehab were housed in mental health wards.) It was suggested of me to continue attending the 12 step support groups, so when I left rehab, I immediately went to one. I knew where to go because, in treatment, they gave me a list of where they were. Once there, I raised my hand and told the people there that I was an addict and I needed help. They gave me many suggestions, many of which I still use today, such as staying away from people, places, and things I used with, going to support group meetings, getting phone numbers and calling other recovering addicts, learning and working the 12 steps, and many more. It has been over 7 years since I used drugs. I still attend 12 step meetings. I lost the desire to use drugs and found a new way to live. M y worst days clean are better than my best days using drugs. I have the love and support of my family again. Ive become a productive member of society and Ive been blessed to help others find their way to recovery. I have received many gifts during my years of being clean but the greatest gift has been the connection with my Higher Power that exists within me. See, I learned that I was powerless over my addiction and my life had become unmanageable, but my Higher Power, the God within, is more powerful than the disease of addiction. In the past I felt all alone in the mean streets of the hood. Now my support network is so vast, Ill never feel alone again. If youre reading this and you want help from drug abuse, or if you know anyone who wants help, Google 12 step programs in your area and see which one best suits your needs. And dont be afraid to tell someone who you know and trust that you need help. Remember, alone we can do some things, together we can do anything.

Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST)

This 20-question self-test may help you become aware of your use or abuse of drugs. To take the questionnaire, please mark the choice which best reflects how each statement applies to you. The questions refer to the past 12 months. For the purposes of this screening test, drug abuse refers to the use of prescribed or over the counter drugs in excess of the directions, and any non-medical use of drugs. Remember, for the purposes of this screening test, the questions do not refer to alcoholic beverages. Carefully read each statement and decide whether your answer is yes or no. Please give the best answer or the answer that is right most of the time. Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

1. Have you used drugs other than those required for medical reasons? r Yes r No 2. Have you abused prescription drugs? r Yes r No 3. Do you abuse more than one drug at a time? r Yes r No 4. Can you get through the week without using drugs? r Yes r No 6. Are you always able to stop using drugs when you want to? r Yes r No 7. Have you had blackouts or flashbacks as a result of drug use? r Yes r No 8. Do you ever feel bad or guilty about your drug use? r Yes r No 9. Does your spouse (or parents) ever complain about your involvement with drugs? r Yes r No 10. Has drug abuse created problems between you and your spouse or your parents? r Yes r No 11. Have you lost friends because of your use of drugs? r Yes r No 12. Have you neglected your family because of your use of drugs? r Yes r No 13. Have you been in trouble at work because of your use of drugs? r Yes r No 14. Have you lost a job because of drug abuse? r Yes r No 15. Have you gotten into fights when under the influence of drugs? r Yes r No 16. Have you engaged in illegal activities in order to obtain drugs? r Yes r No 17. Have you been arrested for possession of illegal drugs? r Yes r No 18. Have you ever experienced withdrawal symptoms (felt sick) when you stopped taking drugs? r Yes r No 19. Have you had medical problems as a result of your drug use (e.g., memory loss, hepatitis, convulsions, bleeding, etc.)? r Yes r No 20. Have you gone to anyone for help for a drug problem? r Yes r No 21. Have you been involved in a treatment program especially related to drug use? r Yes r No
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Scoring This quiz is scored by allocating 1 point to each yes answer except for questions 4 and 5, where 1 point is allocated for each no answer and totalling the responses. Scoring Ranges and Explanation 0 None Reported 1-5 Low Level 6-10 Moderate Level 11-15 Substantial Level 16-20 Severe Level The Proactive 12 Steps


M any of us have heard of 12 Step programs for addiction recovery and sobriety. The Proactive 12 Steps are an alternative inspired by the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and other addiction programs. They employ a non-religious approach that provokes positive results for people from all walks of life, without being constricted to religious ideology. They can be used for alcohol addiction as well as drug addiction. They are as follows: Step 1: I realize Im stuck. It makes no sense to keep trying to solve my problems with solutions that arent working. Step 2: Im willing to let go of my usual ways, in the hope that this will help me see things from a broader perspective. Step 3: I shift my focus, from being fixated on my problems, to seeking a sense of wholeness and contentment in my life. Step 4: I honestly look at the effects of my actions on others and myself. Step 5: I take responsibility for my actions. Step 6: I see that my knee-jerk reactions have to do with being in the grip of more or less conscious fears. Step 7: I strive to find my motivation in a deeper sense of who I really am, rather than fear and defensiveness. Step 8: I stop blaming and feeling blamed, with a willingness to heal the wounds. Step 9: I swallow my pride, and sincerely apologize to people Ive hurt, except when it would be counterproductive. Step 10: I live mindfully, paying attention to the motives and effects of my actions. Step 11: I stay tuned inside, in touch with a broader sense of who I really am, and a deeper sense of what I really want. Step 12: As I feel better about myself, I reach out to others who feel stuck.


The following comes from recovering addict and alcoholic Patrick M eninga, who maintains a recovery blog at Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

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Dont underestimate your disease. Every single person does at first. Take care of yourself spiritually. Be mindful of your connection to your higher power today. Ignore the dismal relapse rates. You are creating your own success. Make a zero tolerance policy with yourself concerning relapse. Dont even allow your mind to go there. Avoid fundamentalism, even in recovery. Rigid thinking and dogma can undermine your sobriety. You are creating a life of recovery and you are responsible for ALL OF IT. Yes, others can help you. Their help is mere advice. It is up to you to recover. Dont confuse enthusiasm for action. Figure out what you need to do to stay sober and then do it. Listen to what the relapsing addicts keep preaching. Then do the opposite. Take care of your social network. Reach out to others in a meaningful way. Figure out a way to help other addicts or alcoholics. If you attend 12 step meetings, find one to start chairing. Consider H&I meetings (taking meetings into jails and treatment centers). Use mindfulness and a heightened awareness to overcome ego. Use meditation to overcome self. Practice forgiveness. Forgive all your past transgressors. Forgive yourself. You must do this to get long term relief from resentment. Be aware of diminishing returns, and spread out your recovery efforts (i.e., dont focus on just spiritual growth). Rearrange all the furniture in your house. Anything to get through the night sometimes. Clean your house from top to bottom. Same as above. Go for a long walk. Adopt a pet and care for it. Eat a gourmet meal. Cook a gourmet meal. Practice the arts. Paint, draw, sculpt, sing, dance. Etc. See a therapist. Work on a puzzle. Connect with someone else who is hurting. Start a project that is bigger than yourself. Revisit an old hobby. Teach someone something. (Anything!) Learn something new each day. (Anything!) Write in a daily journal. Stretch yourself spiritually by suspending disbelief for a day. Write a letter to your addiction where you say farewell to it. Join a recovery forum online. Start a free blog over at and tell the world about your progress in recovery. Figure out your own tips on staying sober. Reconnect with your family and spend time with them. Go back to school. Learn a new skill or trade. Sponsor a newcomer. Make a commitment to chair a meeting each week. Celebrate the recovery of a friend. Spend time with your family. Email the spiritual river guy and tell him your problems. Celebrate your clean time with a cake. Write out a gratitude list. Read through your old journal entries and see how much youve changed. Try a new form of meditation (or make up your ownthere is no wrong here). Some of the best tips to stay sober come from within. Write out a to-do list and cross each thing off as you accomplish it. Always have a big goal in the back of your mind that is challenging for you, but would make your day if you met it.

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Practice balance. Challenge your daily habits. Practice humility. Always be in learning mode. Forgive yourself and move on with your life. Sit down and write 2 goals out for yourself: one big one and one little one. Keep the paper in your pocket. Inspire someone else to grow. Challenge them to be a better person in some way. Encourage them through your own success. Learn to relax. Find your quiet place of rejuvenation and return to it often. Elevate your consciousness. Watch your own mind and see how it responds to events. Repeat often. Learn. Find the beauty in life. Appreciate all of it. Be grateful for beauty itself. Ask yourself with each decision: Is this the healthiest choice for me right now? Quit smoking cigarettes already. Be grateful for existence. If you go to the same AA meetings all the time, switch it up and go to a completely new meeting. Write a poem about how you are overcoming addiction. Turn off your television and read a book. Better: read recovery literature. Best: write your own recovery literature. Use overwhelming force to conquer a goal. Learn how to stay sober through creation of a new reality. Dont settle. Create the life you really want in recovery. Write your bucket list. Then, act. Figure out your life purpose. Write out a fourth step and share it with your sponsor. Take care of yourself physically. Exercise. Take a walk. No excuses. Keep your priorities straight. Physical abstinence is number one.Simple and effective. Keep a high price on your serenity. Dont sacrifice it for just anyone and their whims. Use a sponsor for stage 2 recovery. Let them guide you through holistic living. Take care of yourself mentally. Go back to school. Get that degree. Find your own path. It is your responsibility to do so. Practice humility and stay teachable. Always be learning. Go to long term treatment and be done with it. Best decision I ever made. Dont pin your hopes on a short stay in rehab. It takes more than that. Call your sponsor. Get a sponsor. Use a zero tolerance policy when it comes to self-pity. Never allow it for yourself ever again. Ever. It is poison. Read recovery literature. Join a recovery forum. Use outpatient treatment if that works for you. Take it as seriously as possible and connect with the others in your group. Meditate. Pray. Go out for coffee with a friend in recovery. Find your passion. Work out. Join a church. Volunteer. Take care of yourself emotionally. Dont get knocked too far off your square. Stay vigilant against potential relapse. The disease can find many routes (gambling, prescription drugs, sex, etc.). Go to a meeting. Dont pin your hopes on long term treatment. It takes a lifetime of learning for alcoholics and recovering drug addicts to recover. Use long term strategic thinking. Care for yourself, network with others, and pursue conscious growth. Dont ask why me? Instead, ask how can I create the life I really want now? Call a friend in recovery. Sit down and write out a gratitude list. Dont live in fear of relapse. I wasted 5 years on this. Embrace the creative life and know you are strong in

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recovery. Get extreme. Figure out what you need to do to stay soberthendouble it and add ten. Thats how hard you have to push yourself. Raise the bar. Stop settling. Use your talents as a gift to the world and make a difference in some way. Live consciously. Set deliberate goals and go after them with overwhelming force. Embrace the creative life in recovery and live holistically.

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B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G Tobacco use kills at least 5 million of us every year. Its the leading preventable cause of death. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that tobacco could kill about 8 million people every year by 2030, mostly in developing (Black and brown) countries. And its not just affecting the people with the cigarettes in their hands. Secondhand smoke nearly as toxic kills about 600,000 people every year, including children who grow up with serious asthma and respiratory conditions, only to die later in life. But the WHO isnt doing much to change that. According to Patrick Basham, director of the Democracy Institute, WHO recommendations like increasing tobacco taxes and banning advertising dont address the root causes of why people smoke. Smoking declines when people become less stuck in the hells of poverty and limited opportunity. I guess thats why we smoke 90% of the stuff we smoke, from cigarettes to crack. Same with drinking alcohol. Anytime you look at a displaced, disenfranchised, disadvantaged and/or discriminated against group of people anywhere in the worldtheyre probably smoking and drinking. The people in the slums of M umbai, India smoke bidis and opium (thats what the fathers of those Slumdog M illionnaire kids blew all their movie money on), the Bushmen people of South Africa take snuff, smoke M akaranga tobacco and get drunk on plum wineand you already know how it goes in our hoods. People who feel great about their futures are a lot less likely to smoke than people who think their life is hell. But if we cant (immediately) make the world a better place to live, what will it take to get people to stop smoking their stress away? After all, we all know smoking causes cancer. Hell, its on all the boxes now, and those Truth commercials on TV have made the message even clearer. Of course, there are some statistics they dont share. Such as how like almost anything else if its bad for everybody, its even worse for Black people :

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Black men are at least 50% more likely to develop lung cancer than white men. Black men also die more often from cancer of the lung and bronchus than do white men. Tobacco related cancers account for almost half of new cancer cases in Black men and about 1/3 of cancer deaths.

In fact, the cancer death rate among Black men has a higher rate of increase than any other ethnic group in this country. By eliminating tobacco use, most of these deaths could be prevented. Even if we dont know the specifics, we at least know that smoking is killing us. But even though we call them cancer sticks, we cant leave them alone. Why? The chemicals in cigarettes are addictive! The main one, Nicotine, is one of the most addictive substances known to man. And guess what? According to a study published in 2009 in the journal Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, nicotine is more addictive for people of color than white people. In fact, the darker your skin, the longer nicotine and tobaccos cancer-causing agents tend to linger and accumulate in other melanin-containing tissues like the heart, lungs, liver and brain, potentially putting those organs at increased risk for tobacco-related diseases. Scientists have already found that Black and brown people have a harder time quitting cigarettes due to higher levels of stress and awareness of racial discrimination, but this study explains another factor for why Black people have a more difficult time quitting and suffer from more tobacco-related diseases. And what about M enthol? Approximately three out of four Black smokers prefer menthol cigarettes (versus one in four whites). And guess what? M enthol may increase the bodys absorption of the harmful ingredients in cigarette smoke. And its not just nicotine in there. Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals (literally), including over 60 known carcinogenic (cancercausing) compounds and 400 other toxins. These include

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Tar about 70% of the tar in the smoke is deposited in the smokers lungs Benzene (gasoline additive) A colorless cyclic hydrocarbon obtained from coal and petroleum, used as a solvent in fuel and in chemical manufacture and contained in cigarette smoke. It is a known carcinogen and is associated with leukemia. Formaldehyde (embalming fluid) A colorless, highly poisonous lipid, used to preserve dead bodies. Known to cause cancer, as well as respiratory, skin and gastrointestinal problems. Ammonia (toiler cleaner) Used as a flavoring, frees nicotine from tobacco turning it into a gas, found in dry cleaning fluids. Acetone (nail polish remover) Fragrant volatile liquid ketone, used as a solvent found in cigarette smoke. Carbon monoxide (car exhaust fumes) An odorless, tasteless and poisonous gas, rapidly fatal in large amounts its the same gas that comes out of car exhaust and is the main gas in cigarette smoke, formed when the cigarette is lit. Others you may recognize are: Arsenic (rat poison), Hydrogen Cyanide (gas chamber poison), and DDT (banned cancer-causing pesticide)

For those of you who avoid pork, theres pork in there too. Glycerin (a pork by-product) is sprayed on tobacco leaves, and researchers have recently found that cigarette filters contain pig blood. I couldnt make this stuff up if I tried. Theres plenty of reasons to quit. If youre Black or Latino, for example, theres the reason one of my friends offered: He doesnt smoke cigs simply for the fact that most owners of tobacco companies and fields are inheritants/decendants of the slave owners who kept a whip on his ancestors backs, forcing them to tend the tobacco fields without pay or dignity. They benefited from our labor back then and benefit from our pockets now. But even if you want to quit smoking, for whatever reason, I understand thats it still not easy.

Did You Know? For many smokers, it may be hard to quit because they also have depression. 43% of adult smokers age 20 and older have depression. Depressed smokers are also heavier smokers. Depressed people were more likely to smoke within five minutes of awakening and to smoke more than one pack of cigarettes a day. 28% of adult smokers with depression smoked more than a pack a day, which is almost twice the rate for adult smokers without depression. Smokers with depression were also much less likely to have tried quitting. However, smokers with depression can succeed with intensive treatment, including therapies focused on depression and quitting smoking. Information on quitting smoking for people with depression can be found at topic-depression.aspx

The Benefits of Quitting r Within 20 minutes of quitting your blood pressure and pulse rate drop to normal and the temperature of your hands and feet increase to normal. r Within 8 hours of quitting your carbon monoxide levels drop and your oxygen levels increase, both to normal levels. r Within 24 hours of quitting your risk of sudden heart attack decreases. r Within 48 hours of quitting nerve endings begin to regenerate and your senses of smell and taste begin to return to normal. r Within 2 weeks to 3 months of quitting your circulation improves and walking becomes easier; even your lung function increases up to 30%. r Within 1 to 9 months of quitting your overall energy typically increases and symptoms like coughing, nasal congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath diminish; also, the small hair-like projections lining your lower airways begin to function normally. This increases your lungs ability to handle mucus, clean the airways, and reduce infections. r Within 1 year of quitting your risk of coronary heart disease is half that of someone still using tobacco. r Within 5 years of quitting the lung cancer death rate decreases by nearly 50% compared to one pack/day smokers. The risk of cancer of the mouth is half that of a tobacco user. r Within 10 years of quitting your lung cancer death rate becomes similar to that of someone who never smoked; precancerous cells are replaced with normal cells; your risk of stroke is lowered possible to that of a nonuser; your risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas all go down.


Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health, but its also one of the hardest. Studies show that having an incentive to quite smoking can help more than having information alone. So find a friend or family member you can trust with money, and have them hold about half your months pay until youve quit for a month. Better yet, have your friends and family take up a collection for a Help _____ Quit Bribe/Incentive I quit my habit through sheer willpower, but thats not realistic for many of us, especially those of us with pack-a-day habits. So we ran a contest for ex-smokers to provide step-by-step strategies that worked for them. We then asked our Facebook friends who smoked to vote on which method sounded most promising. The winning method:

Jahs Creation:
The winner, Jahs Creation of Dallas, Texas, explained her reason for quitting:

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I grew up watching my grandparents smoke cigarettes and cigars. Imagine putting on clean clothes everyday and goin to school smellnig like a chimney.. That was ME! I would see my mom wake up with hacking coughs JUST TO PUT A CIGARETTE BACK IN HER MOUTH! But, when I grew up I would smoke too, until I realized WHY AM I DOING THIS? When I had children they would come home crying and telling to stop because the elementary school had shown them pictures of what lungs, stomachs and the like looked like when full of cancer. It was not easy. Yet, I had to break down the essentials to stop the want to pick up anything and light it. So, I sat down and wrote the approach you see here. What matters the most is that you pick things in your life you can CHANGE. Get away from environments that are smoking-friendly and most importantly, remember you are killing your future. Make a budget of your household needs Tally how much you spend on cigarettes. Throw away any and all cigs, lighters and ashtrays in your house. Let ALL friends, family and co-workers know you have quit. (Not are quitting make it final) DONT dine at old hang-outs where you smoked. Do not use the smoking entrance to your job or any familiar buildings. Invest in Wrigleys Spearmint gum. The money you will spend will rival your cig bill for at least 6 months. Chew at least two pieces at a time. The taste is as strong as the inhaled smoke your body is used to (Psyche your senses out). Here are a few other methods popular among the people we surveyed. Theyre all different, so work with the one(s) you think will work for you:

Dierdra Baptiste: r Nicotine is a drug. Acknowledge that you are an addict by repeating out loud to yourself each time you light up. (Do this in a mirror, carry a compact if you must yes men too! as you must face yourself doing this.) r Do NOT go cold turkey if you are a half pack or more per day smoker, the withdrawals/mood swings etc., will put you right back where you started and sometimes actually smoking more. r Take a few of your clothing items without washing them and store them in a tightly sealed container or box in the back of closet or basement r Find a flight of stairs, preferably two or more and run up and down them once. Test how winded you are r Write down what you are doing each time you light up as habit is a huge component with smoking r Pick habit action number 1, i.e. with morning coffee or while driving car and do not have a cigarette with that one particular action each day for at least two weeks. r Go to next habit and progress from there until you get down to one r Reward yourself for each day you go without one cigarette during each action, i.e. praise yourself on your accomplishment, enlist family/friends to assist you by acknowledging that you didnt smoke today while on your lunch break, etc. (achieving a goal and being rewarded for it will take the place of the high felt from smoking or the relief felt from stress). r Once a week, after each day of one less cigarette, run those flights of stairs and test your increased lung capacity. r Go back to the closet where your clothes in the box are kept and smell your clothes. Your ability to smell better will increase over time. Eventually, youll smell how rancid you smell to others. r The first full week without a cigarette reward yourself with something special, i.e. dinner out, a date, whatever suits you. r Realize that if you slip, you are only human and this is after all an addiction. Tell yourself this in the mirror. And resign yourself to one per day at that point until the need subsides. Letitia Patterson:
A Drug Bomb (Show this to a health food store. Theyll know what to do): Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer.

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r r r r r r r r r r

1000 mil niacinamide 5000 IU Vitamin A 400 IU Vitamin D 800 IU Vitamin E 2000 mil Vitamin C 500 mil magnesium carbonate 25 mil B6 200 mil B complex 300 mil B1 100 mil pantothenic acid

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Drink with milk and powdered amino acids Eat meal before drinking Eat yogurt or drink raw milk to coat stomach while taking 4x daily every 6 hours

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Exercise Use sauna to sweat (nicotine has to get out of fat tissue) Take normal vitamins Eat real food when possible: fruits, vegetabless, anything that grows

Telisa Bee: The one thing that needs to happen is for people to find their triggers. When you make a conscious effort to recognize your pattern, only then can you begin to break some of the sub-conscious habits and deal with the physiological addiction. Do you smoke when you: drive, drink, smoke weed, work hard, over eat, feel sad, etc. Thats a critical step many of us miss. Prentice Sams: r Everybody doesnt have the luxury of being able to buy exotic herbs and foods with cleansing/healing properties, so find alternatives to cleanse yourself naturally with what you have available. r Give your smokes away whenever asked, leaving less for you to smoke. r Spend money on other things so you have little left to buy cigs r Use breathing exercises to restore/increase lung capacity/strength, over time the tar will break up, the body will flush the tar and build up from the lungs. r Flush toxins from the body. Keep water on hand to drink constantly, go on a fast (juice-only or water-only) for detox if needed. Do something to make yourself sweat Exercise (walk, run, dance, stairs, sex, etc.) (drink water); put on multiple layers and sit in the car w/ the windows up on a hot day, if its cold outside run the heater (drink plenty of water during). r Eat/drink fruits and vegetables [juices] to restore nutrients from all the water and sweating. r If youre really ready to quit, you will do what you need to do to quit. Josh Lawler: r Find a hobby or passion. Mine is/was Muay Thai. There was no way I was going to get into a five-round competition fight while I smoked a pack a day. I dropped the smokes and picked up a pair of 16 oz gloves. Same went for drinking. Hangovers and twenty minutes of bag-work dont go well together. r Do it til you drop. Just like when peoples dads make them smoke until they throw up, you can do the same as an adult. Choose a winter month when the humidity is high and the temperature low. Buy a new pack and chain smoke it until your stomach hurts and your neck burns. The next day when you have to call in sick from work because you cant breathe and your head feels like a hand-grenade went off, youll realize that smoking has NOTHING to offer you.


B Y SC I H O N O R D EVO T I O N Some of us have seen the commercials growing up that said that smoking was actually good for us and it was encouraged, even amongst pregnant women. But now, we have all seen the commercials, advertisements and billboards telling us that smoking cigarettes is not good for us. M any states like New York have even banned smoking in public places. Because of this, those who are looking for alternatives, have explored the options of Electronic Cigarettes, Herbal Cigarettes and Clove Cigarettes also known as Kreteks. Unfortunately, some of us are either so addicted or just so caught up in the term Herbal or Natural that we think these alternatives can actually be better than tobacco cigarettes. Well, lets look at a quick overview of these options

Arent Bidis Safer than Cigarettes?

Bidis (pronounced Bee-Dees), which look similar to marijuana joints, have become more popular these days. Their aromas, candy like flavors; vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry, and frequently lower prices have contributed to their popularity. What is not appealing about them is the health hazard that they pose on those who contact carcinogenic compounds in the air. Although these bidis are legal, they have proven to have arresting powers over those who smoke them. M any of them are unfiltered and are more dangerous than regular cigarettes. Bidis have less tobacco than cigarettes, but the unprocessed tobacco is richer in nicotine. They dont burn easily since they are wrapped in a brown, nonporous Indian leaf called Tendu. Smokers have to inhale more to keep them lit. Studies show that the smoke from a bidi has 3 times as much nicotine and carbon monoxide, and 5 times as much tar, as smoke from regular filtered cigarettes. People need to be aware of the health risk, says Samira Asma, an epidemiologist at the CDC. This is something really harmful. Its addictive. Studies in India have shown that they pose a greater risk for throat, mouth, and lung cancer than regular cigarettes. In India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Nepal, oral cancers have become the leading form of cancer.

Smoking Bidis Have Been Proven to Cause

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Cancer of the tongue Cancer of the gums Cancer of the floor of the mouth Other squamous cell oral cancers Cancer of the larynx Lung cancer High blood pressure Coronary heart disease

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In India, they are called the poor mans cigarette and they sell for five cents a pack. They are hand rolled by poor women. In 1996 a report done by the Human Rights Watch exposed that children were working at least 10 hours a day, six days a week to make them.

What about Clove Cigarettes?

Cloves (or Kretek) cigarettes are produced mainly in Indonesia and contain 60%-80% tobacco and 20%-40% ground cloves and other additives. They also contain nicotine, so addiction is possible. When burned, they release many of the same toxins as cigarettes and herbal cigarettes so there are many health risks when smoking them, such as, increased heart disease, oral cancer, cancer of the esophagus, stomach, pharynx and liver, pneumonia, respiratory issues such as bronchitis, burning mouth and throat, kidney or liver failure and much more.

What about Herbal Cigarettes?

Let me start by saying everything thats called herbal isnt good for you. Herbal cigarettes pose serious health risks even though they arent made with tobacco (in most cases). If you have no idea what herbal cigarettes are, they are basically cigarettes made from herbs such as ginseng, rose petals, licorice root, passion flower, red clover flower, mint, etc. They come in different flavors, which attracts young people to them. They dont contain tobacco or nicotine which makes them legal to sell to young people in most states throught the U.S. Although they dont contain nicotine or tobacco, when burned, they produce many of the same toxins that are found in tobacco products like carbon dioxide, tar and other toxins, so there are still risks to smoking them such as heart problems, lung problems and even cancer.

What about Electronic Cigarettes?

Electronic cigarettes are little machines which look similar to a cigarette, but change the nicotine and other ingredients to a vapor that the user inhales. The FDA has tested these devices and has found some E-Cigs contain diethylene glycol, which is used in anti-freeze and is toxic to humans, nitrosamines which are carcinogens (cancer causing agents), and of course, nicotine (in difficult to measure amounts). E-Cigs are often marketed to young people who believe they are safer than cigarettes. They have not been approved by the FDA and Canada fully banned them in 2009. There are no regulations for E-cigs since they arent tobacco products, so even though they contain nicotine, children can actually buy them.

Well, what the hell CAN I smoke?

Herbal cigarettes are technically the lesser of all these evils. At the same time, if youre trying to quit cigarettes, herbal cigarettes wont give you that nicotine fix that addicts you to smoking. Nicotine is one of the strongest drugs out there. Its so addictive that people who are hooked will smoke ANYTHING to get it, from hookahs (not to be confused with hookers, although you can also smoke with a hooker), to electronic gizmos with magic smoketo ten-dollar packs of Newports containing everything from pork juice to lighter fluid. Its obvious youre addicted when you KNOW youll get cancer and die, yet you keep smoking. So in short, its not about what to smoke. If youre addicted to nicotine, theres only two options: quitting or death.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G As well explore in the upcoming book, The Science of Self, our cultural traditions arent new. Instead, the unique and diverse elements associated with modern Black culture (even ghetto culture) are actually part of an unbroken continuum that spans thousands of years. Dreadlocks, braids, rappers, gold teeth (with jewels in them!), baggy pants, weed smoking, hard beats, graffiti (cave paintings and uncommissioned hieroglyphics), and even dice games all go back thousands of years, finding their origins in ancient Black civilizations. Sounds crazy, but youd think gold chains were new too if you didnt know wed been rockin those forever. It turns out you can add drinking beer to that list. An analysis of ancient Nubian bones from North Africa has found that not only were prehistoric Black societies drinking beer, but many of us were using it as a health tonic! Anthropologist George Armelagos and his team say the Nubian bones they dug up contained tetracycline, an antibiotic. How? It appears the brew was made from a recipe that produces tetracycline as a byproduct. Today tetracycline is used to treat ailments ranging from acne flareups to urinary-tract infections. But the antibiotic only came into commercial use about 50 years ago. Yet the Nubians were using it consistently over 2,000 years ago, as all the bones examined were infection-free thanks to the beer. Charlie Bamforth, a professor of biochemistry and brewing science at the University of California, says that beer has been a staple of the human diet for thousands of years and that the health benefits of beer were well known in ancient times. There is a whole series of Egyptian pharmacopoeias (medicine books) that talk about things beer can help with, Armelagos says, adding that the Egyptians used beer as a gum-disease treatment and a dressing for wounds.[31] Aint it amazing how all of our proudest developments have been turned against us? From hiphop (once the way our griots preserved thousands of years of history by rapping stories over drums) to the dice game (an ancient method for studying mathematical probability and predicting the future), all of our best has been made into our worst. Nowadays, drinking tons of beer is the LEAST likely thing to make you healthy. But if you just cant live without your beer, you should at least choose the best rather than the worst. Whats that mean? First, malt liquor is out. Theres a reason why that stuff is marketed directly to the Black community and no one else. Its cheap to buy because its supercheap to make, meaning they use the worst of everything. They even use pig intestines in the process, as many of us remember seeing on the Faces of Death DVD series back in the day. After that, youve got the popular brands like Budweiser. M ostly garbage. Since beer and wine ingredients do not have to be labelled, manufacturers dump in a variety of unhealthy chemicals such as preservatives, flavor enhancers, etc. Natural food stores often sell alcoholic beverages without lots of chemicals And Certain American beers like Coors and Anchor Steam have no additives. M any German and Austrian beers are also toxin-free. M ost microbrews (independent brands) are decent as well. Once you eliminate the el cheapo beers that are full of garbage, beer actually turns out to be one of the healthiest alcoholic drinks (in moderation of course). Why? Beyond the B Vitamins and other nutrients (magnesium, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, and biotin), it seems it would be the same health benefits as in the beer from ancient Nubia. M odern beer contains between 6 and 57 mg (per liter) of silicon, a nutrient needed for healthy bones. The most silicon was found in beers with the most hops and malted barley (more common in microbrews than the main brands). M ost people get between 20 and 50 mg of silicon per day from their diets. Although beer has a more bioavailable form, its also found in certain foods, like bananas and brown rice. But dont get it twisted. Once you get past two servings of alcohol a day (and were talking wine or beer, not the hard stuff), you fall right into potential health problems. And since you can get all these benefits from food anyway, theres no need to drink if youre not drinking (so dont say we told you to have a drink). In fact, if youre eating enough fruits and berries, you dont need to drink wine to get that good for your heart effect they talk about in France. And if you do drink wine, make sure youre not drinking more than 2 glasses a day, because thats the point when it goes from being okay to being a straight-up health risk. As always, moderation is keey.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G What if youre a drinker, and moderation aint nowhere in your vocabulary? I can relate. In How to Hustle and Win, Part One, I describe my battle with alcoholism, which began at age 13.

I simply couldnt see through the clouds of smoke and the blur in the bottle. I couldnt see that my way of escaping the pain was actually making the pain worse day by day. I looked at weed and liquor like they were my medicine, when they were just making me sicker. But I couldnt see that, because I was never sober long enough to think seriously about my life and what I was doing. Many days, I hated what my addictions were doing to me. I hated how I felt, but I felt that I needed them still. I couldnt get away, even though I told other people I could. In a way, the liquor and the weed were taking control of me.
Fortunately, I was able to reclaim myselfthough it certainly didnt happen overnight. I continue:

It took a few years for me to get rid of all my vices. But I began by quitting hard liquor and weed. It was hard for the first few weeks, but I found other things to do with my free time. I knew I was doing the right thing when I began seeing life so much clearer than I ever had. I was focused. I still got stressed, but I found other ways to handle it. I went from dependent to independent. And once I did that, I began to see that the misery I was trying to escape wasnt just my problem. I started seeing that were all suffering. And I became determined not to run from that pain, but to fight it head on like a man. So, in a way, I didnt become a man, until I stopped letting other things have power over me, and I took control of myself.
Alcoholism is not easy to shake. But its not impossible either. Just as you can quit your addiction to fast food (the chemicals in fast food ARE literally addictive), you can discipline your mind and body enough to quit any fixation. And if you plan on being worth anything in a screwed-up society that needs us to be strong, productive builders, you cant be stuck on anything, especially not a substance that makes you totally unproductive. Hell, even Frederick Douglass saw what alchohol did to his people over a hundred years ago.

We were induced to drink, I among the rest, and when the holidays were over we all staggered up from our filth and wallowing, took a long breath, and went away to our various fields of work, feelingglad to go from that which [we thought was] freedom, back again to the arms of slavery It was about as well to be slave to master, as to be a slave to whisky and rum. When the slave was drunk, the slaveholder had no fear that he would plan an insurrection, or that he would escape to the North. It was the sober, thoughtful slave who was dangerous and needed the vigilance of his master to keep him a slave.
Dont forget that they pacified the Indians the same way. Drinking isnt recreation for many of us. Its escapism. Ironically, that escape eventually becomes a prison.

Are you Trapped?

Take the following informal quiz and see how you fare. Am I drinking too much? YES, if you are:

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A woman who has more than 7 drinks[32] per week or more than 3 drinks per occasion A man who has more than 14 drinks per week or more than 4 drinks per occasion Older than 65 years and having more than 7 drinks* per week or more than 3 drinks per occasion A woman who has more than 3 drinks every day or 21 drinks per week A man who has more than 5 drinks every day or 35 drinks per week Drink and drive, operate machinery or mix alcohol with over-the-counter or prescription medicine Dont tell your doctor or pharmacist that you are a regular drinker Are pregnant or are trying to become pregnant and drink at all (even small amounts of alcohol may hurt an unborn child) Drink alcohol while you are looking after children Drink alcohol even though you have a medical condition that can be made worse by drinking Relax, relieve anxiety or go to sleep Be more comfortable in social situations Avoid thinking about sad or unpleasant things Socialize with other regular drinkers Ever worry about having enough alcohol for an evening or weekend Hide alcohol or buy it at different stores so people will not know how much you are drinking Switch from one kind of drink to another hoping that this will keep you from drinking too much or getting drunk Try to get extra drinks at a social event or sneak drinks when others arent looking Cant stop drinking once you start

Am I drinking heavily? YES, if you are:

Am I taking risks with alcohol? YES, if you:

Has my drinking become a habit? YES, if you drink regularly to:

Is alcohol taking over my life? YES, if you:

Has drinking alcohol become a problem for me? YES, if you:

r r r r r r r

Have tried to stop drinking for a week or so but only quit for a few days Fail to do what you should at work or at home because of drinking Feel guilty after drinking Find other people make comments to you about your drinking Have a drink in the morning to get yourself going after drinking heavily the night before Cant remember what happened while you were drinking Have hurt someone else as a result of your drinking

Want a more official result? Take the following screening test, which is used to make clinical assessments of alcoholism.

Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST)

This 22-question self-test may help you become aware of your use or abuse of alcohol. The questions refer to the past 12 months. Carefully read each statement and decide whether your answer is yes or no. Please give the best answer or the answer that is right most of the time. This test specifically focuses on alcohol use, and not on the use of other drugs. A separate test called DAST focuses on non-alcohol drugs. Please note: This test will only be scored correctly if you answer each one of the questions. Please check one response for each item. Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

1. Do you feel you are a normal drinker? (normal = drink as much or less than most other people)? r Yes r No 2. Have you ever awakened the morning after some drinking the night before and found that you could not remember a part of the evening? r Yes r No 3. Does any near relative or close friend ever worry or complain about your drinking? r Yes r No 4. Can you stop drinking without difficulty after one or two drinks? r Yes r No 5. Do you ever feel guilty about your drinking? r Yes r No 6. Have you ever attended a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous? r Yes r No 7. Have you ever gotten into physical fights when drinking? r Yes r No 8. Has drinking ever created problems between you and a near relative or close friend? r Yes r No 9. Has any family member or close friend gone to anyone for help about your drinking? r Yes r No 10. Have you ever lost friends because of your drinking? r Yes r No 11. Have you ever gotten into trouble at work because of drinking? r Yes r No 12. Have you ever lost a job because of drinking? r Yes r No 13. Have you ever neglected your obligations, your family, or your work for two or more days in a row because you were drinking? r Yes r No 14. Do you drink before noon fairly often? r Yes r No 15. Have you ever been told you have liver trouble such as cirrhosis? r Yes r No 16. After heavy drinking have you ever had delirium tremens (D.T.s), severe shaking, visual or auditory (hearing) hallucinations? r Yes r No 17. Have you ever gone to anyone for help about your drinking? r Yes r No 18. Have you ever been hospitalized because of drinking? r Yes r No 19. Has your drinking ever resulted in your being hospitalized in a psychiatric ward? r Yes r No 20. Have you ever gone to any doctor, social worker, clergyman or mental health clinic for help with any emotional problem in which drinking was part of the problem? r Yes r No 21. Have you been arrested more than once for driving under the influence of alcohol? r Yes r No 22. Have you ever been arrested, even for a few hours, because of other behavior while drinking? r Yes r No
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Scoring This quiz is scored by giving 1 point to each yes answer except for questions 1 and 4, where 1 point is given to each no answer and totalling the responses.

Your Score:

Scoring Ranges and Explanation 0-2 No Apparent Problem: Your answers to this alcohol screening test suggest that you are in the normal range and at low risk of problem drinking. 3-5 Early to Middle Problem Drinker: Your answers to this alcohol screening test suggest that you are at risk of problem drinking. The authors of this test would recommend that you contact your doctor about your drinking. 6 or Problem Drinker: Your answers to this alcohol screening test suggest that you are at risk of alcoholism. More The authors of this test would recommend that you contact your doctor about your drinking.

M any people who have a problem with alcohol are not alcoholics, and in order to quit drinking they dont necessarily need medical treatment, peer group support, or a spiritual awakening. In fact, most of the people who decided to stop drinking for whatever reason do so without any outside help. They simply make up their minds to stop or modify their drinking patterns. M any one-time heavy drinkers merely grow up and change their behaviors. Others may have a particularly embarassing or frightening experience and swear off. A survey by the University of Toronto revealed that more than 70% of recovered problem drinkers said they overcame their alcohol troubles without formal treatment. A similar study in the U.S. by psychiatrist George Vaillant, at Cambridge Hospital reported that of those who either quit or cut back drinking, 75% did so without benefit of treatment or AA. These findings are consistent with published studies on the Smoking Cessation Site (, which indicate that 80 to 90% of successful quitters give up cigarettes without professional help. In other words, if you have a drinking problem, there is a chance that you can do something about it without expensive medical help and without attending any meetings. Even those drinkers who have become chemically dependent upon alcohol daily drinkers may not actually be suffering from the disease of alcoholism, according to these studies. Such a drinker may need initial medical assistant to get through the detoxification period, but may be able to remain sober after detox without further assistance.

If you think that you are one of those drinkers, and you would sincerely like to cut back or quit drinking, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has some tools that might be helpful ( That site has a questionnaire that may be used to determine if you are drinking too much, reasons that you should cut down, a tool for setting personal goals, and a sample drinking diary to help compare your actually drinking to your goal. It also contains tips to help you meet your goal, such as watching how much alcohol you keep around the house, learning to drink slowly, taking a break from alcohol at certain times, and just simply learning how to say no when drinking opportunities arise.

For those who are in fact alcoholics, who actually have the disease, all the willpower and self resolve in the world will not help. These drinkers find themselves powerless to stop or control their drinking without help. Those who have tried repeatedly to curtail or quit drinking and found that they simply cannot, will surely require outside help to do so either from the treatment center industry or from a self-help program of recovery, such as Alcoholics Anonymous. While Alcoholics Anonymous focuses on religious belief as a strategy towards sobriety, there are other organizations that employ a non-religious approach, such as Secular Organizations for Sobriety, also known as Save Our Selves, (, LifeRing (, Smart Recovery (, or Rational Recovery ( The following guidelines for beating alcoholism come from SOS:

To break the cycle of denial and achieve sobriety, we first acknowledge that we are alcoholics or addicts. We reaffirm this truth daily and accept without reservation the fact that, as clean and sober individuals, we can not and do not drink or use, no matter what. Since drinking or using is not an option for us, we take whatever steps are necessary to continue our Sobriety Priority lifelong. A quality of lifethe good lifecan be achieved. However, life is also filled with uncertainties. Therefore, we do not drink or use regardless of feelings, circumstances, or conflicts. We share in confidence with each other our thoughts and feelings as sober, clean individuals. Sobriety is our Priority, and we are each responsible for our lives and our sobriety. Your Sobriety Toolkit Tool: A means by which something is done or obtained. Did you ever try to fix or adjust something without the proper tool? These are some tools of sobriety. There are many more. Look into the population of alcoholics and the field of alcoholism and you will find a tool for whatever needs fixing or adjusting. If you dont find just the right tool, fashion one yourself. No matter what there is no valid reason on earth to drink again. Heres sobriety theres everything else separate and prioritize sobriety. Seriousness this is nothing less than life or death. Determination there is no turning back, especially if it gets rough. Youve gotten another chance at life. How many really have that chance? Sobriety doesnt fix everything, but it makes it possible. Information retrain your brain; stimulate it with things related to alcoholism: books, audiotapes, videotapes, movies, pamphlets, brochures, meetings, plays, television and radio, newspapers and magazine articles, etc. People human contact is powerful. Try to meet people, at least one, and be sure to meet other alcoholics. Interaction fights the old patterns of isolation. Honesty this is the time to get things into the open. Get rid of the shadows and darknesses of the past. Put light on the dark things and they lose their power. Things can be dealt with reasonably when theyre seen as they truly are. Listening especially to people with long-term sobriety. Take notes anytime; but especially in early sobriety when memory can be tricky. Meetings be with people who want better lives and are taking actions to get what they want. Meetings are a good place to establish or re-establish social skills in a supportive environment. There is a lot to learn and feel in a meeting. You are not alone. You have not done the worst or been the most; there are always those who have bettered you. Think about what you hear and see, but better yet is to feel what you hear and see

at meetings. Folk wisdom and slogans dont underestimate them. Commitments if you make them, keep them. You show yourself and others a lot by doing so. Personal program develop your own recovery process from what you hear and see. It has to be what works for you, not anybody else. Sharing surprisingly therapeutic when done honestly. Free yourself from holding things in. Phones get plenty of phone numbers of other alcoholics and use them. Willingness allow yourself to change. You have nothing to lose. Openness Dont reject ideas without at least considering them. Approachability isolation can be deadly. Ask questions no matter how foolish you think they seem. Never be afraid to ask other alcoholics about things. Nutrition improve it any way you can. Exercise however little, even just moving around. Help other alcoholics you really can keep it by giving it away. Joy its great to be alive and sober. Perceptions its all real, not diluted or distorted. A keen, rich mind versus a drugged, limited mind. Easily obtainable goals success breeds more success. Reach for the moon later. Call-up remember, visualize, and image behaviors and incidents from your drinking days that are repellent and associated with alcohol. Replace alcohol good with alcohol bad. This is especially useful when you feel seduced by alcohol or cocksure about sobriety. Live in the present visits to the past are okay, but dont freeze your life there. Abstinence the only sure way to stay sober. Any statement to the contrary is hypothesis or commentary. Dont drink, no matter what. Avoid slippery places, people and things reinforce alcohol bad by avoiding the places, people and things you associate with alcohol good. If you cant avoid, you must be aware that they are dangerous to your sobriety and proceed with caution. Safeguard your sobriety dont be concerned with what others think of how you do it. Dont be embarrassed if what you need to do to stay sober is un-adult, uncool, weak, or stupid in the opinion of others. You are rebuilding and recreating yourself. You want to own your life, not be a slave to alcohol. Its your life and your sobriety. Try to avoid things like homicide and robbery as tools to keep you sober, but be as flexible as you can in using whatever it takes to safeguard your sobriety. Be aware. Acceptance of your alcoholism. Think of the things you used to do that were related to alcohol and the need to drink. Were they normal? Does anyone but an alcoholic do these things? Know that you are an alcoholic like someone with diabetes or allergies knows his or her reality. Dont be ashamed, be aware. Fear use it if you get it. Dont live in fear, but use it. The same goes for horror, shame, regret or any other negative thoughts or feelings that may come when you think about your drinking days. Dont stifle or deny these states of mind. Use them as tools to reinforce yourself, not stumbling blocks. Watch for tools everything can be a tool to help maintain sobriety. Train your mind to see and hear tools. Dont doublethink yourself. If it works for you, use it. If you feel it may work for you, try it. You are fighting for your life, nothing less. You are the owner of your life. You are responsible for the caretaking of your life and you have decided to find better ways to live. Other people have gone before you and put together their own tool kits. Ask them to share. Do it now procrastination is an anti-tool, feeding the negative and working against self-esteem. Credit yourself for your attainment and maintenance of sobriety. Others may have helped, but you did it. Enjoy life you can be dead any time. Drinking is slow suicide. Life is a banquet. Depth, complexity, the full fabric of life is yours to experience. The blinders and mufflers are off. Think of yourself as a child occasionally. Experience wonder and intensity. Its right when you are sober, you feel in your spine that it is right. Believe your guts on this when the feeling comes. Care about yourself things you do for yourself tell you at a gut level that you care about yourself. You have the option to make things bad or good for yourself. Alcohol is not a tool everything you were able to do under alcohols influence came from between your ears. Dont think you are less creative, a lousy dancer, etc. Remind yourself even when you think you have got it, remind yourself. Never again. Keep it fresh. Imagery for example, be mad at alcohol. Hate it for what it has done to you and those you care about.

Being free of a horrible nightmare, knowing you are sober, is far better than the relief of waking from a bad dream. You were running on empty; as your drinking progressed, you were getting closer to the end of your life. Make concepts real if you are having a bad day, start it over, anytime, any number of times. Visualize for example, drunk living is wimp living. Expect good things they happen when we expect them. Mindset in a positive light gets us to perceive positive, helpful things rather than negative, destructive things. Interrupt negative thoughts identify them as drinking thinking or some such. Change them, turn them around, obliterate them. Look at drunks especially when they are trying to pass as sober. Listen to what they are saying. Is that a wonderful life? Action no matter how small it seems. V ery best wishes to those who choose sobriety and life. If you really want to get and stay sober, there are people who will help you. You will be truly surprised at the lengths to which people will go to help you when you are for real.[33] Families of People with Alcohol Problems
And for the families of those who have a drinking problem, support is available, regardless of whether the drinker is an alcoholic or just a problem drinker. If someone elses drinking is a problem for you, there are resources available to help you find your own peace. You can check out for where to start. And we cant wrap this up without talking about our children and drinking. Some parents assume that teenagers will drink alcohol and there is little they can do to prevent it. Now, research does indicate that parenting has little effect on whether kids decide to try alcohol. But your attitudes and actions can make a big difference in how much and how often your teenager drinks. Researchers at Brigham Young University surveyed 5,000 adolescents about their drinking habits and their relationship with their parents. They found the kids least like to be heavy drinkers had parents who scored high on accountability (knowing where their kids were and with whom) and warmth. It was no surprise that having so-called indulgent parents (low on accountability but high on warmth) nearly tripled the risk of the teen participating in heavy drinking. But what may be surprising to some is that strict parents (high on accountability and low on warmth) didnt do much better. In fact, this parenting approach more than doubled their teens risk of heavy drinking. These results were apparent even when researchers controlled for other influences, such as peer pressure, religious and economic background. Authoritative parents tend to be highly demanding and highly responsive, the authors wrote. They monitor their children closely and provide high levels of support and warmth. Our data suggest that peer encouragement to drink might have less impact when parents are both highly supportive and highly attentive. Lesson!



A Little History
Cannabis is believed to have originated in the mountainous Himalayan region, with it being found originally throughout Central and Southern Asia. The Hindu Vedas may provide the first and earliest reference to the use of the plant as a religious sacrament. It was written about in the Vedas as early as 2000 BCE and eventually began to be called in India, the food of the gods. Cannabis was used during the Hindu festival, Holi. Among Chinese Shaman cannabis was used as early as 1000 BCE and Buddhists have used cannabis for meditation since 500 BCE. The Chinese also used hemp to make clothing. Ancient German cultures used the herb and associated it with the Norse goddess of love, Freya. Jesus was almost certainly a cannabis user and an early proponent of the medicinal properties of the drug, according to a study of scriptural texts published in 2006. The study suggests that Jesus and his disciples, in a well-established Judaic tradition, used the herb to carry out miraculous healings. Sufis have used cannabis for spiritual purposes since the 13th century CE. Arab traders introduced the plant to the African continent, and in Central and Southern Africa, it is referred to as dagga. Cannabis began to be imported to European countries during the 19th century CE from India and Arabia in the form of hashish. Presently, many people associate cannabis use with Rastafarians. Interestingly, the smoking of cannabis may have been introduced to the Caribbean by Indian sadhus. These mystics arrived, along with many thousands of Indian migrants, to the Caribbean during the 20th century CE. Sadhu holy men have smoked cannabis for centuries. Along with their use of cannabis for meditation, sadhus also allow for their hair to grow in long and matted locs. The term, ganjah (or ganga) is actually taken from its ancient Sanskrit name, Ganjika. Aside from alcohol, caffeine and tobacco, cannabis is the most commonly used drug worldwide, including the United States. Still, many of us havent done the knowledge on cannabiss benefits or negative effects.

Cannabinoids or Tetrahydrocannabinol, (THC, for short)

Cannabis has two main strains: Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica. Cannabis sativa is valued primarily for the strength of its hemp fibers, which can be used to manufacture clothing, and rope. This strain grows in milder climates. Cannabis indica is valued for its intoxicating effects, growing in hot, dry climates like India, Arabia and Persia. Cannabis sativa is found in three forms: as the dried flowers of the plant, as a resin (hashish), or as an extract (hashish oil). Everyone has cannabinoid receptors in their brain. These are mostly located in the part of the brain which controls the central nervous system. Because weve all got these receptors, researchers figured out that we naturally produce cannabinoids on our own. THC attaches to the cannabinoid receptors in the brain. This causes cannabis users to experience feelings of well-being and relaxation. THC also changes the way that they experience time, and changes the way that they hear, smell and see. The high that one experiences can last up to three hours. On the flip side, THC may also cause users to feel sleepy, anxious, disoriented and hungry. Since cannabis can make users sleepy, it logically follows that their productivity can be reduced. The more time that you spend smoking and sleeping, the less time you have to do other things. Strong/Loud/Bomb weed is weed that has a lot of THC. THC is found in the crystals that you may see covering a cannabis bud, which is the female, flowering part of the cannabis plant. There are a lot of different types of weed, ranging from high grade to reggie (or regular). A lot of the high grade weed is grown indoors in soil, or in water based (hydroponic) set-ups. High grade usually has fewer seeds and leaves than lower grades. Less potent strains of weed are grown outdoors, sometimes in M exico, sometimes in State Parks, sometimes in back yards, (as in back yard boogie). Of course, price increases with quality and availability, or lack thereof. Unless you grow your own, you cant be sure about where or how your weed is grown. As with other outdoor crops, weed bushes are often sprayed with pesticides. You inhale these pesticides along with your weed as you smoke. M old is another concern. M olds attack various plants and typically, a grower wont destroy a profitable crop. Research is limited regarding the effects of smoking molds, but its well known that inhaling mold in its original form can cause many forms of lung disease. Also, once your dealer gets his supply, theres no telling what he may do to hype it up. Ive heard of dealers pissing on the weed and microwaving it. This gives it a stronger odor so that buyers think theyre paying for a higher grade. Ive also heard people claim that dealers add cocaine or PCP (wet) to weed before selling it so that they can increase the potency, but this doesnt make much sense, since this would mean additional costs, and would cut into the dealers profit margin.

SoYou Smoke Weed

Cannabis can be smoked in papers, blunt wraps, fanta leaf, pipes or water pipes, (or bongs). Folks also roll herb in banana leaf or bible papers (no joke). Theres even a huge selection of flavored wraps at almost every liquor store. Because cannabis is an organic material, when its burned, it releases particles that irritate the airway. These particles, along with the particles that are released by whatever the weeds been wrapped in, may cause the smoker to cough violently. The smoke is inhaled, travels through the airway and into the lungs. Youve seen people hold their breath until theyre damned near blue after inhaling, right? This gives the THC more time to enter the blood stream through the lungs. All the blood in the human body passes through the right side of the heart, then through the lungs, then through the left side of the heart, where its pumped back through the body. As blood goes through the lungs, it releases carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen. When youre smoking weed, the blood picks up THC, too, and when the blood reaches the brain, this makes the smoker high. Because cannabis and tobacco share many of the same smoke particles when theyre burned, researchers thought that cannabis could be responsible for causing lung cancer or other lung diseases, like COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). Tobacco smokers suffer from lung diseases 20 times more than non-smokers. What about weed smokers? Donald Tashkin, M .D. is an Emeritus Professor of M edicine and the M edical Director of the Pulmonary Function Laboratory at the David Geffen School of M edicine at UCLA. He conducted the largest study, ever, to find out whether cannabis causes lung disease. His 2007 study was funded by the National Institute for Health. M ore than 2,200 heavy [cannabis] smokers were found to have no elevated cancer risk. This means that among the 2,200 smokers in this study, there was no link between cannabis and cancer. This study also found that THC has an anti-tumoral effect, meaning that THC causes cells to die before they can become cancerous. After this study was conducted, Dr. Tashkin was quoted as saying:

At this point, Id be in favor of legalization. I wouldnt encourage anybody to smoke any substances, because of the potential for harm. But I dont think it [cannabis] should be stigmatized as an illegal substance.
He has also said, Tobacco smoking causes far more harm. And in terms of an intoxicant, alcohol causes far more harm. Although no link was found between cannabis smoking and lung disease, it was found that cannabis smoking can cause disease in the airways. Because

cannabis smoke contains so many smoke particles, it irritates the airway, causing it to swell. This disease is called Chronic Bronchitis.

Hungry? Thirsty?
Cannabis isnt always smoked. It can also be eaten or brewed in teas. When weed is swallowed, it takes the THC longer to reach the brain because the weed has to be digested, and the THC has to move through the intestines walls, into the blood stream. Besides taking longer for the drug to enter the system, it also takes the drug longer to leave the system. The high experienced from ingesting weed can last up to 24 hours, depending on how slowly a person metabolizes the drug. Some people say that using these methods causes a different kind of high than one feels when smoking cannabis. Of course, when cannabis is swallowed, you dont have to be concerned with injuring the airways or the lungs.

The Legalities
California passed one of the earliest state laws against cannabis use. At the time, many M exicans laborers were crossing the border with weed. Cannabis was so strongly associated with M exicans, that the more Spanish-sounding name, marijuana came to replace the use of the word, cannabis in legislation and common use. There were already tensions about the use of M exican labor, and the M exicans use of weed made for an easy scapegoat. M arijuana was used as an excuse to jail M exicans. After California criminalized weed, a lot of other border, western and mid-western states did too, including Texas, Nevada, Iowa and Nebraska. By the time of the Great Depression during the 1930s, many other states had outlawed weed with the Federal government not far behind. Harry Aslinger, the first Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, when testifying to Congress in 1937 said:

There are 100,000 cannabis smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing, result from cannabis usage. This cannabis causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others.
Hes also been quoted as saying, Reefer makes darkies think theyre as good as white men, and the primary reason to outlaw cannabis is its effect on the degenerate races. Its pretty clear that from early on, cannabiss criminalization was closely tied into racism. The subject of cannabiss legalization hasnt really been revisited with much honesty or clarity. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency classifies cannabis as a Schedule 1 drug, meaning that it is considered by the government to have a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use in the United States, and a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug. Basically, this means that cannabis is considered to be very addictive, with no medical benefit and potentially dangerous for the user. Other Schedule 1 drugs include PCP and M eth! If youve had any experience with cannabis use, you probably disagree. Lets look at a couple of medical studies and see what science says.

The National Institute on Drug Abuses website says that, Long-term cannabis abusers trying to quit report irritability, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, anxiety, and drug craving, all of which make it difficult to quit. The paragraph then goes on to say, These withdrawal symptoms begin within about 1 day following abstinence, peak at 23 days, and subside within 1 or 2 weeks following drug cessation. Although cannabis users tend to have a psychological dependency, meaning that they REALLY like smoking weed, there are very limited physical withdrawal symptoms, and these symptoms go away after two weeks. Compare cannabis withdrawals with the withdrawals that alcoholics experience, and its easy to see that cannabis is the lesser of two evils. People that drink for a long time, and drink a lot and drink often, have severe physical withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms vary from person to person, but include headache, sweating, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, a fast heart rate, tremors, and sometimes confusion, hallucinations, fever and convulsions. A lot of the time, its necessary that alcoholics go to the hospital so that they can be monitored while theyre detoxing. After being admitted to the hospital, they may find themselves sedated and on a ventilator. It can even be argued that cannabis isnt as addictive as cigarettes, because cigarettes contain the highly addictive chemical, nicotine.

Medical Cannabis
Recently, many states have passed laws legalizing the use of medicinal cannabis. This contradicts the DEAs classification as a Class 1 drug, or a drug that has no currently accepted medical use in the United States. THC has many pharmacological benefits, and has fewer sideeffects than many other commonly prescribed drugs. THC is an analgesic. Analgesics are pain killers that dont cause you to lose consciousness. Examples of other analgesics are aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, morphine and oxycodone. THC has been shown to benefit cancer and AIDs patients. Cancer and AIDs patients often receive medications that cause nausea and vomiting. Cannabis combats nausea and increases appetite. Currently there are two oral, (or pill), forms of cannabis that are available by prescription in the United States for the treatment of nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy treatment. These are dronabinol (M arinol) and nabilone (Cesamet). Some glaucoma patients benefit from medicinal cannabis because it decreases the pressure inside the eye. M ultiple Sclerosis is a disease that affects the central nervous system, (the brain and the spinal cord). Currently, the National M ultiple Sclerosis Society is sponsoring studies to find out if THC can benefit people that suffer from this disease by reducing the amount of muscle spasms that the user would experience otherwise. Sativex, a spray which is used beneath the tongue, has been approved for use in Canada for individuals suffering from M S. Because THC causes a sense of relaxation and well-being, it is being studied by researchers who are trying to combat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Jerusalem. The FDA does sometimes facilitate cannabis research, but because of its illegal status in the United States, as well as many other countries, research is really limited. However, as you can see from the examples provided above, THC has the potential to cure M ANY diseases and ailments.

The Negatives
First and foremost, its important to know that there has NEVER been a documented human death from overdosing on cannabis. One study has estimated that it would be necessary to smoke 1,500 pounds of cannabis in a fourteen minute period to cause a human death. Any habitual weed smoker knows that youd probably fall asleep before overdosing. Not to mention, its physically impossible to inhale this much weed, no matter how hard you may try. Above, we discussed Chronic Bronchitis as a disease thats caused by smoking weed. Keep in mind, though, that any inhaled irritant can possibly cause airway inflammation. This is especially concerning for people that have Asthma. Asthma is triggered by many different air particles, including smoke. People that have Asthma and who also smoke put themselves at risk of having an Asthma attack.

Cannabis smoking is often a communal activity, meaning its something that people tend to do in groups. Its often a part of any good cipher, and a single blunt can make its way around a large group. Weed smokers are typically pretty friendly folks right? Its all share and share alikeBUTlet us not forget that many diseases are carried in the mouth. Have you ever shared a blunt with someone that you wouldnt DRINK after? Imagine that you receive a blunt from someone that has a cold, or a flu, or worse yet, oral herpes? Youve just put yourself at risk for contracting a communicable disease. Not to mention, sharing blunts with strange people also puts you at risk for smoking more than weed. Some people mix their weed with cocaine, mushrooms, PCP, etc. A friend of mine was walking past a crowd of guys that asked if he had a lighter, so they could light their blunt. He let them use his lighter, and in exchange, they let him hit the blunt. As it turned out, the blunt was wet and he spent the whole night having hallucinations. There has been speculation about links between mental illness and cannabis use. Although it has not been proven that cannabis causes schizophrenia, its possible that it can cause for an acute exacerbation in schizophrenic symptoms. In English, this means that someone already suffering from schizophrenia can quickly trigger their disease with cannabis use. I have had personal experience with a friend that has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and smokes weed. I was present when, after having smoked some bomb, he began seeing things and hearing voices. M ind you, this was not a controlled experiment, and I dont have any evidence about how or why he began hallucinating Im just sayin And youve probably seen the commercial where the weedheads at the drive thru run over the girl on the bike, or at least Dave Chappelles parody of it. Well, according to a recent study, smoking marijuana barely affects driving performance. The researchers found there were no differences between the performance of marijuana smokers and those who were given a placebo in a simulators driving segment or its collision-avoidance scenarios. In fact, the only difference between the two groups was that weed smokers were actually more likely to slow down during certain parts of the simulation. Recent studies have shown that cannabis use affects male fertility. Apparently cannabis confuses the movement of the sperm, making them less likely to reach the females egg and achieve fertilization. Although this may be true, I personally know M ANY Rastas with large tribes that would argue otherwise. And if its true that male infertility is caused by cannabis use, many would argue that it should be researched as a contraceptive! While were on the subject of fertility, lets talk about cannabis use by pregnant women.

Pregnant Puffers
In the United States, cannabis use by pregnant women is frowned upon, to say the very least. M ake no mistake! If youre pregnant and test positive for THC, you can face very stiff penalties. These penalties vary from state to state, but in many places a positive drug test can result in you losing your baby to the state because you will be deemed an unfit parent. This is based on the claims that cannabis use during pregnancy leads to prematurity, low birth weights, and a decrease in the infants ability to think because of poor brain development. In 1994, the American Academy of Pediatrics published an article titled, Prenatal Cannabis Exposure and Neonatal Outcomes in Jamaica: An Ethnographic Study. This study looked closely at the brain development and behavior of babies whose mothers smoked while they were pregnant. Twenty-four infants whose mothers smoked while pregnant were compared with twenty infants whose mothers didnt smoke while pregnant. The researchers visited with the babies when they were three days old and again when they were three months old. On day three, all of the babies brain development and behaviors were pretty much the same. Surprisingly, at three months the babies that had been exposed to cannabis in the belly, had better scores on autonomic stability, quality of alertness, irritability, and self-regulation and were judged to be more rewarding for caregivers. Again, in plain English, this means that the babies whose mothers smoked while pregnant had a more stable nervous system, were more alert, were less irritable and were all around happier babies for their mothers!


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G Let me say from the jump that I used to smoke weed, so this isnt comin from some outsider/been clean all my life angle. Ive done everything I talk about, including all the bullsh*t I no longer support. I quit smoking weed when I was 19 (I started at 14), but nobody had to make me do it. I stopped smoke weed simply because I realized that I like my reality straight, no chaser. I prefer clarity 24/7. Thats just me. I dont like foggy thinking, and I dont believe Im that much more creative or productive when Im high. And it wasnt that hard. At the time, I was involved in the hiphop world, so I was exposed to a lot of weed, but not necessarily more than I encountered on the streets. And like the streets, I never felt pressured to smoke (although it does sometimes feel weird to be the odd one out). Contrary to popular opinion, everyone in the hiphop industry does NOT smoke weed. But again, sobriety is one of those things thats unpopular to admit to in those circles. Still, I can name about a dozen rappers whove quit smoking or started cutting back. of dead prez doesnt smoke because its part of his approach to revolutionary health and warriorhood. Lupe Fiasco doesnt smoke because hes M uslim. 50 Cent raps about being high all the time but he doesnt actually smoke weed (or drink) because it clouds his business mind. Even Snoop Dogg quit smoking at least twice, in hopes of getting less flack from the parents of the Pop Warner football team he coaches. Even GZA, the Wu Tang Clans oldest member at 41, recently quit:

Im done with that. I could have done so much more in the past. Id get up, roll a blunt at seven in the morning. If I played chess online, I wanted a blunt. If I read a book, I would smoke a blunt, and then Im reading the same page like five times.
Sound familiar? So was it the weed that made him unproductive, or do unproductive people just like weed? Seems like the latter. Im just really, really laid-back-slash-lazy, GZA says. Last minute with everything. And now I cant blame the weed. But even if weed isnt the reason why youve done nothing with your life, you cant deny the complications it produces because of its legal status. Niggasll ride, and get high, wit they tags out/ Policell spy, pull em over, wit they badge out You know thats dumb, you got guns wit the bags out/ The windows full of smoke, eerybody passed out Project Pat, Purple Nearly every major arrest of a rapper in recent years was due to the unmistakable odor of weed being present. From T.I. to Lil Wayne to Lil Boosieweed is what gave the police probable cause to search further. In fact, as this book went to press, T.I. was on his way BACK to jail, this time facing multiple years, for getting caught with drugs RIGHT after coming out of his last (reduced) prison sentence. Fresh outta prison, makin an illegal U-turn in Hollywood (knowing hes being watched), with ecstasy and meth in a M aybach smelling like a weed forest. What was he thinking? Hes not alone though! I can name dozens of regular people whove gone to jail for major charges, all starting with the scent of weed. 2 my fam that loves 2 puff the M agic Dragon & think UR not addicted; ask URself how long Uve been puffing, how long U can go w/o a puff, & how many jobs Uve lost or couldnt get cuz U failed the drug test. Stephanie M uhammad, via Facebook Not to mention the dozens of people who lose a job (often good-paying jobs) because they flunked the companys random drug test. I even know about a dozen people who couldnt control their weed habits enough to pass an announced drug testand in some cases, were not talking about a drug test from an employer, were talking about probation officers! But is weed addictive? As youve just read, its not chemically addictive by nature. M eaning, unlike heroin, crystal meth, syrup, etcit WONT have you falling to pieces from withdrawal if you try to quit. Weed lets you get off the ride whenever YOURE ready. So wheres the addiction part of it come from? YOU. Weed itself isnt addictive, but YOU, yourself, might have addicted yourself to weed. Think about it. Are you? If not, can you prove it? For how long?

B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G Im addicted to caffeine. Until recently, I drank about two cups of coffee (usually black) every morning, and had a Red Bull or other energy drink every other night. Im not proud of it. I know caffeine is a drug, and Im addicted. The reason I know its an addiction is because despite all the health problems I know it can cause I still wont leave it alone. But Im working on it. As you know, this book is about growth, not instant change.

What is Caffeine?
Caffeine is the worlds most popular drug. The white, bitter-tasting, crystalline substance was first isolated from coffee in 1820. Both words, caffeine and coffee, are derived from the Arabic word qahweh (pronounced kahveh in Turkish). The origins of the words reflect the spread of the beverage into Europe via Arabia and Turkey from north-east Africa, where coffee trees were cultivated in the 6th century. Coffee began to be popular in Europe in the 17th century. By the 18th century, plantations had been established in Indonesia and the West Indies.

Is Caffeine Bad for Me?

You ever had so much caffeine you started feeling all jittery and your hands start trembling a little? That means youre overdosing! Those are the symptoms. You see, caffeine taken in beverage form begins to reach all tissues of the body within five minutes. It raises your brain activity, breathing rate, and metabolism (your bodily activity and/or temperature increase). Larger doses of caffeine can produce headache, jitteriness, abnormally rapid heartbeat (tachycardia), convulsions, and even delirium. Near-fatal doses cause a crisis resembling the state of a diabetic without insulin, including high levels of blood sugar and the appearance of acetone-like substances in urine.

How Much Will Kill Me?

A lethal dose of caffeine is about 5000 mg. There havent been any proven cases of people dying from caffeinated drinks, but people have overdosed (and died) from caffeine pills (like No-Doze). Even a drink like Cocaine (yes, theres an energy drink called Cocaine) contains about 280 mg, so it would take an unrealistic amount of drinking to straight up kill you with no other factors involved. But medical studies show that just two cans a day of a popular energy drink increase blood pressure and heart rate in healthy adults. In the book, Poison With a Capital C, by Agatha Thrash M .D. and Calvin Thrash M .D., the authors state, M any people take about 1/10 the lethal dose every day, and even in one cup of coffee lurk substances that seriously alter the body. Women who drink only one cup of coffee per day have almost three times greater risk of getting bladder cancer than abstainers!

Can you be addicted to caffeine? Absolutely. How else could you explain Brooke Robertson, a 23-year-old New Zealand mother who lost 88 pounds after drinking nothing but Red Bull (from 10 to 14 cans a day) for 8 months? Of course, she also developed severe pain and cramping in her stomach and bowels, anxiety attacks, a heart murmur, and then finally had a small heart attack. It was during her two-week stay in the hospital that she finally managed to wean herself off the energy drink. She said, I had severe withdrawals sweating, nausea, shaking. It was an addiction. The doctors stated that. Of course, Red Bulls PR department claims caffeine is not addictive, but studies suggest otherwise. Regular use of just 350 mg of caffeine a day (about 3-4 cups of coffee or 2 energy drinks) causes physical dependence on the drug, another way of saying addiction. At this point, missing caffeine can cause withdrawal symptoms like constant headaches or feeling irritable and tired. At 650 mg a day (about 8 cups of coffee or 4 energy drinks), youre not just addicted, but now the caffeine is starting to have a toxic effect on your body, leading to symptoms like chronic insomnia, persistent anxiety, depression, and stomach ulcers. Heavy caffeine use also affects your heart, causing irregular heartbeat and possibly raising cholesterol levels.

Lower your caffeine intake to 300 mg or LESS a day. What does that mean in terms of what youre drinking? It depends. A regular cup of coffee has about 108 mg (but a Starbucks cup might have double or triple that). A small can of Red Bull has (surprisingly) 80 mg, but a can of M onster has much more. For the specific caffeine quantities in nearly any beverage you can think of, check out the caffeine database at Either way, anything more than 300 mg daily and youre dealing with problems. For natural methods to have more energy and stay awake, see M agic Potions and How to Stay Awake Naturally.


We all know about Eminems battle with drug addiction. Hes been on damn near everything, from weed to Ecstasy to mushrooms to Xanax. And on his last album, he claimed hed gotten himself soberfinally. But he recently admitted that he was worried he was now addicted to of all things exercise. He got concerned after he tried to cut down on his fitness regime but instead started making it tougher and tougher for himself every day:

Im actually at the point where I think Ive got a little obsessive/compulsive about it. Like running on a treadmill I started doing two miles a day. Then I did four. Then I got up to six, then 10, 15 until at 17, I had to take a break. I couldnt stop.
Nah, Eminem, thats not obsessive compulsive disorder. Thats addictive personality disorder. People with addictive personalities are more likely to fall victim and becoming dependent on things like drugs, gambling, overeating, sex, stealing, and even surfing the Internet. For example, while marijuana is not chemically addictive on its own (See Is Weed Bad For You?), people who are more prone to addiction will become hooked on smoking weed and have a harder time quitting than others. When they do quit, they often find a new addiction to take its place. The following are some of the traits associated with addiction. If you notice 5 or more of them in yourself or someone you care for, its time to get help.

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Low Self-Esteem: People with addictive personalities often have low self-esteem and negative self-concepts. They feel better about themselves when they achieve the highs of indulging in their addictions. Stress: Addictions can create stress. People can feel pressured to relieve stress through their addictions, creating a cycle that never ends. Depression and Antisocial Behavior: People with depression or antisocial behavior often turn to addictions to make themselves feel better instead of finding treatment. Self-Destructive Behavior: Addictive people sometimes engage in self-destructive behaviors. This can be in order to further their addiction (like a gambler selling his house), or to end their addiction once and for all (like a drug addict ODing on purpose). Satisfaction: Most people with addictive personality disorder gain pleasure from their addictions. The high feeling they get can come in the form of endorphins being released in the brain. Endorphins are the brains natural opiate, and the addict will continue his behavior to achieve the good feelings that come with it. Mood Swings: A person will become irritable or defensive when a family member or friend wants to discuss a perceived addictive behavior. In the book, Addiction Recovery Tools , author Robert H. Coombs argues that consequences of addiction affect everything in a users life. They become suspicious of peoples motives and believe they are being persecuted. Guilt: Feelings of guilt are common characteristics in an addict. They feel guilty about lying to friends and family, ashamed of their problem and lack of control, guilty knowing that their money and time was wasted on their addiction and that they didnt spend that time with kids or people who are no longer around. This guilt leads to stress, and the stress leads them back to their addiction. Secrecy: When people are ashamed of being unable to give up their addition, or fearful of losing access to their addiction (by a parent, jail or rehab, for instance) they hide their addiction from friends and family and become more secretive. Loss of Control: Once an individual has lost all ability to stop whatever theyre stuck on, people around them may start noticing erratic behaviors like random arguments, missing work or disappearing for days at a time. Isolation: Fearful of being exposed, many addicts find it easier to avoid those who know them. Isolating themselves is a way for those with an addiction to keep others from knowing about, or challenging, their habits.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G If youre prone to addiction, you can be addicted to just about anything. In this digital age, theres a lot of us addicted to technology. We act like we cant live without it. But some of us have got it so bad, that well actually die from it. Its even worse though, when someone else dies due to your addiction. Check out this recent piece of news:

An internet-addicted South Korean couple have been found guilty of letting their baby starve to death as they played online. They spent most of their days at an internet cafe raising a virtual daughter in an online game instead of caring for their baby. The three-month-old died last September. The husband, 41, and the wife, 25, were given two years in prison. The wifes term was suspended because she is pregnant with a second child. Earlier this year, the South Korean government said there were two million internet addicts in the nation, which is considered one of the worlds most technologically wired.
This might have happened in another country, but its definitely not a foreign problem. In 2007, a Nevada couple was charged with child neglect after their kids became malnourished while they played online video games as well. Their 11-month-olds hair was so matter, her head had to be shaved, and her 22-month-old brother had difficulty walking due to lack of muscle development. Nicholas Carrs book, The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains argues that technology is literally ruining our brains. His book examines how society shifted from an oral tradition to the printed word and then to the Internet, rewiring our brains along the way. Being bombarded with little bites of information across dozens of open tabs has us thinking short-term, unable to do the deep thinking of people who normally read books, long essays and articles. The Internet generation finds it harder to focus, concentrate and be introspective and contemplative, Carr writes. We never engage the deeper, interpretive functions of our brains, he said. Carr suggests that we slow down, turn off the computer and practice the skills of contemplation, introspection and reflection. It is pretty clear from the brain science that if you dont exercise particular cognitive skills, you are going to lose them, he said. If you are constantly distracted, you are not going to think in the same way that you would think if you paid attention. Not only are we losing the ability to think critically and meaningfully, were also getting way too much of our information from unreliable sources. Any self-proclaimed expert can string together a bunch of false claims on Youtube, add some flashy pictures and a beatand the next thing you know, half of Facebook will swear its true. Thats a problem. Dumb AND dumber. And this kind of addiction isnt limited to the Internet.[34] A new study from the International Center for M edia & the Public Agenda found that most college students are functionally unable to manage without digital media (like iPods, laptops, video games, Blackberrys, etc.). Stripped of technology for only 24 hours, the students described their feelings in literally the same terms associated with drug and alcohol addictions: In withdrawal, Frantically craving, Very anxious, Extremely antsy, Miserable, Jittery, Crazy. They also reported that they felt disconnected from the world without social media, meaning they were growing more and more unable to relate to people in real life! So many of us are unable to live when not plugged in, but what are we plugged into? Try a 24 hour fast for yourself and see how you do. Better yet, take the following test and see if you fit the description for an addict.

Internet Addiction Test Did You Know? A recent study found that young men who were video game addicts had the most self-reported aggressive behavior, as well as different patterns of brain activity than young males who werent obsessive gamers. Changes in aggressive behavior do not mean someone will become violent andshoot other people. The point is that our mental skills will be reduced. The effect of video games is the same as if were watching too much television, says psychiatrist Donald Hilty, MD.
M ost psychologists dont cosider excessive internet use to qualify as a bona real addiction, but this 20-question self-test may help you to identify areas of your life which are being impacted by excessive internet use. To take the questionnaire, please circle the selection which best reflects how each statement applies to you. Be sure to base your answers only on the time you spend online for non-academic and nonjob related purposes. Please note: This test will only be scored correctly if you answer each one of the questions. Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

1. How often do you find that you stay online longer than you intended? A. Rarely D. Often B. Occasionally E. Always C. Frequently F. Does Not Apply 2. How often do you neglect household chores to spend more time online? A. Rarely D. Often B. Occasionally E. Always C. Frequently F. Does Not Apply 3. How often do you prefer the excitement of the internet to intimacy with your partner? A. Rarely D. Often B. Occasionally E. Always C. Frequently F. Does Not Apply 4. How often do you form new relationships with fellow online users? A. Rarely D. Often B. Occasionally E. Always C. Frequently F. Does Not Apply 5. How often do others in your life complain to you about the amount of time you spend online? A. Rarely D. Often B. Occasionally E. Always C. Frequently F. Does Not Apply 6. How often do your grades or school work suffer because of the amount of time you spend online? A. Rarely D. Often B. Occasionally E. Always C. Frequently F. Does Not Apply 7. How often do you check your email before something else that you need to do? A. Rarely D. Often B. Occasionally E. Always C. Frequently F. Does Not Apply 8. How often does your job performance or productivity suffer because of the internet? A. Rarely D. Often B. Occasionally E. Always C. Frequently F. Does Not Apply 9. How often do you become defensive or secretive when anyone asks you what you do online? A. Rarely D. Often B. Occasionally E. Always C. Frequently F. Does Not Apply 10. How often do you block out disturbing thoughts about your life with soothing thoughts of the internet? A. Rarely D. Often B. Occasionally E. Always C. Frequently F. Does Not Apply 11. How often do you find yourself anticipating when you will go online again? A. Rarely D. Often B. Occasionally E. Always C. Frequently F. Does Not Apply 12. How often do you fear that life without the internet would be boring, empty, and joyless? A. Rarely D. Often B. Occasionally E. Always C. Frequently F. Does Not Apply 13. How often do you snap, yell, or act annoyed if someone bothers you while you are online? A. Rarely D. Often B. Occasionally E. Always C. Frequently F. Does Not Apply

14. How often do you lose sleep due to late-night log-ins? A. Rarely D. Often B. Occasionally E. Always C. Frequently F. Does Not Apply 15. How often do you feel preoccupied with the Internet when offline, or fantasize about being online? A. Rarely D. Often B. Occasionally E. Always C. Frequently F. Does Not Apply 16. How often do you find yourself saying just a few more minutes when online? A. Rarely D. Often B. Occasionally E. Always C. Frequently F. Does Not Apply 17. How often do you try to cut down the amount of time you spend online and fail? A. Rarely D. Often B. Occasionally E. Always C. Frequently F. Does Not Apply 18. How often do you try to hide how long youve been online? A. Rarely D. Often B. Occasionally E. Always C. Frequently F. Does Not Apply 19. How often do you choose to spend more time online over going out with others? A. Rarely D. Often B. Occasionally E. Always C. Frequently F. Does Not Apply 20. How often do you feel depressed, moody, or nervous when you are offline, which goes away once you are back online? A. Rarely D. Often B. Occasionally E. Always C. Frequently F. Does Not Apply
Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

Scoring Scoring Key Items Marked Points A. Rarely: 1 point A: ___ x1= B. Occasionally: 2 points B: ___ x2= C. Frequently: 3 points C: ___ x3= D. Often: 4 points D: ___ x4= E. Always: 5 points E: ___ x5= F. Does Not Apply: 0 points F: ___ x0= TOTAL SCORE = Generally speaking, the higher your score, the more impact internet usage may be having on your life. V ery high scores (above 80) indicate that internet usage is causing significant problems in your life, and you may benefit from evaluating the impact of the internet on your life and addressing the problems directly caused by your internet usage. Scoring Ranges and Explanation 0 to 19 Below Average Range 20 to 49 Average Range 50 to 79 Above Average 80 to 100 Significantly Above Average The Internet Addiction Test is adapted from Dr. Kimberley S. Youngs book, Caught in the Net.


M ental Health


B Y R O B E RT L . W I L L I A M S , C P S One out of 4 people in this country is mentally imbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends if they seem okay, then youre the one. Ann Landers Theres been a silent situation in the inner city that has crushed many families over the years. This phenomenon exists within the lives of many men, women and children in hoods all over the world. It causes some people to believe they can fly and jump off buildings. It has caused frightened mothers to murder their babies. It made others depressed to the point that theyve completely given up on life. And still others were left to believe they were the toughest gangster alive; only to approach the wrong person with such aggression and become the toughest gangster no longer alive. These are all reflections of the same phenomenon. This phenomenon is commonly called M ental Illness. There are many variations: Bi-polar Disorder, M anic Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Postpartum Depression, Schizophrenia, ADHD the list goes on. These titles are considered to be psychiatric diagnoses which can be clinically and/or holistically treated. Lets take a closer look at some of these issues and some relative solutions.

Silent No More
I began my passage calling this a silent situation because many people have symptoms of the above mentioned illnesses but are never diagnosed. In some cases thats good because quite often people are misdiagnosed and left to believe the diagnosis is accurate. Not knowing what to do they resort to psychiatric medicine and become a lab rat of sorts as they are prescribed numerous types of medication until they find what they think works best for them. At this point they develop a need for psychiatric medicine and when they dont have the proper dosage in their blood they exhibit the very symptoms of the false diagnosis. On the other hand there are those who strongly exhibit mental health symptoms that go unaddressed. When this occurs it is not rare for a person to be laughed at and ridiculed in the street, you know like the lady in every hood that dresses ghetto couture and talks to herself or cusses people out for no good reason. Another commonly unaddressed mental health situation is the person in everyones family doesnt seem to catch on to the flow of life for some reason. He or she sits at home every day watching television or playing video games. They dont have the motivation to get a job or attend school. This person doesnt say anything when you speak to them and seems to have a difficult time maintaining a complete thought. There are many unaddressed mental health situations in the hood, like the girl grew up in a single parent home; mom abuses drugs and is verbally and physically abusive towards her. The men her mom dates are also abusive and in many cases sexually abusive. The state found out about the abuse of the young girl thus she is placed in foster care only to experience further abuse. The young girl runs away from her foster parents to the streets in search of love and is discovered by a pimp who convinces her to prostitute and further abuses her. After being beaten and forced to sleep in closets, she escapes from the pimp and attempts to live a normal life but she cant seem to have peace of mind, she has regular nightmares of her past and she seems to feel as if being abused is the norm. She is angry or agitated most of the time and she finally becomes abusive towards herself and others including violent outbursts to some people in her circle.

Did You Know? Blacks are over-represented in all the high-need populations that are particularly at risk for mental illnesses: A. People who are homeless. While representing only 12% of the U.S. population, Blacks make up about 40% of the homeless population. B. People who are incarcerated (See Prison is Bad for Your Health). C. Children in foster care and the child welfare system. Black children and youth constitute about 45% of children in public foster care and more than half of all children waiting to be adopted. D. People exposed to violence. Blacks of all ages are more likely to be victims of serious violent crime than are whites. One study reported that over 25% of Black youth exposed to violence met diagnostic criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Among Vietnam War veterans, 21% of Black veterans, compared to 14% of white veterans, suffer from PTSD, apparently because of the greater exposure of Blacks to war-zone trauma.
In the first example, the lady who speaks to herself probably thinks she hears voices so she responds to them. This is a common symptom of Schizophrenia. Another common symptom of Schizophrenia is outbursts of laughter without an apparent reason. In the second example, the unmotivated family member who doesnt talk or do much besides watch TV exhibits common symptoms of Clinical Depression. In the third example, the young girl has nightmares about her past and violent outbursts towards people. She exhibits some of the same symptoms of a person who served in the Vietnam War and could comparably be diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Left unaddressed, if the young girl ever has children, this vicious cycle will possibly be repeated. It is our responsibility to be the eyes, ears, and voice of our families and communities. When we see peculiar behavior with someone we know instead of ignoring the situation, laughing at them, or ridiculing them in any way we should attempt to caringly speak with them and encourage them to seek professional assistance. Because in most cases, when a person with a mental health diagnosis is symptomatic they dont know it. Lets reduce these silent situations.

Holistic Thoughts
All health-related diagnoses are essentially holistic (meaning everything is a factor, and everything is affected) situations and should be resolved in a holistic manner. Holistic means the whole person; mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In all health related issues/dis-eases are a result of chemical imbalances in the body. As far as mental health is concerned it is all too common for someone with a mental health diagnosis and people who advocate for them to focus only on their mental and emotional stability. Although most mental health diagnosis surface as a result of some sort of trauma in ones life, one of the main culprits of these diagnoses are caused by improper physical consumption. High Priest Kwatamani writes in his book Raw and Living Foods: The First Divine Act and Requirement of a Holistic Living Way of Life, A diet of dead and devitalized foods not only perpetuates mental, physical, and spiritual illnesses for the consumer, but has an even more devastating impact on that individuals children. M any studies suggest that men diagnosed with ADHD often have children with the same diagnoses. Is it merely genetic or is it passed down as a result of consumption and mannerism? In 124 Ways Sugar Ruins Your Health, Nancy Appleton, PhD states that sugar can cause depression and can worsen the symptoms of children with ADHD. M eanwhile, Amanda Gardner of Health Day magazine reports:

Exposure to high levels of organophosphate pesticides, commonly found on berries, celery and other

produce, could raise the odds for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children.
The vast amount of chemicals used to mass produce meats and poultry also has an effect on our chemical response in the body. The improper digestion of meats alone causes a chemical imbalance in the body that may result in mental health diagnosis. Our bodies were not constructed to digest animal flesh therefore most meat eaters store undigested meat in the colon and the spoilage of this animal flesh creates chemical imbalances that leads to mental and physical disease. Jay Basemeyer, Stress M anagement Certified Trainer comments that for people with Bi-polar Disorder, the effects of regular caffeine consumption in coffee, teas, soft drinks or chocolate can linger in the body for days or weeks and then add fuel to the fire of the manic high! If not full blown mania, then even a nervous restless nights sleep can be relieved by reducing or eliminating caffeine from the diet. The consumption of drugs and/or alcohol quite often leads to an insane approach towards life. In fact many people living with the disease of addiction innately use drugs in an attempt to avoid symptoms of some other mental health diagnosis. For example people who are depressed commonly use cocaine/crack to give them a lift. Interestingly enough the psychiatric drug Prozac has a similar effect as cocaine does to the body. As a result of drug abuse there have been cases of people who were improperly diagnosed as being Bi-polar. False Bi-polar diagnoses have caused many people to believe they needed treatment when what they really needed was to stop their abuse of drugs - including marijuana and alcohol. Being mindful of what we consume can make all the difference in our health specifically our mental health. M ost mental and physical imbalances also embody emotional imbalances. Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, anxiety, stress, paranoia, and general fear are reduced when we have proper nutrients in our bodies. We can also alter our emotions by avoiding watching too much TV or movies that trigger negative emotions such as horror movies, gangster movies, or any other depressing films. We can also avoid music with a depressing message as well such as rap that degrades woman or glorifies crime. We can also avoid gossip and counter productive conversations. I know it may seem like a lot of changes but give yourself a break, you deserve it. Take a few of these suggestions and see what works for you. At the end of the day its about doing what feels good for you without hurting anyone or damaging anything in the process.

Be Open-Minded for Your Healing

As mental health pertains to spiritual wellness I suggest you do what works for you as sincerely as you can but be careful to avoid dogma. In other words, if you practice a religion or culture and not doing your best can result in feelings of guilt, stress, and many other unhealthy feelings. Avoiding dogma and realizing that true spirituality is the connection one has with a higher being within (higher self/higher power) we can be open-minded to all sorts of suggestions from the divinity that breathes through us. Regular meditation, yoga, and affirmations such as I am healing, I am not mentally ill; Im mentally able, and I can do it can make a great mental and spiritual difference in the life of someone with a mental health diagnosis. Here is a list of suggestions for over-all mental health in the hood:

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Eat plenty of live/raw foods such as fresh fruits, fresh green leafy veggies, nuts, and seeds. Drink plenty of clean water. Get plenty of rest. Take herbal supplements recommended by a trained herbalist knowledgeable in your condition(s). They dont cost much and can be purchased online or at your local herb shop and blended as a tea. Also research and find blends that work best for you. Exercise regularly. Its free and it releases many healing chemicals in your body. Keep it simple with some push ups or sit ups. Or really get it in at your local community center; many cities have free gyms to join. Get a Yoga, Tai Chi, or Karate DVD from your local library. Play basketball or go swimming. Take a jog; running is very healing. Join a support group. Volunteer for a good cause. Practice knowledge of self/self awareness. KNOW WHO YOU ARE. You should know yourself better than any Doctor but it takes practice and real introspection. Learn how to meditate. Meditation is very calming. Get a WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan). It can be your blueprint for monitoring your moods and emotions assisting you to avoid crisis. You can find it online at Get a Holistic Massage. You can contact me or another educated massage practitioner or you can connect with a loved one for a massage. There are massage books and instructional DVDs for couples and families at libraries and book stores.

It is important that if you feel as though you may be severely depressed or in any other mental health crisis, dont take it for granted. Talk to someone you trust and take action for your own healing. If you already have diagnosed with a mental health issue KNOW THAT THERE IS HOPE!!! I was once diagnosed as Bi-polar. Through Holistic Living the symptoms were reversed and the doctor who I was seeing at the time said there was no way I that I was Bi-polar. I havent taken any medication in four years to the date of this writing. Get a doctor who you feel comfortable with, one who doesnt give you a prescription and send you on your way after three minutes of each visit, one who isnt bent on keeping you ill to make money from your mental and emotional labor. Tell the doctor that you are interested in alternative treatment for your diagnosis and then discover that you can heal yourself of ANY ailment on Earth. Keep the Doctor around in case you stumble but dont wait for the doctor to tell you that you can overcome, KNOW IT IN YOUR HEART! Then take all the necessary actions to prove it to yourself and let the doctor know what YOU are doing for yourself.


BY D EN IZ LO P EZ Among Latinos with a mental disorder, less than 1 in 11 ever gets diagnosed. Depression and anxiety go unaddressed and sometimes only expressed by the sufferer as nervousness, fatigue, restlessness, or having some trouble remembering and concentrating on things. Latino youth, since before 1999, have shown to experience more anxiety-related and delinquency behaviors than do White youth. The statistics all read that Latinos are the least likely to go to the doctor when suffering mental illness. How can this be happening? Dont we pay attention and want to help when people dont seem right? The truth is, we may be involved and paying attention, yet the factors that create and magnify mental illness have been accepted as natural states of being for Latinos. To expand, here is a breakdown of things that affect the mental health of Latinos: Discrimination/Criminalization Unless youve really been keeping yourself busy and not paying attention to the world around you, youve seen what the media describes as a drug cartel takeover along the border. Youve watched Gangland on the History Channel, and seen how Arizona has become so fearful of the browning of America that its passed a law that allows police to racially profile, harass, and act as immigration officers in that state (SB 1070). If you look at all these things in connection, you see how the Latino is the new face to fear in America. Latinos are characterized as delinquents, illegals, gangsters, drug addicts, and as a main reason for the failing U.S. economy. Poverty/Unemployment While Latinos (documented and not) are often looked upon as the scapegoat for bad economic times, many Latinos are under constant pressure to stay above poverty often living paycheck to paycheck and having to take on several jobs in order to keep food on the tableor keep up with the Joneses Sound familiar? Additionally, poverty rates among Latinos have averaged about 22% since 2000, with rates increasing most rapidly for undocumented Latinos. Access to Mental Healthcare Lack of knowledge of where to seek treatment, lack of proximity to treatment centers, lack of insurance, transportation problems, and a lack of mental health workers who are culturally and linguistically trained to work with Latinos, are all barriers to seeking out and receiving treatment for mental illness. Studies have shown that only 24% of Latinos with depression and anxiety received appropriate care and both Latinos and Blacks have a high rate of being misdiagnosed with schizophrenia when seeking help. Look up the signs of schizophrenia; some of them are things that we see as characteristics of just being Latino in the U.S. A Disconnection from our Roots Like the average Black person, who has little knowledge of what their origins are prior to the enslavement of their ancestors, as generations pass, Latinos have become more and more disconnected with their ancestry. Through slavery, assimilation, and acculturation, what it means to be Latino/Hispanic (so-called) has come to be represented by remnants, mockery, and novelty. You can hate a M exican, but love to eat tacos. You can be all for 287G and down with the M inutemen, but throw parties yearly for Cinco de M ayo. The tradition that has survived through our abuelas y abuelos comes in constant conflict with what we are expected to believe in as Latinos in America. Based off of all these things, its no wonder that Latinos can become mentally disenfranchised with reality, creating safe spaces inside our minds, and losing the desire to function in a society who criminalizes us based on appearance, misdiagnoses our ailments, and disconnects us from our origins. As a people, Latinos have almost unconsciously accepted the factors mentioned above as normal states of existence, oftentimes not seeking, realizing, or admitting that the stress and anxiety that comes with daily life, can cause mental illness and depression.


G ET T I N G PA ST T H EY R E J U ST C R A Z Y B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G A N D LA N D R I A C A R R I was watching this film, Besouro, which is based on the life of legendary Capoeira hero Besouro. The film features some excellent themes of Black resistance to European rule in Brazil, but it also highlights African spiritual traditions as they emerged in the West. What I like about the film is that it shows the African gods as being timeless principles found in both our psyche and genetic memory. This was a welcome break from the European version that made god, even indigenous gods, appear to be something totally outside of self, independent entities that do their own thing like the Greek gods on M ount Olympus. Original people just didnt get down like that. Returning to the film, theres a scene where the god Exu who demands respect and reverence for the balance of positive and negative in life is confronting one of the brothers, who has just had his leg broken by the Europeans. The brother is so angry and hurt that he gets into an angry clash with Exu who almost no one else can see. So it appears the brother has gone crazy, talking and arguing with himself, swinging a knife at the air. This made me think about African and indigenous conceptions of mental illness, versus the European constructs. A Western psychologist would diagnose this brother as schizophrenic, and would begin him on a heavy dose of medication meant to keep him in check (since theres no cure for schizophrenia). A traditional African healer would say that he is talking to the spirits or the orishas or having some spiritual conflict in his head. Whats interesting is that both experts would simply be using their cultures language and terminology to make the same diagnosis (psychological imbalance), except only an indigenous healer would attempt to get to the root of the problem and fix whatever went wrong. While we can talk trash on witch doctors and medicine men, in primitive societies, the truth is that these same societies have much less mental illness, and they deal with the issues fairly effectively, when compared to the real witch doctors[35] and medicine men here in the West, who simply dose out drugs that NEVER fix the problem, and only create drug dependencie and semi-zombies. So what IS Schizophrenia? First, lets talk about what Schizophrenia is NOT. Its NOT the same as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) also known as M ultiple Personality Disorder (M PD) They are two completely different disorders. Dissociative Identity Disorder is exactly what it sounds like: dissociating identities. Its a rare disorder in which a person exhibits two or more distinct and alternating personalities. This disorder is usually brought on by a really, REALLY horrible and traumatic event that has happened to someone. This is common with people whove been abused. One famous example is Shirley Ardell M ason, best known as Sybil, a young woman who had a documented sixteen personalities raging inside of her. This disorder was brought on by the sexual, emotional, and physical abuse brought on by her schizophrenic mother, M artha Alice M attie Hageman. There was a novel and two films createdeach titled Sybiltelling the story of Shirley. Now, imagine the brain as a pie. Sybils pie was whole up until her mother started doing these horrible things to her. As Sybil grew up, still subjected to this abuse, her pie was cut into slices, each slice representing a personality. The pie was cut to protect Sybil from dealing with all that pain alone and all at once. She could basically retreat into her other minds. While plenty of rappers use alter egos in their rap careers, sometimes taking on completely different personas in their songs, its not just entertainment. In fact, some individuals in the hood can be so traumatized by the stress of their everyday lives (See PTSD) that they unknowingly begin creating new personalities, who they hold responsible for their failures and wrongdoing. This can begin inauspiciously enough, but can grow into a real problem. In one extreme example, a 43-year-old Jersey City man named Dwayne Wilson recently pleaded guilty to killing his sister, niece and nephew in a horrific attact that he said he watched his other personality, Kiko, carry out. Now, lets get back to Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is defined as a group of severe disorders characterized by disorganized and delusional thinking, disturbed perceptions, and inappropriate emotions and actions. The three classifications of Schizophrenia are Classical, Catatonic, and paranoid. Classical (or disorganized schizophrenia) is mild, but still sucks to have; it is characterized by lack of emotion and disorganized speech. Catatonic is physical as it reduces or increases movement of an individual. The movie A Beautiful Mind is based on the life of a Nobel Economist, John Forbes Nash, Jr. who suffers from Paranoid Schizophreniawhich so happens to be the worst of the three classifications of schizophrenia. Im hearin voices in my head, think Im schizophrenic/ Swear they sayin lets get it from another planet. Young Jeezy, Lose M y M ind So, lets take it back to the pie for a second. Remember when I said that the pie of someone suffering from DID is split into slices? Well, the pie of a schizophrenic isnt separated into slices; the pies still whole, but its a bad pie. DID pie is sliced, but still good and edible; a Schizophrenic pie is whole, but bad, baked with a whole bunch of evil, hallucinogenic ingredients. At any rate, the Schizophrenic pie is so baddespite it being wholethat the sufferer feels as though the pie is subject to crumbling. Get it? Now, the worstand ironically, most commontype is paranoid schizophrenia. Paranoid schizophrenia is when you hear voices telling you to do harmful things to yourself and/or other people; youll also suffer sensory delusions, in which you either see things in a way they arent meant to be perceived, or just see stuff that just ISNT there at all. Both DID and Schizophrenia are serious mental inflictions, but Schizophrenia is different, and much worse. Its usually diagnosed between the ages of 18 and 24. DID is curable; Schizophrenia is treatable. Theres a DIFFERENCE. And even though some people believe a crazy person cant get any worse by smoking weed, doing a line, popping pills, etcthey couldnt be more wrong. Just think: If these drugs screw with your mind by themselves, can you IM AGINE what theyll do to you if you already see ten-foot tall killer clowns with machetes and hear random voices telling you to fling yourself off of the nearest bridge? Studies show that Black Americans tend to feel more denounced when diagnosed with one of these disordersor with any other form of mental illness for that matter. We already have one strike against us (our skin color) when it comes to what it takes to succeed in society, such as getting a job, and African-American women have two. A mental disorder just adds to the difficulty. As a result, you probably havent heard of many famous examples of people of color with serious mental illneses like theseunless you count Jamie Foxxs portral in The Soloist or Samuel Jackson in The Cavemans Valentine. Then again, there is Thelonious M onk, the American jazz legend. He died at age 65 in 1982, leaving a legacy of brilliant music in his wake. He did it all while wrapped tightly in the clutches of Paranoid schizophrenia AND manic depression, both of which were missed by his psychiatrist at the time. So theres one famous example for you. But unfortunately, most other people of color who develop these disorders (and go untreated) end up homeless (as in the two films named above), in prison, or in a public mental health facility. This is why early diagnosis is critical. That man or woman you see living on the street talking crazy is someones family member. But we rarely figure these things out early enough to secure adequare treatmentand before long, Uncle Jimmy is getting kicked out of the house because his crazy behavior has gotten out of control. Now lets be clear: M ost people suffering from DID or Schizophrenia are HARM LESS. At least in terms of violence. But these disorders can certainly wreck lives in other waysso, again, early diagnosis is critical.

A Screening Test for Dissociative Identity Disorder

Want to know if you fit the description? The following 28-question self-test was developed as a screening test for Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly known as M ultiple Personality Disorder. To answer the questions, please determine how much the experience described in the question applies to you. Circle the percentage of the time you have the experience. The left of the scale, labeled NEVER, corresponds to 0% of the time, while the right of the scale, labeled ALWAYS, corresponds to 100% of the time; the range covers 0% to 100% in 10% increments. It is important, however, that your answers show how often these experiences happen to you when you are not under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Please note: This test will only be scored correctly if you answer each one of the questions.

NEVER 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% ALWAYS

1. Some people have the experience of driving or riding in a car or bus or subway and suddenly realizing that they dont remember what has happened during all or part of the trip. 2. Some people find that sometimes they are listening to someone talk and they suddenly realize that they did not hear part or all of what was said. 3. Some people have the experience of finding themselves in a place and having no idea how they got there. 4. Some people have the experience of finding themselves dressed in clothes that they dont remember


10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


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10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

putting on. 5. Some people have the experience of finding new things among their belongings that they do not remember buying. 6. Some people sometimes find that they are approached by people that they do not know who call them by another name or insist that they have met them before. 7. Some people sometimes have the experience of feeling as though they are standing next to themselves or watching themselves do something and they actually see themselves as if they were looking at another person. 8. Some people are told that they sometimes do not recognize friends or family members. 9. Some


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people find that they have no memory for some important events in their lives (for example, a wedding or graduation). 10. Some people have the experience of being accused of lying when they do not think that they have lied. 11. Some people have the experience of looking in a mirror and not recognizing themselves. 12. Some people have the experience of feeling that other people, objects, and the world around them are not real. 13. Some people have the experience of feeling that their body does not seem to belong to them. 14. Some people have the experience of sometimes remembering a past event


10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


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so vividly that they feel as if they were reliving that event. 15. Some people have the experience of not being sure whether things that they remember happening really did happen or whether they just dreamed them. 16. Some people have the experience of being in a familiar place but finding it strange and unfamiliar. 17. Some people find that when they are watching television or a movie they become so absorbed in the story that they are unaware of other events happening around them. 18. Some people find that they become so involved in a fantasy or daydream that it feels as though it were really happening to them. 19. Some people find 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


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10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

that they sometimes are able to ignore pain. 20. Some people find that that they sometimes sit staring off into space, thinking of nothing, and are not aware of the passage of time. 21. Some people sometimes find that when they are alone they talk out loud to themselves. 22. Some people find that in one situation they may act so differently compared with another situation that they feel almost as if they were two different people. 23. Some people sometimes find that in certain situations they are able to do things with amazing ease and spontaneity that would usually be difficult for them (for example, sports, work, social situations, etc.).


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10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

24. Some 0% people sometimes find that they cannot remember whether they have done something or have just thought about doing it (for example, not knowing whether they have just mailed a letter or have just thought about mailing it). 25. Some people find evidence that they have done things that they do not remember doing. 26. Some people sometimes find writings, drawings, or notes among their belongings that they must have done but cannot remember doing. 27. Some people sometimes find that they hear voices inside their head that tell them to do things or comment on things that they are doing. 28. Some 0%

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10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

people sometimes feel as if they are looking at the world through a fog so that people and objects appear far away or unclear. TOTAL NUMBER CIRCLED (for each %) Scoring This screening test for Dissociative Identity Disorder is scored by totaling the percentage answered for each question (from 0% to 100%) and then dividing by 28: this should yield a score in the range of 0 to 100. If not, you did the math wrong. Number Circled for 0%: x0= Number Circled for 10%: x 10 = Number Circled for 20%: x 20 = Number Circled for 30%: x 30 = Number Circled for 40%: x 40 = Number Circled for 50%: x 50 = Number Circled for 60%: x 60 = Number Circled for 70%: x 70 = Number Circled for 80%: x 80 = Number Circled for 90%: x 90 = Number Circled for 100%: x 10 = TOTAL DES SCORE Total divided by 28 Generally speaking, the higher the DES score, the more likely it is that the person has DID. The figure shown below plots the distribution of DES scores (horizontal scale) in the general population. Finding your score in this chart lets you know where you fall in comparison with most people. Being closer to the extreme end can be a sign you have a problem. But the DES is not a diagnostic instrument. It is a screening instrument. High scores on the DES do not prove that a person has a dissociative disorder; they only suggest that clinical assessment for DID is a good idea. Studies have found that only 17% of people scoring above 30 on the DES actually had DID. And people experiencing DID can also have low scores, so a low score does not rule out DID. The average DES score for a person who actually has DID is in the 40s, but roughly 15% of clinically diagnosed DID patients scored 20 or below on the DES. Note: This test is meant to be used as a starting point, not as a diagnosis tool. This score is not intended as a mental disorder diagnosis, or as any type of healthcare recommendation. Our Survey Says!
So, youve screened yourself for Dissociative Identity Disorder and you just may have it! What to do, what to do?! First off: DONT PANIC! Trust me, it could be a LOT worse. Second, buckle down some funds and hire a good therapist. Psychiatry is rooted in mental illness and disorders. Contrary to popular belief, psychiatry and psychology are two different practices; what you want for a DID treatment plan is a psychiatrist. Dont have the funds? Find someone trustworthy and willing to administer some tough love for free. The first step in treating DID is tracing back your deepest darkest memories to what traumatic event caused your pie to split in the first place. Once youve confronted that fear and accepted it as a stitch in your past, you can face your other selves and perhaps even embrace them in such a way that they become parts of you again rather than different versions of yourself. Just like Sybil did in the end of the movie, the bookand in actual life, with the help of her therapist.

Indeed Dissociative Identity Disorder is weird and Schizophrenia is scary, but they both are treatable to some degree. However, thats about the ONLY thing that they have in common. So remember, next time you holla, Schizomake sure you know what the hell youre talking about.

B Y S U P R E M E U N D E R S T A N D I N G A N D E M M A YA J E W E L Chances are, youre already dealing with an individual with a personality disorder somewhere in your life. It might be your spouse, your parent, your co-workereven your child, perhaps even yourself. A personality disorder is defined as a severe disturbance in the character or psychological constitution and behavioral tendencies of an individual. Basically, this means your thinking aint right. Now, of course you could argue that this oppressive, often barbaric, society is not a fair judge of who is thinking right or wrong, and youre rightto some extent. But personality disorders whether they are caused by living in foul conditions or some other factor are a very real part of our urban landscape. Just think about yourself and the people you knowchances are good that theres some undiagnosed problems going on. Im not saying they (or you) need psychiatric treatment, but if someone has a psychological problem thats keeping them from functioning at the optimum level, then that person needs to treat that problem. And theres plenty of ways to treat and resolve those issues. But it all begins with awareness and acceptance. Sure, we know that most of these disorders are byproducts of being besieged, put in bondage, beaten, brainwashed, and bullied into believing this corrupt way of life is the best thing everbut that doesnt change the fact that some of us are just out there or out of order nowadays. Black and Latino communities are home to the most psychological OVERdiagnoses and UNDERdiagnosesmeaning we get tons of labels like ADHD, ODD, and other disorders to explain away our natural disconnect with this European society. For more on that, see my essay in How to Hustle and Win, Pt. One, M ental Illnesses in the Black Community where I explain how the first mental diseases ascribed to African slaves were Drapetomania, which caused Blacks to have an uncontrollable urge to run away from their masters (The treatment for this illness was whipping the devil out of them), and Dysaesthesia aethiopis, which caused disobedience, answering disrespectfully, and refusing to work (The cure for this was to force the person into hard labor, which would send vitalized blood to the brain to give liberty to the mind). I write:

In the modern era, these bogus disorders have been replaced by new disorders. These new disorders are just as popular among doctors diagnosing Black children as the old ones were for slaves. They are ADHD and ODD, and instead of whippings and forced labor, the new treatments are medications that dope our children up into complacent zombies.
I go on to discuss a number of real psychological syndromes affecting Blacks in America, including Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome (made famous by Dr. Joy Leary), Baby Boy Syndrome (Dr. Frances Cress Welsing), M entacide (Bobby Wright and M walimu Baruti), Psychological Slavery (Dr. Naim Akbar), Stockholm Syndrome, and True Believer Syndrome. But beyond that, we are also notoriously UNDERdiagnosed for conditions like schizophrenia, mania, depression, and all that other crazy sh*t you see when you walk down any street in the hood. Whats the solution to all this madness? It starts with finding out whats wrong, then investigating WHY, and then proceeding with the appropriate treatment. But NOTHING happens until you start LOOKING. So I dont want you to become a hypochondriac and think everythings wrong with you and your loved ones, but just take an honest look and you might find something worth following up on. If youre wondering if you or someone you know fits the criteria for any of the conditions above, you can visit where theres more information on the criteria for each, and even some online diagnostics to make things crystal clear. For now, here are some basics. A personality disorder usually involves several areas of your personality, and typically causes considerable personal and social disruption. Basically, because of your disorder your life is out of order. A personality disorder tends to appear in late childhood or adolescence and continues to be manifest into adulthood. Child abuse, expecially sexual abuse, is often a major factor in the development of these disorders. Personality disorders generally fall under the following main headings:

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Paranoid personality disorder: characterized by irrational suspicions and mistrust of others. It is characterized by at least 3 of the following: Excessive sensitivity to setbacks and challenges. Tendency to bear grudges persistently, i.e. refusal to forgive insults and injuries or slights. Suspiciousness and a tendency to distort experience by misconstruing the neutral or friendly actions of others as hostile or contemptuous. A combative and tenacious sense of personal rights not related to the actual situation. Recurrent suspicions, without justification, regarding faithfulness of spouse or sexual partner. Tendency to experience excessive self-importance (making everything about them) Preoccupation with conspiracy explanations without need for evidence for events in both their personal life and the world beyond. Emotional coldness, detachment or reduced affection. Limited capacity to express either positive or negative emotions towards others. Consistent preference for solitary activities. Very few, if any, close friends or relationships, and a lack of desire for such. Indifference to either praise or criticism. Taking pleasure in few, if any, activities. Indifference to social norms and conventions. Preoccupation with fantasy and introspection. Lack of desire for sexual experiences with another person.

Schizoid personality disorder: lack of interest in social relationships, seeing no point in sharing time with others, and endless introspection. Schizoid is characterized by having at least four of the following criteria:

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Schizoid is rare, compared with other personality disorders, affecting less than 1% of the general population. But a study by Valliant & Drake (1985) found that over 40% of a particular sample group of inner city males were Schizoid. Detached or neglectful parenting is hypothesized to play a role in the disorder.

Schizotypal personality disorder: characterized by a need for isolation and odd behavior or thinking. Schizotypal often evolves into full schizophrenia if left untreated. It can be identified by the following traits:

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Inappropriate or constricted affect (the individual appears cold and aloof). Behavior or appearance that is odd, eccentric, or peculiar. Poor rapport with others and a tendency to social withdrawal. Odd beliefs or magical thinking, influencing behavior and inconsistent with the cultural norms of ones peer group. Suspiciousness or paranoid ideas. Obsessive ruminations (focusing on distress and anxiety). Unusual experiences, including out-of-body experiences or other perceptions of depersonalization or derealization. V ague, circumstantial, metaphorical, overelaborate, or stereotyped thinking, manifested by odd speech or in other ways, without sounding totally incoherent (totally incoherent = schizophrenia = gone). Occasional quasi-psychotic episodes with intense illusions, auditory or visual hallucinations, and delusion-like ideas, usually occurring without external provocation (again, when its no longer quasi = gone).

Antisocial personality disorder: a pervasive disregard for the law and the rights of others. People with antisocial personality disorder are sometimes referred to as sociopaths and psychopaths. So this isnt the average crook who breaks the law to make a living. This is the guy who set cats on fire when he was a kid. However, nearly 80-95% of felons would meet the criteria for ASPD, which means its bogus. A better measure of psychopathic or sociopathic tendencies is the Hare Psychopathy Checklist, which looks at more important factors, like lack of remorse, lack of empathy, superficial charm, and pathological lying. Borderline personality disorder: Extremely polarized (everything is black or white) thinking, chaotic relationships, unstable self-image and identity, and unpredictable behavior. Histrionic personality disorder: Pervasive attention-seeking behavior, including inappropriate sexual seductiveness and shallow or exaggerated emotions. Narcissistic personality disorder: A pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. Avoidant personality disorder: Social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation and avoidance of social interaction. Dependent personality disorder: Pervasive psychological dependence on other people. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (not the same as obsessive-compulsive disorder): Characterized by rigid conformity to rules, moral codes and excessive orderliness. Depressive personality disorder: Pervasive pattern of depressive cognitions and behaviors beginning by early adulthood. Passive-aggressive personality disorder (or negativististic personality disorder): Pattern of negative attitudes and passive resistance in interpersonal situations. This one is an issue I need to spend a few extra minutes on, because its one Ive seen growing at a ridiculous rate among us. This is where a person will have a problem with you, and tell everyone else BUT youand then when you confront them, its all love. This is where a LOT of drama starts in the hood. Because these people set others against you. Or they will sabotage you some other way. Worst part about it is, no matter how wrong they are, these people always play the victim People with this issue may not be aggressive, but they will passively create some serious problems for you. Either address their issues or leave em alone. Houston rapper Paul Wall hinted at this disorder (without knowing its name) when he talked about M ike Jones:

When he left Swishahouse, he was dropping salt on everybody from Swishahouse and not giving us any credit at all. He was talking down on a lot of us and he would never directly say our names, but he was still hating. There were times when I felt disrespected and I would call him out on it, and hed be like, Nah, I wasnt talking about you. I would never do that. Im sure theres a psychological term for this problem that Mike Jones has. He has a problem. His perception of reality aint the real perception of reality. In his mind he feels like he hasnt done anything wrong to me, Trae, or Chamillionaire. He feels like everyone else is trippin and hes the victim. But that aint how it happened. We always say theres three sides to every story. Theres your side, the other persons side, and then theres the truth. But in his mind, hes the victim and he never did anything wrong to anybody. When somebody thinks that way, theres no point in arguing with them. With that being said, I kinda washed my hands of him. Im not worried about Mike Jones. I dont wish no bad on him and I dont hate him, but Ive got to move in my own direction. Theres no sense in arguing with him. They say when two people argue, from a distance you cant tell who the fool is. Common Factors of Personality Disorders
The set of common diagnostic guidelines which apply to all personality disorders are that the condition is not caused by brain damage, disease, or another psychiatric disorder, and meets the following criteria:

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obviously imbalanced attitudes and behavior, involving one or more areas of functioning, e.g. affectivity, arousal, impulse control, ways of perceiving and thinking, and style of relating to others; the abnormal behavior pattern is long-term, and not limited to episodes of mental illness; the abnormal behavior pattern is persistent and clearly unable to adapt well to a broad range of personal and social situations; the above symptoms always appear during childhood or adolescence and continue into adulthood; the disorder leads to extensive personal distress but this may only become apparent late in its course; the disorder is usually, but not always, associated with significant problems in business and social performance.

It is an accepted notion that for different cultures it may be necessary to develop specific sets of criteria with regard to social norms, rules

and obligations. However, while the Chinese have done some of this, there arent really any sets of criteria specific to Black or Latino people. As a result, things can get a little cloudy for us when it comes to diagnosis. As noted by my brother Jeffrey C. Johnson:

Too often, the stigmas surrounding mental illness prevent us from dealing with our folks appropriately. Misunderstanding mental illness and writing mentally ill people off as societal pariahs forces too many of us with very real needs to go into hiding about our issues. A mental illness is a disease like diabetes is but mental illness is treated as an entirely different animal due in large part to a vacuum in our collective understanding of mental health issues, particularly as they relate to people of color. When you need help, get help. When someone you know needs help, encourage them to get help. Some mental health issues are temporary, others (as far as we know) are permanent. All of them need to be addressed appropriately, and not tucked under the rug out of convenience. I also need to say that a person does not have to have hallucinations and severe mood swings to be in lessthan-optimal mental health. Anxiety, depression, eating disorders, etc., are all examples of mental health issues that are not seen in the same light as more obvious mental health problems. Sometimes, something as simple as a daily meditation routine can ease stress, anxiety, and depression, while other times drastic changes in diet, counseling, or psychiatric interventions are necessary to deal with these issues. Mental health problems are not one-size-fits-all, and neither are treatment options. The beauty of all this is that there ARE options, there is help, and that OWNING these issues and the events/circumstances that created them can help people make incredible strides towards wholeness, health, and happiness.

B Y M EC C A WI SE Checking Thats the word that I would use to describe it. Yes, the constant checking. Well at least thats how it played out in my life. I diagnosed myself with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (ODC) when I was about 19 years old. OCD is an anxiety disorder where anxious thoughts constantly invade your mind and you do whatever is necessary repeatedly to ease your anxiety. For myself, I define it as an irrational fear of what might happen if I dont do something, so I did it again and again. Obsession is the thought. Compulsion is the behavior. Although it may be very real to us, our rituals do not make sense to people who are not inflicted with this disorder. At times, we even realize that some of your behaviors are irrational, but many times still cant help ourselves. Like I said, I was always checkingthe stove to make sure I turned it off, the door to make sure that I locked it, the post office drop box , to make sure the mail went downyou name it, I checked it. Then there was the mysophobia aspect and the washing of the hands. I must have washed my hands more than 20 times a day, after shaking some ones hands, after touching door knobs, the bus seat, the shopping cart You name it, I saw it as contagious. I can recall how much time I wasted, how much hand lotion I used and how my normal friends sometimes found it difficult to deal with my weird behavior. Ive worried profusely, been a hoarder, a perfectionist, a control freakIve done some irrational things as it relates to this disorder and not wanting to admit it, have found many ways to rationalize my behaviors. But I will say, I have come a long way since then.

Wait, Black people have OCD?

Yes. Blacks experience OCD at similar rates as everyone else, but are over 30% less likely to receive treatment. Blacks are absent in OCD specialty clinics and in research studies. There are almost no published studies focused on the diagnosis, assessment, or treatment of African Americans who have OCD. The little research that exists makes it clear that Blacks experience OCD differently from whites: Black Americans are more likely to have a later age of onset (32 years), as opposed to late adolescence (19 years). Standard tests for OCD dont properly assess Blacks. Blacks are often misdiagnosed for OCD (like other disorders) based on cultural norms or personal quirks (like frequent hand-washing). Once they are finally diagnosed, Blacks are more likely be stuck with OCD and not get better.

What causes OCD?

Scientists dont really know! Some think its just another anxiety-type psychological disorder. Others are unsure if it is genetic, environmental or something else altogether. Ive heard someone speculate that it was another byproduct of Western culture which has taught us that our environment must be controlled and we have to regulate/rule everything in our reach. All those my space/ my stuff/ my time issues can translate into a lot of craziness, so it makes some sense, especially when you consider that you dont find OCD in our more relaxed homelands.

What fixes OCD?

Again, scientists havent found the answers. Can a serotonin boost help? That looks like a major part of it, but theres a lot thats still unknown. What I CAN tell you is that OCD is a real issue to someone who suffers from it. If you are close to someone who suffers from this, have patience and search for ways to help them before you criticize. If you are a sufferer, try getting facts about the issues that cause your anxious thoughts, you may find that you have misinformation about your fears. Although the thoughts behind the anxiety are not rational, this may help. Also, if you are a checker try repeating out loud once you have completed a task or try carrying a piece of paper with a check list. I think the key is working hard to create balance in your life. In general, think about the time you will lose and the freedom that you can enjoy. Either way, theres no cure for OCD, so dont expect a magic medication to set you straight. There are some herbal approaches that have shown promise, but nothing has been proven to work all the way, every time. Heres whats been found so far:

May help St. Johns Wort. This herb has proven to be effective in the treatment of depression and anxiety. Several small studies have been done regarding its effectiveness for OCD, and some of them have shown success equal to medications, with some studies going so far as to compare it to the clinically effective equivalent of Prozac. Other studies though have shown no effect greater than a placebo effect. St. Johns Wort is the only clinically demonstrated herbal aid for OCD, and is a good option for those unwilling or unable to try a prescription medication. Valerian Root Ginseng Gotu Kola

May make it worse Marijuana. Weed may provide some short term relief, but it ultimately causes symptoms to later worsen. For some people, OCD symptoms were actually trigged by using marijuana. Marijuana can also interfere with other approaches, prevent new learning in therapy, and make depression more severe.

Ephedra Cocaine Methamphetamines


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G When I was a child, my schoolteachers labeled me hyperactive. They used phrases like cant sit still, doesnt want to listen, gets bored too easily, draws all day, and class clown. Fortunately, this was in the 80s before the ADHD industry went full blast, so I wasnt prescribed Ritalin to treat my disorderand effectively turned into the walking dead. Now Im an adult living with most of the symptoms associated with ADHD, and I make my disorder work for me. ADHD is how I can manage a dozen projects at one time and constantly find new opportunities where others wouldnt think to look. And apparently Im not alone in my thinking. M ulti-millionaire Wilson Harrell (former publisher of Inc. M agazine), in his book For Entrepreneurs Only, devotes two chapters to his own ADHD and his belief that ADHD is essential for the success of an entrepreneur. But I also know a lot of people who have these same symptoms and it DOESNT work for them. Whether its a lack of focus at work or the inability to maintain a committed relationship, adult ADHD can make your life pretty shaky. Sure, the chemicals in our food and environment are making our brain chemistry a little funny, but its not like there werent people with these same symptoms back in the day. As I explain in If Einstein Were Black in How to Hustle and Win, Part Two, there have ALWAYS been historical examples of people who managed these exact issues. M any were considered geniuses, like Thomas Edison, Leonardo Da Vinci, Nikola Tesla, etc. Certainly some Black historical figures also qualified, but people havent researched/written much about that. (Why dont you?) But even in indigenous society, weve had people with those traits. We gave them names that meant Follows the Birds or Running Deer but we didnt punish them and try to make them go about life the same way as everyone else (conforming to the norms).[36] So if youre an adult with ADHD, its not a death sentence or a poverty sentence, but it will be rough for you, if you try to succeed in a field that values conforming. If you qualify based on the quiz below, Im not saying quit your day jobbut entrepreneurship is definitely something you should look into.

The Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale

Research suggests that the symptoms of ADHD can persist into adulthood, having a significant impact on the relationships, careers, and even the personal safety of patients who may suffer from it. Because this disorder is often misunderstood, many people who have it do not receive appropriate treatment and, as a result, may never reach their full potential. Part of the problem is that it can be difficult to diagnose, particularly in adults. The following quick ADHD screening quiz includes just 6 questions which have been found to be the most predictive of symptoms consistent with adult ADD/ADHD. Please choose the one response to each item that best describes how you have felt and conducted yourself over the past 6 months. Please note: This test will only be scored correctly if you answer each one of the questions.

1. How often do you have trouble wrapping up the final details of a project, once the challenging parts have been done? A. Never B. Rarely C. Sometimes D. Often E. Very Often 2. How often do you have difficulty getting things in order when you have to do a task that requires organization? A. Never B. Rarely C. Sometimes D. Often E. Very Often 3. How often do you have problems remembering appointments or obligations? A. Never B. Rarely C. Sometimes D. Often E. Very Often 4. When you have a task that requires a lot of thought, how often do you avoid or delay getting started? A. Never B. Rarely C. Sometimes D. Often E. Very Often 5. How often do you fidget or squirm with your hands or feet when you have to sit down for a long time? A. Never B. Rarely C. Sometimes D. Often E. Very Often 6. How often do you feel overly active and compelled to do things, like you were driven by a motor? A. Never B. Rarely C. Sometimes D. Often E. Very Often Scoring Questions 1 to 3: 1 point for Sometimes, Often, or Very Often Score: Questions 4 to 6: 1 point for Often or Very Often Score: Total A total score of 4 or above suggests symptoms highly consistent with ADHD in adults, and further Score: investigation is warranted. This test is meant to be used as a starting point, not as a diagnosis tool. This score is not intended as a mental disorder diagnosis, or as any type of healthcare recommendation. The actual diagnosis of ADHD can only be made on the basis of a detailed history and mental status examination. High scores on this screening quiz may also be related to anxiety, depression or mania. These conditions must be ruled out before a diagnosis of ADHD can be made. This book also includes a screening test for a related disorder, mania.


On Biggie Smallss classic Ready to Die album, he raps:

All my life I been considered as the worst/ Lyin to my mother, even stealin out her purse/ Crime after crime, from drugs to extortion/ I know my mother wished she got a f*ckin abortion/I swear to God I just want to slit my wrists and end this bullsh*t/ Throw the Magnum to my head, threaten to pull sh*t/ And squeeze until the beds completely red/ Im glad Im dead, a worthless f*ckin buddah head
Biggie wasnt the only one feelin like that. In fact, I could write an entire book on suicide and depression in Hip Hop. From Bushwick Bill to Eminem to The Game to T-Pain (yes, even T-Pain), nearly half of the rap game has at some point mentioned wanting to end it all somehow. Hell, even Grandmaster Flash rapped about suicide on The M essage! But thats because Hip Hop, for the most part, is a reflection of whats happening in OUR consciousness at the time. And youd be surprised how many of us are depressed or even suicidal. But talking about depression just isnt cool among people of color. We think thats a white people problem, so we dont talk about it. But think about the following:

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At least 10.4% of Blacks in America (and 12.9% of Blacks from the Caribbean) reported having MDD (Major Depressive Disorder) More than 1 in 10 Blacks in America has had suicidal thoughts 4.1% of Blacks in America have attempted suicide Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among Black youth ages 15-19 Black youth are the fastest growing percentage of suicide victims From 1980-1995, suicide among Blacks ages 10-14 increased 233% In general, Blacks have higher depression rates than whites (8.0% vs. 4.8%). Among the poor, the Black-white gap is even bigger, and poor Blacks are more depressed than Blacks with higher incomes. Serious depression can also lead to suicide by proxy or indirect suicide meaning you create the circumstances that get you killed

And dont think fame, status, or money will make things easier, if your mind aint right. Never forget that for every rich person who kills themselves, somebody homeless is happy with how things are going. Its about how you process things. Remember that cover of XXL with The Game on the cover with the pistol to his head? Shock value aside, he was really contemplating suicide. In the magazine, he revealed he was in such a dark place emotionally and physically, he almost chose to end his life. He told XXL:

My life is f*cked up right now. Im in a f*cked up place. My fans love me, and I know what they want but in a minute, Im not gonna be physically capable of pleasing the world with music. Because my mind isnt right. People are driving me under Gods good earthSometimes I wanna be at peace so bad that I wish myself off of the earth. My Story
Growing up, I remember a lot of us were either depressed or full-blown suicidal by the time we were teenagers. When we played chicken by pretending to tie our shoes in oncoming traffic, we werent just being badasses. When we jumped across rooftops and scaled buildings (the origins of parkour look it up on Youtube), we werent just being reckless. We were making it clear that we didnt want our lives. We were all ready to die. After all, the world made us feel disposable like trash, while the elders who shouldve helped us didnt do much more than yell at us. To make a long story short, I grew up in a dysfunctional family, and my neighborhood was pretty sh*tty. I spent a lot of time feeling miserable and alienated. I made my first suicide attempt at 14. If nothing else, it was a cry for help. I just had no idea how Id get it. Over the next few years, I began reading up on depression: its symptoms, its causes, and its treatment. After the suicide attempt, theyd put me on anti-depressant medication but it made me feel more like a dopehead than a regular kid, so I stopped taking it. Instead, I started reading up on the subject of depression and began treating myself. I learned that my depression resulted from having an idealized view of where I should be, and what my life should be likeand comparing that perfect picture with how f*cked up I thought I really was. I couldnt live with myself because of it. Everything that went wrong made me hate myself. Early on, I tried praying and asking for guidance and help. I never got it. At first I was mad at God for giving me such pain and misery for no apparent reason. Then I realized I was talking to myself the whole time. I stopped believing in this mysterious God who answers prayers if he feels like it, and started looking at the man in the mirror. You cannot see the future with tears in your eyes. Navajo proverb I began with trashing that ideal image I had for myself. I wasnt rich, I wasnt handsome, and I wasnt the captain of the football team. I didnt have a good family, and I didnt live in a good neighborhood. I had bad days, and sometimes I had bad weeks. But I learned that was all a part of regular life. I stopped hating life, and started learning to live with it. After all, tons of people had it ten times worse than me. The crazy thing is, once I learned to live with it, it was ten times easier to change everything. Instead of beating up on myself for having problems, I could focus on beating my problems. I learned about why life was so hard for people like me. I learned about what people of color have been put through (slavery, exploitation, abuse, rejection, dehumanization, etc.), and I understood why I couldnt let myself fall victim to that pit of despair. Waste not fresh tears over old griefs. Euripedes (485-406 B.C.) I changed my perspective. I refused to be a victim, and I chose to be victorious. Every time I felt the thoughts of depression coming back, I reminded myself that clinical depression usually is the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. That means its not real. All those feelings that life wasnt worth living, that everything was terrible, that I was a failure, they werent based on reality. So, like the hallucinations I had when I was trippin on acid that one time (another story), I ignored them when they came up. Eventually, I outgrew them. Choosing to see myself as the problem-solver instead of the problem allowed me to take control of my life, and my mind. That was over ten years ago. I havent had a weak thought since.

Alonzo Heyward: A True Story of Suicide-by-Proxy

In How to Hustle and Win, I used a fictionalized account, but this time around Im sharing one pulled fresh from the local news:

CHA TTANOOGA, Tennessee (AP) August 19, 2009 Alonzo Heyward carried a rifle around his low-rent Chattanooga, Tennessee, neighborhood one day last month, ranting about suicide and ignoring the pleas of friends for hours before six city police officers surrounded him on his front porch and decided it had to end. His father says Heyward told the officers, Im not out here to hurt anybody. But the police, who tried unsuccessfully to disarm Heyward, fired 59 rounds to kill him on July 18. The medical examiner found 43 bullet wounds in his chest, face, arms, hands, legs, buttocks and groin. Police contend Heyward was a danger to others and threatened the six officers. Chattanooga police spokeswoman Jerri Weary described the case as suicide by cop. As questions continue to surround the shooting, Heywards family and civil rights leaders take issue with the police response. Heyward, a 32-year-old moving company employee, was black. The six officers are white. They were temporarily placed on administrative leave but have since returned to work. Reactionary vs. Revolutionary Suicide
The above story is not rare. Theres even a word for it nowadays, and they mention it in the movie Phonebooth. Its called cop-assisted suicide. In general, its also known as suicide-by-proxy or indirect suicide. Its what happens when a person who doesnt know hes depressed and suicidal goes out on a mission that will almost definitely end up killing him. And dozens of us do it every day. Its what Tupac was trying to tell us in so many of his songs. For example, on So M any Tears, he raps:

Now Im lost and Im weary, so many tears/ Im suicidal, so dont stand near me/ My every move is a calculated step, to bring me closer/ to embrace an early death, now theres nothin left/ There was no mercy on the streets, I couldnt rest/ Im barely standin, bout to go to pieces, screamin peace/ And though my soul was deleted, I couldnt see it/ I had my mind full of demons, tryin to break free/ They planted seeds and they hatched, sparkin the flame/ inside my brain like a match, such a dirty game/ No memories, just a misery/ Paintin a picture of my enemies killin me, in my sleep
All around I felt suicidal, Tupac once confirmed. But I couldnt kill myself. I just wanted somebody to kill me for me. I think this is part of why we love Tupac so much. He was a whole person, flaws and disorders and allconflicted but genuineand so much like us, whether good, bad or ugly. Were killing ourselves like never before, and nobody understands why. Well, a few of us do. I know Huey P. did. He said we kill ourselves in reaction to the misery we experience, when we should instead be giving our lives trying to destroy the bullsh*t that made us so miserable. The greatest tragedy in the ghetto is watching people become accustomed to the prospect of a bleak future. - Ice T, The Ice Opinion He coined the term revolutionary suicide to describe the actions of Black people oppressed by racism and poverty who risk their lives for the people, for positive change, by standing up to the system. He argued that this was very different from the reactionary suicide commited by so many others through drug addiction, criminal activity, and other self-destructive behaviors that result from hopelessness. He argued that the slow suicide of life in the ghetto should be replaced by a revolutionary struggle that would end only in victory (change of the system) or revolutionary suicide (death). Almost poetically, he said in I am We, or Revolutionary Suicide:

So many of my comrades are gone now. Some tight partners, crime partners, and brothers off the block, are begging on the street. Others are in the asylum, penitentiary, or grave. They are all suicides of one kind of anotherThe difference lies in hope and desire. By hoping and desiring, the revolutionary suicide chooses life; he is, in the words of Nietzsche, an arrow of longing for another shore. Both suicides despise tyranny, but the revolutionary is both a great despiser and a great adorer who longs for another shore. The reactionary suicide must learn, as his brother the revolutionary has learned, that the desert [the American nightmare] is not a circle. It is a spiral. When we have passed through the desert, nothing will be the same.
M walimu Baruti has written that Black men kill themselves with their futures ahead of them, and white men when their futures are behind them. Its true. The way we give our lives is very different from everyone else. White people typically commit suicide once their company crashes or they go bankrupt. Sh*t, most of us start out bankrupt! M any of us feel like we were born dead, so we dont need to lose anything in particular for us to feel like everything is lost. Having so little, and being treated like were less than nothingits enough to send someone over the edge. Its not so amazing that so many of us are damaged goods, but that so many of us somehow can still make it. As James Baldwin observed several decades ago:

All over Harlem, Negro boys and girls are growing into stunted maturity, trying desperately to find a place to stand; and the wonder is not that so many of them are ruined but that so many survive.
But now our survival rate is dropping. Were killing ourselves in dozens of ways, some of them too subtle to notice. Some of us are so unhealthy psychologically and emotionally that weve used the endless pursuit of money as a mask to cover up our own illness. Even you may fit the profile. But instead of dying for nothing, dying over nothing, dying with nothingtry living FOR somethingand even if you die, it wont be for nothing. And its not just men. Black and Hispanic women are highly depressed (perhaps even more), except they exhibit their symptoms differently. I find that theres a shadow, a cloud of sadness amongst women of color, from all walks of life, says Stacey M uhammad, director of Out of Our Right Minds: Trauma, Depression and the Black Woman. She continues, Its time to have this discussion. M y commitment is to not only explore our behavior but to also examine the environment in which weve been embedded for more than 400 years and to encourage us to begin to examine what this environment has done and continues to do to people of color. According to author and social activist Terri Williams:

Today, nearly 70% of Black children are born to single mothers, a third of which live below the poverty line. This means that these mentally distressed women are raising our children, more often than not by themselves, and under very harsh circumstancesIt should come as no surprise that depressed mothers often lead to depressed children. Unfortunately, even those mothers who recognize that they themselves are

depressed dont recognize the signs in their own children. Many depressed and busy parents may also not be as attentive of their own children and not realize that their dysfunction is deeply affecting the rest of the family. Children whose mothers suffer from depression may be more likely to exhibit the same symptoms. Moreover, the harmful consequences of poverty coupled with the mediating effects of maternal depression jeopardize the development of our young boys and girls. These children are slow to develop and their problems often only come to our attention when their pain becomes public manifested as violence and selfdestruction at the hands of drug and alcohol abuse or additional behavioral disorders.
And guess who is being prescribed the most anti-depressants nowadays? Not Black men, not Black women, but Black children. So yes, depression is a serious problem that affects the whole population. Its not just the blues. What causes clinical depression? It could be cognitive issues (e.g., negative thinking patterns), biological and genetic factors, the effects of medications, other illnesses, and situational factors, like stress and discrimination. To make matters worse, some people try to selfmedicate through the abuse of alcohol or illegal drugs, which only leads to more problems. The good news is that over 80% of people with depression can be treated successfully. Be careful where you go for treatment though! Blacks tend to be diagnosed more frequently with schizophrenia and less frequently with affective disorders. In addition, one study found that 27% of Blacks compared to 44% of whites received antidepressant medication. M oreover, new medications with fewer side effects are prescribed less often to Blacks than to whites. Finally, even though data suggest that Blacks may metabolize psychiatric medications more slowly than whites, Blacks often receive higher dosages than do whites, leading to more severe side effects. As a result, they Blacks are more like likely to stop taking their medications than whites with similar diagnoses. Besides regular exercise, the herb St. Johns Wort is possibly the best natural remedy for depression and anxiety, even though all the studies done havent agreed on its effectiveness. Dr. Andrew Weil recommends taking 300 mg of a St. Johns Wort extract three times a day, along with cutting fat and protein (meat) from your diet and eating more fruits and vegetables (a more plant-based diet is known, for several reason, to improve moods). Of course, there are people who want immediate help of the clinical variety. For help finding treatment, support groups, medication information, and other mental health-related services in your community, you can visit M ental Health America at (but keep in mind that Western medicines last resort treatment for severe depression is electro-shock therapy). Finally, suicide does not need to cross your mind. Beat that thought away everytime it comes. Fight it off like its the fight of your life because it is. If you or someone you know is in crisis right now, seek help immediately. Call 1-800-273-TALK to reach a 24 hour crisis center or dial 911 for immediate assistance. Just make sure you use your white voice, and theyll be more likely to help.

The Different Types of Depression

M ajor Depression: This type of clinical Depression is characterized by a severe lack of interest in the things that were once enjoyed, or nonstop feelings of sadness. Bipolar disorder or manic depressive illness: Also called M anic Depression, bipolar disorder is a type of depression that has either subtle or extreme high periods alternating with low periods of Depression. Dysthymic disorder: This type of Depression is characterized by ongoing yet mild symptoms of Depression. Cyclothymic disorder: is a relatively mild form of bipolar II disorder characterized by mood swings that may appear to be almost within the normal range of emotions. These mood swings range from mild depression, or dysthymia, to mania of low intensity, or hypomania. Postnatal depression (PND) or Postpartum depression: is a complex mix of physical, emotional, and behavioral changes that occur in a mother after giving birth. It is a serious condition, affecting 10% of new mothers. Symptoms range from mild to severe Depression and may appear within days of delivery or gradually, perhaps up to a year later. Symptoms may last from a few weeks to a year. Recent studies have found that dads can suffer from a form of postpartum depression as well. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD): See Why are you so S.A.D.?

Wakefield Depression Screening Questionnaire

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1. I feel miserable and down. A. No, not at all C. Yes, sometimes B. No, not much D. Yes, definitely 2. I find it easy to do the things I used to do. A. Yes, definitely C. No, not much B. Yes, sometimes D. No, not at all 3. I get very panicky or paranoid for apparently no reason at all. A. No, not at all C. Yes, sometimes B. No, not much D. Yes, definitely 4. I have crying spells, or feel like breaking down crying (even though I dont). A. No, not at all C. Yes, sometimes B. No, not much D. Yes, definitely 5. I still enjoy the things I used to. A. Yes, definitely C. No, not much B. Yes, sometimes D. No, not at all 6. I am restless and cant keep still. A. No, not at all C. Yes, sometimes B. No, not much D. Yes, definitely 7. I can go to sleep easily without sleeping pills, drugs, or alcohol. A. Yes, definitely C. No, not much B. Yes, sometimes D. No, not at all 8. I feel anxious when I go out on my own. A. No, not at all C. Yes, sometimes B. No, not much D. Yes, definitely 9. Ive lost interest in things that I used to enjoy. A. No, not at all C. Yes, sometimes B. No, not much D. Yes, definitely 10. I get tired for no reason. A. No, not at all C. Yes, sometimes B. No, not much D. Yes, definitely 11. I am more irritable than usual. A. No, not at all C. Yes, sometimes B. No, not much D. Yes, definitely 12. I wake early and then sleep badly for the rest of the night. A. No, not at all C. Yes, sometimes B. No, not much D. Yes, definitely
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Scoring Scoring Key Items Marked Points A: 0 points A: ___ x0= B: 1 point B: ___ x1= C: 2 points C: ___ x2= D: 3 points D: ___ x3= TOTAL SCORE = Scoring Ranges and Explanation Less than 15 No High Levels of Depressive Symptoms 15 or Over High Levels of Depressive Symptoms Most depressed people score 15 or above on the Wakefield, whereas most non-depressed people score between 0 and 14. It is important to realize that a rating scale such as the Wakefield does not diagnose clinical depression. The Wakefield measures the frequency and intensity of symptoms often associated with depression. Some high scores may be attained by individuals with other emotional problems or physical illnesses. Therefore, use the test as a guide, and consider consulting a professional for an evaluation if your score is 15 or more. Scores lower than 15 may still warrant consultation with a doctor if your distress or dysfunction is substantial. Repeating the Wakefield approximately two weeks after its first use may be helpful, and if your score is still below 15 but rising, you should strongly consider consulting a doctor.


B Y V I C T O R I O U S L A N A S I A E A RT H Depression is a psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal tendencies. Although many of our men, women, and children face varying levels of depression, the group that seems to be the least diagnosed, and treated, is our Original M en. Depression is a disorder that is treatable. That is an important thing to keep in mind. People can bounce back from it. One of the biggest issues is the lack of discussion about it. Around 16 million people deal with depression in America. Studies suggest that an equal percentage (about 12%) of Black males and white males suffer from the disorder. The real difference is in treatment. Fewer Blacks are being treated. While only one-third of all Americans with a mental illness receive care, less than half that number of African-Americans receives mental health treatment. It wasnt until I read Disappearing Acts by Terry M cM illian many years ago that I even knew that depression exists among our Original M en. In the book, the author doesnt directly focus on the main male character, Franklin, as being depressed. However, in his attempts to improve himself financially, emotionally, and personally, he faced many obstacles that catapulted him into a cycle of self-loathing, depression, and giving up. I will never understand what it means to be a Black man who cannot find employment because he only has a High School diploma or GED, or just because hes Black; or to have women crossing the street and clutching their bags when he approaches; or the task of trying to become a man in a man-less home environment. The list can go on and on. Our Original men are always held to the highest of expectations in being the financial backbone of their households, to have all the solutions, and to be the sole controller. Black men feel that they have to be twice as good as other people, that you cant be weak because other people will take advantage of you. said Dr. David Satcher, former US Surgeon General. Satcher oversaw the 1999 surgeon generals report on mental health in the United States. Those [pressures] work powerfully against a Black male seeking treatment for depression and other mental illness. M ale depression may not be a widely recognized as female depression, and therefore men with depression may go undiagnosed. These reasons may include:

Reluctance to discuss depression symptoms. As a man, you may not be open to talking about your symptoms, especially emotions and feelings, with family or friends, let alone with a health care professional. This means you may not get properly diagnosed or treated for male depression. Seeing mental illness as a threat to your masculinity. Like some other men, you may have learned to place an emphasis on independence, competitiveness, emotional stoicism and self-control. You may think its unmanly to express feelings and emotions associated with depression and instead try to suppress them. Masking depression symptoms. Depression symptoms in men may be less readily apparent. For instance, you mask depression symptoms by alcohol or substance abuse. Also, you may focus on physical symptoms of depression, rather than emotional or behavioral problems. And your depression symptoms may not match typical depression symptoms. All of these can make it more difficult to detect, male depression and may even lead to a misdiagnosis. Resisting mental health treatment. Even if youre diagnosed with male depression, you may refuse treatment. You may worry about stigma damaging your career or about losing the respect of family and friends.

Male depression symptoms

Whether it is because of hormones, brain chemicals or coping methods, some evidence suggest that you may experience depression differently from how a woman does. Signs and symptoms more likely to occur with male depression include:

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Violent or abusive behavior Inappropriate rage Escapist behavior, such as over-involvement in work or sports Risky behavior, such as reckless driving Sexual liaisons Alcohol or substance abuse More frequently thoughts of suicide Having these kinds of symptoms can make it more difficult to link them to depression, making diagnosis and treatment harder.

Male coping skills

Like other men, you may feel that your depression symptoms are not severe. You may believe that you should be able to just get over them or tough them out. You may try to deny depression symptoms, ignore then or blunt them by drinking too much alcohol, taking illicit drugs or working longer hours. But these kinds of attempts at coping with male depression will likely just leave you chronically unhappy and miserable, and possibly at risk of losing your life. It takes effort to practice health coping skills rather than automatically turning to alcohol, reckless behavior, or frequent sex. Treatment with a doctor or mental health provider can help you learn health coping skills. These may include: Goals. Set realistic goals and prioritize tasks. S upport. Seek out emotional support from a partner or family or friends. In general, men tend to disregard the value of emotional support in coping with male depression. A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world. Paul Dudley White Activities. Engage in activities you enjoy, such as exercise, movies, ball games or fishing. Regular aerobic exercise is one of the most effective

long-term solutions for depression (At least 30 minutes a day for at least 5 days a weekand it will take several weeks before you start seeing the benefits). Decisions. Delay making important decisions, such as changing jobs, until your depression symptoms improve. M any effective treatments are available for depression. So do not try to tough out male depression on your own. The consequences may be devastating. In conclusion, just recognizing the symptoms, and also noting various medical, natural, and homeopathic coping skills, can start you on a road to strengthening yourselves as well as your families.


BY LA N D RIA CA RR Funny how it break down, but never mind me/ Forever grimy, I guess its just Philly shinin/ Rock roller, bipolar like Phyllis Hyman Black Thought, The Roots Doin It Philadelphia songstress/actress Phylis Hyman, known best for her top ten hit Cant we Fall in Love Again was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in the late 80s. She battled alcoholism before committing suicide via overdose in 1995 at age 45, leaving a note that read (in part): Im tired. Im tired. Those of you that I love know who you are. From Phylis Hyman to DM X, Bipolar disorder is more common than youd think. But we may not know what it is when we see it. We often think someone having a mood swing is the same as being bipolar, or we think someone being clinically bipolar simply means they are prone to crazy mood swings. Its time we get some clarity. Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that consists of alternating periods of elevated moods, called manic episodes, and depression, which weve already discussed. These mood swings run on a spectrum from mild to more severe (crazy) highs. Periods of mania can last for hours, days, weeks or even months before the person plunges back into depression. See? NOT the same as a run-of-the-mill mood swing. For more on those, see the chapter on Emotional Health. Bipolar disorder is often misdiagnosed as depression because the manic symptoms (increased energy, heightened mood and increased sex drive) are considered positive so its not perceived as a problem. Its the depression that makes people look for help. But M ania has problems too. If you know anyone who goes from being down in the dumps to reckless and impulsive (symptoms of the mania part), then you already know bipolar disorder can wreak havoc in a persons life. Properly treated, however, a person with bipolar disorder can lead a peaceful and productive life without the extremes of mood. You may think you only have depression alone, when you may actually have bipolar disorder. The following two screening tests can help you tell. The first, the Goldberg M ania Questionnaire can help you become familiar with the symptoms of mania, determine if you may have experienced a manic episode in the past. If youve already been diagnosed with depression (or think you may meet the criteria), the second test, the Goldberg Bipolar Spectrum Screening Questionnaire, can help you tell if you have bipolar disorders. While these quizzes cannot take the place of a professional psychiatric evaluation, they will give you an idea where to start a dialogue with your healthcare provider.

Goldberg Mania Questionnaire

This 18-question self-test may help you become aware of some signs and symptoms of mania. To take the questionnaire, circle the selection which best reflects how each statement applies to you. Be sure to choose the statement that applies to how you have felt and behaved during the past week. Please note: This test will only be scored correctly if you answer each one of the questions. Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

1. My mind has never been sharper. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 2. I need less sleep than usual. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 3. I have so many plans and new ideas that it is hard for me to work. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 4. I feel a pressure to talk and talk. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 5. I have been particularly happy. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 6. I have been more active than usual. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 7. I talk so fast that people have a hard time keeping up with me. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 8. I have more new ideas than I can handle. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 9. I have been irritable. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 10. Its easy for me to think of jokes and funny stories. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 11. Ive been feeling like the life of the party. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 12. I have been full of energy. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 13. I have been thinking about sex. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much

14. I have been feeling particularly playful. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 15. I have special plans for the world. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 16. I have been spending too much money. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 17. My attention keeps jumping from one idea to another. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 18. I find it hard to slow down and stay in one place. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much
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Scoring Scoring Key Items Marked Points A. Not at all: 0 points A: ____ X0= B. Just a little: 1 point B: ____ X1= C. Somewhat: 2 points C: ____ X2= D. Moderately: 3 points D: ____ X3= E. Quite a lot: 4 points E: ____ X4= F. Very much: 5 points F: ____ X5= TOTAL SCORE = The higher the number, the more severe the mania. If you take the quiz again weekly or monthly, changes of 5 or more points between tests may be significant. Scoring Ranges and Explanation 0-9 No Mania Likely 10-17 Possibly Mildly Manic, or Hypomanic 18-21 Borderline Mania 22-35 Mild-Moderate Mania 36-53 Moderate-Severe Mania 54 and up Severely Manic The Goldberg Mania Questionnaire was developed by Dr. Ivan Goldberg, MD. Goldberg Bipolar Spectrum Screening Questionnaire
This 12-question self-test may help you become aware of some signs and symptoms of bipolar spectrum disorders. It is designed to screen for the possibility of a disorder in the bipolar spectrum in individuals, 18 or older, who have had at least one depression episode severe enough to have caused them distress and/or interfered with their functioning at home, work, school or in their interpersonal relationships. In other words, this quiz assumes that you have already experienced a depressive episode. To take the questionnaire, choose the answer that best reflects how each statement applies to you. The items refer to how you have felt and behaved over much of your life. If you have usually felt one way, and have recently changed, your responses should reflect how you have USUALLY felt. Please note: This test will only be scored correctly if you answer each one of the questions. Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

1. At times I am much more talkative or speak much faster than usual. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 2. There have been times when I was much more active or did many more things than usual. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 3. I get into moods where I feel very speeded up or irritable. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 4. There have been times when I have felt both high (elated) and low (depressed) at the same time. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 5. At times I have been much more interested in sex than usual. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 6. My self-confidence ranges from great self-doubt to equally great overconfidence. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 7. There have been GREAT variations in the quantity or quality of my work. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 8. For no apparent reason I sometimes have been VERY angry or hostile. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 9. I have periods of mental dullness and other periods of very creative thinking. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 10. At times I am greatly interested in being with people and at other times I just want to be left alone with my thoughts. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 11. I have had periods of great optimism and other periods of equally great pessimism. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much 12. I have had periods of tearfulness and crying and other times when I laugh and joke excessively. A. Not at all D. Moderately B. Just a little E. Quite a lot C. Somewhat F. Very much
Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

Scoring Scoring Key A. Not at all: 0 points B. Just a little: 1 point C. Somewhat: 2 points D. Moderately: 3 points E. Quite a lot: 4 points F. Very much: 5 points TOTAL SCORE =

Items Marked A: ____ B: ____ C: ____ D: ____ E: ____ F: ____

Points x0= x1= x2= x3= x4= x5=

Scoring Ranges and Explanation Roughly speaking, the higher the score, the higher probability of a bipolar spectrum disorder, as opposed to major (unipolar) depression. (Remember, this quiz assumes that you are 18 or over and have had at least one depressive episode or depression severe enough to have caused you distress and/or interfered with you functioning at home, work, school or in your interpersonal relationships.) 0-15 Major/unipolar depression 16-24 Major Depression or a Disorder in the Bipolar Spectrum 25 or Above Bipolar Spectrum The Goldberg Bipolar Spectrum Screening Questionnaire was developed by Dr. Ivan Goldberg, MD.

BY RO D N EY J O N ES Whats your name? (fill in the blank) Whats your name? (fill in the blank) Whats your name? (fill in the blank) Whats your name? (fill in the blank). M y moms favorite Aunt, Katie, used to ask me that same question seven times within 20 minutes. I would politely answer all seven times. M y moms explained to me that Aunt Katie was developing a serious case of Alzheimers. At this point, my Aunts memory was just about gone. She didnt remember much past 5 minutes. Alzheimers is a debilitating brain disease which affects more than 5 million Americans at any time. Alzheimers Disease has more than doubled since 1980. Science News predicts that Alzheimers Disease will quadruple by 2050. While old age is still the biggest risk factor for developing it, Blacks and Latinos are in greater danger than any other group. Blacks are twice as likely to develop Alzheimers than our white counterparts, while our Latin amigos are 1.5 times more likely than whites to be affected. Yet studies also show that these groups still tend to be the least likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimers (meaning they wont get the help they need). According to the Aging, Demographics and M emory Study more than 1/5th (21.3%) of Black people past age 70 are into any given stage of Alzheimers. Alzheimers is the most common form of dementia. Dementia does not mean crazy as is the general belief. Dementia by definition describes memory loss and a decrease of intellectual functions. An early sign of Alzheimers is short term memory loss. Things like forgetting information that was told to you 10 minutes prior, being suspicious or fearful of people youve been around or trusted with your life (without good cause) and forgetting the directions to a friends house that youve been to 500 times, are all signs of Alzheimers. When these things occur often, they are signs that you are either developing early signs of Alzheimers or are already knee-deep into it. The brain is made up of more than 100 billion nerve cells called neurons. These neurons communicate via neurotransmitters (electrical signals) to other neuron groups through paths called synapses or branches. Think of each branch as a telephone cable. These branches make up your ability to remember things, control emotions, and so on. One set of branches might be the Im pissed off area while the other set is the Im enjoying myself area. These neuron branches also keep you from getting confused, by regulating thoughts and problem solving ability. Other neuron groups control bodily functions as simple as finger movement or as intricate as scent memory. In Alzheimers patients, these neurons or brain cells deteriorate and die. M issing neurons means screwy brain communication. Alzheimers disease disrupts both the way electrical charges travel within cells and the activity of neurotransmitters. Basically youre not firing on all cylinders. There is strength in numbers. The more neurons you lose, the worse off you are and, youll become more susceptible to Alzheimers disease. So what technically occurs in a brain developing Alzheimers? When you lose so many neurons, your brain size shrinks and shrivels, damaging areas involved in thinking, personality, planning and remembering. Protein clumps build up around and in between neurons, inhibiting neurotransmitters and neuron branches.

What Should I Avoid?

There are a few known risk factors for the development of Alzheimers. Id be willing to place money on the fact that everyone is engaging in activity or non-activity that can enhance memory loss. Lets review some of those. Nutrient Deficency: Vitamin C & E have been known to delay the development of Alzheimers while Vitamin B and Essential Fatty Acids are widely known to improve brain memory. Zinc is also associated with healthy brain functionality. How many of us keep track of our daily or weekly nutrient intake? S leep deprivation: According to Smart Nutrients, written by Abram Hoffer and M orton Walker, People who are sleep deprived for a day have the brain functionality of a person who is legally drunk. Over time, this adds up. Heavy Metals: M ercury, which is in High Fructose Corn syrups and even some of the immunizations that the good ol doctor injects you with, causes headaches and memory loss. You might wanna chill out on those processed foods to cut down your mercury intake. Lack of Good Cholesterol: Deficiency of HDL, the good cholesterol in our bodies, is a risk factor of AD. People with lower levels of HDL are at a heightened risk (more than 50%) of developing AD. Prescription Drug Use: Drugs also play a role, particularly among older African-Americans. According to a study appearing in the July 13, 2010 issue of the medical journal Neurology, the medications people take for a variety of common medical conditions (such as insomnia, allergies, or incontinence) negatively affect the brain over time, causing long-term cognitive impairment in older African-Americans (thus possibly contributing to Alzheimers). Another risk factor is smoking. Come to think of it, Aunt Katie smoked cigarettes for years. I cant say thats what did it, but I know that it didnt help. Theres also alcohol consumption and brain injuries such as concussions. Desertion is another factor in the development of dementia. When elders get up in age, they are too set in their ways for some younger people to deal with, so elderly people tend to spend much of their time alone. It should also be noted that in communities that are comprised of Original people, marriage rates are very low, which is another reason for our elderly spending their golden years old and lonely. High blood pressure and diabetes are also indicators for Alzheimers and dementia susceptibility. These two health risks are more prevalent in older African-Americans and Hispanics than in older whites. Also, according to a 2010 report from the Alzheimers Association:

Lower levels of education and other socioeconomic characteristics that are associated with increased risk for Alzheimers disease and other dementias are more common in older African-Americans and Hispanics than in older whites and probably also account for some of the differences in prevalence among the groups. Preventative Measures
Sometimes, younger people are too on the go to think about spending time with the elders in their family. So in turn, elders spend a lot of their time watching re-runs of the Andy Griffith show, learning nothing new. When people learn new things, their brains make new connections (branches) improving their cerebral health. At the same time you are losing neuron branches from daily life (toxin inhalation, diet, and natural body deterioration) so it is imperative to keep our elders minds exposed to new experiences. Be open-minded. It is really easier than you think, It can be as easy as teaching your Grandma how to do the stanky leg (please refrain thoughlol). Playing memory games as old as concentration is an easy way to improve memory health among older people. Or challenging their memory via a crossword puzzle book (which old timers love anyway) is a great way. Teaching them critical thinking through a game like Chess works wonders. Helping elders maintain an active healthy lifestyle is another way. Take trips to the doctor with them to learn about their current health condition; then use that information to better their lives. Learn what they should and shouldnt be eating and take the time to iron chef it up for them once or twice a week. Foods such as whole grains, leafy green veggies, beans, nuts and seeds promote healthy brain function. Hit up a yoga class with them; join them on their morning walk. Take them to the hoop court. Dont be dunking on em and thinking you raw though, because youre not. Theyre just old. Swimming helps people in general stay fit because it involves all of your muscles to move through the force of water; and it is a great way, if not the best way, to lose weight. Overall, exercise encourages the forming of new brain

matter. Theres a lot more ideas in a book titled 100 Simple Things You Can Do to Prevent Alzheimers: And Age Related Memory Loss by Jean Carper. One last way to help out our elders, is to build with them about themselves. If you know about Black history, then pick their brains to see what they can teach you, and then sprinkle THEM with a little of the game youve acquired, as a beneficiary of being born into the information age. You might become a student, a teacher, or (ideally) both. Take them to cultural museums and events. Buy them books on ancient Black and Brown civilizations (pre-1492). You would be surprised to see how receptive they are to the information if you present it in the right fashion. Besides, what else does their old ass have to do after retirement? But dont say things like that. At least not to their face.


Look quickly! What catches your eye in this drawing? If you saw the frown face instantly, youve got good attention skills, which is a sign of intelligent memory, the thought process that allows you to be creative and make fast decisions, says Barry Gordon, M D, PhD, director of the M emory Clinic at the Johns Hopkins School of M edicine. But if it took you a few seconds, you need to boost your ability to focus. Try to avoid multitasking (for example, chatting on the phone while replying to an e-mail while surfing the Web while grabbing for your ringing cell). It may seem efficient, but its much more tiring than just focusing on one thing at a time, so it takes you that much longer to get anything done and do it well, says Dr. Gordon. And that clear-mindedness may actually prolong your life. Researchers recently discovered that intelligence, indicated by the ability to respond quickly to circumstances, is a far better gauge of longevity than blood pressure, exercise levels or weight. M en and women who recorded slow response times were over two and half times more likely to die prematurely. It has been hypothesised that reaction time, as a measure of speed of the brains information-processing capacity, may be a marker for bodily system integrity, wrote the researchers. This way, slower reaction times, or poorer information-processing ability, might be an indication of suboptimal physiological functioning, which may in turn be related to early death. For more activities to develop your brain, visit

Getting past trauma and toxicity

ave you ever been so upset that your stomach hurt? So mad that your heart was racing and your muscles tensed? So stressed that your head was pounding? Imagine what those feelings are doing inside of us when those things happen. Now think about the long-term effects. Studies show that people who are plagued by negative emotions have less fulfilling lives, more health problems, and die sooner than others. So its critical that we cover the emotional issues that relate to health and wellness. Because so much of what happens in our bodies is tied to whats happening in our brains, even small episodes of stress and anxiety can make us physically sick. And vice versa, because the things we do physically can affect our moods. Nickel plate, tuck it, hesitate, nothing / And I got the A-R, why I like to bust it? Why I need counseling? Why I wont discuss it? Clipse ft. Yo Gotti, Showin Out Worse yet, the emotional disorder that plagues our communities, and its consequences, are hard to miss. Every day theres a funeral in the hood because someone couldnt control their emotions. They say our men are so emotional because were mostly raised by single women. Thats partly right, but women dont kill each other over gossip. And all women arent that emotional. Its deeper than that. Our men are nearly broken by the way society has done us, but still have enough fight left in us to cling to that last little bit of pride. M aybe thats why we dont want to be all the way broke. M aybe thats why were willing to fight over a funny look. Weve been taught to hate ourselves, and thus to hate each other, but never to hate whoever made us this way. We are taught to be insecure and hopeless about ourselves and our futures, and thus we become reckless and indiscriminate, living for the moment and often dying over nothing (or living, but not doing anything). Our women are in the same boat. Taught that their natural features are ugly and need to be fixed so their self-esteem is constantly in disrepair. Taught that the only way to bond with each other is to talk bad about another woman, so their friendships are always shaky. Taught that the emptiness in their hearts and minds can be filled by shopping trips. Taught that a man can love you even though his every action says otherwise, and that they should stay in a relationship just because of this idea of love. What are we gonna doabout us? For many of us, it seems theres no hope for change. Why? Some of us are emotionally toxic, and only feel right when we are encircled by chaos, or when our internal atmosphere is chaotic or miserable. So we put ourselves in toxic relationships and though we might complain we never break free. Why? Because, in some sick way, we want to stay that way. Not because its good for us, but because it feels too foreign to see and do things differently. Sometimes it takes a life-changing experience (such as a near-death experience) to shake us out of our old patterns. For some people, adopting a new set of values in a religious or cultural context can help us become more emotionally stable and groundedbut for other people, these same environments can give our disorders more room to grow and worsen. In the end, almost all of it depends on YOU. Your internal chemistry is unique, and will affect you in a way unlike that of anyone else in your family. But you can either let it affect you, or you can affect it. Your trauma and baggage are yours to carryor drop. Your vices and hangups are your dogs to walkor retrain. Some of us will let our emotional imbalances ruin our lives. Theres not much you can do for them except be there and talk to them (until that becomes a burden you can no longer bear). Others will take control over their lives and their emotions and live like they never knew they could. It takes a lot of work, but you dont necessarily need a therapist. Therapy simply means healing or treatment, so the best therapist for youis you. All it takes is an honest journey towards self-discovery. Once you begin looking at what you do and understanding why you do it, you can start confronting those demons from your past, letting go of your baggage, quitting your bad habits, healing your trauma, avoiding your old ways, and transforming your emotional chemistry. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It can begin with the pieces in this chapter, but it certainly shouldnt end there. Wherever you go from here, the key is being honest with yourself and committed to your own growth.


T H E I M P O RT A N C E O F E M O T I O N A L H E A LT H A N D M E N T A L S T A B I L I T Y B Y Q U E E N C H U N I Q E A RT H Emotional health is an aspect of mental health that encompasses stress management, depression and other mental/emotional factors that can slow you down or damage your overall health. Every day, many of us deal with babies, co-workers, babys mamas/daddys, husband/wife, in-laws, nosy neighbors, roommates and more. Dealing with difficult people lead to dealing with situations and sometimes those situations can be stressful or emotionally draining. I was once told, If you cant change your situation, change your attitude. This means that instead of complacency or complaining, having a positive outlook and hopeful attitude will enable you to make the best of your situation. When life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade right? Absolutely. Poor emotional health can lead to damage to your physical health. Have you ever seen a person and thought to yourself, She M UST be going through something! This person can be well-dressed, smelling good and even seem to have everything, yet we can always tell if deep inside a person isnt truly happy. Our body carries energy that speaks louder than designer brands and luxurious threads. A person carrying negative energy can be felt once they walk into the room! You dont want to be that person. If you can visually see and feel stress on another person, you must be able to identify it within yourself.

What are some signs of emotional distress?

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r r r r r r r r r r r

Acting out or lashing out Depression/extreme sadness Social withdrawal Stress Anxiety Anger Mood swings Unhealthy attachments Compulsive behavior Bodily dysfunction (constipation, headaches, hair loss, infections/ sudden illness, spontaneous weight loss or gain, lack of energy, sexual dysfunction) Physical violence to yourself or others

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One of the first symptoms of emotional distress is detachment and depression. If you have watched yourself slowly fade away from friends, work, school and family, you may need to start addressing your issues. Relationship troubles? Family stress? Work overload? Whatever it may be, identify whats bothering you and then you can begin to turn your life around. Being in control of our emotions is key to managing life and the ups and downs that will inevitably occur.

Suggestions for improving emotional health: r Plan ahead. Proper planning prevents poor performance. Get directions in advance so you dont get lost on the way to your first day at a new job. Call ahead to see if the shoes youve been checking for are in stock. Giving yourself advanced notice will spare you from unforeseen complications that cause stress and chaos. r Get social. Human interaction is necessary for survival. We are social creatures. Check out a nearby festival, carnival or shopping center. Sitting at home with babies all day, being on the job with crazy co-workers, family or whomever can be emotionally draining. r Relax. Everyone needs me time. Taking at least 15 minutes a day to meditate, read, listen to music and write can all be helpful to your emotional health. Our creativity improves with mental stability. Given the opportunity to grow and elevate, our mind can amaze us with its capabilities. Relax and give your mind the opportunity to wander. r Flex your muscles. If you dont use it, you lose it and that spans beyond your youthful shape. Studies link emotional health and mental wellness to exercise. Another great reason to get in the 30 minute workout minimum! Walk to the store, take the stairs, get off the bus a few stops early to squeeze in your regiment within a busy schedule. r Lighten the load, brighten the road. Rid yourself of toxic friends and people who are dragging you down. Stop procrastination and turn a new leaf. Cut your hair, buy (or make) a new wardrobe. Do something different that will make you feel good. Everyone is able to have a fresh start and renew their history. r Improve your nutrition. Eating heavy, fatty, greasy and poorly prepared foods does not make you feel better. Cook a meal of fresh vegetables and plenty of water. The added vitamins and nutrients that good nutrition provides include: mental acuity, concentration, memory and more. Eat more whole fruits and raw vegetables. This meal plan will do you better than a 6 piece nuggets and fries any day.
Emotions are e nergy in motion. Either that energy is going downhill or uphill and its your choice what direction that energy is going to travel. Dont let it drag you down! Successful people understand the power of the mind and can manipulate that to their advantage. Not every path is paved smoothly; resilience is a characteristic of happy people. If you still find yourself having trouble getting your mind on track, seeking the guidance of a trusted friend or family member, self-help books or professional help is available. If you have exhausted all of your resources and are considering seeing a therapist or support group, DO SO. Dont worry about what anyone else thinks of that decision. It may save your life. As a man (or woman) thinketh, so is he (she). The true power of you lies within your mind!


BY LA N D RIA CA RR Weve already discussed bipolarity, a serious mental health issue. M ood swings are more of an emotional health issue, and not nearly as severe. M ood swings occur most commonly with expectant mothers and women going through their menstrual cycle. But that does NOT mean that mood swings are EXCLUSIVELY for women. Thats right, malesyou too. Turns out a majority of the time, mood swings are metabolic; as in, having to do with all the chemical goings-on in your body. For instance, did you know that mood swings can be brought on by pancreatic functions as well as sudden changes in your blood-sugar levels? Similar to remedies for anxiety, therapies for mood swings include nutritional supplements, aroma therapy, herbal remedies and even physical therapy. No ruling out the obvious, now. Things like yoga and exercise really do work. But overdoing it and partaking in extra strenuous activity will most likely deny you the desired effect and make things worse, sono going overboard. If your moods arent swinging the way you wantas if they ever dodont lose your head trying to control it. Bad moods are easier to get into than out, but it doesnt make getting out any less possible.

BY RO D N EY J O N ES What does an Iraq War veteran have in common with a Rollin 60s Cripor any young boy of color from any hood across America? For one, that War vet probably is of color too, but more importantly, they are probably experiencing some form of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. According to the National Institute of M ental Health Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, is an anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal in which grave physical harm occurred or was threatened. Events that can induce PTSD include violent assaults (such as gang violence), prison stints, natural or human-caused disasters (such as Hurricane Katrina), accidents, sexual assaults or military combat. M eaning that PTSD can stem from an episode on the frontline across the sea or the frontline across the street. PTSD is silently running rampant in urban communities, mainly because we tend to pass it off as anger. Well, heres two reasons why we aint just angry as hell: First, Blacks and Latinos make up a large segment of the military, particularly in those fields designated for combat. In fact, reports that 35% of newly enlisted male recruits were from ethnic backgrounds. The typical soldier is also likely to come from a financially challenged background. So that basically spells A LOT OF US. With the United States most recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (some of the longest-running wars in history), and new conflicts certainly on the way, you are almost guaranteed to be shipped overseas to serve at least a year of active duty. When we are put out on the frontline, possibly stop-lossed and made to serve ANOTHER round on the frontline, and then finally returned home, without proper evaluation or time to psychologically heal, this is when PTSD takes affect. A report from ABC News states that After nine years of war, the U.S. Army is showing signs of stress because of repeated deployments and inadequate support for soldiers when they return. Yes, the WHOLE Army is stressed. These factors affect our entire community when these stressed-out, possibly traumatized, adults come home. Second, theres high rates of exposure to violence and abuse experienced by children in our communities, creating wounds that wont heal anytime soon, if ever. Dr. Caren Goguen states that While one-third of children ages 10-16 have reported being a victim to violence, an even higher number of urban children reported being exposed to indirect violence, which means they witnessed it or somebody close to them was harmed. It doesnt matter which hood. Jump from Brooklyn to Oakland, from Detroit to M iami, and anywhere in between, this is how our kids grow up in poverty-stricken, violence-laden communities. And these kids become what kind of adults? Traumatized. Nobody traumatized is fully functional or healthy until they start the healing/therapy process. But where is the access? Even our countrys soldiers have a hard time getting help for PTSD, so imagine what a gang member or abuse victim would have to go through to get better. And you wonder why we self-medicate! Its no different from the Vietnam vets hooked on heroin or the Iraq vets now hooked on painkillers or crystal meth. Theres a reason our young men in the hood consider themselves soldiers. Like our soldiers, they face constant threat of physical harm, whether its a molliwoppin, a stabbing or a shooting. Like Pac said, Death is always right around the corner when youre living that lifestyle. Theres only destruction in a life like that. Destruction of the body and of the mind, so the last thing we need to be doing is losing our heads. After all, its not like we need any more stress than we already have on us. We aint exactly healed from the trauma of slavery yetwhich is older and deeper rooted than any of these gang wars (its ALL gang wars if you think about it). The Africans become insane, we are told, in some instances, soon after they enter upon the toils of perpetual slavery in the West Indies Benjamin Rush, M D (1746-1813), the Father of American Psychiatry So you dont need to be a Crip or a M arine to be traumatized. Its in your heritage if youre Black or Latino. For Blacks in America, its known as Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome. That isnt a blame the white man term (for those of you who like to yell that when Black people start stating facts). It is REAL. As a matter of fact, Dr. Joy Leary has a book titled just that, Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome. On her website, Dr. Leary states:

P.T.S.S is a condition that exists as a consequence of multigenerational oppression of Africans and their descendants resulting from centuries of chattel slavery; A form of slavery which was predicated on the belief that African Americans were inherently/ genetically inferior to whites. This was then followed by institutionalized racism which continues to perpetuate injury.
So if you know a Black person that isnt affected by P.T.S.S, get at me because I want to meet them. With that said, we are basically surrounded by traumatized people, and should tread lightly and with compassion as we walk on our own roads to self-discovery because were almost all f*cked up somehow. Be easy.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G O R I G I N A L LY P U B L I S H E D I N H O W T O H U S T L E A N D W I N , P T . O N E I can name a dozen vices, bad habits, and weaknesses that keep Black and brown men from achieving greatness. Theres irresponsibility, which comes from growing up realizing your life was f*cked up before you even got hereso what the hell is there that you can do about it? Theres foolish pride, which comes from our desire to be more than what we are because we feel so small in this bitter worldonly to make things worse for ourselves. Theres petty envy and jealousy which result from a combination of being raised mostly by women and never having enough to feel satisfied with our lives. Theres even greed, which comes to many of us because we hate having so little and are constantly told having more will make us happy. But theres one weakness that will destroy you faster than any of the above. Its not lust. Its not sloth. You know what it is: Anger. Think about itwe kill each other over anger. We lose our jobs due to anger. We end up doing life in prison after one fit of anger. We are f*ckin angry. Why? Look around, and its obvious. Were all pretty cool as little kids (unless we were abused from an early age). But by the time we hit 3rd or 4th grade, were hip to the game. We know the teachers are lying about how useful and helpful the bullsh*t theyre teaching isWe know adults are lying when they say school and hard work will equal success (and all we see around us is broke-ass adults)We know the world is lying to us with its promises of freedom, justice, and equality. The Black man in America knows hes f*cked from an early age. That does some things to you, whether you know it or not. For one, it creates an I Dont Give a F*ck attitude (See Who Gives a F*ck? in How to Hustle and Win). For another, it makes us angry with ourselves, angry with each other, and angry with the world. We never really figure out how to take our anger out on the people who put us in such a f*cked up predicament in the first place, so we lash out at the closest ones to us. First, we torture our mothers for bringing us into such a f*cked-up life and giving us so little with which to defend ourselves. Nine times out of ten, our mothers are completely unprepared to raise Black boys in a world set out to destroy them. M any of them have no idea what it will take to keep us from becoming yet another victim. Its not their faultthey simply dont have a magic formula. After weve burned our bridges with our families, we end up going to war with anyone who we feel wrongs us in any way. Step on my shoes or pass me without saying Excuse me, and its on. We arent dying over Jordans, were dying because we are angry with our lives and the world steadily sh*ttin on us, and the dude who stepped on our Jordans was just that last straw of disrespect that broke the camels back. Theres nothing wrong with being angry about a f*cked-up situation. Thats natural. Whats wrong is to take that anger out on people who had nothing to do with it. Whats wrong is to ignore what you are doing to make your situation f*cked up, while blaming everyone else. Whats wrong is to throw your life away because youre angry. Instead of wasting your life over something the news reporters will call trivial and the church folks will call ignorant, heres the number one thing you need to do, followed by several other suggestions to help you deal with anger.

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Figure out why youre angry, and who youre angry with. Leave other people out of it. When youre angry, tell people before they start bothering you and making things worse. Breathe and count. Before you do something stupid, breathe and count for at least 20 seconds. Youll avoid a lot of drama this way. If youre going to destroy something, make sure it doesnt belong to someone else. Your anger has nothing to do with them. If you feel like violence is the only option, weigh out the consequences. Will you get away with murdering someone in the street? Doubt it. Listen to some music, write something, or work out. Turn your negative energy into something else. If nothing else works, jog until youre tired. Find someone you can talk to when youre stressed or pissed. Look at what they do that calms you down. When you finally figure out what youve been so mad about all your life, deal with it like an adult.

Finally, if you dont think that anger and other emotions have any effect on your health, youre really missing a big part of the picture. Thats why theres a whole chapter in this book dedicated to Emotional Health. The relationship between your emotional state and your physical well-being is well-dcocument. Study after study has proven that not only can your moods and mindstates be affected by what you eat or do, but your emotions themselves can have a big impact on your wellness. As Dr. Craig Sommers writes in the Raw Foods Bible:

Emotions have been scientifically proven to have a powerful effect on the immune systemImmune cells such as T-cells, B-cells and macrophages (the white blood cells) have receptors for neuropeptides. Neuropeptides are created in our body every time we have a thought, and our immune cells listen for and react to the emotional dialog. Positive thoughts such as love, joy, happiness, forgiveness, and so forth, create health-promoting neuropeptides that boost the immune system, while negative thoughts such as fear, hate, jealousy, possessiveness, and so forth, create neuropeptides that can depress the immune system and lead to disease If you could only remember one thing from this book, I suggest you remember this. If there is someone in your life towards whom you feel animosity and refuse to forgive, you are not hurting them, you are hurting yourself. Forgive them and your health will benefit. I once heard someone say that holding a grudge against someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Many researchers are now convinced that our emotional state is just as important as our nutritional state in the quest for optimum health.

B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G Keep a rugged dress code, always in this stress mode/ (That sh*t will send you to your grave!) So?/ You think I dont know that? (BLOW!) Nigga hold that! M .O.P., Ante Up Stress is defined as failure of a human or animal body to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats to the organism, whether actual or imagined, of the disruption of homeostasis (balance) brought about by physical or psychological stimuli. That means stress is an internal thing, completely based on how you react to something you perceive (or imagine), not the reality of that thing. Thats why some people could be terribly stressed about losing their job, while someone whos used to changing jobs wont feel the same. So, since its all on you, its also on you to do something about itif its become a problem for you.

Is Stress a Bad Thing?

Contrary to what most people believe, stress aint all bad. We all need a certain amount of stress to be able to respond to challenges effectively. Without stress, we dont get the necessary push to overcome adversity, and become complacent. This is just like how our people were lulled to sleep, becoming politically passive after the Civil Rights era passed. Without any idea of what we should be fighting (since the system never really changed), we actually lost the will to fight. This would happen to us on a physical level alsoif it werent for our natural tendency to have stress. According to success coach Susan Castle:

My coaching philosophy is that stress is a signal we often treat stress as something to be avoided, as something negative and harmful but in reality we need stress to motivate us. The same way as if we went to the gym and never got out of breath or lifted a weight that was even slightly challenging we would never achieve anything.
According to the Canadian M ental Health Associations publication, Coping with Stress:

How we perceive a stress-provoking event and how we react to it determines its impact on our health. We may be motivated and invigorated by the events in our lives, or we may see some as stressful and respond in a manner that may have a negative effect on our physical, mental and social well-being.
But excessive, unmanaged stress can lead to major health problems. Cortisol, also known as the stress hormone because it is released only when the body is under stress, is believed to affect the metabolic system causing faster heartbeat, quicker breathing and higher blood pressure and metabolism. Norepinephrine, another stress hormone, is believed to play a role in depression and hypertension. Excess stress also wears down our immune system and leaves us susceptible to all types of physical ailments. Excess stress plays a role in obesity, and can interfere with your attempts at losing weight. Chronic stress has been shown to cause both short-term and permanent hair loss. Too much stress can even induce a heart attack which could lead to death.

Job-Related Stress r Work-related stress can also make you sick, and 25% of all employees view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives. The other 75% must be too scared of losing their jobs to tell the truth. According to the Encyclopedia of Occupational Safety and Health: r Psychologically demanding jobs that allow employees little control over the work process increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. r It is widely believed that job stress increases the risk for development of back and upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders. r Studies suggest that increased rates of mental health problems (such as depression and burnout) for various jobs may be due in part to differences in job stress levels. r There is a growing concern that stressful working conditions interfere with safe work practices and set the stage for injuries at work. r Some studies suggest a relationship between stressful working conditions and suicide, cancer, ulcers, and impaired immune function. r A 2002 study found that workers who perform meaningless work with minimal chance for input were at higher risk for dying young. r A 2003 study shows that working for an unfair or unreasonable boss can result in dangerously high blood pressure. r Another study found that long term-strain on the job is more harmful for the heart than aging 30 years or gaining 40 pounds. r According to the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine , health care expenditures are nearly 50% greater for workers who report high levels of stress. Are You Stressed Out?
If you feel exhausted most of the time, feel close to tears or breaking down, shout at the people around you at work or at home, find yourself unable to concentrate, your normal eating pattern is disturbed, and/or you have trouble sleeping, youre stressed out for sure. But lets be all the way sure. The following list, based on a test design by Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Thomas Yarnell, contains symptoms generally related to stress. M ake copies of this page and keep track of your score as you rate each symptom according to the following rating scale:

How Serious/ How Often Points

Not A Problem 0 pts.

Mild and Occasional 1 pt.

Mild and Often 2 pts.

Severe but Occasional 4 pts.

Severe and Often 5 pts.

Stress Symptoms Unusual breathing (fast, shallow) Feels warm/hot when it isnt Obsessive worrying Muscles feel tight or tense Uncomfortable around other people Unhappy when there is no apparent reason Panic attacks Perfectionist Heartburn Increase in appetite Frequent aches and pains Lack of concentration Memory loss Depressed Sexual problems (any kind) Lonely Anxiety Fatigue Restless feeling (feels like you have to move) Difficulty giving emotional support to others SUBTOTAL TOTAL (BOTH SIDES) Scoring Total Score:


Stress Symptoms (Contd.) Unusual heart beat (fast, pounding, irregular, etc.) Sweat more than normal Too serious Dry mouth Nervous stomach (gas, diarrhea, constipation) Urinate more than normal for you Headaches Often have colds Often get the flu Loss of appetite Workaholic Nausea Insomnia Feel self-conscious Crying spells Irritable Fearful Anger Shy, withdrawn, or uninterested in socializing Dissatisfied with where you are in your life SUBTOTAL


A total score of 20 points or more indicates that you need to do something to reduce the amount of stress in your life.

According to Susan Castle, you can put stress to good use as a signal that you are reaching the boundaries of your comfort zone. But this zone, which Castle calls the Learning Zonewhere all breakthroughs occur has a boundary. Past that boundary is burnout, breakdown, and health problems. When stress levels pass your comfort zone, and cross over into being seriously uncomfortable, the first thing you should do is immediately take a break, whether its five minutes or five hours, and put the situation into proper perspective. Im delving into the emotionality of what it means to be human... If I didnt address these emotions, Id probably get cancer. Alanis M orisette on her songwriting therapy There are tons of other ways to alleviate stress, both short-term and long-term. Different personalities have different stress thresholds and the coping mechanism that works for one person doesnt always work for another. According to Dr. Hamden. Choosing one that fits your lifestyle and personality is what will have the greatest benefit.


r r Take a break. Do something different from whats stressing you out. It doesnt mean you have to quit. But either you take a break, or break down. Its your choice. Smile (even if its just to yourself), and tell yourself you feel good, and you can handle it, whatever it is. Consider that any crisis can be an opportunity. Youd be surprised how powerful self-affirmation (positive thinking) can be in bringing about real results. Get comfortable in a chair, close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths. As you exhale, let your whole body relax. Enjoy it for a minute and then go back to what you were doing. Find your tense muscles (See The Benefits of Massage) and relax them. Go for a walk. Not to the liquor store. Just a walk. It can be around the block, or through a nice area where the sights are pleasant. Its therapeutic. Seek the help and advice of the people you trust. Its kind of like a support group, without making you feel like somethings seriously wrong with you (though there might be!). Listen to some relaxing music. Music therapy can help people reduce daily stress. Music heals indirectly by stimulating the body to heal itself. Were talking Sade here, not Waka Flocka. Not that music like that doesnt serve a purpose. In fact, music that makes you want to jump up and elbow somebody in the head can actually be good for your health. It can offer you a therapeutic release by releasing some pent-up tension and getting your blood flowing, which helps with stress. However, it can also raise adrenalin levels, which does the opposite. You have to see what works best for you. Get organized and kill the clutter in your life. One of the most common causes of stress is being disorganized at work or at home. By reorganizing yourself, you can use your time and energy more effectively. Decide what is important for you and do it. Prioritizing tasks helps you to minimize stressful situations Setting goals, and following through on them is an art that can be developed. Learn to put your time into perspective. Write down one major goal for the next year. Remember, it is for next year; no need to stress about it right now. Make a daily plan of short-term tasks. Things that can be taken care of today not tomorrow. Divide your large goal into smaller parts to implement. (Giving your goals a practical effect.) Commit Yourself. By making a commitment to yourself, and investing your time and energy in meeting your values and goals. You will experience personal rewards. In addition, a sense of accomplishment. Give In, Not Up. When a situation is not worth the fight, time, or energy let it go. It is not giving in but an acknowledgment to yourself to move on for your own emotional freedom. Think about something you need to let go of. Accept that there are events that you cannot control. Such periods of letting go can be refreshing and balancing. Plan, but dont become anxious. Avoid worrying about problems ahead of time. (The what if question). Its easy to make something a bigger deal than it needs to be, creating stress about something that hasnt even happened (and might not happen at all!). Either way, many times the situation will resolve itself, and you stressing about it will do more harm than good. Practice listening to your body. Pay attention to the signs you are getting stressed (and whats triggering it). Take a few minutes to stretch, take a deep breath and relax. When feeling tense, tell your body and mind to relax. Take regular mini relaxation breaks. A twenty-minute nap can do wonders. Making unrealistic demands on yourself is a big cause of stress. Sometimes, you just need to be easier on yourself (if youre doing a lot, not if youre a lazy ass). A healthy attitude will reduce wear and tear on your physical and emotional energy and lower tension. According to Dr. Raymond Hamden, a psychologist with the Human Relations Institute in Dubai: People who have a higher anxiety level are more prone to stress than others. But for everyone its important to set realistic goals. A common cause of stress is the frustration that comes from setting goals too high. The inability to reach goals is frustration. Frustration leads to aggression and aggression can lead to violence or depression. Take frequent, short vacations. Even if you cant afford Aruba, you can afford a trip to the nearest lake. (Unless you like in Arizonabut then again, why are you living in Arizona? You must like being stressed.) Measure your strength and capabilities. Often we have more strength than we know. To help realize yours, on a piece of paper, try listing five strengths that you possess, which can get you through a crisis. Below them, list five weaknesses that can prevent you from reaching your goal. Commit yourself to change one each day. List five attributes that you would like to have and explain why you want them. Finally, record your activities in the previous week and list things you most enjoy doing. You may be surprised at the result of this self-examination. Exercise vigorously at least 3 times a week. Exercise is great at combating stress, and strengthening the bodys defense against future stress-related problems. Warren G recently told an interviewer: People [in Hip-Hop deal with] stress a lot and have anxiety. I used to stress when I had pressure to meet a deadline or something. So, when I work out, thats kind of what makes me calm. It makes me feel good. I dont get all riled up and all crazy. Get more sleep than you are currently getting. Your brain can sort a lot of things out while youre resting. But if

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you never rest long enough to get REM sleep (See Get Some Damn Rest), your brain doesnt get to do its thing. Find a hobby. Do something just for the fun of it. All work and no play makes you lame and irritable. Think of good times. Even people living in war-torn countries can remember when things were better. And they still play soccer in the middle of those dirt fields with the land mines in em. Why? To keep the good times fresh in their mind. Leave early enough so you dont have to rush. And allow time in your schedule, whether daily or monthly, for the unexpected. Factor unexpected setbacks into your budget too! Learn to say no. People can drain you. Youre helping them to be more stress-free, while killing yourself in the process. Avoid chemical stimulants (which are sometimes actually depressants). Stop smoking and cut down on alcohol. Reduce your intake of caffeine. It might pick you up, but it also puts you down hard. And it raises stress levels throughout your body. Decide on a risk you have been considering (changing jobs, or moving). List all that could go wrong, what you have to lose, and then, if it seems worthwhile, do it. Set aside some time to be quiet every day. Think good thoughts about the people you encounter every day. Find the good even in the worst of us. Its there. Add some variety to your life. Do something different. Something completely out of the ordinary, like riding the back of a shopping cart through Walmart until they kick you out. Keep in touch with friends and relatives, especially the ones who have the least drama. Unless hearing about their crazy life makes you feel better about your own. Learn to give and accept compliments. Its all part of that positive state of being. Youll need to bounce stress off you like a haters criticisms. Be yourself and accept your own. Look in the mirror and accept who you are and your situation in life. Develop a sense of humor and keep a positive attitude about it, all of it, even the crappy parts. This can help you not take life so seriously. As long as you are working at it, everything will eventually work out the way you want it too. Treat yourself with that kind of respect, and treat others with the same respect (or better!). In fact, if you can really do the first, its much easier to do the other. Make a realistic list of things you need or would like to accomplish each day. Start doing the most important first. That way, even if you dont finish your list, you are getting the most important ones finished first. Take responsibility for your feelings. When you get angry, take a break and cool down before you act. (See Do you Have an Anger Problem?) Know your values and priorities and be true to them. Laugh more. A University of Maryland School of Medicine study found that when people laughed during a comedy, their blood vessels expanded, increasing blood flow to their arteries and reducing their heart disease risk. Comedian Mark Curry, from the sitcom Hangin with Mr. Cooper, was moments away from committing suicide in the Spring of 2006, after an accident that burned 18% of his body. I wanted to kill myself and, by the fourth day, I said, I cant do this. I felt less than a man, Curry explained. I couldnt even look at my own body. I saw my hand with the peeling skin and threw up, and I didnt look at myself again. What stopped him from overdosing on his pain medication, as hed planned? According to him, it took a few calls to old friends like Sinbad and Bill Cosby. They made me laugh, and that helped a lot, he said. Realize that life is continually subjected to growing pains. And that, with each growing pain, you will learn tolerance and become a happier, better person. Whatever doesnt kill you, only makes you stronger. Eat a more balanced diet. Stay away from foods that create stress on the bodys systems, such as soda, fatty foods, junk foods, fried foods, sugary sweets, and white flour products. Raw fruits and vegetables are a good source of vitamin C, which can fight infection, repairs tissue and maintain healthy adrenal glands. It keeps the wall of the small blood vessel flexible so the blood can flow smoothly. Eating a diet rich in vitamins (especially B vitamins) and minerals should be considered. Foods and drinks such as spirulina, yerba mate as well as green vegetables, berries and whole grains are known to have high levels of these elements.

Its important to become responsible for maintaining your health by learning to identify the major stresses in your life. Remember, theres no escape from stress but you can learn to gain control, handle it, and even benefit from it.


When stress takes over our lives, it can adversely affect our health. To avoid this, you must learn to identify the major stresses in your life, as well as the signs of stress, so that you can do a better job of managing it. Below is a self-analyzing test; to help you recognize some of those signs.

Scoring: Never=0; Occasionally=1; Often=2; Always=3 1. You have difficulty relaxing 2. You have a persistent feeling of unease 3. You are tense, irritable, or impatient 4. You are frustrated by the incompetence of others 5. You find it difficult to concentrate or to make a decision 6. You have dry mouth and sweaty palms 7. You smoke or drink excessively 8. You feel a lack of interest in intimacy 9. You worry about little events of the day and are unable to shut your mind off 10. You find it hard to relate to people 11. You are competitive and aggressive 12. You take on too much 13. You take on unrealistic deadlines 14. You have difficulty delegating 15. You eat too quickly 16. You have aching limbs or recurrent headaches 17. You have problems sleeping 18. You feel burdened financially 19. You always worry what if? 20. You escape problems through drugs or alcohol SUBTOTALS TOTAL SCORE Scoring 0-15 16-26 27-40 40-60

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You are in fine shape, able to roll with the punches You are mildly stressed; it is time to reexamine your lifestyle You are quite stressed; pay attention to these warning signs You highly stressed; you must take measures to reduce your stress level


BY LA N D RIA CA RR Anxiety is defined as distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune. I mean, lets face it; there is so much craziness linked to this word, Id be scared too. M anic disorderpanic attacksObsessive Compulsive Disorder, Bipolaritythere is so much stuff that falls under Anxiety and/or the disorders associated with anxiety. Butwhat is it? Is it an emotion or just simply a state of being? Is it clinical or all in ones head? Well, that depends on the person. Now, no panicking! Just because you have anxiety, doesnt mean youll be viciously scrubbing your hands every ten minutes or feeling the urge to faint whenever youre put in front of a crowd; it just means that your stressing about something. It could be as simple as getting ready to fly or waiting in line for a roller coaster. Anxiety can also lead to phobias, which are anxiety disorders marked by a persistent, irrational fear and avoidance of a specific object or situation. Phobiasare 100% curable as is anxiety. As aforementioned, its just a matter of choosing who you want to help you overcome it. Now in the case of phobias, the most common and successful cure for any phobiavia both methods [self-help and professional]is called aversion therapy, which is basically curing the fear with the fear itself. For example, if someone was suffering from arachnophobia, aversion therapy would be placing him or her in a room full of spiders. Depending on the case, this therapy could be gradual (shadow of a spider toy spider dead spider living spider) or sporadic and or all at once (being placed in a room full of living spiders). Sounds cruel, but it works! 100% Success rate! But for the simpler forms of anxiety, there are ways to help yourself relax and face whatever challenge awaits you head-on!

Herbs! (Nonot THAT kind)

So, there is a list of plants that are considered very relaxing and calming. These plants can be mixed into drinks and are ideal for anxiety relief. And guess what? ALL LEGAL! Balm, Catnip, Hops, Lime flowers, Oat straw, Orange blossom, Passiflora, Skullcap, Valerian, Vervian, and Wood Betony just to name a few. Should you need pictures of these plants or information on where and how to grow them, Google is your friend.

Aromatherapy (Noit is not a girl thing; this works for everyone)

Okay, so weve all seen the movies and television shows that depicts the ideal way to wind down after a hard day at work. Usually, its to soak for 80 minutes in a bubble bath. The screens all smoky, and Africa by Toto is playing in the background. Pretty clich, right?

Did You Know? Although most clinical studies have failed to demonstrate that aromatherapy alone can produce significant health benefits, even in terms of reducing anxiety, aromatherapy massage perhaps because of the massage component has been more successful. But recently, an international team of scientists found that burning frankincense (resin from the Boswellia plant) activates ion channels in the brain to alleviate anxiety or depression. This is a small step towards scientific evidence that aromatherapy does more than make your room smell good.
Not really. Scents and water have been the considered therapeutic remedies since the dawn of time. Albeit, the media tends to overdo the idea a bit, it doesnt make it any less true. M en and women are able to draw a bath, but the activity is primarily female. Why? Who knows? Its just one of those things; right up there with women making sandwiches? (Who comes up with these gender schemes?) Anyway, the top five therapeutic scents include, Basil, Geranium, Lavender, M elissa, and Rose. Two or three drops of this stuff in a bathor extracted for a massage oiland youre in business.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G Youd be surprised, but you can actually make yourself feel better just by FEELING somethingliterally. As in touching. As in something soft. As in get your mind out the gutter. While whatever youre thinking about is also a way to relieve stress (See Sex is Good for You), thats not what Im talking about here. At least not entirely. A recent study published in the journal Science found that tactile contact touching something light or heavy, smooth or rough, soft or hard can have a profound effect on your perceptions and judgments, even when the object has nothing to do with the task at hand. For example:

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A resume on a heavy clipboard made readers think an applicant was more serious about the job than the same resume on a lightweight clipboard. People who did a puzzle made of sandpaper-covered pieces later judged a social situation as harsher than people who did a smooth puzzle. People sitting in wooden chairs drove a harder bargain in a mock car sale than people sitting in cushioned chairs.

The study confirms what weve been saying all along when we use metaphors and slang: heavy = serious, rough = uneasy or harsh, hard = strict or difficult. What does that mean for you? Well, other studies have shown that children who have emotional/behavioral problems can be calmed by squeezing a soft stress ball (the kind you can squish and it returns to its normal shape). Other research has shown that people can improve their mood by looking at pleasant images (like landscapes), reading motivational literature, touching feel-good surfaces and even looking at certain colors. The subconscious mind is that deep. German researchers have even found that being exposed to an unpleasant smell while you sleep can cause you to have bad dreams. In How to Hustle and Win, Part Two, I write about the colors worn by politicians (dark blue suit, red tie) to make people feel they have integrity, and the colors painted on prison walls (pastels) to decrease feelings of aggression among inmates. And a new study published in April of 2010 in the journal Psychological Science suggests that the very sight of sickness prompts the immune system to mount defenses against illness. So our brain is steadily processing many layers of information, including colors and textures. Why not help it move in the right direction by giving it something it will like? For example, if youre stressed, try sitting in a comfortable chair, or sliding your hands across something smooth (but not cold). If you need a boost, trying rubbing your fingers across something bumpy or looking at bright colors. Sounds weird, but science says it works. Wouldnt hurt to try, would it?


B Y B EA U T I F U L SEEA SI A Do what I gotta, to eat a decent meal, brothers is starvin/ Dont try to find a job son, its all about robbin/ So dont be alarmed, when we come through, cause we supposed to/ If you opposed to, get your face blown dude, off the map. M obb Deep, Give Up the Goods Its up blasting, the seatbelt is off, Im doing about 15 over the speed limit and suddenly Im in a Tri-state state of mind. Its a sound that makes me feel that I would be willing to lose it all if provoked. M urder M usic, as M obb Deep calls that sound, puts me in straight guerrilla mode, although I personally have a knowledgeable foundation to stand on. Im swerving between extreme feelings of cautiousness to recklessness just because of the tone of music that Im listening to, which are really the feelings of the artist being transferred to its listeners. So what could that mean for the moods of unstable people who DONT care about cautiousness or sensibility, or those who have no foundation of knowledge to ground them? For all the young impressionable minds out there, whether theyre of biological age or just young in the mind, music can influence you to be in an extreme state of emotions that cannot be produced without its aid. M any of our parents have acknowledged how Luther Vandross or The Whispers helped bring a lot of babies in the world with their ballads because of the This is what I do, to get you in the mood lyrics these brothers kicked. And because of the composition and live instruments played by creative souls, jazz music was vital in calming the moods and focusing the goals of many of our grandparents journeys in life. Similarly, Hip Hops positive messages were once largely responsible for the wave of young men standing on the corners in the 80s & early 90s feeling empowered like the ancients they were debating about.

Did You Know? Its well known among psychologists and neurologists that music affects your brain patterns and moods. But can you imagine that listening to dancehall artist Sean Paul could cause someone to have seizures? Thats exactly what doctors learned about Stacey Gayle, a young Canadian woman, who has a rare condition called musicogenic epilepsy. It causes her to experience epilectic seizures (the big kind, known as grand mal seizures) whenever a Sean Paul song plays within earshot. She visited the hospital and played Pauls hit Temperature on her iPod for doctors. She soon suffered three seizures. So doctors implanted more than 100 electrodes in the right side of her brain to pinpoint the abnormal area of her brain and then surgically removed the electrodes, along with parts of her brain suspected of causing the seizures, effectively curing Gayle of her epilepsy.
With todays music lacking the subtle themes of baby-making love that it once had, or the live instruments that brought forth perspective, or the music promoting a more empowering message, what remains in the mainstream is pretty toxic by comparison. It is clear that the current state of volatile emotions spilling over is related to the music we listen to. People are unconsciously aware that music is used to put them in a desired state of emotions. If youre feeling depressed about a breakup, it wouldnt be wise to put on music that focuses on the matters of the heart unless youre truly ready to heal. If youre pissed about poverty, incarceration rates, and murder, then it may not be a good idea to put on Tupacs music, unless you plan to utilize his words to empower yourself and promote a social change for the better around you are dissatisfied with. M usic can be a tool to uplift and empower, or a weapon to depress and revoke power. It is a manipulator of the emotions that can either take you to heaven or hell instantly. If a persons physical environment is already a hell on Earth, then it would be insane to keep conditioning your emotions with music that describes (or glorifies) the same world, or worse. The key is to use music to make you feel better, because destiny stands on the premise of will accompanied by feelings. If you want to live in a Nino Brown fantasy and feel like a hood superstar, then put on a Rick Ross track and envision your destiny. Of course, you might find your destiny in prison or 6 feet in the earths soil. But if you plan to author your reality in a world of happiness and in a circumference of abundance, then put on that Teddy Pendergrass song that goes, So good, good lovin somebody and that somebody loves you back. Its so good needin somebody and that somebody needs you back.


B Y J A M I L SU LEM A N Life can get messy. Bills have to get paid, the kids have to get fed, and if youre walking the wrong street at night Officer Temper-tantrum might just decide to profile and hassle you for no reason. With all these external situations going on around you, it can affect your internal world in negative ways. This can lead to stress, anxiety, depression and even physical dis-ease. There are a lot of people who focus on fixing the external set-backs in society, and this is good. However, controlling your internal environment is just as crucial if not more so. This is where meditation comes into play. M editation is like chess, easy to learn and hard to master. M any people misunderstand what meditation is, thinking it to be either too difficult or unnecessary. I assure you that, no matter who you are and what you do in your life, meditation can increase your vitality and clarity of mind, making you a more peaceful and happy person. And its really not that hard Simply defined, meditation is being aware of your thoughts and emotions (your inner environment) and observing it without judging it or using your mind to label it. Its being present as the watcher of this inner environment. Really the ultimate aim of meditation is to still your mind completely, so that you can tap into the greater powers of the Universe. I know what youre thinking, Dont I need my mind? Isnt it what empowers me, and isnt it my mind that oppressive and manipulative people try to control? Isnt regaining this ability to use my mind a good thing? The answer is yes, but the fact is most people dont use their mindtheir mind uses them. M editation is a method of regaining full control of your mind, no matter where you are in life. Steven Bantu Biko, a South African freedom fighter who was assassinated in the 1970s, famously said, The greatest tool of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed. What does this mean? It means that, when you let your mind dictate your life unchecked, it controls you and not vice versa. Its like the dog walking the owner. And when your mind is left open to influence, without your awareness of what the input is, it is susceptible to influences from anywhere. This is where subliminal advertising comes in. Cats watch so much TV or are on the internet so much, leaving their minds usually unchecked and opened to ideas that may not benefit them. Basically, when you dont observe your mind and become the watcher of your thoughts and emotions, you can get brainwashed and live a reactionary life repeating tapes that you didnt even want to listen to. Its like leaving your iTunes open for anyone to drop in tracks, and then you loop em. If youre not happy with Vanilla Ice on repeat, its time to take control of your playlist. M editation also has multiple other benefits that you can begin to feel immediately. Other than calming and relaxing your mind and increasing your ability to stay focused in the present moment (which fixes at least half of your problems), it will also boost your immune-system and increase your amount of vital energy. This is because you are releasing internal resistance that you were not even conscious of before. Once you make something unconscious, conscious (like self-limiting beliefs), you then have the powerful option of choosing to keep that pattern or not. This is why you may hear people say, True Power comes from Within. You might be thinking, This sounds great, but who has the time to just sit and do nothing, while I got a hundred things to do? I assure you, if you just take 15 minutes of your time in the morning before you start your day to tap into a quiet state of internal presence, it will increase your productivity and you will be less stressed out while you do those hundred things. Its not that hard to dedicate a few minutes a day to meditation, and youll probably see such an improvement in your life that youll start increasing how much time you meditate (and even invite your friends and family to join you). If you are new to meditation, here is a simple method to try out. There are hundreds of forms of meditation, but dont get caught up in a particular school. Try out stuff, and go towards what you intuitively feel. Trust me, the more you become centered, the more you will clearly sense what your mind and body naturally prefer.

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Find a quiet and peaceful place, free from distractions. Be sure to turn off your phone, and let anyone around you know you wish to be left undisturbed for a moment. If they are stressing you, let them know it will only take a few minutes (you can start with just 10 or 15 minutes). Sit in a position that is comfortable to you, either on the floor, in a stool, or in a chair. Some people use meditation cushions which you can purchase. Try not to lie down if possible. Make sure that your back and neck are straight. This will help you stay alert, and allows for energy to freely move through your body. Close your eyes and begin to focus on your breathing. Dont try to control it, count it, or visualize it. The point is to still your mind, so just observe your breathing, and focus on the sensation of the air moving through your nostrils. Allow all your thoughts and emotions to rise up and pass away. This is really the work in meditation, as our main motivation tends to be attachment. Now is the time to release those attachments, and tap into your basic essence. If you can, start to scan the sensations of your body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Check in with your whole body, and try to focus on what you feel, as opposed to visualizing it in your mind. As you become more sensitive, try and feel the whole body, and the subtle energy running through your innerbody. Your ability to feel the inner or energy body will increase as you quiet your mind and focus on the sensations in your body without judging them. To close the meditation, return to your breathing, and tell your mind and body to relax. Open your eyes and rest for a moment. Return back to what you were doing, refreshed and re-energized.

Meditation and Depression

What is depression? Depression is usually defined as a state of chronic sadness or sorrow at a low to high grade that lasts for at least three to four weeks. With this definition, it makes it easy for your local psychiatrist to diagnose you as a depressed person, and offer you some handy pills that might help you out and their wallet. However, do these pharmaceutical medications actually cure the problem at the root, or simply mask the symptoms? M editation has been discussed a lot lately, especially in New Age circles. However, meditation has been around for eons, and has been passed down by indigenous and original peoples for just as long. Simply defined, meditation is being aware of the thoughts and emotions (your inner environment) and observing it without judging it or using your mind to label it. Its being present as the watcher of this inner

environment. This was one of the original prescriptions for depression, anxiety, and other mental agitations, and studies are now proving that not only does it work it may work more effectively in the long-term than prescription medication. To be clear, the absolutely BEST form of therapy is one where you reflect on yourself, and discover for yourself, why you do what you, and why you are the way you are. From there, true growth and transformation can begin. The Autonomic Nervous System, which regulates the internal activity of the body and its organs, consists of two parts: the sympathetic system and the parasympathetic system. The sympathetic system activates when one is preparing for a stressful situation (fight or flight). The parasympathetic system is usually active the rest of the time (rest and digest). When one is in a depressed, anxious, or negative state, they tend to be operating from the sympathetic nervous system, which causes a host of internal problems if a stress factor is habituated (like a prolonged depressed state) causing chronic health issues. When one goes into a meditative state, they begin to activate the parasympathetic part of their nervous system, slowing down their heart rate and decreasing internal stresses to organs. This results in more mental clarity, which relieves many symptoms of chronic depression. In a way, meditation may be the direct opposite of a depressed, fearful, or negative state of mind and body. Being depressed is not bad. We have to be authentic with our emotions so we can integrate them and learn the lesson our mind and body are attempting to teach us. However, being attached to your own depressed mental state is not healthy either, and meditation (not medication) is one of the many ways Original peoples have traditionally alleviated stress in their lives. Try it out. It only takes a few minutes of your time, will make you feel more positive and lighter, and may help you cut out those harmful anti-depressants from your medical bills.


BY LA N D RIA CA RR You need therapy, you need therapythats the only solution anyone can come up with anymore! Therapy is a widespread, still-growing phenomenon that people who have problems dealing with the various challenges of life which typically seem to occur simultaneously seek in order to cope with whatever the hells going on around them. However, that term is thrown around more and more loosely as time advances and as technology develops. In other words, we, the human race, are getting lazy. We no longer want to solve our own problems, we want to pay others to solve them for us. The word therapy is a derivative of the Greek word, therapeia, meaning a service or attendance. Back then, people were praised for creating cures and treatments out of virtually nothing. As time went on, we slowly but surely turned from self-help methods to methods only learned by specialists, who then performed these techniques on the desperate and unknowing for a fee. But there are STILL ways for anyone to help themselves deal. Its a sad and hard truth that those most likely to suffer from stress and mental health issues are low-income families, and/or those sitting just beneath the poverty line. And theyve been brainwashed into believing that theyre ineligible for proper help and attention because they dont have the luxury to pay some guy with a degree on his wall to tell them what to do. Now, Im NOT knocking Pyschiatry or any other form of therapy. I mean, if you have the money and the means to go and seek professional help, then go for it. But if you DONT, dont freak out and let people tell you that its the only way, because it isnt. Youd be surprised at how many ways you can make yourself feel better about the situation youre in. A positive attitude produces a clearer head, which is more likely to produce solutions that work. Music: M usics always a go for me. Something mellow and instrumental is best, but this depends on the person. WHATEVER you do when angryDONT listen to music thatll make you angrier. Find an Outlet: Whether its painting, writing, rapping, drawingor even screamingyou need a way to get any pent-up aggression inside of you. I guarantee you that halfway through your masterpiece, youll forget what was bothering you. Note: The outlet needs to be POSITIVE, mind you. Drugs, violence, destruction of self, others, your property, or someone elses property yeahno. That wouldnt be good and youre still going to feel like sh*t after its all said and done with. Vent: I cant stress this one enough. In fact, it coincides with the aforementioned. Whether its to someone you trust, to a stranger, from a rooftop or to an inanimate object, express any frustrations that occur. Because the more you keep them inside of you, the harder, faster and more venomous its going to come out later. Accept Responsibility: If your life is going horribly wrong right now because YOU did something stupid to screw it up, man up (or be woman enough) to accept responsibility. There is nothing more aggravating and pity-provoking than when you point the finger at and/or shove away those around you because your life isnt going the way it was a moment ago before your foolish act. First step to solving a problem is (a) Admitting you have one and (b) Accepting responsibility for creating it. Have Patience: This one is last for a reason, folks. Instant gratification is overrated. If thats what youre looking for then you might as well toss out everything Ive already told you. The only things that are free and quick in life almost ALWAYS come with invisible strings attached. Once you plant your seeds, you have to wait for them to grow. Good things come to those who wait and the more patient you are, the longer your good fortune will last when it comes to you. So, these things seem pretty basic, yeah? Of coursebut youd be surprised how many people pay Dr. Whomever to tell them the EXACT same thingsonly in a different way and/or in a different order. So, remember its all the same information and set of techniques; its just a matter of who you want to trust to give it all to you: someone with a Ph.Dor yourself?

B Y J U ST I C E R A J EE A panic attack is one of those conditions, like depression, that we just dont like to talk about in the hiphop community. We associate panicking with punking out or being so nervous you lose it, a very un-hiphop thing to do. But panic attacks are real, and are actually more common than youd thinkand they can be pretty serious. In 1998, Violent J, a member of the notoriously white horror-core rap group Insane Clown Posse, was hospitalized for two days following a series of panic attacks that forced them to cancel their U.S. tour. Real tough guy. Now, I know what youre thinking: Just white folks. But as long as weve been living in white America, weve acquired the same disorders. So if it can happen to them, it can probably happen to us too. In 2008, Eve had a panic attack on her flight to perform in Australia for the first time. So the causes might be different (you might be reasonably freaking out about something real, or you might just naturally have some issues). The point is, if rappers can have em, so can you. In fact, you may have had one, and just didnt know.

What is a Panic Attack?

Think about this and ask yourself have you seen this before. It is a summer evening sun setting, hot folks outside and one of the folks in your neighborhood seems to erupt into a fit out of nowhere. It may only last for a few minutes, but during that time the person is sweating, shouting accusations or worries, having trouble standing up, and appearing to be having a heart attack. An ambulance is called. The person is taken away and returns later apparently unharmed, but clearly still not comfortable. We will say it was a heat stroke or some other ailment that wasnt diagnosed. M ore than likely that person just had a panic attack right in front of you. They will see heart doctors and physicians and we will go on and on about how much they dont know, however the reality is that we have failed to recognize an unhealthy reaction to stress, diet, and environment. According to the DSM -IV, the official diagnostic manual of the American Psychological Association, victims of panic attacks experience the following symptoms: pounding heart or rapid heart rate, sweating, tremors, sensations of smothering or shortness of breath, feeling of choking, chest pain or discomfort, nausea or abdominal distress, dizziness, lightheadedness or faint derealization, depersonalization, fear of losing control or going crazy, fear of dying, paraesthesia or hot flashes. Additionally, a single attack could be followed by a month or more of more anxiety (such as worrying about future attacks, worrying about whether the attacks will cause physical illness, worrying about going crazy, etc.) and/or significant behavioral changes. The damage done by the attack is less severe than the long-term feeling of losing self control. In our community the discussion of even a minor mental health issues is unheard of. M ost people suffer through an attack and its aftermath alone. They will deal with accusations of faking ill to get attention or hiding some other substance addiction, without support. Since we do not usually seek mental health services even informal ones like confiding your frustrations with a close friend or an elder, we suffer the insecurity and fear alone. Panic/anxiety disorders are often hereditary, so the family up the street that always seems to have these events is not just crazy, they need some care.

How Can you Prevent a Panic Attack?

One of the root causes of panic attacks is stress, especially among those who are overly critical of themselves. M any people in our community self medicate stress by drinking, smoking, or taking other substances. These things offer temporary numbness to our stress, but usually add to our stress load because none of them actually remove the issues, people, or places that create our stress. Further, many of our lapses in judgment (violence, unintended pregnancy, arrests, and worse) involve at least one party who is chemically impaired at the time. A key to prevention is finding ways to release stress in a way that builds your capacity to deal with future stress. The other risk factor that can lower your risk is proper diet and exercise. Like many of the health problems we have in our community this one is also made worse by a diet high in caffeine and low physical activity. Here are some steps you can take to lower your risk:

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Avoid caffeine, alcohol and other stimulants Stay away from food with artificial colorings, additives, and sugar Learn a meditation or controlled breathing technique and make it apart of your regular routine Pick up Yoga or Tai Chi, or another martial art Exercise daily and eat a balanced diet Read labels on over-the-counter medicines and herbal remedies. Some chemicals and herbs can increase panic/anxiety symptoms. Seek wise council and support following a traumatic or disturbing experience. Do not suffer alone; ask for help.

Panic attacks are preventable and treatable if you take the proper steps. All the prevention measures above depend on your ability to honestly assess how you are doing, what you are doing, and when you may need a little help. M editation and the practice of martial arts are age old means of managing stress and building your capacity to deal with whatever you encounter. Learning how to get in tune with what your body is saying will provide a lifetime of benefits.

B Y M EC C A WI SE Build up of any kind in our physical bodies can cause disease/toxicity. Toxicity can build up as it relates to our emotional health as well. Feeling angry, sad, jealous holding grudges or being stagnant for long periods of time is NOT good for our emotional health. When something is not useful to us physically, our bodies eliminate it. So why cant we do the same when it comes to the things that create emotional distress? Sometimes we hold on to people, possession, and behaviors that are not useful anymore and we therefore inhibit our growth.

Possessions r Have your broke appliances become decoration? r Have you kept shoes and clothes for years although you cant fit them/or havent worn them? r Do you have more than 1 non working car in your driveway but you are not a mechanic? r Do you have magazines from the 90s saying one day you will make time to read them? r Do you have Valentines memorabilia from middle school?
If you havent already done so in 3 years, you are not going to use it, read it or wear it anytime in the future. It wont come back in style, you wont get it fixed, and its not a good idea to save it for your unborn child. If you paid too much for it to give it away, then sell it. Eliminate the clutter from your life. Just let it go.

People r Have you stayed in a relationship and you dont know why? r Do you see your mate as a place holder until you find better? r Are you getting nothing from a relationship but still stick around? r Do you stay in relationships for fear of how to get out or fear that you wont find better? r Do certain relationships make you miserable but you still engage in them? r Have you outgrown old behaviors and have absolutely nothing in common with some friends?
Abusive or Parasitic relationships dont change until you change them. Dont stay in relationships to use others or be used. Dont let fear of any kind keep you in a relationship where you have no business being. Although you love your friends, sometimes it is time to move on. If they are not willing to change, then eliminate negative or stagnant people from your life, because they will actually keep you from growing.

Behaviors r Are you still mad at something that someone has done to you five years ago? r Do you not speak to someone and you cant even remember why? r Do you not like him/her because at some point one of your friends did not either? r Do you jump at the opportunity to talk bad about someone? r Do you sit around waiting for someone to offend you? r Do you continue behaviors that you dont enjoy just because you have done them for so long? r Do you have self-limiting beliefs that you are unworthy? r Do you fear change?
Eliminate those negative behaviors, perspectives, and habits from your life. Although some of the above questions may seem humorous, the reality is that people hold on to far too much, for far too long. When something stops working, or working for you, it becomes time to let it go. We must leave some people, possessions, and behaviors behind in order to grow and develop in order to find new opportunities. Elimination is a natural and necessary process. So stop holding on to things that will make you sick, leave you miserable, or keep you stagnant. Let it go.


B Y B EA U T I F U L SEEA SI A No matter how one articulates Supreme M athematics, gets thorough with Blacks Law Dictionary, recites the Al-Fatihah in Arabic, or divinely sings a Kirk Franklin gospel tune, theres serious, RESIDUAL mental health issues with our asses (trauma)! Negroes are depressed, angry, crazy, compulsive liars, have extreme mood swings, etc. You cannot hide behind a hijab, kufi, headwrap, suit, fez, locks, afro, beret Healing is a responsibility! Im not impressed by any of the costumes anymore. Underneath all of these labels, good jobs, titles, memberships, loc jewelry in hair, bandanas, muslim oil, dashiki, tattoos, mud cloth, Yoruba whiteunderneath allll that, is a freak show of pain, fear, and trauma. And until I hear more confessions about the steps taken to fix the voids that come with blackness, universal oppression, molestation, violence, death, prison, drug addiction, abandonment, ass whoopins, baby daddy/babymama drama, bad relationships, whateverIm not impressed. When I hear people who have dealt with all the Negro trauma that come with being us in this world yesterday and today, then Ill trust your character with what you represent. For now *yawn* Whats your confession? Cause all our Black asses have one. What? Schizo, bipolar, depressed, paranoid, bitter, ADD, ADHD, what do they label you with? Whatever it is, we got to get through that, and THEN you can come to fully accept and represent your Islam, your Christ, your lessons, your oath, your Torah, your sovereignty, your worldview. Healing is key. Lets go. Its the same thing with running to a new relationship without truly getting over the one before. Like I said earlier, RESIDUAL. Root word? Residue! Ive been the shot out girlfriend, tyrant daughter, impatient mother, emotionally unavailable sibling, negative influence for a friend, temperamental chick, whatever. And in this period of time (really the last year) that I chose to actually deal and heal with what I was, and some of its ugliness (which is my responsibility when co-existing in a world with billions of other people), I had to admit that I can go as natural-haired as I like, be thoroughly known as an activist or hustler, appear to be civilized/cultured, even relocate, whateverBut all of it didnt matter if I kept running from healing. Supreme living is without damaged emotion. Thats what trauma is and thats what I find among so many of us, now that I am beginning to see much clearer since I am healing. The fog is removing itself, and many of you all are some ugly mofos. Because for one, I see my old self in many of you, the person that hides. And for two, because I know I am not really looking at you, but an agent of our own continued oppression. Take off the suit. Be yourself. Heal yourself.


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Read a book (or a few pages of a book) every day. Learn a new language. Pick up a new hobby. Take up a new course. Create an inspirational room. Overcome your fears. Level up your skills. Wake up early. Have a weekly exercise routine. Start your life handbook. Write a letter to your future self. Get out of your comfort zone. Put someone up to a challenge. Identify your blind spots. Ask for feedback. Stay focused with to-do lists. Set big, ambitious goals. Acknowledge your flaws. Get into action. Learn from people who inspire you. Quit a bad habit. Cultivate a new habit. Avoid negative people. Learn to deal with difficult people. Learn from your friends. Start a journal. Start a blog about personal development. Get a mentor or coach. Reduce the time you spend on chat programs. Learn chess (or any strategy game). Stop watching TV. Start a 30-day challenge. Meditate. Join Toastmasters (Learn public speaking). Befriend top people in their fields. Let go of the past. Start a business venture. Show kindness to people around you. Reach out to the people who hate you. Take a break. Read at least 1 personal development article a day. Commit to your personal growth.

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BY COACH BRANDI With numerous adversities coming our way, many people have a tendency to put their own hopes and dreams on the backburner. As a life coach, I find prioritizing to be the biggest challenge that I face with clients. We sit down, set goals, and they arent accomplished. And why? Because people have been conditioned to put others first, and to not be selfish enough to work on themselves. Or they rather spend their money on instant gratification vs. something that brings lasting peace and satisfaction. Today, I would like to remind youIf you do not build yourself up and accomplish the goals you set for yourself, then how can you edify others? An empty vessel has nothing to give So, I want you to make the decision that you are going to focus on creating the best you. YOUR time is NOW!!!!!!! Heres a couple of tips to get started Accept responsibility. Often times we blame our past, present, and future situations on other people/events. Remember that we are a people of free will, and that we create situations in our lives, even if we dont want to accept it. (For example: Bad budgeting can be prevented; signs are given in bad relationships; parents do not dictate our adult lives.) Once you accept responsibility for your own life and decisions, you are off to a good start. Get on your mission. Every organized business has a mission statement which provides guidance and focus. It is my belief that individuals need mission statements as well. There are several websites that provide online mission statement wizards to assist you in creating your very own personal mission statement. One you have your statement, print it, memorize it, and reflect on it every day. The next thing to do is build your resilience . Once you make a decision to live a life of freedom, prepare for adversities. There will be haters, bills, challenges, etc. that will come your way. I tell people all the time that being a life coach does not make me immune to the troubles of the world. It is the way that I handle those adversities is how I show resilience. Prepare to do a spiritual detox of the people, places, and things that hinder your growth. Prepare yourself for a life-long learning experience. The reason that all great leaders and entrepreneurs constantly read is because they embrace continuing education. Take the initiative to read daily, attend workshops, enroll in audit classes (where you can sit in on a college class without being enrolled), etc. The more you learn, the more you grow, and the more you can teach to others. (I have included a beginners self improvement book list on my website to get you started). Network your way to success. The old saying is true: Your network is your net-worth. Surrounding yourself with success-minded people is one of the ultimate keys to success. Anything else is draining, and will eventually take you down a notch. Attend events to address your goals, join associations/ organizations, and communicate with members beyond the meetings. Build a website, create contact cards, and travel! And most importantly, find a mentor that can provide a gateway to your goals. Take care of your body. A person who is unhealthy, stressed and tired definitely cannot be an asset to others (or themselves). When was the last time you exercised? It is on a regular basis? When was your last annual physical? Do you sleep 6-8 hours daily? How are your eating habits? These are all things to think about. We are at a critical point of our lives. We are too old to treat our bodies any type of way, yet young enough to make corrections and prevent chronic and genetic diseases. Yes, I said it, the days of double cheeseburgers at midnight end now! Get your mind on your money. Again, we are at the age to correct past mistakes, and prepare for the future. Yet, some of our peers do not have savings accounts, create piles of credit mistakes, and dont even know what an IRA is, so how can they have one?!? Today, get a free copy of your credit report, set aside 10% of your income to pay down debts, and reprioritize your money. Create a budget, do not acknowledge raises (save the new found extra money), and live within your means! Your last lesson for today: address the spirit that is within. Find strength from a higher power, and cast your worries and hopes therein. Take the time everyday for meditation, journaling your progress, and blessing others. Share the things you learn along lifes way with others. Give your time, gifts/talents, and tithes when you are able. All great leaders know to delegate responsibility and power. These are just a couple of tips from one of my workshops, The Seven Secrets That all Leaders Know. And yes, YOU are a leader! If you need any assistance in implementing these strategies, or want to bring this workshop to your city, do not hesitate to Contact the Coach!


B Y B RYA N O G I LV I E Your value as a person is not to be measured by your achievements: while your desire for success is healthy, the false notion that you need success to be important or desirable is not If you have this false notion, the following cycle might sound familiar: (1) you get inspired to do something, (2) you make a minor attempt at it, (3) you experience a natural setback, (4) you lose motivation and give up, and (5) you beat yourself up about it continuously after the fact. Your internal dialogue might go something like: Look at me, here I go messing things up AGAIN. What the hell is wrong with me? Why cant I get this right? Im just stupid stupid, stupid, stupid. See, I knew this would happen. Why do I even bother? Just forget it This is low self-worth, and in time, the negative self-talk associated with it becomes ingrained. It finds a reason to come up even in insignificant mistakes (oversleeping, missing a deadline, less-than perfect cooking, etc.), so when you have low self worth, almost EVERY experience is an opportunity for a mental beat-down, and eventually, negative self-talk turns into an internal monster: a hidden gremlin that keeps you defeated and depressed. (If youre perceptive, youll notice this gremlin both in yourself and in almost everyone comfortable enough share their deeper thoughts with you.) So an opposite, more positive self-talk which encourages success (an internal champion) might seem unimaginable for you. You might of adopted negative thinking habits through years of repetition, and so now, you accept them as true without question, and even subconsciously look for reasons to give the gremlin validation. The first step to liberate yourself from this is to S EPERATE YOUR EXPERIENCES FROM YOUR IDENTITY; to learn to see yourself as separate from your results If you cant seem to stay motivated, that just means you dont know how to motivate yourself (which is a skill you can learn). If you cant seem to build anything with the people you meet romantically, that just means you dont know how to build intimate relationships (which is a skill you can learn), and if you cant seem to manage your finances, that just means you dont think strategically about your income and expenses, (which, again, is a skill you can learn). None of this means that something is wrong with YOU only that you dont know how to do a particular thing when you were born, you didnt even know how to walk , but you learned, didnt you?Even though you fell down numerous times, did you say to yourself, Im destined to just crawl for the rest of my life! Why do I even try??? Remember that failure is a stepping stone to success. You have to fail multiple times in everything you do before you learn to do it, so stop interpreting your failures as indications of your personal value. On a deeper level, you have to understand that you are perfect exactly as you are now, that you dont need to improve, evolve or succeed in order to grow in value as a human being that y oure valuable as a human being simply because you exist. Goals are meant to unfold your potential and improve your life experience, NOT to prove your worthiness to exist. Nothing you could ever do will prove your worthiness to exist, because thats proven by your existence in and of itself (there are no mistakes in the Higher Plan). The second step to liberation is to take large doses of this special medicine called forgiveness; to LEARN TO FORGIVE YOURS ELF Self-forgiveness is hard because we harbor extreme guilt and shame towards ourselves for what weve done in the past. In the past, our selfishness or lack of self-control might have caused someone else maybe even someone we loved to experience pain, and through anger, we may have even done this intentionally. If this is you, accept the fact that it happened and that theres nothing you can do about it now you cant go back in time and undo whats already done, so dwelling on it now serves no purpose at all. Shame and guilt about the past prevents you from making the most of your life in the present, and therefore, it denies the world of the brilliance only you have to share. We ALL have things in our past that were ashamed of, so your mistakes (even the most terrible ones), dont make you a bad person, they make you human. How can I forgive myself if I knew exactly what I was doing at the time, but I still went ahead and did it anyway? Good question, and Im glad you asked: the answer is to realize that everyone you know, including you, is, at all times, only doing the best they can. Everyones doing the best they can; everyones operating to the highest level their consciousness allows them to. While we may know something intellectually, that doesnt mean we really KNOW it it doesnt mean weve integrated it into our core of our being, and thats the difference between knowledge and wisdom: While its relatively easy to understand a concept, it takes life experience to internalize it, and this life experience usually comes in some form of pain, such as the guilt you feel from your mistake now. Wisdom is a bio-feedback mechanism. The prefix bio means life, and wisdom is the mechanism that obtains lessons from life by reflecting on it. You have to make mistakes in order to learn, because if you REALLY knew, you wouldnt of made the mistake in the first place. Forgive yourself for not having enough wisdom at the time, and move forward with the lessons you can extract from it now Debbie Ford talks about this in her audiobook The Secret of the Shadow: The Power of Owning Your Whole Story, where your shadow is the past that youve been avoiding or feeling guilty about and your secret is the hidden jewels of insight contained within that same past. While you THINK your past is negative, it actually holds keys central to self-knowledge and your life purpose if your shadow has something to do with a significant other, the secret might lead you to devote yourself to creating love in all of your relationships. If your shadow has something to do with your family, your secret might lead you to dedicate yourself to becoming a wonderful parent and helping others to do the same, so on and so forth. You cant play cut and paste with your life history, and you cant relegate the parts that youre ashamed of to some place in the back of your mind (or theyll haunt and limit you from the subconscious realm). You have to own your whole story and accept everything thats happened to you the good, the bad and the ugly in order to get the wisdom you need to be your Complete Self. The third and last step is to REALIZE THAT THINKING IS A HABIT. Realize that you have the same thoughts over and over again not because theyre valid or accurate, but simply because youre in the habit of thinking them . If youre in the habit of thinking limiting and discouraging thoughts, then you have to get into the habit of thinking supportive and encouraging thoughts, and you can gain this habit in the same way you gain any other: repetition. At the start of a new year, when you write down the date, you accidentally write down last years number because of repetition. When you check your e-mail online, you type out your username and password without even thinking about it because of repetition, and when you stop using an alarm clock, you get up at the same time everyday anyway because of repetition. To be positive, motivated and proactive in your life, you have to condition yourself, through repetition, to automatically think thoughts conducive to positivity, motivation and effectiveness. To free yourself of anxiety, depression and low self-esteem, you have to condition

yourself, through repetition, to automatically think thoughts conducive to faith, joy, and high self-esteem. By consistently forcing yourself to think thoughts of your own design, you gain control over your mentality and your emotions, as well as their consequent behavior. Its called The Science of Auto-Suggestion. So take affirmations seriously, and find creative ways to make them part of your automatic, habitual mind state. You already know the suggested technique. Remember, in your life, youre the sole-controller, so free yourself from what happened and take charge of what is happening. Today is the first day of the rest of your life , so clean the slate mentally and start building something right and exact in the here and now. After all, the you that you dislike is not even the real you anyway its simply a garment which holds your essential spirit, and just as the wardrobe in your closet can change, so too can the character which adorns your soul

B Y SH ER I ESE N I C O LE TA N A H ESI Toxicity doesnt start and end with food intake. We can also kill ourselves with negative energy and stress. Stress ages the bodys organs just as toxic food. It is said that we become the energy that we attract. Therefore, every time you find yourself talking down on another person for no good reason, its really a reflection of your own suffering. Negative energy is draining and words are power. Consequently, the people that we associate ourselves with should be inspiring, loving, caring, honest, productive, truth seeking, progressive, supportive, solution focused, optimistic, open minded, genuine, and every positive attribute we aim to develop within ourselves. Water seeps its own level, So if you are a person who complains constantly, talk down on others, lies, cheats, intentionally try to hurt others, consumed by The Problem, or pessimistic, you are wasting a lot of valuable time during this earthly existence and life experience. You will also attract that same energy giving yourself more to complain about. We must go through challenges to grow and all people have a story that is reflected in their current mental/emotional state. Childhood experiences set the tone of the character of a person. This is why we have to go the core of people and stay connected with GOOD folks and love/support each other through the scars of any dysfunctional socialization. All relationships are soooo tricky, even amongst good people. They take time, energy, understanding, consideration, compromise, and effective communication. Communication is especially important for all other elements to be harmonious. Honest, caring and genuine communication is key to healthy, thriving relationships. Toxic relationships can even spread to younger generations, such as our children. It is unfortunate to have a toxic relationship with a child. Remember those positive characteristics me I mentioned before? Those attributes should also be utilized in parenting methods. For example, have you ever overheard someone call their child the devil? I have and its the worst way to think about a child, let alone release those words into the atmosphere! If you call a child bad thats similar to calling them a bad person. Consequently, thats the energy that your child attracts to themselves and becomes the energy you project onto to your precious child.

Baby Mamas and Baby Daddies

This is a phenomenon that we must master. Children should have both parents in the home together. But in our world that is not the case a lot of times. All relations between the split parents directly or indirectly affect the child. Never speak negative to a small child about their parent. It is disrespecting and hurting them. If a child is older and able to understand certain concepts honesty about the other parent can still be loving and empathetic. Talk to them as you would want someone to talk about them when they got older. Dont let selfish emotional attachments and unnecessary resentments lead to scaring the childs emotion/mental development. Extreme situations may exist that are traumatizing and more challenging to speak of with love and empathy. With wisdom and willingness one can learn to balance this for the healthy development of the child. The thing about split parent confusion that always boggled my brain is how a person can lay down with someone, have a baby, thenthey aint S***. Everything you refer to a person you share so much with is a direct reflection of self! Even if you were really the one done wrong, look at what in and about you attracted and chose it. Dont waste your time resenting a parent of your child. Look at yourself, heal, forgive, and place any current toxic behavior from another in its rightful place in your life.

Training the Mental

Some years ago I was mad and complaining about something I was going through to an elder and he said Sheriese, focus on what you want and you will attract it. In other words, instead of complaining about hate and envy, focus on what I want, to give and receive Love. Instead of being consumed by the ills of the world, focus on what you want the world to be and what you can do to make it better. Give no energy to negative energy and dont assume anything. Simple stuff that even great intellectuals can sometimes find to be a task but a gratifying healing process when practiced. We M aster the M ind/Emotions. We apply universal righteous principles to all negative thinking. Time to elevate past the slave scars! Now by no means does this mean allow people to step on you, use you, take you for granted, disrespect or drain you. We learn to respond with logical truth and to not react with emotions. This is the toxicity you address with a clear head, dont sweep it under the rug and act like foul stuff aint happen. Part of effective communication is allowing another person to know that issues need to be addressed in order to move forward within a healthy relationship. Have an unbiased, level headed elder mediate the dialogue if needed. That conversation has to involve all parties being honest and if that cant happen, get away quick! Send them positive energy, and if you start trashing their name its a reflection of you. With time the truth will come to light itself. Watch what you think, it will manifest into your words and actions; watch what you say and do, it will manifest into your habits; watch your habits, they manifest into your character; and your character will manifest destiny. So it starts with the mental/ thoughts. Practice redirecting negative thoughts. Best believe the energy you hash out to the world is coming back for you and your descendants. Karma = Universal Law, not mine.

True Self Love

Ultimate love for self and true self acceptance, is the key to more harmonious relationships. Due to lack of English words to define, describe and conceptualize feelings, emotions, and spiritual phenomenon, we throw around the word LOVE with various meanings. While teaching parenting at a shelter, a recovering crack addict mother said, I love my kids. I explained that love manifests within our actions and she could only treat and love her children as well as she treated and loved herself. As long as we live, the ability to love self will always be in development. Acceptance of personal liabilities as well as assets is essential to a better relationship with self, and others, in turn. No extremes like Im perfect arrogance or Im stupid negative self talk. Just stay in the middle, Im perfect with all my imperfections and take responsibility for what needs to change. Never accept a growth stunted self and keep an open mind about things you might not know that can assist in your growing process. When you know everything, you cant learn anymore. Always accept and be in your own lifelong process of development. When we are able to love ourselves through emotional scars and distorted cognition due to past experience, then we can truly love others and attract healthy, meaningful relationships.


B Y A F YA A N D K H N U M S T I C . M A N I B O M U F R O M O U R U P C O M I N G B O O K , R E V O L U T I O N A RY L O V E A healthy relationship between a young Black man and woman is characterized by the following:

r r r r

r r r r r

Both are grounded in their respect for and love for their community. Each is individually motivated to be providers and self sufficient in their own talents and interests. The integrity of their words and actions does not contradict and when it does it is acknowledged and corrected with love, understanding, and self-discipline. The man is 100% sure and clear on his commitments to his woman and chooses to because of his own values and thoughts and his assessment that she is worthy to him of such commitment and not because of any outside influence, tradition, physical urge or circumstance. The woman is sure of her own character and self respect, and has evaluated her man prior to their relationship going past the friend stage, so she knows deeply that he is worth her loyalty, love and camaraderie without a doubt. The views of the two are in sync naturally and not due to manipulation of any kind. There are good vibes and humor, passionate sex, healthy activities, intellectual activities, community activism, and shared interests to keep one another engaged and interactive. Each allows the other the space needed for growth without nagging, judgment or betrayal, but without lessening personal standards or accepting bullsh*t. They are spiritually connected. Meaning they are both striving to be in harmony with the greater good and not just out for material things. They support each others endeavors and always speak to each other, and about each other, with great respect. Their arguments are not full of personal attacks, name calling, and immature emotional rants and tantrums. They communicate by listening and respecting each others viewpoints striving not to win over the other, but to win in the battle over self and needed to be right. They each seek to master their emotions for the benefit of themselves and for the success of their relationship.

Signs you have a Healthy Relationship

We came up with our lists separately. Based on what we each put down is a testament to our chemistry, unity and cohesiveness as a family.

Afya: r You show affection regularly. r Theres plenty of laughter. r Arguments are light/short term. r Theres honest communication. r You have a satisfied sex life. r You enjoy spending time together. r Theres complimentary growth. r Youre supportive of each other in both words and deeds. r Youre loyal to each other, especially through hard times. r Theres emotional control. r You put up with each others bullsh*t. Khnum: r Youre actually friends, not just co-parents or sex partners. r You look forward to time together. r You both feel motivated by the other. r You respect each others strengths and have compassion for the things that challenge each other. r You dont seek to manipulate one another for own pleasure over your partners misery. r You are each living fully productive lives, doing things in your own right that are important to you and fulfilling, both individually and collectively. r When you argue, you are able to disagree without violence, verbal abuse or immature emotional tantrums. Youre able to resolve issues with positive communication and principled understanding r When you seek win-win conflict resolution, not a winner/loser paradigm. r When you see your relationship as a top priority for what you want in your life r When you realize that you are gonna have to put in work at any relationship and if you gotta put up with some bullsh*t, youre happy to put up with your spouses bullsh*t, because you realize they feel the same way about you and your bullsh*t.

r r r

You both accept the responsibility of being happy as a couple. You are patient with each other. You are respectful of each others privacy.

M ade in gods imagebut werent satisfied

mage is everything. Or is it? And in whose image are we making ourselves? Just think about it. Think about all the things we do to improve or enhance our appearance. From hair dye to nose jobs, theres a lot to consider. M ost of it started with us. In ancient times, we invented makeup, tattooing, piercing, exotic hairstyles, and other forms of body modification like embedding jewels in our teeth. But while some of it was cosmetic (just to show off or attract the opposite sex), and some of it was practical (like eyeliner, which was used to protect our eyes from direct sunlight and smoke), how much of it was done in attempt to look like another group of people? And how much of it was done even at the expense of our health? Today, weve got women bleaching their skin, frying their hair, dying it blonde, and even getting nose jobs and lip reduction surgeriesoften DYING in the processand who do we end up looking like? The people who told us we were ugly in our natural state. And Im not just talking about women here, because not only are more and more men doing the same things nowadays, but men are encouraging this madness. Throughout the world, Original women are changing their appearance to match what they believe is desired by Original men! And at what expense? Skin-lightening causes cancer, mercury poisoning, and all kinds of other problems. We aint never did that in ancient times. In fact, M arco Polo reported that we used to rub sesame oil on our babies to make them darker! Hair dyes are linked to bone cancer and bladder cancer, and havent been monitored by the FDA since 1938! We colored our hair, but we used henna (which is made from plants) or red clay from the earth. And the list goes on. We get liposuction (which is often fatal, especially for Black women) instead of using diet and exercisejust to acquire a body type that probably wasnt meant for us in the first place! Theres even a new surgery where Black women are having their eyes permanently turned blue (just Google it!) and the results are disastrous. Women are going blind, but that didnt Were not saying theres anything wrong with wanting to look better. The question is what is your idea of what better looks like (and why), and what risks are you willing to take to get there?


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G We all know Lil Kim did it. We all know Sammy Sosa did it. And while some of us have noticed folks like Beyonce and M ary J. Blige gradually getting lighter over time, were not sure whether its the makeup, the airbrushing, or something bigger. But cases like Lil Kim and Sammy Sosa are clear. They bleached their skin chemically because they believed light skin to be preferable over dark skin. In Sosas case, he also changed his hair texture. In Lil Kims case, she changed everything, down to the shape of her nose and cheekbones. The worst was when she challenged the choice of a dark-skinned actress portraying her in the Notorious film, claiming light-skinned singer Ciara looked more like her! The light skin obsession is that deep. Its definitely more psychology than style. And its not rare. In fact, its more global than Coca Cola. When Dr. S. Allen Counter found reports of high levels of mercury poisoning among patients in Latin America, Saudi Arabia, West Africa, East Africa, and even among newly arrived Bosnian and Albanian refugees in Germany, he struggled to find the common thread. At first glance, most of the patients with mercury poisoning had two things in common. They were (a) people of color and (b) women. It wasnt long before Dr. Counter discovered the rest. In his 2003 article for the Boston Globe, he writes:

In every case, clinical questioning revealed that the women had used skin-whitening creams many for years. In other words, these women had tried so desperately to whiten their skin color that they had poisoned their bodies by applying mercury-based beauty creams. Ninety percent of the women entering border clinics in Arizona with mercury poisoning were MexicanAmerican, and they like their Mexican counterparts had been using skin-whitening creams. These skinwhitening creams contain mercurous chloride, which is readily absorbed through the skin. Saudi, African, and Asian women were also using these skin-bleaching chemicals in a tragic attempt to change their appearance to that of white women. Mercury poisoning is known to cause neurological and kidney damage and may also lead to psychiatric disorders. Upon finding high levels of mercury in the urine of women and men in Tanzania, scientists initially thought that the indigenous people had been accidentally exposed to elemental mercury vapors from gold mining operations or methylmercury from the consumption of fish from Lake Victoria that had been contaminated by the liquid mercury discharge from gold mines [Sound familiar? See FishWith Extra Oil]. It was later discovered that the high levels of mercury in the urine of Tanzanians living around Lake Victoria were the result of the use of mercury-based skin-whiteners. In other parts of Africa, including Nigeria and Kenya, one finds widespread mercury poisoning from the use of skin-lightening creams and soaps. When asked why she thought women in Saudi Arabia used skin-whitening creams, and in some cases even applied these creams to their children, one woman from an Arab-American family replied directly, Oh, thats simple. It is well known that in many Arab families the whiter looking children are the most preferred. People will often respond positively to the lighter-colored child and simply ignore the darker one. So, the prevalent medical evidence of high levels of mercury poisoning among women of Saudi, African, Asian and Mexican backgrounds reflects a common and prevailing belief that whiter skin has greater currency and appeal. Apparently, the patientsbelieve that removing the healthy melanin from their skin with toxic creams and soaps makes them more valuable in their own cultures and in European and Euro-American societies in general. In an interview with one Latin American woman about identification and self-image, I was told that whiterlooking Spanish women are generally perceived as more attractive to many Latino men and vice versa. The woman, a journalist, went on to say that during her childhood, her parents and her friends parents had always carefully screened the children invited to their parties to be certain that they were light enough in color and thus of sufficient socioeconomic value to be included.
Of course, there will be health complications that accompany ANY chemical that shuts down the melanin in your body. First, your skin never becomes consistently lighter throughout. According to Sharon Parry, a Jamaican salon owner in London:

You can always tell (theyre using it) because the knuckles on their hands and feet never change. Also, they look ghostlike. Their appearance looks gray and dull, especially if theyre dark-skinned people. In Jamaica, if we see someone like that, we call them duppy (which means ghost).
It gets worse from there. According to Thomas Fuller, in his New York Times article on skin whitening in East Asia:

Some patients also develop leukoderma, where the skin loses the ability to produce pigment, resulting in patches of pink like those on Ms. Panyas face and neck. When she first began using the cream, which was packaged under the name 3 Days and cost the equivalent of $1, she said she was very happy with the results. Her skin started itching, but she tolerated it because her complexion lightened considerably. She got bigger tips at the restaurant, where she sang folk songs, she said. But when her face became blotchy two months later, her boss told her she could no longer sing at the restaurant because she was unsightly. In April, she told her story on a Thai television program, breaking down as she described how she ruined her face and lost her job. But first, the announcer ran through a list of the shows sponsors, including a cream called White Beauty. Use this cream, the announcer said. It gives you expert treatment.
How does this stuff work? Skin-lightening treatments work by breaking down melanin through a chemical process or blocking melanin production. The strongest (and cheapest) skin whiteners contain toxic mercury such as mercury (II) chloride or ammoniated mercury as the

active ingredient. Still cheap, but considered a safe chemical, Hydroquinone is found in most other whiteners, and has been shown to cause leukemia and cancer in mice and other animals. The European Union banned it from cosmetics in 2001, but it still shows up in creams in the developing world (many of which are made in Europe!). Oh and its still sold over-the-counter in the United States. In M alangu Ntambwes article on skin lightening among South Africans (noting similar practices among Black Americans, Cubans, Jamaicans, Japanese and South Asians), he describes the following effects of various skin lightening agents:

Mercury derivatives: Neurotoxic problems such as ataxia, speech and hearing impairment; mental problems such as irritability, fearfulness, and depression; kidney problems such as mercury-induced nephropathy; and immunotoxicity Hydroquinone preparations: Ochronosis, a blue-black discoloration caused by deposits of ochre-colored pigment. Hyperchromia, presence of red cells with abnormally increased cell hemoglobin count. Hypochromia, presence of cells with abnormally low cell hemoglobin content. Neuropathy, disease of the nervous system. Topical steroid products: Contact eczema, bacterial and fungal infections, Cushings syndrome, acne, skin atrophy and pigmentation disorders.
According to Ntambwe, some of these effects take a while to appear, and others mimic known disease patterns. As a result, they are sometimes misdiagnosed even by doctors, especially since most patients deny using skin lighteners. Research says up to 69% of those who practice skin lightening may suffer from at least one complication. And these problems are not limited to the users themselves. In one medical report, a 3-month-old patient was found to have kidney, eye and blood disease because the mother had used mercury-containing cosmetics during pregnancy and later during breast-feeding. The whitening cream industry is estimated to be worth around $432 million in India and $7 billion in China. In 2005, 62 new skin-whitening products were introduced in supermarkets or pharmacies across the Asia-Pacific region, a jump from the average of 56 per year over the past four years. In fact, in 2009 worldwide sales increased at a rate of 14% throughout non-European markets. And throughout Asia, all your favorite cosmetic companies are involved. Olay has a product called White Radiance. LOral markets products called White Perfect. Nivea even has a skin whitening lotion for men. The more toxic combinations are created by smaller companies, like Crema de BellezaM anning, which is manufactured in M exico (and includes mercury). Even stronger (and more dangerous) chemicals are created by local bootleggers and are available where else throughout Africa and the Caribbean. In Indias Hue and Cry over Paler Skin, Amrit Dhillon writes that not everyone has been pleased with the spread of these products:

We are against the product, said Brinda Karat, the president of the All-India Democratic Womens Association. It is downright racist to denigrate dark skin.Protests by Miss Karats group recently forced another company Hindustan Lever, the Indian arm of Unilever to withdraw television advertisements for its womens fairness cream, Fair and Lovely. The advertisements depicted dejected, dark-skinned women, who had been snubbed by employers and men, suddenly acquiring new boyfriends and glamorous careers after the cream had lightened their skin. Yet most of Indias 800 million population are puzzled to hear such creams described as symptomatic of an unhealthy self-image. In the matrimonials, the classified newspaper advertisements through which brides and bridegrooms are sought, a potential brides porcelain skin is ranked as a more desirable attribute than a university degree. Film stars who are not naturally light-skinned are touched up to look paler on screen. In everyday conversation, the ultimate compliment on someones looks is to say someone is gora (fair). I have no problem with people wanting to be lighter, said a Delhi beauty parlour owner, Saroj Nath. It doesnt make you racist, any more than trying to make yourself look younger makes you ageist.
Keep readingbecause I want you to see how much we have in common with Original People (People of Color) throughout the world. It should show you two things (once you get past the main point that lighter skin is not better. That is, (1) weve all been done the same way, almost the EXACT same way, and (2) we were done that way by the same people, so why are looking down at each other? Thomas Fuller continues:

Sociologists have long debated why Asians, who are divided by everything from language to religion to ethnicity, share a deeply held cultural preference for lighter skin. Onetheory is that the waves of lighterskinned conquerors, the Moguls from Central Asia and the colonizers from Europe, reset the standard for attractiveness. [Duh] Films and advertising also clearly have a role. The success of South Korean soap operas across the region has made their lighter-skinned stars emblems of Asian beauty. [Sound familiar yet?] Nithiwadi Phuchareuyot, a doctor at a skin clinic in Bangkok who dispenses products and treatments to lighten skin, said: Every Thai girl thinks that if she has white skin the money will come and the men will come. The movie stars are all white-skinned, and everyone wants to look like a superstar. In Thailand, as in other countries in the region, the stigma of darker skin is reflected in language. One common insult is tua dam, or black body. Less common but more evocative is dam tap pet, or black like a ducks liver. [Sounds like how the kids in my hood tease each other]
Oscar Bamwebaze Bamuhigire, author of The Healing Power of Self Love, writes:

According to BBC, more than half of the women in Mali are bleaching their skins, and the same could be said about any other region with black people, including the rest of Africa, Jamaica, USA, UK, etc. Asians are facing a similar trend 4 out of 10 women in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea and Taiwan use a skin-whitening cream A recent study revealed that 61 percent of Asians in Hong Kong, Malaysia, the Philippines, South Korea and Taiwan said they felt they looked younger with a fair complexion. It also revealed that half of Filipino women, 45 percent of Hong Kong women and 41 percent of Malaysian

women were currently using a skin-whitening product. Everybody else basically wants white skin, said Leeyong Soo, the international fashion coordinator at V ogue Nippon (Japan). The Ancient Chinese used to say that, one white covers up three ugliness. Another survey by a research company, Asia Market Intelligence, revealed that three quarters of Malaysian men thought their partners would be more attractive with lighter complexions. In Hong Kong two thirds of men had a preference for fairer skin, while half the local women wanted their men paler. Almost half of Asians aged 25 to 34 years have bleached their skins Non-white people could not defend themselves against their white abusers, and so they identified with them instead! They learned to adore the white skin, and everything associated with it, and to hate the non white skin, and everything associated with it. The great psychiatrist Frantz Fanon explained: In the man of colour there is a constant effort to run away from his own individuality, to annihilate his own presence.
According to Karl Bostics article on skin lightening among people of color in Europe at

The magazines we saw in the predominantly Asian neighborhood of London called Southall featured only ads showing near-white models. When I called the editor of the biggest Asian magazine in London to ask why only fair or near-white models were used, she admitted that this was already a well-documented complaint Unfortunately an obsession with changing skin color can go much further. A recent documentary airing on Britains Channel 4, Bleach, Nip, Tuck: The White Beauty Within, suggested that there is now a movement of global de-racialization, where surgeons can change your identity. Longer legs, less body hair, a Caucasian nose, wider eyes, were some of the examples they feature. A crying Asian woman says, I dream about how to look white, how to become white, how to look white and beautiful. And then theres Jet, a black valley-girl sounding model who doesnt like her nose. Michael Jackson is her role model. She says, I can understand why Michael Jackson wants to get rid of the typical black nose, because in order to fit into European society, youve got to get rid of the black nose and thats what he did. She then tells her radio listeners, I want a straighter more European nose, because if I smile, my nose goes wide. [And THATS another piece of the same puzzle. See Whats Wrong with Your Nose?]
And as you already know, Black Americans are in the same boat. Skin bleaching has been present in the Black community since the slavery era, and hasnt gone anywhere. The products might have prettier names and more pleasant promises (fading cream will give you a radiant glow) but theyre the same stuff. Even the Tyra Show recently did an episode on skin bleaching in the Black community. And if Sammy Sosa is any indication, its even worse for Black people outside the U.S. In a 1999 Washington Post article on Jamaican skin bleaching, Serge F. Kovaleski writes:

With Jamaica so close to North America, we are bombarded with images of a white culture. People have come to feel that lighter skin is a passport to better relationships and making it in this world, said Kingston dermatologist Clive Anderson. The use of skin bleaching is spreading rapidly, and unfortunately men are starting to use it as well.I know they can do bad to your skin, but I have nothing to lose in wanting to be a brownin. I am poor and bored, and being whiter would make me happier, said Sheri Roth, 22, who had just bought a tube of cream that promised a brighter, cleaner, smoother complexion. She added, I want people to think I am more than a ghetto girlI want to walk into dance halls and feel like a movie star, a white one.
So if youre ever in Africa or the Caribbean, and you run into some girls (or guys) with powdery or grayish painted-looking faces, theyre probably bleaching. And depending on poverty and availability, they might be using a homemade bleach. In addition to the traditional products (and the bootlegs), some Jamaicans use a mix of toothpaste, curry powder, milk powder, household bleach and cornmeal. I cant make this stuff up. Its that bad. M arcus Garvey, who even in the 1920s refused to carry skin lightener ads in his publications, is spinning in his grave. And guess what? There is no safe way to bleach your skin beyond your natural color, says Sujata Jolly, a research scientist. Initially, [the bleaching cream] will appear to lighten the skin, she says. The reaction between the sun and chemicals triggers an oxidation reaction, which then starts turning the skin darker and as the skin gets darker, one uses more cream more vigorously. By doing that you start to break the skin, and then the chemicals will then penetrate into the bloodstream and reach your liver and kidneys. And thats where it could cause more damage, she says. As usual, were dying for nothing.


N O SE J O B S A N D B LA C K WO M EN B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G What do Keisha Cole, Lil Kim, Toni Braxton, Janet Jackson, Patti Labelle, Halle Berry, Naomi Campbell, Amerie, and possibly Beyonce, have in common? Compare their noses ten years ago and now. Ill wait. In 2008, 907,141 Black Americans had cosmetic or plastic surgery procedures. This was nearly TRIPLE the number from 2002, when just 375,025 Blacks reported having cosmetic surgeries. Latinos were in the same boat, getting 1.2 million procedures in 2008. The increase among Black women doesnt surprise Dr. Emily Pollard, who has been a plastic surgeon for 18 years. Pollard typically does body contouring, breast lifts and eyelid surgeries on Black women. But she doesnt perform nose jobs. Why? What they see is not what I see, she explained. They see something different. So what is it that they see? Hmmlets think about it. Whats the most distinct African feature of your face? Your skin color? We can fix that. Some of us bleach our skin, wear lighter makeup, or go through skin peels to tone down our complexions. After that, theres your hair. We can fix that too. Some of us perm our hair, flat iron it and say its natural (because we only used electricity-generated heat and not a chemical that produces heat), or simply wear wigs and weaves made of materials that are totally unlike natural Black hair. After that, theres your nose. Yes, that big, wide nose. That nose that we once couldnt afford to change. That Nina Simone/Pam Grier/Keisha Cole nose that screams authentic Blackness. Oh waitKeisha Cole swapped hers out. But most of the women getting nose jobs dont even have noses that prominent. Theyre just not narrow enough. And what do we replace our noses with? Noses that are pencil thin with pointy tips and small nostrils. But thats not self-hatred, huh? Nah, its just cuter right?

Did You Know? For face work, the average cost for Botox injections is $417, and a facelift is roughly $6,532, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Rhinoplasty (nose job) averages $4,277. Insurance rarely covers the costs of such procedures. Translation: People are paying out of pocket to fix their face. For that much money, you can afford to hire a personal trainer, dietician, or style coach, and get some real improvement in your life!
Well, what makes a European-style nose better? Who said it was better? How did we come up with whats cute and whats not? This is no different from how Asian women are currently spending millions of dollars on eyelid surgery (which makes their chinky eyes nice and round like a Europeans). Its no different from the millions of dollars we spend on fixing our hair and skin complexion (often giving ourselves cancer in the process). And for those who say its just a different look (not us trying to look like them) how many of us are making our features look more African? Seems like the only people trying to frizz their hair, fatten their lips and darken their skin are white people! Well, maybe when white models start widening their noses, well start being happy with ours again!

B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G Kim Kardashian has em, Amber Rose has em, Angel Lola Luv has em, Nicki M inaj has em, and just about every stripper making a decent living nowadays has em. Seems like booty shots are a substitute for talent! Cause I cant tell you why Kim Kardashian and Amber Rose are famous, besides their backsides! M has highlighted the recent increase in women getting silicone booty injections. But the silicone booty craze has a serious downside to it. Here is the story of one M TO reader (Warning: Its pretty gross):

Did You Know? In March 2010 alone, six women from the Newark, New Jersey area ended up in hospitals after receiving buttocks-enhancement injections containing the same material contractors use to caulk bathtubs. The women checked into hospitals after their procedures, apparently done by unlicensed providers, went horribly wrong. Different from medical-grade silicone, the substance used in the botched procedures was believed to be a diluted version of nonmedical-grade silicone. The same stuff you use to put caulk around the bathtub, said Steven M. Marcus, executive and medical director of the New Jersey Poison Information and Education System. Mr. Marcus said there have been other incidents of people providing implants of nonmedical-grade silicone, then getting put out of business only for other shady providers to surface. Caveat emptor: Buyer beware, Marcus said. If it looks too cheap, theres probably a reason its too cheap. I had silicone injected into my butt in 2006. I almost died from it. It took me over a 1 year to heal after having a surgery to drain the silicone out of my buttocks. I regret it sooo much. The person was unlicensed. My bigger [butt] got lots of compliments and men chasing me, but it almost cost me my life. I had to get a blood transfusion. I lost lots of blood from doing this to myself. My hospital bill was 100,000 from being in the hospital for about 3months. My friend and I went through this pain at the same time. I couldnt drive. They had to insert a pic line into my arm. I lost lots of weight. My butt is terrible. Men was running from me. I couldnt get a man they were scared of my butt. I had a leaky booty. Silicone had to leak out of my butt so I could get better. I really couldnt wear clothes. If I did it would leak through, leaving a big wet spot. Embarrassing. I had to drive sitting on pillows in my convertible. The wounds wasnt healing after being treated at wound care. So I used aloe and it healed up after a month. Wow. Now I want to have fat transferred into my buttocks and later have a skin graft to cover up my scars, but Im scared, thinking I might die.
Buttock injections are a surgery that changes the shape of your body by injecting a substance (Hydrogel or PM M A) into your body that will stay with you forever. This substance can leak, cause infections, and end up out of place, so that your booty looks totally ridiculous. Why would any sane woman, whos not a prostitute desperate for more clientele, get a booty shot? Is it because its quick? So quick that you can go to a booty shot party where one doctor (probably one without a license) is giving a dozen girls injections (probably with the same needle). In fact, there were over a dozen arrests for these types of parties and unlicensed procedures in 2009 alone. Or is it because theyre cheap? The most expensive procedure for fixing your booty is the Brazilian butt lift, which actually uses fat from your own body, but it runs about $14,000. Then theres butt implants, which average about $4,000. Finally, theres buttocks injections, or booty shots, which can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $2,000. Now, guess which one is most likely to go wrong? Guess which one is most likely to cause health complications? Guess which one is hardest to get reliable information on? Guess which one is most likely to be done by someone unlicensed and unprofessional? And guess which one you cant sue for when they screw up? Since most women who choose booty shots are simply considering quick, easy, and cheap maybe I should ask if thats what you want to be associated withquick, easy, and cheap? If not, try a much better, safer, and free alternative to getting surgery. Its called exercise. Your ass, tummy, thighs, and waist dont need any surgical sculpting if you simply start jogging and doing squats.

WH AT A R E YO U WI LLI N G T O LO SE? B Y M EC C A WI SE M ost women have been on a diet at least once in their lives. The problem is that many women dont diet to be healthy, but only to lose weight, to fulfill some body image that is said to be standard or sexy. Did you know that models weigh 25% less than the average American woman? Not only that, but most Black and Brown women throughout the rest of the world are considered sickly if they are whatever is considered normal here. Yes, most of the world celebrates a little meat on their women. But here we are told that something is wrong with us if we arent a size 6 or smaller. We think were fat when we have curves, even though thats the way were naturally made! (See Am I Fat?) It seems that its only when white girls started wanting a Black girl butt that Black girl butts became acceptable for us! So yes, the media is selling us a false image. And although not ALL of us want to look like those models that we see on television or in magazines, most of us want to see quick results when were not happy with our size and shape. But wanting to lose 5-10 pounds by the next week to fit into an outfit just may not be realistic. If we really care about our health, then we should create a healthy way of living and not constantly jump to the next fad diet. Weve tried everything from Atkins (no carbohydrates) to eating cabbage all day. And not only are you likely to gain the weight back, but these fad diets have health risks that many people never even consider , from muscle loss to deprivation of essential nutrients.

Did You Know? Studies have found that women with cosmetic breast implants in addition to having other issues, like risky leaks are three times more likely to take their own lives, and three times more likely to die from drug and alcohol abuse. Why? The research suggests these women had pre-existing body image and self-esteem issues before getting the implants. Apparently, Captain Obvious commissioned these studies.
Dont get me wrong there ARE some healthy plans out there, but it is so important to carefully examine whatever diet plan or diet pills you are using. If you are using diet pills to get or stay thin, consider the side effects. Yeah, I know some of them are temping, sound natural or are even endorsed by a celebrity that you like. But many diet pills contain drugs that can not only affect your heart and lungs but can have other unfavorable side affects, including death. Yes. Just look at the fine print. Side effects: Nausea, back pain, heart palpitations, blah blah blah, DEATH. But were so serious about achieving a certain body image that well risk death for it! That is, were serious as long as it happens quickly. This is why you have so many Black women dying from liposuction procedures nowadays (See Get the Fat Out), not to mention the rising rates of bulimia among Black and Brown women. Did you think bulimia (forcing yourself to throw up after eating) and anorexia (not wanting to eat, for fear of gaining weight) were white people problems? Not any more. Now theyre considered American problems, meaning they affect just about kind of woman living here, regardless of color. And the more people in other countries look to the West for their standards, the more you see anorexia and bulimia rates rising there (See Fat and Drunk in East Asia). M any times we want more out of something than we are willing to put in. We want quick fixes without making real changes. And we pay for it, one way or the other. Its time to think about everything that we are putting into our bodies (foods, drugs, ideas, etc.). To see the best weight results, choose being healthy over looking cute/sexy and I guarantee you things will all fall into place. Dont risk losing essential nutrients that can cause greater future health issues. Think twice about using diet pills; are they worth a heart attack? Its time to ask ourselves Exactly what are we willing to lose?


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G 37-year-old Rohie Kah-Orukotan went into the Weston M ed Spa in Weston, Florida a healthy mother of three just looking to shed a few pounds. She left on a stretcher and is now braindead as her family struggles with whether to pull the plug. Shed gone in for a non-invasive liposuction procedure that uses a laser to melt away fat underneath the skin. Its a procedure so safe, that the government allows us to do it in an office setting under local anesthetic, without the regulatory equipment that an anesthesiologist would require, said Dr. Jason Shapiro, who specializes in aesthetics. Safe? Right. Turns out the spa didnt have a license from the state Health Department to do full liposuctions, and only asked for a basic blood test to move forward. Lawyers think M s. Kah-Orukotan was given too much lidocaine, a local anesthetic, which can cause seizures like the one she experienced. Out of respect for the family, I wont repost her picture from the CBS news article, but M s. Kah-Orukotan was a beautiful African woman without the surgery. This kind of story is not uncommon. Every year, at least a dozen women die from procedures related to liposuction. And its happening to more and more women of color. Sometimes, its the way the anesthesia is administered, often without an anaesthesiologist present. Other times, its the doctors incompetence, because you dont have to be an actual plastic surgeon to do these procedures. You just have to be doctor, of any kind. You can even be a dentist (like Dr. Kurt Dangl, who charged a woman $25,000 for a botched procedure that nearly killed her). And this isnt just happening to Black and brown women who cant afford good surgeons. Im sure you know the tragic story of what happened to Dr. Donda West, Kanyes mother, who continued to pursue liposuction even after doctors (and her son) told her she shouldnt. Similarly, Tameka Foster, Ushers ex-wife, secretly flew down to Brazil in February of 2009, telling everyone, including her husband at the time, that she was attending her nannys childs birthday party. She was really there to get Lipo. And it went wrong. She was rushed to ICU after suffering cardiac and respiratory arrest while being anesthesized for the procedure. She was put into an induced coma and eventually recovered. But damn, when will we learn? Theres a safer way to go about all this, known as exercise. If you can afford surgery, you can even afford a personal trainer, chef, or dietician (probably all three). But some of us really need to begin by accepting ourselves, and loving ourselves, the way we are. From there, you can do what you want, and it probably wont be life-threatening, image altering or impulsive. If you are going to go through with a surgery, and wont reconsiderPollards advice is that you at least educate yourself, learn the statistics, ensure that your surgeon is board certified, check if they are on staff at a local hospital, make sure they keep an anesthesiologist on hand, and to check out the surgeons reputation and the facilities where the procedure will take place. M Y advice is eat better and exercise. Itll actually save your life instead of ending it.



History of Tattooing
The word tattoo comes from the word Tatau which means to tap. This comes from tribes who would tap ink into skin to produce designs. Arguably, according to recent recorded history; tattoos originated with the Polynesian, Tahitian, and New Zealand tribes. However every indigenous people on the planet indulges in some form of body art, typically as a part of some sort of ceremony or celebration. Whether its the tattooing of the Polynesians, the scarification and piercings of the many Afrikan tribes, or the application of henna, red ochre, or face paint in various other cultures, body adornment has been a part of indigenous cultures for as long as people have been on the earth. Theres nothing new under the sun, right? Archeologists have even discovered tattoos on mummies!

Tattoos and the Hood

Until the early 90s, as far as the United States are concerned; tattoos were a white boy rocker/biker thing. Even though you might have had an occasional uncle or cousin whod come home from prison with a name or two, it was nowhere near as big as it is now. What happened, you ask? There are three key figures to whom I attribute the rise in popularity and acceptence of body art in the hood: Tupac Shakur, Dennis Rodman, and Rasheed Wallace. Although it was their celebrity status that put them in positions for the world to see, the more important factor is the different social paradigms of the hood each these cats represent. Pac, from the hip hop perspective, represented the cousin or uncle that had come home from prison inked up. Dennis Rodman represented that cat that is always doing his own thing. As a matter of fact, I would go so far as to say that Dennis Rodman is the father of this skinny jeans-wearing rock star look that we see on the streets these days. Rasheed Wallace came along a little later in 96. What he represented was the working class cat that had an urge for ink every now and then. From this era, tattoos exploded in the hood. Then throw in a couple video vixens with tats and you have a cultural phenomenon. After the above names came on the seen, others followed, pushing the envelope even farther. M ike Tyson, for instance, later introduced the hood to facial tattoos. Danger, from the Ray J show, introduced the idea of facial tattoos on women. Now Lil Wayne and Baby are taking it to levels that would make some Punk Rockers blush.

Art Imitates Life

And life also imitates art. For people in the hood, entertainers such as rappers and ball players represent an escape from poverty and the other problems in our communities. So the emulation and imitation of their favorite entertainers serve as an attempt to move in the same direction as the entertainer, in hopes that they will achieve the same results. As of late, there has been a dramatic increase in the amount of facial tattoos in the hood. From an artists perspective, I have no problem with that. As a matter of fact, if you like it, I love it! However, as a responsible adult, I must advise that you think it through before you decide to get a tattoo on your face. Keep in mind that your favorite entertainer is in the career of his/her choice. M ore likely than not, theyre in positions where they dont have to look to anyone for anything for support. M eaning, that they are financially independent and will not have to go asking anyone for a job. They may never have to go to an interview again. In fact, the facial tattoo may help them get more publicity, which will make them more money. If youre in a similar position, then knock yourself out! Get tatted up!! However, if youre not in a position of absolute independence, then you may want to hold off on the facial tats until you reach your goal!! How about this? I challenge you to use this as a motivating factor in attaining absolute independence. Let that facial tattoo be your crowning. Ya dig?!?

Although the art of tattooing is a beautiful medium of expression, it does come with a certain degree of risks. Some can be fatal. Hepatitis C, Syphilis, M RSA (staph), and possibly even HIV can be transmitted through the application process if a tattoo artist doesnt adhere to the necessary sanitation processes that go with applying a tattoo. The absolute safest way is to ask your artist if he/she uses disposable tubes and needles. Step two would be to sit back and watch that same person during their set up process. This will show you a lot about how committed to sanitation he/she is or isnt. Some things to look for: if a person has just got out of the chair, you want to see the artist disassemble the tattoo machine throwing both the tube and needle into a red biomedical waste container. Thats shows you that this artist disposes of every needle and tube that he/she uses. Now, you may see some disassemble the machine and put the metal tubes in an ultrasonic solution and throw the needle into a biomedical waste container. Theres nothing wrong with this, you just need to make sure that this studio has an autoclave sterilizer. If its a reputable establishment they wont mind showing you. Also during the sanitation process, at some point you should see him/her spray down his station, chair, and patrons chair with disinfectant and thoroughly wiped down. You should see him/her pull out an individually packaged needle and tube upon preparing to do a tattoo. He/she should put on a new pair of gloves. He should have laid all instruments out on a dental bib or whatever he/she uses as a barrier between the instruments and the table that is being used. All bottles should be clean. If ink bottles look like theyve never been wiped down with all different colors smeared all over the bottle, this should be your red flag. This is an indication of cross contamination. Cross contamination occurs when an artist isnt careful about what he/she touches with contaminated gloves. Combined with not wiping the bottles and machines down with saniwipes or whatever sanitizer he/she chooses. Theres no telling how many people this artist may have tatted using these same unsanitized bottles. This is a no go!!

Professional Artists vs. Street Artists

With the proliferation of tattoos in the hood, so came tattoo artists as well. Even though the tattoo hit the scene hard first, it took a little longer for the Black tattoo artists to emerge and make an impact on the culture. Shameless plug: When I started in 95, in Atlanta there were few shops that catered to Black clientele. When I hit New York in 98, it was easier to find bin Laden than it was to find a Black tattoo artist. Now days however, it seems that there are as many Black artist and shops in the hood as there are liquor stores and churches. Salute to all my colleagues and comrades getting it in all across the country!! Whether you are getting it in via tattoo parlor or the streets, salute!! I can remember a time when I wanted to get in the game and it seemed that being a tattoo artist was some fraternal order of Caucasians who had no intentions of allowing anyone who wasnt Caucasian in. Well, I got in! Day and time; things have changeddramatically. Now, were everywhere. With this sudden proliferation of professional Black tattoo artists, came the phenomenon that is known as the street artist. Whats the difference? A professional tattoo artist has had some form of formal training, via apprenticeship under another professional. The professional will have vast experience in working in tattoo parlors. The professional artist has a thorough understanding of the safety issues and precautions that come with the application of tattoos. For the most part, most street artists havent gone through the apprenticeship process. A lot of artist will tell you such as a badge of honor. What happens when this occurs is that the street artists, for the most part, loses out on some of the most important aspects of the art. M ost of the street artists that Ive met throughout my career dont take the sanitation aspect of the art as serious as the professional does. Thats

not to say that all street artists slack in this area. There are some professional artists that have taken it to the street. Now what I mean here is that there are some tattoo artists that were properly trained and have worked in many studios and parlors who at some point decided to either work from home or go on some mobile freelance type sh*t. Thats taking it to the streets. Theres nothing wrong with this. Salute to those getting it in however you get it. The only problem with this is if you as a customer dont know what to look for, youre not going to know the difference. Just keep in mind the things that I highlighted for you to look for earlier. Any artist that is serious about what they do will take the necessary precautions to protect you and him/herself. However, a person can only do what they know. The sad truth is that by going to a street artist, you run a bigger risk of running into an artist that actually doesnt know. This not only puts you at risk, but the rest of your family and community as well. Now let me run this scenario by you: Sheila woke up this morning feeling on top of the world. She immediately jumps up and calls her homegirl, M onica. M onica (answering her phone): What up girl? What you doing up so early? Sheila: Girl, that nigga put it down so good last night that I feel like getting a tattoo today!! M onica: Damn bitch!!?! That nigga put it down like that to the extent that you about to get his name tatted on you?!? Sheila: I just might get his name. But, I really want to get that M .O.N joint that we been talking about. M onica: Now thats my bitch!! Im with that. Where you wanna go? Sheila: That nigga Ray-Ray did my cousins tattoo last week and that sh*t came out tight. We should f*ck with him. M onica: Ray-Ray?? Does that nigga even know what hes doing?? I mean a bitch aint been getting injected with latex all these years just to catch that monster from a tattoo, ya dig. Sheila (laughing): Bitch, you crazy! I feel you though. Nah, bruh straight though. M onica: Shiiittt, well we might as well hit up the rest of the crew then. Sheila: Hell yeah, call them bitches up. I know he gonna give us a good ass deal with all six of us coming. Ray-Ray has been using the same three needles for the last two weeks now. He just interchanges them between clients. Sheila, M onica, and the rest of the crew show up at Ray-Rays house. Ray-Ray is ready to get down to business. Because hes working from home, he makes sure that they all get their smoke and drink on all the while distracting them from the machine assembly part of the process. At this hes a vet. Its a part of his daily routine. Hey, why buy needles when he can re-use the ones he has? So what if he just tattooed M ack Freeze and all his whores with the same needles? Who cares that he tattooed crackhead Dino with the same needles the other day for cutting his grass. EVERYONE should care about this because when Sheila got home she decided to pick up where she left off with her lover. M onica just recently had a newborn that shes breastfeeding. The other four girls all have children and men that they are sexually active with. By these six women getting tattooed by someone who doesnt know or give a damn, they have put their children, families, and community at risk of being infected. These are the consequences of cutting corners by both the artist and clients. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!! Why would someone spend years having protected sex, only to roll the dice on a tattoo? Now, if you are already a victim of an artist that is questionable, I strongly suggest that you go to your local health department to be tested for all blood born diseases. After you get a clean bill of health, if you still want to collect tattoos, I advise that you seek the help of a professional.

Dont Rush In
In the above scenario, Sheila is thinking about putting her lovers name on her. Listen, to each his own. Few things in life are forever. Tattoos are one of the few things. Its definitely easier to take a wedding band off than it is to remove a tattoo. Please keep this in mind when youre trying to prove your point or convince yourself that your relationship is not dying. From my experience, this is one of the most irrational and impulsive decisions that people make. This is not to say that this is not for you and your significant other. However, everythings not for everybody!! If youre in a relationship with someone whom youve been with for years, then by all means knock yourself out. Now if this is some puppy love teenage sh*t, then I strongly advise against you getting anyones name other than your family members. I have seen cases where people have come back to get a name covered before it even had time to heal. No bullsh*t!! So make sure that you are sure about this. M ore than that, make sure that your lover is sure about you!! Im not saying that getting your significant others name tattooed on you is going to necessarily break up your relationship. One thing is for sure though, it wont fix it either.

Why is it Addictive?
One of the most frequently asked questions that Ive come across is: Why do tattoos seem to be so addictive? Tattoos are another form of expression as is all mediums of art. Art imitates life. So for a lot of people tattoos become their medium for expression. So for the shy and timid chick and the corporate executive, tattoos become their outlet. Then there are more personal, theraputic reasons. For example, the exheroin addict that just cant shake the desire to feel the needle. Or the young person (not that young; you need to be eighteen) that wants to memorialize his/her loved ones by putting something on their bodies as a constant tribute. For these people tattoos serve a more intimate purpose. For the ex-heroin junkie, tatttoos serve as a survival tool. A pacification of sorts. For the memorial tattoo recipient, tattoos have become a way to not only honor his loved ones but, himself also. So for these people the art form serves a deeper purpose than merely cosmetic.

Does it Hurt?
Hands down, the most frequently asked question that Ive come across is: Do they hurt? There is no definite answer to this question. Whats painful to some, bring others pleasure. I have absolutely no idea what hurts you or make you feel good. Are you going to feel it? Yes. Is it an excruciating pain? No, however this depends on your pain threshold. I can only tell you like I tell everyone else, the only way to know how it feels is to sit down and get one. Its that simple, because there arent too many things that the feeling can be compared to. That, in and of itself, is another attraction to the art. I have had some who love the way it feels. And I have had clients that hate the the feeling. Ironically, I have a lot of clients that love to hate the feeling so much so that they become serious collectors. Hey, go figure.

Finally, as it applies to tattoos; when your artists job ends your job begins. What that means is you bare the full responsibility of nuturing the healing process. Your artist should give you a copy of specific instructions on how to take care of your tattoo. What you have to remember is that your tattoo is a controlled scar. So you have to take care of it accordingly. Everyones body is different. Since such is the case, the healing time and process is going to vary according to your physical makeup. Some people heal faster than others. Some peoples skin is more sensitive than others causing their tattoos to heal a little harder (scab) than others. Whatever the case here are some general instructions:

r r

Remove the bandage after an hour to an hour and a half. Wash with antibacterial soap and water.

r r r r r r r r r

When washing, wash with hands, no cloth. Towel blot dry. Now apply a thin film of lubricant. For best results, I recommend; Aquafor or AandD ointment. Repeat this process two to three times a day for the next forty eight hours. After the forty eight hour process you can just apply lotion when needed. When needed means: when it starts to itch or if its too dry. It usually itches when its too dry. At any rate, apply a thin film of lotion rub it in and that should pacify your itch and moisturize it at the same time. Recommended lotions: Lubriderm, Keri, Eucerin, Vaseline Intensive Care. Continue until your tattoo no longer looks ashy or has opaque shine to it.

I trust that the information in this article will not only equip you to make an informed decision when shopping for your tattoo, but also help you take into consideration the impact that your decision will have on your life, as well as those that surround you.

Speaking of decisions, what happens when youve already gotten a tattoo and later decide you made a mistake? Its estimated that over 45 million Americans have tattoos and around 17% of those people end up regretting it. Thats almost 8 million regrets! What do you do if youre one of them? Some people cover up their tattoos (make sure you find an artist, like myself, who specializes in cover-ups, or else youll end up like The Game did, with pieces of your old tattoo (a butterfly on his cheek) still showing underneath your new tattoo (the letters LA). Often, people want to get rid of the tattoo altogether. Unfortunately, most of the storebought products that promise tattoo removal dont live up to their promises. At best, tattoo removal creams only succeed in fading a tattoo, leaving you with the same tired image you no longer want, only a little out-of-focus and less vibrant. And as for less advanced methods burning or excision (rubbing or cutting it off your skin) just think serious PAIN and some serious health risks you dont want. The safest and most effective way of getting rid of a tattoo is though laser tattoo removal. This is what 50 Cent did recently. To help with his growing acting career, he had all of his tattoos lasered off his skin. Laser tattoo removal works by breaking down the tattoo ink with a targeted beam of light (a laser). Over a series of treatments, the ink is progressively degraded and absorbed by the body, as would naturally happen over time or due to sun exposure. The procedure must be tailored to the individual, making it difficult to estimate cost, but unless your tattoo is teardrop-tiny expect it to be in the four-digit range. The bigger (and deeper) your ink, the more sessions it will take. Laser removal usually requires 3-12 sessions, lasting about 15-90 minutes eachand it still hurts. Oh, and youll look like you have a bad case of eczema (like 50 Cent) until those laser burns heal. So what does all this mean to the person considering a tattoo? Simple: Decide wisely!


TH O R I G I N A L LY P U B L I S H E D I N T H E 1 4 D EG R EE A N D B EYO N D It is important to understand the global origins of piercing. It is from these roots that this modern art form as some may consider it to be, has evolved. These roots reflect the attitudes many people still hold towards this practice.

The History of Body Piercing

Body piercing is ancient. According to author Ted Polhemus its arguably the most widespread of all the permanent (semi-permanent) body arts. Piercing has been practiced throughout the world, and presumably has its origins in Africa, where the oldest examples can still be found. Lip Piercing. The piercing of the lips for the insertion of objects into them is very widely practiced throughout the world; however, only two tribes pierce the lips with a ring; the Dogon tribe of M ali, and the Nuba of Ethiopia. Among the Dogon the piercing of the lip has religious significance. They believe that the world was created by their ancestor spirits Noomi weaving thread through their teeth, but instead of thread, words came out, creating the origins of speech. All the other lip piercing that is practiced in the world is done with labrets, which can either be a pin of wood, ivory, metal, or even quartz crystals. Among the tribes of Central Africa, and South America the Labret piercing is stretched to extremely large proportions and large wooden or clay plates are inserted. The M akololo tribe of M alawi wears lip plates in the upper lip called Pelele. The European explorer Dr. Livingstone asked a chief the reason for this, in surprise, the chief answered:

For Beauty! They are the only beautiful things that women have. Men have beads, women have none. What kind of person would she be without Pelele? She would not be a woman at all.
Dr. M uraz referring to the Saras-Djinhas tribe near Lake Chad, who insert plates to 24 cm in diameter in both lips, observed:

The plug of wood in the lips, which became little by little a disk, and then a real plaque, was in some manner a sign of possession of the husband of the Djinja woman. It is the man who is to marry her, and very often him alone who operates, transfixing the lips of the young girl with a blade of straw forms the first sign of the deformation to which she will be subject as an adult. It is in sum, a betrothal rite.
Among the ancient Aztecs and M ayans, piercing was reserved for the male members of the higher castes, they wore beautiful tentetl (labrets) fashioned from pure gold in the shape of serpents, golden labrets with stones inset and ones of jade or obsidian. The Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest and the Inuit peoples of northern Canada and Alaska wore labrets fashioned from walrus ivory, abalone shell, bone, obsidian, and wood. The Carafa Indians of South America wear a thin cane in the lower lip; this denotes one being in their prime of life. Tongue Piercing. The ancient Aztec, M ayas of Central America and the Haida, Kwakiutul, and Tlinglit tribes of the American Northwest practiced tongue piercing in a ritual form. The tongue was pierced to draw blood to propitiate the gods, and to create an altered state of consciousness so that the priest or Shaman could communicate with the gods. Today, tongue piercing is one of the most popular piercings; mostly because its provocative and often used for oral sex. Nose Piercing. The nose is the faces most prominent feature. Nose piercing was first recorded in the M iddle East approximately 4,000 years ago and is mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 24:22. Abraham requested his oldest servant to find a wife for his son Isaac, the servant found Rebekah, and one of the gifts he gave her was a golden earring. The original Hebrew word used was Shanf, which also translates as nose-ring. This practice is still followed among the nomadic Berber and Beja tribes of Africa, and the Bedouins of the M iddle East. The size of the ring denotes wealth of the family. It is given by the husband to his wife at the marriage, and is her security if she divorced. Nose piercing was brought to India in the 16th century from the M iddle East by the M oghul emperors. In India, a stud (Phul) or a ring (Nath) is usually worn in the left nostril. It is sometimes joined to the ear by a chain, and in some places both nostrils are pierced. The left side is the most common to be pierced in India, because that is the spot associated in Ayurveda (Indian medicine) with the female reproductive organs. The piercing is supposed to make childbirth easier and lessen period pain. In the west, nose piercing first appeared among the hippies who traveled to India in the late 1960s. It was later adopted by the Punk movement of the late 1970s as a symbol of rebellion against conservative values, and conservative people like parents and employers still dont react well to it, so consider their reaction carefully before getting it done. Nowadays, nose piercing is gradually becoming more socially acceptable. Ear Piercing. The ear lobe was probably mans first attempt at body piercing due to the ease with which it can be pierced. The oldest mummified body in the world was found frozen in an Austrian Glacier in 1991; tests showed the body to be over 5,000 years old. The body had pierced ears and the holes had been enlarged to 7-11mm diameter. Ears were probably first pierced for magical purposes. M any primitive tribes believe that demons can enter the body through the ear, because demons and spirits are supposed to be repelled by metal, ear piercing prevents them from entering the body. Sailors used to have an ear pierced to improve their eyesight. Also the earring was a form of insurance, because if their body washed up somewhere, the earring would pay for a Christian burial. In many societies, ear piercing is done as a puberty ritual. In Borneo the mother and father each pierce one ear as a symbol of the childs dependence on their parents. Ear piercing is an almost universal practice for men and women; its only in western society that its deemed effeminate. At various times in history, men wore elaborate earrings; during the Elizabethan era such as Shakespeare (go figure). As the Roman Republic grew more effeminate with wealth and luxury, earrings were more popular among men and women, reports M arianne Ostier in Jewels & Women; The Romance, Magic and Art of Feminine Adornment. Genital Piercing. The ancient Indian Kama Sutra refers to the apadevya, a genital piercing, while a similar piercing, the ampallang, is said to have originated in Borneo. Nipple Piercing. Nipple piercing was once practiced by the Karankawa Indians of Texas and is still practiced in the mountains of Algeria by women of the nomadic Kabyle tribe. However, nipple piercing has been mostly a European style. Roman Centurions wore leather armor breast plates, and rings were placed where the nipples would be, and used to hang their capes. This has led to the belief that the actual nipples were pierced to hang a cape from, but anybody who has had their nipples pierced would tell you that this would be a very uncomfortable practice. In the middle of the 14th century, many women suddenly wore such low necklines that you could see nearly half of their breasts, Queen Isabella of Bavaria introduced the Garments of the grand neckline where the dress was open to the navel. This fashion eventually led to the application of rouge to freely displayed nipples, and to placing diamond studded rings or small caps on them, even to piercing them and passing gold chains through them decorated with diamonds. In the late 1890s, the Bosom Ring came into fashion briefly, and was sold in inexpensive Parisian jewelry shops. These Annex De Sien were inserted through the nipple, and some women wore on either side linked wit a delicate chain. The rings enlarged the nipples and kept them in a state of constant excitation. The medical community was outraged by these cosmetic procedures, for they represented a rejection of traditional conceptions of the purpose of a

womans body.

Modern Body Piercing

There seems to be two main schools of thought as to how modern body piercing arose, one based in America and the other in the United Kingdom. These theories are covered in books like Eye of the Needle and Modern Primitives which document piercings development and expansion from the gay and S&M (sadomasochistic) communities. The major factor behind body piercing going from being exclusive to such groups, to becoming common and even mainstream, was the opening of the first shop to produce jewelry specifically for body piercing. This shop, called Wildcat, is based in Brighton and is one, if not the, largest supplier of medical grade stainless steel body jewelry in the UK. It was the availability of affordable hypo-allergenic jewelry that contributed to the piercing rise in popularity. The sudden change in the nature of body piercing occurred like another baby boom. This change was brought about by a number of factors. M ost notably the rise of navel and eyebrow piercing by the fashion world as well as the increased amount of exposure given to the fetish scene on British television. These factors had several effects. They made piercing fashionable, and safely accessible to the general public. Not to mention that, psychologically speaking, to specifically draw attention to oneself is the goal of an ever-increasing number of people who are dissatisfied with traditional Western culture, which many regard as oppressive.

To Pierce or Not to Pierce?

Piercing is a profoundly personal experience. It changes not only the way in which others perceive a person but also the way that person perceives himself or herself. Please note that it is particularly difficult to express ones rejection of, or objection to, a culture if the culture in question already has a labeled stereotype to which any aspiring rebel conforms. Self-identification is built up through numerous life experiences. In some cases, piercing is used by many as a way of celebrating particular life crises or a trophy of a rite of passage. It is the highly personal thing that youd rather not verbalize. In order to understand the motivations behind peoples decisions, James M yers, in his work on non-mainstream body modifications, divided the motivations behind severe body art and manipulation into a number of distinct categories. The categories, listed as motivations and rationale, include sexual enhancement, pain, affiliation, aesthetics, trust or loyalty, religion or mysticism and shock value. M yers research goes into great depth as to how each category influences people to get involved in such forms of body art. An explanation for piercing was given by a homosexual man who was abused when he was young. He stated that piercing allowed such people to come to terms with their emotional pain by re-experiencing physical pain in an environment which they controlled and in such a way reclaim their bodies. Raelyn Gallina, stated a similar observation, Piercing is really a rite of passage. M aybe a woman is an incest victim and wants to reclaim her body. The writings of psychologist Freud explore the dichotomy between biological human drives and rules imposed by social life. However, pain and danger are to be avoided at all costs and human life is to be preserved above all else. This has given rise to new ways to escape the pressures of social life; adrenaline sports and thrill seekers, recreational drugs, and the rise in the practice of sadomasochistic practices and amongst these the wish to test oneself against society fears of pain. Pain is obviously a subject, which cannot help to but to feature in a topic of body piercing. While I am aware that there are those who find piercing utterly painless, and indeed those who find it so painful that they have, at the most extreme, lost consciousness, the experience of piercing of the flesh has been said to cause an intense sensation which, while most easily associated with pain, is not painful. Such a feeling cannot be described using available vocabulary sufficient to say it is a sensation, which, in part, drives many to acquire more piercings in order to experience it and understand it.

If Youre Going to Get a Piercing

There are several medical problems that make it dangerous to get a piercing. Questions that should be asked before you make your decision are: Can I use an aesthetic? How many piercings can I get done at once? Can I have some alcohol or marijuana to relax me before? Is piercing dangerous? Can I get HIV or Hepatitis? What about swimming in the ocean, the pool or spa? What should I do after Ive had the piercing? Does piercing interfere with your energy meridians or pressure points? The more you feel satisfied with the answers you get, the more comfortable youll be in moving forward. If you dont feel comfortable with the answers, you can either find a new place or reconsider altogether. Heres a few I can answer for you: What should I do before I come for a piercing? Get an early rest the night before, have something to eat before the piercing, and have a drink containing electrolytes. Will sweat & exercise affect the piercing? Yes, sweat affects the ph balance of the skin and acts like acid on a wound. Will nipple piercing affect breast feeding? No, breastfeeding is not affected by nipple piercing; however, your nipples may become very tender during pregnancy. There are approximately 20-30 milk ducts in the average female nipple: Piercing cuts 3-4 at most so there is more left to enable you to breastfeed. Surprisingly, you can still nurse your baby with your nipple pierced. Can I use an aesthetic? Its illegal in most countries for anybody but a doctor to administer anesthetics. The active ingredient in most anesthetics is Xylocaine. If you have an allergic reaction to Xylocaine, you may experience something called Anaphylactic shock. This shock is strong enough it can cause your heart to stop, killing you! Anesthetic creams such as Emla or Xylocaine arent really effective at reducing the pain as they only numb the outer layer of skin and youll still feel the piercing. What should I do after Ive had the piercing? Proper aftercare is essential. Aftercare will vary depending on the location and type of piercing, but you will receive guidelines when its done. Just as the care methods vary, so do the risks. For example if you develop an infection from a nipple piercing, it can pass down the milk ducts in the breast and infect the axillary lymph nodes under the armpit. An infection in the nipple can become serious in a very short space of time. If you have a job where you must wear tight clothes like pantyhose, short skirts, etc., you can have problems with navel or genital piercings. Other issues can affect you as well. For example, if you swim in public pools, you have more chance of developing an infection (however, you can cover the piercing with a waterproof bandage). What about scarring? Some people sometimes develop a cyst or lump behind the piercing, this is usually harmless but it should be examined immediately by a physician. The number one reason for infection is touching and playing with the piercing; only touch the piercing when youre cleaning it. If you have one of these conditions, it may be dangerous for you to get a piercing. Diabetes and haematopoietic abnormalities (Thrombocytopenia, neatropenia, and anemia), Hemophilia, Keloids: Keloids seem to occur only occasionally from the process of piercing, they seem to happen mainly on the ear. There is no way of determining which people will develop keloids, although people with dark skin, or people with a family history of Keloid development are far more likely to develop this problem. The major factor affecting wound healing is your general health, if you are sick, run down or over-worked then you will have a depleted immune system and will experience delayed healing and an increased chance of infection. Smoking, poor diet, obesity and lack of exercise can also result in delayed healing. Now, with the informative data that youve just read addressing piercing history, aesthetics, and some modern concerns, I hope Ive

provided you with ample knowledge to make a wise decision. Personally, Im against all things unnatural, including body modification (or body mutilation, depending on how you see it). Dont get me wrong when I was young, I had my ears pierced 5 times in each ear. Why did I do it? Several reasons: I wanted to be different and stand out. I was going through my teenage identity crisis. Beyond that, I did it just because I could (individual empowerment). But hey, these are ears; I know some fellow conscious sisters who have had their tongues and nipples pierced. Whatever you do, dont make an uninformed decision that you may regret later. And be safe! (See Avoiding Problems with Piercings) M y advice, do your homework first and dont budget your body its false economy!


B Y I AT O M I C A LLA H Piercing is becoming more and more popular in the hood. Weve gone from making a statement by having two in each ear, to now when people have ten to twenty throughout their entire body. Although it doesnt quite enjoy the same popularity as tattoos, piercing is expeditiously gaining in momentum. With this has come an explosion in the number of businesses and individuals capitalizing off the trend. So its important that you are educated about what to look out for in terms of safety and sanitation. M uch of the sanitation procedures, risks, and precautions that are associated with tattoos are synonymous with those in piercing. However, there are some risks such as keloids that are more commonly associated with piercing than tattoos. Keloids occur in people as a reaction to jewelry or sanitation procedures. Some peoples skin is very sensitive. So much so that if they are not pierced with high grade metals then they will have a reaction that more often than not will result in keloiding. This can be avoided by making sure that your piercer is using surgical steel, niobium, gold, platinum, or titanium. Sterling silver, stainless steel, and gold-plated are no nos when it comes to piercing your body. Another risk involved in the piercing process is loss of feeling in different sensitive areas. For example, clitoris piercing. This is probably the most sensitive of all piercings. In terms of sensation, that is. Women who get this piercing are looking to have an around the clock arousal going on. For the most part, it works. However there are times where the clitoris can become desensitized as well. One way is if the piercer pierces the actual clit (instead of the hood). Yikes!!! By the time the actual healing is done, you may lose sensation. Another desensitizing risk associated with clitoral piercing is that, over time, the constant stimulation of the jewelrys movement can become such a routine/normal feeling that it may require much more to stimulate you. As a result, the orgasms that you were in search of are now fewer and farther in between. Hey, just telling it like it is. Another area where loss of sensation may occur is the nipples. The nipples are full of nerve endings. Where there is a congregation of nerve endings there will be heightened sensitivities. Piercing such areas usually intensifies these sensitivities. However, like with the clitoris piercing; desensitizing can occur. With the nipples though, this usually happens over a period of time. The longer you have the piercing the more stimulation they require. Gradually they may lose sensation altogether. Again, this is not the norm, yet as a professional tattoo and piercing artist I have heard plenty of such cases.

NON-Professional Piercing Places

The Piercing Pagoda kiosk and Claires Boutique are not the places to get your child pierced. First of all, the instruments that places like these use can not be sterilized nor are they disposable. So, your baby is about to be pierced with the same instruments that possibly everyone else in the mall has been pierced with. Of course that was an exaggeration. However, the point is you dont know how many people have been pierced with that gun. Now for piercing infants, the gun is the best method because it quick enough to do before the infant moves. However, these guns arent usually sterilized. So either think twice about getting your baby pierced, or make SURE the guns been sterilized. Another thing you have to worry about is the quality of the jewelry. For the most part this jewelry is of the lowest quality. Gold is usually plated. Plated jewelry can cause keloids because of the concentrated body secretions combined with the metallic plating of the jewelry that leads to keloiding. They usually use sterling silver as opposed to surgical steel. Sterling silver is equivalent to plated gold. The same results may occur. Another thing you dont see in these establishments is the piercer wearing gloves. Not even when they put the jewelry in the gun. This is cross contamination in its simplest form. Cross contamination occurs when someone touches an object or surface, then touches your jewelry or piercing equipment, thereby contaminating it with the germs that was on the surface or object that was previously touched. Subsequently, those germs are now a part of you. Thats right. If you dont know what a bacterial infection is, you dont want to find out the hard way.

Professional Piercing Places

When you go to a place where there is a professional piercer, or a tattoo parlor or piercing parlor; you will notice an obvious difference in sanitation practices immediately. Or, you should be able to see an obvious difference. If not, then you shouldnt be there either. If youre not sure what to look for, dont worry, I got you. When you walk into the spot, the first thing you should notice is the floor. If the floor is dirty, then you may want to reconsider. However, if thats not a big issue for you then you should look for a display case. Actually, you shouldnt have to LOOK for the display case. It (or they) should be in plain sight. The jewelry in the case should be neatly organized and individually packaged in either plastic transparent jewelry containers or sterilization pouches. If they are in sterilization pouches, ask to check out a piece of jewelry. When the piercer hands you the jewelry, the pouch will more than likely be folded in thirds so that potential customers will be able to see the jewelry. What you should do here is unfold the pouch, then flip it over to the side with the company name on it. Youre looking for either a brown arrow or brownish black dot. When you see either one of these, its an indication that this jewelry has gone through the sterilization process. The arrow or dot will only change to this color under the heat of sterilization. By the way, if the pouch isnt sealed then dont bother even patronizing this spot. Theyve already tried to deceive you off top, so theres no telling to what other extents they will go to make a buck. Next you should notice the piercing station where the process will take place. As a matter of fact, you should watch the piercers set up process from start to finish. He/she should first spray the station down with some form of germicide. Then they should lay down a dental bib to serve as a barrier between the surface and the piercing utensils. If they havent already, at this point he/she should have on some gloves. You should now see them lay out the individually packaged jewelry, individually packaged forceps (if needed), and an individually packaged needle. All of these instruments should bear the same sterilization markings that I mentioned earlier. Dont be shy. Ask to see them. There should be no problem with that request. If there seems to be a problem with that, then that should be a red flag. Now once you see all the things that Ive described, just sit back and enjoy the pain.

B Y WA L A S I A N O O R E L S H A B A Z Z The old adage, Good Black Dont Crack shows and proves the regeneration powers of M elanin (and in my family in particular, the onedrop rule also applies). Provided of course, you follow a very simple health and beauty regimen; water, fresh fruits and vegetables, natural Vitamin D from sunlight, a pure, natural skin-care regimen (carefully avoiding ANY products containing animal derivatives, glycerins, waxes, pore-clogging ingredients, etc.), and as the Dr. Bronners soap label advises, plenty of rest. In the hood, our skin is polluted by food we eat, the air that surrounds us, the tap water we drink, wash and bathe with, and even the dirt that gets blown in our faces by the wind. Our bodies are comprised of many water-based elements, and it takes water to flush our system of all this garbage. So staying hydrated is paramount. But bottled waters are not necessarily more healthy (or more pure) than tap water the Dasani brand waters are actually owned/bottled by the Coca-Cola coporation and are nothing more than the Atlanta tap water used to make Coke products (See No Genie in the Bottle). Think before you spend your last few dollars on that fancy bottled water, because you can easily take steps to purify your tap water at home for pennies. In a large stainless-steel pot or pan, BOIL a quantity of tap water for a few minutes, let it cool covered, and the next day you have a more pure water for drinking. Add a small amount of Sea Salt if you would like because this hot new trend of pricey alkaline water systems is a rip-off you just distilled water and made it Alkaline! Since my Granny was my age, the women in my family have had a skin-care secret 100% pure extra-virgin olive oil. We use two brands of soap/cleanser Kiss M y Face, a bar soap made from olive oil, and Dr. Bronners M agic Soap, which contains olive oil. I prefer the Peppermint for a face wash, Almond for a body wash, and both of those kinds of Dr. Bronners also make an excellent tooth cleanser, substituting for toothpaste (which contains fluoride something we should NOT put in our mouths or ingest if at all possible). As far as moisturizing the face and body after cleansing, my M other uses straight olive oil on a cotton pad every night to clean and moisturize, all in one, and she easily looks 20-30 years younger than her actual age. Im not the purist my Granny was (though Im still wrinkle-free at 36), so I use the olive oil trick only in the coldest/driest winter months, or as a pre-cleanser before I wash my face. When it comes to moisturizing the skin, always remember that 99% of the program is to drink as much water EVERY DAY, for the rest of your life, as you can handle. Eating plenty of fiber, fresh fruit, fresh veggies, and exercising regularly will also help keep your skin clear and free from excessive oils, blemishes, and breakouts. Sweating is great for the body and skin, because it sets free impurities trapped under the surface layer, just make sure for the sake of good hygiene you bathe/cleanse thorogouly after a good work out. For a facial moisturizer, I go with whatever is fragrance-free and has the fewest hard-to-pronounce ingredients from the local co-op, health food store, or even the corporate giant whole foods. For those of us with a RushCard or pre-paid credit card, and a library card for internet access, some really great skin-care products are just a click away. M y favorite lines are Inky Loves Nature, a vegan/organic/fair-trade/handmade line of skin and hair care. I also love Carols Daughters products, which can be pricey but worth saving up for on my budget. Both Inky and Carol are M elanin-rich women who started their companies because they were sick and tired of skin- and hair-care products full of additives, pork and/or whale-oil derived ingredients, bleach, glycerins, and other unsavory things. So when you support their brands, youre supporting your Global community AND taking money away from the big conglomerates like Palmolive, squibb-meyer, or whichever corporate-owned black skin care and/or hair care line you thought was African from the Red, Black and Green label they designed to fool you into spending your dollar away from your hood and your people. There are SO many things you can do at home, for the cheap (or for the free if youre growing herbs, veggies and fruits in your yard, garden, windowbox, or on your buildings rooftop). A facial of honey and avocado mashed together will moisturize the skin and leave your face soft as a babys bottom. (Guys, there is nothing feminine about smooth, soft skin, mash up an avocado, add a tablespoon of honey, and get your facial on!) The juice of a lemon is astringent, if youre having oily skin moments a cotton pad with some witch hazel and a few drops of lemon juice is a great way to remove the excess oil and normalize your complexion. You dont need to spend $10, $20 or even $30 for a brand-name astringent that contains artificial colors, alcohols, fragrances, etc. when you can use normal, everyday items from the grocery store, your pantry, or your garden to cleanse, exfoliate, and/or moisturize the skin. Bags under your eyes? No problem, while youre letting your 100% natural facial marinate just place two slices of cucumber over the eyes. Or you can use 2 leftover tea bags caffeinated/black teas contain tannins which will reduce puffiness around the eye, or herbal teas such as camomile will simply purify and cool the undereye area. Vitality and beauty are gifts of Nature for those who live according to its laws. Leonard Da Vinci And to all my Sisters, in the hood, the burbs, and the whole world wide, we are BEAUTIFUL the way we came in to this life, clean, pure and natural. The last thing any of us need is makeup to mask our natural beauty. M ost cosmetics, even high-end brands like M .A.C. or natural brands who claim to be mineral-based, contain pork, gelatin, whale oil, and a host of other nasty ingredients that you would never consider putting in your mouth as food, but not knowing this you may be wearing them on your lips. And for the love of your Self, please do not use nail polishes or their removers they contain formaldehyde, yes, the same thing that is used to preserve dead bodies. Sister, you are ALIVE and beautiful, your natural skin, hair, nails and beauty are perfect just the way they are. Just ask the multi-billion dollar cosmetics industries, tanning salons, hair salons who do permanent waves, and the plastic surgeons who do enhancements every woman on the planet who doesnt come here with our natural beauty is trying with all her wallet to buy itfake tans, perms, breast and butt jobs, and the like are all performed in homage to OUR beauty, so dont take it for granted. Enjoy a good life, plenty of rest, lots of water, a good healthful diet, a simple and pure cleansing and moisturizing regimen and you will be looking in the mirror a few decades from now saying to yourself, What Granny used to say holds true todayGood Black Dont Crack.


BY D R. K A N IK A J A M ILA In many African cultures, men and women wore makeup for spiritual purposes. Different colors symbolized deities or evoked different energies for ceremonies and other rituals. The black worn around the eyes protects the eyes from the sun (and from smoke), or represented the eye of Heru (the resurrection of the divine self) in Khemetic teachings. The notion that all makeup is unnatural to us is beyond me. Natural women may (or may not) dabble in wearing makeup for many reasons. In the present day it may not serve the same purposes as it did before, but it definitely can be used to enhance the beauty of women. The modern day concept of makeup has been reduced to beautification, but does it still hold true to the sacred rituals of African culture where it originated? Yes. Beautification rituals are sacred in their own right. African people have this flamboyance about us. We tend to make loud statements from the way we dress, the way we wear our hair, and even the way we walk. No matter what we identify with today, the true roots of our African culture still remains present in our everyday lives. Thus, you have the gold teeth, the peacock feather like hairstyles with the various colors, the dances that mimic the spiritual dances, and the rhythm to our walk. Just as these things survived the middle passage and beyond, so has our beautification rituals. Even though we no longer have a direct connection to why we do the things we do, we know mother Afrika is breathing through our lungs and guiding our spirits. Just as with any spiritual health and healing, beauty plays its part in the healing of our minds, bodies, and souls. We must be conscious of what we put in our bodies and what we beautify our body temples with. The ancestors said, If you look good, you feel good. The mental state of being comfortable in your own skin is a struggle that many of us fight with daily. We come in all sizes, shapes, and colors. The constant struggle to be in acceptance of who we are and be happy with our own beauty is internal. The beauty industry has not taught us that black is beautiful, but that for some reason we have to change what we look like to feel good about ourselves. We dont see ourselves as beautiful without altering our natural state of beauty. History books, magazines, television, and all forms of media feed us messages through images of beauty that most of us do not identify with. How does this tie in to the topic of makeup? We must take our sacred rituals back and redefine the misconceptions that have been given to us for the past 150 years or more. We can no longer let others define our beauty. Black is beautiful and we should embrace it. So no longer will we use foundations, concealers, and bleaching creams to make our appearance different than what it actually is. Wearing a foundation five shades lighter than your skin color does not make you beautiful. We wear makeup to add on to our natural beauty. Straightening your hair does not make you beautiful. Natural, kinky, wavy hair is beautiful!!!! What makes you beautiful is your confidence, respect and love for yourself and others, as well as your physical beauty. It is something about human nature that makes us unsatisfied with the way we are. If our hair is wavy, we want it to be straight. If it is nappy, we want it straight. If we are dark, we would like to be lighter, etc. Changing our appearance to look like the opposite of who we are is not a reflection of true beauty. Enhancing our bodies with natural oils, makeup, and beautiful garments is an expression of true beauty. We must hold our beauty sacred with daily rituals of using essential oils of flowers and plants that have therapeutic properties to heal the skin. Holistic skin and hair care is a healing art. It has the power to heal a wounded people. M assage therapy can increase blood circulation, rejuvenate the body, manage pain, and stimulate the immune system by draining the lympathic system. Deep cleansing facial treatments can help us stay youthful in appearance and alleviate stress and worry. Natural nail care can give us better self esteem to feel better about ourselves. Self care can evoke endorphins that make us feel and look good. The concept of holistic health is all encompassing. It is more than just a physical state of being. The beauty within can free our minds of low self esteem and give us the respect and love for ourselves needed to free our minds and souls. So let us not give in to others standards of beauty, but heal ourselves by accepting our own natural beauty that comes from an internal peace we are all seekers of.


BY D R. K A N IK A J A M ILA There is heavy debate going on about the toxicity of the products we use on our skin. Just what ingredients do we use that will increase or decrease the health of our skin? Let me share a few tips on basic skin care: A daily regimen should consist of:

Cleansing M ilk This is a facial cleanser. Not always a foaming cleanser. Watch out for cleansers that foam a lot as they may contain detergents or surfactants that strip the moisture out of the skin and make your skin dry. Oilier skin types which have an oily T-zone, the area of the face that forms a t-shape, along the nose or middle of the face and forehead will tolerate a foaming facial cleanser. Combination skin types contain different levels of oil and hydration/water moisture in different areas of the face. One area may be dry while another area is oily. For example, an oily nose and dry cheeks. Dry skin comes in two forms. There is water dry and oil dry. M ost people have dehydrated skin due to environmental factors and due to the fact that most of us just dont drink enough water. This can also be caused from using petroleum based products that rid the skin of moisture. Oil dryness usually occurs in dry winter months or in the aging process. The drier the skin the older its appearance is. When I say aging I mean fine lines, wrinkles, etc. Black dont crack, only if you are careful. Sulphates such as Sodium Lauryl Sulphate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate are used in cleansers of all types as a foaming agent. This is not necessary in a facial cleanser/milk. They are known to be irritants to the skin.

A good exfoliant is essential to any skin care regimen. This is not always done everyday but helps speed up cell turnover helping the skin rejuvenate itself giving a natural glow. Depending on the type of exfoliant used, the frequency of exfoliation can be 2-3 days. Exfoliation is the shedding of the surface layer of the skin. We shed this skin naturally every day as our cells are constantly repairing and reproducing themselves. Every seven years our body reproduces its cells. Billions of cells that make up our bodies change the texture of our hair, skin, nails, and our vital organs are also regenerated as these cells reproduce. There are exfoliants that are scrubs. They contain some type of gristle such as pumice, ground up nuts, or seeds to shed this layer of skin. There are also substances that breakdown the protein of the skin to shed the surface layer of skin such a s bromelain. This is an enzyme that is in papaya and pineapple. Enzyme peeling exfoliants can be used 2-3 times per week. A fine gristle scrub can be used daily on oilier skin types. These two types of exfoliants can also be used in combination.

After cleansing the skin, there is usually a tight feeling or a dry feel to the skin. This is because cleansers strip the skins acid mantle which has a pH of about 4.5-6, normally. The alkaline nature of a cleanser will alter this state. The acid mantle is a protective barrier, therfore this pH must be restored to keep the skin in total health. The next step in your skin care regimen should consist of a toner or sometimes what we call a lotion. This product is water based. It combats dehydration of the skin and restores the skins acid mantle. The difference between a lotion and a toner is the alcohol. Alcohol is usually in toners. They may also contain an astringent such as witch hazel. Preferably an alcohol free lotion would be the best choice due to the drying effect of alcohol on the skin. Though alcohol has a cleansing effect the drying effect it has on the skin is not in the best interest of the skin. Essential oils of rose increase moisture in dry skin. Citrus extracts of grapefruit, orange, and lemon help combat oiliness. Problematic skin that is subject to breakout can use ingredients such as salicylic acid and glycolic to clear up blemishes.

M oisturizers are essential to skin care as well. They are water-based or oil-based. Oil-based moisturizers usually have a small water content providing more oil to dryer skin types. Hydration is needed in oilier skin types because there is no need for added oil to this type of skin. M oisturizers for oily skin will have more water content. Facial creams for dry or sensitive skin also tend to be thicker than water-based moisturizers used on oily skin. Dry and sensitive skin moisturizers tend to be more creamy and white; while oily skin moisturizers have little to no oil with a more of a gel-like consistency. They are lighter in texture. It is very important that no products containing mineral oil or petroleum are used as moisturizers on our skin. It suffocates the skin depleting it of oxygen. There is no penetration of moisture to the deeper layers of skin. It just sits in the pores thereby clogging them and making them larger and vulnerable to infection. Shea butter based moisturizers are good for dry, sensitive. Oils rich in alpha lipoic acid such as olive oil and flax seed oil are good for stimulating the production of collagen in the skin which gives elasticity to the skin. Almond, evening primrose and jojoba oil are also natural oils that are food for the skin.

A Holistic Approach to Skin Care

True holistic skin care philosophy is that there is no need to categorize products for skin types if the skin is nourished properly with the correct products and ingredients. Then the products do not need to cater to specific skin types any more and your skin will have what it needs to be healthy. This involves looking at the individual as a whole. Looking at the diet, to mental state, then treating the causes of different skin problems. As an esthetician who has worked on many faces and bodies over the past decade, I recognize the truth in the science of reflexology of the skin. M y experience of looking at the different reflex points on the face tells me what may be going on internally that causes the different issues people have with their skin. Treating the skin is not always an issue of just dealing with the surface area of the skin, but an issue of holistic health. I had a client that had an unusual build up of toxins coming from his pores in his nose. This area is a reflex of the heart. I asked him did he have heart problems and he stated he had two triple bypass heart surgeries and a pace maker. This is real. Our bodies tell us what is going on with us at all times. It is up to us to be aware and educate ourselves on the cues and clues M other Nature gives us to treat the causes of our health issues. The skin is the largest organ of the body and also is part of the excretory system that excretes toxins through our pores. Just as the lungs, kidneys, and bladder eliminate toxins from the body so does the skin. When our skin is not healthy there is something else going on internally causing these issues and sometimes cannot be fixed by merely applying a skin care product to the skin. This is true holistic skin care when the underlying causes of skin problems are treated to eliminate unwanted skin conditions. So to answer the question of the toxicity in skin care products, I will answer that there definitely are harmful substances in the ingredients of products we put on our skin and hair, but also in what we put in our mouths. From medications, to toxic foods, to the pesticides and hormones in our foods, we need to educate ourselves of the best products for our bodies as a whole. The cost of a healthy life does not bear a price tag, but we should not complain about the cost of taking care of ourselves now to avoid a high medical bill later.


B Y A N G ET M A R C U S PA N A G M ost people dont realize that its not only what we put in our bodies, but also what we put ON our bodies, that affects our natural health. Beauty products ranging from makeup, lip balm, creams, deodorant, perfumes, toothpaste, hair products and others all contain tens if not hundreds of potentially harmful chemicals that we apply to ourselves almost daily. M atter factThe average American woman uses 12 personal care products daily that contain up to 175 unregulated chemicals and toxic materials! Back in 1938, the cosmetic industry decided that if less than 50 percent of laboratory animals die while testing a new ingredient, that ingredient is considered non-toxic. So basically, if 49 percent of lab animals die from an ingredient, they label it non toxic. M ost of the some 25,000 chemicals they use today aint ever been tested for long-term effects. (Not that calling a product non-toxic means anything anyway.) The average American is exposed to over 200 different chemicals every day, many of which are suspected of causing cancer or resulting in imbalanced hormones. Studies show that the stuff in personal care products and home care products are messing with hormones that control reproduction and development. In the same way nicotine patches (patch put on the skin to get nicotine for people trying to quit smoking), chemicals that come into contact with the skin are absorbed into our bloodstream and brought to our liver for detoxification. These chemicals can build up in the body and mess up your health. Need more proof? Go ahead and put on some lotion or cream. Notice within a few hours, yo skin gets ashy or starts cracking again and the amount of lotion you put on aint there no more. Sure some of that goes into the atmosphere, but because it contains many chemical properties preventing it from leaving your skinM ost of that mess ends up in your body! People say You are what you eat, but youre also what you put on. YOU ARE Alkyl Benzoate! That dont mean there arent alternative methods, you can follow the natural route. For the ladies most makeup got less than 10% actual pigment in it and the rest is all fillers, including harsh chemicals. M ineral M akeup is the best alternative and can be bought almost anywhere that sell makeup, the zinc oxide in it is like a natural sunscreen. For moisturizing, Coconut Oil is known as one of the bests, if you cant get your hands on that Olive oil and Sunflower oil works good too. Drink that green tea if you dealing with wrinkles, just make sure to check the ingredients. Vitamin C can deliver higher dosages of the skin-strengthening vitamin. It stimulates production of collagen, the connective tissue that keeps skin firm and taut. Vitamin C is in most fruits, especially citrus fruits like oranges. Did You Know - M ore than 60% of what we put on our skin is absorbed into our bodies? Heres a partial list of things you should look out for: Alcohol, Isopropyl (S D-40) or Rubbing Alcohol: Rubbing alcohol is in many products. Swallowing even a small amount can kill you. Exposure can result in severe headaches, dizziness, depression, nausea, vomiting, narcosis, and even death. DEA, MEA, & TEA (Diethanolamine), M EA (M onoethanolamine) & TEA (Triethanolamine): These are hormone-disrupting chemicals that can cause cancer. These chemicals are banned in most European countries, they know whats up. But here theyre used in shampoos, shaving creams, and bubble baths. Repeated application of these chemicals result in a major increase in the incidence of liver and kidney cancer. These chemicals are especially harmful for children. Color Pigments: They are fake colors made from coal tar! They contain metal that deposit toxins in the skin causing skin sensitivity and irritation. Takin in too much of certain colors can cause depletion of oxygen in the body. Fragrances (Perfume): M ade up of mostly artificial ingredients, many are toxic if swallowed. A typical fragrance got more than FOUR THOUSAND separate ingredients! Some of the symptoms are headaches, dizziness, allergic rashes, skin discoloration, violent coughing and vomiting, and skin irritations. Studies show and prove that fragrances affect the central nervous system, causing depression, hyperactivity, irritability, inability to cope, and other behavioural changes. Parabens: M any moisturizers and lipsticks got the chemical paraben, which is linked to breast and testicular cancer. Mineral Oil: This sh*ts made of the same stuff you pump into your car! M ade of petroleum products that cover the skin like a layer of plastic, clogging the pores. It interferes with the skins ability to eliminate toxins, promoting acne and other disorders. Slows down skin function and cell development, making you look older then you are. Used in many products, Baby oil is 100% mineral oil. Protect your babiessince most chemicals affect children more than adults. You could run a Google search or go to and find a database of thousands of popular skin care products, the chemicals they got in em, and the health hazards of them chemicals.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G In The World According to Pretty Tony, Ghostace Killah rants:

Yeah, for yall niggas that got mad bumps and sh*t, son, that be coming on your faces and sh*t, like I had and sh*t? Yo, hot water, nigga. Hot water, sizzle them sh*ts off, man. Ynahmean? Its like, yo, you could f*ck around and put some alcohol on that before you go to bed at night though, but if you get areal hot rag, like that project hot water? And you soak that motherf*cking towel, your washrag, inside the water, and hurry up and put it on your face like f*ck it? You could scream with that sh*t! Ynahmean, that sh*t, that sh*t gonna that sh*t gonna heat em down a little somethin. Ynahmean? Especially for yall niggas that got bumps growin on your nose and sh*t. Lookin like the Wicked Witch of the East, my nigga! Ynahmean, sizzle that sh*t! Ynahmsayin? Yall motherf*ckers, yo, Im not gonna front: Proactiv work. That sh*t work! That sh*t workthe refinin mask. Ynahmean, like, that sh*t get it off in like, one night, nigga.
Hes right. Acne on an adult is NOT a good look. But is Ghostfaces advice gonna help you get the bumps off your face? Lets start with the basics.

How Does Acne Happen?

An oily substance called sebum, produced by the skins sebaceous glands, acts as natural lubricant for the skin. When too much sebum is produced, the glands can become blocked and inflamed, causing blackheads and pimples. Sometimes the blocked glands become infected. When this occurs, pus and sebum build up under the skin, forming larger pimples or cysts which can leave scars and pitting. The fluctuating hormone levels of puberty are known to have an important role in the onset of acne. The problem usually clears up as the sufferer reaches their early twenties. If not, youve got other issues.

A natural-food diet works wonders on acne, but most dermatologists wont discuss that option. But acne is not found among indigenous people who dont eat the crap we do. In fact, while acne afflicts 80-90% of all Americans and those eating a western diet, populations not eating processed foods have no acne. M edical researchers recently examined 1200 of the Black islanders of Papua New Guinea and found no acne at all. They concluded that acne rarely occurs in non-westernized societies and that they are looking for the reasons why this occurs. Dr. Joe Fuhrman has said that the reason why is because the dismal American/Western diet-style that creates a cancer and heart disease epidemicalso sets us up for premature puberty, allergies and acne. Translation: Change your lifestyle, and your looks will improve too.


It depends. If youre familiar with Proactiv, you know its a serious daily routine involving multiple stepsand thats what makes it pretty expensive to keep up. But theres no magic ingredients in those little bottles, besides maybe benzoyl peroxide (and hydrogen peroxide works about the same, yet only costs a dollar). What makes Proativ so effective is the routine. According to Dr. Jeffrey Benabio:

The first step is to use a cleanser. The cleanser has tiny beads that help to physically exfoliate the dead skin cells, unblocking the pores. The cleanser also contains benzoyl peroxide. This is a powerful oxidizer that both exfoliates the skin as well as kills bacteria (similar to hydrogen peroxide). The second step is to use a toner. The toner contains glycolic acid. This is a natural acid found in citrus fruits. It also works to exfoliate the skin and to unstick sticky-cells. It is a chemical exfoliant and compliments the physical exfoliant in the cleanser. The third step is to use a repairing lotion. In actuality, it is another dose of benzoyl peroxide, now in lotion form. Again the benzoyl peroxide helps exfoliate the skin and kill the bacteria. Although there are other anti-inflammatories, moisturizers, and botanicals in Proactiv, the main treatment is from the exfoliants and the benzoyl peroxide. Proactiv is effective for many people with acne. The main reason why it works is because people actually use it. The system is designed to be used everyday and over your entire face. The whole concept is for you to be proactive about treating your acne. It is also a good product because the benzoyl peroxide, which is one of the most effective treatments for acne, is a mild strength, only 2.5%. At this strength, the benzoyl peroxide is mild enough to not be too irriating, but strong enough to treat your acne, especially since it is used in two products and applied twice a day. Ideas on How to Prevent or Treat Acne
In parts of Africa they use a facial mask of avocado, egg yolks, and honey for treating acne. Eggs are rich in retinol which helps heal the skin. Honey helps kill bacteria by hydrating them, and avocado moisturizes the skin. You can use yolks only if you have dry skin and whites only if you have oily skin. M ash and mix one avocado, eggs and a tablespoon of honey. Apply to the face and leave it on about 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse with water. Use this treatment about once a week. Here are some more approaches to getting the bumps off your face:

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Keep the skin clean by washing 3 to 5 times daily. But make sure it doesnt become too dry. To remove as much oil as possible, first wash the skin then apply a hot facecloth for 2 minutes (as Ghostface said). Afterward, splash with cold water and wipe gently with a cotton ball soaked in witchhazel, which is cheap as hell, and even available at the dollarstore. Repeat as necessary. Always use a clean facecloth, towel and cottonball to prevent the spread of infection. Drink plenty of pure water (not sodas, teas or juices). Water keeps things moving and helps flush out the organs so that there is less chance of toxins building up. Use gentle cleansers made from natural ingredients, rather than harsher chemical preparations. Wash the skin with natural soap such as African Black soap and/or clay soap. According to Tariq Sawandi and others, these are better choices for melanated skin. Women should avoid heavy or greasy make-up. Cosmetic products can also clog in the pores and trigger acne. If you do use makeup, remove it thoroughly every evening with a natural cleanser, and switch to natural cosmetics and skin-care products as soon as you can. Exercise. Sweating can clean the dirt that is clogged in the pores and trigger acne. Just make sure you clean that sweat afterwards. A traditional Hood Remedy is to put toothpaste on your face at night and let it dry until morning. Toothpaste makes acne dry fast and absorbs oil. However, this method shouldnt be done if you have a sensitive skin, because it can cause irritation. Get the stress out of your life. The biggest acne trigger is hormonal. Thats why acne kicks in during puberty, but also can return during womens menstrual periods. Normally, you get pimples and acne when youre finishing up puberty. But Ive been seeing more and more people in their 20s and 30s with bumps on their faces like connect-the-dots. My brother Lord Diligent gave me a theory on why that is. He admitted that whenever he held things in, like frustration, pain, sadness, or worry, he would notice that he would start breaking out. Once he started finding ways to channel that energy and get it out of his system, he would clear right up. It made sense. When I meet people who are cool and stress-free, they have clean complexions. When I meet people with f*cked-up faces, theyre usually pretty f*cked up in the head too. Sometimes, people are able to hide it so well that no one can tell how miserable they are. But your face tells it all. Your eyes give away the pain on your mind, and your skin gives away how long youve been holding it in. Learn how to channel that energy and watch how quickly your eyes get brighter, teeth get whiter, and your skin gets clearer. Oh, sorry, but your breath wont smell better until you start eating right.

This is what I was talking about in How to Hustle and Win, Part Two, in the piece titled Bumps on Your Face:

More Ideas for Natural Skin Healing r Cucumber juice on scars will tighten pores, improving skin tone and reducing marks.

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Apply lemon juice on scarred areas twice a day, by means of a cotton pad. Alternatively, you can cut a fresh lemon and rub this on your skin, twice a day. Cocoa butter and shea butter are natural skin healers. Apply the butter on your scars twice a day and massage it into the skin, until the skin completely absorbs it. Honey is one of the oldest remedies to heal wounds and burns, due to its healing properties. It also has antibacterial properties, and can help you remove stubborn scars in a few months, if applied twice daily. Aloe V era is one of the best remedies to get rid of scars naturally. Application of this, twice a day, will give you noticeable results within a few days. Make a paste of raw garlic and rub this into your skin. its a healer and also a skin toner. Mash a ripe banana thoroughly and apply on your skin for ten minutes. Wash off with cold water, for getting well-toned skin. Grate a potato and wrap it in soft, thin linen. Wait for the juice of the grated potato to start coming through the linen. Rub this over the scarred skin, leave for ten minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Crushed mint leaves can be applied to scars, to help the skin heal faster. Fresh tomato juice is an excellent skin rejuvenating agent and can help the skin heal faster. Essential oils, like Tea Tree Oil, eliminate acne scars and acne on the face. Tea tree oil (when applied correctly) is also effective in preventing the occurrence of scars. Herbs that are helpful in clearing the skin are chickweed, dandelion, ginger, red clover, yellow dock root, sarsaparilla, burdock and sassafras.


Exercise. Duh. Exercise can help you lose fat while tightening muscles, which makes skin more healthy and toned. But if this part wasnt obvious, you probably should be reading another book. Drink plenty of water. Every time the skin is well hydrated, the skin will look fresh and healthy, says Dr. Lona Sandon. At the end of the crease where the thigh and the appearance of cellulite there are many fat cells. To destroy it, the body requires intensive training and liquids. Sandon recommends drinking eight glasses of warm water every day. In addition, eat fruit that contains a lot of water, such as grapes, apples or watermelon. Eat more fruits and colored vegetables. Colored fruits and vegetables, like carrots, spinach, oranges, grapes, or tomatoes contain lots of vitamin C which is important to prevent damage to collagen. Collagen is the supporting structure in the skin that keeps it supple. Weakened collagen leads to skin losing elasticity which leads to fat standing out and becoming cellulite. Studies have also shown that vitamin C can help you burn 30% more fat during workouts. Eat less bread. Excessive consumption of complex carbohydrates such as white rice, pasta and white bread, will be converted into blood sugar (glucose). The body tends to store surplus glucose then taken to liver cells to be processed into glycogen for storage, rather than burn it. It creates new fat cells, so that the fat is pushing on the skin and connective tissue cause cellulite.

B Y YVET T E G Z Its a known fact that we Black women spend billions of dollars on our hair yearly, mostly on weaves and harmful products that we believe make us more appealing. What we dont realize is that theres a huge difference between healthy hair, and good-looking hair. Unfortunately the majority of us choose the latter, when we should be going for both since healthy hair automatically gives us good-looking hair. Here are a few examples of how good-looking hair is NOT healthy hair:

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When you get it flat-ironed/blow dried and it looks silky and shiny, but after the third day its splitting and breaking off. When you sew in a weave, but the crown of your head is shorter than the rest of your hair due to brittleness. When you relax and style it, but whenever you wet it, it looks dull and lifeless.

In short, relaxed/permed hair is NEVER healthy, no matter how silky smooth it looks. Relaxers break hair down to its weakest form, leaving it more prone to breakage and dryness. We all know that already, but that doesnt stop us from torturing our hair. However, did you also know that all those chemicals dont only sit on the surface of our scalp but get absorbed into our skin, and possibly into our bloodstream and brain? Look it up. Relaxers contain phosphoric acid and ammonium hydroxide, which are pretty much considered health hazards. Thats why the instructions on a relaxer pack discourage pregnant women from using it and carefully tell us to apply the relaxer at least half an inch away from the scalp. But no one ever pays attention to that warning right? I mean we cant afford to have a millimeter of kink in our hair, that super straight look is more important than our health. Since Ive established that relaxed hair cant be healthy, Im not going to provide tips for chemically treated hair. However if youre one of those people who cant let the hair poison go, you can still use tips for natural hair to help nourish your hair. I want to focus more on how to get healthy hair and saving money. In my experience, going natural was the cheapest way of maintaining my hair. On most days, water is the only thing used to style it. To achieve a healthy look on relaxed hair, you end up spending more money repairing damage than actually styling it. It doesnt have to be that way; you can still straighten natural hair without the harm of chemicals, and if you do it correctly it actually looks better and shinier than when its relaxed. As a person of color with loose or tight curls, your hair is normally dry and needs a lot of moisture. Now do not confuse moisture with grease/oils. They do two separate things. M oisture (from water, leave-in conditioners, nourishing sprays, etc.) penetrates the hair cuticle and nurtures it and oil (hair oils/mayonnaise, grease etc) protects the hair from getting dry. If you apply oil to dry and un-moisturized hair, youre basically putting a band-aid over a gun wound because youre not treating the root and inside of your hair, and if you moisturize your hair without applying some protection, it will dry up faster. Once you really understand this concept, youve done half the work.

Moisturizing Your Hair

Water, surprisingly enough, is the best moisturizer. A warm bath followed by a quick cold rinse always does the trick. Warm water softens the hair and allows it to absorb moisture, and cold water locks the moisture in, leaving the hair shiny and frizz-free.

Did You Know? When you wash your hair with one of those name brand nutrient-rich shampoos, most of the nutrients and active ingredients dont actually end up in your hair they wind up down the drain (along with all the money you spent on the shampoo) because the shampoo molecules they contain are too large to penetrate the cells of hair and, more importantly, the tiny hair follicles where our hair actually grows. They sit atop the follicle until we wash them away. As usual, simple and natural are better than expensive and miraculous.
When using a shampoo, dont lather, rinse and repeat as the instructions say. It will dry your hair even more by stripping down the natural oils. A small amount and one rinse should be enough. If you have really dry hair, replace your shampoo with a cheap conditioner, then use a good deep conditioner afterwards. Dont worry, it will clean your hair just as good as a shampoo will. For post-shower care, you can make your homemade leave-in conditioner by mixing 3 parts of distilled water, 1 part of light conditioner (any brand that works on your hair) and half part of oil (olive or almond). Pour the mixture in an empty spray bottle that youve saved from previous hair sprays and shake well. Spray on damp hair.

Protecting Your Hair

All hair types produce a natural oil/protection called sebum. Its the oily substance on your scalp that starts to build up after a few missed shampoos. Some hair types produce it more than others, so if you have that, you need little to no oil/lotion to protect it or give it shine. For drier hair types, use the following as substitutes. S hea butter: Very cheap, can be bought by the pound. M elt it at very low temperature or heat it by rubbing your palms and apply a small amount to the tips. its best when used after a rinse on dried hair. Olive/Jojoba/Coconut/Almond/Avocado oil: M assage and leave in hair for 30 mins then rinse out. Almond and Jojoba oil also work as leave-in conditioners and can be applied as regular lotion. Hair serums/silicone: Possibly the most effective way to protect your hair. Also lasts longer because a drop goes a long way. Apply to towel-dried hair. You dont want to use heavy grease or vegetable oils because they weigh the hair down, suffocate it, and make a mess. Light oils like the ones mentioned above may be a bit pricey, but nowhere near the amount of money youd spend on a kit of products, monthly salon visits, and hair weaves. Another way to help your hair is through diet. Foods rich in zinc, vitamin A, C and E strengthen hair cells, reduce hair loss, and are good for the scalp. Add carrots, green leaves, nuts, and beans to your regular meals. It wont make fragile hair strong overnight, but it can improve the overall well-being of your hair.


B Y M EC C A WI SE Ladies, what is it about a super-tight ponytail that we love so much? So much that we will pull back the sides of our hair so tightly that we will take the risk of either thinning hair or going bald? And what about that part that we put down the side, the swoop, the constant gelling and brushing to obtain that perfect slicked back pony tail. Its pretty bad when a female is completely bald on both sides for at least three inches and guess what? You got it she still has that ponytail in, tight as ever. These days its even more common to see this pony tail syndrome in younger girls. Im not judging, for years I was guilty of the same practice. But at some point, I got sick of headaches, the thinning, the gel and even the relaxers and decided to go natural, which eventually transitioned into locks. I recently had a conversation with someone who explained the pony tail syndrome. They said black hair typically does not lie flat like Europeans and in an attempt to have hairstyles that do not fit our hair texture; we end up damaging our hair, many times permanently. That made a lot of sense. So Im not saying get locks or go natural, just loosen that damn pony tail before you give your self a stroke. And if you have already damaged your hair, if its thinning or even bald, try using some castor oil. It cost less than two dollars, works great for hair loss and is all natural.


BY D R. K A N IK A J A M ILA It is with great pride that I can say that Afrikan hair is becoming less and less taboo. It has become a movement for independence, entrepreneurship, and a true expression of culture. M any women are beginning to follow in the footsteps of M adame CJ Walker and producing products that promote healthy hair growth for us. No longer do we have to purchase products manufactured by Caucasians and other nationalities to groom Afrikan hair. Contrary to popular belief, M adame CJ Walker did not invent the straightening comb, but the actual inventor was one of her associates. However, M adame Walker was an entrepreneur and educator of promoting healthy Afrikan hair growth and made an arguable million dollars selling these products in the 1930s before she passed on. A million dollars was more like a billion in her day. Our hair is definitely unique in that it comes in all textures, curl patterns and varies from straight, wavy, to just plain nappy. We have been brainwashed to think that our hair is hard to manage. It hurts our children to get their hair combed, so they submit to the idea of straight hair being the best and most beautiful hair to have. Young boys keep their hair cut to feel assimilated and accepted. Thus, the concept of good hair and the creamy crack is born. Young children ages 3 and 4 are getting their Just For M e perms and M ama is happy because she doesnt have to comb the hair out any more. Because we dont know how to deal with our hair properly, we are victims of creamy crack and any other product that claims to change the naps to straight flowing hair.

The key to keeping our hair in a manageable state is moisture. I remember my M other using a brush with water on it to style my hair when I was a girl. I dont remember my head hurting after she did my hair. On the other hand, when I was about ten years old, I started to get my hair pressed by my grand mother. I remember crying after she would comb out my hair. Literally, she combed it out because the comb would have clumps of hair combing out when she was done. I would have a piercing headache and sore scalp for days after. The water gave my hair moisture which was a natural detangler. Usually afrikan hair will do what you want it to do when it is moisturized. I know us Black folks love us some grease because we want shine and a good slick back, but moisture is number one. Non-drying gels that are alcohol free, creams, and lotions used on the hair are water based so they work well at providing this moisture as well. Looking for ingredients that are humectants such as aloe vera, water, glycerin, etc are good to look for when choosing a product that will provide moisture even when the hair is not wet. The hair should not be combed out/detangled when it is dry. Apply a moisturizer before this process. No moisture contributes to hair breakage and overall damage.

Kare for Roots and Ends

Take care of the roots and ends of the hair. Apply natural oils such as jojoba, sweet almond, coconut, or olive to the scalp and saturate the ends with this oil. We are trained to oil the scalp, but tend to forget about the ends. It is important for the ends to be treated with care due to split ends. Trimming the ends of the hair regularly also helps avoid split ends. Just as a gardener or farmer will prune and harvest regularly to replenish growth we should do the same for our hair. Hot oil treatments help to infuse the hair with vitamins and soften and condition the hair as well. Vitamin E is another good oil for the hair. The scalp treatments are also good in a similar a fashion as the roots of a tree. There is a saying If you have no roots your tree will bear no fruit The same goes for the hair. We cant continue to shellac heavy grease and petro chemicals on our hair to make it look straight and expect it to grow. This clogs up the pores on the scalp and doesnt allow the hair to breath. A suffocated scalp cannot grow healthy hair.

Too Tight
Our little girls suffer from traction alopecia because their hair is being pulled too tightly. This causes fine bumps along the hair line and eventually there will be hair loss. We fight with the hair to make it look different than its natural state. Pulling it as flat to the scalp as possible makes it look straight, so we shellac it back and pull it back with little rubber bands so the naps wont show. When the hair is braided and corn rowed, it is usually done too tightly as well. Then, the braids and extensions are added too tightly leading to stress on the scalp and hindering hair growth. If we can get rid of the notion that we have to struggle and fight with our hair, it will grow. It is proven that Afrikan hair can grow long. Locks grow so much faster than loose hair because the hair is not forced to do anything it is not naturally supposed to. No blow dryers, pressing combs, flat irons, or combs are used in the locking process. Natural hair is not exposed to any of the above methods that would cause loss to the hair. The best styles to have for tightly curled hair are braids, twists, and coils are similar in aiding growth as it gives the hair a resting period without abuse. So lets moisturize, add sheen with natural oils, and stop struggling with our hair. Become comfortable with the notion that Afrikan hair is good hair and embrace natural beauty!


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G M ost people have no idea that Tupac suffered from premature baldness. Thats why he shaved his head. If only Chris Kelly of Kris Kross would do the same thing. To understand my point, you just have to see the video on YouTube where he explains all the bald patches in his otherwise braided head, confirming that he has a condition called alopecia. Unlike male pattern baldness, alopecia causes you to lose patches of hair all over the place. But whats the difference between alopecia (technically alopecia areata), premature baldness, and um, non-premature baldness? How can you tell if youre going bald? And what if anything can you do to stop it?

What IS Baldness?
The most common form of baldness is a progressive hair-thinning condition called androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness that occurs in adult males. Thats what Tupac had, along with damn near every other celebrity whos shaved their head for cosmetic reasons. Theres also the less common alopecia areata (or spot baldness), which involves hair coming off your head in random, usually round patches. Thats what Chris Kelly has. Its an auto-immune disorder that causes your body to attack its own hair follicles. Theres also traction alopecia, which is most commonly found in people with ponytails or cornrows who pull on their hair with excessive force (See That Damn Ponytail). M ale pattern baldness affects roughly 40 million men in the United States alone. Approximately 25% of men begin balding by age 30, and most others start sometime later. However, plenty of teenagers are developing baldness these days. Females can go bald as well. This can be caused by pregnancy, chronic illness, crash diets, stress, or genetics (in old age), and now its also occurring in women as young as 15 or 16. Considering how toxic our environment has become, Im not surprised. And baldness IS inherited (and both parents genes are involved). Either way, there is a 4 in 7 chance of getting the baldness gene. What causes it? The trigger DHT, a sex hormone that turns ON your body and facial hair growth, but also for some reason can also turn OFF.

What are the signs youre going bald?

It all begins with a receding hairline, which can start setting in as early as your teenage years. The hairline can then recede ALL the way back (Anterior M ale Pattern Baldness), or another bald patch may develop on top (Vertex M ale Pattern Baldness or as its known in the hood, The M oon Roof). M ale pattern baldness is classified on the Hamilton-Norwood scale, which youll find here. Besides looking for yourself in the scale, theres another way (based on a recent study) to tell if youre losing hair (or even if youre at risk for it):

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You shampoo every day for three days. On the fourth day, before shampooing, you comb your hair forward over a pillow case for 60 seconds. Then you count the hairs on your pillow case. Do it three days a month, and track it for six months. Make sure you use the same comb or brush each time, and make sure its clean before you do it. The number of hairs on your pillow doesnt matter as much as whether that number remains almost the same each time you do it. Do it three days a month, and track it for six months. If the number of hairs on your pillow remains consistent each time, youre probably not over-shedding. But if theres an increase, you might be experiencing balding. Saw Palmetto Blocks hormone DHT responsible for baldness. Ginkgo biloba Improves circulation in scalp to regrow hair. Scalp massaging Increases blood flow to the hair follicles to promote hair growth. Olive oil Lifts dirt and trapped oil from follicles to promote hair growth. Vitamin B Provides necessary nutrient for hair to grow.

Below are a few natural remedies for baldness that are less expensive and, some say, more effective than prescription drugs like Rogaine or Propecia:

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Other natural approaches include honey, yarrow herb, green tea extracts, apple procyanidins (, and caffeine anhydrous powder, all of which you can find at a health food store and which can be applied to your scalp.[37] There are some people who will try to hide their receding hair using spray-on hairlines (sometimes known as Beijing in hood barber shops), but that will only work for so long. Pretty soon, youll look ridiculous. Instead, if all else fails (in terms of natural methods), just learn to love your baldness and buy a razor (get a thorough one like the M ach 5) and shave it all off. Rub in some tea tree oil (or aftershave with alcohol) so your head doesnt bump up. Grow some manly facial hair and groom that instead.

BY RO CH ELLE K ERR Did you know our nails can tell a lot about us? From the kind of housework we do, if any, to most importantly the state of our health. M any of us do no not take time to study our nails, truly look after, love and protect them. Our nails could be so beautiful with the right amount of time care and attention. If we knew the signs to look for, we might not have to see a doctor as often because our nails health can give us an insight to the overall health of our body. Our nails, which are made up of hard layers of protein known as keratin, were not by design for cosmetics reasons (at least not alone). They are primarily there to protect the sensitive nerves and tissues of our fingers. This is why it is imperative that we look after them the best we can. The use of press on nail, gels, acrylics and even nail biting is a big no-no. They will eventually destroy our natural nails, break down the top layers and rob them of their natural oils, which can lead to nail fungus. Yes, fungus. Nail fungus is caused by micro-organisms living, growing and feeding off of your nail. Signs of nail fungus are yellow or whitish spots building up under the tips of your nails. If left untreated, your nails can become brittle and can eventually die. Treatment for nail fungus includes apple cider, vinegar, laser treatment, anti-fungal medicine and tea tree oil. If all fails, the nail might possible have to be removed.

The Saying You Are What You Eat Goes a Long Way
Fresh and raw fruit and vegetables, plenty of water and fresh fruit juices will keep your body, and in turn your nails, healthy, hydrated and supplied with enough vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Nutrition plays a very important part in our multi-functional body from our head right down to our toes, so be sure to eat a balanced diet and if you are still not getting the sufficient amount of essential vitamins and minerals, it is recommended you suffice with supplements. It does not just extend to what you eat however, regular exercise is also essential. No it wont magically make your nails appear beautiful, but it will help you maintain a good health, which of course, will be good for your nails.

Which Vitamins and Foods Do What?

Calcium (Almonds, oatmeal, rhubarb, spinach) Keep your nails from being dry, brittle and helps to strengthen them. Amino Acids/Protein (Brewers yeast, nuts and seeds) Supplies your body with sulphur, helps in building new substance for new nails to form, leaves your nails healthy and strong, Folic Acid (Fortified cereal, oranges, bananas) Keeps nails healthy Hydrochloric Acid Natural salts (such as sea salt) are necessary in order to produce hydrochloric acid in your stomach. Other foods such as black olives, celery, ginger and lemon help to stimulate the production. A Lack of hydrochloric acid might cause your nails to split Iron (Avocado, beets, eggs, pumpkins and whole-grain breads) Lack of iron can cause you to be anemic, leaving you with pale nails, which can be easily cracked or broken Lactobacillus (The Friendly Bacteria found in cole slaw, cheese and yogurt) Lack of this can cause fungus to grow under and around your nails. Linoleic Acid (Flax, mustard and hemp seeds, kale, collard greens and spinach) Lack of these might cause nails to be brittle, split and to flake S ilicon (Asparagus, cabbage, cucumbers, parsnips and radishes, as well as whole grains) Promotes strong nails Other Nutrients M agnesium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D, are also fundamental for healthy and beautiful nails, skin, and hair. Tips on Longer Lasting and Beautiful Nails

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Keep your hands moisturized. After a bath, washing the dishes or anything else that leaves your hands dry, dry your hands thoroughly and use a hand lotion. Your hand lotion should preferably be one that is rich in vitamin A, after which you can use some V aseline to rub in to the cuticles and skin around the nails to keep them from getting hard and dry. It it also good advice to wash your hands and moisturise them right before you go to bed. Wet nails tend to break easier, so definitely do not file your nails straight after a shower or bath. A good method of removing stains from nails is mixing one tablespoon of lemon juice with a cup of water, soak nails in the solution for a few minutes; remove, wash, dry thoroughly and moisturize. Give your nails a break in between polishing. Nail polish tends to leave a yellow stain on your nails, so a few days every now and then without will reduce the chance of this happening. When filing, do so in ONE direction, do not move the file back and forth, This will make your nails brittle. Buffing nails helps keep them strong and shiny. It also augments blood flow which in terms stimulates growth. Use essential oils. Tea tree, rosemary, Lavender and lemon on your hands, These will act as an anti-fungal, conditioning, strengthening and whitening treatment. Mix a few drops of each with a base such as sweet almond oil and massage them into your nails, between your fingers and hands. Keeping them nicely scented, soft and smooth If nails are too soft, soak them in olive oil for 20 minutes every other day to harden them If using nail polish remover, stick to those that uses acetate. Never acetone-based or formaldehyde-based removers. They can lead to splitting and breaking of nails and can be toxic to children.

Your Nails as Indicators of Possible Health Problems

Like other extremities (hair, feet, etc.), your nails can also be indicators of health problems. For more signs, see What Your Body is Telling You.

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Beaus line, horizontal indentations that runs across the nails, can appear after the occurrence of a traumatic and severe illness, such as a heart attack or pneumonia. Brittle nails, soft nails , can just be down to ageing, but they may also indicate a thyroid, kidney or circulation

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condition. Bumps on nails is an indication of rheumatoid arthritis Clubbed nails or curled nails can indicate a problem with the heart, liver or lungs.80% of people with clubbed nails have lung disease. Dark spots could be melanoma, a very dangerous type of skin cancer. If there is any bleeding of the spot into the cuticles or the nail folds, immediate medical attention is required Deep blue nail beds may be caused by asthma or emphysema. Flat nails can indicate Raynauds disease. Greenish nails may be caused by a fungal infection and internal bacterial infection. Half-white or Half-pink can indicate possible kidney disease Horizontal ridges on nails is an indication of both psychological and physical stress. May also suggest that the person is susceptible to arthritis. Nail shingling is caused by exposure to harsh detergents and the frequent excessive use of nail polish remover. Nail beading may be a sign of rheumatoid arthritis. Pale or bluish nails: this may indicate anaemia Pink colour when nail is squeezed indicates poor blood circulation Pitted nailsare punched-out looking spots, which might indicate psoriasis. Unusually wide, square nails can be signs of hormone imbalance. Raised nails at the base with small white ends could be owing to a respiratory disorder such as emphysema or chronic bronchitis. This nail condition could also be hereditary. Red skin around the cuticles indicates poor metabolism of essential fatty acids or Lupus Spooning are indentations that dips inwards, almost as if its been scooped out and can hold a drop of liquid and be caused by low iron (anaemia) Thick nail signs there could be problems with the heart, poor circulation and the weakening of the vascular system Vertical ridges indicate a kidney disorder, poor general health and nutrient absorption White spots can occur due to injury of the nail. It can also indicate cirrhosis of the liver, especially if you are a heavy alcohol drinker. White lines parallel to the lunula (not your cuticle) indicates there might be systematic problems with the whole body. White lines may be liver disease. White nails indicates possible liver, kidney disorders and/or anaemia White nail with pink near the tips could be a sign of cirrhosis. Yellow nail might be the first sign of diseases such as the lymphatic system, respiratory disorders, diabetics, and liver disorders. White moon area of the nail is red, possible heart problems. If it turns slate blue , possible overexposures to metal or lung problems.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G In What the Yuck: The Freaky and Fabolous Truth about your Body, Dr. Roshini Raj lists the following signs to be wary about a spa or salon. These same rules can apply to barbershops as well:

Did You Know? Not only do unsanitary nail salons (especially those in the hood) and fake nails put you at risk for bacterial infections, but the UV-light dryers used by many nail salons has now been linked to skin cancer on the fingers! Instead, choose the fan or airdry.
No License. If a license isnt prominent displayed or if they arent willing to produce one, you should go somewhere else. The hood hookup might hook you up with something you aint pay for. Iffy Foot Baths. M ake sure the pedicure tubs are fully drained and scrubbed after every use. If you dont see someone scrubbing, bet on there being bacteria and fungus in that tub. S cary Bathrooms. Restrooms are always a good indicator of the cleanliness of any business, whether its a restaurant or a nail salon. If its a mess, you can assume theyre not too big on cleaning there. Barely S anitized Tools. If they arent fully submerged in disinfecting liquid, theyre still dirty. And if someone drops a tool and continues using it, youre in the wrong hands. Not only should the tools be sanitized, they should be well-maintained. That means scissors shouldnt be rusty, clippers shouldnt have teeth missing (you can feel the scratching from the missing metal teeth), and nothing should look old. S trong or Funny Odors. If it smells like chemicals, even good-smelling chemicals, the place isnt well-ventilated. This can cause YOU respiratory problems down the line, so think twice. Of course, it should be a dead giveaway that something is wrong when everyone there is wearing a face maskexcept you.

B Y R O B E RT B A I L E Y M elanin is a fascinating substance. Yet youre likely not taught much about it in school, except for it being a pigment that gives you your black appearanceoh, and that youve got it because it protects you from the sun, almost like a little accident. Theres so much more to it. Our ancient ancestors knew much about this dark matter than we may know now. In fact, this organic Blackness was regarded as a divine attribute. Some Europeans eventually figured it out, but didnt announce it to the rest of us. Today, millions of dollars are spent annually on its study. This substance is now studied worldwide, largely by those with the least amount of it. This leads some of us to wonder about what weve been told so far, and how much we havent been told. As Dr. Jewel Pookrum has noted:

There is a club of scientists that do nothing but research on the melanin molecule. If youre not in that club and want access to that information they will send it to you for a cost. These 3 binders of books (the melanotropic peptides) cost $608. This is what I invested my money in. Because, see I understand that if I do not know who I am, then there are people that do know who I am, that can definitely alter my plans!
Scientific research on melanin (at least what has been published for the public) has gradually progressed over the past 100 years, although it was slowed in the past due to prejudices, false information, and the potentialities it unfolded for African peoples. At one point, it was even described as a waste product! Also, because of its extremely stable nature, its hard to study. M elanin resists most experimental analyses designed by man. What we now know, however, is that melanin has fascinating potential, dozens of known uses, and tons still undiscovered.

Whats in a Name?
Melano is Greek for black. The mel in melanin is derived from melano. Anin comes from amine, a hydrocarbon. So melanin is a black hydrocarbon amine. Carbon, a black element, is fundamental to all life, and your melanin. M elanin is a complex, multifunctional biochemical found in the brain, the body, the environment, and throughout the blackness of space. There are several types of melanin. In our environment, it is found in the soil, plants, animals and in the waters of creeks, lakes, springs, seas and rivers. In plants and animals, melanin acts as a protective tool against invading organisms.

Functions and Characteristics

From the earliest stages of embryogenesis, melanin is present. In fact, the presence of melanin in sites of the neural tube where the brain and spinal cord are formed is integral for proper physiological functioning. The nerves for vision and hearing are both formed from the presence of melanin. M elanin in these parts of the body helps to provide extrasensory perceptive abilities. So if life is about enjoying what nature has to offer, experimental research on the biophysical properties of melanin suggests that this enjoyment can be enhanced by melanin. Consider these points: the absence of pigment in the inner ear would produce deafness, the absence of pigment in the retina would make us practically blind and without pigment in specific midbrain structures, our psychomotor abilities would be harshly damaged. In the body, melanins job is regulating all bodily functions and activities. It is located in important areas such as the central nervous system (which includes the brain and spinal cord), the autonomic nervous system (which regulates breathing, heart action and the movement of the intestines), the peripheral nervous system (which connects the central nervous system with the various tissues throughout the body), the diffuse neuroendocrine (glands) system (includes major glands responsible for manufacturing and secreting various chemicals into the blood stream, including the pineal gland, the pituitary gland, thymus gland, kidneys, thyroid gland, ceratoid gland, etc.), and the visceras (major internal organs such as the heart, liver, arteries, eyes, ovaries, testes, nerves of the inner ear and more). M elanin has both physical and chemical properties. Some of its physical properties include its color which ranges from golden brown to black, a pleasant odor which can be attributed to the highly fragrant amine and sulfur in its structure, its ability to resist x-ray diffraction and strong acids and alkaline agents. It has a tough but flexible arrangement. It can resemble a cloud, gas, wood, metal or liquid and take on many forms without losing its structure. A high thermal resistance enables it to maintain approximately 50% of its original properties when exposed to 1225 F. As far as chemical properties, it can be transformed in the blood, concentrates nerve and brain information, and neutralizes free radicals. It responds to and absorbs light, sound (music) and electrical energy to fuel the body. It can convert light energy to sound energy, then back to light energy. It is centrally involved in controlling all mental and physical body activities. It is present at the site of tissue repair, regeneration and infectious diseases. It has shown semi-conductive properties outside the body, meaning it may conduct electricity. This is evident in the appearance of melanin on site where energy conversions occur. It may be a biological superconductor under certain conditions and behaves like an insulator in that it wont allow electrical current to pass through its structure. M elanin in the iris of the eye is directly related to an individuals reaction time/quickness of movement. It can bind and release most known elements. On a molecular level, by a process called resonance, melanins molecular orbitals rearrange themselves to allow for new energy to come in, replacing sites of low energy. When most individuals go out shopping for a new car, cell phone or other gadget, they look for the one with the most accessories. Chemicals molecules also have accessories which are called functional groups (FG). A chemical can do more work in the form of chemical reactivity as the number of these FGs increase. M elanin molecules contain many different FGs which undergo many chemical reactions at the same time. These chemical reactions show themselves in the highly expressive culture of Black people. Black people have a highly energized sensory-motor network due to large concentrations of melanin. This expressiveness can be seen in rhythmically oriented activities such as dancing, rapping to a beat and any other task involving psychomotor skills.

Melanin in the Brain

Neuromelanin is an antioxidant that can prevent cellular damage; it can act as a semiconductor by increasing the speed of nerve impulses, and functions as an electrochemical transducer to transform physical stimuli into neural activity. The impact of melanin in the brain or other internal organs (neuromelanin) isnt as well known as surface/skin melanin. Although its out of sight from the sun, the cortex is dark and rich in neuromelanin. T. Owens M oore states, M elanins capacity to interact with light and to transmute it to higher states of order and complexity, to transform it from one state to another, is seen as a crucial parallel to evolution itself. The darker this neuromelanin has become through evolution, the more cognitively sophisticated our species has become. Higher primates have more than lower primates, and man has most of all. There is evidence that learning new skills increases neuromelanin concentration in certain parts of the brain. On the flip side, drugs, chemicals and the aging process can cause loss of neuromelanin containing brain cells. Although its obvious that the amount of skin melanin varies between ethnic groups, its more difficult to measure the different levels of neuromelanin. T. Owens M oore states:

It is very significant to mention how ethnic differences are overlooked when evaluating the presence of neuromelanin. If the claim is made that brain melanin is programmed to function at different capacities depending upon a persons overall genetic capacity to produce melanin, then it is likely that brain melanin can vary between ethnic groups.
The amount of neuromelanin is determined by genetics. M elanin is produced by melanosomes located in cells called melanocytes. The amount of melanin produced, according to Carol Barnes, is controlled by catalyst concentration (the catalyst being tyrosinase, peroxidase and melanin-copper complex), catalyst chemical reactivity, electrical charge, melanin type and molecular weight. Neuromelanin and skin melanin DO NOT form in the same manner. To biologically activate neuromelanin, its important to eat the proper foods (natural, sun-rich foods). Research has proven the protective role of pigments in certain fruits that function as effective antioxidants. As a general rule of thumb, the darker the berry, the greater the antioxidant effect-think blueberries. Since neuromelanin functions as an antioxidant, its health is enhanced by that which has a similar role. Neuromelanin is a double-edged sword. If you properly maintain the health of it, you can greatly enhance its effects in your life, if neglected; it can lead to neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsons.

Drugs and Melanin

One of the rules of chemistry is like attracts like and like dissolves like. This means that if two chemicals have similar structures or FGs, they will bond, or chemically react with one another. After binding, the new mixture or chemical will show properties similar to both chemicals before the bond but properties different from any one of the two originals. Drugs such as cocaine, LSD, marijuana and many others are very similar to melanin and the sub-units that make up melanin. These similarities cause the drugs to work at a faster pace, cause a user to experience higher highs and lower lows and to remain in the eumelanin (melanin-dominant) persons system for longer periods of time. Basically, crack-cocaine, nicotine, and similar drugs stick to melanin, and this has been proven in studies. The new chemical formed from bonding drugs such as cocaine with melanin, cannot support life functions; however, the body will try and use cocaine to do the job of serotonin and dopamine because they are similar in makeup. Cocaine use depletes melanin because melanin is essentially a storehouse of brain signals, which will get released into the body once other sources are gone. Thus, when the body is used up by cocaine, it realizes the real chemicals in which it needs are gone, triggering the craving for cocaine because it thinks it is getting the chemicals (melanin, dopamine, serotonin, etc.) it has used up. In addition, a chemical like cocaine has the potential to co-polymerize into the melanin structure. It can remain intact for a number of months until an event such as stress, poor diet, or some other significant event triggers the melanin structure to release the cocaine back into the body. When this happens, the amount of the drug released back into the body is not controlled by the individual and can cause an overdose, seizures or even sudden death. M ore information on the harmful effects of drugs on melanin can be found in senior research chemist Carol Barnes first volume in his series, Melanin: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness.

The Pharaohs Tomb

Dr. Richard King states in Why Darkness Matters:

In the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, there are inscriptions that make reference to our pineal gland and its stimulation. First, in the 2nd shrine and first group of divinities, there is a clear picture of star passing rays of light into the midforehead site of the pineal gland. The second group of divinities, fourth figure, named the neck of Horus, may define the location of the vocal cords. This is noteworthy because it is the site of production for the spoken word, which defined the ancient study of the role of music and harmonic resonance in elevating melanin systems. In the second group of divinities, fifth figure is a clear reference to the pineal gland. The second group of divinities, sixth figure, is the doorway, as in in the head, there is a doorway. Last, in the third group of divinities, the sixth figure, morning bark of Ra, may be a deeper aspect of the doorway, in that as the doorway ascends it becomes a vessel of vast travel, a literal star ship. Suggested Reading
For more information, because this is not by any means a comprehensive look into this outstanding substance, check out The Melanin Diet by Deanne M eningall, Melanin: the Chemical Key to Black Greatness by Carol Barnes, and Why Darkness Matters: The Power of Melanin in the Brain by Edward Bruce Bynum PhD, Ann Brown PhD, Richard King M D and T. Owens M oore PhD. Youll want to read up on it as much as possible, as theyve all had something more to add on to the subject and no two books were alike. Also, Dr. Jewel Pookrum is also releasing a revised edition of Vitamin and Minerals from A to Z with Ethno-Consciousness. It covers diet, food, vitamins and minerals specifically to suit melanin-dominant people.

a matter of life or death

hile wed love if everyone reading this book could embrace holistic health, a natural diet, and a lifestyle that doesnt resemble slow suicide we know that most of us are still in basic survival mode. That is, most of are still scraping by from month-to-month, living check-to-check (include those of us in the so-called middle class), struggling to keep a roof over our heads and our children out of troubleTrust me, we understand survival is real. Its that lifestyle that forces us to make tough decisions between eating healthy or eating cheap and easy. Between exercising daily, or getting to it when we have time (never). Between preventative medicine and over-the-counter medications. And its a battle weve been losing. Though the hood has forced us to learn how to survive with little to nothing for resources, too many of us are

still NOT surviving. And thats part of the plan. This system is designed for us to be destroyed, all while it appears that we destroyed ourselves. From the prison system to the economic system to the healthcare system, the odds are against us. Its not by accident, and contrary to the conservatives among us we didnt make it this way. Blacks, Latinos and whites have similar rates of drug use, but Blacks and Latinos routinely get longer jail and prison sentences for nonviolent drug offenses than whites. And for Blacks and whites committing the same violent crimes (especially rape), the conviction and sentencing gaps are even bigger. Why? Dont you know the origins of the criminal justice system in America? Do you know it pretty much started with criminalizing Original people? Just think about it. California was the first state to pass laws against marijuana, in order to criminalize M exicans. Now, theyre the first state to push for legalization, to decriminalize whites. Cocaine was also an acceptable drug in Americauntil Black men started using it. Thats when it was criminalized. And if youre not aware of the connections between the prison system and slavery, youve gotta read How to Hustle and Win, because theres far too much to tell here. What about healthcare? Do you know how many of us die every year, just because were uninsured? Of course, thats part of the plan as well. Dont you know the origins of the American medical industry? Dont you know it pretty much started with experimenting on Original People? Gynecology? Look up the gruesome instruments tested on Black female slaves, which eventually became the speculum (women will know what Im talking about). Psychology? Look up all the mental illnesses they developed to explain why slaves ran away or fought back. Epedemiology (the study of disease)? Think about all the diseases they tested on usincluding the ones theyve never admitted to. When you look at the big picture, the only part of Western medicine that has been about healing has been whatever they learned from Africans and Native Americans! But even THAT was transformed into the chemically-altered Frankenstein world of modern pharmaceutifuls. When you understand it all in that context, youll understand why theres no universal healthcare in America, and there probably never will be. Because this society has NEVER wanted to take care of its victims (Black and brown people). Free healthcare for all people would mean the game was changing, and its not (why do you think poor white people get so angry about something that would actually help poor white people?). As author Amanda M arcotte noted:

Ive long been a proponent of the idea that one reason that Americans dont have universal health care already unlike every other industrialized Western nation is that enough white people in power are so unwilling to share with non-white people that theyd rather go without than share. History would certainly indicate this is the case. Ta-Neishi Coates pointed out that New Deal had to exclude black people to get passed, for instance.
As Dr. Vernellia Randall explains in her book Dying While Black , the health problems faced by Blacks in America are not simply disproportionate to whites (no matter what level of income, proving that its about race more than about poverty), but in fact, this inequity can be traced back to slavery and has remained relatively consistent since then. So all these branches (inequities in incarceration, health, and economic) lead back to roots in conquest and exploitation (for all Original People, if you think about it). And it all adds up to being an issue of whether you are meant to survive or not. In short, youre not. At least, thats not how the systems set up. Its designed for you to fall victimunless you start playing for the other side, of course. So when we talk about survival, were talking about a lot of things. Were talking about healthcare, insurance, elder care, prison, and heres the big one what to do when it all hits the fan. Weve got it bad enough as it is, but what the hell would we do if all hell broke loose today? Weve already seen the worst-case scenarios in New Orleans and Haitiso we dont have any reason to believe that the people of any hood, anywhere else, would do much betterwhich is why weve dedicated a good chunk of this chapter to THAT kind of survival. Following this chapter, theres a whole chapter on first aid, another survival necessity. We can only keep pushing this information in the hopes that we will one day hit a critical mass and change the game. Thats our partcan we count on you to do yours? Its our survival at stake.


B Y SAT O R I A N A N D A M ichael M oore went to great lengths to document how sick our healthcare industry is in the U.S., in his award-winning documentary Sicko. Now, you might have heard some great things about the recent healthcare bill, but American healthcare is still NOTHING like universal healthcare. Just check out this article from the June 14, 2010 edition of the Huffington Post:

An unemployed Michigan woman who was unable to afford medical treatment for a searing pain in her shoulder took matters into her own hands last week, shooting herself in the shoulder in a last-ditch effort to get into the ER. Kathy Myers, 41, said she was pushed to the brink of desperation Thursday night because she was crazy in pain, and the local hospital emergency room would give her no more than a handful of anti-inflammatory pills. Pain will make you do silly, crazy things, the 41-year-old Niles, Mich., woman said in a interview with News 8 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I knew they wasnt going to do anything, again. They said if it wasnt life-threatening, no health insurance, you cant get no help. In the video, she reenacts how she covered her right shoulder and head with two pillows before pointing her .25caliber handgun at her own body. I took the gun and went Boom! she said. Myers was treated for the gunshot wound at Lakeland Community Hospital and released a few hours later, reports She said the self-inflicted wound did not help her achieve her goal. It didnt take the pain away, she told News 8. Uninsured in the Hood
You exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, try to manage your stress levels and generally take care of your health as the best way of keeping yourself out of the doctors office and hospital. But, accidents, unexpected illness, serious disease and injuries happen to even the most cautious of families and having access to the best care is critical.

Did You Know? According to a report published in the November 2009 Archives of Surgery , uninsured adults higher risk of death results in approximately 18,000 more deaths per year. Uninsured patients have the highest rate of death following admission for any kind of traumatic injury. Uninsured patients may experience treatment delay and/or receive different care, including fewer diagnostic tests.
Chances are like nearly 46 million other Americans, you have been without insurance, or maybe like 25 million of your neighbors if you do have insurance you are underinsured. An estimated 1 in 4 (25%) Blacks are uninsured, compared to 10% of whites (But Latino Americans are the largest segment of the adult population most likely to be uninsured, at 41.5%). The rates of employer-based health coverage are just over 50% for employed Blacks, compared to over 70% for employed whites. In 2007, 23.8% of Blacks relied on public health insurance, in comparison to only 9% of whites. Studies have shown that being uninsured (or underinsured) leads to a 40% increased risk of death. That means no insurance can equal DEATH. People without health insurance or who are M edicaid recipients are generally younger, less likely to be white, more likely to have a lower income, and more likely to be admitted to the hospital through the emergency room. If you are involved in an auto accident or victim of a gunshot wound and you dont have health insurance you are more likely to die of your injuries than if you have private insurance. Additionally, if you compare people hurt in car accidents to gunshot patients, gun shot victims require more of everything: more surgery, more intensive care, more rehabilitation and more counseling. They have more complications that bring them back for care, sometimes for the rest of their lives. They also are less likely to have private insurance. Under the healthcare reform act bills recently passed, insurance coverage will be made available to more American citizens. The new laws require U.S. citizens and legal residents to have qualifying health coverage. Those without coverage will pay a tax penalty. The new law will allow more people to be eligible for government and state medical coverage and help many families pay for insurance. The new laws dont go into effect until 2014 but some of the positive aspects of the new reform, like parents being able to keep their adult children on their insurance until age 26, has begun early on many plans. Still, many of us dont currently have access to private insurance or cant afford it even if its available through our employers. Listed below are websites that offer clinics based on sliding scares or free services depending on income. Also included are programs to help with the cost of medicine and long term prescriptions. Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

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Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit


Natalie Cole A Story of Hope
Natalie Cole, the daughter of legendary singer Nat King Cole, had been having kidney troubles since February of 2008, when she was diagnosed with hepatitis C. According to the singer, she contracted the illness from her long struggle with drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Today, she says shes sober after two stints in rehab. Once diagnosed, Cole underwent chemotherapy to fight the virus. In M arch 2009, she appeared on CNNs Larry King Live, announcing that the disease has caused both of her kidneys to fail, and she was searching for a donor. I couldnt breathe. I I went into literally, my kidneys stopped functioning. They stopped, you know, processing the fluid that was starting to build up in my body, Cole explained. Since her kidney failure, she was on dialysis three days a week. Without a transplant, she was likely to remain on dialysis for the rest of her life, which would most certainly be cut short. She explained to Larry King, Im on a very long [waiting] list, which is why we are looking to donors. During her appearance, dozens of emails flooded CNNs computers. They were from fans who were offering up their own kidneys to help save the 59-year-old singer. According to, King handed Cole a stack of paper. These are all e-mails from dozens dozens of people offering to be tested to see if they can match, who want to give you a kidney, King told her. Stunned, Cole responded, There are some great human beings out there. Thats all I can say. Today, she has a new kidney.

MC Breed A Story of Tragedy

But all stories like this dont have happy endings. In September of 2008, Flint, M ichigan-based rapper M C Breed was playing basketball in Atlanta when he collapsed and was rushed to a nearby hospital, where he was listed in critical condition. When Breed was admitted, his kidneys were only 30% functional. Breed needed a kidney transplant. A number of rappers were contacted about participating in a benefit concert to help Breed with his medical expenses. We are hoping we can find Breed a kidney through this process, before its too late, Breeds manager Darryl M orris told Breed died November 22, 2008 of kidney failure, still waiting for a kidney transplant. He was 37. What made the difference in who lived and died? Nothing, except who received and who didnt. Light bill, phone bill, plus my Grannys nerve pills/ Feel like I should be takin them, imagine how my nerves feel/ I want a new Bentley - my Auntie need a kidney/ And if I let her pass, her children never will forgive me Young Jeezy, Crazy World The typical waiting time for a white person in need of a kidney for transplant is 553 days. M eanwhile, the typical waiting time for a Black person is nearly double that, at 1,082 days! Why? I was recently taking a test where as a security measure everyone had to put their drivers licenses out on the table in front of them. All the white people had organ donor stamped on theirs, but I didnt see any Black people with that mark. That made me think about facts like the numbers above. I thought about how Black peoples bodies arent compatible with everything in white peoples bodies, so Black people usually need Black organs (and blood). I thought about all the Black people I know who need a kidney or a liver or a brain and cant get one. I thought about Alonzo M ourning and Walter Payton (ask somebody). In 1982, Blacks were about 12% of the U.S. population, but only 3% of organ donors. A team at Howard University started a campaign to increase donor participation. Since then, the numbers have gone up, but not by much. A study in Ohio of 1,283 subjects found that fewer Black people signed donor cards 39% of Blacks, compared to 66% of whites. Other findings from the study revealed greater mistrust in medical system, with Blacks concerned that they wouldnt be revived if doctors realized they were signed up to be donors. While we know that Blacks get targeted by the medical industry for the worst of the worst (See Are All Doctors M ad Scientists?), the worst also includes needing a kidney and not getting one because a bunch of people were scared of being harvested for organs. So heres my simple advice. When you get your state ID or drivers license, go ahead and check off the box for organ donor. Its that simple. It dont cost you nothing. All it means is that when you die, your organs can go to someone else who needs them. Its not like your dead ass is gonna need them for anything. Even if you believe in heaven, Im sure you wont miss your kidney there. But that kidney from you could save another Black mans life. Now that I think about it, what about blood? Theres a lot of Black people who need Type O blood, but cant get it because Black people dont like giving blood. M atter fact, some cities dont have enough of ANY kind of blood. As The Grio reported in July of 2009:

In Chicago this weekend, a 12-year-old boy was critically wounded in a drive-by shooting, another victim in what has seemed like non-stop violence there lately. Things are so bad that one hospital emergency room has actually come close to running out of supplies of blood for incoming patients. Over the Fourth of July weekend alone there were a reported 63 shootings and 11 murders. Staggering numbers push the trauma unit in public hospitals to the brink. With the number of homicides this year over 200, albeit a slight decrease over last year, for Mayor Richard Daley it is still a senseless loss. Thats a sad thing. Another funeral, another funeral. Its about time that people get outraged. Chief trauma surgeon Andrew Dennis says his hospital recently came dangerously close to running out of blood for transfusions. This is the first time weve been critically short to the point where someone could perish because we didnt have the right product to give them.
So after you get your ID, go donate some blood. Oh, and while theyre at it, theyll give you a blood test. Uh oh, yall were with me right up until then, huh?


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G T O B E P U B LI SH ED I N A F I R ST T I M ER S G U I D E T O P R I SO N B Y A H M A R I A H J A C K SO N A N D I AT O M I C A LLA H Between 1987 and 2007, the U.S. prison population tripled. The majority of those inmates, as we all know, were Black and Latino men. Blacks are imprisoned at nearly seven times the rate of whites mostly for drug-related, nonviolent offensesdespite the fact that whites typically use more drugs than Blacks. The only group going to prisons at a comparable rate is now Black women, following in the footsteps of their men. And prison is bad for your health. Not just in the sense of the violence that goes on behind those walls, but in much deeper, long-term ways as well. Nearly all serious conditions and illnesses are in prison in greater proportion than on the outside. For example, AIDS rates are five times higher and Hepatitis C rates are 10 times higher. Additionally, overcrowding, unsanitary conditions, and improper ventilation can increase your risk of exposure to other infectious diseases. In the largest outbreak of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis in New York City in 1989, fully 80% of all index cases could be traced to jails and prisons. To make things worse, your conditions will probably get worse in prison. Jail and prison medical care is far below acceptable standards. In most cases, the correctional system recognizes the high rates of disease among those incarcerated, but provides very little treatment, prevention, discharge planning or aftercare unless there is a legal threat or humanitarian influence. Thats why you hear about those legal cases where a prisoner is suffering cruel and unusual punishment because they are not receiving standard medical services for their preexisting conditions. In fact, some people say they deny healthcare to political prisoners on purpose. Lets not forget the ridiculous number of mental health problems in most prisons. In fact, if those inmates werent Black and Latino, many of them would be in mental health facilities and substance abuse programs instead of prisons. But not only are they all in there, theyre not getting treated. Combine that neglect with the heightened stress of incarceration, and your end result is that these individuals come back to our communities even crazier than when they went in. And they continue to sufferand our communities suffer with them. As you can tell, the health consequences extend even beyond the time youre locked up. A 2009 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine shows that young adults who previously served time in prison have a higher risk of developing high blood pressure and an enlarged heart than those who have never been incarcerated. The study found that ex-inmates are also less likely to have access to regular health care, including treatment for the health issues linked to their incarceration. In fact, you may not know exactly how hard it is to get health insurance or life insurance with a felony on your record. Just ask anyone whos tried. You can get auto insurance, but forget about funding your future (or your childrens future). In fact, once you get convicted, your insurance is probably going to get terminated. In addition to an increased risk for heart disease, a 2005 study found that imprisonment has a long-term negative influence on health that lasts until at least age 40 and is only slightly improved by marriage and employment. Whats the solution? If youre in prison, demand adequate treatment. Take em to court if you have to. Demand treatment for your fellow prisoners as well. And if youre not in prison, dont gobecause its a sick, sick place.


B Y I AT O M I C A LLA H T O B E P U B LI SH ED I N A F I R ST T I M ER S G U I D E T O P R I SO N B Y A H M A R I A H J A C K SO N A N D I AT O M I C A LLA H When it comes to health in prison and even the free world for that matter, you must maintain it in three dimensions: mentally, physically, and emotionally. The order in which a person prioritizes these arent as important as you pinpointing your needs. Personally, I stress mental health first however; for some its going to take a gang of work in that department. So for them they may take to physical exercises quicker. It doesnt matter because eventually these three dimensions of health fuel each other. Physical health eventually fuels a desire for mental health (stability). That is; in most cases, there are still others who suffer a more severe degree of mental instability that is fueled by emotional turmoil. So when a man acts out fits of rage he does so because his emotions have taken over his rational thought patterns rendering him instinctual, thus other than self. This is psychological suicide. In this section I will give you tips on how to establish and maintain optimal health in each dimension mentioned earlier. Since I stressed mental first, thats where I will begin. When I specifiy mental, Im referring to logical (calculated) thought as opposed to emotional impulses (psychological suicide). Here are ten tips to help you establish and maintain a stable foundation for optimal mental health while locked up and in the free world.

Mental Health
Tips to maintain mental stability in the concrete and steel: 1. Awareness. First you must recognize that from day one you are in a mental war of sorts. The most important and lethal participant in this war is you. Either you can come out of this for the better or worse. If youre looking to better yourself then read on. 2. Mental S timulation. Think of your mind as a muscle. Just like the rest of the muscles in your body, if you dont exercise it; it will start to deteriorate. Of course, the most proficient way to exercise the mind is by reading. M ore importantly though, is what you choose to read. Sometimes that can be more detrimental than not reading at all. I recommend Knowledge of Self: A Collection of Wisdom on the Science of Everything in Life as a first read. For a lot of cats locked down this is usually the time that they pick up their first book. Knowledge of Self is a must read. However, dont let this be the only book you read. M ake it the first of many. 3. Critical Thinking. Now that youve started to stimulate different cells of thought it is now time to build critical thinking skills. There are many activities that may seem like just games on the surface that serve as vital tools in the development of critical thinking skills while incarcerated. They are: chess, dominoes, scrabble, puzzles and things of that nature. The point is to not only occupy your mind but to strengthen it as well. Although these may seem like trivial pasttimes, theyre not! They also promote a more positive atmosphere for social interaction. 4. Fighting the Law. If you have been wrongly convicted, then most of your problems are going to surround the proof of your innocence. M ost of your time should be spent in the law library. Theres no high like finding precedents to support your case. This in and of itself puts you on a mental high. Knowing that you single-handedly are facing down the most powerful judicial system on the planet is somewhat liberating. Dont take my word. See for yourself. This doesnt mean go out and get yourself locked up. This means if youre already falsely incarcerated then get it in in the law library. 5. Find a Hobby. Lastly, I strongly advise that you find a creative outlet such as drawing, writing, rapping, singing, arts and crafts, tattooing, or something. This serves as a mechanism to vent frustrations, anger, and disappointments. In other words these activities will actually help you to harness irrational behavior into productive outlets. These are also activities that occupy a lot of time. Time is definitely something that you must occupy wisely!

Emotional Health
Since emotional health is so closely related to mental health, I only have a few tips dealing with emotional health. If you follow the advice of the tips Ive already outlined for mental health, then you will be equipped with enough exercises to keep strokes of irrationality in check. However, like I mentioned earlier; there are still others who suffer a more severe degree of mental instability that is fueled by emotional turmoil (psychological suicide). If you fit into this category dont worry I got you covered. 6. Get Over It. You must get it into your head that you can not stress the things you can not change. So you just got divorce papers in the mail. You shanking somebody isnt going to stop your divorce. Get over it playboy. Shes on to the next one. The best way to avoid situations like this and do your time with as little stress as possible is to totally sever all ties to the free world. Youre not going to be able to just sever all communications at first, but over a period of time you can stop calling as much, until youve completely stopped calling altogether. The same can be applied to mail. What this does is allow you to do your time, which is stressful enough without the added bullsh*t of the free world. (Thus limiting the incidents of impulsive rage.) 7. Control Yourself. Now of course there are situations where tip #6 wont resolve. When it comes to the children of prisoners theres a delicate situation. What usually makes this situation so complex is the fact that more often than not, you have to deal with the emotions of the mother and the child (or children, for that matter). In this case, severing all ties wont be the smartest move. Situations like this take the highest degrees of self control. So anytime you anticipate interactions in this area you must prepare yourself to control the situation by controlling yourself! So approach these situations with measured steps. All it takes is for you to lose control and the next thing you know its been two years since you last had a visit or mail from your child or children. The more flies with honey approach is best applied here. Also keep in mind though, at some point you must accept what you can not change due to your incarceration.

Physical Health
The final aspect for optimal health while in the belly of the beast is physical health. Now that youve been adequately equipped with the keys to mental and emotional stability, its only right that I complete the cipher with tips for obtaining the best physical conditioning. 8. Diet. When people think of physical health they automatically think exercise and body building. Dont get me wrong, exercise is an extremely vital tool in achieving optimal physical conditioning. However, its not the most important. The most important aspect of physical health is what you put into your body!! What you put in is what you get out. Ya dig?!? If you eat junk then youre going to feel like junk i.e lethargic, unmotivated, and lazy. Food is supposed to fuel the body. Youre not suppose to want to lay down to rest after you eat. No!!! Youre suppose to feel energetic and ready to take on whatever tasks that you may have set for yourself. I strongly advise that you either become vegetarian or cut down your flesh intake as much as you can while incarcerated. In the free world too for that matter. M y reason for saying this is actually two-fold. First, the animals raised on these prison farms are never in the best of health. As a matter of fact, most of them are suffering from debilitating ailments before they are slaughtered. So much so that the actual slaughter becomes something of a mercy killing. Now combine that with some of the savage acts the prisoners who care for these animals partake in with these animals

and you shouldnt want to eat that sh*t anyway. Yes, I mean beastiality!! In laymens terms, sex with animals. Thats right!! Secondly when you make better choices in this area, you eventually start to make better choices in life in general. Thus, making you a better person all the way around. M aintaining a vegetarian diet is not as hard as you would think it is in prison. The one thing you will learn very quickly while locked up, EVERYTHING has value to it in prison. I dont think that there is a bartering system in the world that is remotely comparable to the prisoners barter system. So when meat items are served as the main course of your meal you can easily trade/sell it off for the vegetables on that menu. Or, you can sell it off for some item off the commissary (inmate store). Trust, there were many days that I ate very well trading meat for vegetables. Now if you decide to go vegan which is no meat, meat byproducts, or dairy you may have a harder time. Thats not to say that you cant maintain your diet. Its just that youre going to have to be extremely persistent in demanding the prison recognize your diet. In Georgia, there are three prisons that offer vegan menus. So if youre in prison in Georgia and youre vegan and the prison where you are being housed doesnt offer vegan alternatives, then you should request to see the prison chaplain and state your case. You shouldnt experience too much resistance in this area. There may be some laziness in the handling of it because carnivores rarely take health that seriously. However, if youre persistent you should be transferred within sixty to ninety days. 9. Physical Conditioning. Now we can go into physical conditioning. This is probably the most commonly associated aspect of prison life. M ost cats start out doing push ups to either relieve stress, frustrations, or to kill some time. Whatever the case, these physical exercises serve more purpose than just cosmetic. They actually serve as another outlet to vent. M ore than a few states have taken weights out of their prisons citing that the weights were a threat to the security of the prison. What that meant was that the prisoners were getting too big for security to handle them. Since weights were taken out, youre forced to find more creative ways to strength train. The most common is the water bag. It is just what it sounds like it is, a trash bag filled with water. The bigger the bag the more its going to weigh. I have also worked out with two buffers tied together. When youre locked up you make do with what you have. Whatever the case, push ups, sit ups, crunches, water bag, or buffers; I advise that you partake in some form of physical conditioning. Its far too easy to do your time just laying around deteriorating. What you dont use you lose. Even if you dont exercise using the methods I named, at least, when they call yard call, go out and, if nothing else, walk the yard. You can even pick up a game of basketball. You must know, however, prison ball is a little more intense than street ball. If youre really feeling yourself, then run a few laps around the yard. This is such a therapeutic experience that once you try it a couple times, you may find yourself addicted. 10) Last but not least, masturbation. Hey, it is what it is. M asturbation is as much a part of prison life as concrete and steel. Sometimes you just have to get that off your chest. If you dont, you may find yourself exploding in fits of violence for no apparent reason. Now there is moderation to everything. Have enough respect for yourself and others to at least do this in the privacy of the shower. Im just saying, not everybody has common sense. Whipping your sh*t out in the presence of others will get your head split the f*ck open. Then again, you may not have to jack. You may be able to let nature take its course and release that pressure via dream. This is the best. At least you get a good visual and the mind is so focused that it almost feels real. That is, until you open your eyes to the same cats youve been around for however many years, months, and days. Be careful to not get caught up on feeling on yourself, though. There are cats that develop uncontrollable urges when it comes to jacking. So much so that they become instinctual instead of intellectual. M eaning on any impulse they may act on the urge to jack. Thats not healthy at all!!! Nobody knows you like you know you. So you will know when its time for you to relieve some pressure. Pressure busts pipes. Ya dig?!?! There you have it. I build that all that Ive covered in this section will help you to establish and maintain the highest degree of comprehensive health while locked up. Even more than that, I build that all that I have covered will also help you achieve all that you will in the free world as well.


BY RO D N EY J O N ES The conversations we have with our elders help us see this world through a lens that is very different from what is often presented to us in the songs, television programming and movies of popular culture. The conversations we hold with our elders help us connect to who we were, are, and shall become as a people. This communication is necessary to our well being, as well as the health of our elders. I remember a scene in the Tyler Perry movie Madeas Family Reunion, when the Great Grandmother rings the bell after watching the family fight, drink, gamble and de-class themselves. She then goes on to give them a little history lesson. Up until that point I dont think anybody even knew that she was there. Health is one of the areas that becomes more and more important to deal with as our elders age. Ensuring they have healthy lifestyles and diets becomes increasingly important as well. Unfortunately, the traditions of family meals and intergenerational communication in our communities are becoming frailer than osteoporosis stricken bones. During a recent conversation with a homeboy of mine, we discussed how when his grandmother became too ill to live alone, she began suffering from dementia and had to move in with his family. This elder in the family who would always have family gatherings in her home was soon forgotten by other family members. Once the immediate and obvious value of the familys interaction with her was removed so was the motivation to gather as extended family. All too often, we basically forget about our elders and leave them to wither away and die in some f*cked up retirement home. According to some stats from the National Center of Health Statistics, Black people in America over the age of 70 report having trouble with everyday activities. Of all our elders, 11.5% report trouble with bathing or showering, 8.1% with dressing, 11.1% with getting out of bed, 25% with walking, 11.0% with getting around swiftly outside, and 3.0% with using the restroom. This cycle is repeated again and again in the black and brown hoods across America. As we allow our cultures and customs to erode into a more European style we are losing the connections necessary to enjoy life as it was intended to be. This disassociation with our spirit and community is highlighted in old age. Too many of our elders are suffering in isolation in their last years with us. The best way to care for our elders is to engage with them and their needs as elders. Other ways include:

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Talk with their doctors and know what medications they are taking. Research these medications to know their side effects and look for healthier alternative treatments. Prepare meals with your elders. Siblings can take turns or the family can eat together. Nothing improves the health of our elders like involvement with family matters. Dont over work them. Too many of our elders, especially women are forced to raise grandchildren and great grandchildren. Interaction is one thing but raising children is the responsibility of parents. Take a class together. One great opportunity for people of color is the Dzert Club that teaches about Africa and the history of African people and culminates with a trip to Africa. Know the leading causes of death for elders in your community, the systems, and research methods of prevention and cure. Currently the leading causes of death among African Americans age 65 and over are: Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, Diabetes, and Pneumonia/Influenza

However, regardless of the initial thoughts invoked at the numbers and information above, there is TREM ENDOUS hope among our community as far as caring for our elders are concerned. In the Stanford University Ethno-geriatric study, Blacks were more likely to assist or take on the role of caregivers to their elderly friends. The study also mentioned that Blacks were more likely to have more contact with friends, family and neighbors; probably from living in areas that are more bunched and confined (turns out the projects served a positive purpose). Even with the use of informal caregiving (friends and family), there was shown to be no drop off in formal caregiving (senior centers, rehabilitation centers). In a study of African American caregiving for a relative with Alzheimers disease, it was shown that caregiving, a traditionally female role, is not only a traditional family value, but an act of love, and that frequently, social supports serve to mediate caregiver burden (Steritt & Pokorny, 1998). It has been noted that Black caregivers report less depression than White caregivers and have greater self-efficiency in managing caregiving problems. I think this has to be directly linked to the tragedies of slavery, growing up impoverished and enduring tragedy daily in the Hood such as gun violence. Heres where the phrase, What doesnt kill us only makes us stronger, comes into play. Pat on the back for us one time. When it comes to caring for our elders, we often cant afford to send them off to old folks homes. So we do our best to handle whats needed, as far as diet, exercise, medicine dispensement and monitoring their health. However, not all of us are on our jobs like that. What about you? Are you taking care of your elders and their needs? ALL of their needs? What about the more intangible things, outside of the physical needs? Be not slow to visit the sick. Ecclesiastes If you arent, guess who is? THE CHURCH!!! In places that are more rural (country if you will), or with less community resources, the church plays a vital role. The good folk of Big Pebble Rock Episcopal Baptist M ethodist Baptist Baptist Church sometimes fill a role where the elderly may not have much family. They provide a family-like feeling, ranging from bringing Sister M abel a plate of black eyed peas, con bread and greens, to getting Brother Johnny Lee Jones out to the annual church picnic on Saturday, or just getting together for prayer meeting (and gossip) with Sister Jesse M ae. Whatever the gathering be for that particular day, it provides the community-based infrastructure we often lack in the secular realms of our communities. The church members are often the go-to source for an elder who has no family in the area that they reside in. So for all you non-Christian folks trying to force Nana out the church, part of the reason why she aint budgin is because its her support network. And if YOU aint providing a better, more loving, more thorough support network, stop complaining and criticizing. ADD ON instead. You owe it to your elders to make sure their needs are met. So are you on your job?


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G If we can learn anything from the tragic death of Hip Hop pioneer Guru, it should be that we M UST have our affairs in order before tragedy strikes. When Guru fell ill in February of 2010, we learned hed been battling cancer for years. Some of his own family members didnt know. Thats not a good look. Whats worse is that the person who assumed responsibility for his care was doing anything BUT taking care of him. Solar, Gurus business partner and producer, had quickly assumed control of Gurus business affairs and even his damn M ySpace page. While Solar was spinning Gurus illness in the media to his own benefit, Guru lay in a hospital bed comatose, his face unshaved, his nails uncut. DJ Premier lashed out on Sirius radio after seeing his condition:

If you love him, and youre taking care of him, why the f**k did his nails look longer than a f*cking ruler?! [And] a clump Afro?! Ive taken care of people in the hospital [before]. You can wash their hair and clean their nails off. His feet were swollen and his toenails were really disgustingI took the logo on my shirt and rubbed it against his whole body and told him a message from me about how much I loved him, and that we were for life and still were for life. Then I kissed him on his face and let him know that I was going to miss him because it seemed like he was already gone.
Goddamn, Solar, you couldve taken a break from flirting with white girls on M ySpace to at least cut the mans nails. Instead, Solar blocked Gurus own family members from seeing him. When Guru passed on April 20th, Solar released a deathbed letter supposedly written by Guru (while he was in a coma!). The letter placed all of Gurus business interests in Solars hands and even gave a shout-out to a nonprofit that was supposedly Gurusbut which was really Solars, and wasnt even an active nonprofit at thatjust a way to collect donations from unknowing supporters. In the letter, it also appeared that Guru was blocking DJ Premier, his former producer, from doing ANYthing in memory of his old friend and colleague. Primo wasnt buying it. M eanwhile, it appeared Guru was somehow buying and selling real estate! Records suggest that Keith Elam sold his home for $325,000 in M arch (while he was in a coma), and then bought another home. How? You figure it out. Thanks to the diligent investigative work of a number of Guru fans, one of whom hacked into all of Solars online accounts, it soon became clear that the letter was a fake and Solar was a fraud. But this kinda sh*t happens all the time, and you dont have to be famous for it to happen to you! Havent you ever heard of someone contesting the will? I experienced it when my father passed away in 2009. All of a sudden, his ex-wife from 20 years ago wanted to pop up and claim that she was entitled to a piece of the pie. In fact, this wretched woman claimed she was entitled to EVERYTHING because of some crazy irrevocable beneficiary clause in their marriage contract. Fortunately, her argument didnt have a leg to stand on, so she didnt get a dime. But as I said, this kinda stuff happens quite often. When you fall ill, people will pop up in your life asking for money at the last minute (which they believe is your last minute), or trying to be extra nice to you (while youre conscious) so they can get in your Will. These same people will often neglect to take care of you while youre unconscious (in a coma or just too sick to speak up), or worse yet, theyll pull the plug on you like Gary Colemans woman. Can you imagine that? Somebody bustin you over the head, claiming you fell, then pulling the plug on you and selling your photos for ten stacks?! But thats how dirty some people are! And unless you want to fall prey to those wolves, youll get your affairs in order NOW. If not for your own sake, do it for your children and the loved ones youll leave behind. Otherwise, theyll be fighting expensive legal battles instead of honoring you the way they want to. At a time of grief, theyll be stressed and stretched to limits they shouldnt have to be. Fortunately, my mother had me and a lawyer relative to help her. What about people who dont have those kinda resources? So here are some ESSENTIAL things you need to start putting in place right NOW to avoid any future drama: Get life insurance. At least $150K worth, especially if youll be leaving behind young children who will need college money. Choose your beneficiaries wisely. If you dont feel safe telling your mate/spouse that theyre gonna get paid if you die, why are you even with them? S tart a Rainy Day savings fund. While this can go towards a serious family crisis in an emergency, it can also be used to cover funeral costs (which can get quite expensive). Its always especially sad when a grieving family has to beg for money to cover someones burial expenses. If you live a high-risk lifestyle, your rainy day fund better be BIG. Dont leave behind a ton of debt. Speaking of money, you should know that your debt also transfers to your next of kin. So does the hospital bill and the nursing home bill and the funeral home bill. Either live healthy and die peacefully in your sleep (very few bills) or set aside a ton of money for when your lifestyle puts you in a condition that requires ongoing care (lots of bills). Make your wishes known. When Tupac died, some people were concerned that hed been cremated, which they claimed he didnt want. Dont leave those issues ambiguous. Let your loved ones know who is in charge if something happens to you, if you want to be cremated (much cheaper) or buried (much more expensive), as well as making sure youre leaving behind the money to cover whatever it is you want. Prepare your Estate Plan. Whether married or single, rich or poor, young or old, you need an estate plan. Even if you dont have tons of property or businesses, you need to make it clear who will take care of your children or other dependents if something happens to you. Once its done, you need to put a copy, along with all your important financial documents in a fire-proof safe or a safe-deposit box. The other copy goes to whoever you trust enough to have power of attorney and/or be the executor of your estate. M ake sure those executing your estate plan know how to access those documents quickly.

Your Estate Plan

Heres a list of documents to consider when preparing your estate plan: A Will: This handles all of your business when you go. You can keep it simple, and say that 100% of your estate goes to your next of kin (your spouse if living, and your children if not). Or you can get more specific, which can be necessary if your children arent in your custody or have different parents. While it doesnt affect your life insurance or any financial accounts where youve already named beneficiaries, if you have business interests, accounts, or investments that most people dont know about, you should make sure you identify them here. Remember, you cant take it with you. The Will also names your executor (the person who follows its instructions). If you die without a Will, the state of your last residence will distribute your assets as it sees fit. Really. A simple will for a single person generally costs between $400 and $600 ($600-$800 for married couples), but this is where getting a membership with Pre-Paid Legal (perhaps a temporary one) might make the most sense. A Living Will: A Living Will covers all of your wishes in case youre unable to make decisions for yourself. It names who will be responsible, and under what conditions if any they can pull the plug on you. M ake sure you get it legally notarized (if you cant afford to have a lawyer handle the whole thing) and that your loved ones know where its kept. If youre having a lawyer prepare your Will, it can usually be added at very little extra cost. A Trust: This is different from a Will in that it can pass down property and other assets to your beneficiaries in a more protected way. This is what rich folks use to avoid taxes, creditors, and other drama when they pass away.

Power of Attorney: This legal document empowers a spouse, relative, or trusted adult to conduct financial transactions for you, mainly if you become incapacitated. They can sign checks or make business decisions as if they were you. A durable power of attorney becomes effective immediately, while a medical power of attorney allows someone to make medical decisions if you become incapacitated. You can check out the information at and for more details and other resources.



Being Black in America is dangerous to our health!

Historically, the enslavement of Africans was abnormally hazardous and there were health hazards and high death rates during every phase: during the interior trek, the middle passage, the breaking in period and the enslavement. The slave health deficit that was established during slavery was not relieved during the reconstruction period (1865-1870), Jim Crow Era (1870-1965), the Affirmative Action Era (1965-1980) or the Racial Entrenchment era (1980 to present). Thus, repairing the health of African Americans will require a multi-facet long term financial commitment and effort. The current health disparities that are directly traceable to slavery are facts that are not well understood. African American still suffer from the generational effect of a slave health deficit and reparations could repair that deficit. But before we can engage in a discussion around the Slave health deficit I need to lay out a clear definition of reparations. To many, both black, white and others, reparations is viewed as a paycheck, some undetermined amount of money for some long ago harm. In my view, that is an incomplete and destructive view of reparations. Rather, reparations should be viewed as an obligation to make the repairs necessary to correct current harms done by past wrongs. This is a much more expansive view than merely calculating the economic harm and writing a check. Under this view, reparations become a process that restores hope and dignity and rebuilds the community. Reparations for African Americans, conceived as repair, can help mend this larger tear in the social fabric for the benefit of both Blacks and mainstream America. This view allows for both responsibility and action by all parties African Americans lag behind on nearly every health indicator, including life expectancy, death rates, infant mortality, low birth weight rates and disease rates. African Americans are sicker than European Americans. We have shorter lives - We are quite literally dying from being black! Over 90,000 Blacks die each year that would not die if Blacks had the same death rate as whites. This black health deficit is directly traceable to the slave health deficit. The current status of black health is based on long-term system neglect build on a Slave Health Deficit. The burden of a slave health deficit has been a continuous burden. That deficit will only be removed if the United States makes a significant and sustained commitment - undertaking whatever actions necessary. Specifically, to eliminate the slave health deficit, the government will need to:

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Eliminate the disparities in morbidity and mortality Assure access to health care Assure quality health care, and Eliminate racial discrimination in health care and health research. A focus on education and prevention through targeted services; The provision of a live-able wage for all persons and families, and The elimination of environmental hazards in African American communities.

Eliminate the disparities in morbidity and mortality. Eliminating the disparities in morbidity and mortality will require, among other things:

Targeted S ervices. The health disparities among African Americans have been well established and up until recently eliminating health disparities has not been a goal. For instance, the United States health population goals in Healthy People 2000 focused on reducing the disparities and not eliminating it. It was not until Healthy People 2010 that eliminating health disparities became a goal and the same health goals for Whites were set for African Americans. Targeting health care services to African-Americans would focus resources on the specific health problems confronting them. States could take steps to target services toward African-Americans. In particular, a focused and sustained effort must be undertaken to eliminate health disparities in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, maternal and infant mortality, HIV/AIDS, cancer, oral health, mental health, drug, alcohol and tobacco addiction, asthma and violence (including domestic violence). An essential public health approach will need to be taken which includes:

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Assurance of access to quality health care; Locating health facilities in the black community; Providing universal health care; Assurance of cultural competence of the health care workforce; Elimination of racial discrimination in health care and health research; Authorization/funding of the use of medical testers; and Requirement of data collection and reporting. Assuring universal health care, Locating adequate health care facilities within the Black community, Assuring competent health care workforce in black communities, Assuring the cultural competence of the health care workforce, and Increasing the knowledge about health and health of black persons and translating it into effective clinical practice.

Eliminating the morbidity and mortality disparities will require access to quality care. Assuring access to quality care will require:

The United States and South Africa are the only major industrialized nations without a universal health insurance system that guarantees access to health care for all of their citizens. What the United States has instead of universal health care is a scheme of employer-financed insurance and government programs that still leaves more than 41 million Americans without the financial resources to pay for health care. The lack of health insurance is a particular issue for African-Americans who are less likely to have employer-financed insurance. While public programs, such as M edicaid and M edicare, are important sources of health care coverage for many low-income and AfricanAmericans, they do not reach all of the uninsured poor. While the absence of health insurance is much more likely with lower income, race is an independent factor affecting whether an individual will be insured. In fact, the racial difference in proportion of uninsured is most marked at higher incomes. For example, poor/low income

African-Americans are uninsured at about the same rate as poor/low income European- Americans; however, middle/high income AfricanAmericans are almost twice as likely to be uninsured than higher income European-Americans. Thus, reparations could be used to expand insurance coverage so that all African Americans have either employer-based or government-based insurance. The problem of limited resources is not new and has plagued the African-American community since slavery. Historically, AfricanAmerican communities attempted to address the problem by establishing African-American hospitals. At one point more than 200 hospitals were located in predominately black communities. African-Americans relied on these institutions to heal and save their lives. Now, these institutions are almost non-existent. By the 1960s, only 90 African-American hospitals remained. Between 1961 and 1988, 57 AfricanAmerican hospitals closed and 14 others either merged, converted or consolidated. By 1991, only 12 hospitals continued to struggle daily just to keep their doors open. As a result of closures, relocations, and privatization, many African-Americans are left with limited, and difficult, access to hospitals. Thus, reparations would provide for hospitals, clinics, alcohol and drug detox centers, dental health clinics and mental health clinics in the African American community. Reparations could be used to increase the availability of providers in the community. This could be done by providing scholarships for blacks to enter health care professions, by providing grants to university and colleges to increase their graduation rate of persons who will work in urban area, by increasing the capacity of historically black colleges to train and graduate students, by increasing health care reimbursement for services provided to inner-city residents, and by providing economic incentives to doctors and other health care professionals to locate to African American communities. A person does not have meaningful access to health care if that person is not provided health care within the context of his or her cultural background. M erely providing a person with a piece of paper (insurance) or a provider does not mean that the person will receive health care that assists in improving the persons health status. One barrier to culturally competent care is the physicians own negative perceptions about African Americans. Because they have differing needs and problems in accessing care, physicians may see African Americans as less compliant and more difficult to care for. The problem, however, is not African Americans, but the health care systems inability to provide effective care to diverse populations. If increased compliance and improved health status are the goals, then the health care system must be flexible enough to match a communitys cultural, ethnic, lifestyle and socioeconomic needs. Through reparations culturally competent care can be assure by requiring:

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Health professional schools to train providers from a diverse background; All physicians to have a rotation during their internship and externship the focus on providing culturally competent care; Providers to take continuing educational units in cultural competency; Health care facilities and managed care organizations to complete and submit on regular basis a cultural competency assessment to a regulatory agency; and Health care be provided in accordance with realities of the needs of the various classes of the Black community.

To discourage health care discrimination, an aggrieved person should include not only the individual who has been injured, but also one who believes that he or she will be injured, as well as individuals engaged as testers and organizations engaged in testing. In testing, persons pretending to be patients, who share common traits or symptoms except for their race, are sent to health care facilities or providers to prove that patients of a particular race receive different treatment. This is important because much of health care discrimination goes undetected and unreported. Current data collection efforts fail to capture the diversity of racial and ethnic communities in the United States. Disaggregated information on subgroups within the five racial and ethnic categories is not collected systematically. Further, racial and ethnic classifications are often limited on surveys and other data collection instruments, and minorities often are mis-classified on vital statistics records and other surveys and censuses. It is important to collect the most complete data on African Americans, and sub-populations, to fully understand the health status, of all individuals, as well as to recognize the barriers they face in obtaining quality health care. The lack of data on provider and institutions makes it difficult to conduct research studies and comparative analyses. Furthermore, the lack of a uniform data collection method makes obtaining an accurate and specific description of race discrimination in health care difficult. The existing data collection does not allow for regularly collecting race data on provider and institutional behavior. Reparations would require facility and provider data collection and public reporting. Provide a Live-able Wage or Income. Health status is caused by complex interaction of many factors including individual behavior. However, recognizing the importance of individual behavior in health status does not at all minimize the need to focus on systemic influences such as poverty and racism. Poverty effects housing choice, job choice, food and education. Since African Americans are disproportionately poor, the elimination of poverty becomes essential to improving the health status of African Americans. Poverty is not the only problem, also a problem is the working poor also disproportionately African American. The working poor are people whose fulltime, year-round earnings are so meager that despite their best efforts they cant afford decent housing, diets, health care or child care. Poverty and the problems of the working poor could be eliminated by assuring everyone in the United States a live-able wage and not merely a minimum wage. A livable wage provides enough income to pay for the basic necessities of daily living: shelter, food, clothing, health care, child care and transportation. Without a livable-wage income, people suffer not only a lack of dignity, but also a variety of social and health problems. The San Francisco Department of Public Health reported livable wages diminish mortality rates, decrease unnecessary hospitalization of the poor, eliminate some costs associated with caring for the homeless, and saved lives. Thus, livable wages become a cornerstone to eliminating the slave health deficit and reparations could be in the form of assuring a livable wage. Eliminate Environmental Hazards in African American Communities. A critical component of health care is the location of environmental hazards and toxic dumps in Black communities, the workplace hazards and the hazards in the home. Studies have documented that hazardous waste landfills are disproportionately placed in African American communities while poor communities are not disparately burdened. In fact, studies have concluded that race more than poverty, land values, or home ownership is a predictor as to the location of hazardous facilities. Race is independent of class in the distribution of air pollution, contaminated fish consumption, location of municipal landfills and incinerators, abandoned toxic waste dumps, cleanup of superfund sites, lead poisoning in children, and asthma. In 1987, more than fifteen million of the United States twenty-six million African Americans (57%) resided in communities with one or more uncontrolled toxic-waste sites. African Americans faced with a polluting industry moving into their backyard often have the least mobility because of limited financial resources and discrimination in employment and housing. For African American children, lead poisoning in the home is a significant health issue. The blood lead levels in urban African-American children under the age of five significantly exceed the levels found in white children of the same age living in the same cities. This disparity persisted across income levels. Thus, for families with incomes less

than $6000, 68% of black children compared to 36% of white children had unsafe blood levels. In families earning more than $15,000, 38% of black children and 12% of white children had excess levels of lead. Given the above, reparations could be used to remove toxic dumps and landfills from African American communities or completely relocate the communities to safe environment; to make workplace safer and to eliminate lead paint from housing. Such actions will have a significant effect in removing the health deficit.

In its broader, most expansive sense, reparations restores hope and dignity because it provides current descendants a way out of their seemingly dead-end lives caused by the lingering effects of slavery, racism and segregation. Reparations ultimately are about social justice since it is about undoing the harm that has been done to one group in society. Reparations is not a one way action, it requires the African American community to undertake action and to rebuild itself. Reparations will rebuild community and cleanse the soul of the nation. M ost importantly, reparations could restore the health of people of African descent in America.


T H O U G H T F O R F O O D : H O W I G N O R A N C E C A N S T A RV E Y O U R C H I L D R E N B Y T R U E A SI AT I C A LLA H Since I gained knowledge of my self in 1985, I have gone through the pluses and minuses associated with living in America (mainly M D, VA, PA, NJ )but have always kept my eye on the direction or current of the global agenda (called New World Order in the 70s and 80s). I will now give to you the route in which I know this Agenda is to take us. I say us in the sense of the reality of whether you have knowledge or not, you will still experience the effects of this systematic herding. We must actually go back to the beginning of the industrial age, for that is when mans self-sustainability ended. Agriculture for the individual farmer has gone corporate ever since. Supply, demand, and greed is the global culture in which today we find ourselves 100% dependent on what is picked, packaged, and processed for us to consume. How did we drop the ball? Well, simple, we were sold on the fact that earning $$$ to buy things provided a much better standard of living than growing and producing those same things. Yes, weve become genetically (culturally) modified just like the food. M any speak of healthy, farm-raised, organic, non-hybrid foods, but even when the economy was good it was difficult to afford to eat on that level every meal. Close to 95% or more of the products we consume have been processed and/or modified, to our short or long-term detriment. Now I used the word we for the simple fact that as victims of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, we were reprogrammed to seek our freedom in assimilation. This was completed in the 60s (at least legislatively), so we now eat from the same trough our ancestors fought so hard to share. M any of you in the Know must go to someone other than you to actually get the right foods. How comforting is that? This piece is about building and as any Nation must produce to sustain itself, the New Global Economy is about dismantling that very thing. As you read this, living wage careers are being shipped overseas and replaced by hourly wage jobs. Is that growth? All signs point to a global hoarding of resources. If your food supply and its production is controlled by a corporate entity and that entity decides your $$$ is worthless, what do you produce to do trading? Keep in mind that if and when the $$$ is deemed worthless, can you trade your M ercedes for food and water? The global agenda is no longer hidden, its all around you. Anyone reading this who is 30 or older can remember a time when, if someone came up to you with a soda/pop bottle full of water and tried to sell it to you for 25 cents, you would have smacked it out of their hands and smacked them for trying to play you. Fast-forward to nowadays. Whos fooling whom? So once fear (of unsafe water) was planted (when we were young), we buy water by the case, now that we are grown. Supply is an illusion, when the Demand for it is forced through an onslaught of advertising to psychologically create the need (as expressed in the Lessons studied by the 5%, we were taught to eat the wrong foods). You cannot necessarily leave your children a job (at least not at someone elses company), but you can leave them land (and the skills to cultivate it) from which they can work and live off of. Dependence on corporate resources will make them a victim. Expose them to the world and other cultures. When I was a young boy, I used to think it was something wrong with the person in the hood using their backyard to grow corn and melons. After all, it looked a mess! Little did I know! I can also remember growing up in the 70s, there were so many fruit trees in peoples back yards, alleys, and lots. We used to pick cherries next door and blackberries in the alley for grandmas cobbler. There were crab(sour) apples, peach trees, and even a wild grape vine behind some apartments I lived in and this was West Baltimore and Philly! I wonder where all the fruit went?

Corporate Control (Neo-colonialism)

The New World Order is all about controlling Old World Resources. There truly is nothing new under the Sun. There are many old world countries (Black, brown, and yellow nations) that are former colonies of European powers. M any gained their Independence through armed struggle, some were abandoned once the resources were depleted, and others were traded like cards between European neighbors (some more than 3 or 4 times). One thing remains constant, the resources that remain are controlled by corporate interests, which are typically still based in one of the former colonies, and hence they are still in control. Some of the biggest of these are as follows: ADM (Archer Daniels Midland): ADM is a conglomerate based in Decatur, Illinois. ADM operates more than 270 plants worldwide, where cereal grains and oilseeds are processed into products used in food, beverage, nutraceutical, industrial and animal feed markets worldwide. Monsanto: This U.S.-based multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation is the worlds leading producer of the herbicide glyphosate, marketed as Roundup. M onsanto is also the leading producer of genetically engineered (GE) seed; it sells 90% of the USs GE seeds. It is headquartered in Creve Coeur, M issouri. Agracetus, owned by M onsanto, exclusively produces Roundup Ready soybean seed for the commercial market. In 2005, it finalized purchase of Seminis Inc, making it the worlds largest conventional seed company. Tate & Lyle: is a global provider of distinctive, high quality ingredients and solutions for the food, beverage and other industries. Though our large-scale, efficient manufacturing plants, we use innovative technology to turn raw materials into distinctive, high quality ingredients for our customers. These ingredients add taste, texture, nutrition and increased functionality to products that millions of people around the world use or consume every day Cargill: Cargill is an international producer and marketer of food, agricultural, financial and industrial products and services. Founded in 1865, our privately held company employs 138,000 people in 67 countries. Wal-Mart: Operates under its own name in the United States, including the 50 states and Puerto Rico. Wal-M art operates in M exico as Walmex, in the United Kingdom as Asda (Asda Wal-M art in some branches), in Japan as Seiyu, and in India as Best Price. It has whollyowned operations in Argentina, Brazil, and Canada. Wal-M arts investments outside North America have had mixed results: its operations in the United Kingdom, South America and China are highly successful, while it was forced to pull out of Germany and South Korea when ventures there were unsuccessful. Dupont: Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., a DuPont business, is the worlds leading developer and supplier of advanced plant genetics to farmers worldwide. We seek to increase customer productivity, profitability and develop sustainable agricultural systems for people everywhere. Innovative and customer-focused, Pioneer is a leader in the agriculture industry and upholds the highest standards. Headquartered in Johnston, Iowa, Pioneer provides services to customers in nearly 70 countries. This is just a short list of who is really controlling the means of survival for you and your children. Understand that the less you know and do, the easier it is to lose consciousness and control concerning your food and other resources and hence your ability to survive.

Solutions (Food for Thought) r One of the best ways to prepare your family is to learn the science of agriculture: Urban gardens, rural farms, hydroponics, and rooftop planters.

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Wherever you are, learn what it will take to sustain yourself in any climate/season. Study the herbology and botany of your area, and find out what you can and cannot eat for sustainability. Teach the babies how to grow their own food as they love to see (and eat) the fruits of their labor. Educate them and expose them to farms (perhaps starting with pumpkin/hay rides in the fall season), especially ones where you can pick your own produce. Understand the water sources in your area. Even many urban areas have natural springs (many of which were sealed when they started bottling water).

Finally, learn about Solar and Wind Energy. For those (like myself) who have not (yet) gotten back to living strictly on the land, you should be heading toward getting off the grid. M onthly utilities are actually taking the bulk of many families monthly income, some as much as 60-70% just for water, gas, and electricity. It is no accident that to convert ones home to wind or solar runs in the 10s of thousands (out of range for most of us). This is because the utilities are a powerful global lobby that wants to keep sucking the blood out of us (Im thinking M atrix again). Keep in mind, if you can install Solar yourself you could save as much as 80% of the cost. Keep in mind Solar produces more energy than wind (unless you are in an area with constant wind). I would suggest both, as some days of constant rain offer less sunlight, but more than likely offer strong winds instead. The Earth has all the necessary resources to manifest a holistic lifestyle for yourself and family. Become a cultivator, as the days of America being the great producer are over and done. We have moved from the Agricultural Age to the Industrial Age to the (so-called) Information Age, and now were approaching the Service Age (which does not pay sustainable wages for the endangered so-called middle class), and all this has only been in the last 150 years. And its all been a social experiment. The experiment is over, so lets get back to the land.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G There are about 4,800 farmers markets in the country, the majority of which are seasonal markets. M any of those in urban areas are wellestablished and stable financially staples of their communities. But in recent years, weve also seen the rise of smaller markets and stores, as well as people converting vacant land into urban farm sites and abandoned parking lots into open-air farmers markets. Yet, according to food justice activist Ladonna Redmond, We have yet to prove we can feed everybodywe need more vendors, more producers communities of color still come up short. While Black and brown farmers are quickly being wiped out of the actual farming population, they remain a significant presence at most farmers markets. And Black people, especially people emerging from the Hip Hop generation are becoming more and more involved in proactive ways to bring fresh fruits and vegetables to the people who need it most. According to Redmond, M ore people of color are getting involved. People who better understand the communities needs. Even M ichelle Obama recently broke ground on a sizable 1,100foot garden plot on the White House lawn. Organic, of course.

Urban Farming is Local

Chances are good that youve got some urban farms and gardens springing up in your hood as wellmany of them using hip hop to connect to the community. In Detroit, Peaches and Greens, uses ice cream trucks to push fresh produce in the hood. Volunteers grow the produce in nearby community gardens. In St. Louis, Hip Hop for Health uses music to teach about healthy food choices, building school gardens, and the benefits of eating locally grown foods. In Atlanta, HABESHA Gardens makes fresh food accessible to people in the hood of M echanicsville. The director Cashawn M yers, told CNN:

We invite people from the local community here, the immediate community but also from the greater Atlanta communityto come out, work in the garden; learn, reconnect with the Earth and also be able to take food home with them after the harvestNot only are we teaching them about agriculture, [were] teaching them about solar technology, rainwater catchingA majority of the food that was planted here was done by the youth in the after-school program. They helped to build the shed, they helped to build the greenhouse, they helped to build the shade nurseryThey are very much a vital part of the process that goes on hereWhen youre poor, when you dont have access to resources, you have to create your own. So this is a way for people of African descent to use their creativity to grow their own food[Starting] community gardens in local communities, specifically in urban areas, is important, so you create your own food security network Youre not relying on large grocery stores to provide food for everyone because if those grocery stores have problems, your access to food is doneWe invite people from the local community here, the immediate community but also from the greater Atlanta communityto come out, work in the garden; learn, reconnect with the Earth and also be able to take food home with them after the harvest.
In M ilwaukee, former pro basketball player Will Allen has turned urban farming into a million-dollar enterprise. He estimates that his venture, Growing Power, Inc., is one of thousands of urban farms that have sprung up in recent years. Its beyond a movement at this point. Its more like a revolution, Allen told CNN. Even the CDC recently recommended making fresh produce more available and visible in poor communities as a means to combat obesity and disease. But most people in our communities have yet to understand the relationship between nutrition and illness. We need to make the link between food access and health outcomes, says Redmond. And its actually cheaper to eat this way. Eating seasonally available local produce is 20-50% cheaper than eating fruits and vegetables trucked or flown in from many miles away. But many local vendors tend to sell their produce in affluent (white) areas, where consumers dont mind paying more than they would in regular supermarkets. M eanwhile, people in the hood dont even have that many REGULAR supermarkets to go to. Thats why the documentary The High Cost of Being Poor talked about how we have to resort to corner stores where we pay higher prices for lower-quality goods! As Will Allen said, M inority people are affected by poor food, more than any other groups, and many inner cities lack access to quality fruits and vegetables. Our food system is broken. All the more reason, Redmond claims, to use a hyper-local approach when creating urban markets and farm sites. It not only answers the food access question to keep it in the hood, but also she says, It creates jobs in the community and expands its economic capacity.

Urban Farming is Global

And its not just hapeening here. Its happening in slums and ghettos throughout the world. In the crowded slums of M umbai, India, Dr. R. T. Doshis city garden methods have worked in the most cramped of spaces. Doshis tools are mostly recycled garbage: sugarcane waste, polyethylene bags, tires, containers, cylinders, and soil. Dr. Doshi uses all of his households organic waste and produces enough food on his roof to make his family self-sufficient in terms of food. On the other hand, a new program in Kenya may help people grow their own food and maintain the delicate ecosystem in which they live. The Backpack Farm provides everything a new farmer needs to start growing food, and its all contained within a backpack. Each pack carries drought-resistant seeds, a collapsible drip irrigation kit, plant food, farm tools, training manuals, and a diary for keeping track of the farms progress. The goal is to feed every hungry person and engender a sense of community while teaching self-reliance through farming. Personally, I hope this is the direction that Original people take throughtout the world, because the secondary reason why the Third World is poor is because weve abandoned our traditional means for survival in pursuit of Western ideals, allowing European interests to come into our backyards to take advantage of all the natural resources and fertile land we lost sight of. Its time to take it back. Will we do the same in America? I can only hope (and educate) to see that happenbefore its too late. As Lupe Fiasco raps on B.M .F. (Building M inds Faster):

I got a fifth flow, call me brother man/ Africas the set, yeah thats the motherland/ For that BP, I shed 50 tears/ In Nigeria that oil been spillin for like 50 years!/ Fifty years?! Hell naww/ Hell yeahhh, tryina tell yall/ At this rate, niggas gon lose! Cant search for water, or grow your own food!/ Tell me whats gon happen, when them stores close/ And aint gon open up, no mo/ Yeah thats the realest sh*t/ You gon feel dat,

hungers yo enemy/ But you cant kill dat!/ Survival of the fit, is what they aiming at/ And niggas aint fit, fat as hell!/ Fat in mind, body fat as well
So what are YOU gonna do? You just gonna let Lupe clown you like that? Better question, you just gonna let M onsanto and all those other food corporations clown you when they decide what you can and cant eat? Or IF you can eat at all? Yeah, homey, this world is becoming a prison planet, and youre getting chumped off at chow. But as this article (hopefully) shows you, its not impossible to reverse these trends. Even though the government has tried cracking down on everything from backyard farming to rainwater collection, whenever the people are determined, we will find a way. M y mother raised me in Jersey City, where we had NO backyard. We just had a little concrete lot behind our house. She filled that tiny space with over a dozen buckets, containers, and just about anything that would hold soil and plant life. She hung vines across clotheslines. And from that little urban garden, we ate organic tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, hot peppers, and even had mint leaves for our iced teayet I never appreciated or understood what she was doing, until now. When I was 20, I bought a house in Atlanta with over an acre of land behind it. Ten years passed and I never planted so much as a flower back there. Thats gonna change. Ive invited Cashawn M yers of HABESHA to help me put a full urban garden back there, complete with fruits, vegetables, herbs, rainwater collecting barrels, and even some fruit trees. You can check my progress at But even if you dont have that much space, youve got all the resources you need. Look at what Dr. Doshi does in India. Or what my mother did in Jersey. Its called container gardening and you can find tons of resources on how to make it happen (even in an apartment) at websites like and blogs like

B Y M I SR A K A J A Its no coincidence that as stress levels in the U.S. rise, diseases caused by our lifestyles also rise. And because of the abundance of fast foods, processed goods, and nutrient-depleted foods, things may get far worse before they get better. To make matters worse, poor urban communities often have few to no grocery stores, leaving them labeled as food deserts. In the U.S., its often the poorer citizens who are most vulnerable to lifestyle-diseases such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension, and even mental disorders. When I packed up and moved to Venezuela for a year, I considered myself healthy by American standards. But I soon realized that the processed healthy junk food Id gotten used to in the U.S. was almost non-existent in my new home. No longer could I run to the local Whole Foods and pick up the healthy poisons such vegan cookies, ice cream, cakes, crackers, soy burgers, etc. that Id turned to during stressful situations back in Chicago. I was forced to go to local markets to buy fresh fruit, vegetables, beans, and lentils. I noticed an immediate change. During my first 2 months of living in Venezuela, I had lost an amazing 35 pounds. I wasnt starving myself, I wasnt over-indulging in exercise, and I wasnt on the latest fad diet. When I returned to the United States, one of the first things I noticed was the difference in the grocery shopping experience between the two countries. M y first trip to the grocery store was a mental and physical shock. Since Id given up driving, I was overwhelmed by the long distance between my home and healthy food shopping. Whole Foods was about an hour away by bike so I decided to check out the grocery stores in my community. What a wake up call: the aisles were excessively lit, everything on the shelves was brightly colored, and outside of the produce section, almost everything contained sugar. It was sensory overload. I immediately gained an understanding of poor distressed communities and the reasons behind their tragic state of health. That along with the adrenaline left in me from experiencing, firsthand, President Chavezs food cooperatives and healthcare reform, got me moving. I was convinced that what he was doing in poor communities in Venezuela could be done in poor neighborhoods in the United States. His movement began on the grassroots level with deep community involvementand so would my own. I brought the topic up in one of our Nation of Gods and Earths womens meetings, which we call Earth Ciphers. We agreed to enact the 196,940,000 Square M iles Community Garden Program. Our goal was to get fresh, organic food to the people in an economical fashion. We decided that we would not accept money for the food. Instead, we would exchange bags of food for seeds and use those seeds for farming initiatives in years to follow. That way, the communities we served would feel a sense of ownership, a feeling that had gone out the window long ago during the crack era. President Chavez nationalized much of the private property in Venezuela in order to make room for cooperatives. The 196,940,000 Square M iles Community Garden Program began under similar circumstances. We spoke with business owners and homeowners in various communities to see if they would allow us to use their private property for public use. Though we could have started with politicians as many other community gardens did, we wanted our gardens to be for and by the people. M any people in poor communities have an us and them attitude when it comes to political figures. Since the Nation of Gods and Earths is for and by the people, we wanted our program to reflect this ideology. M any poor urban communities throughout the United States are labeled food deserts due to the lack of viable grocery and produce markets. Those same communities are oftentimes packed with vacant lots and land owners looking for land improvement opportunities. You may be surprised, but the community land owners were cooperative, excited even, and our work began. The key to urban community gardening is making the community aware of your presence. It is pertinent to make the acquaintance of fellow community activists, community members, neighborhood park districts, etc. The best way to do this is to keep things grassroots. Even before we planted our first seed, we organized programs, passed out Nation of Gods and Earths newsletters and built relationships with the people in the communities. Not only did this ensure the success of our endeavors, it formed a relationship of trust. With trust present, we never had to worry about vandalism, loiterers, and the many other ills that afflict neighborhoods. As our seeds were sown and our plants harvested, we crafted strategies to get produce to the people. Because many of the people that live around our gardens dont have healthy food alternatives to the corner store, filtering our produce to the people was a relatively simple task. We formed cooperatives with fellow growers, combined our harvests, and went door to door with bags of groceries. This forged an even tighter bond with the people. Our missions were accomplished! We brought healthy food alternatives to the people. We restored a sense of pride among the populations we served. With our seed exchange program, we even gathered seeds for next years crops. Community gardening (even farming) is an excellent way to create a healthier environment while instilling an attitude of do-for-self. Perhaps Che Guevara was wrong when he said that revolution is not exportable.


B Y SH A - K I N G C EH U M A LLA H No matter where you live, having your own garden isnt impossible. In fact, its fairly simple. Find a nice place that gets reasonable sunlight and start diggin! If you live in an apartment or some congested community where theres no soil, you can put large containers to use as pots and plantbeds. It would be ideal to get the soil tested for mineral and chemical contents, this can be done via agri-agencies/businesses in the city. It only costs like $10! I know this isnt practical for everyone, but its a good idea because you could be tryina garden on some worst part, mineral-deficient, contaminated soil. And while it may still produce crops, the crops will contain whatever is in the soil. If the soil is deficient or contaminated then you would have to take steps to revitalize it via organic farming techniques like composting and planting certain plants that actually suck up the chemicals, like sponges. If contamination isnt a problem, just start diggin. Chose which plants would grow best given the specific amount of sunlight you have access to. Some need direct sunlight, some dont. You can find out what will work best by asking the people who work wherever youre getting your seeds from. You want to take off the top layer with the grass, which is easiest with a hoe. The tool, that is. This top layer contains weed and grass seeds. If tilled and turned over, it can result in more weeds/grass growing throughout the garden. So you have to take it off altogether. Once that is removed, use the hoe to break up the soil underneath, and start turning it over. This allows the moist soil underneath to be exposed and mixes up the soil. At this point I recommend mixing in some fertilizer compost or dog sh*t. M y pops used to throw dog sh*t from our Chow Chow on our garden and the neighborhood used to be in awe at how black and fertile the soil was. Human feces could work but I wouldnt advise it, because our diets are usually more toxic than animals and there have been reports of people receiving heavy metal poisoning from using baby sh*t. M y Taino Elder Ni Bon also advised me against it (and I trust him he has a huge farm in M aryland hes where I get my heirloom seeds from). And thats it! Plant! Plant your seeds to inch below the surface. Heres a few things that are easy to grow, along with some pointers on how to grow em:

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Peppers (from bell to cayenne and jalapeno), tomatoes, eggplants are easy. Plant about 6 -12 inches apart. Beans are pretty easy too, except that you need a stick or pole for them to climb up (theyre like vines). Similarly, 6-12 inches apart. Strawberries and mint are easy, plus they grow back every year. Squash and melons are easy, but require significant ground space, as they spread out. They help suffocate weeds to be and keep them from coming up. Herbs like chamomile, cilantro, peppermint, lavender, aloe (just buy a plant and replant so it expands & grows), thyme, and sage are all very easy and can even be grown on your windowsill.


B Y EB O N I J O Y A SI AT I C In America, the land of plenty, youd be surprised how many people go hungry every day. And its more than the homeless. In fact, 14.6% of American households were food insecure at some point in the past year, including 5.7% (or 507,000 people) who suffered very low food security. Whats that mean? People are considered to have food insecurity if their food sometimes ran out before they had money to buy more, they could not afford to eat nutritionally balanced meals, and/or adults in the family sometimes cut the size of their meals - or skipped them - because they lacked money for food. People who are without an adequate supply of nutritious food are considered food insecure and those who have severe food shortages are considered hungry. Sound familiar now? Thats not starvation or famine. But its the American version of hunger, and it has no place in a country where investment bankers buy $80,000 mohair teddy bearsjust because they can (FYI: Thats enough money to feed over 1,000 hungry children for an entire year). Almost 50 million people, including one in four children, struggle to get enough food to eat. 3.5 million children in America, ages 5 and under, are food insecure - meaning they lack enough food for a healthy, active life during the most critical stages of brain growth and development. Food insecurity is also more common where else? in large cities (aka the hood) and rural areas (aka the country), and its worst in the South, followed by the M idwest and West. Also not surprising is that food shortages are even more common among single mothers in 2008, more than one in three single mothers reported that they struggled to buy food for themselves and their children, and more than one in seven stated that at least one person in their household had gone hungry. Blacks and Latinos are even twice as likely as white people to report that food in their home was scarce. So lets kill that stereotype myth of the food stamp queen who is just pigging out every day on rack of lamb and gouda cheese. The reality is that people in poverty typically live in food deserts so its more like clearance rack Spam and cheese in a can. And its not getting better. In 2008, nearly 17 million children (22.5%) lived in households in which food was scarce at times, an increase of 4 million from the year before. (Among Americans of all ages, more than 16% - 49 million people went without nutritious food at some point in the year, compared with about 12% the year before.) The irony here is that more than half of the people surveyed who reported they had food shortages said that they had, in the previous month, participated in at least one of the governments largest anti-hunger and nutrition programs: The National School Lunch Program, Food Stamps Program (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program/SNAP), or the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC).

So What Can Be Done?

Fortunately, there are programs out there to help people without adequate access to food. Food Banks. In 2008, 4.8 million households got help from private food pantries, and about 625,000 households hit up local soup kitchens. (Only 7 people would later admit it, though.) Where do these places get their food? From food banks, which also supply childcare centers, homeless shelters, and senior citizen centers with food and goods critical to survival. To find a food bank in your area in order to seek help or donate goods and/or services go to they currently provide assistance to more than 37 million (1 in every 8) Americans receiving emergency food assistance through the more than 200 food banks that Feeding America assists. If you need the help, dont be ashamed to go. And if you have the means, dont be too selfish to give. But keeping in mind the whole critical to survival part, they really dont need you to donate the crap you dont want (like that expired can of lentil soup), or the crap that nobody needs (like that half-opened pack of Starburst). The primary donations they need include: Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

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peanut butter (they really love that for some reason) canned tuna canned beans canned soups, stews and pastas 100% fruit juice canned fruits and veggies macaroni and cheese dinners whole grain/low sugar cereals

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They also wont turn down personal hygiene products, diapers (not used), and other living essentials. Also, food banks, food pantries, soup kitchens, elderly centers and shelters are always looking for volunteers. Food Drives. You can also help by donating to a food drive or creating your own and taking a hands-on approach to feeding the hungry. I work with a grassroots organization called the FTP M ovement, which founded a national Feed the People Program in 2004, inspired by the Black Panther Partys free breakfast program. Our volunteers come together to stuff brown lunch bags with sandwiches weve made, along with other donated goods like chips, fruit, pastries and bottles of water. We also put together hygiene kits of soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, razors, sanitary napkins, baby wipes and diapers. And when we can, we distribute clothing, coats, blankets, socks, underwear, and even toys. If youve ever done something like this, then you know it can change your entire attitude about life. To get involved, join us at or find our FTP M ovement page on Facebook. To donate resources, you can contact us at [email protected]


B Y PAT R A A F R I K A With war preparations in an advanced state of readiness, hi-tech weapons systems including nuclear warheads being fully deployed, the collapse of major banks, 14 million people unemployed, companies embarking on massive layoffs, people losing their homes, food prices soaring, inflation at an all time high, and the US not giving up war to care for its people who have had enoughtheres a lot for us to be concerned about. But theres no need to be scared if were adequately prepared. Another catastrophe like 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, a major power outage, or even a collapse in the economy could come any day. Whatever the circumstances, the solution is to have an emergency plan for what youre going to do in case of an emergency. So what will you do? Awareness is a first step towards a solution Educate yourself. If you are prepared, you will be less likely to panic. Even if you arent, do not panic! If we succumb to fear, we will lose it all. Secure yourself, stay alert and remain vigilant.

Community Preparation
Once you know, its your obligation to inform others. After establishing your emergency/evacuation routines with your family, make sure your friends have their own plans. Then you can reach out to the local community (churches, associations, etc.) to discuss the need for such plans. What we need to consider in any emergency situation is that our neighborhood grocery stores and super markets can dry up in days, depending how frantic people are to get their supplies; you can expect there will be rioting, violence, confusion and pandemonium. If there is an economy crash, you will have problems finding food and gas and left at the mercy of the government if you dont start planning ahead. When folks are ready to rob or hurt you for food, you dont want to get caught out there alone. Also keep in mind, your emergency services will be overwhelmed and are not going to be there to handle whats coming at them. Neither will there be enough National Guards to police the whole nation (looking at Katrina when they had to bring in multiple states to handle their catastrophe). Initially you and/or your family will want to align with or start up a group to identify community target areas, e.g., neighborhood tenant and block association; community schools and houses of worship; neighborhood grassroots and street organizations and mainstream political groups. Also special tactics and training such as street first aid and police/military occupation survival would be a plus.

Water is going to be your most important commodity (Second will be food which we will get to in the end). When you dont have means to pump water from a source or a well, youre going to need some stored away. Youll need about a gallon per person, per day, for at least a two weeks supply. When you run out, you need to be prepared to treat whatever water you find so that its safe for drinking. Theres three main methods for this: Boiling: Boiling is the safest method of treating water. Boiled water will taste better if you put oxygen back into it by pouring the water back and forth between two clean containers. This also will improve the taste of stored water. Let the water cool before drinking. Chlorination: You can use household liquid bleach to kill microorganisms. Use only regular household liquid bleach that contains 5.25 to 6.0% sodium hypochlorite. Add 16 drops (1/8 teaspoon) of bleach per gallon of water, stir, and let stand for 30 minutes. The water should have a slight bleach odor. If it doesnt, then repeat the dosage and let stand another 15 minutes. If it still does not smell of chlorine, discard it and find another source of water. Distillation: The most effective way to remove other contaminants like heavy metals, salts, and most other chemicals. Distillation involves boiling water and then collecting only the vapor that condenses. Tie a cup to the handle on the pots lid so that the cup will hang right-sideup when the lid is upside-down (make sure the cup is not dangling into the water) and boil the water for 20 minutes. The water that drips from the lid into the cup is distilled.

Emergency Kits
The following is built around what you will need as a family when you are away from home. Either kit or backpack can be thrown in a vehicle without a problem. You, of course, can personalize your kit to make it better or to add other needs over time. Its always good to have extra items in your kit, just in case you come across someone else needing help. Disaster S upply Kit: Keep at least one complete change of clothing and footwear per person in the disaster kit. If you live in a rainy or cold weather climate, also consider including an extra set of thermal underwear, hats and gloves, or rain gear. Youll also want to pack: Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

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a sleeping bag, blanket and extra clothing infant and small childrens needs (if appropriate) first aid kit and manual personal hygiene supplies plastic garbage bags and twist ties (for personal sanitation uses) portable radio(preferably a hand cranked radio that doesnt use batteries) flashlights and extra batteries shovel and other useful tools money and waterproof matches in a waterproof container fire extinguisher compass and map of the area (for locating shelters) disinfectant/disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizer household chlorine bleach (really important for purifying water) non-electric can opener utility knife prescriptions (all to last two weeks) glasses/contact lenses copies of important documents (insurance policies, birth certificates, passports paper and pen whistle (in case youre trapped)

Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

Youll also need one gallon of water per person, per day, to last at least two weeks, and food that isnt refrigerated: nutrition bars, breakfast bars, canned food, and dry goods. Check the contents of your kit every six months and replace these items (mentioned above) as needed: food, water, outgrown clothes, and weak batteries. These items should be stored in a container that is easy to locate and carry. If the container is not waterproof, place individuals items in sealed plastic bags.[38] The kit should be stored in a safe, secure area that will still be easily accessible in the event of an emergency. Food: Have a two-week supply of food on hand of nonperishable food in your disaster kit. Choose foods that are easy to carry, high in calories, nutritious and ready-to-eat. Individuals with special diets and allergies will need particular attention, as will babies, toddlers and the elderly, nursing mothers may need liquid formula, juices, and soups may be helpful for the ill or elderly. Include vitamin, mineral and protein supplements in your stockpile to assure adequate nutrition. Backpack for Kids: When it comes down to it, even kids need to be in control and not to lose their head. Stay away from bright colors, bright clothing and backpacks. Neutral colors will help you blend in with your surroundings better. Also, water restraint bags can be made easily with silicon spray. Your best bet: Glenwood Canyon Internal Frame Pack by Remington. For only $23, it has many of the same features found on packs that are at least twice the price. For what the kids will be lugging, this fits the bill perfectly! Car Kit: There may come a time where you may have to leave without even being able to grab your bag. You never know what turn of events may take place causing you to evacuate! I hope you never have to use these, but its better to have a bare essentials kit in your car just in case! Firearms: The Second Amendment to the Constitution states: A well regulated M ilitia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Persons who are not eligible to possess a firearm or ammunition are: fugitives from justice; illegal aliens; unlawful users of certain drugs; those committed to a mental institution; those convicted of crimes punishable by imprisonment for more than one year (which generally covers felonies); and those convicted of crimes of domestic violence. In most states, nearly everyone else over the 18 can own a rifle or a shotgun, and nearly everyone else over the age of 21 can own a handgun. However, its not enough to have one. Without proper training, its useless. Last but not least, in addition to The Hood Health Handbook , youre going to need Supreme Design Publishings urban survival manual, When It Hits the Fan, which will be released sometime in early 2011. Until then, you have this. The common denominator for all of us is to do less consuming and store away! By lessening our consumption, and becoming aware of our consumption, weve already taken major steps to being better prepared for an emergency.


B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G I hope this book has inspired you to DO somethingand to do it NOW. Wait too long and your inspiration will die. But what will you do? You gonna get healthy? Great. How healthy? Hopefully healthy enough to change the REST of the world, because weve got some serious problems out here, homeyand we need some soldiers on the frontlines who are physically fit and of sound mind. Of course, instead of taking the new you and working to create a new us, you could always get so obsessed with becoming healthy that you basically go crazy. What I mean is that its crazy to preoccupy yourself with perfecting yourself to the point that you effectively DO NOTHING of consequence in this world. Some of us are already there, and theres no saving them. So Im talking to you. I want YOU to change this world. I want YOU to educate the hood. I want YOU to spread these ideas. I want you to NOT become obsessed with a journey that has no final destination. Because thats actually UNhealthy. As my elder brother and colleague M walimu Baruti has said, Pretty soon, well have the healthiest generation of slaves ever. When I look around at some of these super-health-consious folks, I totally understand. Some of these people are doing NOTHING to fix this world (even to help fix the hoods they live in), besides pushing the latest health fad on whoever will listen. Thats NOT what were about at Supreme Design Publishing, where our company motto is Reinventing the World. So do you want to save the worldor just save yourself while the world dies around you? Oh, youre on board? The motivational speech worked? Great! Now the question isHow? I suggest you TEACH the people. Sure, theyre gonna be stubborn and defensive, but as long as YOU are shining as a living example, SOM E will listenand that SOM E will grow to many. It worked for me. As long as you aint got no personality disorder, it SHOULD work for you. Trust me, the ONLY way well save our world is by engaging, educating, and organizing the people living in it, from the lowest to the highest. All them other approaches to saving the planet aint gonna cut it, homey. Sure, you can try to save the animals by not eating them, but are you really saving animals that way? Of course not. Your personal choice doesnt affect a global industry that kills animals to clear land, kills animals for lab research, kills animals for use in other industries, and kills animals just to feed other animals. M onsanto just killed 5,000 animals[39] while you read this sentence, and they dont care how many Boca burgers you eat! Im vegetarian for my healths sake, not because Ive deluded myself into thinking its a political statement to Go Veg. But Im not saying you SHOULDNT do such things. Just understand the bigger picture! Yes, go ahead and save water, but know that more than 90% of the worlds water usage is in agriculture and industry, not people. Go ahead and recycle your garbage, but know that municipal waste accounts for only 3% of total waste production in the United States. It would be nice if you got a gas-friendly car and used those swirly lightbulbs, but the vast majority of the worlds energy consumption comes from the commercial, industrial, corporate, government, and military sectors. Less than 25% comes from our cars and homes. Are you still more concerned with your little carbon footprint than the massive crater being left by the giant corporations? Even if all of us did everything the movie An Inconvenient Truth suggested (all personal solutions, and no challenges to the system), U.S. carbon emissions would fall by only 22%. Scientific consensus is that its really gotta drop by at least 75% worldwide to do us any good. As Derrick Jensen writes in his article Forget Shorter Showers: Why Personal Change Does Not Equal Social Change:

Would any sane person think dumpster diving would have stopped Hitler, or that composting would have ended slavery or brought about the eight-hour workday, or that chopping wood and carrying water would have gotten people out of Tsarist prisons, or that dancing naked around a fire would have helped put in place the V oting Rights Act of 1957 or the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Then why now, with all the world at stake, do so many people retreat into these entirely personal solutions? So how, then, and especially with all the world at stake, have we come to accept these utterly insufficient responses? I think part of it is that were in a double bind. A double bind is where youre given multiple options, but no matter what option you choose, you lose, and withdrawal is not an option. At this point, it should be pretty easy to recognize that every action involving the industrial economy is destructive So if we choose option oneif we avidly participate in the industrial economywe may in the short term think we win because we may accumulate wealth, the marker of success in this culture. But we lose, because in doing so we give up our empathy, our animal humanity. And we really lose because industrial civilization is killing the planet, which means everyone loses. If we choose the alternative option of living more simply, thus causing less harm, but still not stopping the industrial economy from killing the planet, we may in the short term think we win because we get to feel pure, and we didnt even have to give up all of our empathy (just enough to justify not stopping the horrors), but once again we really lose because industrial civilization is still killing the planet, which means everyone still loses. The third option, acting decisively to stop the industrial economy, is very scary for a number of reasons, including but not restricted to the fact that wed lose some of the luxuries (like electricity) to which weve grown accustomed, and the fact that those in power might try to kill us if we seriously impede their ability to exploit the worldnone of which alters the fact that its a better option than a dead planet. Any option is a better option than a dead planet.
So what are you REALLY gonna do with all this information? When?


B Y M WA L I M U B A R U T I , A U T H O R O F M E N T A C I D E Perspective is important. Balance equally so. To know where we should be going as a people (and doing more to facilitate this process) is something to which every warrior of worth must give serious thought. If we recognize that liberation, empowerment and sovereignty are critical to our sanity, and that we are one (meaning what impacts one of us impacts all of us, meaning that the groups power is the individuals, and not the other way around), then we cannot expend energy selfishly, unless the work is designed to promote and secure the good of us all. This means that we individually cannot become so focused on self (or individualism, as this social and cultural reality misleads us to believe) that we become blinded to our obligations and duties in service to those who do not yet know and/or cannot do. We cannot place self in front of what we actually need to do to save Afrikan people from the terror of an ongoing physical, mental and spiritual genocide. M entacidal individualism has led more and more of us, who otherwise might be the strongest and most decisive of our warriors, to become unduly diverted from our missions by distractive appetites which cause us to focus more and more on self (and only self) for escape from the reality of responsibility. If we are not working to remove our enemies, we are working to sustain their control over us. There is no other reality in war. A submission to fear and despair, or defeatism and lack of vision, at the most personal, subconscious level, has led many men and women of potentially enormous power to become slaves, frantically caught up in their individual survival. The singular focus on diet (like an overly excessive, all-consuming concern with ones spiritual elevation, intellectual capital, and/or physical well-being) is a perfect example of this debilitating flight from reality, into a denial of ones personal responsibility to save a people, especially our children, through selflessly building and defending what the community needs. Seeing nothing except the quality of what we ingest as important enough for serious consideration, while our children are progressively consumed by insanity and preyed upon by a patently pedophilic culture, as the scramble for our motherlands physical, mental and spiritual resources again escalates, as our relationships and families are crippled by following a model that was naturally designed to fragment and destroy us, as so many other things eat away at any pretense of us being our Ancestors, is an undeniable statement of submission to that insanity, invasion/forfeiture, dissolution and delusion. If all we can make time to think about is whats in what we eat and drink, then we have limited ourselves in the most fundamental of human ways, that of community. Of course, there is nothing wrong with having a good diet. Certainly, as Imhotep instructed us, those aspiring to good health should understand food as medicine and vice versa. Our temples must be in the best shape so that we can do the best work possible for our people. But, we must not, in a rationalizing compromise of our whole potential as warriors, mislead ourselves into believing that the temple, itself, is the work. The temple is a tool through which the work, in the physical reality, is done. They say that a slaves fear drives him or her to have little to no concern for anything other than their own personal survival. If that be true, and it is, then, sadly, we are witnessing the willful production of the worlds healthiest slaves, the healthiest slaves our community has ever experienced. And, obviously, any halfway intelligent master would only object in pretense. For common sense would tell us that the healthier the slave, the greater and lengthier the service they provide their owners.

a little knowledge could save your life

irst aid is an important aspect of health that many overlook and dont know too much about. First aid not only assists us with our outward injuries including burns, cuts, and sprains, but it can also assist those who have faced life threatening injuries internally including heart attack, seizure, and internal bleeding. It is important to know how to react in a situation with calm and clarity. In this section you will learn more about first aid techniques that can help you or others when in a potentially dangerous situation. It will give you steps to follow so you do not find yourself in a panic or worst; in danger. Even knowledge of the most basic first aid can be an asset to your toolbox of health as an emergency can occur any where and at any time. Its important to revisit and study this section often (and in some cases more often) than others as it will allow for you to be savvy and clear-headed enough to implement aid to those in need, including yourself. This chapter is truly one that should not be skipped and left for another day as it will become important to you when you least expect it.


Protecting Yourself
Never place yourself in a situation which might put you in danger. Remember, you cannot help a victim if you become a victim yourself. As you approach a scene, you need to be aware of the dangers which might be posed to you as a first aider, or to the victim. These can include obviously dangerous factors such as traffic, gas or chemical leaks, live electrical items, buildings on fire or falling objects. Once you have assessed the scene for danger, you should continue to be aware of changes to the situation or environment that could present danger to you or your victim until you have left the scene. If there are dangers out of your control then STAY CLEAR and call the emergency services.

What has Happened?

Assess the S cene Where are you? What stores, clubs, public buildings, etc. are nearby? Has anything here caused the injury? Does this area have motor vehicle traffic? What time of day is it? What are the weather conditions? Look for Clues Things that could help you determine the reason for the patients illness or injury may be obvious or subtle (i.e. food poisoning or choking). Get some History If there are witnesses, ask them whats happened, gain information such as how long ago it happened, but be sure to start your assessment and treatment of the victim simultaneous with your history taking. Be S ure to Listen While working on a victim you may overhear information from witnesses in the crowd, but you may not see the person saying this. Everything should be taken into account should no witnesses want to become involved or you cannot ask questions. Note what is said and continue treatment.

Once you are confident that there is minimal danger to yourself in the situation, the next step is to assess how well (if at all) your victim responds to you. This can be started with an initial responsiveness check as you approach the victim. The best result would be the victim looking at you and replying. This means that the victim is alert at this time.

The AVPU Scale

A Alert: If the victim looks at you spontaneously, can communicate (even if it doesnt make sense) and seems to have control of their body V Verbal (Voice): If the victim is not alert, but you can get them to open their eyes, or obey a command by talking to them P Pain: Anything physical you do to elicit a response from your victim. The first and most gentle stimulus to use is a tap/shake of the shoulder. Three most commonly used:

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Sternal rub Nail bed squeeze Ear lobe squeeze

U Unresponsive: A victim who is unresponsive will often require special attention, both due to the injury or illness causing their unconsciousness, and the fact that they are unable to provide any reason for them being sick or injured. If the victim is unconscious, the first aider should immediately call an ambulance. If there is more than one person injured, the rescuer must determine the order in which victims need care. In general, rescuers should focus on the victim with the most serious injury.


B Y P H YLI S I Q B A L As part of your ongoing assessment of the victim, and in preparation for the arrival of any assistance you have called, it is important to keep a check on a victims vital signs. If possible, these recordings should be written down so that you can keep a record of any changes, and hand this over to the ambulance crew who take the victim from you. It starts with the ABCs of Airway, Breathing, and Circulation, and continues with look of the skin, level of consciousness and pupil reaction.

Checking the victims airway depends on whether the victim is conscious or unconscious. If a victim is conscious, ask him or her to speak. The ability to speak directly relates to the airway. If a persons airway is blocked, he or she cant speak. Unconscious victims, on the other hand, require a closer inspection. Put your ear close to the victims mouth and listen for breathing. Feel for air on your cheek and look at the chest to see if it or the abdomen is rising with each breath. At a basic level, opening of the airway can be achieved through manual movement of the head using the head tilt chin lift technique.

If you do not see, hear or feel normal breathing: start CPR immediately! If the victim is breathing normally, place him or her in the recovery position (See Recovery Position). Once you have ensured an open airway, and that the victim is breathing, count the rate of breathing. The easiest way to do this is to count the number of breaths taken in a given time period (15 or 30 seconds are common time frames), and then multiply to equal however many breaths that would be in a minute. The longer the time period, the more accurate it is. In addition to rate, you should note if the breathing is heavy or shallow, and importantly if it is irregular. If it is irregular, see if there is a pattern to it (such as breathing slowly, getting faster, then suddenly slower again) and note whether breathing is noisy. These are serious concerns.

It is important in monitoring the breathing victim to check their circulation. There are two methods for this: Capillary Refill: The capillaries are the smallest type of blood vessel, and are responsible for getting blood into all the body tissues. If the blood pressure is not high enough, then not enough blood will be getting to the capillaries. It is especially important to check capillary refill if the victim has suffered an injury to one of their limbs. You check capillary refill by taking the victims hand, lifting it above the level of the heart, and squeezing reasonably hard for about a second on the nail bed. This should move the blood out, and the nail bed will appear white. If the pink color returns quickly (and in a healthy victim, it may return before you even move your fingers away to look!), then this is normal. Victims who have poor peripheral circulation, especially the elderly and hypothermia victims, may not demonstrate adequate capillary refill due to general lack of blood flow, making this test less valuable on these patients. A normal time for the pink color to return is less than two seconds. If it takes longer than two seconds for color to return, then this could indicate a problem and you should seek medical advice. Pulse Check: As a first aider, you can also check a victims heart rate by feeling for their pulse. There are three main places you might wish to check for a pulse:

Radial pulse: This is the best pulse to look for. On a conscious victim, as it is non-invasive and relatively easy to find. It is located on the wrist (over the radial bone). To find it, place the victims hand palm up and take the first two fingers of your hand (NEVER use your thumb, as it contains a pulse of its own) and on the thumb side of the victims wrist you will feel a rounded piece of bone, move in from here 1-2cm in to a shallow dip at the side of the bone, and press your fingers in (gently), where you should be able to feel a pulse. Carotid Pulse: This is in the main artery which supplies the head and brain, and is located in the neck. This is best used on unconscious victims or those victims where you are unable to find a radial pulse. To locate it, place your two fingers in to the indentation to the side of the windpipe, in line with the Adams Apple (on men), or approximately the location an Adams Apple would be on a women. Pedal Pulse: The pedal pulse can be found in several locations on the foot, and this is used when you suspect a broken leg, in order to ascertain if there is blood flowing to the foot. When measuring a pulse you should measure the pulse rate. This is best achieved by counting the number of beats in 15 seconds, and then multiplying the result by four. You should also check if the pulse is regular or irregular.

S kin Color: The color of the skin is also related to circulation. Changes in circulation will cause the skin to be different colors, and you should note if the victim is flushed, pale, ashen, or blue tinged. It should also be noted if the victims skin is clammy, sweaty or very dry, and this information should be passed on to the ambulance crew. Level of Consciousness: You can continue to use the acronym AVPU to assess if the victims level of consciousness changes while you are with them. To recap, the levels are:

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A Alert V Voice induces response P Pain induces response U Unresponsive to stimuli

Pupils: Valuable information can be gained from looking at a victims pupils. For this purpose, first aid kits should have a penlight or small torch in them. Ideally, the pupils of the eye should be equal and reactive to light, usually written down as PEARL: (P)upils (E)qual (A)nd (R)eactive to (L)ight To check this, ask the victim to look straight at you with both eyes. Look to see if both pupils are the same size and shape (be sensitive to those who may be blind in one eye, or may even have a glass eye, although they will usually tell you). To check if they are reactive, take the penlight, and ask the victim to look at your nose. Briefly (5 seconds or so) shield their eye with your

hand from the light source where they are (sunlight, room lighting etc.), and then turn on the penlight, positioning it off to the side of their head. M ove the penlight in over their eye quickly, and watch to see the size change. A normal reaction would be the pupil getting smaller quickly as the light is shined into it. Repeat on the other eye. If both pupils are the same, and both react, note this as PEARL, or else note what you did, or did not see.

B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G This position helps a semiconscious or unconscious person breathe and permits fluids to drain from the nose and throat so they are not inhaled. After performing the ABCs, move the person into the recovery position while waiting for help to arrive. Note: Do not use the recovery position if the person has a major injury, such as a back or neck injury. If the victim has to be kept in the recovery position for more than 30 min, turn him to the opposite side to relieve the pressure on the lower arm.

1. Kneel next to the person. Remove the victims glasses if they are wearing any. Place the arm closest to you straight out from the body. Position the far arm with the back of the hand against the near cheek.

2. Grab and bend the persons far knee.

3. Protecting the head with one hand, gently roll the person toward you by pulling the far knee over and to the ground.

4. Tilt the head back slightly so that the airway is open. Make sure that the hand is under the cheek. Place a blanket or coat over the person (unless he or she has a heat illness or fever) and stay close until help arrives. Check breathing regularly.

B Y P H YLI S I Q B A L Shock can refer to a range of related medical conditions in which the victims heart, lungs and blood cannot deliver oxygen to the body properly. Shock is not a diagnosis or condition, it is always a symptom of a larger problem, and is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention. Hypovolaemic shock: Caused by the rapid loss of blood from the blood vessels, either inside or outside the body. Cardiogenic shock: Caused by failure of the heart to move blood adequately. This is typically caused by damaged heart muscle due to a heart attack. Anaphylactic shock: Caused by an allergic reaction which forces fluid out of the blood vessels. S eptic S hock: Caused by a severe infection which poisons the blood vessels, causing them to enlarge. Neurogenic S hock: Caused by a spinal cord injury, preventing the brain from communicating with blood vessels. Regardless of the type, the goals of the layperson rescuer are the same: prevent blood loss and preserve body temperature.

Common Signs of Shock

Early Phase: A fast pulse; pale, cool, clammy skin; sweating; flushed face; anxiety or agitation Developing Phase: Ashen or blue skin on lips and nail beds, cold, damp skin, weakness and dizziness, nausea and possibly vomiting, thirst, rapid, shallow breathing, weak, very rapid thready pulse, confusion, disorientation Advanced Phase: Lack of pulse in wrists or feet, restlessness and aggressiveness, yawning and gasping for air, unconsciousness Final phase: M ultiple organ failure and cardiac arrest

The most important treatment for shock of any type is to try and maintain the blood flow to the bodys vital organs (brain, heart, and lungs). To do this, lay the patient flat on the floor and raise their legs about 6-12 inches off the ground. Do not incline the victims head, chest, or pelvis. Other important factors in the treatment of shock can be remembered by the simple mnemonic WART:

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W Warmth A ABCs (Airway, Breathing, Circulation.) R Rest & Reassurance T Treatment of underlying cause

Unconscious patients: Should a patient become unconscious, confirm that an ambulance has been called, and assess ABCs. Should any change occur, compensate with required treatment. For example, if patient goes into cardiac arrest, begin CPR (See Basic CPR).

B Y P H YLI S I Q B A L A seizure occurs when the electrical activity of the brain becomes irregular. A seizure is a medical emergency. Seizures may be caused by either an acute or chronic condition such as epilepsy.

Risk Factors for Seizures

Head trauma, infections, malignant (or benign) tumors of the brain or spinal cord, epilepsy, stroke, drug use or withdrawal, hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar), heat stroke, and even some allergies. Lack of sleep, excessive stress, fever, severe infection, hypoglycemia or dehydration (lack of sufficient nutrition), and exposure to bright light can all trigger seizures in those who have epilepsy or are otherwise predisposed to them. Often before a seizure occurs, the victim may feel an aura, which is an unusual sensation that typically precedes seizures. Auras may come in many forms, such as a strange taste in the mouth, tingling in the limbs, or the visual disturbance of flashing lights; often if the person is epileptic, they may be aware that a seizure is imminent and may tell others or sit or lie down to prevent injury. Typically seizures usually last no more than three minutes. Some common occurrences during a seizure include stopped or irregular breathing, body rigidness or convulsing, defecation, urination, and drooling. Some forms of seizure, such as Status Epilepticus or a Status seizure do not cease without medical intervention.

Never try to restrain the seizure. Never put anything in the mouth.
In the event of a Status seizure being noticed, as described above, it is important to get Emergency help as quickly as possible you should explain to any call handler or dispatcher that the patient is having a continuous seizure. These types of seizures can only be terminated by a trained EM S professional or doctor.

Care for Seizures

Call EM S or have someone call for you. M ove anything the victim can injure themselves with away from the victim such as chairs or other objects. Gently support the victims head to prevent it from hitting the ground. Request that all bystanders move away (persons having a seizure are often embarrassed after their seizure). After the seizure has ended, roll the victim into the recovery position but only if you do not suspect a spinal injury. After the seizure, the victim will slowly awaken. Ensure that bystanders are away and offer reassurance for the victim. Victims who have a seizure in public are often self-conscious about their condition. The victim will be very tired after his seizure. Continue to reassure the victim until he or she is fully aware of the surroundings or until EM S arrives.


B Y P H YLI S I Q B A L First-degree (S uperficial Burn): Dry, red, may swell, may be painful, likened to sunburn. S econd-degree (Partial Thickness): Red, may swell, very painful, blisters that may open and release a clear fluid which will make the skin appear wet. Third-degree (Full Thickness): M ay destroy underlying tissue including fat, bones, nerves, and muscle. Skin may be brown or black and will look charred. Tissue underneath may appear white. Either very painful or painless due to nerve endings being destroyed.

Types of Burns and How to Treat Them

Thermal (heat) burns: Cool the burn with copious amounts of clean water until the pain is relieved. After the person feels better, cover the burn loosely with a sterile, dry (non-adhesive) dressing. Do not use butter, oils, creams, etc.; that trap heat and increase risk of infection. Do not use antiseptics that may aggravate sensitive skin. Ensure the victim isnt over-heated or chilled. Use Aloe vera extract, silverdene (Silver Sulfazdiazine), topical analgaesics, and NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen or aspirin) under the care of a doctor. Chemical (wet or dry) burns: If there is a dry chemical, brush it off the skin using paper, cloth, or with a gloved hand; not getting any on yourself or more on the patient. Once the bulk of the dry chemical is gone, flush with running water as above. Call EM S immediately. If the burn is caused by a wet chemical, flush with plenty of water for 15 minutes and while flushing, call EM S immediately. Electrical burns: Electrical burns look like third-degree burns. They always come in pairs: a smaller entry and a larger exit wound. Call EM S (Emergency M edical Services) immediately. Be prepared to give CPR or defibrillation. Care is the same for thermal burns. Radiation burns: Typically caused from a nuclear source, can include sunburn which should be treated as a thermal burn. For all nuclear radiation burns, call your local emergency number immediately. Radiation burns also come in the form of snow blindness (or other intense light burns to the retina). Cover the eyes with sterile gauze, and contact EM S immediately. Do whatever you can to keep the victim comfortable and calm.

Condition Sunburn Symptoms First Aid Skin redness and pain, Take a shower using soap to remove possible swelling, blisters, oils that may block pores, preventing fever, headaches the body from cooling naturally. Apply dry, sterile dressings to any blisters, and get medical attention.

Heat Cramps Painful spasms, usually in Get the victim to a cool location. leg and abdominal Lightly stretch and gently massage muscles; heavy sweating affected muscles to relieve spasms. Give sips of up to a half glass of cool water every 15 minutes. (Do not give liquids with caffeine or alcohol.) Discontinue liquids, if victim is nauseated. Heat Exhaustion Heavy sweating but skin may be cool, pale, or flushed. Weak pulse. Normal body temperature is possible, but temperature will likely rise. Fainting or dizziness, nausea, vomiting, exhaustion, and headaches are possible. High body temperature (105+); hot, red, dry skin; rapid, weak pulse; and rapid shallow breathing. Victim will probably not sweat unless victim was sweating from recent strenuous activity. Possible unconsciousness. Get victim to lie down in a cool place. Loosen or remove clothing. Apply cool, wet clothes. Fan or move victim to air-conditioned place. Give sips of water if victim is conscious. Be sure water is consumed slowly. Give half glass of cool water every 15 minutes. Stop water if victim is nauseated. Seek immediate medical attention if vomiting occurs. Call 9-1-1 or EMS, or get the victim to a hospital immediately. Delay can be fatal. Move victim to a cooler environment. Removing clothing. Try a cool bath, sponging, or wet sheet to reduce body temperature. Watch for breathing problems. Use extreme caution. Use fans and air conditioners.

Heat Stroke (a severe medical emergency)

B Y P H YLI S I Q B A L Sprains, strains, dislocations, and fractures can all present with the same symptoms. If the patient has any of the following symptoms, you should treat for a possible muscle or skeletal injury: Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

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Deformity at the injury site A grinding or cracking sound when the affected area is moved, reported by the patient. Bruising and swelling No pulse below injury site Inability to use the affected body part normally

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If the injury appears to be severe, EM S should be contacted as soon as possible. The treatment for any muscle, bone or joint injury follows the simple acronym RICE: (R)est, (I)mmobilize, (C)old, (E)levation. Rest: Rest is very important for soft tissue injuries, both in the short term and for longer term care. Immobilize: Sprains, strains and dislocations can be slinged; fractures should be splinted and slinged. Cold: Ice should be applied periodically, for around 10-20 minutes at a time. You should then take the ice off for around the same time it was on for. In order to avoid problems, always place some fabric between the ice and skin. Elevation: Where appropriate, the injury should be elevated, as this may help reduce the localized swelling which occurs. Do not elevate if this causes more pain to the victim.


B Y Q U E E N R I G H T E O U S LY R E F I N E D Unless you have been living in a glass bubble your entire life I am sure that you have experienced a scrape, scratch or cut or two. And although I am sure you may have outgrown some of the clumsiness we may experience growing up there are still occasions where we may get hurt or have children that may get hurt from time to time. If you are like me there is no way I will run to the emergency room for every razor nick or knife cut that I get. It could get quite expensive. If youre a man, its just not a good look, anyway. So Im going to give you a few ways to treat these superficial wounds that are inexpensive, natural, and yet quite effective. One method may serve to be a sweet alternative to shelling out major dollars to Dr. Smith just so he can pat you on the ass and give you a band aid. The first solution I would suggest would be sweet honey. Honey is natural and the sugar content kills off many bacteria even the ones that are gangster. Honey will also provide a moist environment that helps wounds heal fast and will make the scar less ugly when it heals. Using granulated sugar in a wound will do the same trick in terms of making the scar less ugly. But if your face gets run over by a M ack truck, please seek medical attention, because sugar nor honey will help you sweetie. When choosing which honey to use, make sure that it is pasteurized. If it isnt, it may have germs in it that will cause more infection and disease. Cover the area with a bandage, gauze or, if you have cornstarch, you can dust a little on to keep it from sticking to everything. Another method is a sure fire way to stop bleeding in seconds. And when I say fire, I mean it. Try sprinkling some cayenne pepper on it. I know you are thinking ouch, right? Well it works wonders because cayenne pepper is very high in capsaicin, which is essential for blood clotting. So if you put some on a minor cut or scrape, the bleeding will stop dang near instantly. Of course, if you stab yourself and it goes pretty deep, dont pour hot pepper into the gaping hole. I assume that goes without saying, but you never know. Now, on to Aloe vera. This remedy happens to be my personal favorite. No matter what type of minor injury it is, you can most likely use aloe on it. It can be a cut, burn, scratch or scrape. You can use the snot looking juice out of the plants leaves on it to make it better. I remember my mom having one and we would just break open the cactus looking leaves just to see the slimy stuff come out of it. But anyway all you have to do is break open one of the leaves. Out of it will ooze a colorless slimy gel like liquid. Take a bit of it and apply a generous amount to the area. M ake sure you repeat about three to four times a day to speed the healing process. This remedy is natural, seals off the injury, relieves pain and is a fast healing agent. Now please remember, while these are some great inexpensive yet effective ways to treat minor scrapes, cuts and scratches, please see a doctor if you notice any of the following:

r r r r

The cut is filthy and you have no way of getting it clean. If you see blood spurting out of the wound like crazy, you may have a cut artery. The cut is large, deep and gaping open, you may need stitches, not just a bandage The wound develops red streaks or a red area that extends more than a fingers width beyond the edge of the cut



Types of Wounds
Abrasion: A graze that doesnt go below the skin Laceration: Irregular wound caused by blunt impact to soft tissue overlying hard tissue Incision: A clean surgical wound Puncture Wound: Caused by an object, such as a nail, needle or knife penetrating the skin and underlying layers Contusion: Also known as a bruise, this is a blunt trauma damaging tissue under the surface of the skin

Treating a Bleeding Wound

Recognizing external bleeding is usually easy, it should be remembered that blood may be underneath or behind a victim. If there is more than 5 cups worth of blood, then the situation is life-threatening. As with all first aid situations, the priority is to protect yourself so put on protective gloves before approaching the victim and any blood or body fluids. All external bleeding is treated using three key techniques, which allow the bodys natural repair process to start. These can be remembered using the acronym mnemonic RED:

r r

Rest: In all cases, the less movement the wound undergoes, the easier the healing process will be, so rest is advised. Elevation: Direct pressure is usually enough to stop most minor bleeds, but for larger bleeds, it may be necessary to elevate the wound above the level of the heart (while maintaining direct pressure the whole time). Elevation only works on the peripheries of the body (limbs and head) and is not appropriate for body wounds. You should ask the victim to hold their wound as high as possible. You should assist them to do this if necessary, and use furniture or surrounding items to help support them in this position. If it is the legs affected, you should lie them on their back, and raise their legs. Direct Pressure: The most important of these three is direct pressure. This is simply placing pressure on the wound in order to stem the flow of blood. This is best done using a dressing, such as a sterile gauze pad (although in an emergency, any material is suitable). If the blood starts to come through the dressing you are using, add additional dressings to the top, to a maximum of three. If you reach three dressings, you should remove all but the one in contact with the wound itself (as this may cause it to reopen) and continue to add pads on top. Repeat this again when you reach three dressings. The reason for not simply adding more dressings is that it becomes harder to apply the direct pressure which is clearly needed if this much blood is produced.

Dressing: To dress a wound, use a sterile low-adherent pad, which will not stick to the wound, but will absorb the blood coming from it. Once this is in place, wrap a conforming bandage around firmly. It should be tight enough to apply some direct pressure, but should not be so tight as to cut blood flow off below the bandage. If blood starts to come through the dressing youve applied, add another on top, to a maximum of three. If these are all saturated, remove the top two, leaving the closest dressing to the wound in place. Embedded Objects: If there is something embedded in the wound, do not remove it. Instead, apply pressure around the object using sterile gauze as described above. Rolled bandages are perfect for this. Be careful not to disturb the object, as moving it may exacerbate the bleeding. This doesnt apply to superficial splinters and such. Amputations: If a body part has been amputated, immediately summon ambulance assistance, and treat the bleeding as above. Cover the amputated part with a moist dressing and get it into a clean plastic bag, and place this bag into a bag of ice and water, sending it with the victim to the hospital. (label date & time, what body part it is) You should avoid putting the part in direct contact with ice, as this can cause irreparable damage, meaning that surgeons are unable to reattach it. If the body part is partially amputated, do not detach.[40]


D O Y O U E V E N H AV E O N E ? B Y SU P R EM E U N D ER STA N D I N G What would you do you accidentally slit your wrist right now? Probably scream and cry and die. Well, not really, because cuts to the wrists arent as deadly as they seem on TV. But my point is that you should be prepared for an injury, so everyone should have a well-stocked first aid kit. If not for yourself, at least for your childrens sake. M atter fact, you should have one in your house, one in your car (nice cars like mine already come with one), and you should know where the kit is at your job (or better yet, bring your own). First aid kits need to be kept well-stocked because supplies can expire and need to be replaced periodically. Consider creating a schedule for checking that the kit is stocked, and replacing any expired items as required. Put that little schedule on the outside of the kit, kinda like the little chart that shows when they last cleaned the Burger King bathroom. If possible, use a bright-colored, watertight plastic container. Tool boxes work as well (even the cheap plastic kind from the dollar store). You can also buy some good premade kits in many stores (or online), but definitely dont buy THAT at the dollar store.

First Aid Kit Essentials

A good first aid kit (for home and vehicle) should include: Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r

Antiseptic Assorted sizes of safety pins Cleansing agent/soap Hypoallergenic adhesive tape Latex gloves (2 pair) Moistened towelettes Needle Penlight/Small flashlight Phone Numbers Scissors Sterile adhesive bandages in assorted sizes Sterile gauze pads, various sizes (4-6 each) Sterile roller bandages, various sizes (3 rolls each) Sunscreen Swiss Army Knife/Penknife Thermometer Tongue blades (2) Triangular bandages (3) Tube of petroleum jelly or other lubricant Tweezers

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Non-Prescription Drugs
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r r r r r r

Activated charcoal (use if advised by the Poison Control Center) Antacid (for stomach upset) Anti-diarrhea medication Aspirin or nonaspirin pain reliever Laxative Syrup of Ipecac (use if advised by the Poison Control Center)

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Note: The phone numbers should be on a durable card in legible writing or type. You should include EM S numbers as well as poison control, non-emergency ambulance, a cab company, and any emergency contacts (for home kits)


BY D A N T RES O M I While in the Navy, I was taught basic first aid. When I say basic, I mean to say everything from a light flesh wound to a compound fracture to a sucking chest wound. We trained, trained, and trained. We trained until we felt like we can work in an ER. What bothered me the most is what I learned about gun shot wounds. If someone suffers from a gun shot wound, they are more likely to die of shock more than anything else. If someone could stop the excessive bleeding, ones chances of survival increase dramatically. When I learned those tidbits of information, my heart sank thinking of all the lives I could have saved if I knew these two things. We all know what happens when you call 911 when it comes to living in economically deprived areas. The first few minutes after someone is severely wounded can be the determining factor of whether the victim lives or not. It is during the moments immediately after a traumatic injury where the injured can go into shock. Shock can be caused by reduced blood volume and a low blood pressure that can be a result of a gunshot wound. The first order of business would be to find the wound. This will mean that you will have to remove and rip through clothing. Depending on the season, you might have to cut through thick layers of winter clothing. If youre the one shot, then you dont have to worry about getting infected by the blood. But if its a stranger (or someone you think you know), you should take some precautions if youre going to get involved. When rubber gloves arent available, you may have to be resourceful and cover your hands with plastic bags (like the kind provided by most grocery stores). And in these days and times, it would probably be best to double-bag. This is the same with a stab, slash, or puncture wound. Very simple articles of clothing can be used, such as a bandanna or a t-shirt. Roll the clothing into a ball and hold it down onto the wound. You might have to wipe away the blood to find the wound (this is even more common for a razor slash, where there is a tremendous loss of blood for a small wound). A t-shirt can be used like a towel to absorb the blood so that you can find the wound. Once the wound is found, the next step is to stop the bleeding. There are pressure points on the body that you can hold with three fingers to slow down the flow of blood. Arteries spread through the armpits, between the forearm and tricep, jugular vein, and behind the knee. Tying a flag behind the knees can stop the flow to the lower legs and tying around the elbows stops blood flow to the lower arms and hands. You can make a tourniquet using a bandanna or strips of a t-shirt. In most cases, applying pressure will suffice to staunch the bleeding. But if a major artery is punctured, this may be the only way to stop the flow of blood. An extremity where there is a bullet wound might have to be tied off with a tourniquet to keep the blood from flowing out. The only draw back to a tourniquet is that the limb which is tied off might have to be amputated. Once the bleeding is stopped, the next thing you must do is to keep the victim warm. In the comedies, we often hear the victim of a gun shot wound joke that he or she is feeling cold. This is actually true. The body temperature, due to loss of blood, drops to dangerous levels. This can lead to the shut down of major organs and eventually death. Wrapping the victim in a blanket or in some cases, extra clothing can keep him or her warm. Finally, you should try to maintain the blood flow to the upper body. Raising the victims legs about a foot off the ground will help keep the blood circulating through the major organs and help to maintain body temperature. All of these steps can help the victim survive until a fully trained paramedic arrives on the scene. It is advisable that you learn basic first aid and even take classes in CPR. Usually basic first aid classes can be found free of charge at a local community center or church. CPR classes are given at low rates at the American Red Cross or the YM CA/YWCA. These classes are highly recommended. Instances such as the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina are prime examples on why we should always be prepared to take care of ourselves.

BY D A N T RES O M I Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, CPR, is an emergency procedure conducted on victims of respiratory or cardiac arrest. It is a very dangerous procedure that should only be performed by qualified personnel. However, living in economically deprived areas many of us dont have the quick access to medical emergency personnel. We all know 911 is a joke. It is also important to remember that once CPR begins, one must continue until qualified emergency response arrives to relieve the person performing CPR. Living in the areas we reside in, this can be an indefinite amount of time. It takes much energy to perform CPR even on a dummy during a CPR qualification course. The first thing one should do is to lay the victim on his or her back. Tilt the head back to open up the air passageway. Check for breathing by listening or watching the victims chest. If no air is coming up or the chest is not moving, check to see if the throat is clogged. Do a finger sweep to remove any food, debris, or blood. Also, check the victims pulse by placing two fingers on the jugular vein. Go ahead and give two breaths while pinching the victims nose. Check to see if there is any air or if there is any pulse. If there isnt, position your hands on the center of the victims chest and push down two inches 15 times. You will hear cartilage breaking. The sounds you make while pushing down will be scary. Unfortunately, this will tell you that you are doing it right. It may sound crazy, but its true. Again, check to see if there is a pulse or if the victim is breathing. If not, continue to perform the above steps until help arrives or the victim is breathing and has a pulse. It must be noted that, at this point, you are actually breathing for the victim and this is the reason why you must remain performing this procedure until help arrives or someone else is qualified to take over. If there is more than one person present who is willing to help, another should take over CPR about every 2 min to prevent fatigue. But make sure you minimize any delay during the changeover of rescuers. M any worksites, gyms, schools, and other facilities have CPR kits available. Usually these kits are located in the main office or in the lobby. These kits come equipped with manual air pumps to be placed over the victims mouth to simulate breathing while someone pumps the victims chest. This is helpful since it alleviates having to breathe for the victim. And even without a kit, if you are trying to avoid mouthto-mouth contact (for whatever reason), studies have shown that Hands-Only CPR (pushing hard and fast in the center of the chest, continuously at continuous at a rate of 100 a minute.), can be as effective as conventional CPR. So you dont HAVE to put your mouth on a stranger to help them when no one else can. But FYI, there have been NO cases of HIV transmitted via CPR, and other forms of infection (SARS or TB) have been extremely rare. Again, it is advisable that you seek CPR classes. Normally, there is a one time fee for these classes and the qualification has to be renewed after 5 years. Some employments offer free classes or provide vouchers to take these classes.


BY D A N T RES O M I The Heimlich M aneuver, usually referred to as the Heimlich, was co-created by Dr. Henry Heimlich and Dr. Edward Patrick. It is used when someone is choking due to a clogged windpipe. It can also be used to purge water from a drowning victim. People also refer to it as abdominal thrusts. It is very easy to realize when someone needs the Heimlich M aneuver performed. Usually, they are signing in the universal symbol: clutching their neck with both hands as they turn colors. The first thing you should do is ask the question folks always ask in a movie after someone is hurt: Are you okay? It sounds stupid, but you want to determine if that person can speak. If they can speak, breathe, or cough, then the Heimlich M aneuver should not be performed. When a person is really choking, he cant cough strongly, speak, or breathe, and his face may turn red or blue. If they cannot speak, breathe, or cough, proceed to assist the choking victim. The next thing you should do is to perform a mouth sweep. You might not have safety gloves handy, so you might have to stick your fingers in the victims mouth and sweep around to see if you can dislodge the item that way. If you dont succeed, then stand behind the victim. Place your arms around the victims midsection and clasp one fist into the other palm. M ake sure the thumb of the clenched fist is facing the victim. Place that clenched fist slightly above the sternum and below the rib cage and then thrust towards you. It might take a few thrusts to dislodge the item. You can also conduct these abdominal thrusts to yourself if you find yourself choking. Stand behind a chair and bend over, placing your abdomen on the back of the chair. Then push into the chair using your abdomen. It will have the same affect as the Heimlich M aneuver. If you need more information, you can check online or even take a first aid class. M ost community centers and schools offer basic first aid classes for free.

All the Other Stuff You need to know In the following pages, youll find tons of resources to help you along your journey, including a list of free documentaries you can find online; a list of recommended websites to check out, and dozens of other things youll want to use, possibly just to show off how smart you are. Whatever works for you.

F O O D A N D H E A LT H D O C U M E N T A R I E S B Y J U ST I C E R A J EE The following is a list of exceptional films and documentaries related to the various topics in this book. You can find them at many places that sell or rent DVDs, or you can find out how to see them for FREE online at Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

Addicted to Plastic All about the growing role (and risks) of plastic in our daily lives. Aerosol Crimes (aka Chemtrails) Investigates chemical trails in our skies and the dangers they pose to our health. Affluenza Examines the high cost of achieving the most extravagant lifestyle the world has ever seen. AIDS Inc. An intriguing study of the economy surrounding HIV/AIDS treatment and diagnosis. Architects of Control Investigates the attempt to control the masses by economic elites. The Beyond Within A study of LSD. Big Bucks, Big Pharma Study of the influence of the pharmaceuticals industry. Big Sugar Explores the power and reach of the sweetener industry. Bigger Stronger Faster Intimate first person study of performance-enhancing drugs. Blue Gold: World Water Wars Looks into the future of water and its potential to be the center of conflict. Busting Out explores the history and politics of breast obsession in America. Chernobyl Heart Detailed investigation of the health aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear radiation leak. The City Addicted to Crystal Meth Sobering study of the affects of meth addiction. Consuming Kids Kids and advertising. The Corporation Corporations and their new-found control of the people. A Cow At My Table Explores Western attitudes towards farm animals and meat, and the intense battle between animal advocates and the meat industry to influence the consumers mind. Deconstructing Myth of AIDS Challenges accepted views on AIDS. Dirt: The Movie All about soil and its connection to our food and health. The Disappearing Male About one of the most important, and least publicized, issues facing the human species: the toxic threat to the male reproductive system. Doctor, the Depleted Uranium, and the Dying Children, The The film exposes the use and impact of radioactive weapons during the current war against Iraq. Dont Swallow Your Toothpaste Investigates fluoride and its negative affects. The Drug Trial That Went Wrong Study of a drug trail the resulted in multiple deaths. The Drugging of Our Children Investigation of ADHD, ADD, and the drugs prescribed to treat these conditions. Dust to Dust: The Health Effects of 9/11 This disturbing documentary asks whether the EPA s pronouncement of safety was based on science or politics. Earthlings Uses hidden cameras and never before seen footage to chronicle the day-to-day practices of some of the largest industries in the world, all of which rely entirely on animals for profit. Exploring Life Extension Investigation into methods to extend life. Flotsam Found Intriguing look at where our waste goes once it hits the ocean. Flow For Love of Water. The Fluoride Deception Short interview with author of the book of the same name. Food, Inc. A thorough study of our food system and the problems in it. Food Matters Food Matters sets about uncovering the trillion dollar worldwide sickness industry and gives people some scientifically verifiable solutions for overcoming illness naturally. Frontline: Poisoned Water Short case study of our water systems and its threats. Frontline: Sick Around America Detailed investigation into the American Health System. Frontline: Sick Around the World Comparative investigation into healthcare around the world. The Future of Food There is a revolution happening in the farm fields and on the dinner tables of America, a revolution that is transforming the very nature of the food we eat. The Garden Story of one community farm and the fight to save it. The Genetic Conspiracy: Following the Trail GMOs and safety. Genetically Modified Food: Panacea or Poison? Study on the safety of GMOs. The Ghost In Your Genes Biology stands on the brink of a shift in the understanding of inheritance. The discovery of epigenetics hidden influences upon the genes could affect every aspect of our lives. Gulf War Syndrome: Killing Our Own Intriguing look at possible causes of an illness that affects many Gulf War Veterans The History of Asbestos Study of the industrial life of Asbestos. HIV = AIDS, Fact or Fraud? This documentary challenges the conventional thinking on HIV and AIDS. Hofmanns Potion A study of LSD and its creator Dr. Albert Hoffman. Holes In Heaven? Investigates HAARP. How The Kids Took Over A study of how direct marketing to children has affected families in our society. Hoxsey: How Healing Becomes a Crime Details the fortunes of Harry M. Hoxsey and his herbal treatment for cancer. I Am A Man: Black Masculinity in America A study of the challenges to Black male masculinity. I, Psychopath In this intriguing documentary, Sam V aknin, a self-proclaimed psychopath, goes in search of a diagnosis. In Lies We Trust Proposes a connection between the CIA, Hollywood and mass media to influence fear in the public. In Pot We Trust The medical use of marijuana is examined from every side of a very complex issue. Is Alcohol Worse Than Ecstasy? How bad is alcohol really? This documentary tries to find out.

Jungle Trip Investigates several powerful plants found in the Amazon. Killer At Large: Why Obesity Study of obesity and our future. Killing Us Softly 3: Advertisings Image of Women Groundbreaking analysis of advertisings depiction of women. Life Running Out Of Control A study of GMOs and the long-term dangers they present. Making A Killing Psychotropic drugs. Its the story of big money-drugs that fuel a $330 billion psychiatric industry, without a single cure. Mind Control: Americas Secret War Looks at the use of messaging to engineer social outcomes Modern Meat FRONTLINE goes inside the world of the modern American meat industry and shows that this once simple product, the hamburger, is no longer so simple. Money Talks: Profits Before Patient Safety Where your health is traded to maintain profits. Multiple Personalities Deep investigation of a challenge mental health disorder My Big Breasts and Me In this documentary, meet three women who feel defined by their naturally big breasts, and find out what its really like to have a cup size at the far end of the alphabet. My Penis and Everyone Elses Challenges societys stereotypes of masculinity as well as getting to the heart of why men are so fixated with their members. Natural Mystery A look into several naturally occurring phenomena. Patent For A Pig Monsantos continued quest to patent life itself. Philosophy A Guide to Happiness Multipart study of human emotion. Poison In The Mouth Startling documentary shows evidence of brain damage from Mercury in silver amalgam fillings. Poison on the Platter Looks at the threat to our health posed by GMO foods Porndemic Porndemic puts faces and personalities to the extraordinary profitable business of pornography today. Prescription For Disaster is an in-depth investigation into the symbiotic relationships between the pharmaceutical industry, the FDA, lobbyists, lawmakers, medical schools, and researchers, and the impact this has on consumers and their health care. Psychopath Equinox reports on techniques developed by psychologists to work out whether a person is psychopathic and shows how brain scientists are coming close to mapping the malfunctions in the brain that cause a person to be a psychopath. Quiet Rage: The Stanford Prison Experiment A study of how role and position changes behavior. Run From The Cure Covers the trial of Rick Simpson for offering hemp oil to treat many illnesses. Sexy Inc.: Our Children Under Influence A look into how adulthood is being pushed on our children primarily around sexuality. Sicko Comparative study of healthcare in the US vs. the rest of the world. Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days Its right in the name. The Slow Poisoning of India A short powerful look into the dangers of agricultural pollution. Stephen Fry: The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive Comedian, actor, author and film-maker Stephen Fry meets celebrities and members of the public who talk frankly about the impact the condition has on their lives. The Story of Stuff A very informative presentation of unsustainable consumption and what we can do about it. Street Medicine An informative look at health professionals taking healthcare to the streets of America. Super Size Me One mans quest to prove the ill effects of fast food. Supermarket Secrets In a two-part program, journalist Jane Moore investigates how supermarkets have affected the food on our plates and reveals the tell-tale signs that the food we buy may not have been grown in the way we think. The Supermarket Thats Eating Britain - Investigates the effects of Britains largest Supermarket chain on public health and well being. Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World Excellent documentary showing how dangerous artificial sweetener Aspartame is. Sweet Remedy A great study on how the PR industry convinces us that everything is okay. The Beautiful Truth Investigates how our bodies heal. The Gerson Miracle Study of a small clinics cancer treatment method. The Science of Healing Structured investigation into how we heal. Thin This HBO documentary takes us inside the walls of Renfrew Center, a residential facility for the treatment of women with eating disorders. Tough Guise In this innovative and wide-ranging analysis, Jackson Katz argues that widespread violence in American society, including the tragic school shootings in Littleton, Colorado, Jonesboro, Arkansas, and elsewhere, needs to be understood as part of an ongoing crisis in masculinity. The Truth About Vitamins A great look into the vitamin industry. The Union: The Business Behind Getting High The title says it all. Unnatural Causes Detailed series showing the connection between poverty and ill health. Vaccination: The Hidden Truth Investigates vaccines and their possible negative affects. Vaccine-Nation Investigates vaccines and their possible negative affects. Waiting To Inhale Examines the heated debate over marijuana and its use as medicine in the United States. We Become Silent A look at the conspiracy to access to alternative treatments away from the people. We Feed The World In WE FEED THE WORLD, Austrian filmmaker Erwin Wagenhofer traces the origins of the

food we eat. Wegmans Cruelty A short film about the inside of a Wegmans egg farm. The World According to Monsanto A strong look at Monsanto, GMOs and farming in the USA. A World Without Water Investigates the privatizing of water around the world.
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The following formulas will allow you to do everything from calculating your body fat to determining how many calories you need to eat daily in order to lose weight.

Body Fat Formula for Women Factor 1 (Total body weight x 0.732) + 8.987 Factor 2 Wrist measurement (at fullest point)/ 3.140 Factor 3 Waist measurement (at navel) x 0.157 Factor 4 Hip measurement (at fullest point) x 0.249 Factor 5 Forearm measurement (at fullest point) x 0.434 Lean Body Factor 1 + Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 + Factor 5 Mass Body Fat Total bodyweight Lean Body Mass Weight Body Fat (Body Fat Weight x 100)/ total bodyweight Percentage Body Fat Formula for Men Factor 1 (Total body weight x 1.082) + 94.42 Factor 2 Waist measurement x 4.15 Lean Body Mass Factor 1 Factor 2 Body Fat Weight Total bodyweight Lean Body Mass Body Fat Percentage (Body Fat Weight x 100)/ total bodyweight
NOTE: Doing stuff like this on paper develops your brain and sharpens your math skills, so stop Googling for online body fat calculator and do something to keep your brain alive.


Basic Metabolic Rate (How Your Body Burns Calories)
This is how you calculate your Basic M etabolic Rate (BM R). Your body burns calories even when it isnt doing anything. Your BM R is the number of calories your body burns at a state of rest. Your BM R decreases as you age. As a survival response, it also drops when youre depriving yourself of food, which makes it harder to lose weight if youre simply limiting your food intake. On the other hand, a regular routine of cardiovascular exercise can increase your BM R, improving your health and fitness while helping your burn off any unwanted calories.

BMR Formula Women (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) (4.7 x age in years) +655 TOTAL BMR

Subtotal Men (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) (6.8 x age in years) +66 TOTAL BMR


The Harris Benedict Equation is a formula that uses your BM R and then applies an activity factor to determine your total daily energy expenditure (calories). The only factor omitted by the Harris Benedict Equation is lean body mass. Remember, leaner bodies need more calories than less lean ones. Therefore, this equation will be very accurate in all but the very muscular (will under-estimate calorie needs) and the very fat (will over-estimate calorie needs).

Harris Benedict Formula for Daily Calorie Needs

To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BM R by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:

Activity Factor Sedentary (little or no exercise) Lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) Moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) Very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) Extra active (very hard exercise/sports and physical job or 2x training)

Calorie-Calculation BMR x 1.2 BMR x 1.375 BMR x 1.55 BMR x 1.725 BMR x 1.9

For example, if you are sedentary, multiply your BM R (1745) by 1.2 = 2094. This is the total number of calories you need in order to maintain your current weight. Once you know the number of calories needed to maintain your weight, you can easily calculate the number of calories you need to eat in order to gain or lose weight: Calorie Needs to Gain Weight: Once you know the number of calories you need to maintain your weight (using the BM R Formula in conjunction with the Harris Benedict Equation), you can easily calculate the number of calories you need in order to gain weight. If you want to gain body weight, you need to consume more calories than you burn. One pound of body weight is roughly equivalent to 3500 calories, so eating an extra 500 calories per day will cause you to gain one pound a week. For optimum health, if you increase your calories to gain weight then (health permitting) gradually increase your level of physical exercise in order to maintain or increase your lean body mass. The benefits of exercise on physical and mental health are well documented and shouldnt be ignored. Calorie Needs to Lose Weight: There are approximately 3500 calories in a pound of stored body fat. So, if you create a 3500-calorie deficit through diet, exercise or a combination of both, you will lose one pound of body weight. (On average 75% of this is fat, 25% lean tissue) If you create a 7000 calorie deficit you will lose two pounds and so on. The calorie deficit can be achieved either by calorie-restriction alone, or by a combination of fewer calories in (diet) and more calories out (exercise). This combination of diet and exercise is best for lasting weight loss. Indeed, sustained weight loss is difficult or impossible without increased regular exercise. If you want to lose fat, a useful guideline for lowering your calorie intake is to reduce your calories by at least 500, but not more than 1000 below your maintenance level. For people with only a small amount of weight to lose, 1000 calories will be too much of a deficit. As a guide to minimum calorie intake, the American College of Sports M edicine (ACSM ) recommends that calorie levels never drop below 1200 calories per day for women or 1800 calories per day for men. Even these calorie levels are quite low. An alternative way of calculating a safe minimum calorie-intake level is by reference to your body weight or current body weight. Reducing calories by 15-20% below your daily calorie maintenance needs is a useful start. You may increase this depending on your weight loss goals.

Liquid Measure Conversion 1/8 cup cup qt qt gal gal 1 gal 1 qt 2 qt 4 qt pt 1 pt 2 pt 4 pt 8 pt cup 1 cup 2 cups 4 cups 8 cups 16 cups fl oz = 1 fl oz 2 fl oz 4 fl oz 8 fl oz 16 fl oz 32 fl oz 64 fl oz 128 fl oz 1 tbsp = 2 tbsp 4 tbsp 8 tbsp 3 tsp 6 tsp 12 tsp 24 tsp


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Grilled Salmon
From Queen Chuniq Earth

1 salmon filet 1 tsp fresh black pepper tsp sea salt 1 tsp garlic power 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice (from lemon, not concentrate) 1 tablespoon olive oil
Place salmon filet on enough aluminum foil to cover it completely while grilling. Preheat gas or charcoal grill to a medium heat or flame. Rub the salmon with the lemon juice and coat with olive oil. Season filet with salt, pepper and garlic. Place salmon on grill for 3-5 on each side, depending on its thickness. Turn over. Salmon is ready when both filet sides no longer pink and juices run clear.

Salmon Salad
From Queen Civilized Zag Earth

2 Packs Fresh Packed Salmon 1 Jar Veganaise Salt and Pepper 1 Box Bertolli Elbow Pasta Dash of Spike 1 Tbsp Paprika 1 Medium Red Onion (diced) 2 Stalks Celery (Diced)
Follow instructions on pasta box and set aside. Open both packs of fresh salmon drain and break apart in elbows. M ix in jar of Veganaise. Add red onion and celery. Put in three shakes of the vegan spike and mix. Add salt, pepper to taste, and mix again. Put paprika on top and cover. Put in fridge 4 5 hours to chill. M akes 6-8 servings.

Spiced Lentil Tacos
From Queen Chuniq Earth

1 tablespoon olive oil 1 cup finely chopped onion 1 clove garlic, chopped teaspoon salt 1 cup dried brown lentils, rinsed 1 package (2.25 ounce) taco seasoning 2 cups vegetable broth 8 taco shells 1 cups shredded lettuce 1 cup chopped tomato cup shredded reduced-fat (2%) cheddar Optional: cup fat-free sour cream 1 chipotle chile in adobo sauce, finely chopped (use half for less heat) 2 teaspoons adobo sauce
Heat oil in large skillet over medium-high heat. Cook onion, garlic and salt until onion begins to soften, 3 to 4 minutes. Add lentils and taco seasoning. Cook until spices are fragrant and lentils are dry, about 1 minute. Add broth; bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer until lentils are tender, 25 to 30 minutes. Uncover lentils and cook until mixture thickens, 6 to 8 minutes. M ash with a rubber spatula. Spoon cup lentil mixture into each taco shell. Top with favorite taco fixings, lettuce, tomato and cheese. Optional: M ix sour cream, chile and adobo sauce in a bowl and top lentils with mixture of sour cream, chipotle and adobo

Pasta Salad
From Queen Chuniq Earth

1 box pasta (rotini, farfalle) 2 small cucumbers diced into in thick pieces 1 bag of shredded carrots cup black olives 2 cups broccoli crowns diced 1 cup red onion sliced 1 bottle of Italian dressing 1 tablespoon EVOO
Boil pasta until al-dente. While pasta is boiling, chop all vegetables and set aside. When pasta is ready, place into a colander or strainer and rinse with cold water until noodles are cool. Pour EVOO over pasta and toss. Add pasta and vegetables to a large bowl or container. Drizzle with Italian dressing until no pasta is dry. Retain Italian dressing to use once pasta is finished cooling. Chill for 3-5 hours. Best if made in advance and refrigerated overnight.

Vegetable Stew
From Queen Chuniq Earth

1/3 cup olive oil 1 large red onion, chopped 2 celery ribs, cut into -inch-thick slices 3 carrots, cut into -inch-thick slices 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped 1 bunch Lacinato, red or curly kale cup water (from boiled vegetables) 1 (28-ounces) can stewed tomatoes in juice, drained, juice reserved and tomatoes chopped, or 1 pounds fresh tomatoes, chopped 2 bell peppers (one red, one yellow), cut into -inch pieces pound green beans, trimmed and cut into 2-inch pieces 1 pounds zucchini and/or yellow squash, halved lengthwise and cut into -inch-thick slices pound red potatoes (about 2 medium), unpeeled and cut into 1- inch pieces
Heat oil in a 7-to 8-quart heavy pot over medium-high heat until it shimmers. Add onions, celery, carrots, and garlic and cook, stirring occasionally, until pale golden, about 10 minutes. Stir in tomatoes with juice and bell peppers, then reduce heat to low and cook, uncovered, stirring occasionally, 15 minutes. M eanwhile, cook green beans in a 3- to 4- quart saucepan of well-salted boiling water until crisp-tender, about 5 minutes. Transfer with a slotted spoon to a large bowl. Add zucchini to boiling water and cook until crisp-tender, about 5 minutes.

Transfer with slotted spoon to bowl with green beans. Add potatoes to boiling water and cook until just tender, about 10 46 minutes. Drain and add to beans and zucchini. Add boiled vegetables to stew and simmer with kales and cup of water, stirring, until all vegetables are very slightly tender, about 10 minutes. Season with 1 teaspoons sea salt and 1 teaspoon pepper. M akes 6 to 8 servings

Veggie Pockets
From Queen Civilized Zag

1 Package of Smart Ground red onion 1 Green Bell Pepper 1 Red Bell Pepper 1 tsp Adobo 1 tbsp Adobo 2 tbsp basil 1 Can Black Beans 1 Package of Pita Bread (Pocketed) Olive Oil or Smart Balance Salt and pepper to taste
Dice red onion, red and green bell pepper in to quarter inch slices. Coat M edium frying pan with Extra Virgin Olive Oil (or Smart Balance) and put on low-M edium heat. Once heated add the onions and bell pepper. Cook until onions are transparent. Add 1 tbsp of basil, 1 tsp of Adobo. Increase to M edium heat Add the smart ground and mix in the remain adobo and basil. Drain 1 can of black beans and add. Salt and pepper to taste In a separate pan add Smart Balance and let heat over high heat. Add the Pita Bread and continue to turn until brown on both sides. Let cool slightly and stuff with meat mixture. ENJOY!

Vegetarian Korma
From Victorious Lanasia Earth

1 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 small onion, diced 1 teaspoon minced fresh ginger root 4 cloves garlic, minced 2 potatoes, cubed 4 carrots, cubed 1 fresh jalapeno pepper, seeded and sliced 3 tablespoons ground unsalted cashews 1 (4 ounce) can tomato sauce 2 teaspoons salt 1 tablespoons curry powder 1 cup frozen green peas green bell pepper, chopped red bell pepper, chopped 1 cup heavy cream 1 bunch fresh cilantro for garnish
Heat the oil in a skillet over medium heat. Stir in the onion, and cook until tender. M ix in ginger and garlic, and continue cooking one minute. M ix potatoes, carrots, jalapeno, cashews, and tomato sauce. Season with salt and curry powder. Cook and stir 10 minutes, or until potatoes are tender. Stir peas, green bell pepper, red bell pepper, and cream into the skillet. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer 10 minutes. Garnish with cilantro.

Vegan Kale Salad

From Eboni Joy Asiatic

2 bunches of fresh kale (or a 1lb bag), chopped pack (or 2 cups) of shredded carrots 1 pack of Mushrooms (your preference), sliced 2 avocados, de-seeded and sliced red bell pepper, diced 1 pint cherry tomatoes, halved 4 scallion stalks, diced 3 cloves fresh garlic, diced 1/8 cup extra virgin olive oil 1/8 cup Braggs Liquid Aminos 1/8 cup agave nectar

1 tsp cayenne pepper 1 tbsp spike seasoning 1 lime, juiced

If using bunches of kale, clean thoroughly (I recommend washing 3 times), pick off stalks, and chop leaves into smaller pieces. If using prewashed bags, just place the kale in an extra-large salad bowl. Add the shredded carrots, sliced mushrooms, sliced avocado, diced red bell pepper, halved cherry tomatoes, diced scallion and diced fresh garlic. Then drizzle over the vegetables the olive oil, liquid aminos, and agave nectar. Then sprinkle over the salad the cayenne pepper and spike seasoning. Finally, squeeze 1 lime over the salad and mix thoroughly with your clean hands. (If you prefer more salt add a bit more liquid aminos, and if you prefer more spice add a little more cayenne pepper.) Serves 6-8

Vegan Whole Wheat Biscuits

From Queen Chuniq Earth

1 cup whole wheat flour cup unbleached all-purpose flour teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 tsp turbinado sugar 4 tablespoons vegetable shortening, chilled and diced cup rice, almond or soymilk
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Lightly oil a baking sheet or line it with parchment paper or foil. Combine the flours, salt, sugar and baking powder in a large bowl. Pulse or cut the shortening into the flour, until it resembles coarse crumbs. If youre using a food processor, remove the mixture to a large bowl and stir in the milk to form a ball of dough. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead 5 or 6 times. Roll out to a -inch thickness and cut into 2-inch rounds. Place the biscuits on the baking sheet and bake for about 12 minutes, or until the biscuits are brown on top and a tester comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack before enjoying! M akes about 12 biscuits.

Sauteed Kale
This recipe can be used for any green, leafy vegetable such as savoy cabbage, collard greens, spinach or any combination of the latter

1 pound kale, tough stems and center ribs discarded and leaves cut into 1-inch-wide strips (8 cups) 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 small red onion, halved lengthwise and thinly sliced crosswise 1 garlic clove, minced Pinch of dried hot red pepper flakes 1 tablespoon red-wine vinegar, or to taste teaspoon salt
Cook kale in a 6-quart pot of boiling salted water, uncovered, stirring occasionally, until just tender, about 10 minutes, then drain in a colander. Heat oil in a 12-inch heavy skillet over moderately high heat until hot but not smoking, then saut onion, stirring occasionally, until softened, 6 to 8 minutes. Add garlic and red pepper flakes and saut, stirring, until garlic is fragrant, about 1 minute. Reduce heat to moderate, then add kale and cook, stirring occasionally, until heated through. Remove from heat and stir in vinegar and salt.

Yummy Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies

From SciHonor Devotion

1 cup softened margarine ( I use Earth Balance Soyless) cup cane sugar cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract egg replacer equal to 2 eggs 2 cups unbleached flour 1 teaspoon baking soda teaspoon salt 1 2 cups vegan chocolate chips
Cream together margarine, both sugars, vanilla and egg replacer. Add the flour, salt, baking soda and mix well. Lastly, mix in the chocolate chips and spoon onto an ungreased cookie sheet leaving a space between each spoonful. The batter will spread. Bake at 350 F for 15 minutes or until browned. (M akes about 2 dozen cookies)

Navy Bean Soup

From Queen Virtuous Earth There are numerous ways to make Navy Bean Soup. By adding other healthy herbs and vegetables, this can be a complete meal providing proper nutrition for the entire family. Here is just one way to prepare Navy Bean Soup. You can omit/substitute any ingredients you prefer:

2 c Navy beans 8 c Water 4 Carrots, sliced 3 tbs Balsamic vinegar, red wine

vinegar or veggie stock 2 Onions, chopped 5 cl Garlic, minced 1 c Celery leaves and tender, inner stalks chopped fine 1 Bell pepper, chopped 2 Bay leaves 15 oz Can tomatoes tsp Ground cloves tsp Powdered mustard tsp Chili powder tsp Black pepper tsp Thyme 1 tbs Parsely flakes tsp Salt 1 ds Tobasco sauce 2 tbs Barley miso, optional
Wash and pick over beans. Cover with water and soak overnight, or quick soak (quick soak: boil beans for 3 minutes, remove from heat, let sit for an hour, drain) Discard soaking water, rinse beans and put in a large soup pot. Add the 8c of water and bring to a boil. Cover tightly and reduce heat to a low simmer. Add carrots. In a nonstick pan saut onion in balsamic vinegar until it caramelizes (This takes a while on low heat). Add garlic, celery leaves, and bell pepper. Continue sauting, adding more liquid as necessary. When the mixture has cooked down somewhat, add it to the beans. Add the remaining ingredients except the miso. Simmer *very* slowly for 2 hours, stirring occasionally. Stir in the miso and simmer from 1 to 2 more hours, until beans are as tender as desired. Remove bay leaves and serve with hard bread and salad.

East Indian Spiced Red Beans and Rice

From Eboni Joy Asiatic

4 cups dry large red kidney beans 1/8 cup coconut oil 1/8 cup panch puran seeds (found at an East Indian or Oriental grocery store) 1 medium sized Vidalia onion, diced 1 tbs or 5 bulbs fresh garlic, diced 6 roma tomatoes, diced 1 tbs Vegesal seasoning 2 tbs Spike seasoning 2 tbs yellow curry powder 2 tbs garam masala 1 tbs cayenne pepper
Soak beans for 8 hours, or overnight in the refrigerator. Drain and rinse with cold water. Coat the bottom of a large cooking pot with 1/8 cup of coconut oil, and heat on medium heat. Add panch puran seeds and stir. One minute later add fresh onion, garlic, and tomatoes and stir. Add the red kidney beans and stir; then season with Vegesal (vegetable salt), Spike, yellow curry powder, garam masala and cayenne pepper. M ix well, and then add enough water to completely cover the beans. Cook uncovered on medium heat until the beans start boiling. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for about 3-4 hours. Once the beans are moderately tender add 2 cups of basmati rice, stir well. Continue cooking on low heat for another hour, checking after 30 minutes to ensure that all of the water hasnt cooked out of the pot. When the water has completely evaporated out of the pot, remove from heat, uncover and let sit for 5 minutes before serving. Serves 6-8.

Fresh Fruit Vinagarette

From Victorious Lanasia Earth

1 small banana, thinly sliced cup orange juice 1 tbs limejuice jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced teaspoon sesame oil 1 teaspoon rice wine vinegar 1 teaspoon minced fresh ginger root 1 pinch salt and pepper
Combine banana, orange juice, lime juice, jalapeno, oil, vinegar, ginger and salt and pepper in a blender or food processor and puree until smooth. Transfer to a container with a tight lid, cover, and refrigerate until ready to serve. Shake before serving. Serves 6.

Vegan Coffee Cake

From SciHonor Devotion

CAKE BATTER INGREDIENTS 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda teaspoon salt cup vegan butter 1 cup vegan sugar 2 egg substitutes ( cup apple sauce or cup plain vegan yogurt or cup silken tofu blended until smooth) 1 cup vegan sour cream 1 teaspoon vanilla extract TOPPING INGREDIENTS cup vegan sugar 1/3 cup brown sugar 2.5 teaspoons ground cinnamon cup chopped pecans or walnuts
Cake Cream the vegan butter and sugar in a bowl. Then add sugar. Add the egg replacer, sour cream and vanilla to the mix and mix well. Then, in a separate bowl, mix the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Combine the flour mixture to the sour cream mixture until combined well. Pour half the total batter into a greased 13x9 baking pan. It looks like there may not be enough batter, but it rises a lot. M ix the topping ingredients all together. Sprinkle half the topping over the batter then add the remaining batter on top. Then add the remaining topping to the top of the 2nd layer of batter. Bake for about 40 minutes or until toothpick comes out dry at 325 degrees.

Rice Milk/Nut Milk

From CBS Alife Allah

1 cup uncooked organic long grain brown rice 8 cups water for cooking more water for diluting 1 teaspoon salt some type of container for storage, glass prefered (like a mason jar) a blender a nut bag (pause) or mesh strainer
Rice M ilk Wash rice. Put 8 cups of water in a pot bringing it it to a boil over high heat. Pour in the rice. Cover the pot and lower the heat to let the water simmer. Cook for 3 hours. You will end up with something that looks a bit like a soupy rice pudding. Add the salt. In batches, fill your blender halfway with the rice mixture and halfway with water. Blend until very smooth. Strain twice through a fine mesh strainer into a mason jar. Continue on with the rest of the milk until youre finished, filling jars and screwing the lids on good and tight. Even with the extra water, the homemade rice milk ends up thicker than the product you might be used to. Just add a bit more water until its the desired consistency. In order to make it more creamy add about 2 tablespoons of some type of oil to the batch (sunflower oil is good for this). Also if you want it slightly sweet add some maple syrup, honey or agave to the mix. Nut M ilk In order to make nut milk, try using almonds or cashews. You want to soak them them night before and use a ratio of one cup of nuts per 2 cups of water. Blend them all together and generally just follow the recipe for rice milk as there is no cooking of anything involved. Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

Abnormal: Unusual or unexpected, especially in a way that causes alarm or anxiety. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP): ATP is a molecule that serves as the universal energy source for all plants and animals. ATP is continuously being recycled by your body. Amino Acids : See Protein. Analgesic: Reduces pain (without inducing unconsciousness). Anthocyanidins : See Flavonoids. Anthocyanins : Plant pigments that help protect you from heart disease. Antibiotic: Any substance that can destroy or inhibit the growth of bacteria and similar microorganisms. Anti-inflammatory: An agent that prevents or counteracts inflammation. Anti-microbial: An agent that destroys microbes, inhibits their growth, or prevents or counteracts their pathogenic action Antioxidant: A substance that prevents harmful molecules called free radicals from damaging DNA. Antiviral: An agent that inhibits the growth and reproduction of a virus. Aneurism: A fluid-filled sac in the wall of an artery that can burst. Ascorbic Acid: See Vitamin C. Astringent: A substance which draws tissue together, restricting the flow of blood. Beta-sitosterol: See Sterol. Bioflavonoids : See Flavonoids. Body Mass Index (BMI): Body Mass Index is a standardized ratio of weight to height, and is often used as a general indicator of health or risk. Calcium: The most abundant essential mineral in the human body, primarily related to bone development. Calorie : Calorie is a unit of measurement for energy found in food. Campesterol: See Sterol. Carcinogen: A substance or agent that can cause cancer. Carbohydrate : A sugar, starch, or cellulose that is a food source of energy for an animal or plant. Carnivore : Any animal that eats primarily meat. Carotenoids : Antioxidant plant pigments that are converted to Vitamin A by the body. Casein: A milk protein sometimes used in otherwise non-dairy products like soymilk, soy cheese and non-dairy creamer Cholecalciferol: See Vitamin D. Cholesterol: Cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance present in all parts of the body including the nervous system, skin, muscles, liver, intestines, and heart. It is both made by the body and obtained from animal products in the diet. It is transported in the blood to be used by all parts of the body. Cobalamine : See Vitamin B12. Copper: Copper is a trace element that is essential for most animals, including humans. It is needed to absorb and utilize iron. Curative : Able to restore health Daily Values (DV): Daily Values are the dietary reference values that are used on all current U.S. Nutrition Facts labels. These values were determined by the FDA to best represent the minimum needs of the general population. Deprived: Kept from having something Dietary Fiber: Indigestible fiber taken in through food or drink that usually comes from the thick cell walls of plants. Dietary Reference Intakes (IDV): See Daily Values. Diuretic: Something that causes an increase in urination. Doula: A traditional midwife. Ellagic acid: A chemical that controls bleeding. Enzyme : A natural chemical produced by animal and plant cells that helps reactions and other processes to start. Essential Amino Acids : Amino acid that the body cannot make and that must be obtained from food to maintain growth. Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Theronine, Tryptophan, and Valine Fatty Acids : An acid found in fats and oils in animals and plants. Flavonoids (bioflavonoids): Flavonoids are a class of water-soluble pigments that are found in many plants. Many of these compounds serve as antioxidants and deter cancer in a number of ways. Folate : See Folic Acid. Folic acid: A B vitamin found in green vegetables and liver that helps prevent birth defects and lower levels of

homocysteine, an amino acid linked to heart disease. Free Radicals : a molecule that has an extra electron and can react very easily with other molecules linked to cancer and heart disease in the human body. Fruitarian: Someone who only eats fruit. Genetics : The study of heredity Glycemic Index (GI): The Glycemic Index is a dietary index thats used to rank carbohydrate-based foods and predicts the rate at which the ingested food will increase blood sugar levels. Glycemic Load (GL): Glycemic Load is equal to the Glycemic Index of a food times the number of grams of carbohydrates in the serving of food thats being eaten HDL: High Density Lipoprotein Histidine : One of 9 Essential Amino Acids. Hormone : A chemical substance produced in animals and plants that controls things such as growth and sexual development Individualized Daily Values (IDV): See Daily Values. Indoles : A crystalline compound found in plants and animals that help fight cancer. Insoluble Fiber: A fiber that is incapable of being dissolved in a liquid. Insulin: Insulin is a hormone thats secreted by your pancreas to help regulate blood-sugar level and promotes glycogen storage. International Unit (IU): IU is a measurement unit that is primarily used on nutrition labeling for vitamin A. Iron: Iron is one of the human bodys essential minerals. It forms part of hemoglobin, the component of the blood that carries oxygen throughout the body. Iron is also part of myoglobin, which helps muscles store oxygen. Isoflavones : Organic Compounds found in legumes, especially soy beans, that act as weak estrogens (phytoestrogens), and may have positive effects against cancer and heart disease Isoleucine : One of 9 Essential Amino Acids. Isomer: An isomer is one of two or more compounds that have the same chemical formula, but have the atoms in their molecules arranged in a different way and have different properties from each other. Isothiocyanates : Compounds, including sulphoraphane, that protect against cancer. Kilo joule : 1000 units of work or energy LDL: Low-density (LDL) lipoproteins. LDLs are considered the bad cholesterol, since they can stick together to form plaque deposits on the walls of your blood vessels, leading to atherosclerosis. Legumes : The vegetable family that includes beans, lentils, peas and peanuts, all of which are excellent sources of vegetable protein Leucine : One of 9 Essential Amino Acids. Lignans : Organic compounds found in legumes, especially soy bean that may have positive effects against cancer and heart disease Lipid: A general classification to denote water-insoluble compounds, such as fatty acids and sterols. Lysine : One of 9 Essential Amino Acids. Macronutrient: those nutrients that form the major portion of your consumption and contribute energy to your diet that includes carbohydrates, fats, protein, and alcohol. Sometimes water is also considered to be a macronutrient. Magnesium: An essential mineral for the human body. It is needed for protein, bone, and fatty acid formation, making new cells, activating B vitamins, relaxing muscles, blood clotting, and forming adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Maltitol: See Sugar Alcohol. Manganese : Manganese is an essential trace mineral that is required in small amounts to manufacture enzymes necessary for the metabolism of proteins and fat. It also supports the immune system and blood-sugar balance and is involved in the production of cellular energy, reproduction, and bone growth. Mannitol: See Sugar Alcohol. Medical institutions : a place where people who are, e.g. mentally or physically challenged are cared for Menadione : Vitamin K supplement in medicines and animal feedstuffs used as a fungicide. Methionine : One of 9 Essential Amino Acids. Microgram (mcg): A microgram is a unit of measure equal to one one-millionth of a gram (g). Micronutrient: Any nutrient that is smaller than a macronutrient. Milligram (mg): A milligram is a unit of measure equal to one one-thousandth of a gram (g). Mineral: An inorganic substance that must be ingested by animals or plants in order to remain healthy.

Misdiagnosis : A wrong diagnosis Moderate : Not large, great, or severe Monosaccharide : A carbohydrates that consist of a single sugar molecule. Examples include glucose, fructose, and galactose. Monounsaturated Fat: Fats and oils are made mainly from vegetable oils. They are considered to be healthier than those made from saturated fats. Mutations : The actions or processes of something being changed Niacin: A B complex vitamin found in meat and dairy products. Deficiency of niacin causes pellagra. See Vitamin B3 NLEA Serving: An NLEA Serving is a standardized serving size that arose from the U.S. governments Nutrition Labeling and Education Act to restrict the typical serving size that can be claimed on a U.S. Nutrition Facts label Nutrient Density: Nutrient density is the measurement of the amount of a nutrient per fixed portion of food. Nutrition Data calculates nutrient densities based on a 200-Calorie serving size. Nutrient: A substance that provides nourishment, e.g. the minerals that a plant takes from the soil or the constituents in food that keep a human body healthy and help it to grow Nutritional Yeast: A health supplement grown on molasses, sugar beets or wood pulp. A rich source of vitamin B12 and protein Omega-3 fatty acids : A type of fat that reduces the risk factors for heart disease. Omnivore : An animal that eats both plants and meat. Organosulfides : Substances that help lower cholesterol. Pancreas : a large elongated glandular organ lying near the stomach. Pantothenic Acid: A B complex vitamin that is present in many foods and is essential for growth. See Vitamin B5. Pescetarian:Someone that eats no meat except for fish. Phenylalanine : One of 9 Essential Amino Acids. Phosphate : Phosphorus combined with oxygen. Phosphorus : Phosphorus is an essential mineral that is usually found in the human body in bone. Phylloquinone : See Vitamin K. Phytoestrogen: Compound that is structurally similar to human estrogen that help protect against certain cancers, while providing many of the same heart-and bone-protective effects as human estrogen. Phytonadione : See Vitamin K. Phytosterol: Phytosterol is any plant-derived sterol. (See Sterol) Polysaccharides : Polysaccharides are complex carbohydrates, made up of multiple sugar molecules. Examples of polysaccharides include cellulose, starch, and dextrin. Polyunsaturated Fat: A class of fats, especially plant oils that are less likely to be converted into cholesterol in the body. See Unsaturated Fat. Potassium: An essential mineral that helps regulate heart function, blood pressure, and nerve and muscle activity. Premature : Before due time. Probiotic: A substance containing live microorganisms that claims to be beneficial to humans and animals, e.g. by restoring the balance of micro flora in the digestive tract. Protein Quality: The general standard or grade of protein. Protein: One of the basic components of food and makes all life possible. They provide for the transport of nutrients, oxygen, and waste throughout the body. They provide the structure and contracting capability of muscles. They also provide collagen to connective tissues of the body and to the tissues of the skin, hair, and nails. Pseudoscience : A theory or method doubtfully or mistakenly held to be scientific. Quackery: Bad medical treatment from doctors who are not very good at their job, or from people who cheat other people by pretending to be doctors Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA): See Daily Values. Reference Daily Intakes (RDI): See Daily Values. Rennet: An enzyme from the stomach of slaughtered calves, used to coagulate cheese. Found in many, but not all dairy cheeses. Retinol Activity Equivalent (RAE): A unit for expressing vitamin A activity. Retinol: See Vitamin A. Riboflavin: See Vitamin B2. Ruptured: A break in something.

Saccharide : A sweet-tasting, water-soluble carbohydrate SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine): A natural metabolite of the amino acid methionine, plays a key role in dozens of chemical reactions in the body. Satiety: Satiety refers to the feeling of satisfaction or fullness produced by the consumption of food. Saturated Fat: A saturated fat is a fat or fatty acid in which there are no double bonds between the carbon atoms of the fatty acid chain. Common saturated fats include butter, lard, palm oil, coconut oil, cottonseed oil, and palm kernel oil. Saturated fat is Seitan (wheat gluten): A vegetarian replacement for meat, made of protein (gluten) extracted from flour. Selenium: An essential trace mineral that may help protect the body from cancer. Sodium: Sodium is a mineral, an essential nutrient. It helps to maintain blood volume, regulate the balance of water in the cells, and keep nerves functioning. Soluble Fiber: Dietary fiber that is dissolvable in liquid. Sorbitol: See Sugar Alcohol. Soy cheese : A cheese-like product made from soybeans. However, some soy cheeses are not vegan as they contain the animal protein casein. Soybean: A legume, which is an excellent, inexpensive vegan source of protein and iron. Soybeans are used to make a number of vegetarian and vegan substitutions for meat, dairy and eggs. Soymilk : A milk-like product made from soybeans, with the same amount of protein and less fat than cows milk. However, some soymilks are not vegan as they contain the animal protein casein. Starch: A white substance without any taste that is found in rice, potatoes, and other vegetables. It is a type of carbohydrate that gives you energy. Sterol: A sterol is any of a class of solid cyclic alcohols, found in both plants (e.g., campesterol, stigmasterol, betasitosterol) and animals (e.g., cholesterol). Stigmasterol: A sterol found in plants. Used in the manufacturing of progesterone. Sugar Alcohol: Carbohydrates that are more slowly or incompletely absorbed by the human digestive system than sugars. Common sugar alcohols include sorbitol, mannitol, maltitol, and xylitol. Supplements : Additions to something to increase its size or make up for a deficiency Symptoms : Indications of a disease or other disorder, especially one experienced by the patient, e.g. pain, dizziness, or itching, as opposed to one observed by the doctor. A sign Synonymous : If one person, thing, or idea is synonymous with another, there is an extremely close connection between them, so that you cannot think of one without also thinking of the other Tempeh: A replacement for meat, made from fermented soybeans. Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP): Made from soy flour, TVP is commonly used in vegetarian restaurants as a substitute for ground beef. Theobromine : An alkaloid compound with a molecular structure similar to caffeine. Theobromine has a mild stimulating effect on humans, and is found in certain foods, such as cocoa and chocolate. Theronine : One of 9 Essential Amino Acids. Thiamin: A natural chemical in many types of food that your body uses to make your nerves work correctly. It belongs to the B vitamins. Tocopherol: One of a group of fat-soluble compounds that make up vitamin E, present in vegetable oils and leafy greens Tofu: A replacement for meat, eggs and cheese, made from curdled soymilk and pressed into blocks. Tofu can be eaten fresh or cooked in many different ways and is an excellent source of protein. Tryptophan: One of 9 Essential Amino Acids. Unsaturated Fat: An unsaturated fat is a fat or fatty acid in which there are one or more double bonds between carbon atoms of the fatty acid chain. Valine : One of 9 Essential Amino Acids. Vegan: Someone who chooses not to eat anything derived (made) from animals or fish, including eggs, milk, and cheese. Vegetarian: Someone who chooses not to eat meat or fish. Vitamin A (Retinol): A fat-soluble vitamin with multiple functions in the body. It helps cells differentiate, an essential part of cell reproduction. Vitamin B1 (Thiamin): A water-soluble vitamin that the body requires to break down carbohydrates, fat, and protein. Vitamin B1 is also essential for the proper functioning of nerve cells.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine): A water-soluble vitamin needed for normal nerve cell activity, DNA replication, and production of the mood-affecting substance SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine). Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): A water-soluble vitamin that helps the body process amino acids and fats, activate vitamin B6 and folic acid, and convert carbohydrates to adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Vitamin B2 can sometimes act as an antioxidant. Vitamin B3 (Niacin): Vitamin B3 is required for cell respiration and helps release the energy in carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It supports proper circulation and healthy skin, functioning of the nervous system, and normal secretion of bile and stomach fluids. It is used in the synthesis of sex hormones, treating schizophrenia and other mental illnesses, and as a memory-enhancer. Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): Vitamin B5 is a water-soluble vitamin involved in the Krebs energy production cycle. Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a role in the synthesis of antibodies by the immune system and it helps maintain normal nerve function and also acts in the formation of red blood cells. Deficiency of this vitamin can cause mouth and tongue sores, irritability, confusion, and depression. Vitamin B9 (Folate): Vitamin B9, also known as folic acid, is a B vitamin necessary for cell replication and growth. Folic acid is most important, then, for rapidly growing tissues, such as those of a fetus, and rapidly regenerating cells, like red blood cells and immune cells. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid): Vitamin C is an essential water-soluble vitamin that has a wide range of functions in the human body. One of vitamin Cs important functions is acting as an antioxidant. Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol): Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps maintain blood levels of calcium, by increasing absorption from food and reducing urinary calcium loss. Vitamin E (Tocopherol): Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects cell membranes and other fat-soluble parts of the body. Vitamin E has been shown to directly affect inflammation, blood cell regulation, connective tissue growth, and genetic control of cell division. Vitamin K (Phylloquinone): Vitamin K is necessary for proper bone growth and blood coagulation. It helps the body transport calcium. Vitamin: Natural substances found in food that are necessary to keep your body healthy. Xylitol: See Sugar Alcohol. Zinc: Zinc is an essential mineral, needed to repair wounds, maintain fertility in adults and growth in children, synthesize protein, help cells reproduce, preserve vision, boost immunity, and protect against free radicals, among other functions.
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BRANDI L. DAWSON aka BranDIVA is the owner of Liberation Coaching & Consulting. She is a sought-after business/personal success coach, empowerment speaker, and proud special needs parent. To bring Coach Brandi to your company or organization, contact her at 706225-9217 (M onday-Friday 10AM -5PM ). For additional information, contact details, or empowerment resources, go to BRYAN OGILVIE is a writer, public speaker, and webmaster of, which hosts his daily blog, Todays Transcendence. On the blog, Bryan helps you improve your productivity, strengthen your confidence, attain greater self-discipline, enhance your ability to focus and concentrate, master your subconscious mind and much, much more...check him out at DAN TRES OM I is a freelance writer and lecturer. Currently, he tutors children of all ages and teaches capoeira in Dayton, Ohio. He is a long-standing member of the Universal Zulu Nation and the Imani Foundation. DR. KANIKA JAM ILA WARD, ND is a holistic day spa owner, skin care specialist, naturopath, professional beauty educator, cosmetics manufacturer and author is a true expression of being young, black, female and beautiful. Her commitment to enhancing the natural beauty from within has been the driving force behind her businesses Khemistry Kosmetiks, Kosmik Publishing, thehooddoctors worldwide network, and Kosmik Kare Day Spa, 633 W Capitol Drive, M ilwaukee, WI 53212, (414) 264-3401, DR. SUPREM E UNDERSTANDING is an author, activist, educator, and student. After acquiring Knowledge of Self at 15, he began a long journey toward healthful living that continues today. He is a vegetarian working towards quitting processed foods, a drinker working on quitting cheap beer, a relatively healthy person working on quitting Western medicine, a husband working on quitting being a jerk, and an Original man in America working on quitting the psychological instability that comes with being an Original man in America. Somewhere along that journey, he earned a doctorate in education, focusing on alternative methods for reaching at-risk learners. This work led to the development of Supreme Design Publishing, which provides affordable, accessible non-fiction titles tackling real-world problems, including How to Hustle and Win, Real Life is No Fairy Tale, Knowledge of Self, Black Rebellion, and From Poverty to Power. DR. VERNELLIA RANDALL is one of our nations most distinguished legal scholars and analysts on issues involving race and healthcare. A tenured professor of law at the University of Dayton, she has published numerous scholarly articles on race, healthcare and legal education. She also spent 13 years in nursing, including serving as the M aternal-Child Health Nurse Coordinator for the State of Alaska. She has received numerous awards, honors and citations including being selected for M arquis Whos Who in the World, the Chairmans Award from the Ohio Commission on M inority Health, Whos Who in American Nursing, and a Commendation from the Ohio House of Representatives. Her book Dying While Black provides understanding and insight into the bias of healthcare service based on race in the United States. JAM IL SULEM AN is a soul in the cipher appreciating the present moment...and dreaming his next creation. His vision is to see a world of abundance and free expression. His mission is to share his talents in assisting humanitys transition from the mind to the heart. [email protected] JUSTICE RAJEE is a writer, advocate, educator and father. He works with youth and their families connecting them to resources to help them reach healthy outcomes and pull the best out of themselves. LANDRIA CARR is an 18-year-old student at Florida Atlantic University majoring in Biomedical Sciences. She is pursuing studies leading to a medical degree, specializing in Pediatrics or Gynecology, with a minor in journalism. M ECCA WISE has been studying holistic health for the past eight years, focusing on natural remedies and affordable cures for common problems. Before taking the helm of Sales and Fulfillment at Supreme Design Publishing, she worked for a national research organization conducting clinical trials in breast and colorectal cancer. She is currently working on a book on relationships with and Afya Ibomu, detailing her experiences living with the disorder known as Supreme Understanding. NASIM ALLAH is a writer, photographer, activist, member of the Nation of Gods and Earths, and personal trainer. His love for mind/body building, resistance training, and conditioning are complimented by his experiences as a vegetarian/vegan, studies on nutrition, and his own line of raw and medicinal probiotic drinks and foods. He can be reached at [email protected] or PATRA AFRIKA is the founder of NIA (Neighborhoods In Action) Collective. In 2008, she joined ranks with People Survival Program (PSP) in Harlem, aimed at promoting Food Drives, expanding Food & Farmers Cooperatives, Community Gardens & Nutrition Programs and Emergency Preparedness Training. She can be reached at [email protected] PHYLIS J. IQBAL has been a writer since she was twelve years old. She combines this love with her desire for justice, health and wellness. Shes been a vegetarian for several years and has just begun to practice yoga. You can find her on Facebook, SoulVeg, Twitter, and Yelp. You can read her blog at QUEEN EARTHIASIA is a mother of two whose journey of motherhood has shown her the necessity of developing holistic health practices. The longest journey always begins with one step, and that is how she acquired her knowledge of how to prepare foods medicinally and flavorfully one step at a time. Health and wellness will always be our greatest asset. ROBERT BAILEY is a writer, Kung Fu San Soo practioner, aspiring actor, and overall growth-oriented individual. Wondering why our people have the health complications that we do, he made a proactive decision to become more informed regarding his health and well-being and became a vegetarian in the summer of 2009. He is striving gradually towards raw foodism. He can be reached at [email protected] ROBERT L. WILLIAM S, CPS was diagnosed and treated for Schizophrenia at the age of 15 and re-diagnosed with Bi-Polar at age 23. Since then he has overcome the symptoms associated with either diagnosis and hasnt had the need for psychiatric medication for several years. He has proven to himself that such diagnosis can be reversed by Holistic Healing methods and he is available to share his story and methods. He was once a consumer for mental health care and he is now an administrator of mental health care. He is certified by the Georgia M ental Health Consumer Network as a Certified Peer Specialist, assisting people with M ental Health diagnoses to become educated about their symptoms and to learn that they can recover and live the lives of their choosing. He also specializes in Sober Living Support from drug and alcohol addiction. [email protected] or 404-914-6429 ROCHELLE KERR has been studying holistic living (including using natural substitutes for everyday products and making soap) in London for the past 5 years. She exercises regularly by walking skipping and practicing yoga and pilates. She runs a local business RebelJewel ( where she demonstrates her natural jewelry-making skills with original designs. SATORI ANANDA works with the community through The Peoples Lunch Counter in Dallas, as an advocate for food justice and sustainability. The PLC provides a holistic approach to ending food insecurity and focus on a healthy body and mind through education, gardening and environmental awareness. They can be reached at [email protected] or Satori can be followed at SHERIESE NICOLE TANAHESI is a community activist and wholistic counselor working with children and families for 12 years. She

specializes in wholistic child development, family creative arts programming, and wholistic lifestyle transitions. To get more information on current health, wellness, and youth arts events/programs, visit STIC.M AN is one-half of the revolutionary rap duo Dead Prez. does it all: rapping, producing, writing and publishing books, and training in the martial arts. Besides the critically heralded albums hes recorded as a member of Dead Prez, the Florida native published The Art of Emcee-ing and Balogun O. Abeegundes Afrikan M artial Arts: Discovering the Warrior Within. is also the founder of .Ammo M agazine, Boss Up Inc. (, and the RBG Fit Club ( In 2010, Dead Prez teamed up with DJ Drama to release the mixtape, Revolutionary But Gangsta Grillz, available free at TAM IKA HOGAN is a single mother of three, living in New York City. She is a Community Liaison responsible for educating the community on the issues of domestic violence and teen violence. She also provides individual and group counseling for victims of domestic violence, victims of other crimes as well as to at-risk teens. M s. Hogan holds a BS in legal studies, a M S in Psychology and is active in youth-oriented and other community organizations with an emphasis on females, who suffer from and display deficiencies with self esteem, low awareness on health issues and issues relating to relationships, education and/or the lack thereof. TESNIM HASSAN is a Registered Respiratory Therapist, currently living and working in Omaha, Nebraska. She is a native of Los Angeles, CA and came into Knowledge of Self during her studies at the M useum In Black under the mentorship of the Warrior Teacher, Brian Breye. Tesnim is a proud wife and mother to seven children. She has a firm understanding that lifes successes are rooted firmly in mental and physical health. TRUE ASIATIC ALLAH is presently living in Puerto Rico with his Queen Skai and their seeds. He is a co-founder of Paradise Wellness Center, a volunteer for the Luquillo Surf and Rescue, and teaches History on the secondary level at The Fajardo Academy. He is currently working on getting off the grid. He can be contacted at [email protected] WISE INTELLIGENT of the legendary rap trio Poor Righteous Teachers, hails from Donnelly Page Homes, a low income housing community in Trenton, New Jersey. Wise Intelligent is an activist, author, M C, entrepreneur, and a firm believer in African American solidarity and self-sufficiency. Through his Intelligentseedz youth media organization, Wise Intelligent works closely with urban youth and like-minded community organizations. While commandeering Intelligent M edia Group, LLC a media company that includes a record company, film production, an online magazine and not-for-profit division forever loyal to his Hip Hop constituents and roots, Wise Intelligent continues to release some of the most relevant studio albums of the times. YVETTE GZ is a full-time civil engineering student, writer, and third world affairs connoisseur. She has lived in Ivory Coast, Liberia, Palestine/Israel and Austin, TX and visited many other countries, all the while going through five African and M iddle Eastern wars. Her experience in those regions brought her much knowledge on politics, social issues and, of course, diets, health, and lifestyle choices. Yvette now resides in Brooklyn, NY.

Volume One focuses on the status of health in the urban community, the wrong foods that make us unhealthy, the history of diet and healthcare among Black and brown people (focusing on how things changed for the worst), the diseases and illnesses that plague our communities, and holistic (natural) methods to heal and treat ourselves into wellness.


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T.I. Akon Frank Lucas Jay-Z Eminem Lil Jon 50 Cent The Supreme Team Girls Gone Wild Twista MOVE The Bloods and Crips The Viet-Cong Soulja Slim Lil Wayne Assata Shakur Dr. Dre NWA The Real Rick Ross and dozens morez
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As well as chapters showing you:

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How to go from hustling to making legit money How to not get ripped off, scammed, cheated and conned 17 poisons we consume daily 10 lessons from the club How to break unhealthy cycles Why the poor stay weak 22 guidelines for dealing with women How to deal with a criminal charge Why Hip Hop is the way it is now What they left out about slavery How to survive a dysfunctional family 20 common illusions about the world we live in How we can get the life we really want for ourselves How to change the game without letting the game change you

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Lessons from the true stories of: Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

Che Guevara Tupac Shakur Steve Biko The Real Rick Ross Rebel Slaves Bumpy Johnson Allah (Clarence 13X) Fred Hampton NWA Rodney King Mike Vick Lil Wayne The Jena 6 Haile Selassie I Bob Marley Phillys Black Mafia Samuel Jackson Frank Lucas Hugo Chavez Saddam Hussein Dave Chappelle and dozens more
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As well as chapters showing you:

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How to have your money make you more money How to overcome against any odds or obstacles The true story behind American holidays How to deal with the police How to discipline your mind and your body 11 ways out of the hood What kind of leadership style you have How to get pussyand how to get love Why Black men are becoming more and more feminine How to set goals and accomplish them How we can accomplish true social change

And dozens of other true stories, rare facts, hidden truths, thought-provoking commentaries, and practical life lessons that anyone can use. If Part One made you thinkPart Two takes you even further. Available NOW at


Do you know who and what you are? Do you know who youre meant to be? Do you know how to find the answers to questions like these? Knowledge of Self is the result of a process of self-discovery, but few of us know where to begin when were ready to start looking deeper. Although self-actualization is the highest of all human needs, it is said that only 5% of people ever attain this goal. In the culture of the Nation of Gods and Earths, commonly known as the Five Percent, students are instructed that they must first learn themselves, then their worlds, and then what they must do in order to transform their world for the better. This often intense process has produced thousands of revolutionary thinkers in otherwise desperate environments, where poverty and hopelessness dominate. Until now, few mainstream publications have captured the brilliant, yet practical, perspectives of these luminary men and women. Knowledge of Self: A Collection of Writings on the Science of Everything in Life presents the thoughts of over 50 Five Percenters, both young and old, male and female, from all over the globe, in their own words. Through essays, poems, and even how-to articles, this anthology presents readers with an accurate portrait of what the Five Percent study and teach. Featuring essays from Nation elders, as well as Lord Jamar of Brand Nubian, Cappadonna, Popa Wu, and several others. Find out more (wholesale and retail prices, free excerpts, book trailers, and more) at


Who will tell the stories of those who refused to be slaves? Were taught that slave traders bought and brought Africans over without much of a struggle. Were taught that Africans accepted their condition as slaves. Were taught that most slaves didnt give their new masters much trouble. But the truth is, thousands fought daily, from the ships to theirs graves. Black Rebellion is a collection of historical literature documenting major slave revolts and uprisings throughout the Americas, written primarily by contemporaries and eyewitnesses. It contains accounts of Nat Turners Revolt, Gabriel Prossers Rebellion, Denmark Veseys Conspiracy, the Stono Rebellion, the Haitian Revolution, and the M aroon Wars of Jamaica and Surinam, as well as a timeline of Western slavery and revolt. Other essays address why most slave revolts were betrayed by fellow slaves, the role of music in rebellion, and resistance to slavery among African leaders.



It matters everything what you are within, for everything without will be mirrored and colored accordingly. p. 17 With the current abundance of motivational coaches, talk shows, self-help books, and positivity seminars, its easy to think youve heard it all. You havent. Before affirmations and visualization became a part of our everyday language, a man by the name of James Allen blazed the trail you now see others following. And as we clothe both events and objects with our own thoughts, so likewise do we clothe the souls of others in the garments of our thoughts. p. 21 Allen is most widely known for his seminal book, As a Man Thinketh, which teaches readers the immense power of the conscious mind. From Poverty to Power, his first book, explores the same concepts, but focuses on recovering from adversity. Considering our societys present conditions, the message of this book is especially relevant. Allen explores the power of the conscious mind in transforming the conditions of ones life and how one can harness all of their innate powers. Most people will admit that selfishness is the cause of all the unhappiness in the world, but they fall under the soul-destroying delusion that it is somebody elses selfishness, and not their own. p. 62 This edition is further enhanced with an introduction by CBS ALife that firmly sets the context of this writing by James Allen in time and

space. Readers will understand how and why the message of James Allen arose when it did, how this message remains unique even in todays atmosphere of positive thinking, and most importantly how we can put them into practice now. All human loves are perishable like the forms to which they cling; but there is a Love that is imperishable, and that does not cling to appearances. p. 100


Why bother with a dull deck of plain cards when theres Heritage Playing Cards? Not only is this deck perfect for any game you can think of, its also an amazing convers-ation starter and an incredible educational tool! Featuring 54 hand-painted images of indigenous people from every corner of the globe, this deck is like a world tour in a box! In any given hand, you might find an Egyptian pharoah sharing the company of a Chinese merchant, a Pawnee chieftain, a M ayan priest and an Indian folk dancer! The enclosed booklet offers details on the cultures represented on every card, a history of how playing cards came to be, and a selection of traditional card games from around the world! This deck can be used to teach number concepts, world cultures, geography, history, and multicultural education. With Heritage Cards, youve found tremendous value in a tiny box!




Real Life is No Fairy Tale is the inspirational story of one childs resilience and optimism in spite of the many struggles that often accompany urban poverty. Tonys attitude towards life is what makes the difference. It seems almost nothing can bring him down, until a school bully makes Tony reconsider his positive outlook. Children of all ages will be in awe at the beauty and authenticity of both the words and images. The story is composed entirely in verse, and the images are brilliantly rendered, realistic full-color illustrations. Review questions covering vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking are presented at the end.

About the Enhanced CD:

The included disc provides a wealth of resources to accompany the book. These resources are designed to help parents, educators, and of course the readers themselves. In a CD player or computer, you can play a narration of the text in two versions, one set to an original musical score, and the other is read without music. The disc also contains the captioned video of the story, as well as lesson plans, graphic organizers, worksheets, mazes, crossword puzzles, and other printable activities. These resources will significantly extend the relevance of Real Life is No Fairy Tale in any home or classroom.

Browse the art, listen to the audio, watch clips, and find out more at

Originally published in 1920, Darkwater makes Du Bois previous work, including the ever-popular Souls of Black Folk, seem tame and conservative by comparison. Darkwater is revolutionary, uncompromising, and unconventional in both its content and style of presentation, addressing topics ranging from the plight of Black women to the rise of a Black M essiah, from a critical analysis of white people to the need for outright revolution. People will wish that this book had not been written. Actually it is a book so skilfully put together, so passionately felt, so lyrically expressed, that it will be read widely. M ay it also be read wisely! R. Foerster, The Survey (1920) There is, to my mind, no better example of Du Boiss critical engagement of the dialectics of colonialism and capitalism, and racism and sexism, and the interlocking, intersecting and inter-connecting nature of each of the aforementioned than his 1920 monumental pice de rsistance, Darkwater. Dr. Reiland Rabaka, Jouvert (2003) Like Souls of Black Folk , Du Boiss masterpiece Darkwater is filled with brilliant ideas and experimental methodology. Beginning with autobiography and ending with a chilling science fiction story about the destruction of M anhattan, Du Bois provides pathbreaking sociological analysis. Historian J.R. Feagin (2003)



The Spanish edition of our flagship title, How to Hustle and Win, with several pages of original content written specifically for Spanish-speaking audiences! Are you involved with the Spanish-speaking community? Then help us bridge the gap between Black and Brown by spreading this work!
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Por va de preguntas abiertas, acertijos, ensayos, y hasta lrica del rap, La Brega, se mete dentro de la psiquis de uno, puede revelar cosas del mundo y cosas que uno ni sabia de uno mismo. Este libro no es para los frgiles. Contiene historias crudas y escabrosas contadas por chulos, bichotes moviendo producto, e iconos del rap, ademas de libros de textos, pelculas y sentido comn El autor va mucho mas all de la discusin. Provee recursos para los lectores y fomenta su uso para poder navegar exitoso por el barrio y la vida. Supreme Understanding (el autor) es un campen para los hermanos jvenes Ha escrito algo que es fcil de leer y que puede ser entendido por cualquiera que este buscando algn mensaje. APOOO Book Reviews


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[1] As holistic health writer Gretchen Goel writes: If a person is currently suffering with cancer he or she can be moving forward or
backward depending on their daily practices. They can decide to do chemotherapy and continue the same poor diet and health practices they had prior to diagnosis. The person may have decided in their mind that death is imminent. This would cause the person to continue to move backwards toward increased ill health and ultimately death. Whereas a person who decides they want to be well can move forward on the continuum. Their daily choices might look like this: eating a diet of mostly raw fruits and vegetables, exercising daily, practicing meditation and positive thinking, getting 8 or more hours of sound sleep daily. [2] Ironically, Ive noticed that the most marginalized, impoverished, and uneducated of people have retained the most cultural DNA so to speak (probably due to exclusion from mainstream acceptance), and even in their externally-influenced acts of self-destruction the hood (for example) is more undeniably African than the Black middle-class. Youll find the same when you look at any Original people who have been colonized, from the Chinese to the M ayans. Those outside of the mainstream, typically the ghetto poor, are almost always more in tune with the ways of their ancestors than those who have worked hard to become accepted by the mainstream. This is especially interesting in light of the increasing ideological attacks on the poor (most of which come from the middle class, including the re-Afrikanized middle class who have learned about themselves through books and lectures) because such attacks typically resemble the colonizers approach to social relations, rather than indigenous norms of developing community cohesion. [3] This typically only happened in societies where there was a strong divide between the rich and poor. These are the ancient societies we tend to celebrate as civilizations while ignoring the amazing societies that lived off the land and didnt build gigantic tombs and stuff. [4] Americas not a particularly healthy country by other measures either. As Steve Plog, Founder of the Results Project, has written: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), America is the 37th healthiest nation in the world. Basically the American M edical Association's team is in 37th place. When was the last time you took the word of a 37th place team as Gospel? [5] One place that doesnt follow the national trend? The nations capital, Washington D.C., is actually losing weight. D.C. also has the highest rate of fruit and vegetable consumption. The full report, F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens Americas Future 2010 can be found at [6] Perhaps I should mention that M ississippis population has the largest proportion of Black residents of any U.S. state, currently nearly 37%, and was also once the Souths most segregated state. M ississipi is also ranked near-last in the country in literacy. Lack of knowledge about health is one part of the problem (which is why this book exists!), and racism is another. [7] A bootydew is when your belly stick out more than your booty do. A badonk is so last decade I shouldnt need to explain. [8] You can check the websites of the Office of M inority health ( or the newly formed National Institute on M inority Health and Health Disparities ( for details. [9] If not, youre either in denial, or youre one of the small percentage of obese people who are considered M etabolically Healthy Obese, who usually eat healthier and are physically active (and thus less likely to have major health issues, but still likely to have minor issues like joint problems and increased risk of infection). FYI, there are also many people who the M ayo Clinic calls skinny fat, meaning they have elevated body fat percentages, low HDL, and elevated LDL levels, but low BM I. Still out of shape, still unhealthy. [10] Speaking of which, you may have noticed that several rappers have done incredibly well on this show, proving that we can lose weight if we really want to. These include Biz M arkie (lost 40 lbs., winning the first season and setting the record for total weight loss); Young M C (lost 38 lbs. and won Season 3); BoneCrusher (lost 51 lbs. and broke the record for total weight loss in Season 4); Bizarre of D12 (lost 31 lbs); Warren G (lost 31 lbs.); and Da Brat (lost 26 lbs.) [11] The formula once again is as follows: 220 age = maximum heart rate. M aximum heart rate x 0.9 = top of target zone. M aximum heart rate x 0.5 = bottom of target zone. [12] Yoga is only just beginning to be studied by the Western scientific community. Following are the findings of just a few of the completed scientific studies. Several studies have shown that yoga significantly improves the condition of bronchial asthmatics, even patients who were childhood asthmatics. M any subjects eventually reduced or eliminated their need for medication. Yoga has been shown to significantly decrease hyperglycemia in non-insulin dependent diabetics. Yoga has been shown to significantly improve mental and physical energy levels and alertness as compared to relaxation exercises and visualization. One study showed that yoga produced a gradual, significant decrease in body weight. In addition there was an increase in alpha wave activity in parts of the brain which corresponds to an increase in patient calmness. Yoga has been shown to produce a significant increase in serum LDH levels (the enzyme which provides energy to contracting muscles during exercise). Other studies have shown that yoga can help conditions of arthritis, arteriosclerosis, chronic fatigue, varicose veins, and heart ailments. Specific yoga breathing postures and breathing exercises have been led to significant improvements in patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Yoga stretches and tones the muscles and joints, has a positive effect on the entire skeletal system including the spine, and has a postive effect on all of the organs, glands, and nerves. M any of the yogic postures and breathing exercises bring much needed blood and oxygen to bodily tissues and organs which speeds the healing of the practitioner.

[13] There are four minerals that can influence how a muscle contracts, namely calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium. a) Calcium. Most people are not aware of the fact that calcium is essential for the normal contraction of muscle tissues, including those of the heart. Patients with extremely low blood calcium levels can develop a condition called tetani where the muscles fibers contract continuously. When this occurs, heart failure can ensue. Fortunately, such severe calcium deficiencies are rare, but on the other hand, sub-optimal calcium intakes are relatively common, especially in teenagers and young women who cut out calcium-rich foods like milk and dairy products because they are afraid of gaining weight. If you hardly drink any milk and never eat yoghurt, or cheeses, you may well be inclined to a subclinical calcium deficiency. b) Magnesium. People eating a western diet that lacks fresh fruit, vegetables, legumes and unprocessed grains and cereals, may well have inadequate intakes. If you suffer from muscle cramps, you can try increasing your intakes of the foods listed above (especially green, leafy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, lettuce, broccoli) or take a calcium and magnesium supplement (taking these two minerals together improves their mutual absorption).

c) Potassium. Potassium is one of the most abundant minerals available in common foods and most people should not develop a deficiency. However, eating minimalistic or monotonous diets to lose weight or cutting out all fruits and vegetables and grains and cereals, can cause a potassium deficiency. Drinking too much water can also deplete your potassium reserves. The easiest way of ensuring that you have abundant potassium is to eat five or more servings of fruit and/or vegetables a day. If you think you lack potassium, buy a variety of fresh or frozen vegetables and boil them lightly in vegetable broth to make a delicious, fat-free soup that is loaded with potassium. If you have a juicer, make an apple or grape and carrot drink to boost your potassium intake. Bear in mind that if you boil vegetables the potassium will end up in the water. d) Sodium. Most people on a western diet, which is based on processed foods, wont develop a sodium deficiency. However, drinking too much water, sweating a lot, and certain imbalances in kidney function can lead to sodium depletion, which in turn can cause cramps. If you do a lot of exercise in hot weather or if you are an athlete training hard, you need to make sure that you are getting some sodium in your diet. People who develop cramps and do not eat any salt or use salt substitutes (which are rich in potassium) should consider that they might have a sodium deficiency. [14] By definition, obesity means to be overweight by over 30% of the ideal weight. M orbid obesity means to be more than 100 lbs.
overweight. [15] If youre a teenage male, youre just letting your hormones think for you, which is pretty common. If youre a teenage female, its still common to crave sex, but something else had to go wrong in your past for you to pursue it as much as the boys do. [16] You can read some more on the soy debate at and [17] For example: Vitamin A, destroyed by high temperatures when oxygen is present; Vitamin B1, destroyed by exposure to heat, alkali or sulphites; Vitamin B2, unstable in light, especially in the presence of alkali; Vitamin B6, rapidly inactivated in the presence of heat, sunlight, or air; Vitamin B12, unstable in hot alkaline or acid solutions; Folic Acid, destroyed by heat at low pH, loss in food stored at room temperature; Vitamin C, easily destroyed by oxidation; heat hastens the process. Lost in cooking, particularly if water in which food is cooked is discarded. Also loss is greater if cooked in iron or copper utensils; Vitamin E, destroyed by heat. [18] Additional content comes from a presentation I (Supreme Understanding) did at the 2010 White Privilege Conference ( The White Privilege Conference is an annual gathering of predominantly white anti-racist, anti-oppression activists, organizers, educators, and sympathizers. Yes, I works wit white folks. So please dont put me in your neat little box. [19] Keep in mind how universities have always played a major role in genocidal experimentation carried out on African Americans, while being sponsored by private philanthropic institutions. It was Wake Forest and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill that supported the eugenics movement carrying out tens of thousands of sterilizations on defenseless African Americans. [20] [21] Note: Dont have more than 1 cup per day if you have a history of miscarriage, or have been spotting and are within the first 4 months of pregnancy. [22] Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) - Current evidence shows that most women can have safe vaginal births after a prior cesarean. Uterine rupture is a common fear among women who have had a previous cesarean but a complete rupture occurs in much less than 1% of women attempting a VBAC. [23] These websites will help you further prepare: [24] A holistic approach to health requires a personal awareness of your own well-being, including your physical health, peace of mind, and emotional state, in order to create well-rounded wellness of mind and body. To gain this well-rounded wellness, we have to look at how all aspects of our self interact (How do physical experiences affect our thoughts and emotions? How do our thoughts and emotions affect our physical well-being?) In attaining holistic wellness for our minds and bodies we must consider what those entities need. Our bodies need water, a nutritious and well-balanced diet, exercise, rest, warmth, comfort, physical contact, and proper hygiene. Our mind needs rest, stillness, quiet, goal-oriented ideas, optimism, and stimulation caused by reading, problem solving, creative expression, and even physical nurturance. Learning to nurture our feelings and release our emotions productively whether through a private cry or uproarious laughter, make time for quiet reflection, and appreciate the sights, sounds, scents, and sensations in nature can also aid us in gaining mental well-being. And mental well-being is the first step in achieving physical health and vitality. [25] On sites like and you can find excellent recommendations for prenatal poses with a brief explanation of how each pose helps maintain the overall holistic well-being of mind, body and breath. [26] The Science of Breath by Yogi Ramacharaka goes much deeper into exoteric and esoteric philosophies on breathing and various exercises than I am able to delve into in this single article. Please buy, borrow or print the book online and do the knowledge fully yourself. It can be found at [27] What about wheat allergies? This is a growing allergy. According to Dr. Sebi: It is no surprise that many people have wheatallergies, because wheat is not a natural grain; it is a hybrid product created by science and it is acid-based. Natural Growing Grains are alkaline-based; it is recommended that you consume the following instead of Wheat: Amaranth, Black Rice, Kamut, Quinoa, Rye, Spelt, Tef, and Wild Rice. These grains can be found at Whole Foods M arket (or any health food store) in the form of breads, flours, pastas and cereals. [28] Romm seems to think that the acellular version of the pertussis vaccine appears to be safer than whole cell pertussis in some populations because those populations vaccinate children later in life. [29] It was so ridiculous, even noted druglord Nicky Barnes later remarked: Anderson Cooper asked this rapper, Suppose a child was molested and you knew who this molester was. Would you tell the police? He said, No. So thats what Im sayin the street guidelines are just moron bullsh*t. [30] Juelz denied the allegations, and hinted at some allegations of his own, saying: He just wanted to say something and that was probably the only way he could say something and keep his character up. I was never addicted to syrup. I used to drink it on occasion. I don't know where that came from. [His comments] were a shocker to me, like, 'Damn, you would stoop low like that?' With his stomach situation, he was doing Percocet. It's not for me to say, 'Because he was using Percocet, I stopped speaking to Cam.' You'll say, 'I do Percocet because of my stomach.' But I've seen you do Percocet when your stomach is not bothering you. So that's besides the point."

[31] It also appears that Egyptians were the first (in recorded history) to discover penicillin, evidenced by the fact that they placed molded
bread inside wounds to treat infections. [32] One drink = one 12-oz bottle of beer (4.5 percent alcohol) or one 5-oz glass of wine (12.9 percent alcohol) or 1.5 oz of 80-proof distilled spirits. [33] These guidelines appear in SOSs publication, How to Stay Sober and are based on Larry B.s presentations at the SOS National Workshop series in San Diego and Los Angeles in 1992. There are dozens of other helpful articles available at the websites listed above or at [34] The TV viewing habits for millions of Americans also fits the criteria for substance abuse, with numerous dependency symptoms, including the inability to control viewing, using TV as a sedative, feeling a lack of control while watching, angry feelings about watching too much, and being upset when unable to watch. [35] In fact, most translations of Revelation 18:23 now read For your merchants were the important people of the world, and all the nations were deceived by your witchcraft. But the original Greek used the word Pharmacia, which doesnt mean witchcraft or sorcery, but actually means mind-altering drugs. However, while were on the subject of Revelation, its also important to note that several scholars have described the role of European Christianity (especially its devil concept) in promoting mental illness among indigenous people. [36] In fact, some scholars say that indigenous hunter-gather societies embodied the traits of ADHD when compared to more settled agricultural societies. But now scientists are trying to say that ADHD is genetically inherited, which is simply a way to say (again) that Black people are naturally screwed upand thus another argument for eugenics, or the elimination of undesirable populations and their genetic traits. [37] For more natural remedies, check out sites like or [38] You can make Strike On Box M atches waterproof yourself and spare the expense of purchasing them! There are several methods but nail polish works well with very little mess. [39] Not as much of an exaggeration as you might think. Just ONE of their many subcontractors, Huntington Life Sciences, kills at least 500 animals a day just for routine testing. [40] You can also find an excellent and easy-to-follow (and free) guide to emergency first aid at Using ePub Maker, be an easy ebook writer. This book is generated by a trial version of ePub M aker. Please visit

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