Chapter 2 Quiz

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Chapter 2: Managerial Traits and Skills Name ID#

1. What is the best conclusion about the traits of managers? a. a leader who is intelligent and highly motivated will be effective in any situation. b. a leader who is weak on any key trait is unlikely to be effective c. some traits improve the chance of being effective, but their relative importance depends on the situation d. the trait approach provides no useful insights about effective leadership 2. What is the most accurate conclusion about traits and success as a manager? a. managers with a personalized power orientation are seldom effective b. managers with a socialized power orientation are usually effective c. managers with a socialized power orientation are more likely to be effective than managers with a personalized power orientation d. managers with strong power motivation are usually effective, regardless of which type of orientation they have 3. n the study of managerial assessment at !"#", what type of skill was least useful for predicting rate of advancement twenty years later? a. technical skill b. interpersonal skill c. cognitive skill d. administrative skill $. What was not found in the longitudinal study of managers at !"#"? a. advancement was faster if a manager was given easy assignments the first few years b. advancement was faster for managers with strong oral communication skill c. advancement was faster for managers with strong ambition to advance d. advancement 2% years later was predicted by assessment scores in the first year &. Which of the following traits did 'iner find was least important for managerial success? a. desire to e(ercise power b. willingness to do routine administrative paperwork c. desire to compete with peers d. positive attitude toward authority figures ). *esearch at ++, found that compared to managers who derailed in their career, managers who continued to be successful had morea. ambition to succeed

b. technical brilliance c. interpersonal skill d. self confidence .. *esearch at ++, found that leaders who eventually derailed in their careersa. e(perienced a string of successes in their earlier managerial positions b. developed many cooperative relationships in their earlier positions c. had early e(perience in a variety of different types of managerial positions d. had e(perience with earlier positions that were very difficult and stressful /. 0ffective managers are least likely to have which of the following traits? a. high self confidence b. high need for affiliation c. achievement orientation d. internal locus of control orientation 1. ! very narcissistic leader is most likely toa. have empathy and concern for subordinates b. perceive human relationships in comple( terms c. become preoccupied with power and prestige d. seek ob2ective advice from subordinates and peers 1%. ! leader with a socialized power concern is more likely toa. socialize with subordinates b. ask subordinates to attend social events c. clarify social ob2ectives for subordinates d. empower subordinates 11. What is the most important need for predicting which people become leaders? a. achievement b. affiliation c. power d. esteem 12. Which pattern of traits 3from strongest to weakest4 is likely to be best for managers in large organizations? a. power, affiliation, achievement b. achievement, power, affiliation c. power, achievement, affiliation d. achievement, affiliation, power

13. 0ffective managers are likely to havea. technical and interpersonal skills b. technical and conceptual skills c. conceptual and interpersonal skills d. technical, conceptual, and interpersonal skills 1$. n comparison to first5line supervisors, top e(ecutives usually need morea. interpersonal skill b. self5management skill c. technical skill d. conceptual skill 1&. Which of the following is not included in emotional intelligence? a. understanding the feelings and emotions of other people b. understanding the 2ob re6uirements for other people c. understanding how to use emotions to facilitate cognitive processes d. understanding how to cognitively manage emotions 1). 7ocial perceptiveness and behavioral fle(ibility are key components ofa. interpersonal awareness b. vocational intelligence c. situational awareness d. social intelligence 1.. Which conclusion best describes how +08 skills are related to organization performance? a. the most important skills are the same for all types of organizations b. +08 skills are not related significantly to company performance c. the essential skills for a +08 are the same ones that are essential for all managers d. the most important skills depend on several aspects of the situation 1/. "he importance of different skills for effective leadership is least likely to be affected bya. the level of management b. the leader9s prior e(perience c. the type of organization d. the environmental turbulence 11. Which attribute was described as having a curvilinear relationship to effective leadership 3it is detrimental if either very low or very high4? a. self confidence

b. social intelligence c. cognitive skills d. socialized power orientation 2%. Which of the following was not presented as a guideline for career planning? a. seek information about your strengths and weaknesses and learn from feedback b. display strengths and hide weaknesses to build an image of superior competence c. take advantage of opportunities to develop relevant skills that are deficient d. select and empower subordinates who have strengths that complement yours 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) .( ) !.( ) ".( ) #.( ) $.( ) 1%.( ) 11.( ) 12.( ) 13.( ) 14.( ) 1 .( ) 1!.( ) 1".( ) 1#.( ) 1$.( ) 2%.( )

Chapter 2: Managerial Traits and Skills Name ID#

1. What is the best conclusion about the traits of managers? a. a leader who is intelligent and highly motivated will be effective in any situation. b. a leader who is weak on any key trait is unlikely to be effective c. some traits improve the chance of being effective, but their relative importance depends on the situation d. the trait approach provides no useful insights about effective leadership 2. What is the most accurate conclusion about traits and success as a manager? a. managers with a personalized power orientation are seldom effective b. managers with a socialized power orientation are usually effective c. managers with a socialized power orientation are more likely to be effective than managers with a personalized power orientation d. managers with strong power motivation are usually effective, regardless of which type of orientation they have 3. n the study of managerial assessment at !"#", what type of skill was least useful for predicting rate of advancement twenty years later?

a. technical skill b. interpersonal skill c. cognitive skill d. administrative skill $. What was not found in the longitudinal study of managers at !"#"? a. advancement was faster if a manager was given easy assignments the first few years b. advancement was faster for managers with strong oral communication skill c. advancement was faster for managers with strong ambition to advance d. advancement 2% years later was predicted by assessment scores in the first year &. Which of the following traits did 'iner find was least important for managerial success? a. desire to e(ercise power b. willingness to do routine administrative paperwork c. desire to compete with peers d. positive attitude toward authority figures ). *esearch at ++, found that compared to managers who derailed in their career, managers who continued to be successful had morea. ambition to succeed b. technical brilliance c. interpersonal skill d. self confidence .. *esearch at ++, found that leaders who eventually derailed in their careersa. e(perienced a string of successes in their earlier managerial positions b. developed many cooperative relationships in their earlier positions c. had early e(perience in a variety of different types of managerial positions d. had e(perience with earlier positions that were very difficult and stressful /. 0ffective managers are least likely to have which of the following traits? a. high self confidence b. high need for affiliation c. achievement orientation d. internal locus of control orientation 1. ! very narcissistic leader is most likely toa. have empathy and concern for subordinates b. perceive human relationships in comple( terms c. become preoccupied with power and prestige

d. seek ob2ective advice from subordinates and peers 1%. ! leader with a socialized power concern is more likely toa. socialize with subordinates b. ask subordinates to attend social events c. clarify social ob2ectives for subordinates d. empower subordinates 11. What is the most important need for predicting which people become leaders? a. achievement b. affiliation c. power d. esteem 12. Which pattern of traits 3from strongest to weakest4 is likely to be best for managers in large organizations? a. power, affiliation, achievement b. achievement, power, affiliation c. power, achievement, affiliation d. achievement, affiliation, power 13. 0ffective managers are likely to havea. technical and interpersonal skills b. technical and conceptual skills c. conceptual and interpersonal skills d. technical, conceptual, and interpersonal skills 1$. n comparison to first5line supervisors, top e(ecutives usually need morea. interpersonal skill b. self5management skill c. technical skill d. conceptual skill 1&. Which of the following is not included in emotional intelligence? a. understanding the feelings and emotions of other people b. understanding the 2ob re6uirements for other people c. understanding how to use emotions to facilitate cognitive processes d. understanding how to cognitively manage emotions 1). 7ocial perceptiveness and behavioral fle(ibility are key components ofa. interpersonal awareness

b. vocational intelligence c. situational awareness d. social intelligence 1.. Which conclusion best describes how +08 skills are related to organization performance? a. the most important skills are the same for all types of organizations b. +08 skills are not related significantly to company performance c. the essential skills for a +08 are the same ones that are essential for all managers d. the most important skills depend on several aspects of the situation 1/. "he importance of different skills for effective leadership is least likely to be affected bya. the level of management b. the leader9s prior e(perience c. the type of organization d. the environmental turbulence 11. Which attribute was described as having a curvilinear relationship to effective leadership 3it is detrimental if either very low or very high4? a. self confidence b. social intelligence c. cognitive skills d. socialized power orientation 2%. Which of the following was not presented as a guideline for career planning? a. seek information about your strengths and weaknesses and learn from feedback b. display strengths and hide weaknesses to build an image of superior competence c. take advantage of opportunities to develop relevant skills that are deficient d. select and empower subordinates who have strengths that complement yours 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) .( ) !.( ) ".( ) #.( ) $.( ) 1%.( ) 11.( ) 12.( ) 13.( ) 14.( ) 1 .( ) 1!.( ) 1".( ) 1#.( ) 1$.( ) 2%.( )

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