Self HelpSkills-Brigance Activity
Self HelpSkills-Brigance Activity
Self HelpSkills-Brigance Activity
To perform self-help skills with as much independence as possible when dressing, fastening, and taking care of personal needs. domain Physical Health and Development: Health Status and Practices RATIONALE Learning to perform self-help skills helps a child become independent and self-reliant. The ability to take care of personal needs is crucial to a childs development of self-esteem and promotes self-confidence and a feeling of competency. RELATED SKILLS Page Body Parts............................................................................................24 Directional and Positional Concepts....................................................243 Fine-Motor Skills: Holding and Manipulating Objects..........................359 Visual-Motor Skills: Cuts with Scissors. ................................................370
DEVELOPMENTAL SEQUENCE OF PREREQUISITE SKILLS The following prerequisite skills are included as a general guide for planning your instruction. Before a child is expected to perform certain self-help skills, she should: develop fine-motor skills. (See Fine-Motor Skills: Holding and Manipulating Objects and Fine-Motor Skills: Cuts with Scissors.) DEVELOPMENTAL SEQUENCE OF SKILLS Although each childs developmental rate and pattern is unique, the following skills are sequenced as children typically develop them through the age of seven years. Use these skill sequences as a general guide when planning your instruction. The developmental age notations to the left of each skill provide guidance in selecting the appropriate skill level and activity for instruction. 3-0 Unsnaps front snaps. Unbuttons side buttons. Unzips separating front zipper. Unbuckles belt or shoe. Undresses self except for more difficult pullover garments. Buttons large front buttons. Snaps front snaps. Zips front nonseparating zipper. Puts on shoes (may be on wrong feet). Attempts to lace shoes (may be incorrect). Buttons small front buttons. Puts on pull-up garment with an elastic waistband. Puts on socks. Puts on dress. Puts on pullover garment. Dresses with little supervision, other than for help with difficult fasteners.
Unsnaps back snaps. Unzips back (nonseparating) zipper. Removes some pullover garments. Removes more difficult pullover garments. Buckles belt or shoes. Laces shoes. Attempts to tie shoes.5-0 Dresses unsupervised (independently), except for help with difficult fasteners (sometimes [puts] clothes on backward). 5-0 Zips front separating zipper. Zips back (nonseparating) zipper. Unbuttons back buttons. Puts on shoes (on the correct feet). Ties shoes. Buttons back buttons. Snaps back snaps.6-0 Dresses self with clothes on correctly and can work all fasteners except shoe tying. Dresses self completely, including tying shoelaces and fastening all fasteners.7-0
TEACHING SEQUENCE 1. Expect Varying Levels of Mastery Levels of mastery will vary, depending on each childs experiences. For example, a childs ability to put on and fasten clothing often depends on the clothing selected by her parents/caregivers. Clothes that slip on are less challenging than clothes with buttons, zippers, or snaps. If a child owns only shoes that slip on or fasten with Velcro, the child may not know how to lace and tie shoes. 2. Teach Skills That Require Gross-Motor Coordination First Most children develop gross-motor skills before fine-motor skills. Start with teaching activities that involve the whole body and the large muscles. Then introduce activities that involve specific parts of the body and the small muscles. A child might develop skills involving the whole arm first (putting on clothing), the hand next (removing socks), and the precise movements of the fingers last (buttoning, zipping, tying). 3. Break Skills into Specific Steps When you introduce a new self-help skill, break it into doable steps for children and proceed slowly. Demonstrate each step and help children until they can do it on their own. For example, the first steps in tying shoes are pulling the laces tight, crossing them, and then tucking one lace under the other. Once a child can do these first steps independently, show her how to make a loop with one side of the lace, and then bring the other piece of the lace around the loop and through it. Have her practice these initial steps until she is fairly skilled. Finally, show her how to grasp one loop in each hand and pull the loops tight to make a bow. There might be levels of difficulty within a skill. For example, children usually learn to button large buttons before they can button small buttons.
Use tHe BackWard-CHaininG APProacH If a child has difficulty learning a skill through traditional methods, try the backward-chaining approach. Analyze a task by breaking it down into logical, specific, doable steps. Demonstrate each step, and describe the step as you perform it. When you get to the last step, stop and teach that step to the child. For example, if you are teaching a child to put on a pullover sweater, put the childs arms in the sleeves, pull the neck opening over the childs head, but do not pull the sweater down. Leave it bunched up on the childs chest. Let the child do the last step (pull the sweater down). Once she can do this, put the childs arms in the sleeves, but have her try the last two steps (pull the neck opening over her head and pull the sweater down). Continue this procedure until the child can independently perform the task. Keep the teaching sessions short; the child might complete only one step on any given day.
AlloW Sufficient Clean-uP Time Before beginning another activity, allow sufficient time for clean-up. Remember some activities take longer to clean up than others. EstablisH Classroom Routines Predictable routines help children develop independence, a sense of responsibility, and a feeling of security. Set up daily classroom routines that children can learn and depend on. For example, when children enter the classroom in the morning, have them put away personal items and hand in any notes from home. As children wait for others to arrive, invite them to choose an activity such as block building, puzzles, or journal writing. Signal children to get ready for Circle Time.
Focus on WHat CHildren Can Do Buttoning a shirt unevenly at first is an accomplishment. Tying shoes loosely is still tying shoes. Putting on a sweater inside-out is still putting on a sweater. Focus on the positive gains a child makes as she goes through the learning process.
GiVe SPecific Instructions Before children engage in an activity independently, demonstrate how to use the materials and each step in the process. For example, after an art activity establish a routine for cleaning up. Demonstrate as you explain. First, rinse your paintbrush in the sink and put it in the cup to dry. Next, wash your hands. Now take off your smock and hang it on a hook. Repeat this routine until the children understand what is required. Begin to give a general instruction, It is time to clean up. Observe how the children respond. Some children may need reminders. Explain the steps again for these children. Read Books WitH Your CHildren Read books with children about taking care of personal needs. Here are some books that children will enjoy: Carlstrom, Nancy White. Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? Illus. Bruce Degen. London, Jonathan. Froggy Gets Dressed. Illus. by Frank Remkiewicz. Morris, Ann. Shoes, Shoes. See the Read-to-Me Books on page 404 for a list of titles that relate to Self-Help Skills. Communicate WitH Families Send Home a Letter The Letter to Families suggests fun ways for families to reinforce classroom learning at home. It recommends activities to try and books to read with children. (See page 423.) Send Home the Learning Plan Give children a copy of the Learning Plan to share with their families. Encourage families to read and talk about the Learning Plan, I am learning how to take care of myself. (See page 430.)
Inadequate StrenGtH A child may not have adequate strength to perform a task. For example, a child with weak hand muscles may not be able to grasp the loops of a shoelace and pull them tightly enough for the bow to remain tied. Vision Problems If a child has vision problems, talk with the family and suggest they contact the appropriate medical professional.
Puts on ClotHinG
Turn Clothing Right Side Out Collect a variety of clothing. Turn some items inside out. Show children the seams, buttons, and labels on the clothing and help them determine whether the clothing is right side or inside out. When a child can recognize an inside-out piece of clothing, show her how to turn the garment right-side. Turn some garments inside out, and then ask children to do them right side. Identify the Front and Back of Clothing Show children the front and the back of each piece of clothing. Explain the following: A zipper may be at the front of a jacket, or a picture may be on the front of a T-shirt. Labels with the manufacturer name, fiber content, and size are placed at the back of most clothing. Also help children determine which arm goes into which sleeve.
Provide an Area for Dressing Dolls Provide male and female dolls that represent different ethnic backgrounds and a box of doll clothing. Select doll clothing with different kinds of fasteners. Allow children to play with and dress the dolls during choice time.
Put On Clothing Independently After a child has learned to put on an article of clothing without help, encourage her to dress herself. Reinforcing independent skills helps children develop confidence and the ability to put on other clothing.
Teaching Activities
Fastens ClotHinG
Show Children How to Zip a Jacket Zipper NOTE: A jacket zipper has two separate parts that must be interlocked at the bottom before zipping. Jacket zippers can be found on coats, raincoats, some windbreakers and sweatshirts, and sleeping bags. NOTE: Suggest that parents and caregivers select jackets and coats that have wide zippers with large teeth and big pulls or rings. Show children how to slide the pull down the teeth to the bottom of the zipper. Compare a jacket zipper to a train going down a track. Tell children that one side of the train (the pull) is on the track but the other side is not. Holding the train down with one hand, use your other hand to slide another piece of track (the long thin metal piece at the bottom of the other set of teeth) into the off-track side of the train. Make sure the train fits snugly and tightly. Show the children how to pull the train all the way back up the track to finish zipping the jacket. If children show interest, have them try to zip the jacket. Provide help as needed. NOTE: To help with a stubborn or reluctant metal zipper, rub the teeth of the zipper with a pencil point or a bar of soap. Repeat this process each time the garment is washed. Provide Experiences with Buckles Provide different kinds of articles with buckles. Begin with large buckles, and when children have more dexterity, try smaller buckles. Demonstrate how to fasten a variety of items with large and small buckles. Provide opportunities to fasten buckles on belts, boots, shoes, raincoats, and knapsacks. Provide Various Fastening Activities To allow children to practice fastening, provide swatches of material equipped with different-sized buttons and buttonholes, zippers, snaps, and hooks. Run a pencil point around the inside of the top of a metal snap to help the snap go together more easily. Ask families to send in old clothing and accessories that they no longer need. Include the following accessories in the Dramatic Play area: small suitcases; tote bags; cosmetic bags; purses; coin purses; items with buttons, zippers, snaps, and hooks Provide opportunities so children can practice fastening a variety of items.
Teaching Activities
UsinG SHoes
3. Button Me Up!
Materials: Oversized shirts that have large buttons: one for each child. Group Size: Small group or class. Procedure: Do the following: Have children form pairs. Give each pair of children two shirts. Designate one child as the buttoner and the other child as the wearer. Have the wearer put on one of the shirts backwards, with the buttons down the back. Ask the buttoner to stand behind her classmate and button the shirt buttons. When the buttoner is finished, have the pairs trade places so that both children get a turn. EXTENSION: Use this routine whenever children need to wear smocks or cover their clothes to do a messy activity.
4. Zip It!
Materials: Sandwich-size plastic zipper storage bags, one for each child. A variety of healthy snack items. Group Size: Small group or class. Procedure: Do the following: Give each child a zipped bag and snacks. Have each child unzip the bag and put his snacks into the bag, then zip it closed. At snack time, he can unzip the bag and enjoy!
Use Shoes on Boards to Practice Tying Nail a pair of clean, used athletic shoes to boards. The boards should be longer and wider than the soles of the shoes. To make it easier for children, each shoe should be low topped, have three to five pairs of large eyelets, and have large, flat, easy-to-grasp shoelaces. Place one of the shoes on a table so children can see the shoe and reach it easily to practice tying. Use Your Knee to Practice Tying Learning to tie shoelaces while wearing shoes can be difficult. Try having the child sit in a chair and wrap a shoelace around her leg, just above her knee. Its easier to tie when the laces are visible, reachable, and easy to manipulate. After children learn to tie laces in that position, they more easily can transfer the skill to their feet. Run a Squirrel Around a Tree Use a squirrel-and-tree analogy to teach tying. First, demonstrate how to cross the ends of a shoelace. Show the child how to bring one end of the shoelace under the cross. Then pull the two ends of the shoelace tight. Explain to the child that one shoelace end will be a tree and the other end will be a squirrel. Make the first loop of the bow, and say that a squirrel can now run around the tree you made. When the squirrel gets to the front of the tree, it goes through the hole. Then push the squirrel through the hole with the thumb and pick up the squirrel behind the tree with the fingers of the other hand. Pull the tree and the squirrel tightly to make a bow. Demonstrate the steps again. Some children may be ready to try to follow the directions. Provide prompts as needed. NOTE: Teach one step at a time and have the child practice it. Remember that the teaching process can take several days.
Make Rabbit Ears The alternate method of tying results in a double knot. First, demonstrate to children how to make one loop with one shoelace end, and another loop with the other end. Tell children you are making rabbit ears. Hold one loop in each hand and cross the rabbit ears. Bring one ear underneath the other ear and pull the two ears tightly. Last, cross the ears again. Bring the top ear underneath the bottom ear and through the hole. Pull the two ears tightly to make a double knot.
Teaching Activities
usinG sHoes
6. Shoe Scramble
Materials: A childs pair of shoes. Group Size: Individual. Procedure: Do the following: Have a child remove her shoes. Mix up the shoes behind your back so that the child cannot see them. Place the shoes in front of the child and challenge her to identify which shoe goes on which foot. Ask the child to put on her shoes. If the shoes are on the wrong feet, prompt a discussion by saying: How do your feet feel? Have the child stand up and look down at her feet. Say: How can you tell that your shoes are on the wrong feet? Encourage the child to try again.
As children make-up new words, invite a volunteer to be the leader and show the rest of the class how to act out the lyrics. EXTENSION: Use this song when you want the class to transition from activity to activity, put away materials, or cooperate. For example: This is the way we pick up toys; This is the way we clean up spills; This is the way we tie our shoes; This is the way we mix our paint; and so on.
Teaching Activities
Procedure: Do the following: Help children develop the skills and independence they need in doing basic tasks. Activity 1 Have children sit at the table. Place an empty paper cup in front of each one. Pour a small amount of juice in a pitcher. Have children take turns pouring juice into their cups. Encourage them to drink the juice without a straw. Activity 2 Give each child a spoon and a small container of yogurt or apple sauce. Demonstrate how to hold a spoon and have children copy you. Then invite them to eat their yogurt snack using their spoon. Activity 3 Give each child a fork and a small plate of sliced bananas. Demonstrate how to hold a fork and have children copy you. Then have them enjoy their banana snack using their fork.