Electrical Engineering Department Politeknik Merlimau Computer Aided Design (Ec202) Disember 2012 Practical Work: Topic: Objectives

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: : : Students will be able to : 1. Use AutoCAD Modify o!!ands su " as #$ase% Mo&e% Co'y% (otate% )$ea*% +$i!% S ale% Mi$$o$% A$$ay% St$et "% #,tend% Fillet% C"a!fe$% Offset and ot"e$s. -. A''ly t"e !odify o!!ands to '$o edu$e te "ni al d$awin.s. 3. A''ly t"e !odify o!!and f$o! *eyboa$d. /. A''ly t"e !odify o!!and usin. 'ull0down !enu. 1. A''ly t"e !odify o!!and usin. toolba$ !enu. LIST OF EQUIPMENT : 1. Des*to' o!'ute$2 la'to' -. AutoCAD -003%-004 5 -010 softwa$e THEORY : 03 MODIFY COMMANDS

AutoCAD d$awin.s a$e not si!'ly d$aw by d$awin. lines% i$ le% $e tan.ula$ et . You need to !odify t"ese basi d$awin. in o$de$ to $eate t"e i!a.e. You "a&e to usin. MODIFY o!!ands. +"e Modify tools an be a essed t"$ou." *eyboa$d% 'ull0down !enu and toolba$ !enu.


PART A: DRAWING SETUP Sta$t AutoCAD settin. to be.in a new d$awin.6 a. 7i!its b. S'e ify !et$i units in MI7IM#+(#S to $eate d$awin. units . A/ 'a'e$ si8e : 0%0 5 -10%-43 d. A o$din. to AutoCAD F(AM#% setu' as fi.u$e 3.0. PART B: MODIFY COMMANDS 1. +"e )$ea* Co!!and +"e o!!and enables you to $e!o&e 'a$t of an ob9e t by definin. two b$ea* 'oints. Co!!and : )(#A: Sele t ob9e t : ;'i * '1< Sele t se ond b$ea* 'oint o$ =fi$st 'oint> : ;'i * '-< Before After

P1 P2

-. +"e +$i! Co!!and +"e o!!and an be used to t$i! 'a$t of an ob9e t t"at $osses a s'e ified uttin. ed.e. Co!!and: +(IM Cu$$ent settin.s: ?$o9e tion@UCS% #d.e@None Sele t uttin. ed.es Sele t ob9e ts: ;'i * '1< Sele t ob9e ts: S'e ify o''osite o$ne$: ;'i * '-< Sele t ob9e ts : ;ente$< Sele t ob9e t to t$i! o$ s"ift0sele t to e,tend o$ =Fen e2C$ossin.2?$o9e t2#d.e2e(ase2Undo>: ;'i * '3< Sele t ob9e t to t$i! o$ s"ift0sele t to e,tend o$ =Fen e2C$ossin.2?$o9e t2#d.e2e(ase2Undo>: ;'i * '/< Before P1 P3 P4 P2 After

3. +"e S ale Co!!and +"e o!!and an be used to "an.e t"e si8e of an ob9e t. Co!!and: SCA7# Sele t ob9e ts: ;'i * ?1< Sele t ob9e ts: ;ente$< S'e ify base 'oint: ;'i * '-< S'e ify s ale fa to$ o$ =(efe$en e> : /. +"e Mi$$o$ Co!!and +"e o!!and allows !i$$o$in. sele ted ob9e ts in t"e d$awin. by 'i *in. t"e! and t"en definin. t"e 'osition of an i!a.ina$y !i$$o$ line usin. two 'oints. Co!!and: MI((O( Sele t ob9e ts: ;'i * ?1< Sele t ob9e ts: ;ente$< S'e ify fi$st 'oint of !i$$o$ line: ;'i * ?-< S'e ify se ond 'oint of !i$$o$ line: ;'i * ?3< 1. +"e A$$ay Co!!and +"e o!!and !a*es !ulti'le o'ies of sele ted ob9e ts in a $e tan.ula$ !at$i, ; olu!n and $ows< o$ a 'ola$ ; i$ ula$< 'atte$n. Co!!and: A((AY +"e dialo.ue bo, will a''ea$ fo$ $eate a$$ay. Cli *: ?ola$ A$$ay C"an.e total nu!be$ of ite!: / Cli *: ente$ 'oint ; ta*e u$se$ to t"e !iddle of 'ola$ 2 i$ le < Cli *: sele t ob9e t ;ta*e u$se$ to t"e ob9e t you want to a$$ay<5ente$ Cli *: o* in t"e dialo.ue bo, ;ente$< )efo$e Afte$ P3 P1 P2 Before P1 P2 After


+"e Fillet Co!!and

+"e o!!and allows to $ounds t"e ed.es of two a$ s% i$ le% lines et . +"e o!!and !ust "a&e s'e ified $adius

Line 1 Line 2

Co!!and: FI77#+ Cu$$ent settin.s: Mode @ +(IM% (adius @ 10.0000 Sele t fi$st ob9e t o$ =Undo2?olyline2(adius2+$i!2Multi'le>: $ S'e ify fillet $adius B0.0000C: 10 Sele t fi$st ob9e t o$ =Undo2?olyline2(adius2+$i!2Multi'le>:;'i * line 1< Sele t se ond ob9e t o$ s"ift0sele t to a''ly o$ne$: ;'i * line -< 3. +"e C"a!fe$ Co!!and +"e o!!and an $eate a "a!fe$ between any two non 'a$allel lines% 'olylines% et .



Line 1 Line 2

Co!!and : CDAM?#( ;+(IM !ode< Cu$$ent "a!fe$ Dist1 @ 10.0000% Dist- @ 10.0000 Sele t fi$st line o$ =Undo2?olyline2Distan e2An.le2+$i!2!et"od2Multi'le>: d S'e ify fi$st "a!fe$ distan e B0.0000C: 10 S'e ify se ond "a!fe$ distan e B10.0000C: 10 Sele t fi$st line o$ =Undo2?olyline2Distan e2An.le2+$i!2!et"od2Multi'le>: ;'i * line 1< Sele t se ond line o$ s"ift0sele t to a''ly o$ne$: ;'i * line -< E. +"e Offset Co!!and



+"e offset o!!and $eates a new ob9e t w"ose s"a'e 'a$allel t"e s"a'e of a sele ted ob9e t Co!!and: OFFS#+ S'e ify offset distan e o$ =+"$ou."2#$ase27aye$> B1--.0000C: 10 Sele t ob9e t to offset o$ =#,it2Undo> B#,itC: 'i * ?oly.on S'e ify 'oint on side to offset o$ =#,it2Multi'le2Undo> B#,itC: ;'i * ?1< Sele t ob9e t to offset o$ =#,it2Undo> B#,itC: 'i * ?oly.on S'e ify 'oint on side to offset o$ =#,it2Multi'le2Undo> B#,itC: ;'i * ?-< Before After P2 P1


+"e 7ine +an.ent Co!!and

+"e o!!and allows you to d$aw line between i$ le% 'oly.on% et . Co!!and: 7IN# Co!!and: Fline S'e ify fi$st 'oint: tan to S'e ify ne,t 'oint o$ =Undo>: tan ;'i * ?1< to S'e ify ne,t 'oint o$ =Undo>: tan ;'i * '-<

P1 P2 Before


RUBRIC FOR END OF CHAPTER 03 CITERIA/MARKS DICI?7IN# CLO 2 (C2) PLO1 LD1 ;10 G< 11 ?(#S#N+A+ION D#SC(I?+ION ;11G< 31 SDA?# D#SC(I?+ION ;31G< -1 SIH# D#SC(I?+ION ;-1G< 11 S#+0U? ;11G< +O+A7 1/ 0 10 40A 100 -/ 0 1/ 13 0 A 100 3/ 0 1/ 13 0 A 100 1/ 0 10 40A 100 10 ;wit" $eason< 1 ;wit"out $eason< TOTAL 0

100! Note: do refer main rubrics while marking or giving marks.

D"#$ %&' ()*'+% #++(",-./ %( %&' ,-0'.1-(. /-2'.3

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