Post Activity Report On Organic Agriculture
Post Activity Report On Organic Agriculture
Post Activity Report On Organic Agriculture
. He encourage the participants on how good is ecological gardening is and how it is suitable to them. Mr. Rafael gave an introduction on organic agriculture and provides an overview on how its importance will affect the beneficiaries farming areas. The trainer discussed the different important factors that need to be consider when doing organic gardening such as the type of soil, plants, seeds, insects and repellants. Mr. Rafael introduces different varieties of Organic Extracts that can be used as fertilizer, fungicides and pesticides. The trainer discussed the different kinds of Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ) that are used as pesticides. Mr. Rafael talks about planning for ecological farming, he emphasized the importance of having an overview of what needs to be done and how to maximize the time and resources available. Mr. Manny Pangilinan conducted hands on demonstration on how to make FPJ specifically the Fermented Kakawate extract to control insect pest. He discusses the step by step process in doing the FPJ. The trainer explains some beneficial and non-beneficial microorganism that can affect the growth of a plant or even the entire farming area. He introduces different flowering plants that can be use in attaining good pest control. After the discussion, the trainers made an ocular visit and diagnosed the whole farming area of Bahay Pag-ibig. They discussed the possible plant layout and the different crops to be planted.
Day 2 Mr. De Jesus introduces the different planting techniques used depending on what type of crop will be planted. Mr. Rafael continued and had a detailed discussion on planting techniques. He introduces techniques suitable for the beneficiaries. Mr. Manny Pangilinan demonstrated and teaches the proper procedure and technique on direct planting of squash in the farming area and how to maintain it. The trainer let the participants to plant squash on their own and gave corrections and tips while planting. Mr. Pangilinan also gave instruction on how to properly sow pepino using seedling trays and the suitable time for transplanting.
The trainer also introduces seeds of flowering plants such as Marigold, Zenia, and Cosmos. He showed the proper planting of the different flowering plants in a Styrofoam and the maintenance needed for the growing.
Day 3 Dr. De Jesus gave a brief recap about planting techniques and answers some questions related to the problems encountered during the hands-on training on planting techniques. Mr. Rafael Rafael continued his discussion about the Fermented Plant Juice. He introduced new pesticides and fertilizers from the use of Rice wash, milk, vinegar and molasses. He emphasized the use of every FPJ and their corresponding purpose. He explained very well the fermentation time and the pre-cautions of each FPJ. Mr. Manny Panigilinan demonstrated the newly discussed FPJ that uses the mixtures of rice wash, milk, vinegar and molasses. After the demonstration, he let the participants do it by themselves to familiarize them with the procedure and process. He always reminds the participants the fermentation time and maintenance. After the discussion of the FPJ, the trainers proceeds to the farming area and demonstrated the proper planting of eggplants and flowering plants using seedlings. The trainers also use the previously fermented Kakawate extracts during the first day. They instructed the participants the right way of applying the extract to the plants.
Day 4 Dr. Rafael explains several transplanting concepts. He relay the information about the different factors that can affect the plants growth during transplanting. He gave some dos and donts on the procedure of transplanting. Mr. Pangilinan demonstrated and help the beneficiaries to transplant.
Day 5