Smart Choice Syllabus
Smart Choice Syllabus
Smart Choice Syllabus
Instructor: Mobile Phone: Office: email: Office Hours: Tuesday 12.00-12.50am Office location: : Text Book: Smart Choice 1 Grading Attendance 20% Quizzes 10% Project 5% Midterm 30% Final 30% Participation 5% This includes class conversations, how well you do in class and your homework. Class rules 1. Be on time. If you are more than 15 minutes late you will be marked absent for that class session. If you are late 3 times, you will also be marked absent for one class session. 2. Turn off your cell phones BEFORE class. 3. Always bring your book, notebook and a pencil. If this becomes a problem, you will be marked absent when you forget these things. 4. Help each other. You have to speak to your classmates to do well in this course. 5. No cheating on the quizzes, exams and homework or you will receive an F.