Assessment Portfolio

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Lesson Descriptions

Lesson 1
enera" Learnin# Outco$es%

Teacher Subject Topic/Focus

Rita Abou Gharib Drama 30 Acting

OUTCOMES FROM ALBERTA PRO RAM OF STUD!ES To develop competency in communication skills through participation in and exploration of various dramatic disciplines
Speci&ic Learnin# Outco$es% The student will be able to physicali e character through selected and economical movement and gesture A'D !reate appropriate stage business



Students will: "# Develop techni$ues that enhance vocal and physical communications %&' (# Develop the ability to understand and apply the specific presentation techni$ues demanded by various dramatic forms %&)!' 3# *xtend the ability to give form and expression to feelings+ ideas and images %&'

Obser*ations% +e, -uestions. ,bserve students moving+ are they Are student considering: trying to use -ust their movements to Age communicate. Life experiences !haracter relationship Culture/ethnicity /igh)low statue Past/current injuries 0hat their character is Status (High/low) thinking)feeling Personality Discuss observations with students1 er!ous ha"its can they explain their movements2 #o" ,bserve responses $ears ,bserve+ does student further develop %elationships character)motivation through interact &hen thin'ing a"out (o!e(ent in relation to characteri)ation with set)props2 &hat physical effects do all these things ha!e on characteri)ation and Dynamic use of postures+ gestures and how can you as and actor use the( to physicali)e character* facial expressions# How can + show characteri)ation and story through stage "usiness* ,bserve class discussions are students participating .ritten/Per&or$ance Assess$ents% ,bservation and conversation will be the key forms of assessment in lessons " 3 (# 4ormatively assess student5s (63 minute silent skit# Give students instant feedback after each performance# Ask them to reflect and criti$ue each performance+ and observe their responses for formative assessment# !riti$ue differs from a review+ students are not stating their opinion %likes)dislikes' they are stating what was there and supporting with evidence# Description o& C"ass Focus% 0ill be focusing on movement Acti*it, 1% Read &now white and the seven dwarfs to the students %this will introduce)tie into activity 3+ script analysis'# &tudents will choose one of the seven dwarfs from a hat# 7ased on selection students must express their dwarfs main emotion)characteristic %i#e# happy+ grumpy+ doc' through movement# &tudents will be give different scenarios to walk through as their dwarf# ,bserve students for formative assessment and give prompt $uestions when needed# Acti*it, /% To see how different movements can mean different things and how actions lead to reactions# Give each pair a scenario with small reactions+ in order to tie into activity " and as an extra challenge to students they will do these scenarios based on their dwarf character# *8A9:;*. et a stu0ent to sit 0o1n ne2t to ,ou an0 1hen the, 0o3 $o*e a1a,4 &tudents must figure out what this small movement say about relationship or the characters personality2 &itting in a circle+ each pair will have <0 seconds to go through their scenario and figure out the emotion# After <0 seconds they will stand up preform it state the movement that cause a reaction and sit back down# Acti*it, 5% !ombining the groups of = to make groups of =# &plit the story into sections "+ ( 3 3 so that students only have to work on a small chunk of the story# &tudents will adapt the story and re6tell it silently# This allows them

Assess$ent Port&o"io Te$p"ate *D 3>0= ? *valuation of ;earning

to see how a story can be interpreted in different ways encourage audience to observe movements and how they affect the story#

Lesson /
enera" Learnin# Outco$es%

To develop competency in communication skills through participation in and exploration of various dramatic disciplines
Speci&ic Learnin# Outco$es% The student will be able to use various vocal skills to enhance characteri ation



Students will "e a"le to: "# Develop techni$ues that enhance vocal and physical communications %&' (# Develop the ability to give form and expression to feelings+ ideas and images %&' 3# *xtend the ability to give form and expression to feelings+ ideas and images %&'

Obser*ations% ,bserve students as we work on voice# !an they be heard2 @olume commands attention# @ibrant variation of volume+ rate+ pitch+ pause# @ibrant vocal effects with use of imaginative language# .ritten/Per&or$ance Assess$ents%
%The reflection will be formative+ the performance will be summative because it will combine skills from lesson " and ('

+e, -uestions.
/ow can voice effect characteri ation2 :owerful voice powerful characterA Are students using different voices or are they stilling to the same one every time2 0hen do B pause2 Do B pause for dramatic effect2 /ow does pausing enhance characteri ation2

&tudents will perform short in6class monologue# After performance students will write a short reflection on their performance# &tudents will state whether they thought their performance was effective or not# &tudents will talk about how they think the way they spoke affected their performance# Reflection must include. one thing that went well+ one thing they need to improve or do differently and one goal# 9ust support with evidence from performance and also explain their reasons using information taught in class# Description o& C"ass Focus% @oice Acti*it, 1% 0ill be the same as Activity " from ;esson "# &tudents will pick a new dwarf so that they may explore different characteri ation# Difference. &tudents will now explore *oice combined with the movements they have been exploring# Acti*it, /% &itting in a circle we will explore the different way to say the same line+ B will select lines from snow white and we will go around the circle and say the same line in different ways# &tudent will say explain how they said it+ and how their voice affected)changed the meaning of the phrase)words# &tudents will come to understand how it is not 0/AT you say but /,0# Acti*it, 5% &tudents will write a short monologue from the point of view of their dwarf %<0 seconds to " minute in length'+ which they will then perform#

Lesson 5
enera" Learnin# Outco$es%

To develop competency in communication skills through participation in and exploration of various dramatic disciplines
Speci&ic Learnin# Outco$es% &tudents will be able to. A!reate a character5s life that extends beyond+ but is consistent with the script ADisplay appropriate character relationships with all other characters in a scene



Students will: "# 7e capable of creating and expressing a believable character from scripted and non6scripted material %&' (# *xplore various approaches to analy ing a script for purposes of study and)or presentation %&'

Assess$ent Port&o"io Te$p"ate *D 3>0= ? *valuation of ;earning

3# *xtend the ability to give form and expression to feelings+ ideas and images %&'

Obser*ations% ,bserve students as they analy e the scripts. Are students struggling to find depth2 Are they asking the key $uestions2 0hat kind of $uestions are they asking2 0ere students asking higher order $uestions or -ust scraping the surface for the information they could easily find# /ave class discussions are students thinking about their answers and supporting with evidence# .ritten/Per&or$ance Assess$ents% +e, -uestions. !an students analy e a script2 Are students looking beyond what is written2 Are students reading between the lines2 !an students understand relationships2 !an students understand how stage directions say a lot about the character2

%&ummative+ this is for marks+ students will receive feedback if they are missing information they have a chance to go back and add any missing information'

&tudents will be given a script to analy e# &tudents must choose 1 $ain character and write down all the facts they find in the script about this character# 9ust also write any of their thoughts about characters and support with rationale)evidence from the script# &tudents will help decided criteria for analysis+ what is the important information that should be included in their analysis# Description o& C"ass Focus% &cript Analysis Acti*it, 1% Go through a script with students and show them how to gather information about characters and how to create a characters life that extends beyond+ but is consistent with the script# Acti*it, /% Give students a scene from a script %9ost likely Street Car a(ed ,esire) Students will: ather the &act that are clearly state0 in the script o i4e4 Fro$% !haracter descriptions+ stage directions+ things character or other characters say# &tudents will also write down any thoughts)ideas about the characters they come up with o 9C&T support)give rational using evidence in the script# &tudent must read the play and identify the main characters as well as the minor ones# o !reate a character5s life that extends beyond+ but is consistent with the script This can come from things the character say Things the other characters say about them &tage directions o Display appropriate character relationships with all other characters in a scene Cse evidence found in the text to support their definition)understand of the character relationships# &hould use anything they can find in the script+ learn to read between the lines# &tudents can refer to different phrases in the text Cse what other characters say about the relationships &tage directions Description of characters that can usually be found 6A"" 0ata recor0e0 $ust be han0e0 in &or &or$ati*e assess$ent D

.or7s Cite0%
0illiams+ Tennessee# A Streetcar a(ed ,esire- Eew Fork. Eew American ;ibrary+ "GG0# :rint# Disney+ Rh# Snow &hite and the Se!en ,warfs (,isney Princess)- Random /ouse !hildren5s 7ooks+ (003# :rint#

Assess$ent Port&o"io Te$p"ate *D 3>0= ? *valuation of ;earning

Rea0ers Theatre

Teacher Subject Topic/Focu s

Rita Abou Gharib Drama Acting

Per&or$ance Tas7 O*er*ie1

&tudents will preform a short =6> minute scene from a play#


:rops and standard set pieces as needed

&cripts for students to look through Depending on assessment collected from previous lesson+ B will allow student to choose any play they want# Bf students are struggling we will use A Street Car a(ed ,esire and they will -ust build on the information the collected in ;esson 3#

Learner Outco$es enera" Outco$es Speci&ic Outco$es

Assess$ent Criteria
Students pro!ide e!idence of their learning as they.

To develop competency in communication skills through participation in and exploration of various dramatic disciplines

Demonstrate understanding of integration of disciplines to enrich a theatrical presentation Bntegrate disciplines to create and express a believable character from scripted material 7e capable of creating and expressing a believable character from scripted and non6scripted material

Bncrease self6confidence To ac$uire knowledge of self and others through participation in and reflection on dramatic experiences# *xtend the ability to control and express emotions

!onfidently express emotions in reaction to people+ situation and then environment#

&harpen observations of people+ situations and the environment

Assess$ent Port&o"io Te$p"ate *D 3>0= ? *valuation of ;earning

Stu0ent Tas7 Description

Eow that we have explored the different ways to. "# Cse various vocal skills to enhance characteri ation (# :hysicali e character 3# Display)create a character5s life beyond the script through analysis and stage business Assi#n$ent Purpose% !onnecting the various ideas of the course together in a tangible pro-ect Assi#n$ent% @ia random selection+ the class will be divided into groups of two to three students Bn your groups you will choose a 36= minute scene from the script to preform# o &cene should allow flexibility to explore characteri ation through voice+ movement and script analysis# Groups will have a 5 c"asses to analy e and rehearse scene :erformance will take place in c"ass on Fri0a, After each performance you will be re$uired to #i*e ora" &ee0bac7 to your classmates# Fou will also recei*e ora" &ee0bac7 from classmates and teachers# o 0hen giving feedback+ be prepared to -ustify your comments#

Thin#s to consi0er% &hen analy)ing the script are you loo'ing for: o Setting/ /i(e o Character: Age Status (High/low) %elationships Past/current injuries Life experiences Personality $ears Culture/ethnicity er!ous ha"its #o" As' yourself: o Ha!e + gathered all the infor(ation + can fro( the script* A( + reading "etween the lines* 0r a( + just scratching the surface* How can + use this infor(ation to understand characteri)ation ((o!e(ent/!oice) o A( + effecti!ely using (o!e(ent and !oice to enhance characteri)ation* o Are (y (o!e(ents and !oices helping the audience understand the story/(y character* ,o all of (y (o!e(ents ha!e purpose* o How can (o!e(ent/!oice express character e(otions/personality/relationships* o ,o + appear confidence* ,o + ha!e ner!ous ha"its that (ight distract/confuse audience* Materia"s% Groups are allowed to use any of the props+ costumes and any set pieces found in class# Bf you re$uire something that cannot be found in class students are more then welcome to bring it in from home# o !F 8OU ARE BR!' !' !TEM FROM 9OME3 MUST RU' !T B8 TEAC9ER F!RST: Assistance% B will be walking around during class+ giving feedback+ making suggestions and asking)answering $uestions# Fou are E,T re$uired to work on this assignment outside of class+ ho1e*er if you find your group is struggling and re$uires more time do not hesitate to co$e ta"7 to $eH Bf this is the case some options we will discuss. o Option ;1< Fou and your group decide a time outside of school hours to get together and practice o Option ;/< B will be here after class+ during lunch and after school# &tudents may set up an appointment where B can give some feedback and make the theatre space available for them to practice#

Assess$ent Port&o"io Te$p"ate *D 3>0= ? *valuation of ;earning

Due Date% This assi#n$ent is to be presente0 on FR!DA83 ===============3 />==4 Don?t stress: 68ou are bein# #i*en a "ot o& c"ass ti$e &or this project3 so use ,our ti$e 1ise", an0 practice6 9a*e &un an0 be creati*e:

Assess$ent Criteria
Le*e" Criteria
Sta#e presence

Appears confident+ pro-ecting an en-oyment of the experience @ibrant vocal effects# @olume commands attention# @ibrant variation of volume+ rate+ pitch+ pause# Dynamic use of postures+ gestures and facial expressions#

)er, oo0
Appears confident and calm+ is not pro-ecting en-oyment of experience Bnteresting vocal effects# &trong volume adds energy# Bnteresting variation of volume+ rate+ pitch+ pause# Bnteresting use of postures+ gestures and facial expressions

Appears calm+ with occasional flustered moments Reasonable vocal effects# &ufficient volume to hear words# ;imited variation+ monotone# Reasonable use of postures+ gestures and facial expressions

Apparent nervousness)anxie ty impacts the performance @ocal characteri ation is not discernible %sounds like actor' Bnade$uate volume# Bnarticulate or mumbled speech# :hysical characteri ation is not discernible %looks like actor'

!nsu&&icien t / B"an7 6

CharacteriAatio n base0 on% Ph,sica" *oca"/$anneris $s

CharacteriAatio n base0 on% Persona"it, Traits

Bmaginative character+ driven by fully embodied traits

Bnteresting character+ with clearly defined traits#

&tock character type+ with reasonably defined traits

Eo score is awarded because there is insufficient evidence of student performance based on the re$uirements of the assessment task#

:ersonality traits are not discernible

O*era"" interest

An exceptionally engaging performance enchants audience

An energetic performance holds audiences attention

An interesting performance holds attention in some moments

An uninteresting performance does not hold audience attention

D 0hen work is -udged to be limited or insufficient+ the teacher makes decisions about appropriate intervention to help the student improve#

Assess$ent Port&o"io Te$p"ate *D 3>0= ? *valuation of ;earning

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