Vectors and Plane Geometry: Karl Heinz Dovermann
Vectors and Plane Geometry: Karl Heinz Dovermann
Vectors and Plane Geometry: Karl Heinz Dovermann
During the rst week of the semester it is dicult to get started with the course material. Some students have not settled in, some are still changing sections, and some still have to sign up for a course. For this reason, it is reasonable to teach an interesting, relevant topic that is somewhat independent of the course. Some instructors in a calculus course use the rst week to review topics from precalculus. Instead, we decided to spend this week on vectors and the geometry of the plane, topics that other sciences and engineering like to see covered early. These notes are meant as lecture notes for a one-week introduction. There is nothing original in these notes. The material can be found in many places. Many calculus books will have a section on vectors in the second half, but students would not like to start reading there. The material is also contained in a variety of other mathematics books, but then we would not want to force students to acquire another book. For these reasons, we are providing these notes.
Chapter 1
Denition of a Vector
y 4 4 y
P 2,3
2 2
1 1
x 1 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4
We will content ourselves with vectors in the cartesian plane R2 or in three dimensional space R3 . Points P in the plane are described by pairs (a, b) of real numbers, where a and b stand for the x and y coordinates of the point P . This means, when we project P perpendicularly on the xaxis, then we get a, and when we project P on the y axis, then we get b, see Figure 1.1. On occasions, we identify the point or vector P with an arrow from the origin (0, 0) of the coordinate system to P . We may even denote both objects with the same symbol. In this description the vectors become movable. They are characterized by their direction and length. In Figure 1.2 you see the vector P moved (by parallel translations) to dierent positions in the plane. Each of the arrows still represents P . The vector u from Q = (a1 , b1 ) to P = (a2 , b2 ) can be written as (1.1) u = QP = (a2 a1 , b2 b1 ).
y 4 y 4
Its tail is Q and its tip is P . For and illustration, see Figure 1.3.
Q a,b
2 2
b2 b
1 1
x 1 x 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4
Figure 1.3: u = QP
Example 1.1. The vector from Q = (1, 2) to P = (5, 3) is QP = (5 1, 3 2) = (4, 1). Exercise 1. Sketch the vector u with tail (1, 2) and head (2, 1). In the same set of coordinates, sketch the vector u with (3, 1) as its tail, and with (4, 2) as its head.
The two ways of viewing vectors, points in the plane versus arrows, are related by the formula P = OP where O = (0, 0) is the origin of the coordinate system. Both, the point and the arrow, are shown in Figure 1.1. In three dimensional space R3 we have three coordinate axes, often called the x, y , and z axes. The rst two are used in a horizontal x-y plane, and the z axis is perpendicular to the x-y plane pointing upwards. Accordingly, vectors in R3 are triples of real numbers. The length ||u|| of a vector u = (a, b), illustrated in Figure 1.4, is (1.2) ||u|| = a2 + b2 .
It is the Euclidean distance between the points (0, 0) and (a, b), or the length of the line segment that joins these two points. Example 1.2. The length of the vector u = (2, 3) is ||u|| = 22 + 32 = 13. The length of the vector from Q = (1, 2) to P = (5, 3) is ||QP || = ||(4, 1)|| =
42 + 12 =
One may also write vectors as columns, say ( 3 4 ). This is more natural in some contexts. Row vectors take up less space in type setting. For most purposes, the dierence is only notational, not conceptual. Exercise 2. Find the length of the vectors u = (1, 4), v = (1, 4, 2) and w=
5 2
We consider two operations. If v = (x1 , y1 ) and w = (x2 , y2 ) are vectors, then we dene their sum to be the vector: (1.3) v + w = (x1 + x2 , y1 + y2 )
If c is a real number and v = (x, y ), then we dene the scalar product of c and v to be the vector (1.4) cv = c(x, y ) = (cx, cy ).
In a more general setting, c could be taken from a dierent set of numbers, not the real numbers. To allow this, it is common to call c a scalar. For us, a real number and a scalar are the same. One might indicate the multiplication by a dot, and write c v instead of cv , but this is only rarely done. It is convenient to write v/c instead of 1 c v. For the obvious reasons, we say that vectors are added, or multiplied with a scalar, coordinatewise. The operations can be applied also to vectors in R3 , or vectors with any number of coordinates. Example 1.3. (1, 2) + (5, 2) = (6, 4) & 3(2, 7) = (6, 21).
2 8 4 1 = 4 5 20
Exercise 3. Let u = (1, 2) and v = (2, 3). 1. Find 2u, u + v , u + 2v , and v u. 2. Find P if QP = 2u + v and Q = (1, 1). 3. Find Q if QP = u v and P = (5, 2). In the plane R2 it is common to set (1.5) i = (1, 0) and j = (0, 1),
and in 3-dimensional space (1.6) i = (1, 0, 0), j = (0, 1, 0) and k = (0, 0, 1).
It is common to refer to i and j as standard basis vectors of R2 , or to {i, j, k} as the standard basis of R3 .
1.2. ADDITION AND MULTIPLICATION WITH SCALARS Exercise 4. Express (9, 5) in terms of the standard basis vectors. The arithmetic of vectors oers no surprise:
Proposition 1.5. Suppose that u, v , and w are any vectors in R2 and c and d are scalars, then 1. v + w and cv are in R2 . 2. u + (v + w) = (u + v ) + w. 3. v + w = w + v . 4. There exists a vector 0 so that v + 0 = 0 + v = v . 5. There exists a vector v in R2 so that v + v = 0. 6. 1v = v . 7. c(v + w) = cv + cw. 8. (c + d)v = cv + dv . 9. (cd)v = c(dv ). In (1) we are asserting that the sum of vectors is a vector, and so is a scalar multiple of a vector. In (2) we are saying that it does not matter in which order the additions are carried out, the result is the same. This property is called the associative law. In (3) we are saying that the addition of vectors is commutative, we may interchange the summands and the result is unchanged. In (4) we assert that there is a zero for the addition of vectors. Adding zero does not change a vector. Such an element is also is called a neutral element for addition, and it is unique. Obviously, 0 = (0, 0) is the vector both of whose coordinates are zero. In words, (5) says that every vector v has an additive inverse v . Necessarily, and also in a more general setting, it will be unique. If v = (a, b), then v = (a, b). It is common to denote the additive inverse of v by v . It is consistent with common arithmetic to set u v = u + (v ), and call this operation subtraction. The remaining three properties are called distributive laws.
Remark 1. Addition and multiplication of vectors in R3 obeys the same laws as the ones spelled out in Proposition 1.5. One may also consider a set V with two operations, like the addition and scalar multiplication from above, and call it a real vector space if properties (1)(8) in Proposition 1.5 hold. One important example of such a vector space is the set of all real valued functions that are dened on some domain. One adds such functions by adding the values, and one multiplies then with scalars by multiplying the values with scalars. This algebra on functions is one of the important topics of a precalculus course.
The vector operations have geometric interpretations. If u and v are vectors in the plane, thought of as arrows with tips and tails, then we can construct the sum w = u + v as shown in Figure 1.5. We arrange it so that the tip of u is the tail of v . Then w is the vector whose tail is the tail of u and whose tip is the tip of v . In other words we concatenate the two vectors.
y 4
3 y
3 2
2 1
u u2
u v
x 1 2 3 4 5
x 1 1 2 3 4
Suppose u is a vector and c a scalar. If c is positive, then cu has the same direction as u and c times its length, so ||cu|| = c||u||. If c is negative, then cu has length |c| ||u||, and its direction is opposite to that of u. Examples are shown in Figure 1.6. Exercise 5. Let u = (2, 1) and v = (3, 2),
1.3. GEOMETRIC INTERPRETATION OF OPERATIONS. 1. Sketch u and v as arrows with tail at (1, 1). 2. Construct the sum of u and v geometrically. 3. Sketch 2u as an arrow with tail at (1, 2). 4. Sketch u as an arrow with tail at (1, 1).
In physics vectors are often used to describe forces, and forces add as vectors do. This principle is applied in the following example. Example 1.6. A water balloon with a mass of 10kg (containing about two and a half gallons of water) hangs from two wires (WL to the left and WR to the right) as shown in Figure 1.7. It is suspended from the point C = (3, 2) Calculate the tension (force) in the wires that results from the gravitational pull on the balloon.
y 5
B 5,3 WL C 3,2 WR
x 1 1 2 3 4 5
Figure 1.7: Water balloon Let us clarify the units for our computation. If a force of 1 Newton acts on a mass of 1kg, then the resulting acceleration is 1m/sec2 . Gravitation would result in an acceleration of 9.8m/sec2 . Thus, the gravitational force on the balloon will be 98 Newton. Let C be the point where the three wires are joined. We suppose that C = (3, 2). Three forces act on C , the vertical force F resulting from the
gravitational pull on the water balloon, the tension T L in the wire to the left, and the tension T R in the wire to the right. The three forces cancel each other out, as the system is at rest:
F + T L + T R = 0.
We know that F = (0, 98). The forces (tension) in the wires break up into a horizontal and vertical component: T L = (T Lh , T Lv ) and T R = (T Rh , T Rv ). We use the geometry of the situation to calculate the components. Let be the angle between the positive horizontal axis (through the point C and pointing to the right) and the wire WR. The length of the wire WR is 5, so that 2 1 cos = and sin = . 5 5 We observe that the angle between the wire W L and the horizontal is . Let us denote the tension in WR by T R, and the one in WL by T L. Then TL = 1 2 ||T L||, ||T L|| 5 5 and TR = 2 1 ||T R||, ||T R|| . 5 5
Substituting these calculations into (1.7), we nd 2 2 1 1 (0, 0) = (0, 98) + ||T L||, ||T L|| + ||T R||, ||T R|| 5 5 5 5 2 2 1 1 = ||T L|| + ||T R||, 98 + ||T L|| + ||T R|| 5 5 5 5 The rst coordinate being zero tells us that ||T L|| = ||T R||. Setting the second coordinate equal to zero, we nd 2 98 + ||T R|| = 0, 5 or that ||T R|| = 49 5. The tension in each wire is 49 5 Newton. Exercise 6. Repeat Example 1.6 with A = (1, 5), while B and C are left unchanged.
Exercise 7. Repeat Example 1.6 if A and B are as in the example, wire WL has length 5, and wire WR has length 3. Exercise 8. Repeat Example 1.6 if the lengths of the wires WL and WR are 7 and 9, while the angles that the wires make with a horizontal are = 32 on the left and = 44 on the right.
Parametrized curves
Let us consider vector valued functions, functions whose domain is a subset of R and whose range is contained in R2 . An example would be (1.8) S (t) = (x(t), y (t)) = (cos t, sin t).
For each real number t, we observe that S (t) lies on the unit circle (the circle of radius 1) because x2 (t) + y 2 (t) = 1, and as t increases we trace out the circle in a counterclockwise direction. The circle is an example of a curve in the plane, while the function S (t) in (1.8) is called a parametrization of the curve. Exercise 9. Let a b > 0 be positive numbers. Dene a parametrized curve by setting S (t) = (a cos t, b sin t). Show that S (t) traces out an ellipse with major and minor axes 2a and 2b in a counterclockwise way. Exercise 10. Consider the parametrized curve S (t) = 3 sin sin t 6 , cos sin t 6 .
Show that S (t) traces out the motion of the tip of a pendulum of length 3 that swings between the angles of /6 and /6. Caution: We are not asserting that we modeled the velocity correctly, only the trace. Given two distinct points P and Q in the plane, we may consider the line through these two points. We dene it as the set (1.9) L = {Q + t(P Q) R2 | t R}.
The vector D = P Q = QP is called a direction vector for the line. To obtain the points of L we add arbitrary multiples of D to Q. E.g., if t = 1,
then Q + t(P Q) = P . Lines are curves in the plane, and the line in (1.9) has the parametrization S (t) = Q + t(P Q). Exercise 11. The line L in (1.9) is equal to the set (1.10) L = {aP + bQ R2 | a, b R and a + b = 1}
The equation in (1.10) is more symmetric in P and Q, and in this sense more appealing.
1 Exercise 12. Let P and Q be points in R2 . Show that R = 2 (P + Q) is the midpoint between P and Q. In other words, R is equidistant to P and Q,
or ||RQ|| = ||RP ||. If this exercise sounds too abstract, then do it rst in a concrete case, say Q = (2, 3) and P = (6, 5). Make sure to calculate the coordinates of R and plot all three points. Measure and calculate ||RQ|| and ||RP ||. Secondly, do the exercise for Q = (a1 , b1 ) and P = (a2 , b2 ). Exercise 13. Let R = aP + bQ be any point on the line through P and Q, so a + b = 1. Find ||RQ||/||RP || in terms of a and b. Exercise 14. Let Q = (2, 3) and P = (6, 5). Find the slope intercept formula for the line through Q and P . As we stated above, two distinct points dene a line. We can make a stronger statement: Exercise 15. A line is determined by any two of its points. The assertion in the Exercise 15 sounds rather abstract. Let us make it concrete. Suppose P and Q determine a line L, as in (1.9). Suppose P and Q are distinct points of L, and L is the line through P and Q . Then L = L . Let us take a dierent point of view. We will show that a line in the plane is given by an equation of the form (1.11) ax + by + c = 0,
where a and b are not both zero. So the line consists of all points (x, y ) R2 which satisfy the equation. The equation in (1.11) is called the general equation of a line in the plane. The equation of a line will not be unique. The set of solutions of (1.11) does not change if we multiply the equation by any nonzero number.
Proposition 1.7. The two approaches to lines expressed in (1.9) and (1.11) are equivalent. More specically: 1. Let P and Q be distinct points and L the line through them as in (1.9). Then there is an equation as in (1.11), so that every point of L satises this equation. 2. Given an equation as in (1.11), and let P and Q be any two points that satisfy it. Then any point R = (x, y ) = Q + t(P Q) on the line through L (as in (1.9)) satises this equation. Example 1.8. Let us illustrate the proposition with examples. For (1), set P = (1, 3) and Q = (4, 6). If both points are to satisfy the equation in (1.11), then a + 3b + c = 0 & 4a 6b + c = 0. Taking the dierence of the equations, we conclude that a = 3b. We set b = 1 and conclude that then a = 3 and c = 6. As equation for the line we use 3x + y 6 = 0. If R is a point of L, then R = Q + t(P Q) = (4, 6) + t [(1, 3) (4, 6)] = (4 3t, 6 + 9t), and this point satises our suggested equation for the line, because for all t in R, 3(4 3t) + (6 + 9t) 6 = 0. We illustrate (2). Consider the equation 3x 2y + 12 = 0. If x = 2, then y = 9, so that Q = (2, 9) is a point on the line. Set D = (2, 3), and verify that Q + tD = (2 + 2t, 9 + 3t) satises the equation of the line for every t. We may use P = Q + D = (4, 12) as a second point on the line, and as we just saw, any point R = Q + tD = Q + t(P Q) will satisify the equation of the line. Exercise 16. Prove Proposition 1.7. Hint: Study above example and generalize it. Exercise 17. Show that (b, a) is a direction vector for the line given by the equation ax + by + c = 0.
Exercise 18. Write the general equation of a line 3x + 2y + 1 = 0 in slope intercept form. Exercise 19. Find two points that satisfy the equation 3x + 2y + 1 = 0 and use them to describe the line through them as in (1.10). Exercise 20. Find an equation in general form for the line through the points (2, 1) and (4, 5). One may use the tools of this section to prove classical results from geometry. The median of a triangle is a line segment that joins a vertex of the triangle with the midpoint of the opposing side. E.g., if the vertices of the triangle are called A, B , and C , then one of the medians is the line 1 (A + B ). Each triangle has exactly three medians. segment that joins C and 2 Exercise 21. Show that the three medians of a triangle are concurrent at one point, they intersect in one point. This point of concurrency, also called the centroid of the triangle, divides the medians into two line segments. The line segment between the vertex and the centroid is twice as long as the line segment between the midpoint of the side of the triangle and the centroid. To solve the exercise one only needs to intepret the equations 1 (A + B + C ) = 3 = = 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 1 (A + B ) + C 2 3 1 1 (A + C ) + B 2 3 1 1 (B + C ) + A 2 3
Chapter 2
The theorem of cosines tells us that one can use length to determine angles: Theorem 2.1 (Theorem of Cosines). Consider a triangle ABC as in Figure 2.1 with sides of length a, b, and c, and an interior angle at A. Then (2.1) a2 = b2 + c2 2bc cos . b2 + c2 a2 2bc
Proof. As shown in Figure 2.1, we denote the intersection point of the altitude through the vertex C and the opposite side by D . Let w be the length of this altitude, u the length of the line segment AD and v the length of the line segment DB . Then w = b sin , u = b cos , and v = c u = c b cos . We compute, using the Theorem of Pythagoras twice, that a2 = w2 + v 2 = b2 sin2 + (c b cos )2 = b2 + c2 2bc cos 13 = b2 sin2 + c2 2bc cos + b2 cos2
a w
u D c v B
This is exactly what we claimed. The reader should modify the details of the proof if is obtuse.
The dot product, which we are about to dene, does not only provide a clean, analytical approach to the topic of length and angles, it also allows us to dene and compute angles in higher dimensions. Denition 2.2. Let u = (x1 , y1 ) and v = (x2 , y2 ) be vectors in the plane. Their dot product is u v = (x1 , y1 ) (x2 , y2 ) = x1 x2 + y1 y2 . One may generalize this denition to vectors with any number of coordinates. Example 2.3. (2, 1) (3, 2) = 2 3 + 1 (2) = 4
(1, 2, 3) (3, 1, 5) = 1 3 + 2 1 + 3 5 = 20 The dot product has a number of nice properties, which we summarize in the next proposition: Proposition 2.4. Let u, v , and w be vectors and c a scalar. Then
2.2. DEFINITION OF THE DOT PRODUCT AND LENGTH 1. u u 0 and u u = 0 if and only if u = 0. 2. u v = v u. 3. (u + w) v = u v + w v . 4. (cu) v = c(u v ).
In words, (1) means that the dot product is positive denite. Property (2) means that the dot product is commutative. In (3) and (4) we are asserting that the dot product is compatible with addition and multiplication in the rst coordinate (hence using (2) also in the second coordinate), and one says that the dot product is linear in each of its arguments. There is an obvious relation between the dot product and length: If u is any vector, then (2.3) ||u|| = uu
One may show that if u and v are nonzero vectors and the angle between them, then (2.4) cos = uv . ||u|| ||v ||
This equation may be used to dene the cosine of an angle between two vectors, as long as one has a product with properties as in Proposition 2.4. Denition 2.5. Two vectors u and v are said to be perpendicular (v w) if u v = 0. They are said to be parallel (v ||w) if |u v | = ||u|| ||v ||. A vector is called a unit vector if its length is 1.
u Note, if u is any nonzero vector, then ||u || is a unit vector in the direction of u. Let illustrate the dentions that we just gave with examples.
Example 2.6. Let u = (1, 2, 5), v = (2, 1, 2), and be the angle between the vectors. Then (1, 2, 5) (2, 1, 2) 10 10 cos = = = ||(1, 2, 5)|| ||(2, 1, 2)|| 30 9 3 3 This makes about .9165 radians, or 52.5 degrees. The vectors (2, 1) and (1, 2) are perpendicular as (2, 1) (1, 2) = 2 + 2 = 0.
The vectors (2, 3) and (6, 9) are parallel because |u v | = |(2, 3) (6, 9))| = 12 + 27 = 39, and 13, ||(6, 9)|| = 3 13, and ||(2, 3)|| ||(6, 9)|| = 3 13 = 39. 1 (2, 1) is a unit vector in the direction If u = (2, 1), then ||u|| = 5, so that 5 of (2, 1). ||(2, 3)|| = Exercise 22. Find the cosine of the angle between the vectors (2, 5) and (1, 3), as well as itself (in radians and degrees). Show that the vectors (1, 2, 3) and (5, 1, 1) are perpendicular. Show that the vectors (1, 3) and (2, 6) are parallel. Find a unit vector in the direction of u = (1, 3, 4), as well as a unit vector in the opposite direction of u. Denition 2.7. Two lines are said to be parallel if their direction vectors are multiples of each other. They are said to be perpendicular if their direction vectors are perpendicular to each other. More generally, the angle between two intersecting lines is the angle between their directions vectors. Exercise 23. Let L be the line given by the equation 3x + 4y = 12. 1. Find the line that is parallel to L and intersects the xaxis at x = 2. 2. Find the line that intersects L perpendicularly in (4, 6). Exercise 24. Find the angle between u = (1, 3) and v = (1, 2). Find point of intersection and the angle between the lines given by the equations 3x + 2y + 5 = 0 & x 3y + 1 = 0.
Proof of (2.4). Consider a triangle whose sides are the vectors u, v , and v u as in Figure 2.2. Let be the angle between u and v . Set b = ||u||, c = ||v ||, and a = ||v u||. The Theorem of Cosines says that a2 = b2 + c2 2bc cos . Using (3) in each argument, (2), and (4) from Proposition 2.4, we compute (v u) (v u) = v v + u u 2u v. Comparing these two equations we conclude that bc cos = u v, which implies (2.4).
v u
x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
The properties in Proposition 2.4 combined with (2.3) tell us that for our length function we have Proposition 2.8. Suppose u and v are vectors. Then 1. ||u|| 0 and ||u|| = 0 if and only if u = 0. 2. ||cu|| = |c| ||u||. 3. |u v | ||u|| ||v ||. 4. ||u + v || ||u|| + ||v ||. Property (3) is called the CauchySchwarz inequality and (4) is the triangle inequality. In any triangle the sum of the lengths of two sides is at least as large as the length of the third side. Example 2.9. We illustrate (3) and (4) from Proposition 2.8. Set u = (1, 2) and v = (3, 2). Then |u v | = |3 4| = 1 5 13 = ||u|| ||v || and ||(1, 2) + (3, 2))|| = ||(4, 0)|| = 4 5 + 13 = ||(1, 2)|| + ||(3, 2)||.
Exercise 25. If u and v are vectors, show that ||u|| ||v || ||u v ||. Proof of Proposition 2.8. The rst two properties are easily veried. The third one follows right away from (2.4), because the cosine of any angle is between 1 and 1. This third property can also be deduced from the properties in Proposition 2.4, combined with the denition in (2.3). Both sides in (3) are zero if u or v is zero. So suppose that u = 0 and set w=v We compute 0 ||w||2 = vu vu u v u ||u||2 ||u||2 (v u)2 (v u)2 u v + uu = vv2 ||u||2 ||u||2 ||u||2 (v u)2 = vv ||u||2 v vu u. ||u||2
Slightly rewritten, we nd 0 ||u||2 ||v ||2 (v u)2 . Bringing one term to the other side in the inequality and taking square roots, we nd (3) from the proposition. Observe that ||u + v ||2 = (u + v ) (u + v )
||u||2 + 2||u|| ||v || + ||v ||2 = (||u|| + ||v ||)2 The inequality in the computation is the CauchySchwarz inequality, without the absolute value sign. Taking square roots on both sides of the equation yields the triangle inequality.
Consider vectors a = P Q and b = P R, and let be the angle between them. We would like to decompose b into a sum of a vector P S that is parallel to a and a second vector SR that is perpendicular to a, see 2.3. The rst vector is called the projection of b onto a and denoted by proja b.
y 5
x 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
The rst equal sign denes compa b, the second one is (2.4), and the third one follows from right angle trigonometry, where the sign depends on whether is accute or obtuse. We obtain proja b by multiplying a unit vector ua in the direction of a with compa b: proja b = P S =
ab ab ua = a. ||a|| ||a||2
Exercise 26. Let a and b be vectors, and a = 0. Show that proja b and b proja b are perpendicular to each other.
Denition 2.10. A normal vector n to a line L is a nonzero vector that is perpendicular to a direction vector of the line. Example 2.11. If L is the line through the points P = (1, 5) and Q = (1, 3) then D = P Q = (2, 2) is a direction vector for the line, and n = (2, 2) is a normal vector. Exercise 27. Consider a line given by the equation ax + by + c = 0. Show that n = (a, b) is a normal vector to this line. Exercise 28. Consider a line given by the equation 2x + 3y + 12 = 0. Find a direction and normal vector to this line. Graph the line and these two vectors. Let us consider a typical application from an elementary physics course. Example 2.12. A car with mass 1, 000kg (roughly the mass of a subcompact) stands on a ramp. See Figure 2.4. The angle of incline of the ramp is 15 . Which force is required to keep the car from rolling down the ramp?
y 4
2 4 6 8 10
Figure 2.4: Car on ramp The vertical force F acting on the car is 9, 800 Newton, compare Example 1.6. The force F decomposes into two components, F = H + G, where H is parallel and G is prependicular to the ramp. The parallel component is
the one that we need compensate for to keep the car from rolling down the ramp. We calculate its magintude as the component of F in the direction of H . Set F = (0, 9800) and D = (1, tan 15 ) = (1, 2 3), where D is a vector parallel to the ramp. We will need a force of |D F | (1, (2 3))(0, 9800) | compD F | = = 2536 DD (1, (2 3) (1, (2 3) Newton to keep the car from rolling down the ramp. Let L be the line given by the equation ax+by +c = 0 and let R = (x0 , y0 ) be a point in the plane. Then the distance between L and R is (2.5) |ax0 + by0 + c| a2 + b2
Example 2.13. The distance between the line 2x + 3y 6 = 0 and the point (4, 4) is 14 |2 4 + 3 4 6] = 2 2 13 2 +3 Exercise 29. Draw the line through the points P = (2, 3) and Q = (4, 1). Set R = (5, 5). Sketch this data. Compute and measure the distance between R and the line. Exercise 30. Find two values for a, so that the point (3, a) has distance 2 from the line 3x 2y + 6 = 0. Sketch the situation and the solution. Exercise 31. Provide a sensible denition for the distance between two parallel lines, and nd the distance between the lines 3x 2y + 6 = 0 and 3x 2y + 9 = 0. Proof of (2.5). For an illustration, see Figure 2.5. Let P be the orthogonal projection of R onto the line L and Q be any point on the line. Then we nd a triangle with vertices Q, P and R, which has a right angle at P . The distance between R and the line L will be ||RP ||, the length of the line segment between R and P . Set n = RP and w = RQ = Q R. The equation of the line is only determined up to multiplication with a nonzero scalar, so we may as well set
x0 ,y0 n P
1 1 2 3 4 5 6
n = (a, b). As Q = (x1 , y1 ) is a point on the line, we see that ax1 + by1 + c = 0 and (a, b) Q = c. Also (a, b) (R) = ax0 by0 . We compute that ||RP || = | compn w| =