Cross Visiting Grid Sla

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Cbserver: nell Moakley

uaLe: 11/27/2014
School: Sclence Leadershlp Academy

!"#$%&' )
-./012134 -.5&'1&%2 !".6.12134 -.5&'1&%2 7"%2'1/32 5389/.
CeomeLry SLudenL Leacher had
excellenL command of
sLudenLs, as good as mosL
pracLlclng Leachers l've

ro[ecL-based learnlng had
sLudenLs drawlng and
measurlng and consLrucLlng,
much of whlch ls absenL
from our geomeLry classes

SLudenLs freely asked
quesLlons, and seemed
leglLlmaLely concerned wlLh
undersLandlng maLerlal,
raLher Lhan geLLlng an A ln"
Small class slzes seems a
necessary prerequlslLe
Lo pro[ecL-based

LlmlLed Llme for dlrecL
lnsLrucLlon means LhaL
whlle sLudenLs may have
a deeper undersLandlng
of maLerlal, Lhey've
covered far less of Lhe
currlculum Lhan our
more LradlLlonal classes.
Can pro[ecL-based learnlng
be susLalnable ln smaller
rooms wlLh larger
enrollmenLs? Should lL be?

ls Lhere a way Lo Lweak Lhe
balance of lnsLrucLlon for
sLandards-based masLery"
(ul, dlscovery, whaLever)
and pro[ecLs? 1he pro[ecLs
are awesome for sLudenL
engagemenL (see algebra ll,
below), buL uC slow Lhe
pace of underlylng
Algebra l 1hls Leacher had a much
more LradlLlonal approach
Lhan l'd come Lo expecL
from SLA. noLhlng wrong
wlLh lL, buL lL felL ouL of
place ln comparlson wlLh
Lhe oLher classes observed.

SLudenLs were very chaLLy
durlng warmup-abouL as
chaLLy as l leL Lhem geL ln
my classes-buL almosL
CCMLL1LL? on-polnL abouL
Lhelr work. 1hls was
surprlslng here because lL
!"#$%& pro[ecL work.lL was
acLually relaLlvely dull polnL-
slope calculaLlons.
1eacher seemed less
aware (or maybe [usL
[aded, glven her
surroundlngs) of Lhe
exLenL of sLudenL
Llnkerlng and dlscovery
golng on around her.
She Leaches ln a slmllar
formaL Lo me, aL SLA,
Lhough, Lhls feels bland.
Per freshmen sLudenLs were
sLlll confldenL quesLloners,
Llnkerers, and explorers,
even glven Lhe relaLlvely
low-level Lask. Pow dld Lhls
happen? ls lL someLhlng SLA
screens for? ls lL bleed-over
from oLher classes? Cr
maybe oLher days of Alg l
are very dlfferenL? (l dldn'L
geL LhaL lmpresslon)

!"#$%&' )
-./012134 -.5&'1&%2 !".6.12134 -.5&'1&%2 7"%2'1/32 5389/.
Algebra ll CaLapulLs! SLudenLs were
hard aL work wlLh saws and
sawhorses and hammers
1hls ls Lhe mosL fun Alg
ll class l've ever seen,
buL l reallzed afLer Lhe
1hls ls a lesson
on.quadraLlcs? Llke Ceom.
above, lL's lnsanely
and Lools, bulldlng caLapulLs.
Lvery slngle person was
engaged ln class maLerlal
facL.Lhere's noL really
much algebra 2
happenlng! SLudenLs are
bulldlng caLapulLs (a
mulLl-day pro[ecL) Lo
measure Lhe Lra[ecLory
of Lhelr.bulleLs(?).and
compare Lo Lhe
expecLed ouLcome of
Lhe quadraLlc LhaL
deflnes pro[ecLlle
engaglng, buL also vL8?
slow-paced. Pow does
everyLhlng geL covered?

l loved LhaL Lhls class was
happenlng, buL lL almosL felL
llke an exLra-credlL
opporLunlLy. l can'L lmaglne
how Lo keep up LhaL level of
exploraLlon whlle coverlng
essenLlal currlculum.
SLudenLs were welcomlng of
guesLs ln Lhe classroom (l
was one of Lwo), and several
enLhuslasLlcally Look me on
a gulded Lour of Lhelr work,
dlsplayed on Lhe walls.

SLudenLs were all greaL. 1wo
or Lhree ln parLlcular were
"'"()$*. 1hey asked
quesLlons of Lhelr
classmaLes, probed and
prodded (llLerally and
flguraLlvely) Lhelr dlssecLlons
wlLh curloslLy, verballzed
whaL made Lhem quesLlon
and wonder, and explored
Lo creaLe con[ecLures. lL was
ouL of a LexLbook on
engaged sLudenLs" aL
Llmes, l was really
1hls lab was a seL lL and
forgeL lL". A
conLlnuaLlon from a
prevlous lesson, each
group reLrleved a feLal
plg or frog (Lhelr cholce),
and goL Lo work.l have
no ldea lf Lhe Leacher ls
greaL, Lerrlble, or ln
Sclence labs should be SLA's
bread-and-buLLer, buL l sLlll
don'L see Lhe maglc
formula/how Lo LranslaLe lL.
My own hlgh school sclence
labs were nomlnally
sLrucLured ln preclsely Lhe
same way, buL we cerLalnly
dldn'L have Lhe level of
lnLeresL/engagemenL, nor
splrlL of exploraLlon, LhaL
Lhese klds dld. l wlsh l could
geL Lo whaL's golng on
behlnd Lhe scenes.
(l don'L llke Lhese caLegory names. ls surprlslng pracLlces" meanL as a euphemlsm for Lhlngs LhaL were
dlsappolnLlng and unexpecLed?" 8ecause for me, whaL ls +,*)&)'"&,+- surprlslng of ofLen synonymous
wlLh whaL l flnd ./0')#)$*. lor LhaL reason, l'm essenLlally uslng Lhese columns as good" and bad".)

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