Jan 29 Trumpets
Jan 29 Trumpets
Jan 29 Trumpets
The student is expected to: 3.1.B describe tonal and rhythmic musical elements using standard terminology such as instrumentation, voicing, intervals, solfge, absolute note names, rhythmic values, and counting systems 3.1.C describe musical elements of rhythm, including whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, paired and single eighth notes, sixteenth notes, corresponding rests, and meter, including 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4, using standard terminology 3.2.A identify music symbols and terms referring to notation, including repeat sign; dynamics, including crescendo, decrescendo, piano, and forte; tempi, including accelerando, ritardando, moderato, and allegro; and articulations, including staccato and legato 3.2.C create rhythmic phrases using known rhythms and melodic phrases using known pitches at an appropriate level of difficulty within an established system of notation 3.2.D read music notation using appropriate cognitive and kinesthetic responses such as inner hearing, silent fingering, shadow bowing, or Curwen hand signs 3.3.A demonstrate, alone and in groups, characteristic vocal or instrumental timbre 3.3.B perform music alone and in groups, demonstrating appropriate physical fundamental techniques such as hand position, bowing, embouchure, articulation, and posture 3.3.C perform independently and expressively, with accurate intonation and rhythm, developing fundamental skills and appropriate solo, small ensemble, and large ensemble performance techniques 3.3.E sight-read independently and expressively, with accurate intonation and rhythm, demonstrating fundamental skills and appropriate solo, small ensemble, and large ensemble performance techniques in known keys and rhythms 3.3.F interpret music symbols and terms referring to keys; clefs; dynamics, including crescendo, decrescendo, piano, and forte; tempi, including accelerando
and ritardando; and articulations, including staccato and legato, appropriately when performing 3.4.C identify relationships of music concepts to other academic disciplines such as the relationship between music and mathematics, literature, history, and the sciences 3.5.D evaluate the quality and effectiveness of musical performances by comparing them to exemplary models Objectives: Procedure: 1. Call and Response a. Student leads 2. Long Tones 1A 3. Long Tones 1B 4. Long Tones 1D (need to review) a. Go two measures at a time 5. Set 1, Option 1 6. Set 2, Option 1 7. #108 a. Turn metronome to 112 8. #103 a. Turn metronome to 70 b. Play part A c. Play part B d. Pick your favorite part and play it! 9. Introduce Dotted Quarter-Eighth Notes a. Q: What does a dot do to a note? (Adds half the volume) b. Q: How many beats does a quarter note receive? How much is half of that? So how long does a dotted quarter note last? c. Write on the board the dotted quarter eighth and then the quarter tied to the first eighth note 10.#110 a. Clap the rhythm b. Sizzle the rhythm 11.#111 a. Model mm. 1-2 on clarinet b. Students play mm. 1-2 c. Model mm. 3-4 on clarinet d. Students play mm. 3-4
Model in 4 measure chunks, having students use one of the tools during the modeling b. Have them play it back to you in small chunks and then larger groups Tools to Use: Finger, say, do not play Finger along Buzz berp Go between trouble notes slowly (intervals) Clap the rhythm Sizzle, finger Listen to groups of students Listen to individuals Assessment: Assessment will occur throughout the entire process. The ** mark what to listen for specifically. Additionally, small groups and individuals will be heard throughout the process.
e. 12.#112 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 13.#113 a.
Students play all Model mm. 1-4 on clarinet/Students clap Students play mm. 1-4 Model mm. 5-6 on clarinet/Students finger and sizzle Students play mm. 5-6 Model mm. 7-8 on clarinet/Students finger and sizzle Students play mm. 7-8 Q: What does DC al Fine mean? Students play all