Topic: What I Learned About The Topics: Feudal System
Topic: What I Learned About The Topics: Feudal System
Topic: What I Learned About The Topics: Feudal System
Feudal System
Women had a main role of staying at . Knights have to Serfs had to provide home and doing the protect the Baron Knights with free cooking, baking Barons have to pay and his family as labor, food and bread, sewing, rent and provide well as the manor. service whenever spinning, and food and lodging Knights kept as they were demanded. weaving. They also for the King and much of the land They had no rights. hunted for food and his court when that they needed for They were not fought in battles. they traveled personal use. They allowed to leave the They learned how to around the world. are not as rich as manor and had to use weapons and Barons but they are ask the lords were trained to quite wealthy. permission to marry. defend their homes and castles. The Medieval Castle The Manor House The types of lighting During the middle was the same scale housed the Lord of used for the Manor ages the Medieval as the Manor house the manor and his houses are rush dips, Manor House but the Manor family and it was candles, torches, and became a feature houses were built on built apart from the lanterns. of England. a smaller scale. village. Manor Life All members of the Everyone in the Lord household used the When you would of the Manors A toilet and a latrine chapel that was sleep or rest you family used the were intended to be intended for would go to the Great Hall of The in a Gerderobe. prayer. Solar room. Manor House for meeting and dining. The center of the The village was All the villages had a Most of the people village was depended on by the Lord even if his Medieval Towns in the village were surrounded by society for residence wasnt farmers. houses, animal pens, protection. permanent.
and sheds. Merchants sold People were goods such as protected from gems, silks, and invaders by walls other luxuries from that were built foreign places and around the city. traveled from city to city to sell them. Art was a critical aspect of a Liturgy is what religious medieval drama came from. life. Men and womens village life were busy. They lived Castes dominated most of their life was the village after the lived out doors 1100s. wearing simple clothes and living on a meager diet. Bells and organs were found in churches. Library books were sometimes chained to the table to be kept from getting stolen. People who did own books took very good care of them. Dramatic plays had musical instruments and were performed in costumes. Books were written in many different languages and had many different topics. Many people could not read.
In Medieval Europe didnt have Each and every book was hand many books because they were written and took a so expensive. very long time.
The Crumhorns reed was enclosed The principle of with a protective The bagpipe was mouth pieces and with a protective cap appreciated and recorders seems as and had a slot at the heard in all of the old if not older than end so peoples Medieval times. mankind. mouths did not have to touch it. A Shawn has a characteristic The Lute was the The lizard is a where it uses a highest held of popular instrument. broad cane reed respect of all It blends well with played by the musicians during the voices and sounds musicians lips. Renaissance. pleasing.
Glass windows and Romanesque consists gargoyles are There are many of rounded arches and considered Gothictypes of architecture. vaults. Stained types of architecture.
The only mediaval flute with a sharpening tapering conical bone is the Gemshorn.
The Harp is one of the ancient types of string instruments. Twisted animal guts were used to make the strings.
There are many characteristics of castle architecture.
Castle architectures Castles also have Castles also have Castle architecture has use Gothic arches. wider window pointed gothic arches. gothic rose windows. openings.